1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class VIII.: Richard Lansdale

1904. LANSDALE, RICHARD, Pendleton, Manchester.
Patent compound rotary washing machine, with rollers for wringing or mangling.
This invention, by its compound action, easy working, and complete efficiency, having won the unqualified praise of many eminent machinists, and approved itself to all purchasers unexceptionally, the patentee submits it to the public, assured that wherever its construction is understood, its merits will be admitted.
A barrel of 30 gallons' capacity is hung upon 4 centres, mechanically arranged to produce (without the least complication) a compound rotary motion, so that by the turning of a handle, the barrel containing the articles to be washed, revolves two ways — horizontally and vertically — at the same time. By this double movement the contents of the barrel are thoroughly agitated, and a washing process attained, upon a compound dash-wheel principle.
Over the inner surface of the wash-tub short wooden cones are studded about 6 in. asunder, which, when the machine is in motion, alternately rub the clothes and dash them through the water, repeating this operation with each revolution of the barrel, as the mechanical consequence of its compound rotation.
For easy working this machine is unsurpassed; its excellence in this particular being proved by one significant fact, viz. that much less power will turn the barrel when containing 20 gallons of water, than when containing only 2; strength equal only to that of a child is enough for working it. Combining, then, this vast advantage of light labour with the perfect cleansing treatment the clothes receive, in consequence of the peculiar mechanical action of the wash-tub, we have a result establishing beyond question the complete efficiency of the invention.
A five minutes' trial will fully demonstrate the general convenience of this machine. It simplifies washing, reducing it from an affair of skilled labour, to the trifling process of turning a handle. It is portable — the push of a hand or foot sufficing to wheel it about. The working parts are strong, simple, and cannot disarrange themselves; whilst of its compactness the best estimate may be formed by examining the following engraving.
This machine having been designed expressly to meet every requirement of a well-appointed family laundry, the patentee requests a careful notice of its general arrangement. With a wash-tub of 30 gallons' capacity, are combined thick well-seasoned sycamore rollers, for wringing or mangling; which are so adapted that, without the use of any dripping boards, all drainage falls back into the open tub. To the rollers are affixed self- regulating weighted levers, which adjust themselves to every article passing through them, of whatever texture — thick or thin — with perfect nicety, and with a pressure such as greatly hastens the subsequent drying.
One other great convenience merits notice. By the simplest contrivance, both mangling and washing are worked with but one handle, which can be instantly adapted to either purpose. For well-combined working parts in little space, this machine will satisfy the most fastidious. Extreme measurement, 36 by 50 in. Price: £9-9s
Chip 1 pound of soap into 3 quarts of water, and boil into a ley. Half-fill the wash-tub with clothes and water, adding soap ley at discretion, and give each lot of clothes about a 4 minutes' wash. Next boil such articles as need it, and work them once again for 4 minutes, as a finish. Always, before the tub is turned, take care to screw the lid down tightly.