1882 North East Coast Exhibition

Opened 6th September 1882 at Tynemouth and closed on the 14th October
We take the following from the list awards made the judges in the engineering section:—
Marine and Standard Engines.— W. W. Church and Co, slide valve, silver medal; A. Wilson and Co., slide valve, bronze medal; Ross and Duncan, expanding yacht engines, diploma.
Combined Engines and Boilers.— Robey and Co., electric light engines, silver medal; J. Fowler and Co. silver medal; Tangye Brothers, bronze medal; Rose, Downs and Thompson, diploma.
Gas and Air Engines.— Menzies and Blagburn, "Otto" engine, silver medal; Andrews and Co., gas engine, bronze medal; S. Clayton and Co., gas engine, bronze medal; Caloric Engine Company, "Buckett" air engine, diploma; J. J. Butcher, gas engine, diploma.
Auxiliary Engines, Donkey Pumps, &c.— H. Watson and Co., pumps, silver medal; W. H. Allen and Co, silver medal: Adair and Co., silver medal; J. and H. Gwynne, bronze medal Pulsometer Company, bronze medal: C. Burnett, coal cutter, J. H. Kidd, and Drysdale and Pierie, all diplomas.
Steam and Hand Steering Gear.— Amos and Smith, silver medal; Donkin and Nichol, bronze medal; Harrison Patent Company, bronze medal; J. Hastie and Co., diploma.
Winches and Cranes.— Clarke, Chapman and Gurney, silver medal; Welford Brothers, bronze medal; J. Smith and Son, diploma.
Windlasses and Capstans.— Harfield and Co., silver medal; Vulcan Iron Company, bronze medal; Napier and Co., bronze medal; Emerson, Walker and Co., diploma.
Marine and Land Boilers.— Cochrane and Co., bronze medal; Joseph Adamson and Co., diploma.
Furnaces and Flanged Boiler Plates.— Leeds Forge Company, furnaces, silver medal; Leeds Forge Company, flanged plates, diploma; J. T. Eltringham, South Shields, flange plates, diploma; John Broom and Co., Bowling Iron Company, and Clarke, Chapman, and Gurney, all diplomas.
Finished Steel Forgings.— Vickers, Sons and Co.,silver medal; Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Company, for crank shaft, bronze medal; J. and W. Beardmore, forgings, bronze medal.
Forgings (same class).— Hawks, Crawshay and Co., silver medal; Darlington Forge Co. silver medal; Tyne Forge Co., bronze medal; B. Fletcher, diploma.
Steel Castings.— W. Jessop and Sons, silver medal; the Steel Company of Scotland, silver medal; J. Spencer and Sons, silver medal; Stanners' Close Steel Co., silver medal; Sutherst and Southern, bronze medal; Bowling Iron Co., bronze medal; J. Brown and Co., bronze medal.
Brass and Bronze Castings.— H. Wilson and Co., silver medal; Phosphor Bronze Company, silver medal;Whitley Partners, silver medal.
Finished Brass Work, Engine and Boiler Fittings.— J. Hopkinson and Co., silver medal; Harding and Sons, silver medal; Beck and Co., and J. Laing, bronze medals; Lampean and Theodam, diploma; Twizell, Sons and Reid, North Shields, diploma.
Best Exhibit of Steel Samples.— W. Spencer and Co., W. Jessop and Sons, and J. Spencer and Sons, Seebohm and Dieckstabl, and Weardale Coal and Iron Company, silver medals; Hardy, Patent Pick Company, and Newcastle Spring Company, diplomas.
Iron Samples.— Kirkstall Forge Company, silver medals.
Labour-saving Tools and Appliances. &c.— J. Barrow, Anderson and Hunting, Scriven and Co., R. H. Tweddell, H. Pooley and Co., A. A. Ricaby (for Metaline Co.'s Metaline Bushes, Dundee) and Tennett and Walker, all silver medals; R. Rogers and Co, and W. Boaz, bronze medals; W. Askwith, and Selig, Sonnenthal and Co., diplomas.
Iron, Brass, and Steel Tubes, &c.— Wilkes, Mapplebeck, A. and J. Stewart, and Anchor Tube Company, silver medals; Birmingham Tube Company, bronze medal; J. Spencer and Co. (Brunswick), diploma.
Process Manufacture.— Consett Iron Company, silver medal; J. C. Swan (exhibit), diploma.
Marine Exhibitors.
- Marine Exhibitors. Section II[2]
- John Spencer and Co.
- Wasteneys Smith.
- Leeds Forge Co.
- Wigham, Richardson and Co.
- Wallsend Slipway Co.
- R. and W. Hawthorn.
- Pulsometer Co.
- Sir W. G. Armstrong and Co.
- Phosphor Bronze Co.
- Durham, Churchill Governor Co.
- Darlington Forge Co.
- Jessop and Co.
- Hawks, Crawshay and Co.
- J. Hopkinson and Co.
- Alexander Wilson and Co.
- Douglas and Grant.
- Tangye Brothers.
- Black, Hawthorn and Co.
- Cochran and Co.
- Higginson and Co
- Clarke, Chapman and Gurney.
- Palmers Shipbuilding Co.
- John Spencer and Sons.
- John Elder and Co.
- Alexander Taylor.
- Marine Exhibitors.[3]
- Priestman Brothers.
- Rose, Downs and Thompson.
- J. A. G. Ross.
- Sir W. G. Armstrong.
- Smith, Beacock and Tannett.
- John Redhead and Co.
- Anderson and Hunting.
- Barrow Shipbuilding Co.
- Leslie and Co.
- Henry Watson and Sons.
- Carrick and Wardale.
- W. H. Allen and Co.
- J. and G. Thomson.
- Gwynne and Co.
- R. and W. Hawthorn, HMS Dolphin.
- J. H. Kidd.
- Harfield and Co.
- R. H. Tweddell.
- Walter C. Church and Co.
- Alexander Wilson and Co.
- Maxim-Weston Electric Co
- Thompson Brothers.
- Gulcher Electric Light and Power Co
- HMS Collingwood.
- Patent Anhydrous Leather Co.
- Hay's Waterproof Glue Co.
- Phosphor Bronze Co.
- Cochran and Co.
- Marine Ehibitors,[4]
- Marine Exhibitors continued[5] (Illustrated)
- Naval Architecture, Exhibitors..[6]
- Robert Napier and Sons, HMS Black Prince, SS Propontis, SS Aberdeen, Alex. C. Kirk.
- William Denny and Brothers, P. and O. Co,
- Walker and Emley.
- Charles Mitchell and Co.
- George Wightwick Rendel, W. G. Armstrong and Co.
- A. Leslie and Co.
- Faraday, Siemens Brothers and Co.
- Fisher, Renwick and Co, SS Claremont.
- Alexander Taylor, Douglas and Grant.
- Palmers Shipbuilding Co, SS China,SS City of Rome, Barrow Shipbuilding Co.
- Laird Brothers, HMS Captain, HMS Devastation.
- Orient Steam Navigation Co, SS Orient, SS Australia.
- Caird and Co, SS Ballarat, SS Paramatta.
- Sir James Laing and Sons, SS Mexican, Union Steamship Co.
- J. L. Thompson and Sons, William Doxford and Sons.
- Laird Brothers.
- Wigham Richardson and Co.
- William Thomson.
- John Thompson, Thomas Bell Lightfoot.
- Coast Lighting and Submarine Engineering, Exhibitors.[7]
- Fishery and Life Saving Appliances, Exhibitors.
Silver Medal
Awarded to:
- Pickwells' Self Registering Ships' Compass, [8]. (Illustrated)