1851 Great Exhibition: Official Catalogue: Class X.: Pierre Orpheus Erard

496. ERARD, PIERRE ORPHEUS, 18 Gt. Marlborough Street — Inventor, Designer, and Manufacturer.
New patent pianofortes — ornamented extra-grand; extra-grand with pedal keys; small grand, improved new scale; grand oblique, ornamented in the Elizabethan style, adapted to extreme climates; grand cottage; reduced cottage; extra-grand and grand oblique.
The plate 22 represents a front and side elevation of the Elizabethan pianoforte.
New patent metal frames for pianofortes, intended to carry the principal part of the weight or pull of the wires, independent of the wood frame, with a new screw apparatus for tuning attached to the same; particularly adapted to extreme climates.
Harps:—full and second size, newly improved; third size; highly ornamented; fourth size, adapted for young beginners. "Prince of Wales' harp," decorated.
[The difficulty of keeping harps in order in extreme climates is greatly lessened by always placing them, when not used, in a common mahogany case.—H. E. D.]