1904 Motorists
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- BELGIANS, King of the. Is one of the motoring royalties who recognizes no speed limit. Bought a Mercedes car as the result of a visit to the Automobile Show at Brussels, which his son opened, and later in the year bought the 90 h.-p. Mercedes car which took part in the Paris- Madrid race. He immediately had a handsome body placed on the chassis, and motors at his kingly will at any speed. Is a patron of the Belgian Automobile Club.
- BOURBON, H.R.H. Prince Jaim de. Car: Mercedes. Is a son of the Duke of Madrid, better known to the public as Don Carlos, who claims the thrones of France and Spain by right of descent. The young Prince, the " Young Pretender " as some people call him, is an enthusiastic motorist, and also takes a great interest in ballooning.
- CAMBRIDGE, The Duke of. Had a trip on a Bollee car many years ago, and has favoured motoring ever since.
- CHINA, The Emperor of. In 19o3 the Emperor of China bought three motorcars of high horse-power and luxuriously furnished, for his own use, and twenty omnibus motor-cars for the use of his suite. The cars were made by a German firm, and were delivered in November. The Emperor is an enthusiastic lover of anything novel.
- CHINA, The Empress of. Has been badly smitten with the motoring fever, and has ordered a large number of cars, of various horse-power, from a German firm - these are in addition to those already in use.
- CONNAUGHT, The Duke of. Is a motorist of long standing. See Duke of Connaught.
- CONNAUGHT, The Duchess of. Is as fond of motoring as her husband. See Duchess of Connaught
- COOCH-BEHAR, lilt Raj Kumar of, Calcutta. Car: Siddeley
- DOLGOROUKI, Prince Alexis. Russian burn, of high family, has been exiled, and resident in England for several years. Married an English lady in 1898. Club: A.C.G.B. &
- GERMANY, The Emperor of. The Kaiser has a 16-h.p. Mercedes car for his private use, but owns a large number of other cars for various purposes. Is a great believer in motors for warfare, and is taking an enthusiastic interest, and lending all his aid, in the making of the arrangements for the holding of the 1904 Gordon- Bennett race. in Germany.
- GREECE, The King of. Owns a motorcar of high horse-power, and drives it himself.
- GREECE, Prince Andreas of. Car: 12 Wolseley. The Prince, who is passionately fond of motoring, was presented with his Wolseley car by the Czar of Russia on the occasion of his marriage to Princess Alice of Battenburg, on October 7th, 19°3. The car has a detachable omnibus top, and seats five persons. After the celebration of the marriage, the Prince drove the Princess in a motorcar to Heiligenberg Castle in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, where the honeymoon was spent. Both were attired in full motoring costume, and were accompanied by a (Matthew-.
- HESSE, The Grand Duke of. Is the most enthusiastic motorist amongst German Royalties. He owns three German- made motor-cars, of 12, 16, and 24-h•P. The frame and wheels of the 12-h.p. are entirely silvered over, and create a dazzling effect as the car is driven;dung in the sunshine.
- MONACO, Prince of. A keen motorist, and owns a powerful Mors car. Is also an enthusiastic motor-cyclist, and possesses two English machines, on which he has done some extensive hill-climbing —this form of motoring being very popular with him.
- NAPOLEON, Prince Victor. Has long. been a motorist, and is fond of high speeds.
- PERSIA, The Shah of. Car: Gardner - Serpollet. This car cost a fabulous sum, and is one of the most sumptuously fitted-up cars in existence.
- POLIGNAC, The Princess de. Owns a t 5-1) .p. C. G. V.
- PORTUGAL, King Carlos of. Owns a 2o-h.p. C. G. V., which he mostly uses for sporting purposes.
- PRUSSIA, Prince Henry of. Car: o-h.p • Surrey.
- RUSSIA, Czar of. Car: 12-11.p. Wolseley. The Czar of Russia is an enthusiast on motoring, and is a great believer in the usefulness of the motor for military purposes.
- RUSSIA, The Grand Duke Michael of. Car: 14-h.p. Dennis.
- SPAIN, The King of, is one of the most energetic motorists in his kingdom.
- SPAIN, Queen Christina of. Heartily favour s motors, and uses them extensively. When visiting Paris with the Infanta Maria Teresa, in the summer, she almost exclusively used a motor when out of doors.
- THE KING. King Edward VII., who early set the fashion amongst Royalties of motoring, owns seven cars, five of which are English, all of them having been built at the Daimler works at Coventry. The best of the English cars is His Majesty's 22-b.p. private pleasure-car, is magnificent vehicle in which he only drives his intimate friends. The tonneau holds six persons, and the steering wheel is occasionally taken by the King. Another of the King's cars is a 22-h.p., and this is used to convey shooting parties to the coverts, the seating capacity being sufficient to accommodate fifteen persons. The Sandringham garage also contains is 12 h.p, loaders' car, which seats sixteen persons, and is used to convey the gun-loaders when His Majesty goes a-shooting. The fourth vehicle is is it h.-p. char-a-bane, which is mostly requisitioned for conveying guests and visitors to and from the station. The vehicle holds fourteen persons, and is very strongly built. The fifth car is is 22-h.p shooting brake. His Majesty also owns a 2, h.-p. Darracq, which he purchased while in Paris in the early part of the year, and in September, as the result of some exceedingly pleasant runs on a Mercedes car at:Marienbad, he ordered an 18-h.p. car of That make, which now makes one of the stud at Sandringham. King Edward is also the possessor of a handsome petrol launch, which is used in connection with the Royal yacht, the Victoria and Albert. King Edward made good use of his motors at many social events in the country during 1903. His Majesty is patron of the A.C.G.B.. I., and of the Auto mobile CIO,. France.
- QUEEN ALEXANDRA. Queen Alexandra uses an electric voiturette. Though she does not drive herself she is very fond of motoring, and is a frequent companion of the King when he takes pleasure tours on his cars. Her Majesty also often rides in the motors of her friends.
- WALES, The Prince of. Is much interested in motoring. Started with an electric car, which he added to by another of similar motive force, but finding the speed too slow, followed the example of his illustrious father, and purchased a 22 h.-p. Daimler, which has given him every satisfaction. During his tour in Cornwall in the summer, the car was of great service, and enabled him to see many parts of that beautiful county which he would otherwise have had to miss on account of lack of time. The Prince visited the Agricultural Show at Park Royal, Ealing, in Mr. Leopold de Rothschild's 16 h.-p. Napier, and much enjoyed the run. Is patron of the Norfolk Automobile and Launch Club.
- BATTENBERG, Princess Henry of, is very fond of motoring, and toured in the Isle of Wight, of which she is the Governor, in 1903, on a 22 h.-p. Daimler car.
- A
ABINGDON, The Earl of, Wythain Abbey, Oxford. Car: 12-h.p. Daimler. Clubs: Carlton, Travellers'.
- ALDOUS, George Frederick, F.R.C.S., Charlton House, Plymouth. Car: Wolseley. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 2,000 miles. Hobbies: Orchids and photography. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To abolish the (at present) useful, but insanitary horse. Club: Royal South Western Yacht.
- ALEXANDER, Lieut.-Col. E. M., The Red House, Bridge of Allan. Car: 5-h.p. Oldsmobile. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 1,400 miles (since May, 1903). Hobbies: All kinds of sport. Clubs: Naval and Military, Piccadilly (London), New (Edinburgh).
- ALLBUTT, Henry Arthur, M.R.C.P.E., 24, Park Square, Leeds. Patronizes motoring to foster improved modes of locomotion, also to emancipate horses from excessive toil. Favours the numbering or registration of motor-drivers. Clubs: Yorkshire Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- ALLEN, Mrs. John, The Elms, Offaly, Oxford. Cars: 10-h.p. Daimler, 16-h.p. de Dietrich. Was the first lady to drive a motor-car in Oxford, and uses her Daimler constantly.
- ALSTON, Mrs. Muriel, The Toft, Sharnbrook. Drives her father, Canon Blundell's Panhard. Hobbies: Fishing, acting. Thinks motoring the most splendid thing in the world, for the treble reasons of use, health and pleasure.
- ANGLESEY, Marquis of, Beaudesert Park, Rugeley, Anglesey Castle, Anglesey. Car: 22-h.p. Mors. The Marquis's car is one of the most handsome in the country, the interior fittings being of solid silver, and the exterior of silver plate. The total cost of the vehicle was £2,500.
- ANGOVE, Dr. Edward Scudamore, Ash Grove, Haxby, York. Cars: Various motor cycles, favourite 11-h.p. Excelsior. Has ridden over 10,000 miles. Hobbies: Trout-fishing, shooting. Is Hon. Sec. and founder of the York and District Motor Club. Supports motoring because he believes it is the coming motive power of England. Finds he can do his professional work much quicker and with more enjoyment to himself on a motor bicycle than with horses. Clubs: York and District Motor, City (York).
- APPLEBY, Thomas Percy, Penarth, near Cardiff. Car: 20-11.p. Club: A.C.G.B.& I.
- ARBUTHNOT, Capt. Sir R. K., Bart., R.N., H.M.S. "Victory," Portsmouth. Car: 41-h.p. Oldsmobile. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 7,56o miles. Hobbies: Cricket, racquets, riding, chess. Clubs: Army and Navy, Travellers', A.C.G.B. & I.
- ARNOLD, Gilbert J., F.R.C.S., The Towers, Torquay. Car: 5-h.p. Peugeot. Patronizes motoring with a view to securing the abolition of horse-drawn traffic in towns. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- ARTER, A. Marshall, A.M.I.C.E.. 60, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, London, W. Has driven several thousands of miles. Club: A.C.G.B. &
- ASBURY, Albert George, Belle Vue Park, Beeston, Nottinghamshire. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 22,000 miles.
- ASHBURTON, 5th Baron, Francis Denzil Edward Baring, "The Grange," Alresford, Hants. Is on the General Council of the Automobile Club (London), and a strong supporter of motoring as a sport. Clubs: Carlton, Arthur's, Bachelors', and Turf.
- ASHWORTH, E., The Quinta, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Cars: Three White steam. Has driven 20,000 miles in four years. Hobbies: Hunting, motoring. Has owned many cars of different makes, but prefers steam vehicles. By careful driving and consideration for other users of the road, hopes to improve the reputation of motorists. Club: Manchester Automobile.
- ASPINALL, John W., "Batlescombe," Weston-super-Mare. Cars: h.-p. Star; h.-p. de Dion; 6 h.-p. Panhard; 8 h.-p. de Dion; 12 h.-p. Daimler; 12-16 h.-p. Clement. Has driven 50.000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, photography. Aims at careful driving, and courtesy on the road. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- ASTCOTT, H. E., J.P., "Endsleigh," Gateshead. Cars: and 3 - h.p. Rex bicycles, to-h.p. .Argyll.
- ATHERLEY, Frank, Yeoman House, Haymarket, London. Car: Magnet. Was at one time manager of the London Motor Garage Co. Hobby: Acting.
- B
- BAGSHAWE, Bernal, Red House, Chapel Allerton, Leeds. Cars: 8-h.p. Peugeot, 15-h.p. Napier. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, mechanics. Clubs: Yorkshire Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- BAKER, F. H., IA, Lancaster Gate, London, W. Car: 7-h.p. Pan hard. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 4,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing.
- BALFOUR, The Right Hon. A. J., M.P., the Prime Minister, Downing Street, Westminster, London, W. Cars: Napier, 10-h.p. 6-cylinder Napier. Is very fond of motoring, and often drives his friends in his car. Was fined four times in 1903 for exceeding the speed limit. Clubs: Carlton, Travellers', Athenzeum and New (Edinburgh), &
- BALFOUR, Kenneth R., M.P., Stagsden House, Bournemouth. Cars: 12-11.p. Gladiator, I2-il.p. Wilson and Pitcher. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To make the motor-car of practical use to all sections of the community, and not to act in antagonism to all horse-owners, but to use both means of traction for the purposes best suited to their capabilities. Clubs: Carlton, Naval and Military, A.C.G.B. &
- BALFOUR, Miss, the sister of the Premier, has not yet joined the ranks of les chauffeuses, but constantly uses her car, which was a gift from her distinguished brother, and enjoys the sport immensely.
- BALL, Charles Edward, Monswald Place, Ruthwell, R.S.O., Dumfriesshire. Cars: 7-11.p. Panhard, 16-h.p. de Dietrich. Hobbies: Yachting, shooting, curling. Clubs: Scottish Automobile, Clyde, Corinthian Yacht.
- BARBER, Le Droict Langdon, "Belmont," Washington, D.C. Cars: Two 6-11.p. Locomobiles. Has driven t o,000 miles. Hobbies: Yachting, travelling. Was one of the very first motorists. Clubs: New York Yacht, Automobile of America.
- BARBER-STARKEY, W. I. S., Aldenham Park, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Cars: 5-h.p. Baby Peugeot, 10-h.p. Panhard. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing. Aims at securing a thoroughly practical and pleasant means of locomotion. Clubs: Devonshire, A.C.G.B. &
- BARBOUR, Frank, Snitterfield, Stratford-on-Avon. Cars: 8-h.p. Mors, to-h.p. Panhard. Has driven 30,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, polo. Clubs: Ulster (Belfast), A.C.G.B. & I.
- BARKER, C. D., J.P., D.L., Radnor House, Malvern, Worcestershire. Car: and 221-h.p. Panhard and Levassor. Has driven 4,000 miles. Motors for amusement and convenience.
- BARLOW, Percy, 5, Essex Court, Temple, London, E.C.; Torkington House, Acton, London, W. Car: Wolseley. Has driven to,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, golf. Is a barrister; was Liberal Parliamentary candidate for Bedford, 1900, prospective candidate for next election. Clubs: Bath, National Liberal, A.C.G.B. & I.
- BARNES, George D., Lea House, Broildesbury. Car: 10-h.p. Dennis. Desires to encourage quicker transit, the obtaining of better roads, less filth on streets, and less cruelty to animals.
- BARTLEET, Mrs. Horace W.,19, College Court Mansions, Hammersmith, London, W. Car: 5-h.p. Clement. Is a skilful driver and very fond of motoring.
- BARTLELOT, Sir Walter B., 226, St. James's Court, London, W. Owns a tine touring car, which he drives himself.
- BASE, George William, 37, Mount Pleasant, Norwich. Car: 6-11.p. Pick. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Over 20,000 miles. Hobby Photography. Uses his car principally for commercial purposes, and finds it invaluable, the train service in his neighbourhood being particularly awkwardly arranged. Club: Norfolk Automobile and Launch.
BAX, Capt. IRONSIDE- Weybridge. Hobbies: Fishing, cycling, billiards. Supports motoring to encourage a British industry; is particularly interested iii electrical cars. Clubs: United Service, A.C.G.B. & I. (London member).
- BAYLDON, Owen 11., Montalt, Conibe Down, Bath. Cars: Numerous. Started motoring in 1896, and was a member of the old Motor- Car Club. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- BAZALGETTE, Mrs. Louise, 5, Bryanston Street, Portman Square, London, W. Car: 4i-h.p. Benz. Hobbies: Riding and driving. Clubs: Empress (Dover Street, London), and Imperial Institute.
BECKWITH, H. J., Millichope Park, Craven Arms. Cars: 6-h.p. Panhard, 10-h.p. Wolseley. Clubs: Naval and Military, A.C.G.B.& I.
- BEDFORD, The Duke of, J. P., 15, Belgrave Square, London, S.W.; Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire. Car: 22-h.p. Daimler. Clubs: Brooks', Guards', Travellers', Devonshire.
BELCHER, Henry, Malvern House, Beeston, Notts. Car: 12-h.p. Humber. Has driven 40,000 miles. Hobbies: Tennis, cycling. Clubs: Constitutional (Nottingham), A.C.G.R. & I.
- BELL, Sir John, 6t, Portland Place, London, V. "Fratnewood," Stoke Poges, Bucks. Car: Io h.-p. Rochet-Schneider. Furthers motoring as a pleasant form of touring in the country. Clubs: Royal London Yacht, City (London), Carlton, Ranelagh, A.C.G.B. & I.
- BENBOUGH, G. L., M.E., 22, Tivoli Place, Ilkley, Yorkshire. Cars: Darracq, motor bicycle. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing. Wishes to gradually but firmly oust the horse from the road, for his own sake and that of other people. Club: Yorkshire Automobile.
BENETT-STANFORD, Major J., Hatch House, Tisbury. Cars: 10-h.p. Locomobile, 20-h.p. Wolseley. Has driven some hundreds of thousands of miles. Hobbies: Shooting, hunting, fishing, &c. Aims at encouraging the manufacture of reliable touring cars, and the improving of the roads of England. Is a major in the Motor Volunteer Corps. Clubs: White's, Cavalry, &c.
- BERRYMAN, John, Green Park, Bath. Car: Quadrant motor cycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 10,00o miles. Hobby: Fishing. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Sing its praises, cover its faults, and get everybody to make a start. All-round impetus makes for improvement and cheap production is his opinion. Believes that " once a motorist always a motorist " is the rule. Club: Bath Motor Cycle.
- BIDDULPH, Sir T. G., Bart., West Stow Bury St. Edmund's. Car: 9i-h.p. vehicle, Has driven 2,60o miles. Hobbies: Golf. photography. Aims at the improvement of, roads and the education of drivers of horses as to how to proceed when meeting a motor-car. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- BIDDULPH,;L. Shrapnel, C.E., late Royal Field Artillery, Westminster Palace Gardens, London, S.W., 4, Clock House, Arundel Street, London, W.C. Car: 6fh.p. Peugeot. Has driven 3,500 miles, Hobbies: Swimming, yachting, riding, travelling. Aims at the opening up of country districts, and the development of a new and important industry. Motors for pleasure. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- BIDWELL, Lunar.! A., F.R.C.S., 15, Upper Wimpole Street, London, W. Car: 45-h.p. de Dion. Hobbies: Golf, soldiering—is Surgeon-Captain, Royal Bucks Hussars. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To promote the better sanitation of the streets, and to provide a quick method of transport for the medical profession. Club: Royal Societies'.
- BISSELL, J. H., Woodsetton, Dudley. Car: Motor cycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Racing, football. Is a well-known sporting journalist. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To get motorists to abandon the ordinary country runs, and to induce them to go further afield, and see more of the country they live in. Is an expert on touring.
- BISCOE, Henry Stafford Tyndale, J.P., Holton Park, near Oxford. Cars: 64 11.-p. Abingdon, to 11.-p. Cltl.tnent. Has driven 6,000 miles. Hobbies: Turning, photography, shooting. Aims at the improvement of roads, the extermination of draught horses in towns, and the better lighting of drays. Thinks all roads should be constructed and repaved on a uniform system. Clubs: Oxfordshire County, Oxford and District Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- BLAKELY, E. M., 19, Clay Street, Glasgow. Cars: 5-h.p. Vauxhall and to-h.p. Duryea. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 4,500 miles. Club: Scottish Automobile (Western Section).
- BLAIR, William, M.D., Abbey Green, Jedburgh. Cars: 3-h.p. Benz, 10-h.p. Wolseley. Has driven 30,00o miles. Aims at economy of time and money in professional work. Is convinced from personal experience that many invalids would greatly benefit by motoring. Club: Scottish Automobile.
- BLOMFIELD, Arthur, M.A., 41, Rosary Gardens, London, S.W. Car: 9-h.p. New Orleans. Clubs: Arts', Leander, Ranclagh, A.C.G.B.& I.
- BLUNDELL, Canon, The Toft, Shambrook. Car: Panhard. Is a very enthusiastic motorist.
- BOILEAU, Etienne M. P., Emperor's Gate, London, S.W., Smallburgh Place, near Norwich. Car: Ormonde fore-car. Has driven several thousands of miles. Hobby: Sailing. Aims at popularizing the motor cycle, and motoring in general. Clubs: Yare Sailing, Norfolk Automobile, A .C.G.B. & I.
- BOND, S. Shaw, The Downs, Wimbledon. Car: e-11.p. (1904) Panhard.
- BORLAND, F. J., 3, Elmwood Green Leeds. Car: 44-11.p. de Dion. Club Yorkshire Automobile.
- BOSVILLE, Alexander W. M., D.L., J.P., Thorpe Hall, Bridlington, Yorkshire. Cars: 10-h.p. Daimler, 20-h.p. M.M.C. Has driven 12,000 miles. Hobby: Music. Advises the use of "good oil for the engine, and civility to people met on the road." Clubs: Boodle's, Yorkshire Automobile, Yorkshire County, A.C.G.B.& I.
- BOULT, Alfred J., M.I. Mech. E., C.P.A., Hatton Garden, London, E.C. Cars: 8 and 12-h.p. Argyll. Uses his cars for professional purposes and pleasure.
- BOWER, J. Ciascoigne, 7; St. Martin's Mansions, Ullswater Road, West Norwood, London, S.E. Cars: 5-h.p. Decauville, 8-h.p. Clement, 24-h.p. Proud. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 20,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, acting. Is a member of the Motor Volunteer Corps and the Actors' Association.
- BOWER, Major R. 1., C.M.G., Chief-constable of the West Riding of Yorkshire, The West House, Thirsk. Car: to-h.p. Argyll. Has been a motorist since 1899. Hobby: Shooting. Furthers motoring as a means of locomotion. Clubs: Naval and Military, Yorkshire Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- BRADSHAW, James Arnold, Blundell-sands, Liverpool. Car: Daimler. Hobbies: Riding, driving, racing, shooting. Was amongst the first half dozen to own a motor-car in England, and always drives himself. Clubs: A.C.G.B. & I. (Founder member), L.S.P.T.A. (Founder member).
- BRAMSON, W. O. H., 53, Cleveland Square, London, XV. Car: 16-11.p. Napier. Considers motoring far and away the most enjoyable of sports. Clubs: Sandown Park and A.C.G.B.
- BRASSEY, Lord, 24, Park Lane, London, W. Car: Daimler. Believes in the motor for all classes of work.
- BRERETON, Master Hugh A., Tithe Farm, Weasenham, Norfolk. Cars: is-h.p. and 2 h.p. motor cycles. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Some thousands of miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, football, cricket. Though only seventeen years of age, made the engine for his bicycle, together with carburettors, tanks, etc.
- BRIGGS, A. H., Cambridge House, Bradford. Car 22-h.p. Daimler. Club: Yorkshire Automobile.
- BRIGGS, William, LL.D., Burlington House, Cambridge. Owns a touring car, and drives himself.
- BRINDLE, W. S., 18, Sackville Street, London, W. Car: h.-p. de Dion. Has driven 15,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, polo. Club: St. James's.
- BROADLEY, H. Harrison, J.P., Walton, East Yorkshire. Car: 16-11.p. Napier. Is a convinced believer in the motor for business as well is sport and pleasure.
- BROWN, Dr. H. Reynolds, M.A., Mallon, Essex. Car: 2-h.p. motor cycle. Has driven 8,5oo miles. Hobbies: Sailing, hockey. Aims at cheap and rapid transport. Club: Eastern Counties Automobile.
- BROWN, Arthur. Cars: 15 h.p. and 19h.p. Napiers. Has driven 40,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, golfing, fishing skiting
- BROWNE, ,Mrs. Roland, Kensington, London, W. Cars: Peugeot and two Lanchesters.
- BROWN, Nicol Paton, 122, Belhaven Terrace, Glasgow. Car: 8-h.p. Albion. Hobbies: Golf, shooting, yachting. Motors for health and recreation, and speed in getting about the country. Clubs: Reform, Western (Glasgow), Prestwick Golf, Scottish Automot
- BUBB, Henry, J.P., Ullenwood, near Cheltenham. Car: 12-11.p. Gobron-Brillie. Has driven 4,000 miles. Clubs: Several yachting clubs, A.C.G.B. & I.
BULLER, General Sir Redvers Henry, G.C.B. Downes, Crediton, Devonshire. Is on the General Council of the A.C.G.B. & I., and has done much, in his official capacity to encourage the use of the motor in the army. Has had an exceptionally brilliant military career, and at the commencement of the South African War in 1899, was in supreme command of the British troops. Clubs: Army and Navy, Naval and Military, Brooks's, Athemeutn, and United Service.
- BUNTING, F. E., Wealdstone Motor Garage, High Street, Wealdstone, Middlesex. Car: I 2-11.p. Boyer. Has motored 1,500 miles. Hobby: Cycling.
- BURFORD, H. G., A.M.I.ME., 24, Rennard Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W. Car f 2o-1i.p. Milnes Daimler. Has driven many thousands of miles. Has made a special study of the automobile for commercial work and omnibus service, and thinks there is a great future for it in these directions. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- BURGESS, W. h. M., " Eccleslumune," Birchanger Road, South Norwood, London, S.E . Car: Clement; formerly owned I 1-h.p. Ckinent, and Panhard. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Thousands of miles--- 15,000 miles since January, 1903. Became a motorist in 1897. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Courtesy to all other users of the highway.
BURNHAM, T. Brownell, Stopham House, Pulborough, Sussex. Is a motorist well-known in England, France and America. Clubs: Orleans, Ranelagh, Royal London Yacht, A.C.G.B. & I., Automobile of France, Union Club (New York), New York Yacht.
- BURNS, James, Town-clerk, Motherwell. Car: 6-h.p. Daimler wagonette. Hobby: Motoring. Has driven 30,000 miles. Completed the 535 miles Glasgow Exhibition trial, 19ot. Club: Scottish Automobile.
- BURROW, Vincent, M.D., B.S., Cowpen House, Newbiggin-by-Sea, Morpeth. Car: Jesmond motor cycle. Thinks all cycles are too frail at fork crown connection of steering column-- hay designed a stay to be used with girders, making an accident from fracture at this part impossible.
- BURY, Henry, M.A., F.L.S., Mayfield House, Farnham, Surrey. Cars: Locomobiles. Clubs: Savile, A.C. G.B. & I.
- BUTLER, Harry Bertram, 108, Oakwood Court, London, W. Car: None at present. Has motored many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Hunting, sports. Was late lieutenant in the Middlesex Imperial Yeomanry. Thinks motor traction greatly facilitates traffic, and is far more sanitary than horses. Clubs: Cavalry, Gresham, Ranelagh, Royal Temple Yacht, Sandown Park, A.C.G.B. & I.
- BUTLIN, Mrs. Wilson G.B., Melbury Lodge, Wimborne. Car: 8-h.p. M.M.C. Has driven over ()co miles in six months. Hobbies: Croquet, Badminton. Furthers motoring in order that it may supersede horses altogether. Thinks that many motorists are doing immense harm to the cause of motoring by reckless driving and racing. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- BUXTON, W. 11., Beech Mount, Sawrev, Ambleside. Cars: 9k-h.p. Locomobiles. Enjoys motoring as a means of quick locomotion, and delights in the sport which he thinks will result in the emancipation of the horse as a means of traction. Clubs: Westmoreland County, New Lyric, Royal Windermere Yacht, A.C.G.B. & I.
- CALDWELL, Paul, Bradley Hotel, Widnes. Cars: Eagle tandem, to-h.p. car.
- CALVERLEY, Mrs., 18, Chesham Place, London, S.W.; Down Hall, Haslow, Essex. Car: 20-h.p. de Dietrich. Has driven many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Hunting, travelling. Furthers motoring for usefulness to herself and pleasure to her friends. Thinks most of a lady's pleasure while on her car depends upon having an expert chauffeur. Thinks cars should have a canopy and a glass screen in the winter. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- CAMERON, Duncan, J.P., B.L., 12, Clarendon Crescent, Edinburgh. Car: 16 h -p. de Dietrich. Hobby: Golf. Club: Scottish Automobile.
- CAMERON, John, J.P. Meiklehill, Kirkintilloch, near Glasgow. Car: Wolseley. Club: Scottish Automobile.
- CANNING, The Hon. L., J.P., D.L., Garvagh. Uses four Ormonde motor cycles, of 1.75, 2.25, 2.75 and 3.25 h.p. respectively. Hopes to see motoring lead to the establishment of the mightiest industry in Britain, employing millions of workpeople. Commenced his motoring experiences in France, in 1895, since which time he has owned twelve motor vehicles. Clubs: Bachelors', A.C.G.B.,& I.
- CARLILE, Walter, M.P., Gayhurst, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. Car: 16-h.p. de Dietrich. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 24,00o miles: Hobbies: Shooting, hunting. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The extinction of the "road hog," and all those who discredit the motoring fraternity by their want of consideration of other users of the road. Favours the limitation of speed in towns and villages only. Clubs: Carlton, Junior Carlton, A.C.G.B. & I.
- CARTHEW, Major R. J., J.P., C.C., Woodbridge Abbey, Suffolk. Car: 10-11.p. Wolseley. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Several thousands of miles. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Everybody's health — no horses, no insanitary roads. Clubs: Conservative (London), A.C.G.B. & I., etc.
- CATERS, Baron P. de, Antwerp. A noted racing motorist; president of the Antwerp Automobile Club; one time holder of the kilometre record. Was one of the competitors in the 1903 Gordon Bennett race in Ireland. Generously endangered his chance of winning the race by stopping to give notice of the accident to Mr. Jarrott.
- CASTELLANE, Count Boni de, Avenue du Bois du Boulogne. Cars: de Dion, Darracq, Panhard omnibus, 60-h.p. Mercedes. A great-grandson of the famous Prince Talleyrand, and one of the most prominent members of the French aristocracy. Married Miss Anna Gould, daughter of the well-known American millionaire. Lives in a gorgeous palace on the Avenue du Bois de Boulogne, which he had built a few years ago. Count Boni owns a magnificent steam yacht, the Va/ho//a, and keeps a stable full of horses.
- CECIL, Ean F., Aston Dene, Stevenage, Herts; Craigendinnie, Aboyne, N.B. Cars: 7-h.p. Panhard, oi-h.p. Clement, I2-h.p. de Dietrich. Hobbies Shooting, fishing. Clubs: Junior Carlton, New Caledonian, A.C.G.B. & I.
- CECIL, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert, K.C., 20, Manchester Square, London, W. Is a distinguished son of the late Marquis of Salisbury, to whom he acted as private secretary from 1886 to 1888. Club: A.C.G.B. & I. (General Council).
- CHAPLIN, The Right Hon. Henry, M.P., Stafford House, St. James's Street, London, S.W. Is on the General Council of the Automobile Club (London). Has led a busy public life. Was President of the Board of Agriculture, 1886 to 1892, and President of the Local Government Board from 1895 to 1900. Was a good friend of the motorist while. in office, and has remained so ever since. Clubs: Carlton, Athenaeum, Marlborough, Turf.
- CHAPMAN, Gerard D., Hazeldene, Maidenhead. Car: 24-h.p. de Dietrich. Has driven Io,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, travelling, fishing. Club: White's.
- CHAPMAN, Gordon, Glenhyrst, Dingle, Liverpool. Car: 4-b.h.p. Daimler. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Nearly 16,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing. Would like to see cars run with powerful slow speed engines, with large bore, and greater driving wheels. Believes that in a few years the petrol that is now in use will be extinct, not because the supply may diminish, but that motorists will find that as soon as the duty is taken off alcohol, there will be quite a revolution in spirit-driven motors.
- CHARLEY, Lehman Charley, 71, Champs Elysee, Paris, the well-known French and American agent for the Mercedes make of machines, was born at Strasbourg. He began life in a Coventry cycle works, and was afterwards engaged in the cycle trade in London. In 1897 he went to Paris, and devoted his attention to petrol tricycles - then all the rage. In 1899 M. Charley got into touch with the comparatively little known Daimler Motor Company, of Cannstadt. In 1900 they appointed him sole agent in Paris for the Mercedes make of motor-cars. He devotes close attention to motor launches.
- CHARRINOTON, Mrs. Spencer C., Winchfield Lodge, Winchfield. Car: o-h.p. Gladiator. Has driven 10,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, croquet. Clubs: Empress (Northampton), Ladies' Automobile.
- CHIFETASE, John George, Bondgate, Darlington. Car: de Dion Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 5,00o miles. Hobby: Cricket. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Pleasure only. Wants to see a new tyre invented in the place of the pneumatic.
- CHRISTMAS, F., J.P., Glenbrook, Haverhill, Suffolk. Car: Panhard.
- CHURCHILL, Lord Edward Spencer, 28, Grosvenor Street, London, W.; Queensmead, Windsor. Cars: and 12-h.p. Daimlers. Is deeply interested in electrical matters, and has fitted many internal improvements on his cars. His first motoring experiences commenced with a steam car.
- CLARE, Octavius, Leigh Leigh,- M.P., Queen Anne's Mansions, London, S.W.; Audley Cottage, East Sheen, Surrey, Car: 5-h.p. Boyer. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, golf, cricket. Motors for enjoyment and health. Thinks that in the interests of all motorists the "scorcher" should be put down. Clubs: Carlton, New University.
- CLARENDON, Lord, The Grove, Watford, Herts. Is the President of the Hertfordshire Automobile Club. Is Lord Lieutenant and Chief Constable of the County of Hertfordshire, with which he has been identified for many years. Is the Lord Chamberlain of the Household, and Chancellor of the Royal Victorian Order. Succeeded to the title in 187o.
- CLARK, W. E., Station road, Doncaster. Cars: 10-h.p. de Dion, 10-h.p. Rex.
- CLARKE, E. Vernon, Phoenix Street Motor Works, Derby. Has been a motorist for six years. Club: Derby and District Automobile.
- CLARKE, J. H., B.Sc., Clayton Grange. Cheshire. Cars: 6-h.p. Sefton, i6-h.p, de Dietrich. Is principal of the Liverpool and Manchester Motor Manufacturing Co. Clubs: L.S.P.T.A., A.C.G.B. & I.
CLAY, A. J., Holly Bush Hall, Burton-on-Trent. Cars: 3-h.p. Ariel, 14-h.p. Vinot, i6-h.p. Decauville. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: i i,000 miles. Bought his first car, a Locomobile, in March, i9oo. Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge, A C.G.B. & I.
- CLERK, Dugald. 'sit well-known motoring engineer.
- COATHUPE, B., 33-37, Wardour Street, London, W. Car: Pipe. Is secretary to the London Motor Garage Co., Ltd. Thinks the motor vehicle will predominate over all others. Has travelled extensively in India, where he at one time resided in the Madras Presidency.
- COCHRANE, Cecil A., Gosforth, New-castle-on-Tyne .Car: 9-h.p. Darracq. Hobby: Shooting. Clubs: Reform, A.C.G.B. & I.
- COHEN, A. E., 15, Adamson Road, Swiss Cottage, London, N.W. Cars: 6i h.-p. and to h.-p. Weston, 12 11.-p. two-cylinder, and 18 h.-p. four-cylinder Chenard & Walcker. Hobbies: Riding, swimming, billiards. Thinks the speed limit should be abolished. Wishes to see the commercial side of motor traction developed. Desires automobilism to be largely taken up as a sport for women. Clubs: Imperial Colonies, A. C. G. B. & I.
- COLEMAN, Frederic, 35, King Street, Regent Street, W. Is the manager of the well-known White Steam Cars London branch, a position which he has occupied for nearly a year. Thoroughly understands the running of all kinds of cars. Was at one time a well-known American war correspondent and journalist. Was on the var staffs of the New York Herald in the Philippines, and the Daily Express in China, and was the special correspondent of the Daily chronicle at the coronation of Alfonso XIII. of Spain. Is an entertaining lecturer, and a brilliant descriptive writer.
- COLLINGWOOD, John Carnaby, J. P., Cornhill House, Northumberland. Car: t-h.p. Clement. Has driven 5,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting (is Master of Harriers), fishing, shooting. Thinks motoring a splendid amusement, and that the motorcar is of immense use for business purposes. Clubs: White's, New (Edinburgh), A.C.G.B. & I.
- COLLINS, Arthur. Car: Panhard. Is manager of Drury Lane Theatre, and an ardent motorist.
- COLMAN, Jesse, Cork Cottage, Midhope Road, Woking. Cars: Various. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,00o miles. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The development of the industry in Great Britain. Owns the Woking Motor Agency.
- COLVILE, Major-General Sir Henry, k.C.NI.G., C.B., Lightwater, Bagshot; 80, South Audley Street, London, W. Car: 6-h.p. de Dion. Hobbies: Yachting, ballooning. Clubs: Guards', Travellers', Royal Yacht Squadron, A.C.G.B. & I.
- COLQUHOUN, Dr. W. B., Sandhurst, Berks. Cars: cycles; 6i-h.p. Gladiator. Has driven 5,000 miles. Is a great believer in the motor-ear for medical men; prefers his motor cycle for professional work, because he does not require the services of a man when on his rounds."
- COMBE, George, Union Club, Belfast. Car: 71-11.p. Wolseley. Has driven many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Shooting, golfing, cricket. Motors for business and pleasure. Clubs: Union (Belfast), A.C.G.B. & I.
- CONNAH, Charles, Pandy, Dysuth, R.S.O. Cars: 8-11.p. Benz, 16-11.p. Daimler. Has driven 40,000 miles. Hobby: Hockey; introduced the game into Wales. Motors for pleasure and business. Club: A.C.G.B. & I. (Life member).
- CONNELL, Isaac, to, North Saint David Street, Edinburgh, solicitor Supreme Courts, and secretary to the Scottish Chamber of Agriculture, Edinburgh. Is a member of the firm of honorary solicitors to the Scottish Automobile Club. Clubs: Union (Edinburgh), Junior Conservative (London), Scottish Automobile.
- COOKE, Cecil Whitehall, M.D., 129, Walt-n Lane, London, N.W. Car: 3-h.p• de Dion voiturette. Has driven 6o,000 miles Hobbies: Golf, cycling. Uses his car as a substitute for horses in his professional work, and became a motorist in 1899. Clubs: Neasden Golf, A.C.G.B. & I.
- COOMBES, James, " Baldersly," The Avenue, Lincoln. Car: 8-h.p. de Dion. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 6,000 miles. Hobby: Cycling; has cycled for 25 years. Club: Lincolnshire Automobile.
- COOPER, R. A., Ashlyn's Hall, Herts. Car: 10-h.p. Gamage.
- COOTE, Stanley Victor, J.P., Carrowroe Park, Roscommon, Ireland. Car: 15-11.p. New Orleans. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 6,000 miles. Clubs: Union (London), A.C.G.B. & I.
- COPLAND, 0. N. E., Bream House, Teddington. Car: 12-h.p. Clement.
- COPLAND, Mrs. 0. N. E., Bream House, Teddington. Has been a motorist for many years, and can drive any kind of car. Is also at her ease in the event of a breakdown, as she is thoroughly conversant with the mechanism of her 12-11.p. Clement.
- CORBET, Capt. Bertram, Adderley, Market Drayton, Salop; and 98, Long Acre, London, W.C. Car: 20-h.p. Clement. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, fishing. Served in the 1st Life Guards, I890 to 1896; was a staff-officer in the South African War; was aide-de-camp to the first Governor - General of Australia. Clubs: White's, Bachelors', Pratt's, A.C.G.B. & I.
- CORNISH-BROWNE, Charles John, Came House, Dorchester, Dorset. Cars: 61-h.p. and 14-11.p. Daimlers. Club: Windham.
- CORY, S. Campbell, J.P., D.L., Cranwells, Bath. Cars: 8-h.p., to-h.p. Daimlers, 12-h.p. Gardner-Serpollet. Clubs: Reform, Bath and County (Bath), A.C.G.B. & I.
- COUBERTIN, Baron Pierre de, Versailles, France. Owns a 22-h.p. car of a popular French make. Is well known in France for his advocacy of athletic sports of all kinds for young Frenchmen. He deplores the tendency of the present century to feed the brain at the expense of the body. Disbelieves in Rudyard Kipling's theories on the subject. Though well over fifty, the Baron practises what he preaches; he has taught all his children to be athletes, and he goes in himself for football, cycling, and other sports. The Baron thinks that nothing is more calculated to inspire a feeling of self-responsibility than to learn how to properly handle a big motor-car. His house at Versailles is a most hospitable one.
- COVENTRY, Aubrey, 49, Egerton Crescent, London, S.W. Car: 6-h.p. Gardner-Serpollet. Has driven 15,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, photography. Says the more he motors the better he likes it. Clubs: Turf, Orleans.
- COVENTRY, Mrs. Aubrey, 49, Egerton Crescent, London, S.W. Car: Gardner-Serpollet. Is a skilful chauffeuse.
- COVENTRY, St. John, The Cottage, Corfe Mullen; 29, Queen Anne's Gate, London, W. Car: 8-h.p. Argyll.
- COVENTRY, Mrs. St. John, The Cottage, Corfe Mullen; 29, Queen Anne's Gate, London, W. Car: 8 h.-p. Argyll. Is an expert chauffeuse. Her husband, late of the " Guards," owns a large estate at Corfe Mullen, and is also a most enthusiastic motorist.
- COX, Rennie, Greenhill, Collie, Lancashire. Car: 8-11.p. Tonneau car. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 13,000 miles. Club: Burnley Automobile.
- COX, William Henry, Snaigow, Murthly, Perthshire. Car: Wolseley. Hobbies: Farming, shooting, fishing. Clubs: Junior Athenaeum, County (Perth).
- CRAGG, Dr. Edward, Old Hall, Billingboro', Folkingham. Cars: 3k-h.p. Benz, 21-h.p. de Dion quad. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 40,000 miles. Is hon. sec. of the Lincolnshire A .C.
- CRAMPTON, W. J., Queen Victoria Street, London. Is an expert on electric cars. Car: Decauville. Has had fourteen years' experience of motoring.
- CRAVEN, W. A., 29, Hampden Street, Tranmere, Birkenhead. Car: 6-h.p. Century Tandem. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 9,000 miles. Hobbies: The making of mechanical models. Has a very strong belief in the future of the internal-combustion motor, and thinks that automobilism has done and will yet do a great deal to improve the construction and reliability of this type of engine; thinks that motoring is one of the most enjoyable and healthy sports, and that in time to come it will benefit directly and indirectly nearly all classes in this country.
- CRAWHEZ, Baron Pierre de, as president of the Belgian Automobile Club, originated and carried out the Ardennes Races in 1902, and won the Ardennes' Race in 1903.
- CREBER, harry, of Gorbals, Barrhead, N.B. Car: 8 h.-p. Albion. Desires to show the usefulness of automobilism to all concerned, and to cover the ground easier and cheaper than with horses. To drive through snow lie puts shackles on the tyres; they are made of half-round iron and fixed by a bolt behind each second spoke.
- CROMBIE, Walter G., 16, Streatham Hill, London, S.W. Cars: 18-h.p. Daimler, 30-h.p. General Motor Car Co. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 200,000 miles. Hobbies: Polo, billiards, fishing, shooting, bull-dog breeding. Believes that if the motor-car was used in the public service it would relieve the present pressure on urban housing accommodation, and simultaneously bring prosperity to country districts. Is managing director of the General Motor Car Co., Ltd., of Norhury and Mitcham. Clubs: Badminton, Junior Constitutional, County (Perth, N.B.), A.C.G.B. & I.
- CROMPTON, Claude, M.A., Thriplands, Kensington Court, London, W. Has motored 5,00o miles. Hobbies: Sculling, racquets. Aims at furthering motoring sport.
- CROWE, Mrs. O. Hume, M.S.W.I., Larch Hill, Ennis, Ireland. A well-known lady journalist, philanthropist, and motorist. Is a member of the Society of Women Journalists, and of the Scottish Association for the Promotion of Women's Public Work. Hobbies: Golf, yachting, literature, motor- Mg.
- CRUIKSHANK, R. A., J.P., Ardheg, K i ltnun. Cars: 9— t t-h.p. Clement; 2-h.p. Singer tricycle and trailer. Hobbies: Yachting, etc. Furthers motoring to reduce, if possible, cruelty to horses. Thinks that the construction and upkeep of roads should be better attended to. Clubs: Scottish Automobile (Western Section), R.C.Y.C., Royal Western, Holy Loch Sailing, Conservative (Glasgow), etc.
- CUENOD, M. E. Is vice-president of the Automobile Club of Switzerland. In 1903 journeyed with Capt. Deasy up the Rochers de Nave cog-wheel railway in a motor-car, which he subsequently gave to Capt. Deasey as the result of a bet.
- CUNARD, Ernest, Liverpool. Car: 12-Gardner-Serpollet. Is one of the members of the world-famous shipping firm.
- CUNINGHAME, John A. C., J.P., Balgownie, Culross, 'via Dunfermline, N.B. Car: (.4-h.p. Gladiator. Has been a motorist since 1899. Hobbies: Yachting, boating, mechanical engineering, photography. Believes motoring will be the traction of the future. Clubs: Union (Edinburgh), member of the Motor Union.
- CUNINGHAME, Mrs. John A. C., Balgownie, Culross, via Dunfermline, N.B. Car: 3i-h.p. Benz. Hobbies: Photography; all outdoor games. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Because she finds it tar quicker and easier, and also far safer than any other way of getting about, and enjoys it much more than horse driving.
- CUNINGHAME, T. D. S., Penally Abbey, Penally, Pembrokeshire. Car: 10 h.-p. Wolseley. Clubs: Sports, A.C.G.B. & I.
- DALY, Capt. D. St. (1., Overnorton Park, Chipping Norton. Car: to-11.p. Panhard. Has driven 6,500 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, polo.
- DARRACQ, Alexandre, 12, Rue Eugene Flachet, Paris. Is the well-known motor manufacturer, and is a self-made man, and an indefatigable worker. He takes a great interest in alcohol motors, which he thinks will one day replace petrol. Is an Officer of the Legion of Honour, and his favourite hobby is building motor-cars.
- DAVIDSON, James Mackenzie, M.B., C.M., 76, Portland Place, London, W. Car: 20-h.p. Winton. Hobbies: Golf, photography. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- DAVIES, A. L., Dock Chambers, Cardiff. • Car: 8-11.p. Argyll. Clubs: Penarth Yacht, Glamorgan, A.C.G.B.& I.
- DAVIES, Llewellyn, S., 1, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. Car: 20-h.p. Wolseley. Clubs: Union, Bath, A.C.G.B. & I.
- DAWSON, Colonel C. P., Ross, County Galway. Cars: Leon Boll6e, Terrell, Wolseley. Hobby: Mechanics. Supports motoring because he believes that in the near future it will he the most important and remunerative industry in this country. Clubs: Naval and Military, A.C.G.B.& I.
- DEASY, Captain H. H. P., 24, Evelyn Gardens, South Kensington, London, W. Car: 16-20 h.p. Martini (license Rochet Schneider). Hobbies Exploration, astronomy, shooting, mountaineering. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To make it more generally popular. Is the only surviving son of Lord justice Deasy of the Irish Court of Appeal. Ascended in 1903 the famous mountain from Caux to Rochers de Naye, on his Martini car. Clubs: Cavalry, Savile A.C.G.B. & I.
- DELANEY, W., M.P. A popular Irish M.P., who heartily supported the Gordon Bennett Race Bill in the House of Commons.
- DE MATTOS, J. Hibbert, 2, Victoria Terrace, Weymouth; Steam Plough Works, Dorchester. Car: 20-11.p. Germain. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Thousands of miles. Is managing director of the Eddison Steam Rolling Co., Ltd. Club: A.C.G.B. &
- DEMPSTER, R., Broughton Park, Manchester. Cars: Io-h.p. Duryea, 20-11.p. Spyker. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 6,000 miles. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Pleasure.
- DENT, Hamilton Henry Montague,. M.A., Buckland, Lymington, Hants. Cars: 4 i-h.p. de Dions, 12-11.p. Gladiator. Hobbies: Shooting, cycling, cricket, photography. Aims at preventing the use of racing cars on public roads, and the provision of a thoroughly reliable touring car at a moderate cost. Is a barrister, and motors for pleasure. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Arthur's, A.C.G.B. & I.
- DERBY, The Right Hon. The Earl of, K.G., G.C.B., P.C., Knowsley Park, Prescot, Lancashire; 33, St. James's Square, London, S.W. Is president of the Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Association, and has shown his interest in automobilism in other directions. Lord Derby was born in 1841, and after service in the army, entered Parliament in 1865 as member for Preston. Has occupied the undermentioned offices in the Government; Lord of the Admiralty; Financial Secretary for War; Financial Secretary to the Treasury; Secretary for War, and for the Colonies; President of the Board of Trade; and has been Governor General of Canada. Owns 69,000 acres of land. Clubs: Carlton, White's, &c.
- DEWAR, Sir Thomas R., 36A, St. James's Street, London, S.W.; Pluckley, near Ashford. Cars: 16-11.p. Panhard, and two small cars. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist 30,00o miles. Hobbies: Shooting; all sports. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To more thoroughly popularize automobilism. Clubs: Carlton, 1 unior Carlton, A.C.G.B. & I.
- DEW, 151, Knightsbridge, London, Car: Leon Bollee. Hobby: Photography. lit; managing director of the Speedwell Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., and one of the earliest pioneers of motoring in Great Britain, having been the possessor of a Bollee tricycle as far back as 1895. Club: Reading Automobile.
- DE WILTON, Ernest Montefiore, 5, Kildare Terrace, Bayswater, London, W. Cars: Ariel, Clement, Darracq, de Dion, Gladiator, Humber and Panhards, his cars ranging from 2k-h.p. to 24-h.p. Has driven 6o,000 miles. Hobbies: Cycling, shooting, boxing, and cricket. Motors for pleasure. Believes in the light car. Clubs: Auto Cycle, A.C.G.B. & I.
- DIGNASSE, H. C., 5 and 6, Marshall Street, Regent Street, London, W. Cars: Baby Peugeot, 8-h.p. and i o-h.p. Argyll, 12-h.p. Sunbeam. Hobby: Hockey. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The advancement of the business of motor-car manufacture. Club: Tulse Hill Hockey.
- DIXON-HARTLAND, Sir Frederick, _LP.. M.P., 14, Chesham Place, London, S.W.; Middleton Manor, Sussex; Ashley Manor, Gloucestershire. Has represented the Uxbridge Division in Parliament since 1885. Is a strong supporter of motoring. Clubs: Carlton, Garrick, A.C.G.B. & I. (General Council.)
- DINSMORE, Clarence Grey, 76, Avenue, Marceau, Paris. A rich American, an enthusiastic motorist, and owner of several celebrated racing cars. Owns the 40-h.p. Mercedes which won the Semmering Run, 1902, and won the Austrian Automobile Club challenge cup for the fastest time of all categories in the autumn of 1902. He lent his 6o- horse Mercedes to the Automobile Club of Germany to compete in the Gordon Bennett Race in Ireland, in 1903, and it was his car, driven by Jenatzy, that carried off the cup. He now uses it as a touring vehicle. Mr. Dinsmore represented America on the International Commission of the Gordon Bennett Race. Clubs: U n ion, Metropolitan, and American, French, and Austrian Automobile Clubs.
- DIXON, Thomas It, "The Clappers," Gresford, Denbighshire. Cars: 6-h.p. Daimler, 12 - h.p. Napier. Hobbies: Yachting, electricity, mechanics. Clubs: Royal Thames Yacht, Royal Mersey Yacht, A.C.G.B. & I.
- DOUGILL, Alfred W., Longclose Ironworks, Leeds. Cars: 8-h.p. and 12-h.p. Loidis. Desires to see motors more successfully used in public service and commercial work. Is the active secretary of the Yorkshire Automobile Club.
- DOWSING, H. J., M.I.E.E., 24, Budge Row, "Cannon Street, London, E.C.; Helena Chambers, Broadway, Ealing, London, W. Car: 5 - h.p. Oldsmobile. Has been connected with the motoring industry since 1896. Assisted Mr. Hewetson with the Benz car with regard to electrical ignition, and ran a Benz car on the public highway before the 1896 Act was passed. Has a number of patents in connection with motor-car construction. Was a member of the old Motor-Car Club.
- DREXEL, Anthony J., 5, Carlton House Terrace, London, W. Cars: s-h.p. Mors, 24-h.p. C.G.V., 28, 32 and 6o-h.p. Mercedes. Has driven 10,00o miles. Hobby: Yachting. Clubs: White's, Marlborough, St. James's, A.C.G.B. & I., Automobile of France, Knickerbocker (New York), Philadelphia (Philadelphia).
- DRUMP, Frank H., The Hollies, Kirton, near Boston. Car: 34-h.p. Progress. Aims at the development of the motor-car from a business as well as a pleasure point of view. Club: Lincolnshire Automobile.
- DU GAST, Madame, Paris. Car: 35-h.p. de Dietrich. Is one of the most expert of French racing chauffeuses. Was the only woman in the racing section in the 1903 Paris-Madrid race, and covered the 341 miles to Bordeaux in a little over ten hours. Is a very wealthy widow, a fearless aeronaut and horsewoman, and thoroughly fond of all sports.
- DUCKETT-STEUART, Major Charles, Steuart's Lodge, Leighlinbridge, co. Carlow, Ireland. Car: so h.p. Rex. Has driven many hundreds of miles in France, Spain, England, and Ireland. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, yachting, golf, etc. Clubs: Junior United Service, Kildare Street (Dublin), St. George's Yacht, A.C.G.B. & I.
- DUDLEY, The Earl of, Viceregal Lodge, Dublin. Cars: to-h.p. Mors, two 12 - h.p. Panhards. Is Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, and a great supporter 'of motoring. Inaugurated his official entry to his office by touring the West of Ireland with his three cars. Did much to assist the holding of the Gordon Bennett Race in Ireland, and took a prominent part with Lady Dudley in the arrangements of the race.
- DUFAYEL, Georges, yo, Champs Elysee• Is the "Whiteley" of Paris. Cars: Mors, etc. Began life as a clerk at one hundred francs a month in the vast establishment which he now owns, and in connection with which he employs some two thousand clerks and shop assistants. He sells everything imaginable, even motor-cars, on the hire-purchase system. The name of Dufayel is on every hoarding in Paris, for he is the biggest advertising contractor in the French capital. Owns a large number of motor-cars, which he uses for delivery vans, and other trade purposes. Club: Automobile of France (Committee).
- DUGDALE, J. Broughton, J.P., Wroxall Abbey, near Warwick. Is president of the Midland Automobile Club, and one of the best known motorists in the Midlands.
- DUNHILL, Alfred, 29, Broadhurst Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W. The Cottage, Waggoners Wells, Hindhead, Surrey. Car: 7-h.p. Panhard. Has driven 20,000 miles. Hobby: Photography. Thinks motoring the most convenient form of travel, and a healthy recreation. Aims at the production of a moderate powered car capable of maintaining an even speed up and down hill.
- DUNCAN, Alexander, J.P., " Glenholme," Penarth, Glamorgan. Car: 14-h .p. Daimler. Has motored moo() miles.
- DUNLOP, Capt. Murray, Corsock, Dalbeattie, N.B. Cars: 5-h.p., to-h.p. Wolseleys. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing. Aims at improving communication throughout the country, and favours road reform. Clubs: Wellington, A.C.G.B. & I.
- DUNLOP, J. B., Dublin. President at the inaugural meeting of the Dublin Motor Cycling Club in 19,22, and was elected its first president. Is a great advocate of motor-cycling.
- EAST, A. H., Woodside, White Knights, Reading. Car: 9-h.p. Speedwell. Hobby: Boating. Clubs: Athenaeum, Reading Automobile.
- EAST, Sir Gilbert Augustus Clayton, Bart., Hall Place, Maidenhead. Car: 22 h.-p. Daimler. Has driven 4,20o miles. Hobby: Yachting—is owner and master of the sailing yacht Pilgrim has navigated own yachts 41,842 knots. Aims at progression in all motoring matters. Is the chairman of the Berkshire Automobile Club, deputy chairman of Winans & Robinson, Ltd., engineers, Rugby. Clubs: Carlton, Union, Royal Dorset, Berkshire Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- EDEN, Lieut.-Col. 11. H. Forbes," Eden Lodge," Cromer, Norfolk. Car: 8-h.p. de Dion. Has driven 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, golf. Looks on motoring chiefly in its military aspect. Thinks more consideration for the public should be shown by the average motorist. Served with 3rd Battn. Norfolk Regiment in South African War, 1900-1901; mentioned in despatches; was Commandant of Eden- burg, Orange River Colony. Is a Major in the Motor Volunteer Corps, and commands the Eastern District thereof. Clubs: Junior United Service, Hurlingham.
- EDMUNDS, Henry, Automobile Club, 119, Piccadilly, London, W. Car: 22-h.p. Daimler. Started motoring in 1897. Was Chairman of the Touring Section of the A.C.G.B. & I. for one year. Was the donor of a handsome hill-climbing trophy hearing his name, which was won in Castlewellan, Ireland, by Mr. Campbell Muir on Mr. Alfred Harmsworth's 6o-h.p. Mercedes. Is an experienced electrical engineer, having been connected with that profession since 1877.
- EDWARDS, David, 2, Chesterfield Terrace, Marlow Road, Kent House, Anerley, London, S.E. Cars: 6-h.p. voiturette, 31-h.-p. Aster tricycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: t 0,000 miles. Hobbies: Boating, cycling, engineering. Is aerial navigation engineer to Dr. Barton. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Sport and business, and the relieving of horses.
- EDWARDS, E. Montague, “Long-moor," Stratford, London, E. Car:I2-h.p. Daimler. Hobbies: Riding, driving. Is prominent in municipal affairs, and takes a keen interest in the housing problem, in which he thinks the motor will eventually play a prominent part.
- EDWARDS, William Henry, Dunwail, Epsom, Surrey. Car: 34-11.p. de Dion. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,000 miles. Hobby: Mechanics. Prefers motoring to any other form of locomotion.
- EGERTON, Reginald, Ipswich. Car: 7-11.p. Primus. In January, 1903, made a six and a half days' journey from John O’Groats to Land's End and back to Ipswich. Had some interesting experiences on the way, and at one time was snowed up in the Highlands.
- ELLIOT, T. R. B., J.P., Holme Park, Rotherfield, Sussex; Harwood, Bonchester Bridge, Hawick, N.B. Cars: 6-h.p. M.M.C., I2-h.p. Daimler. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 25,000 miles. Believes he was the first to own a motor-car in Scotland, beginning with a 31-11.p. Panhard, in December, 1895. Drove the car 1,200 miles before the 1896 Bill was passed, and was fined sixpence at Berwick-on-Tweed for not having a man on foot in front with a red flag. Is a Justice of the Peace for Roxburghshire. Clubs: Devonshire, New (Edinburgh), A.C.G.B. & I.
- ELLWOOD, H., Highcliffe, Christchurch. Car: 41-h.p. Swift. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles. Considers that as the motor-car will be the future means of locomotion, it requires developing and supporting. Thinks the ordinary license for a car should include registration and driver's license the same as a carriage. Does not believe that motorists desire to be registered.
- EMDEN, His Honour, Judge Alfred, Elmtield Lodge, Bromley, Kent; Beach- cote, Bungalow, near Walmer, Kent. Car: 8-11 h.p. M.M.C. Hobbies: Sea-fishing; cycling: golf.
- EMMEL, Dr. Aloys N., 32, Constantine Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. Car: 2-11.p. Werner motor cycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist.: 3,4.00 miles. Linguist; translator of technical matters and patents; representative of foreign automobile papers.
- ERRINOTON-JOSSE, Major H. h. A., Beechfield, Great Grimsby; 30, Avenue Niel, Paris. Cars: 12-h.p. Bardon, motor cycle, etc. Hobbies: Hunting, yachting, and all sports. Became a motorist in 1895. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The improvement of the sanitary state of all towns; greater facility in travelling; rapidity and economy in heavy transport. Objects to any speed limit; approves of numbering on the same system as adopted in France. Thinks law as to driving to common danger should apply: also moderately heavy fines, with imprisonment for driving at speeds dangerous to public. Clubs: Imperial Service, Auxiliary Forces, Aero, Lincolnshire, A .C., French Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- ERRINOTON-JOSSE, Mrs. M. L., “Beechfield," Great Grimsby. Car: 8h.p. Bardon. Has driven 12,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, etc. Uses her car for touring. Clubs: Empress, Ladies' Automobile.
- ERSKINE, R. S. An enthusiastic motorist, who became a member of the A.C.G.B. & I. in 1899, and has taken a deep interest in its welfare ever since.
- FAIERS, Ernest, E., Frizinghall, Yorkshire. Car: i i h.p. Clement. Thinks that by the exercise of ordinary care the motorist need have no fear of police interference. Club: Yorks Automobile.
- FELLOWS, Ernest G., 4, Sloane Gardens, London, S.W. Cars: 6-h.p. de Dion, M.M.C. Has driven 16,000 miles. Hobbies: Golfing, skating. Aims at overcoming the narrow-minded prejudice of those who will not see that the motor is not only the greatest modern convenience, but also the horse's best friend. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Junior Naval and Military, Ranelagh.
- FENDLEY, James, Cecil Street, Warwick Road, Carlisle. Car: Darracq. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Over 2,000 miles. Hobby: Motor mechanics. Is an expert motor engineer. Club: Scottish Automobile (Western Section).
- FENTON, Richard K., Dutton Manor, Longridge, Preston, Lancashire. Cars: 22-h.p. Daimler, 7-11.p. Panhard, 6-h.p. de Dion. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 8,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, hunting. Uses his cars as a means of travelling about the country; seldom gets into a railway carriage; thinks motors are a most delightful and pleasant means of seeing the country. Clubs: Raleigh, Grosvenor, and A.C.G.B. and I.
- W. E. FinnyAFINNY, Dr. W. E., St. Lawrence, Tamesa, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Car: 71-11.p. French tonneau car. Hobbies: Archaeology, topography, photography, cycling. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The use of the motor in medical general work, on holidays, and for recreative purposes; also to save horses. Has been a motorist for three years. Was Mayor of Kingston-on-Thames 1898-9 and 1901-2; author of “Royal Borough of Kingston-on-Thames." Clubs: Royal Societies', Camera.
- FITZGERALD, Hon. Evelyn. Car: 15-h.p. C.G.V. Has been a motorist since 1897.
- FITZWILLIAM, Earl William Charles De Mauron Wentworth Fitzwilliam, D.S.O., 4, Grosvenor Square, London, W.; Wentworth-Woodhouse, Rotherham, and Eden Thorpe Hall, Doncaster, Yorkshire; Coollattin, Shillelagh, Co. Wicklow. Cars: 9-h.p., 14-11.p., and two 22-h.p. Daimlers. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Efficiency, despatch, time-saving, economy. Clubs: Turf, Brooks's, Bachelors', Kildare Street (Dublin), Royal Yacht Squadron.
- FLETCHER, Andrew, Saltown Hall, Pencaitland, N.B. Cars: i6-h.p. Panhard, 20-11.p. and 6o-h.p. Mercedes, 8o-h.p. Mors. Hobbies: All sports. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To be able to run cars cheaper; to prevent dust and skidding; to make motoring more popular all round. Clubs: Marlborough, 'White's, Bachelors', A.C.G.B. & I., and other automobile clubs.
- FLETCHER, J. T., “Heathfield," Hansler Grove, East Molesey. Cars: 10-h.p. and 20-11.p. Durkopp. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 40,000 miles. Hobby: Mechanics. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Sport. Thinks that the best foreign cars have some bad defects, and show disgracefully rough finish in places (considering the price), but are still better than English cars. Thinks British makers turn out better work, but lack experience.
- FORTESQUE, Major, M.C.E., D.L., J.P., Stevenstown, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Cars: 5-h.p. M.M.C., to -11.p. Daimler. Clubs: Irish Automobile, A.C.G.B & I.
- FOSTER, Mrs. Harvey, 248, Fulwood Road, Sheffield; Netherfield Court, Battle, Sussex. Car: Locomobile. Drives herself, and is passionately fond of the sport.
- FOSTER, Major Kingsley, 0., J.P., Shenley, Redhi11, Surrey. Cars: lo-h.p. and Ariels. Is President of the East Surrey Automobile Club. Clubs: Constitutional, A.C.G.B. & I.
- FOSTER, Philip Staveley, M.P., lngon Grange, Stratford-on-Avon. Has owned an 8-h.p. de Dion car, and is purchasing an English car soon. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing. Thinks motoring an improved and most useful form of locomotion, and likely to help in the future in deciding the question of overcrowding in cities, also to become a valuable help to farmers in the conveyance of their produce to market. Clubs: Carlton, Junior Carlton, White's.
- FOSTER, Tom Scott, L.D.S., “Braemar," St. Helen's Parade, Southsea. Cars: 5-h.p. Peugeot, 14-h.p. Daimler. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 10,000 miles (in 3/ years). Hobby: Cycling. Is an alderman and member of the Portsmouth County Council; has had 30 years' experience of public life in Southsea, and has been twice mayor; director of the Portsmouth Water Co., chairman of governors of the Grammar School. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Health and recreation. Believes it his duty to “stick to the pastime," and overcome unreasonable persecution. His motto is “Combine, educate, and conciliate, but he ready to fight." Has done good work in Hampshire in converting motorphobic magistrates.
- FOY, Mark, 42, Charterhouse Square, London, E.C.; Oxford Street, London, W. Cars: 4/-h.p., two 8-h.p., de Dions, 8-h.p. Panhard. Commenced motoring in 1900 in Australia, and has several times made runs between Sydney and Melbourne-600 miles through the Australian Bush—on his 8-h.p. Panhard. Commanded the Sydney Flying Squadron.
- FRANKIS, K. N., 27, Church Road, Richmond, Surrey. Hobby: Shooting. Is a motor enthusiast, and believes in the complete elimination of the horse from all highways.
- FREESTON, Charles, L., 20, Lyndhurst Gardens, Ealing Common, London, W. Car: I2-h.p. Gladiator. Supports automobilism with a view to expediting locomotion generally, to the increasing of the topographical knowledge of the community, and preventing cruelty to animals. Clubs: Aero, National Liberal, A.C.G.B. & I.
- FULLER, Roger Harvey, A.C.G.B. & I. 19, Piccadilly, London, W. Cars: de Dion, Napier, Panhard. Has driven 75,000 miles. Hobby: Marine motoring.
- FULLERTON, Vice-Admiral Sir John Reginald Thomas, Hamble, South Hants. Car: Beaufort. Hobby: Yachting. Is groom-in-waiting to the King, and succumbed to the fascination of motoring in the autumn of 1902, through seeing the keen enjoyment the King got out of his motor-cars. He bought a Beaufort car, and is now one of the greatest motoring enthusiasts. Club: United Service.
- FULTON, Norman O., Woodbank, Mount Vernon, Glasgow. Car: 12-h.p. Albion, Favours the introduction of simple and reliable machines for trade purposes. Is a strong believer in moderate speeds.
- GAGE, Captain M. F., Army and Navy Club, London, S.W. Is Captain in the 7th Dragoon Guards. Car: 2c-11.p. Georges Richard. Has driven 6,340 miles. Aims at the encouragement of the motoring industry in Great Britain. Club: Army and Navy
- GALT, Hugh, M.B., D.P.H. (Carob.), 14, Berkeley Terrace, Glasgow, W. Car: h.-p. Wolseley. Hobbies: Yachting, photography, engineering. Motors for pleasure, the maintenance of health, and the general advancement of science and art. Club: Scottish Automobile Western Section).
- GARDEN, F. A., J.P., D.L., C.C., Troup House, Banffshire. Car: 10 h.-p. Gladiator. Has been a motorist for four years. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, travel. Aims at getting rid of the drudgery still imposed on horses, and believes that no public passenger conveyance, i.e., trains, omnibuses, char-ft-banes, etc., should be horse- draw n. Clubs: Royal Northern (Aberdeen), New (Edinburgh), A. C. G. B. & I.
- GARDNER, Col. Alan, Clearwell Castle, Gloucestershire. Car: Panhard. Hobbies: Shooting, hunting, fishing. Aims at getting about the country. Clubs: Turf, White's, A.C.G.B. & I.
- GARLE, Henry Ernest, 163, Oakwood Court. Kensington, London, W. Car: C.G.V. Has driven 10,000 miles. Hobby: Yachting. Supports motoring for his own pleasure, and in the hope that it will reduce horse traction, and prevent much horrible cruelty to horses in all parts of the world. Considers petrol superior to steam in reliability and cleanliness, but inferior in smoothness of running, and pleasure in driving, Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- GARROWAY, Major John, Glasgow. Car: 12-11.p. Arrol-Johnston. Club: New Glasgow.
- GARNETT, William G., Ribblesdale Avenue, Clitheroe. Car: 10-12-11.p. Siddeley. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing. Club: A.C.G.B.& I.
- GEMMELL, Matthew, 160, Bath Street Glasgow. Is a prominent yachtsman who recently conceived a great ardour for motoring. Clubs: Royal Western Yacht, Scottish Automobile (Western Section).
- GENTRY, Capt. Is a captain in the French Artillery. Has charge of the motor-cart used by the French military authorities at all great manoeuvres to convey foreign military (lltacht's to different parts of the field of operations. Is a specialist in motoring; formerly drove a Decauville car at many races under the name of De la Touloubre.
- GIBBONS, A. C., B. a., High Street, Hampton Wick. Cars: 6-h.p. Argyll, 10-h.p. Mors. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 15,000 miles. Hobbies: Rowing, hunting. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Pleasure and business. Has a hankering after a petrol-car with an auxiliary electric motor, and accumulators to help the car up hills. Thinks such a car would he a most interesting vehicle to drive. Also looks forward to the time when a really light electric battery will be produced — a time which, he thinks, is not very far distant. Considers motoring a delightful means of seeing the country, and, as a sport, second only to hunting. Club: Leander.
- GIBBS, John E., York. Cars: Motor cycle, Gardner-Serpollet car. Has driven some 100,000 miles. Hobbies: Fishing, shooting, tennis. Is convinced that the motor-car will he the motive power of the future, practically ousting horses from the road altogether.
- GIFFORD, The Hon. Mrs. Maurice, Diana Lodge, Grantham. Car: 2-h.p. Sunbeam. Has driven 2,500 miles. Hobbies; Hunting, shooting. Furthers motoring to promote the locomotion of the future. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- GLADWIN, Errington G., Houchley Wood House, Derbyshire. Car: 8-h.p. Mors. Commenced motoring in 1901. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing. Club: A.C. G.B. & I.
- GLENN, John H., M.D., F.R.C.P.I., 24, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin, Mount Herbert, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Cars: 10-h.p. Panhard, 11-11.p. Clement. Has driven 10,000 miles. Hobby; Photography. Has found his car indispensable in practice. Club: Irish Automobile Member of Council).
- GLIDDEN, Dr. C. J., of Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. Crossed the Arctic circle, in 1903, in a 6-h.p. Napier. Mr. Glidden and his wife also toured in Ireland in 1903, covering 1,510 miles, and on the Continent, covering 3,82o miles.
- GLIDDON, Herbert Arthur, Bank House, Frome, Somersetshire. Finds that motoring helps him to satisfy his craving for the country and the open air.
- GOOCH, Sir Daniel F., Bart., Clewer Park, Windsor. Car: Wolseley. Has driven 20,000 miles. Hobbies: Driving, racing, shooting, yachting. Has nine carriage horses and hacks which he has so reconciled to the motor that they will eat hay oft the car while the engine is running. Clubs: Wellington, Isthmian.
- GOODALL, A. W., Pi' 2, Pentonville Road, London, N. Is a pioneer motorist of Great Britain. At Blackpool, in 1897, he ran the first public service of motor vehicles in this country, and in 1901 was manager and secretary of the Lincoln Motor 'Bus and Parcels' Delivery Co. Club: A.C.G.B. & I. (Founder Member).
- GOFF, Herbert, M.D., Glenville, Waterford, Ireland. Cars: 2i-h.p. de Dion tricycle, 10-11.p. Panhard, 12-h.p. Napier. Hobby: Fox-hunting. Considers motoring the future means of locomotion. Clubs: Kildare Street (Dublin), Bath, New Oxford and Cambridge, A.C.G.B. & I.
- GOUGH-CALTHORPE, Capt. Somerset F., The Bungalow, Hassocks, Sussex. Car: de Dietrich. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 3,000 miles. Hobbies: All sports. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Because it opens up the country, is healthful and instructive, broadens people's minds, and, at the same time, owing to its ease in obliterating distance, brings people more together. Contends that it is an Open secret that motorists are in many cases judged and condemned by anti-motor prejudiced magistrates, who, in most cases, take the absolute word of motor-persecuting police, even when the motorist has given his own word, and, in many cases, supported it by witnesses, that the police evidence was incorrect. Clubs: St. James's, A.C.G.B. & I.
- GRAHAM, Capt. Douglas William, Hilston Park, Monmouth Car: 9-11-h.p. Clement, 6-h.p. de Dion. Hobbies: Hunting,, yachting, fishing, shooting. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles. Is Captain 3rd County of London (Sharpshooters) Imperial Yeomanry; barrister-at-law, J.P. for Monmouthshire, District Councillor, Monmouth. Fond of all sports, but believes motoring combines utility with pleasure and health in a degree unapproached by any other kind of sport. Thinks that the inevitable universal adoption on the roads of mechanically-propelled vehicles should be hastened by all available means, from the point of view, among others, of the sanitary condition of the roads and economy in their upkeep. Is correspondent for Monmouthshire of the Motor Union. Clubs: Wellington, Badminton, Royal Thames Yacht, Royal Northern Yacht, Flyfishers, A.C.G.B. & I.
- GRETTON, John H., M.A., LL.D., Cavendish Mansions, Portland Place, London, W.: 2, Mitre Court Buildings, Temple, London, E.C.; Little Marlow, Bucks. Car: M.M.C. Has driven 5,000 miles. Hobbies: Yachting, art. Aims at encouraging the increasing use of mechanical traction. Clubs: New University, Arts, Mayfair, Royal Temple Yacht, Y. R. A., Union des Yachts Francais, Cercle de la Voile de Paris (hon. member).
- GRAHAM, Dr. C. R., M.R.C.S.. L.R.C.P , Netherley House, Wigan. Car: 9-h.p. New Orleans. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 4,000 miles. Hobbies: Wet fly-fishing, for trout and sea trout. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To ascertain how far the motor-car is a suitable vehicle for the use of the general practitioner. Thinks the chief drawback to the general adoption of the motor car is the miserable state of our roads; also the desiderata necessary for a good car to be: (1) Easy starting from inside of car; (2) More elasticity in engine to obviate frequent gear changes; (3) Reliable sparking plugs; (4) Greater facilities for getting at parts of engine, especially clutch.
- GRANT, Capt. W. A., Castle Malwood, Lyndhouse, Hants. Cars: 7-11.p. and 10-h.p. Locomobiles. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 5,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, yachting, and all outdoor sports; amateur mechanic and carpenter. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To substitute mechanical for horse traction in all public vehicles, and for trade purposes and heavy draught. Holds that every motorist should endeavour to conciliate public opinion by driving and using his motor with the utmost care and consideration for other users of the road. Clubs: Naval and Military, Cavalry, Orleans, Hurlingham, Royal Albert and Royal Southern Yacht Clubs, A.C.G.B. & I.
- GREVILLE, hon. Ronald, M.P., Charles Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. Car: 20-h.p. Mercedes.
- GREY, Countess de, Coombe Court, Surbiton, Surrey. Car: Electric Victoria. In the opera season often drives to Covent Garden in her electromobile carriage, and finds it much pleasanter, and oftentimes quicker travelling than by train.
- GREY, Earl Albert Henry George, LL.M., J.P., 22, South Street, Park Lane, London, W.; Howick House, Lesbury, Northumberland. Takes a deep interest in everything appertaining to the motoring industry. Has taken a prominent part in public life. Has been a director of the British South Africa Company since 1898, and was Administrator of Rhodesia from 1896 to 1897. Club: Brooks', A.C.G.B. & I. (General Council.)
- GRIFFIN, R. W., Highgate, Kendal. Car: 8-h.p. M.M.C. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing.
- GROGAN, W. E., Hardymount, Tullow, Co. Carlow. Car: 12 h.-p. Clement, 8 h.-p. de Dion. Hobby: Polo. Uses his car for driving to the meet and polo matches, and for touring. Clubs: Kildare Street (Dublin), Wellington; Hurlingham (London), A. C. G. B. & 1.
- GROOM, Wilfrid, Wroxeter, Hereford. Car: 31-11.p. Rex bicycle. Has driven about 5,000 miles. Hobby: Photography. Hopes for improvement in roads and motoring laws. Club: Herefordshire Automobile (Hon. Sec.).
- GUEST, Rev. Arthur, Lower Peover Vicarage, Knutsford. Car: de Dion. Uses his car in his clerical duties, having a parish of over 6,000 acres. His wife frequently accompanies him, and she derives considerable pleasure and health from the trips on the car.
- GUILDFORD, The Earl of, Waldershare Park, Dover; Glemham Hall, Wickham Market, Suffolk. Car: Gladiator.
- HALE-WROTHAM, Capt. Philip William Temple, St. Margaret's, Ware, Herts. Is Capt. Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Car: 3-h.p. Excelsior bicycle. Has ridden mow miles. Hobbies: Outdoor sports. Aims at the development of motoring, the improvement of roads, and the protection of the rights of motorists. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- HAMBURGER, Aaron, 22, Jermyn Street, St. James's, London, S.W. Car: 10-h.p. M.M.C. Hobbies: Cricket, golf. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The rational use of speed and power, and the reconciliation of non-motorists, when reasonable.
- HAMILTON-BENN, James Edward, barrister, 7, Montpelier Square, Knightsbridge, London, S.W. Car: to-11.p. Wolseley. Club: Windham.
- HANNAM, Charles, Yarborough Road, Lincoln. Cars: 2-11.p. Humber bicycle, 6-h.p. de Dion. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 4,000 miles.
- HANNAY, Robert M., Goring-on-Thames, Cars: Two motor-cycles, 41-h.p. Benz W-11.p. Clement.
- HARDY, Chas., Bulwell Hall, Notts. Cars: 14-h.p. Daimler, 10-h.p. Georges-Richard, 6-h.p. Delahaye. Has driven from 40,000 to 50,000 miles. Hobby: Fishing. Motors with consideration for other road users. Clubs: A.C.G.B. & I., Notts County, Old Nottingham.
- HARDY, Wm., South Bank, Chislehurst. Car: Napier. Has driven over io,000 miles. Hobby: Golf. Believes that motoring will become one of the greatest industries of the country. Clubs: Constitutional, City Carlton, four leading golf clubs, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HARE, Sir George Ralph Leigh, Bart., Gressenhall, Norfolk. Cars: 12 - h.p. Daimler, I83-11.p. Argyll. Has driven over 6,000 miles. Hobbies: Golf, shooting, fishing. Supports motoring for the great pleasure and convenience it affords. Thinks that by the strict observance of the terms of the new Act motorists will soon overcome the prejudice against motor-cars. Clubs: Windham, Bachelors', A.C.G.B. &
- HARGREAVES, Frank, Friz Hill, Walton, Warwick. Cars: Darracq, 22-h.p. Daimler. Has driven many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Hunting, polo, shooting, all sports. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Orleans.
- HARGREAVES, Robert, Shinfield Grove, Reading. Cars: 12-11.p. Napier, i s-h.p. Clement, 6-h.p. Gardner-Serpollet, Ivel motor-bicycle. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Orleans, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HARGREAVES, John, Templecombe, Somerset; Whalley Abbey, Lancashire. Cars: 7-h.p. Panhard, Baby Peugeot, 6, Jo, i6, 20-11.p. Benz, 18, 20-11.p. Napiers; racing Napier. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles; been a motorist for four years. Hobbies: All sports; is M.F.H. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Orleans, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HARKNESS, S. H., Brooklyn, New York. Car: Mercedes. Is a young millionaire, and son of a Standard Oil magnate. Has established many track records in America.
- HARRIS, Dr. Rutherford, M.P., Llangibiy Castle, Usk, Monmouthshire. Is the owner of the famous Passe Partoiit car, which attempted a tour round the world, but became snow and ice-bound in Russia. His election to Parliament was a hotly contested motor event.
- HARTUNG, Mrs. F. Morris, Shelley Court, Chelsea, London, S.W.; Seaford, Sussex. Car: 9-12-h.p. James and Browne landaulette. Has driven 2,626 in four months. Hobby: Gardening. Aims at the consideration of horses in trams and omnibuses. Wishes that motorists would slow up when passing others in narrow country lanes. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- HARTSHORNE, Miss Florence, 91, Prince of Wales's Mansions, London, S.W. Car: 12-h.p. Boyer. Has driven 1,500 miles. Hobby: Skating. Aims at the development of the motoring industry in England. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- HASSER, W. J., IA, Lancaster Gate, London, W. Car: Panhard. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 15,000 miles. Hobbies: Cricket, shooting, fishing. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To popularize the motor-car, and educate the masses to its possibilities. Is the proprietor of the Lancaster motor garage. Club: National Liberal.
- HASTINGS, The Right Hon. Lord, Melton Constable, Norfolk. Cars: 10-11.p. 16-h.p. Gladiators, 12-11.p. Brooke. Has driven 5,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting. Supports motoring for the mutual benefit of all classes. Considers that motorists are themselves greatly to blame for the crusade made against them, through inconsiderate driving.
- HAYDON, B.A., Marlborough, Wilts. Car: l0 11.-p. Wolseley. Has driven 7,000 miles. Hobby: Rowing. Uses his car for professional purposes and pleasure. Thinks an inferior car more expensive than horses, but that a good car is mile for mile less expensive than two horses, and infinitely more convenient. Club: Leander.
- HAZLEWOOD, W.C., M.E., Lower Hare Park, Newmarket. Cars: 6-h.p., 8-h.p. Gardner-Serpollet.
- HEALEY, E., 27, Pier Road, Littlehampton. Is the proprietor of three passenger motor- launches, which run on the Arun, and one of which, the Queen Alexandria, carries 47 passengers and a crew of three.
- HEBER-PERCY, Hugh L., Purslow Hall, Aston-on-Clan, Shropshire. Car: 12-11.p. Lanchester. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 5,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, hunting. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To prevent reckless driving, to encourage more consideration for others using roads, and to get high banks and hedges at sharp corners cut down. Thinks that the present ill-feeling against motors is due to the recklessness and selfishness of cads and chauffeurs, and a good deal owing to meets of motor clubs, which cause large numbers of motors to follow each other, and so cause great inconvenience to others, often for no practical purpose. Club: Travellers'.
- HEARD, Arthur Wentworth, t, Brondesbury Park Mansions, Salisbury Road, London, N.W. Car: 12-h.p. Century. Hobbies: All field sports, cycling, rowing, walking. Clubs: London and Manchester, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HELY, C. Wisdom, J.P., Oakland, Co. Dublin. Cars: 6-h.p. Swift, 16-h.p. Napier, 10 and 24-11.p. Panhards. Has driven thousands of miles. Hobbies: Shooting, salmon-fishing; fishing and shooting lodge, Lagduff Lodge, Ballycroy, Co. Mayo. Aims at bringing the usefulness of the motor to hear on all sports, and finds he can do 50 per cent. more in the way of sport than formerly.
- HEMMONS, Henry B., The Cottage, Singleton, Poulton-le-Fylde. Cars: F.N. motor bicycle, Argyll, Mercedes. Has driven 15,000 miles. Hobby: Trout and salmon fishing. Furthers motoring because it is healthful. Clubs: Poulton, Liverpool S.P.T.A., A.C.G.B. & I.
- HENDERSON, Col. George, Heverswood, Brasted. Cars: 31 - h.p. Benz, 24-h.p. Darracq. Has been a motorist for six years, and has driven many thousands of miles. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Royal Societies', A.C.G.B. & I.
- HENNESSY, Capt. G., Coldharbour, Hayward's Heath, Sussex. Car: 10-h.p. Wolseley. Has driven 10,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, fishing. Aims at relieving horses. Thinks that besides being a most delightful pastime, the motor as a means of getting about has come to stay. Clubs: Junior Naval and Military, Sports, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HEPPER, Edward Henry, Woodcote, Wood Lane, Headingley, Leeds. Car: 12-11.p. Belsize. Club: Yorkshire Automobile.
- HERDMAN, Capt., E. C., Comus, Strabane, County Tyrone. Car: 3-h.p. Enfield quad.
- HERMON, H. Vincent, Winsford, Cheshire. Car: 30-h.p. light Prunel racer. Hobbies: Shooting, hunting. Clubs: Atlantic, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HERRON, G. F.," Westward," Walton-on-Thames. Car: 5-h.p. Century Tandem.
- HESELTINE, Lieut.-Col. C., 196, Queen's Gate, London, S.W. Car: Wolseley. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, cricket. Club White's.
- HEY, E. S., Norman Works, Normanton, Yorks. Cars: several. Club: Yorkshire Automobile.
- HIGGINBOTHAM, G., A.I.E.E., Ivyholme, Macclesfield. Cars: 7 h.-p. and 30 h.p. M.M.C.'s, 60 Mercedes, one electric. Hobby Mechanical engineering, for the enjoyment of which he has a private workshop, and many electrically driven machine tools. Aims at popularizing motoring, and bringing it within the reach of the general public. Clubs: Manchester Automobile, L.S.P.T.A., A.C.G. B. & I.
- HILL, John D., 4H, Portman Mansions, Baker Street, London, W. Car: 7-h.p. Panhard. Is a well-known motor-car expert. Is a son of Dr. j. D. Hill, late head surgeon of the Royal Free Hospital, London. Has made a speciality of doctors' cars.
- HILL, William Becket, Rockdene, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Cars: Werner bicycle, Mors, Rocket-Schneider. Clubs: Sandown Park, Bath, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HILLMAN, Robert Francis Cameron, M.A , Snettisham Grange, Norfolk. Car: Wolseley. Has driven 12,000 miles. Hobbies: Golf, etc. Club: A.C.G.B.& I.
- HIND, Benjamin, 7, Taptonville, Sheffield. Car: 9-11 h.p. Clement. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 8,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, golf. Believes in careful driving of a car, and stops whenever necessary to educate frightened horses on the road. Club: Sheffield and District Automobile (Committee).
- HINDSON, Rev. J. H., Bradwall Hall, Sandbach, Cheshire. Car 10-h.p. Lanchester. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 2,50o miles. Club: United University.
- HIRSCH, Chas. T. W., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Woolwich, London, S.E. Cars: 4i h.-p. Benz, 8 h.p. Brown. Has been a motorist for four years
- HISSEY, J. J., Trevin Towers, Eastbourne. Cars: 6-h.-p. Daimler, M.M.C. Motors for pleasure. Clubs: Thatched House, Royal Societies , A.C.G.B. & I.
- HODOSON, Charles William Allen, The Courts, Carlisle. Car: M.M.C. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Over 1,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, bicycling.
- HODUSON, A. E., Haxby, near Yoi Car: British Gardner - Serpollet. Has played a prominent part in the commercial development of the motoring industry in Great Britain. Clubs: Automobile of France, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HOGGIE, W., Seaforth, Sunderland. Cars: 9-h.p. Darracq, 12-h.p. Peugeot. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 30,000 miles. Motors for convenience and pleasure.
- HOLDEN, Lieut.-Col. H. C. L., RA., F.R.S., Gifford House, Blackheath, London, S.E. Car: Georges-Richard. Aims at the encouragement of an industry, and the furtherance of a healthy pastime. Clubs: Army and Navy, A.C.G.B. & I.
- HOLDER, John Alexander, Pitmaston, Moor Green, Birmingham. Car: 35-h.-p. Panhard. Has owned many cars; a 90- horse Napier launch is being built for him. Clubs: Conservative (Birmingham), A.C.G.B. & I., Midland Automobile.
- HOLMES, V. B., Claughton, Cheshire. Cars: 6-h.p. Sefton, i6-h.p. de Dietrich. Clubs: L.S.P.T.A.
- HOLMES-WHITE, J., Claremont, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Cars: 5i-h.p. Wolseley, 9-h.p. Argyll. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Tennis, riding (is an authority on horses), fishing, shooting. Considers the high-speed cars and their drivers responsible for the stringency of the new Act, and holds that no car over i6-h.p. should be allowed on the road. Was the pioneer of motoring in the North, and the first to own a motor-car in Northumberland after the passing of the 1896 Act. Is an ex-officer of the Northumberland Fusiliers Volunteer Regiment.
- HOLROYD, B., Westminster Drive, Pannal, Yorks. Cars: 31 - h.p. de Dion Bouton, 6-h.p. Waddington. Has driven 6,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, photography. Is a physician and surgeon, and uses his car for professional purposes and pleasure. Aims at inducing medical and business men to replace horses by motors. Is assisting to get district councillors to use discretion re i6-feet roads. Club: Yorkshire Automobile.
- HOLT, Major N. Sherwin, 1, St. James's Street, Pall Mall, London, W.; Ogbeare Hall, North Devon. Has driven 2,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, travel. Is a well-known motorist of many years standing, and was the first to drive a motor into Palace Yard at the House of Commons. Was at one time a director of the Daimler Motor Company, but resigned in 'goo. Is a major in the Hants Carbineers Yeomanry. Thinks the aim of every motorist should be to make himself a popular person, and considers that this is the only road to obtaining more favourable legislation. Clubs: Wellington, Cavalry, Junior Carlton, A.C.G.B. & I. (Club Committee).
- HOMFRAY, Capt. J. G. R., Penllyn Castle, Cowbridge, South Wales. Car: 12-h.p. Panhard. Hobbies: Shooting, hunting, golf.
- HOUSE, Albert, 4, Victoria Street, Bradford. Car: 12-h.p. Clement. Is manager of the Bradford Motor-car Co.
- HOVENDEN, R. G., Park Hill Road, Croydon. Car: 9-h.p. Napier. Clubs: Camera, A.C.G.B.& I.
- HOZIER, The Hon. James, M.P., 36, Grosvenor Square, London, W.; Mouldslie Castle, Carluke, Scotland. Car: 8-h.p. de Dion-Bouton. Clubs: Carlton, St. James's, Bachelors', White's, Garrick, New (Edinburgh), Western (Glasgow), A.C.G.B & I.
- HUDLASS, F. W., 119, Piccadilly, London, W. Is engineer to the A.C.G.B. & I.
- HUTCHISON, John W., Lauriston Hall, Castle Douglas. Car: Benz. Is a well- known landowner in the Galloway Highlands. Finds his car of great use in visiting the distant parts of his estates.
- HUTTON, Mrs. Ernest, was the first lady in England to drive an electric car,
- ILIFFE, Edward M., Allesley House, Allesley, near Coventry. Car: 16-11.p. Ariel. Has driven 20,000 miles. Commenced motoring in 1895, and took part in the 1,000 mile' trials of 1900. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- INGESTRE, Lord, Ingestre Hall, near Stafford. Is the eldest son of the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot, and a keen motorist. Is a lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards.
- INOLEDON, J. C. Is a member of the Irish Automobile Club, who rendered great assistance in the Gordon Bennett Race.
- IRELAND, Thomas, 41, Rosemary Street, Belfast. Car: 5-h.p. Humberette. Has. been a motorist since 1896. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist 3,000 miles in 1903. Hobbies: Fishing, rifle shooting. Is on the committee of the Ulster Branch of the Irish Motor Cycle
- IRVING, William, Cutra Villa, Dumfries, N.B.; 78, High Street, Dumfries; 76, English Street, Dumfries. Cars: Vulcan, 8-11.p. Albion. Hobbies: Golfing, photography. Is a job-master owning 75 horses; started a garage in consequence of frequency of applications from motoring tourists; has become a motor enthusiast, and attends to his own repairs. is a firm believer in the utility of the motorcar for touring purposes.
- ISHERWOOD, Col. C. E. B., Boroland, Scifitlisea. Car: 10-h.p. Wolseley. Clubs: Junior United Service, Royal Albert Yacht, A.C.G.B. & I.
- IVEAGH, Lord. Is engaged with the Hon. W. J. Pirrie in establishing a system of motor-cars for the transport of merchandise in Ireland.
- IVES, Thomas C., “The Croft," Swallow- heck, Lincoln. Cars: 3-h.p. Humber, -41-11.p. Coventry motette. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 2,500 miles. Hobbies: Cycling, touring.
- JACKSON, A. J., Kingswood, Bristol. Car: 44-h.p. Progress. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 2,000 miles. Hobbies: Cycling and engineering.
- JACKSON, Cyril, Windermere, Kirkwick Avenue, Harpenden. Car: 2.25-h.p. de Dion tricycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 2,500 miles. Hobbies: Astronomy, music, cycling. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The introduction of cheap cars, and the use of motors for all business purposes. Is of opinion that a reliable solid-tyred, air-cooled engined car, at a price of £75 to £100, would meet a public want, and help to allay prejudice by creating a larger body of motorists.
- JACKSON, Dr. H. Nelson, Burlington, Vermont, U .S. An intrepid motorist who accomplished the feat, in 1903, of crossing the American continent, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, in a motor-car. He drove 6,000 miles on a 2o-11.p. Winton car.
- JACKSON, Henry, Queen Katherine Works, Kendal. Owns numerous cars, and supports motoring for commercial purposes.
- JACOBS, Isidore G., “Rosalie," Shortup-hill, Brondeshury, N.W. Cars: 7-h.p. Panhard, 12-11.p. Napier. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 9o,000 miles. Hobbies: Motoring, mechanics. Club A.C.G.B. & I.
- JAMES, William, West Dean Park, Chichester. Cars: 12-h.p. Panhard and 20-11.p. Glbron Brillie. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 20,000 miles. Hobbies: Golfing and shooting. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To. promote good feeling on the roads among all classes towards the motorist. Clubs Turf, Royal Yacht Squadron
- JAMESON, W. B., Irish Automobile Club, Dublin. Is one of those yachtsmen, once devoted to a life on the blue water, who now divide their affections between yachts and motor-cars. Is doing a great deal to fight the prejudice which a few Irishmen feel against automobiles.
- JARBURGH-BATESON, Hon. George Nicholas de, The Danes, Little Berkhamstead, 1-krts. Car: 8-11.p. Daimler, Clubs: Carbon, Bachelors', Yorkshire Automobile, A.C.G.B.
- JEFFERIES, Arthur, West Didsbury, Manchester. Cars: French Gardner-Serpollet, 6-h.p. French Gardner-Serpollet landaulette. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,510 miles (since June, 1903). Hobby: Engineering. Although an enthusiastic motorist, is a great lover of horses, but being interested in engineering he became a motorist, and supports motoring to encourage the progress of the industry.
- JEUNE, The Right hon. Sir Francis, P.C., G.C.H., 79, Harley Street, London, W.; Arlington Manor, Newbury, Berks. Car: 20-h.p. Daimler. Supports motoring as a healthy amusement, and because it gives a greater range of distance, especially in the country. Is strongly against excessive speed, and not averse to the present speed limit, but is emphatically of the opinion that the jurisdiction of magistrates should be exercised with more discretion than he fears it is at present. Clubs: Athenaeum, Carlton, A.C.G.B. & I.
- JEUNE, Lady, 79, Harley Street, London; Arlington Manor, Newbury. Is very much interested in automobilism. Has written many articles on this sport and its clothes. Takes long tours on her car, but rarely drives herself.
- JEVONS, W. B., Market Rasen. Car: 6-11.p. de Dion. Claims to have been the first motorist in the county of Lincolnshire. Is vice-president of the Lincolnshire. Automobile Club.
- JOHNSON, James Y., Lepel, Chislehurst. Cars: 71-h.p. and I2 h.p. Wolseleys.
- JOHNSON, Major Frank, Erm House, Clapham Park, London, S.W. Cars: and 20-h.p. M. M. C.'s Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 16,000 miles. Hobby: Shooting. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The advancement of mechanical traction for the development of Rhodesia. Clubs: New, South Africa, City (Cape Town), Salisbury and Buluwayo (South Africa), A.C.G.B. & I.
- JOHNSTON, H. G. Lawson, Raynham Hall, Norfolk. Car: Hobbies: Shooting, fishing.
- JONES, Dr. F. Silver, 9, Britannia Road, Westcliffe-on-Sea. Cars: 5-11.p. Humber, to-h.p. Georges-Richard. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 15,000 miles. Uses his cars for professional purposes, and for pleasure.
- JONES, James Alfred, Oxford Street, Malmesbury. Car: 6-11.p. Marshall; formerly rode motor bicycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 2,600 miles. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: For pleasure and profit.
- JONSON, G. C. Ashton, Beallswood, Butts Corner, Farnham, Surrey. Car: 5. h.-p. Locomobile. Has driven 10,000 miles. Thinks there is no recreation comparable to that of motoring, and cannot understand how anyone who can afford it exists without it. Clubs: Sesame, A.C.G.B.& I.
- JONSON, Mrs. Ashton, 15, Pelham Crescent, South Kensington, London, S.W.; Beallswood, Butt's Corner, Farnham, Surrey. Is an enthusiast on motoring, and often drives with her husband in his steam car. Clubs: Sesame, Ladies' Automobile.
- KAME, Harold B., “Kilshane," Cole Park Road, Twickenham. Cars: 3-11.p. Century, to-h.p. Panhard. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Boating, shooting. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Pleasure. Club: County.
- KEELE, J.05, Priestwood Mansions, Archway Road, Highgate, London, N. Cars: Darracq and Popular cars. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Cycling and motor cycling. Is manager of the Highgate Motor Car Co., 23, Grand Parade, Archway Road, Highgate, London, N., the makers of the Popular car.
- KEENE, L. Perry, 2, Bath Road, Turnham Green, London, W. Hobby Shooting. Aims at the development of touring cars, and believes in a standardized can of moderate power.
- KEIGHLEY, Thomas Dove. Car: steam. Has driven 7,300 miles. Hobbies: Swimming, croquet, historical research. Aims at self-propelled traffic. Is a great believer in the motor omnibus. Clubs A.C.G.B & I.
- KEILY, P. W., Lansdowne, Newtown, Waterford. Car: 6-h.p. Gladiator. Wishes to see the condition of the roads improved for wheeled traffic and looks forward to the time when those who travel will be independent of railways. Clubs: Ormonde (Dublin), Irish Automobile
- KELVIN, 1st Baron, William Thompson, P.C., G.C.V.O., etc., 15, Eaton Place, London, S.W.; Netherall, Largs, Ayrshire. Is one of the most distinguished scientists of the day. Is the President of the Royal Society, Edinburgh, and holds numerous other important public positions. Is a voluminous writer on technical subjects. Clubs: Reform, Atheneum, Royal Yacht Squadron, Whitehall, Savile, A.C.G.B. & I. (General Council).
- KEMPE, Dr. Gilbert, Salisbury. Cars: 8-h.p. Arrol-Johnston, 12-h.p. Beaufort. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To get to the destination desired in the shortest possible time.
- KEMP, H. W., "The Bungalow," Mountfield, Robertsbridge, Sussex. Cars: Argyll, Ormonde bicycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 5,000 miles on car, 1,000 on bicycle. Considers the motor-car the finest means of locomotion ever invented, both for business and pleasure. Does all his own repairs. Thinks manufacturers make a mistake in selling to novices cars of great horse-power, and contends that a 10-h.p. double cylinder machine meets all requirements for four passengers.
- KEMP, Thomas William, The Bungalow, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Car: 12-1 Talbot. Has driven 5,000 miles. Hobby Hunting. At one time owned an ostrich farm in South Africa. Is a lover of horses, but realizes that for purposes of locomotion they are a poor second to a car.
- KENNARD, Sir Coleridge, Rt., 54, Hans Place, London, W. Cars: Various mot(-r cycles. Hobby: Mountaineering. Thinks motor cycling affords an excellent means of seeing the country, and finding quaint spots, but idiisits its unsociability. Has toured extensively in France. Club A.C.G.B. & I.
- KENNARD, Capt., "The Barn," Market Harboro', Leicestershire. An enthusiastic motorist, son of Mr. Edward Kennard, J.P.
- KENNARD, Lieut., RN., "The Barn," Market Harboro', Leicestershire. A keen motorist, son of Mr. Edward Kennard, J.P.
- KENNETT, Henry, PM., 20A, Highhury Grove, London, N. Car: de Dion. Has driven 86,000 miles. Hobbies: Photography, mechanics. Assisted in founding the Motor Cycling Club (London), and assisted in organising the opening run. Clubs: Holborn Cycling, Cyclists Touring, Motor Cycling (London).
- KENT, Harry, 27, Belgrave Square, London, S.W.; " Lochindorb," Morayshire. Cars: 20-h.p. Wolseleys. Has driven 11,500 tulles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, tennis, racquets. Aims at the development of motoring as a British industry. Clubs: Junior Carlton,:anelagh.
- KENYON, Granville Montague, 'Wycliffe Lodge, Bromley Park, Kent. Car: 10-11.p. Panhard. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 10,000 miles. Is hon. correspondent of the Motor Union for Bromley. Thinks the motor vehicle must eventually be the mode of locomotion for all traffic in large cities, and save immense expense in road repair. Clubs: Bromley and County, Aero (Founder member), Kent Automobile (Committee), A.C.G.B. & I.
- KER-SEYMOUR, Vere, 33, Ovington Square, London, S.W. Cars: 9-h.p. Renault., 5-h.p. Panhard. Clubs: St. James's, Raleigh, Hurlingham, Queen's, etc.
- KILNER, J. R., Mouton House, Thornhill Lees, near Dewsbury. Enthusiastic motorist. Club: Yorkshire Automobile.
- KIN(i, Thomas Edward, The Corbels, You k Road, Harrogate. Car: 31-11.p. Century tandem tricycle. Desires to encourage motoring for the good of the industry.
- KINSLEY, John Vere, 1, Victoria Road, Bridlington. Car: 5-11.p. Oldsmobile. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 6,000 miles. Hobbies: Photography, angling. Club: Yorkshire Automobile.
- KIRKE, Capt. K. St. N.F.A., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, London, S.E. Car 8-11.p. two-cycle Kirke. Hobbies: Games, sport. Has designed and patented a two- cycle engine; holds the patent rights for complete electric change - speed gear, worked by electric clutches. Aims at the development of the two-cycle engine.
- KIRKLAND, James, L.R.C.P.E., J.P., The Lindens, Airdrie, N.B. Car: Argyll. Finds his car useful to him in his practice, and as a means of recreation. Club: junior Constitutional.
- KNYFF, Chevalier Rene de. Is one of the best-known French racing motorists. Drove a 70-11.p. Panhard car in the Gordon Bennett race in Ireland, and came in third.
- KNOX, Major-General Sir Charles Edmund, K.C.B., Tidworth House, Andover. Car: 9-h.p. Dennis. Is officer commanding 4th Division Second Army Corps. Took up automobilism because of his interest in mechanical matters. Thinks that motor-cars will eventually be very largely used in the army. Clubs: Naval and Military, Imperial Service, A.C.G.B. & I.
- LAMB, Cecil H., North Marsh Road, Gainsborough. Car: 24-11 .p. Standard. Has driven 200,000 miles. Hobby: Dogs. Club: Motor Cycling (London).
- LASHAM, R. R., West Bridgford, Notts. Car: 12-h.p. Progress. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 50,000 miles. Hobby: Motoring only. Uses his car for business and for commercial work with great success. Club: Nottingham and District Automobile.
- LAURENTZ, Baroness Campbell von, Rosemead, Windsor. Car,: Two 6-h.p. French Gardner-Serpollet-. Has driven several thousands of miles. Hobby: Breeding Italian greyhounds. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- LAWES, Sir Charles Bennett, Bart., Chelsea Gardens, London, W., Rothampsted, Herts. Cars: 20-h.p. M.M.C., 20-h.p. Panhard. Was an expert amateur bicyclist before he took to motoring, and hails the motor sport as a happy combination of the intellectual and athletic faculties.
- LAWRENCE, Boyle. Car: 8-h.p. M.M.C. Principal aims in furthering motoring: Utilitarian, recreative, humanitarian. Club: & I.
- LAWSON, W. Smith. 5, Grimshaw Street, Leeds. Cars: 24-h.p. de Dion tricycle, 7 h.p. Panhard. Has driven 3,000 miles. Hobby: Golf. Is Hon. Sec. of the Burnley and District Automobile Club. Motors for health and enjoyment. Thinks all motorists should join an Automobile Club. Supports affiliation with the A.C.G.B. & I.
- LE BLON, Madame, Paris, has accompanied het husband on most of his record runs, and is herself an expert racing motorist.
- LEE, Arthur H., M.P., Civil Lord of the Admiralty, to, Chesterfield Street, Mayfair, London, W.; Rookesbury Park, Wickham, Hants. Car: 10-h.p. Lanchester. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: io,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, travelling. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To efficiently discharge the local duties of a country member, and to see something of his native land. Clubs: Carlton, United Service, A.C.G.B. & I.
- LEIGH, Mrs. Gerard, 18, Mount Street, London, W.: Kidbrooke Park, Forest Row, Sussex. Car: C.G.V. Ha, driven about 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Golf. gardening. Furthers motoring because of the health, happiness, and enlarged horizons it gives. Club: Is Hon. Sec. of the Ladies' Automobile Club.
LIEBERT, Edmund Bernhard, Parklands, Merrow, Guildford. Car: Gardner-Serpollet. Took an important part in yachting matters from 1860 to 1891. Clubs: Army and Navy, Royal Yacht Squadron.
- LIPTON, Sir Thomas Johnstone, K.C., K.C.V.O., Osidge, Southgate, Middlesex. Cars: 20-h.p. Panhard, 22-11.p. Daimler. Clubs: Marlborough, Royal Ulster Yacht, Royal Clyde Yacht, etc.
- LLANUATTOCK, Lady. Is greatly interested in motoring. Is the mother of the Hon. C. S. Rolls, the well - known racing motorist.
LLOYD, Major William, J.P., D.L., Rockville, Druinla Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Cars: Gardner-Serpollet, Decauville. Hobbies Yachting, shooting. Clubs: Kildare, Dublin, A.C. G.B. & I.
- LLOYD, Mrs. C. M., Coombe Fain', Addington, Surrey. Cars: Benz, i6-11.p. Rex. Hobbies: Art, mechanics, riding, driving, travelling, all forms of sport. Is an all round sportswoman, and of great inventive genius in motoring matters. Has motored extensively in Great Britain and on the Continent. Clubs: Motor Union, Ladies' Automobile (Founder Member).
- LOBBY, Frank J., A.M.I.C.E., 8, Hawthorn Road, Hale, Altrincham. Cars: 6 11.-p. de Dion, 10 h.-p. Decauville. Has driven 17,000 miles. Hobby: Photography. Is a well-known consulting engineer. Uses the motor for business purposes. Club: Institute of Civil Engineers.
- LOBNITZ, Fred., Renfrew. Car: Mors. Has driven 10,000 miles. Clubs: Scottish Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- LOCKERT, Madame, Paris. Is a French lady motorist of note, especially in racing circles. Drove in the touring section of the 1903 Paris-Madrid Race. Is owner and editor of Le Chmttfrur, Paris.
- LOCOCK, Capt. Edward Ainslie, 59, Cadogan Square, London, S.W. Cars: 20-h.p. Wolseleys. Hobbies: Yachting, shooting. Aims at encouraging sport. Clubs: United Service, A.C.G.B. &
- LODER, C. G. F., Owton Manor, Greathani, Stockton-on-Tees. Cars: Darracq, 6-11.p. de Dion. Hobbies: All outdoor sports. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Justice to motorists. Has been a motorist for over three years.
- LODER, Mrs. C. G. F., Owton Manor, Greatham, Stockton-on-Tees. Is an nthusiastic driver of her husband's cars.
- LONDESBOROU0 VI, Countess of, Blankney, Lincolnshire. Cars: 12-h.p. de Dion, 40-1t.p. Panhard. Drives the de Dion car herself. Hobby: Hunting. Has large estates in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- LONDONDERRY, The Marquis of, K.G., P.C., Londonderry House, Park Lane, London, WI.; Seaham Hall, Sunderland, etc. Car: 22 - h.p. Daimler. Clubs: Carlton, etc.
- LONG, Right hon. Walter 11., M.P. Is President of the Local Government Board. Is a keen huntsman, and possessed of the instincts which enable him to enjoy the delights of quick motion. Has had a certain amount of motoring experience on other people's cars, but does not own a motor-car.
- LONGMOTTO, Miss Maddalena, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, Middlesex. Car: 24-h.p. Abeille. Has driven thousands of miles.
- LONGRIDGE, Captain, C.C. Is an authority on oil-motors, and has patented an oil-engine. Believes that there a good market for a really reliable oil- engine.
- LORKIN, W. L., 223, South Lambeth Road, Stockwell, London, S.W. Is Hon. Sec. of the Southern Motor Club.
- LOUBET, President. Has done all in his power to help the motoring industry in France, and by his patronage has helped the French nation to the proud position of the greatest automobile manufacturing country in the world. Has opened the last two great French Automobile Shows in Paris.
- LOUBET, Madame, the wife of the President of the French Republic, is an ardent motorist.
- LOUTH, Lord, Louth Hall, Ardee, Co. Louth, Ireland. Is an enthusiastic motorist, and an expert yachtsman. Lord Louth was born on the yacht "Pilgrim" off Dieppe. Clubs: Travellers (Kildare Street, Dublin), St. George's Yacht, Irish Automobile.
- LOVAT, Lord, Beaufort Castle, Beauty, N.B. Became a motorist in 1902. Club: Carlton.
- LOVE, John, Kilmeny House, Kircaldy, Fife. Car: 7-h.p. M.M.C., Iveagh. Was pioneer of the East of Scotland automobile movement; founder of public service motoring in Edinburgh.
- LOVEGROVE, J. W., Grove House, Wandsworth Common, London, S.W. Car: 9 h.-p. Dennis. Hobby: Photography.
- LOVELL, E. D., 8o, Herne Hill, London, S.E. Car: 7-h.p. Panhard.
- LOVELL, S. G., A.M.I.1VI.E., A.S.I., Stickney, Boston, Lincolnshire. Cars: 5-h.p. Wolseley, 5-h.p. Benz.
- LOWE, Dr. de Clive, 32, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand. Is hon. sec. of the Auckland Automobile Association.
MACKENZIE, Dr. Ernest, Daisy Bank, Cheadle, Staffordshire. Cars: 6i - h.p. Vulcan, 10-h.p. M.M.C. Has driven 6,00o miles. Thinks English cars are too noisy and unnecessarily heavy for horse power; thinks a reliable two-cylinder, two-seated car would have a splendid sale amongst medical men.
- MACKENZIE, Sir J. Kenneth, D. Bt., 8, Bramham Gardens, South Kensington, London. Studied engineering at the works of Sir W. G. Armstrong, and was for many years engaged in the earlier development of electrical engineering. Has contributed to various scientific journals and societies. Clubs: Caledonian, Royal London Yacht, A.C.G. B.& I.
- MACLULICH, J. M., 14, Lauderdale Mansions, Maida Vale, London, N.W. Cars: 6 h.-p. de Dion, 143 h.-p. Wolseley. Has driven 4,000 miles. Has converted many persons to motoring. Does not believe in excessive speed. Thinks there is a great future for a motor which can he fixed to an ordinary carriage, and can he used for long touring journeys, in order to save the horses. Hobbies: Shooting, yachting, foreign travel. Has been five years in Canada, two in Australia, and has toured in most parts of the Continent. Is a member of the Council of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- MACMILLAN, George, Corstorphine Hill House, Edinburgh. Car: 18-h.p. Napier. Has driven 20,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting. Thinks the motor-car will do as much to improve the conditions of living as steam or electricity; it has come at a time when the question of the necessity for the decentralization of the great cities has to be faced. Is a Capt. in the Motor Volunteer Corps. Clubs: Scottish Conservative, Scottish Automobile (Hon. Sec., Eastern Section).
- MACNAB, James, Lillvhurn, Milton of Campsie, Stirlingshire. Car: 5-h.p. Stirling-Panhard dog-cart. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 150 miles. Hobbies: Mechanics, ornamental turning. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The replacing of horses and carriages at present used for pleasure and business by improving the small details in motors, which are at present a source of trouble. Clubs: Scottish Automobile (Western Section), Glasgow LihLral.
- MACRORY, Edmund, K.C., Middle Temple, London, E.C. Is a Barrister and Bencher of the Middle Temple, of which he was Treasurer in 1897. Has been Chairman of the Board of Examiners of the Inns of Court since 1899. Was made a K.C. in 1890. Club: A.C.G.B.& I.
- MACRORY, Louis G., M.D., F.R.A.S., Clifton House, Bridge Road, Battersea, London, S.W.; Bray, Co. Wicklow. Cars: 21-11.p. Simms, 41-h.p. de Dion, 5-h.p. Peugeot, 6-h.p. Orient Express, Renault, 12-h.p. Durkopp. Has driven 5,00o miles per annum since 1898. Hobbies: Photography, cycling, yachting, astronomy, engineering; has his own repairing shop. Aims at encouraging motoring sport, and the making of motoring popular. Clubs: Cyclists' Touring, A.C.G.B. & I.
- MACQUISTEN, F. A., 104, West George Street, Glasgow. Car: 2 h.-p. F.N. motor cycle, with trailer attached. Has driven 2,000 miles. Hobby: Golf. Is a member of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. Clubs: Conservative (Glasgow), Conservative (Scottish).
- MAETERLINCK, M. Maurice. The celebrated poet and philosopher is an enthusiastic motorist, and owns a fine Renault.
- MAGRATI-I, Col. J. R., J.P. for Wilts, Bann-Aboo, near Wexford, Ireland. Car: 7 - h.p. Turrell. Hobby: Mechanics. Thinks automobilism a benefit to the country. Believes he was one of the first to own a motor car in Ireland, inasmuch as he bought his first car — a Benz — in May, 1897, and took it to Ireland, where there were very few cars at the time. Clubs: Constitutional, Irish Automobile, A.C.G.B.& I.
- MAKOVSKI, Albert W., A.M.1.E.E., The Rosary Cottage, Redhill. Cars: Dennis, de Dion. Hobbies: Golf, lawn tennis.
- MALCOLM, Sir James W., Bart., Hoveton Hall, Norfolk. Car: 14-b.h.p. Daimler. Clubs: Boodle's, A.C.G.B. & I.
- MAE ET, Right lion. Sir Edward, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., 85, Eaton Square, London, S.W.; Wrest Wood, Bexhill, Sussex. Cars: Niagara landaulet, 15-h.p. C.G.V. Clubs: Travellers', St. James's, Bachelors', A.C.G.B. & I.
- MALTON, George H., Watling House, Radlett, St. Alban's; 28, Brook Street, Hanover Square, London, W. Car: 6-h.p. Rolls. Hobby: Cycling. Aims at educating prejudiced persons to the use of motor cars; was formerly manager of the Motor Exchange, and general manager of Garages, Ltd.; is now managing secretary to the Hon. C. S. Rolls.
- MARLBOROUGH, The Duchess of, Curzon Street, London, W. Is an ardent motorist, and a careful and considerate driver. Club: A.C.G.B & I.
- MARLBOROUGH, The Duke of, Curzon Street, London, W. Owns several cars, and drives a great deal himself.
- MARSDEN, Benjamin, Wensley, Heaton Chapel. Cars: to-h.p., 20-11.p. Wolseley. Motors for the benefit of his health. Hobbies: Yachting, fly-fishing. Clubs: Royal Mersey Yacht, A.C.G.B. & I.
- MARTIN, Mrs. Biddulph, Norton Park, Bredon's Norton, near Tewkesbury. Car: 20-h.p. Mercedes-Simplex. Was among the early users of motor-cars. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- MARTIN, Harold, 48, Castle Street, Liverpool, solicitor. Car: 5-11.p. Century tandem; formerly rode motor cycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Cycling and farming. Started motoring in May, 1902. Has always found the general public most anxious to oblige, and give warning of police "traps" ahead.
- MARTINEAU, Francis Leigh, 43, Westcroft Square, Hammersmith, London, W.; Rougemont, Budleigh Salterton, Devon. Is a director of James & Browne, Ltd. Has driven 50,000 miles since August, 1896. Hobbies: Walking, sea - fishing. Aims at bringing rural districts into closer touch with towns, the increasing of the useful capacities of roads within towns and cities, and the improvement of the sanitary condition of the same. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
MARWOOD, Fredk. T., LP., The Lodge, Plassington, near Blackburn. Car: Belsize. Hobbies: Music, golf, mechanics. Finds motoring a delightful pursuit, and a health-giving and most sociable pastime.
- MARX, Herr von. Is burgomaster of Homburg, and is charged with the general arrangements for the public safety during the Gordon Bennett race in Germany this year.
- MASTIN, Jules F., "Hohnesdale," St. Helen's Park, Hastings. Car: 8-11.p. Argyll. Has driven 5,50o miles. Hobbies: Fishing, cycling, photography, music. Has toured extensively in Ireland.
MATHIESON, D. M., North Bridge, Edinburgh. Car: 7-11.p. Panhard. Hobbies: Yachting, golf, swimming.
- MATTHEW, J. S., Beechwood, Lennie. Car: 6-h.p. de pion voiturette. Is Capt. 5th V.B.H.L.I. (Glasgow Highlanders). Hobby: Photography. Motors for health .and pleasure. Believes in the development of the light car. Clubs: Cyclist Touring, Scottish Automobile.
- MATTHEW, Capt. John S., Ardfillaney, Dunoen. Car: 7:11.p. Cc Dicn-Iliuuton. Has driven about 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Volunteering, is Capt. 5th 1Glasgow landers) V.P. Highland Light Infantry, cycling, photography. Motors for health and pastime. Considers there is nothing more exhilarating and fascinating than the sport; also that the motor-car is of great use in military maiReuvres. Club: Scottish Automobile.
- MAURO, Duc. de Santo. Car: 22-h.p. Daimler. Is president of the Automobile Club of Spain, and Prime Minister of that country.
- MAYER, Alfred, 32, Bainbridge Gardens, London, W. Cars: 18-h.p. Mors, Minerva motor bicycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 10,000 miles. Hobbies: Horse-riding and driving. Has very seldom employed a mechanician, as, beyond the actual cleaning of the car, lie does the repairs himself. Clubs: A.C.G.B. & I., Queen's.
- MAYNARD, G. D., F.R.C.S.E., Roche, R.S.O., Cornwall. Car: Bat motor-bicycle. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,00o miles. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To get better and wider roads, and equal rights for all road users; to especially compel all vehicles to carry lights at night, and to abolish the danger of leaving unattended horses standing in the roads.
McCAMMOND, J. Napier, Ormisdale, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast. Cars: 5-h.p Stirling, 8-11.p. Brown, 12-h.p. Darracq. Has driven 6,000 miles. Hobby: Yachting. Motors for pleasure and business.
- McTAGGART, Lieut, M. F., 5th Lancers, ColcheAer. Car: 2:1-h.p. Clyde bicycle. Hobbies: Hunting, polo. Club: Cavalry.
- MEDCRAFT, Dr. H. C., Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S. President of the Springfield Automobile Club. Paid the expenses of a legal fight to contest the constitutionality of the new Motor-car Act, which came into force in Massachusetts on September I .
- MERCER, F. Howard, F.R.P.S., Grasmere, Acton, London, W. Car: 6 h.-p. Peugeot. Aims at a love of the sport and a delight in its mechanical aspect. Hobby: Mechanics; has reconstructed his car, and placed the engines in the front. Clubs: Aero, A.C.G.B.& I.
- MERTON, Henry B., 3, Palace Houses, Bayswater, London, W. Car: Georges-Richard. Possesses a completely fitted workshop, in which he spends many hours experimenting with new ideas for the improvement of motor-cars. He is now engaged in perfecting a vibrationless motor, which he hopes will get rid of all gearing, levers, and intermediate tackle.
- MEYER, Mr., the United States Ambassador at Rome. Is an enthusiastic motorist, and owns a car of high horse-power.
- MICHELE, Vitale Domenico de, M. Inst. C.E., M.I.M.E., J.P., Higham Hall, Rochester. Thinks mechanical traction on roads has infinite possibilities for development. Club: A.C.G.B.& I.
- MILBURN, Ernest B., High Street, Marlborough. Cars: Beaufort, Mors.
- *MILLER, Walter F., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., of Ivy Lodge, Wrangle, Boston. Cars: 41 h.-p. de Dion, Baby Peugeot. Has driven 10,000 miles. Finds one car does the work of three horses and carriages. Club: Lincolnshire Automobile.
- MILLS, Dr. Wilton, Lancroft, Milnrow, near Rochdale. Car: Cottereau. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 8,000 miles. Hobby: Photography. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To save time, and aid a useful and fascinating pursuit. Is of opinion that in the near future every medical man in country districts will own a car. Club: Manchester Automobile.
- MINCH, M. J., M.P. An Irish Member of Parliament who lent his assistance to the holding of the Gordon Bennett Race in Ireland.
- MITCHELL, J. Ernest, 15, Martineau Street, Birmingham. Cars: Singer motor bicycle, Quadrant motor bicycle, and one motor-car. Hobbies: Golfing, and all outdoor sports. Is the general manager of the well-known Palmer Tyre Co.
- MOFFAT, Capt. J. A., 2nd Royal Warwick Regiment, Somerby House, Oak- ham. Car: None at present. Has motored 2,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, cycling. Clubs: Ayr Country, Boodle's, A.C.G.B. & I.
- MONKSWELL, Lord. Is Chairman of the London County Council, and very favourably disposed towards motorists.
MORGAN, Captain David Hughes, Bank House, Brecon; 55, Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London, NV. Has driven 35,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, cricket. Aims at getting the speed limit abolished, or police traps made illegal. Clubs: Sports, Kempton, Sando•n, Ranelagh, South Wales and Monmouthshire Automobile (Committee), A. C. G. B. & I.
- MORGAN, H. F. J., Stoke Lacy Rectory, Brinyard. Car: Eagle tandem.
- MORIARTY, David M. A prominent Irishman who greatly helped the movement for holding the Gordon Bennett Race in his native country.
MOSSES, Alexander, 97, Castellain Mansions, Maida Vale, London. NV.; The Mount, Slandogo, near Chepstow. Car: 12-h.p. Panhard. Has driven 40,000 miles. Hobbies: Football, all sports. Believes in consideration of other users of the roads, especially as regards dust and foul exhaust gases. Club: A.C.G.B. K. I.
- MOSS, Horace Edward, J.P., Middleton, Midlothian, N.B. London Hippodrome, Cranbourne Street, London, W.C. Cat-: 22-h.p. Daimler, Hobbies: Shooting, travelling, sports. Is managing director of Moss's Empires, Ltd. Clubs: Junior Constitutional, Scottish Conservative, Scottish Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- MOSS, William E., Exchange Station Hotel, Liverpool. Hobbies: Scientific and literary pursuits, photography, mountaineering. Is the secretary of the Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Association. Has made a special study of chemistry (graduated in 1898 with second-class honours). Is a member of the Chemical Society and a Lieutenant in the 4th Lancashire R.G.A. Volunteers. Is a cotton merchant.
MUULENKAMP, Fritz, L.D.S.(Eng.), 28, Grand Parade, Brighton. Car: Panhard-Levassor. Has driven 30,000 miles.
MUNTZ, Frederick Ernest, D.L., J.P., Umberslade, Hockley Heath, Warwick-;hire. Car: Lanchester. Clubs: Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge, Royal Thames Yacht, Junior Constitutional, A.C.G.B. & I.
- MURRAY, Major Stuart. Car: Century tandem and trailer, which carries three persons besides himself. Claims that he is able to get as much service out of the Century tandem and trailer as out of a car, and he is able to carry four passengers.
MURCHISON, C. Kenneth, Bengeo Lodge Bengeo, Herts. Car: de Dion. Was Mayor of Hertford, 1902-3. In May, 1903, organized an automobile demonstration in Hertford, and entertained the chief constable and magistrates of Herts to lunch. Clubs: Bath, A.C.G.B. & I.
- MUSGRAVE, Lady, Eden Hall, Cumberland. Car: 20-h.p. Daimler. Is an enthusiastic motorist, and well-known as a very graceful driver. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- MUSGRAVE, Thos. C., 17, Clifford Street, London, W. Car: 2-h.p. Werner motor bicycle. Regards motor cycling as being within the reach of people of moderate means, and in the future to take the place of the ordinary cycle. Clubs: Bachelors', "Union, A.C.G.B. & I.
- MUSPRATT, Dr. Charles D., TantalIon," Madeira Road, Bournemouth. Cars: 3!,-h.p. de Dion, Wolseley. Club: Bournemouth.
- MANBY, Charles Manby, Thorganby Hall, Grimsby. Cars: M.M.C. Motors because he recognizes that motoring has a great future, both from business and pleasure points of view. Club: Lincolnshire Automobile.
NEVILLE, Miss E. C., Wellingore Hall, near Lincoln. Car: 6 h.-p. de Dion. Is an expert and enthusiastic motorist.
- NEWINGTON, Dr. A. S., "Woodlands," Ticehurst, Sussex. Car: 9-h.p. James and Browne. Has driven 4,200 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, tennis, gardening. His aim is to show, by cautious driving, and consideration to other users of the road, that the motor is no more of a nuisance than any other vehicle, in fact, less so. Clubs: Constitutional, A.C.G.B. & I.
- NEWNES, Sir George, Bart. Cars: Napier, Darracq. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
NICOL, Mrs. Mary Garden, Tilgate Forest Cottage, Crawley. Car: 20-h.p. Wolseley. Has driven 2,560 miles since September, 1903, longest run in one day, 25( miles. Uses her car for pleasure. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- NIXON, Alfred, the manager of the Motor Insurance department of the General Accident Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Has wheeled from Land's End to John O'Groats. He made the first loo miles' tricycle path record in 7 hours 23 minutes 50-7-; sec. at the Crystal Palace in 1881.
- NIXON, St. John Cousins, Motor Engineer to the General Accident Assurance Corporation, Ltd.
- NOBLE, Philip, E., Manor Whatton. Cars: 91-11.p. Clement, o-h.p. Wilson - Pilcher. Clubs: Wellington, Boodle's.
- O'BRIEN, P., M.P. An Irish Member of Parliament who lent his assistance to the ' holding of the Gordon Bennett Race in Ireland.
- O'CALLAGHAN, R. G. (6th Dragoons), Brackenstown Hall, Swords, Co. Dublin. Cars: 30-11.p. Daimlers.
- O'GRADY, Guillamore, M.A., Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. Cars: Clement, 14-11 p. Daimler. Clubs: Kildare Street, Royal St. George Yacht, Irish Automobile (Committee), A.C.G.B. & I.
- OLDFIELD, Barney. Is a well-known American racing motorist, made many track records during 1903.
- OLIVER, Rev. A. C., Barlaston Vicarage, Stoke-on-Trent. Cars: 6-11.p. de Dion, Decauville. Has driven about 16,000 miles. Club A.C.G.B. & I.
- ONSLOW, The Earl of, Clandon Park, Guildford. Car: 15-h.p. C.G.V. Is a skilful driver. Clubs: A.C.G.B. & I., Carlton, Travellers'.
- PACK-BERESFORD, Denis Robert, J.P., D.L., Fenagh House, Bagnalstowii. Cars 9-h.p. and 1-11.p. Clements. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, fishing. Clubs: White's, Kildare Street (Dublin), A.C.G.B. & I.
- PAINE, Mrs. Claude, Shillington Manor, Hitchin, Herts. Cars: 91-h.p. Gardner-Serpollet, 11:1-11.p. and f8-h.p. Clements. Has driven 40,000 miles. Hobbies: Bulldog breeding, old silver and china collecting.
- PARKER, Charles, Brudenel I Grove, Leeds. Cars: de Dion, Humber, Decauville, Ariel. Hobbies: Motor racing, motor marine navigation. Was the first to introduce a motor vehicle on the stage. Club: Yorkshire Automobile.
- PARKER, The Hon. Henry. Car Lonsdale.
- PARKER, W. F., 68, St. Giles, Oxford. Car: Darracq. Is one of the most enthusiastic of Oxford motorists, and a skilful driver of his car. Is Hon. See. of the Oxford and District Automobile Club.
- PARR, Roger Charlton, B.A., D.L., Grappenhall, Hezes, Warrington, Lanes. Car: 24-h.p. Panhard. Has driven ito,000 miles. Clubs: junior Carlton, A.C.G. B. & I.
- PASS, ELIOT A. de, 91, Lexhani Gardens, Kensington, London, W. Car: 18-24-h.p. Clement. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- PEALL, VV. J., Pashley House, Buxton Hill. Cars: 7-11.p. Daimler, to-h.p. Pan- hard, 16-h.p. Daimler. Distance travelled: About 40,000 miles. Hobby: Billiards, at one time held the Billiard Championship. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- PEARCE, S. 11., " Poeperro," Lyncroft Gardens, Hampstead, N.W. Cars: 3-h.p. de Dion tricycle; de Dion voiturette, two Bollee tricycles, 6-11 p. Daimler, 9, to, 16, and 18-h.p. Napiers. Hobby: Cycling. Is an old racing cyclist, and still follows the sport. Believes in consideration for all users of the road, and a very moderate use of the horn. Club: A.C.G.B.& I.
- PEARCE, Standen Leonard, M.I.E.E., M.I.M.E., Electricity Works, Dickenson Street, Manchester. Car:6-11.p. Pick. Has driven 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Rowing, cycling. Aims at increased facilities of transport. Is City Electrical Engineer of Manchester. Club: Manchester Automobile.
- PEARSON, Capt. Andrew, H.M. Inspector of Mines, Rutherglen. Car: 6i-h.p. Clement-Panhard. Club: Scottish Automobile (Western Section).
PEARSON, Mrs. C. Arthur, 192, Queen's Gate, London, S.W. Cars: 1-11.p. and 18-11.p. Mo 14-h.p. Beni; electric brougham. Is an expert driver of a motor-car and of a four-in-hand.
- PEASE, A. 11., Brinkham, Darlington. Car: h.-p. King bicycle, part owner to 11.-p. Decauville. Has driven 5,000 miles.
- PEASE, John Beaumont, l'endoever, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Cars: 12-11.p. and 20-li.p. Wolseleys, 24-28-h.p. Bolke. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, golf. Aims at the removal of abuses both to motorists and the public. Clubs; Northern Counties, Brooks', A.C.G.B. &
- PEASE, W. F., Waterford, Ireland. Cars: Gladiator, Napier, Panhard, etc. Built (in 1899) the first motor-tricycle in Ireland. in 1902, built the largest motor factory and garage in Ireland. Is an expert motor and electrical engineer.
- PECK, Mrs. Harland, 9, Belgrave Square, London, S.W. Car: Panhard.
- PECKHAM, Frederic W., 3, Buckingham Gate, London, W. Cars: Cadillac, Winton, Baker electric. Has driven 20,000 miles. Club: A.C.G.B.& I.
- PEDLLY, Geo., The Haven, Sutton, Surrey. Car: Gardner-Serpollet. Drives for pleasure, but desires to encourage improvement in our methods of road locomotion.
- PENIJER, Sir James, Bt., 2, Mount Street, Berkeley Square, London, W.; Donhead House, Salisbury, Wilts. Cars: 12-11.p. Darracq, 22-11.p. Daimler omnibus. Hobbies: Hunting, yachting. Clubs: Carlton, Naval and Military, Turf, A .C. G.B. & 1.
- PENNELL, C. W., J.P., Eastfield Lodge•, Lincoln. Car: to-11.p. Richardson. Has driven 50,000 miles in tour years. Motors for amusement and convenience of locomotion. Strongly condemns the new Motor Car Act, and thinks that it the A.C.G.B. & I. had not pushed the matter in the first place there would have been no legislation. Clubs: Lincolnshire Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- PENNELL, Mrs. C. W., Eastfield Lodge, Lincoln. Car: to-11.p. Richardson. Is a well-known driver in the Lincolnshire Automobile Club's runs, and manages her car with great dexterity.
- PLAYER, John, J.P., M.C.E., Quarr, Clydach, R.S.O., Glamorgan. Car: Panhard. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- POLDEN, Capt. T. E. M., V.C., 71, Piccadilly, London, W.; Aldershot. Car: 15-11.p. Panhard. Has driven many thousands• of miles. Hobbies: Racing, driving. Clubs: Eccentric, Imperial Service, Sandown, Park, A.C.G.B. & I.
- PORTLAND, Duchess of, Welbeck Abbey, Notts. Car: 10-h.p. Lanchester.
- PORTLAND, The Duke of, Welbeck Abbey, Notts. One of the best friends of the motor-car industry is the Duke of Portland, whose generosity in placing his Welbeck motor track at the disposal of the Automobile Club has proved of inestimable value.
- PORTSMOUTH, The Earl of, Hurstbourne Park, Hampshire. Car: i6-h.p. Napier. Although he does not personally drive his motor-cars, is a keen motorist. Thinks that for agricultural purposes the motor-car will prove a great boon, and will entirely supersede light railways— perhaps even threaten our present railway system.
- POWNEY, Mrs. Cecil, Bainbridge House, Eastleigh, Hants; 117, Piccadilly, London, W. Car 12-h.p. Gladiator. Is one of the most expert of feminine motorists. She can drive any type of car, but has a preference for her Gladiator.
- PRADE, Georges, although quite a young man, is one of the most energetic and clever editors of that most up-to-date and go-ahead French motoring journal, the L'Auto, published daily in Paris. His announcements are read eagerly every day by thousands of motorists, and his advice is always thoroughly reliable.
- PRICE, Capt. R. K., Rhisolas, Bala, North Wales. Car: 21-11.p. Ariel tricycle. Has driven 5,000 miles. Hobby: Fishing. Aims at using motoring in connection with sport. Thinks motor-cycles are very efficient vehicles. Clubs: Naval and Military, Middlesex Cricket.
- PRIORAVANDESFORDE, R. 11., J.P., D.L Castlecomer House, Castlecomer, County Kilkenny. Cars: 9-h.p., 12-h.p. Napiers. Thinks motors should be cheapened in price so that they can be owned by a large number of people of moderate means, and thus foster motoring. Club: Kildare Street (Dublin).
- R
RADCLYFFE, Mrs., 3H, Montague Mansions, Portman Square, London, %V. Car: 12-h.p. Mors. Is an admirable driver, and a thorough automobile sportswoman.
- RADFORD, C. A. F., Caddagh, Navan, Ireland. Car: 14-h.p. Daimler. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 3,000 miles. Clubs: Kildare Street (Dublin), Irish Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- RAPHAEL, Herbert H., 32, Weymouth Street, London, W.; Allestree Hall, Derby. Cars: 8-h.p. de Dion, 18-h.p. Daimler. Has driven 10,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, fishing, golf, Aims at the pleasure and encouragement of the most useful mechanical invention of the age. Clubs: New Oxford and Cambridge, Portland, A.C.G.B. & I.
- RAWLINGS, Henry, Southton House, Collingbourne, Ducis, Wilts. Car: 6 h.-p. Pick. Hobbies: Shooting, hunting.
- RAWSON, Lady Beatrice, 116, Park Street, London, W.; Woodhurst, Crawley, Sussex. Cars: M.M.C., Joh.p. Panhard. Has driven many thousands of miles. Hobbies: Horses, driving (formerly hunting). Clubs: Ladies' Automobile (Vice-President.)
- RAWSON, Lieut.-Col. Richard Hamilton, D.L., J.P., 116, Park Street, London, W.; Woodhurst, Crawley, Sussex. Car: 7-11.p. Panhard. Has driven 6,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, cricket. Is deeply interested in everything connected with motoring. Clubs: Bachelors', Travellers', Arthur's, A.C.G.B. & I.
- RAYNER, Dr. F., Auckland, New Zealand. Is president of the Auckland Automobile Association.
- RECOPE, Count. A well-known Parisian motorist. Is organizing a motor-boat race from Calais to Dover (1904).
- REECE, J. Graham, Sefton Pail:, Liverpool. Car: b-h.p. Daimler; wishes to produce motor vans to carry loads varying from 12 to 20 cwt.
- RENARD, Colonel and Commandant, two brothers, are the manager and sub-manager respectively, of the French Government's aeronautical works at Chalais-Meudon. In 1002 the Minister for War accepted their plans of a new steerable aerostat. The Brothers Renard have been experimenting with steerable air-ships since 1884, but had to await the development of the motor--both petrol and electric, to satisfactorily perfect some of their inventions.
- RENAULT, The late Marcel. A well-known French racing motorist who was killed in the Paris to Bordeaux race in 1903.
- REYNOLDS, Edward P., Ashdell Grove, Sheffield. Car: 24-h.p. Napier. Has owned motor-cars since 1897. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- RICH, William, Trevu, Camborne. Car: 5-h.p. Panhard. Hobbies: Photography, motoring. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- RICHARDSON, F., Sibsey, Boston, Lincolnshire. Cars: Wolseley, 5-h.p. Baby-Peugeot. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 12,000 miles. Was the first to own a motor-car in the Boston district. Club: Lincolnshire A.C.
- RICHARDSON, Mrs. Percy. Is a skilful chauffeuse, and drives a Brotherhood car.
- RIDLEY, Matthew White. Is the late President of the Local Government Board and is fond of motoring.
- RIGNOLD, Harry R., i, Brookfield Grove, Gorton, Manchester. Cars: Three Royal Riley motor cycles. Has driven 30,000 miles. Hobbies: Motor cycle racing, river motoring, photography. Drove Judge Emden, the motoring judge, on his first trip in a motor-car.
- RIVERS, Charles R., Eaton House, Eaton Garden. Hove. Car: de Dion. Clubs: Arthur's, Cavalry, A.C.G.B. & I.
- ROBERTS, George Ernest, 17, Fieldhouse Road, Hyde Farm, Balham, London, S.W. Car: 21 h.-p.Werner bicycle, with trailer. Has driven 12,50o miles. Club: Motor Cycle. London (Hon. Sec.).
- ROBERTS, James, Farnley Tyas, near Huddersfield. Car: Peugeot. Commenced motoring in 1899.
- ROBERTS, Mrs. Farnley Tyas, near Huddersfield. Car: to-h.p Peugeot. Is an enthusiast in everything connected with motoring.
- ROBERTSON, A., Stonelaw House, Rutherglen, Glasgow. Car: 7-h.p. Darracq.
- ROBINSON, B. Fletcher, 43, Buckingham Palace Mansions, London, W., believes in motoring because it will help the farmer to fight the monopolist railways, and also because it gives Londoners an opportunity to get a weekly breath of fresh air. Is fond of shooting, golf, and rowing, and was at one time a member of the Cambridge Football XV. Clubs: Reform, Union, Authors', Leander.
ROGERS, Freierick, Castle Street, Farnham. Car: 31-11.p. Benz. Has found it of great use in his business, and uses it extensively for pleasure purposes.
- ROGERS, Rev. J., Muirtown Road, Dundee. Car: 6-h.p. Miesse. Has driven over 2,000 miles. Hobby: Autograph collecting. Club: Primrose League.
- RONALDSON, J. Bruce, M.D., Ennerdale, Haddington, N.B. Car: to-h.p. Delahaye. Uses his car in his practice, having .1 radius of twenty miles. His son, sixteen years of age, also drives the car. His late coachman is now his chauffeur. Mrs. Ronaldson is an enthusiastic motorist.
- ROSE, C. D., M.P. Was one of the backers of the Bill for holding the Gordon Bennett Race in Ireland.
- ROTHSCHILD, Baron Henri de. Cars: 20-h.p. Pascal, 6o-h.p. Mercedes, and numerous racing cars. Is one of the most prominent of Continental motorists. Has made good road records in the neighbourhood of Nice. As a physician, he strongly deprecates long daily journeys.
- ROTHSCHILD, Leopold de, D.L., J.P., 5, Hamilton Place, London, W.; Ascot, Leighton Buzzard; Palace House, Newmarket; Gunnersbury Park, Acton, London, W.: 16-11.p. Napier.
- ROTHSCHILD, Lionel de, 148, Piccadilly, London, W. Car: 2-11.p. Humber motor-bicycle, 14-11.p. New Orleans, 2011.p. Napier car. Hobbies: Motoring, shooting, hunting. Started motoring in 1900. Club: A.C.G.B. & I. (Club Committee).
- ROTHSCHILD, Miss Alice de, 142, Piccadilly, London, W. Car 15-h.p.
- ROUPELL, E. P. S., D.S.O., Colonial Office, London, S.W.; 4, Curzon Street, Mayfair, London, W. Car: 15-11.p. Pan- hard and Levassor. Clubs: Windham, A.C.G.B. &
- ROUVIER, Maurice, Neuilly-St. James's, Bois de Boulogne, Paris. Was the first French statesman to take to motoring. Its a member of M. Combes' Cabinet, in which he is Minister of Finance. Like all French Cabinet ministers, he is entitled to the use of a pair horse brougham, but always goes about, even to official receptions, in a Panhard omnibus. M • Rouvier has been Prime Minister of France,;tint has belonged to several Cabinets.
- ROWCLIFFE, W. E., 37, Cross Street, Manchester. Car: Two-cylinder Clement. Hobbies: Mechanics, photography. Is a founder member of the Manchester Automobile Club. Has a large solicitor's practice in Manchester and London. Has held a number of public appointments, and is interested in several philanthropic undertakings. Is a member of the Motor Volunteer Corps (Cheshire Company). Clubs: Manchester Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I. (Club and Legislative Committees).
- RUSSELL, Earl, Telegraph House, Chichester. Car: 12-11.p. Napier. Has driven fo,000 miles. Is an ardent motorist, and motors for amusement. Has toured extensively on his motors. Is an Alderman of the London County Council. Clubs: Portsmouth Automobile (Vice- President), A.C.G.B. & I. (Legislative Council).
- RUSSELL-PHILLIPS, H., B.A., M.B. (Contab), Lannoweth Terrace, Penzance. Cars: Enfield and Singer tricycles, Argyll car. Has used a motor vehicle for the past four years for the purposes of his practice, and is the first medical practitioner in Cornwall to use a motor-car in his profession. Introduced the first motorcar into Penzance.
- RUTHVEN, Capt., The Hon. Walter P.11., D.S.O., (The Master of Nutliven), The Farm House, Pont Street, London, S.W. Is a Captain in the Scots Guards. Served in South Africa in 1899 and 1901; was mentioned three times in despatches; medal with eight clasps. Clubs: Guards', Bachelors', Prince's, A.C.G.B & I. (Club Committee)
- SAINSBURY, William Draper, Sydney Parade, Dublin. Car: to-h.p. Argyll. Confesses to having originally taken to motoring for pleasure purely, but now combines the pleasure with an endeavour to cure side-slipping. Clubs: Leinster (Dublin), Irish Automobile.
- SALISBURY-JONES, A. T., 121, Oakwood Court, London, W. Cars: 24-h.p. Herald, 30-35-h.p. Mutel. Has driven 6,000 miles in three years.
- SALTOUN, Lord, 3, Hereford Gardens, London, W.; Philorth, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen. Clubs: Turf, Carlton, Marlborough, Guards', United Service, New (Edinburgh), A.C.G.B. & I.
- SANDERSON, Thomas, 38, Queensferry Street, Edinburgh. Car: 9-h.p. de Dion. Motors for pleasure and health. Club: Scottish Automobile.
- SA PP, Ernest, Auckland Road East, Southsea. Is the energetic and popular Hon. Sec. of the Portsmouth Automobile Club.
- SAVORY, Miss, Sunrising, Warwickshire. expert chauffeuse; drove Mr. Crawshay's 6-h.p. Daimler at Norfolk Automobile Club's meet at Melton Constable Park, on August (m111,
- SCARRITT, W. E. (U.S.A.). Is President of the Automobile Club of America. Thinks that apart from the pleasure part of automobiling, which is certain to broaden, the greatest future of power- driven machines is in commercial life. Eventually lie expects to see the horse banished from the streets by the motor vehicle.
- SCHIFF, Miss, 40, Upper Brook Street, London, W. Cars: Has had a de Dion and 8 h.-p. and 12 h.-p. Panhards; now drives a 24 h.-p. Panhard. Has driven 25,000 miles. Hobby: Cycling. Supports motoring as a pastime and a sport. Club: Bath, Ladies' Automobile.
SCHNEIDER, Eugene, Cours la Nuine, Paris. Is the leading partner in Le Creusot, the huge engineering concern, which employs 2,000 men. He has had one or two motor-cars built at his own works for experimental purposes. He is the owner of two Panhards, and three other machines of high power. He is fond of driving a couple of good trotters, tandem. Club: Automobile of France (Member of Committee).
- SCOTT, Walter, to% Goldhurst Terrace, Finchley Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. Is well-known in motor commercial circles; is head of the Hampstead Motor Company.
- SCUDAMORE, Lieut.-Col. F. W., Chatsworth Hall, Suffolk. Car: 12-11.p. Darracq. Has driven 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Travelling, riding, shooting. Clubs: Naval and Military, A.C.G.B. & I.
- SHARP, George F. L., Fulford House, Upper Clapton, London, N.E. Car: 3- h.p. cycle. Has driven 10,000 miles. Hobbies: Cycling, photography. Was the originator of the Auto Cycle Club, and has been a member of its general committee since its formation. Took leading part in approaching the Local Government Board on behalf of motor cyclists.
- StiATTUCK, A. R. (U.S.A.). Is a Governor of the Automobile Club of America.
- SHAW, Brook, 298, EcclesJI1 Road, Sheffield. Car: de Dion. Club: Sheffield Automobile.
- SHAW, Charles E., M.P., Tettenhall, Wolverhampton. Car: 24-11.p. Star, which he purchased in December, 1903. Hobby: Hunting. Aims at fostering the motoring industry in England, and at effacing the evil effects of past repressive and retrograde legislation. Clubs: Reform, Bath, Ranelagh, A.C.G.B. & I.
- SHAW, William John, "Hurstcroft," London Road, Twickenham. Cars: 5i-h.p. Reading steam, 7-h p. M.M.C. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: o,000 miles. Hobbies: Golfing, photography, yachting. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To accustom the general public to the motor-car by demonstrating its practicability, ease of control, and by exercising due regard for the rights of other users of the highway, Has never been stopped by the police. Clubs: Royal Thames Yacht, Camera. and various golf clubs.
- SHAW-LEFEVRE, The Right Hon. 0.J. Is on the General Council of the A.C.G.B. & I., and is much interested in the development of motoring.
- SHELLEY, Capt. Sir John, Bart., Avington Park, Alresford, Hants. Car: Renault. Has driven 4,000 miles. Anus at gradually superseding horse traffic, especially in towns, where he thinks motors will soon solve the traffic problem. Club: Guards'.
- SHELLEY, The Hon. Lady, Avington Park, Alresford, Hants. Car: 8-h.p. Renault.
SIERSTORPFF, Count Adalbert of. Is. a popular member of the Automobile Club of Germany, and was the representative of the club in Ireland during the Gordon Bennett Race.
- SIMMINS, George, Loxleigh, Croydon. Is temporarily without a car for private use, but is an enthusiastic motorist: Hobbies: Fanning, shooting. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Sport and commerce. Clubs: Farmers', A.C.G.B. &
SIMPSON, H. J., J. P., Tredeau near Chepstow, Monmouthshire. Cars,: 5-h.p, Humberette, 12-h.p. M.M.C. Has been a motorist for three years. Hobbies: Golf, shooting; was Captain of the Cardiff Football Club 1894-5. Supports motoring, because he believes it is the coming mode of locomotion, although he thinks that the horse will continue to be a pleasing necessity. Clubs: Cardiff and County, Royal Western Yacht, Constitutional, A.C.G.B.& I.
- SIMPSON, Rev. Ronald It, M.A., East Keal Rectory, Spilsby, Lincolnshire. Car: 5 h.-p. Vauxhall. Has driven 5,000 miles. Aims at benefitting a national industry, and thinks all English motorists should buy English cars. Club: Lincolnshire Automobile.
- SINCLAIR, Howard F., M.D., L.R.C.P.I. Rostrevor Sanatorium, County Down, Ireland. Cars: 31-h.p. Benz, S-h.p. Argyll. Uses both of his cars as adjuncts to the sanatorium treatment. Hobbies: Sailing, cycling. Clubs: Irish Automobile, Royal Ulster Yacht, Royal Cruising.
SMITH, Alfred, Midland Road, Thrapston. Cars: Wolseley, 8-h.p. Argyll. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 7,00o miles. Hobby: Cycling. Thinks the advancement of motoring will promote the welfare and commerce of the nation, and that the industry should commend itself to the support of the community.
SMITH, Frederic, M.I.E.E., Durham Lawn, Bowdon, Cheshire. Cars: 12-h.p. Daimler, 24-h.p. Mors. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 15,000 miles. Hobby: Golf. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To support a healthy, out-door sport. Is chairman of the Manchester Automobile Club. Clubs: Reform (Manchester), Manchester Automobile, A.C.G.B.& I.
- SMITH, Robert J., C.A., F.S.S., St. Vincent, Glasgow. Is hon. general secretary of the Scottish Automobile Club and hon. sec. of the Western Section of the same. Has organized several important trials of automobiles, and was responsible for the arrangements of the Glasgow to London non-stop run in 19°3. Clubs: Glasgow Liberal, Troon Golf, A.C.G.B. &
- SODEN, 11., 24, Grove Terrace, Highgate Road, London, N. Car: 7 h.-p. Panhard.
SPICER, Graham, 19, New Bridge Street, London, E.C., 37, Canfield Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W. Car: 12-h.p. Gladiator. Has driven 5,00o miles. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
SPROT, Lieut.-General I., J.P., D.L., Riddell, Lilliesleaf, Roxburghshire; Upperton, House, Eastbourne. Is a distinguished retired military officer, who has taken a great interest in motoring for many years, and was the first to propose and to use bicycles and tricycles for military purposes. Believes that now good motorcars can be obtained for L:200 there will be a boom, and thinks that when it comes it will be of great benefit to the nation. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting big game, curling, cricket, etc. Club: A.C.G.B. & I. (Founder Member).
- STAFFORD, J. G., Netherfield House, Carlton, near Nottingham. Car: 8-h.p. de Dion, to-h.p. Rex. Club: Nottingham Automobile.
- ST. CLAIR, The Hon. Lockhart M., C.I.E. M.lnst.C.E.,, Junior Carlton Club, London, W. Cars: 7-h.p. Swift, 10-h.p. Ariel. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 3,500 miles. Hobbies: Fishing, shooting, mechanics, electricity. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To bring about the general adoption of self-propelled vehicles, and the improvement of roads. Being Chief Engineer and Secretary of the Government Public Works Department, Central Provinces, India, is much impressed with the value of motors as feeders to railways, in lieu of light railways; this matter will receive his official support on his return to India early in 1904. Clubs: Junior Carlton, New (Edinburgh), various clubs in India, A.C.G.B. & I.
- ST. LAWRENCE, Lady Geraldine, " Claddagh,- Osborne Road, Windsor. Car: 12-h.p. Darracq. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 7,000 miles, since February, 1903. Hobby: Is very fond of driving horses. Thinks motoring the most delightful way of going about the country, and encourages her friends to become motorists for that reason. Clubs: Grosvenor Crescent, Ladies' Automobile (London).
STANSFIELD, Dr. Frederic Wilson, 120, Oxford Road, Reading. Car: 9-h.p. Renault. Hobbies: Natural history (chiefly botany), horticulture. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Because it is a convenient and agreeable means of locomotion, and exceedingly valuable to a medical man with a somewhat scattered practice. Thinks the Motor Car Acts are a method adopted by a tyrannical and unscrupulous majority for the oppression and exploitation of the minority. Is President of the British Pteridological Society and Reading Natural History Society.
ST. OSWALD, Lord, J.P., D.L., ii, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.; Nostell Priory, Wakefield; Appleby Hall, Doncaster. Has seen active service as Captain of the Second Battalion Coldstream Guards in the Soudan Expedition, 1885. Represented Pontefract in Parliament as Conservative from 1885 to 1893. Clubs: Carlton, A.C.G.B. & I.
- STAPLETON, E., " Columbia," Hendon. Car: 3 h.-p. Olympia tandem.
- STATIER. John Grice, M.I.E.E., Newhall Street, Birmingham. Has several cars being constructed on a new system patented by himself. Hobby: Small yacht sailing. Clubs: Whitehall, Royal Corinthian Yacht (Burnham), A.C.G.B. & I.
- STEDMAN, Dr. Herman, 45, East India Road, Poplar, London, E. Car: 7-h.p. Daimler. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Many thousands of miles. Was one of the first to adopt the motor-car in the medical profession; finds it of immense use; has converted many con freres.
- STEPHENS, Michael, 4, Carlton Gardens, London; Cholderton, Salisbury. Cars: 7 -h.p., 16 -h.p. Panhards. Motors for pleasure and health. Clubs: Union, Bath.
- STERRY, John, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Riverhead, Sevenoaks. Cars: 3i-h.p. " Ideal" Benz, 7-h.p. " Duke" Benz. Purchased his first car in 1899. Has used his cars for four years for professional work.
- STEPHENSON, Frederick William Morris, M.B., C.M. (Edinburgh), " Mayfield," Blackburn, Lancashire. Car: 6-h.p. Progress voiturette. Has driven 32,000 miles. Club: North-East Lancashire Automobile (Council).
- STEVEN, A. W., Bourtree, Helensburgh. Cars: 6-h.p., 8-h.p. Argylls. Hobbies: Yacht racing, travelling, photography. Club: Scottish Automobile (Western Section).
- STEVENS, C. L., 59, Queen's Walk, Nottingham. Car: 24-b.p.Darracq. Clubs: Motor Union, Nottingham and District Automobile.
- STEVENSON, Edgar, M.D., C.M., 39, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Has not yet decided upon a car. Hobbies: Salmon fishing; golf. Thinks the engine of a car much more perfect than the tyres. Club: Palatine (Liverpool.)
- STEWART, P. M., "Firwood," Trumpington Road, Cambridge. Car: 12-h.p. Chelmsford steam. Has driven 2,000 miles. Hobbies: Hunting, shooting, fishing. Uses his car as a means of getting about, especially to hunting meets and shooting places. His car vent through the Reliability Trials in September, 1903, and was the fastest up Handcross Hill on the last day, taking this rise at 164 miles per hour.
- STEWART, Major-General George, C.B., Baldorran, College Road, Upper Norwood, London, S.E. Car: 7-h.p. Panhard. Has driven 2,000 miles. Hobbies: Golf, cycling. Club: Crystal Palace.
STRACHEY, J. St. Loe, Newland's Corner, Merrow, Guildford. Drives a 12-h.p.car. Clubs: Brooks's, Athenaeum, A.C.G.B. & I.
- STRADBROKE, The Earl of, Henham Hall, Wanglord, Suffolk. Is president of the Eastern Counties' Automobile Club. Clubs: Bachelors', Carlton.
- STRAIGHT, Frederick, "Kingsdale," Oakley Gardens, Hornsey, London, N. Cycles: s-h.p. Excelsior, 21-h.p. Humber Hobbies: Cycling, timekeeping, and all forms of athletics. Is Secretary of the Auto Cycle Club. Desires to see motor cycles obtain the same privileges as motorcars, and aims at making the Auto Cycle Club the governing body in all matters relating to motor cycling.
- STRAIN, Laurence Hugh, 45, Heriot Row, Edinburgh: and Cassittis, Ayrshire. Car: 6-11.p. de Dion voiturette. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 5,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, salmon fishing, and travelling. Considers motoring to be the eventual solution of congestion both of too populous districts and of traffic. Also considers it will prove the salvation of our railway companies, taking from them the short distance light goods and passenger traffic, which does not pay the railways, and leaving them with express passengers and goods, and their universal traffic, which certainly pays, and with which they could deal more efficiently but for their short distance passenger and light goods service. Clubs: University (Edinburgh), A.C.G.B. & I.
- STRANGEWAYS, Leonard R., M.A., Cullenswood, co. Dublin. Car: 12-h.p. Vulcan. Motors for amusement, and as a convenient method of making up for the absence of a good train service. Hobbies: Motoring, yachting, cycling, photography. Clubs: Royal Irish Academy, Royal Irish Yacht, Irish Automobile.
- STRICKLAND, Frederic, 2, Southfield Gardens, Strawberry Hill, Middlesex. Cars: Several motor bicycles and tricycles, 10-h.p. Thornycroft. Has driven Io,000 miles. Hobby: Sailing. Aims at improved facilities for transport, especially agricultural produce. Clubs: Bembridge Sailing, A.C.G.B. & I.
- STURT, The lion. Humphrey Napier, M.P., Portman Square, London, W.; Crichel, near Wimborne. Car: 12-h.p. Gardner-Serpollet. Is M.P. for East Dorset. Became a motorist in 1902.
SURCOUF, M. Is a well-known French aeronaut, and has designed many famous balloons. Designed the Lebaudy air-ship.
- SUTHERLAND, The Duke of, Stafford House, St. James's Street, London, S.W.; Trentham Hall, Staffs. Cars: four 12-h.p. Panhards. Became a motorist in 1902, and entered with such zest and enthusiasm into his new pastime that before the year was out he was the possessor of a stud of four cars. Drives mostly himself. Club: A.C.G.B. & I. (Legislative Committee).
- SUTHERLAND, The Duchess of, Stafford House, St. James's Street, London, S.W. Though extremely fond of motoring, has not yet joined the graceful army of lady drivers. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- SWAN, Col. Henry F. C.B., North Desmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Car: 10-h.p. M.M.C. Aims at the use of the motor-car both for utility and pleasure. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Constitutional, Northern Counties, Union (Newcastle), A.C.G.B. & I.
- SWANN, Mrs. Howard, 3, Campden House Terrace, Kensington, London, W. Car: 9-h.p. de Dion. Is an expert motorist, and thoroughly understands the construction of her car.
- SWANN, Oliver Howard, 5, Campden House Terrace, Kensington, London, W. Cars: 9-h.p. de Dions. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- TAYLOR, Joseph, Maidenhead. Is a well-known local motorist who took a prominent part in securing the abolition of the iniquitous Maidenhead toll-gate.
- TAYLOR, Frank, Oxford Mansions, London, W. Car: 6-h.p. Weston steam car. Clubs: Irish Automobile, Camera.
- TELFORDSMITH, Dr. T., M.A., Romansleigh, Wimborne. Cars: 5-h.p. Oldsmobile, 7-h.p. Benz. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Io,000 miles. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: Uses his car for professional work. Club: junior Conservative.
- TERRY, Henry G., M.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.E. 2, Gay Street, Bath. Car: Howse's Steam. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 3,500 miles. Hobbies: Fly-fishing, tennis, cricket. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: The use of the motor in the medical profession to the exclusion of horses.
- THATCHER, Frank, Sherbrook, Shobnall Road, Burton-on-Trent. Car: 6k-h.p. Weston. Has possessed many petrol cars, but prefers steam for pleasure, though he would have a petrol car for long tours. Thinks the mechanism of cars should be made more simple to insure their greater popularity.
- THOMAS, George Fenan, M.B., surgeon, Ty Clyd, Hirwain, Glamorgan. Car: 10-h.p. Argyll. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 4,800 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing. Clubs: South Wales Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
- THOMASSON, Capt. Franklin, J.P., Arden Lea, Bolton. Car: 5-11.p. Century.
- THOMPSON, A. E., Westbrook, Sheffield. Car: 12-h.-p. Clement. Has driven 10,000 miles. Hobbies: Shooting, golf. Club: Middlesex Cricket.
- THOMSON, Edward J., Western Club, Glasgow. Car: 12-11.p. Gladiator. Has driven 12,000 miles. Hobby: Travelling. Clubs: Thatched House, Western (Glasgow), A. C. G. B. & I.
- THOMSON, David Couper, J.P., Courier Office, Dundee. Car: 9-h.p. de Dion. Has driven many thousands of miles. Motors for relaxation and amusement for himself and family, and for the encouragement of a new industry. Clubs: Eastern and New (Dundee), A.C.G.B. & I.
- THOMSON, St. Clair, M.D., F.R.C.S., 28, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Car: 7-11.p. New Orleans. Motors for health and pleasure. The benefits of automobilism are not limited, he thinks, to the owners and users of cars, because the abolition of horses from cities would benefit the health of inhabitants. Clubs: Arts, A.C.G.B. & I.
- THREIPLAND, Captain W. Murray, Fingask Castle, Errol, Perthshire. Car: 7-h.p. Panhard and Levassor. Clubs: Guards, New (Edinburgh).
- THRELFALL, Charles, Tilstone Lodge, Tarporley, Cheshire. Car: 10-h.p. Brooke- Lowestoft. Hobby: Hunting. " To facilitate communication in the country " is why he supports motoring. Clubs: New University, A.C.G.B. & I.
- THRUPP, Mrs. (1. H., 27, Kensington Gate, London, W. Car: 9-11.p. Darracq. Hobbies: Golf, art, acting. Is one of London's most popular society hostesses. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- TIMBERLAKE, H. H., Wigan. Cars: Cottereau, 10-h.p. M.M.C. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 30,000 miles. Hobbies: All sports; all kinds of recreation. In 1903 drove Lordlcarres, M.P., all over his division during his election campaign, without a single stop or hindrance of any kind.
- TODD, Robert. Is Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Stanley Show, and an old-time devotee of the wheel. Has done much to promote the success of the annual Stanley Shows. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- TOMSON, Wharton, "Ashleigh," Richmond Road, Cardiff. Car: 9-h.p. de Dion-Bouton. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: Over 4,000 miles in England and Wales. Club: South Wales and Monmouthshire Automobile.
- TOWNSEND, J. C., Cordangan Manor, Tipperary. Is a member of the Irish Automobile Club, and rendered great assistance iii arranging the Gordon Bennett Race.
- TREE, Mrs. Beerbohm, II, North Street, Westminster, London, S.W. Car: 7-h.p. Panhard. Drives herself and declares that motoring is the best relaxation from the fatigues of stage life. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- TREMOILLE, Duchess de la, Paris. Car: Electric brougham. Is the wife of the first nobleman of France, and the daughter of the late Count Duchatel, who was formerly Louis Philippe's minister. She is a woman of great wit, and her ideas are modern. A motorist through the influence of her son, the Prince de Tarente, who married Mdlle. Pillet-Will. The Duchess's town house in Paris is supposed to be one of the most artistically furnished in the French capital.
- TRYON, J. W., Stamford. Car: Pick. Is managing director of the Pick Motor Co., Stamford.
- TUCKER, George Valentine, Commercial Road, Portsmouth; "Carbon," Francis Avenue, Portsmouth. Car: 7-h.p. Panhard. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 9,000 miles (in 21 years). Hobbies: Rifle shooting (bronze and gold medallist Portsmouth Rifle Club). Considers the motor-car is indispensable for business pursuits, and with his own car combines business with pleasure. Thinks motoring is conducive to good health.
- TURPIN, W. A., A.M.I.M.E., Kimberley Road, Willesden Lane, London, N.W. Car: 7 h.-p. Panhard and Levassor. Has driven thousands of miles.
VEREL, Francis William, The Grange, Newlands, Glasgow. Car: j h.p. Albion_
- VERNON, Arthur, J.P., Borshams, High Wycombe. Cars: to h.p. M.M.C., 20 h.p. Belsize. Lately President of the Surveyors' Institution. Is a Justice of the Peace, and an Alderman of the Borough of Wycombe, and a Justice of the Peace and County Councillor for Bucks. Commenced motoring in I99. Was one of the first motorists in his county, and has done much to remove local prejudice and to prevent restrictive resolutions at the County Council.
- VERNON-INKPEN, G.C., F.S.I., "Lyndenhurst," Rowlands Castle. Car: de Dion. Has motored for three years. Thinks the motor useful for business and enjoyable for pleasure. Considers motorists should combine to protect their interests; thinks if they had been more united a more effective opposition would have been offered to the new Act of 1904. Club: Portsmouth A.C. (on the committee).
- VERULAM, The Earl of, Gorhambury, St. Alban's. Is a strong believer in the future progress of the motoring industry.. Was Member of Parliament for Mid Hertfordshire from 1885 to 1892, and served in the Life Guards from 1870 to 1878. Clubs: Carlton Bachelors', A.C.G.B. & I. (Gener2I Council).
- VINCENT, Lady Helen, Esher Place, Esher, Surrey. Is the wife of Sir Edgar Vincent, and daughter of the first Earl of Faversham. Is a great lover of the motorcar, and is often to be seen on Sir Edgar. Vincent's 8-h.p. Jenatzy.
- VINE, H. T., Terminus Road, Eastbourne. Car: 8-h.p. M.M.C.
- VOGUE, Count R. de la. A famous French motorist, who represented France on the International Commission which decided ill the questions relative to the Gordon Bennett race.
WALLER, J. Edward, 69, Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W.; The Nook, Westgate-on-Sea. Car: 8-h.p. Decauville. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Royal Temple Yacht.
- WALLER, Lewis, 10, Elm Tree Road, London, N.W. Car: 3i-h.p. de Dion voiturette. Apart from stage matters, the great ambition of Mr. Lewis Waller, the well-known actor, is to possess a 40-h.p. car. Club: Green Room.
- WALTER, Mdme. Bob, Avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris. Was the first woman to enter the motor-car business, and is the managing director of a large automobile garage at the above address. Is a well-known racer, and took a prize on a 10-h.p. Vinot & Deguingand car at the 1902 Deauville races, and won the special ladies' prize at Gaillon Hill on a 16-h.p. Vinot & Deguingand in 1902.
- WALTERS, Dr. J. I-I., Friar Street, Reading. Is President of the Reading Automobile Club, which took the initiative in 1903, in suggesting the formation of a Federation of provincial automobile clubs. Is a member of the Reading Town Council.
- WARBURTON, Barclay, Philadelphia, U.S.A., is the proprietor of the Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. Was a four-in-hand enthusiast once, but now goes in greatly for motoring. Recently he remarked: "The police have an eagle eye for automobilists. I can drive a coach-and-four from Philadelphia to New York at twenty miles an hour, and never be noticed. But travelling in an automobile at ten or twelve miles is sure to bring the sound of a police-whistle. A few years ago I owned thirty-six horses. I now have but two. One of them is used to pull a lawn-mower, and soon I hope to replace him with a petrol motor."
- WARD, J. Rowland, Stradsett Hall, Downham Market, Norfolk. Cars: 6-h.p., 22-h.p. Daimlers. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, travel. Clubs: Constitutional, A.C.G.B. & I.
- WARING, Col. W., Beenham Grange, Reading. Car: 9-h.p. Renault. Thinks, that the representations of a powerful body of motorists may succeed in inducing the highway authorities to keep the main roads in Defter repair. Is Hon. Sec. of the Berkshire Automobile Club.
- WARNE, G. II., Warne's Hotel, Worthing. Is the proprietor of the hotel bearing his name, and a particularly genial friend to motorists. Takes an active part in discovering the location of police traps in his neighbourhood, and drives out on his car to give warning to motorists. Has all facilities at his hotel for rectifying any breakdown to a car.
- WARWICK, The Countess of, Warwick Castle, Warwick. Car: 7-h.p. Panhard. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- WATERFORD, The Marquis of, K.P., Curraghinore, Portlaw, County Waterford, is one of the most influential members of the Irish Automobile Club, and frequently entertains Hibernian motorists at his beautiful country residence. The Marquis of Waterford is a great nephew of Lord Chas. Beresford, and devotes himself almost exclusively to the management of his large estates in Ireland and Northumberland. One of his favourite recreations is motoring.
- WATKIN, Col. 11. C. B., Ordnance House, Enfield Lock. Car: t o - h.p. Peugeot. Uses his car for pleasure and utility. Clubs: United Services, A.C.G.B. & I.
- WATNEY, Claude. Car: Pipe. Is an all-round sportsman, and his horses are famed for their mettle and speed. Has devoted some of his great wealth to furthering the motor industry.
- WATNEY,Mrs.Claude,2o, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, London, W.; Garston Manor, Watford. Cars: i5-h.p. Pipe, 24-h.p. Panhard, 60-h.p. Mercedes. Is one of London's hest-known lady motorists. Her Pipe car is most tastefully upholstered in cream, and painted in electric blue, with a pretty canopy and bowed glass dust screen.
- WATSON, Henry Talbot, 120, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W. Cars: 15-11.p. Panhard, 20-h.p. Wolseley. Clubs: White's, Orleans.
- WATSON, R., Newfield, Johnstone, Ardlamont House, Kyles of Bute. Cars: 9-h.p. Napier, 10-h.p. Panhard.
- WAVELL, Miss F. Mary, 6, Park Road, Halifax, Yorkshire. Car: 6-h.p. de Dion, Has driven t,000 miles. Hobbies: Tennis, golf, Badminton, riding. Thinks motoring quite the most delightful way of travelling. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- WEBB, Mrs. Curtis, 24, Bina Gardens, London, W. Car: 8i-h.p. Duryea. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- WEIR, William, Holm Foundry, Cathcart, Glasgow. Cars: Wolseley and others. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 12 000 miles. Clubs: Glasgow Conservative, Glasgow Art, Scottish Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I.
* WENTWORTH, Commander F. C. U. V., RN., Blackheath, Saxmundham. Cars: 8i-h.p. Decduville, Wolseley, 20- h.p. Maudslay. Hobbies: Shooting, fishing, golf, yachting. Supports motoring to improve communication, and methods of locomotion and transport. Thinks it will open up and bring prosperity to the country. Believes there is now no need for Englishmen to buy foreign cars, or to employ foreign mechanicians, English cars being more suitable to our roads than the light foreign ones. Clubs: Wellington, junior United Service, A.C.G.B. & I.
- WERNER, M. Well-known German racing motorist, and driver to Mr. Clarence Grey Dinsmore. Winner of the Nice-Salon-Nice Race, 1901. Steered Mr. Clarence Grey Dinsmore's 40-h.p. Mercedes to victory in the Semmering Run, 1902. is an expert on Mercedes cars. Was apprenticed to the Cannstadt Daimler Works.
- WESTLAKE, Richard, Junr., Swaythling, Southampton. Cars: 2t h.-p. de Dion tricycle, 34 h.-p. and 44 h.-p. de Dion, 8 h.-p. Dennis. Hobbies: Cricket, cycling, riding, natural history.
- WHARNCLIFFE, The Earl of, Wortley Hall, Sheffield. Is on the General Council of the Automobile Club (London). Has had a brilliant career in the navy, and retired in 1896, while holding the rank of Commander. Clubs: Naval and Military, Carlton, Wellington, Yorkshire A.C.G.B.& I. (General Council).
- WHITE, Joseph Walvvyn, Huntley, Hunts Cross, Liverpool. Is an active member of the Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Association; believes in the superiority of machinery over animal power, particularly for heavy traffic.
WHITELEY, Frank, 31, Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Cars: New Orleans, two Locomobiles, two Benz. Motors for pleasure, but has also introduced the motor-car into his business.
- WHITELEY, William, Jun. Car: toh.p. Benz. Is a son of the well-known Napoleon of commerce. Began his motoring experience with a motor-quad, on which he visited most of the interesting spots in England.
- WHITTAKER, James, Hill Top, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Car: 15-h.p. C.G.V. Has driven 30,000 miles. Hobby: Mechanics. Aims at convincing people that a mechanically-propelled vehicle is less dangerous and under better control than one drawn by equine power. Was a steward at the Gordon Bennett Race in Ireland and won a silver medal with his C.G.V. at Southport. Club: Manchester Automobile.
- WHITTAKER, Mrs. James, Hill Top. Wilmslow, Cheshire. Is an enthusiastic motorist.
- WHITWORTH, Harry, Oakley Park. Celbridge; Annebrook, Mullingar. Cars: Jo h.-p. and 15 h.-p. Panhards, 12 h.p. Daimler, 18 h.-p. Mercedes. Hobby: Hunting. Clubs: Stephen's Green (Dublin), Raleigh (London).
- WIGHTWICK, Mrs. F. P., 9A. Upper Brook Street, London, W. Cars: 44-h.p. and 12 - h.p. Dennis. Has driven over io,000 miles. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- WILLIAMS, A. Vaughan, F.R.G.S., 5 and 9, Sheet Street, Windsor. Cars: 6-h.p. Locomobile, 10-h.p. Simms, 20-h.p. Daimler. Has driven 3,000 miles. Hobbies: Big game shooting, exploring. Aims at improvement in construction and design of motor-cars. Clubs: Reading Automobile, Camera, A.C.G.B. & I.
- WILLIAMS, T. F. Monier, 88, Queen's Road, Richmond, Surrey. Car: 8-h.p. de Dion-Bouton. Motors for his own pleasure and that of his family. Club: Junior Constitutional.
- WILLIAMS, Walter, Albury House, Surbiton Hill, Surrey. Cars: 6-h.p. Daimler, 12-h.p. Gladiator, i6-h.p. Napier. Is a famous breeder of Irish wolf-hounds. Clubs: Wellington, A.C.G.B. & I.
- WILLIAMSON, Mrs. C. N., Whitehall, Hampton Court. Car: 8-h.p. de Dion. A most enthusiastic motorist who has glorified automobilism in her novel, "The Lightning Conductor." Prescribes motoring as a cure for insomnia. Has toured Spain, and Sicily.
- WILSON, Courtenay F., Tatchbury Manor House, Tatton, Hants. Car: 10-h.p. Beaufort. Clubs: Royal Southern Yacht, Southampton Conservative.
- WILTON, The Earl of, Houghton Hall, Swaffham, Norfolk, Heaton Park, Manchester. Cars: Three 12-h.p. cars. Club: A.C.G.B. & I.
- WIMBORNE, Lady, 22, Arlington Street, London, W. Canford Manor, Norfolk. Cars: Three petrol, one electric. Is an expert motorist, and frequently drives herself. In the shooting season all four cars in the garage are very much in requisition, and they are often used for journeys to London. The cars have proved particularly serviceable for visiting neighbours and friends in distant parts of the county. In London Lady Wimborne uses her electric brougham.
- WINTER, Capt. H. S., "Drayton," Hoyle Road, Hoylake, Cheshire. Cars: 3k-h.p. Renault, 8-h.p. Progress, 16-h.p. Vivinus. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: About 1,500 miles. Hobbies: Golf, hunting, volunteering; is Captain 8th Lancashire Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers. Thinks motor-cars are the coming means of locomotion, and wishes to move with the times. Thinks there is nothing like the sport, and speaks with authority, having compared it with riding, driving, hunting, fishing, shooting, and most other sports.
- WINTON, Alexander, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., is one of America's foremost racing motorists Drove a car of his own make in the Gordon Bennett race in Ireland, but did not finish.
- WOAKES, Claud, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 78, Harley Street, London, W. Car: 14-h.p. Brooke. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 12,000 miles.
- WOLSTENHOLME, George, M.B., Newtown, Wigan, Lancashire. Car: 6-h.p. Gardner-Serpollet. Uses his car in his professional work and for pleasure.
- WOODLEY, W. A., Worcester Terrae, Clifton, Bristol. Car: 10 h.p. Decauville. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 800 miles. Hobby: Golf. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: To improve the roads, and bring certain of the public to a more reasonable frame of mind in regard to motoring. Club: Clifton
- WOOD, A. H. E.
- WOODS, T. J.
- WRIGHT, J. J., 38, High Street, Dereham. Cars: to-11.p. Argyll, 6k-h.p. Progress, 9-11.p. de Dion. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 40,000 miles. Principal aim in furthering automobilism: For the good of the industry, and because he considers it the best means of locomotion.
- WRIGHT, Parsons, Woldnorton Manor, North Thoresby, Lincolnshire. Car: 54- h.p. M.M.C. Club: Lincolnshire Automobile.
- WRIGHT, R. M., Newland, Lincoln. Cars: 7-h.p. Panhard, 8-h.p. de Dion, 9-11.p. Humber. Uses these vehicles for pleasure and the conversion of anti-motor horse owners. Has driven motors for over four years, during which period he has covered 50,000 miles. He is a local pioneer of motoring. Clubs: Lincolnshire Automobile, Nottingham Automobile.
- YOUNG, Filson, Briar Cottage, Epsom. Car: 5k-h.p. Locomobile. Hobbies: Boat sailing, riding, cycling. Club: Imperial Service.
- YOUNGER, Mrs. William, Auchen Castle, Moffat, N.B. Is very fond of motoring. Club: Ladies' Automobile.
- YOUNGER, William, M.P., 43, Prince's Gardens, London, S.W. Is an enthusiastic motorist. Formerly Lieutenant, 16th Lancers. Captain, Sherwood Rangers Imperial Yeomanry. Has represented the Stamford Division of Lincolnshire in the Conservative interest in the House of Commons since 1895. Clubs: Carlton, Naval and Military, Boodle's, Orleans, New (Edinburgh), A.C.G.B. & I.
- YULES, Robert, "Braeside," Fountain Road, Crystal Palace, London, S.E. Car: 12-11.p. Gladiator. Hobbies: Motoring, fishing, music. Has been a motorist for three years, and driven thousands of miles. Objects to the speed limit.
See Also
Sources of Information
- Motoring Annual and Motorist’s Year Book 1904