Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1908 Stanley Show: Cycle Accessories

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1908 Stanley Show

Extracted from the Cycle and Motor Trades Review

Ara Material and Manufacturing Corporation.
Chancery Lane, E.C. Stand No. 227.
This exhibit consists of "Ara " vulcanising outfits. The "Ara" process is purely chemical and requires no heat. The company themselves term it the "Concrete" process. Special materials, consisting of rubber and liquid chemicals, are built up into the tube or cover which it is desired to repair, the process being complete after it has been in a small screw press for a few minutes. Materials may be obtained which will vulcanise either red or black. The process may also be used for repairing soft rubber articles, such as water pillows or goloshes.

Abingdon-Ecco, Ltd.
Tyseley, Birmingham. Stand No. 220.
This company is an amalgamation of the old-established Abingdon Works Co., Ltd., and the Ecco Works, Ltd., formally of Redditch. The exhibit consists of a fine array of the well-known Abingdon "King Dick " fittings, which have such a good reputation for neatness in design, finish and durability. Three samples of finished frames are shown fitted up with the latest type of "Ecco" brakes, one model of which acts on the seat stay. The exhibit includes a full range of the celebrated "King Dick" spanners, and also a neat leather wallet for motorists' use, containing the three largest sizes of "King Dick" spanners. The new pocket model of the "King Dick " spanner is a very handy little tool. Samples of the well-known Abingdon "King Dick" tricycle frames are also on view. For the first time in 30 years the company exhibit a spanner at a lower price than the "King Dick." This new model is known as the "Ecco," and as the line is a profitable one to agents, it should be interesting to the trade generally. "Ecco" lubricators are also shown in various sizes.

Joseph Appleby.
Aston Manor, Birmingham.
The Appleby chains are famous all over the world. Samples are shown in the various sizes in roller chains, including the Standard, Manor and Continental varieties. They are quite up to the reputation they have gained in the trade.

Albion Saddles.
The Albion Cycle Saddlery Co., Birmingham.
The "XL" spring saddle is here shown for motor-cycles, also the latest examples of cycle saddlery and tool bags of various styles, including a neat bag for motor-cycles. These well-known goods retain all the old and well-tried features. The leading lines for season 1909 are the man's and lady's A400 and A60. These sell japanned at. from 2s. 7d. to 2s. 11d. nickelled 2s. 10d. to 3s. 2d.

Armstrong Triplex Three-Speed Gear Co., Ltd.
Icknield Street, Birmingham. Stand No. 2.
This well-known gear is now fitted with ball bearings to the pinions, the balls being in cages. This improvement should make the Armstrong Triplex even more satisfactory in the future than it has been in the past. The feature of having a roller bearing where the thrust comes is continued, and the makers claim that this gives their gear a distinct advantage over others in which a plain bearing is used. Several methods of fitting the actuating lever are shown, so that the trade may have their choice of the various patterns. A very interesting feature recently introduced by Mr. J. H. Price is the stamping on the quadrant of the name of the firm to whose bicycle the gear is fitted, so that any maker ordering a reasonable quantity of Armstrong gears may have him name stamped on the quadrants, or, if he wishes, on the hub; this concession will appeal to the trade, and will give them an added interest in the gear.

M. Adler.
Coventry, Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels, and Barcelona. Stand No. 237.
M. Adler is noted as a prominent factor who supplies everything for cycle and motor manufacturers and dealers. The " Nero " specialities, hubs, free-wheels, spokes, and nipples, brakes, frames, etc., are in evidence, also the M.A.C. ball- bearings and coils for motors. These must not be confused with the Aston Motor Accessories Co.'s specialities, as the initials refer to M. Adler, Coventry. M. Adler is also agent for the Perry and Lucas goods, Cough's saddles, Phillip's brakes and saddles, Cake's and Williams' chain-w heels and cranks, and Macintosh tyres. Prominent among this firm's exhibits are the "Goodwill" and the "Success" frames and parts, which have been favourably noted in our previous issues. The "Goodwill" comprises everything to make a cycle ready for the rider, and the most inexperienced in cycle building can fit up a complete machine. These are sold in lots of six or twelve at £2 10s. cash each. The " Success," another speciality on similar lines, is not so complete as the " Goodwill," being minus tyres, rims and spokes, and saddle. These are sold in lots of six or twelve at £1 16s. 6d. cash. The firm also make a speciality of Bray's latest burners for acetylene head-lamps. The M.A.C. coils are supplied for either one, two, or four-cylinder engines. The Hoffmann steel balls for motors are specialised in by this firm, also Liggin's dress-guards and cords. Other fitments include all kinds of chain cases and covers, mud-guards, complete with stay rods, tool bags, chain stay tubes, rims, etc. The Macintosh " Coventbry" tyre is a cheap line for agents, where price is a consideration.

C. W. Burton, Griffiths and Co.
London and Glasgow. Stand No. 149 (Entrance, Arcade).
This firm, as last year, exhibit a fine collection of tools, suitable for cycle and motor agents, and for every kind of engineering work. A speciality is an American-made pocket tool kit, selling at 5s. 6d., in leather case, which contains a variety of tools to fit into a handle. There is also a combination tool set selling at a guinea. Rules of every description, graduated either in millimetres or inches, micrometers, and many varieties of tools required in the workshop can be seen here.

A. and C. Burt.
166 Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C. Stand No. 173, Entrance Arcade.
This Stand is mainly devoted to electric lamps and gear-cases. Samples are on view of an anti-vibrating auxiliary handle to fit on the top of the ordinary handlebar by means of a This is made of spring steel. There is also a very neat battery box for motor-cycles. The safety electric tail and head lamps for motor-cycles are fitted with two distinct lamps or bulbs, placed side by side, in separate lamp holders. In case one goes out through a filament breaking, etc., the other lamp lights up and removes any possibility of being without a light. The firm also make a speciality of accumulators.

Bransom Manufacturing Co.
148-150 Curtain Road, London, E.C. Stand No. 163.
The Bransom gear-case, which has been sold for so many years, is exhibited in various forms and styles. Some have celluloid fronts and others are all black. There are also some neat oblong luggage carrier cases for fitting on luggage carriers of both cycles and motor-cycles, and selling at 5s. and 6s 6d. respectively. A stock of the "B.K. Pan-a-Ratta" is on view, British made, selling at 1s. with a metal disc, and ls. 6d. with transparent celluloid. Three cycles are also shown; one enamelled red as a tradesman's carrier cycle, with large basket and name-plate.

E. M. Bowden's Patents Syndicate, Ltd.
29 Baldwin's Gardens, Holborn, London, E.C. Stand No. 123.
The Bowden mechanism which is used for so many purposes by motor car and motor-cycle makers, is here shown. A novelty is the duplex lever, or strictly speaking, two levers on one clip. The levers differ slightly in length, and the clip enables them to be fitted to any convenient part of the handlebar, so that with the two fingers of one band the rider can operate the throttle and spark advance. Another pattern has the levers situated in the centre of the steering wheel—for cars.

Block and Co.
87 Finsbury Pavement, E.C. Stand No. 156.
This company are showing a new polishing powder called "Rustoff." A member of our staff has tested this preparation, and finds it most efficacious in removing tarnish or rust from various metals.

Bluemel and Bros.
Wolston, Coventry. Stand No. 188.
Celluloid specialities for which this firm is famous, mudguards, handle-grips, front mudguard flaps, gear cases, and the celluloid handlebar covering, which is fast gaining popularity; this is now made to completely cover the handlebar,. extending to the extreme ends, and doing away with the necessity for the usual grips. A new pump connection is shown with a nozzle, for instantaneous attachment to the valve without screwing. • The new type of winter width mudguard has its forward end recessed (where the straps are rivetted), so as to fit neatly under the fork crown of the machine. Agents should push the 'sale of the Bluemel celluloid side guards, which are made to strap round the down tube, and extend rearwards about four inches. These prevent mud being thrown from the back tyre on to the chain.

W. and A. Bates, Ltd.
St. Mary's Mills, Leicester. Stand No. 205.
This firm specialises in all kinds of rubber goods. They have some good lines in tyres at all prices. Bates' heavy tyre and "Advance" roadster tyre, and the Bates' path racing tyre, are all in evidence. The cheapest tyre is the "Eclipse," which looks extremely good value to sell to the public at 5s. per cover. The firm also manufacture rubber insulation for high tension wiring for motor-cars, and they have tyre repair outfits for both motors and cycles. Samples of raw rubber are shown on the stand. The firm intend to introduce shortly a motor-cycle rubber-studded tyre, and also a rubber-studded band for motor-cycle tyres.

J. B. Brooks and Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 30.
The name of Brooks is a household word in cycle, motorcycle and motor circles, their name being synonymous with everything that is best in the way of saddlery, tool bags, and luggage-carrying appliances. Amongst a very full range of cycle saddles, Messrs. Brooks show all the old favourites, but nothing new except that their well-known B 11 racing saddle is fitted with six wires instead of four. They make a very handy touring valise for fitting to the side stays of the usual motor-cycle rear luggage-carrier. This valise is now made with metal clips instead of straps for attaching it to the luggage-carrier. On the outside of this bag, which measures about 12in. by 10in., is a small receptacle for tools, and a place for the oil-can, so that these articles can easily be got at. without interfering with the tourist's luggage. The enormous number of Brooks' saddles on the various makers' stands in the body of the hall are proof positive that the wares of the old firm are as popular as ever with the trade.

J. Bridger, Factor.
Croydon. Stand No. 240.
This is an office with a show-case in front, containing cheap bicycles fitted with Warwick "Speed" tyres and also Williams' chain-wheels and cranks. The Mossberg wrenches and Seabrook spanners, and the Croydon special cheap tyres, are special features on this stand. Mr. Bridger styles himself " the prompt factor."

Eugen Baedeker.
17 Newcastle Street, Farringdon Street, E.C. Stand No. 224.
This exhibit consists chiefly of lamps of various sizes and patterns for cycles and motor-cycles. They are chiefly acetylene, but one or two candle lamps are also shown by this firm. Other specialities are rims, spanners. and various cycle fittings.

Bown Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
The Bown "Aeolus" bearings and fittings, which have been favourably known in the trade for something like 30 years, are exhibited in detail. Every part has been brought up to date and improved for 1909, and they are better value than ever. The novel features are a new bottom bracket. which is very easily placed in the shell, and securely locked in position. This is carried out in a very neat. and effective form. There is also a new fork crown of distinctive design of pressed steel, which gives a machine a unique appearance. On a stand in the centre are shown examples of the "Aeolus" cycles, including a very neat road-racer. The firm have a very fine no-name machine, complete roadster, beautifully finished, which is supplied to the trade at a low price to sell at around £4 10s. to £5.

Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stands No. 179 and 276.
Among the numerous good things to be seen on this stand is the B.S.A. three-speed hub, which has been still further improved by the addition of a pawl-depressing ring, which prevents each pawl rising until it can get into full engagement, therefore preventing all chance of slip and ensuring a positive drive. For those cyclists who like a back-pedalling brake, the B.S.A. have a beautifully-made and ingenious contrivance; this is actuated by the left crank, which as it is moved backwards, applies a rim brake to the rear wheel. Of course, all the usual B.S.A. specialities in parts and fittings are shown. There is also an interesting exhibit of B.S.A. rifles, including an air rifle, and a new line in the B.S.A. miniature bolt rifle, chambered for a .22 cartridge; this retails at 30s., and carries a liberal trade discount. It is a. line which cycle agents should be able to push with great advantage. The Eadie coaster is now fitted with sin. balls, and the makers ask us to state that it is only being made with 4in. chain line. It is rendered particularly free by the insertion of spring actuated steel pads bearing on a hardened bush on the spindle. The braking surfaces are phosphor bronze expanded on to a hardened steel ring in the hub shell.

British Brake Co.
Alexandra Street Works, Wolverhampton. Stand No. 198.
Hub brakes, rim brakes, and coaster brakes in great variety. A front hub brake (Chamberlain's patent), actuated by a roller lever of the ordinary pattern should please those riders who object to rim brakes on account of the brake shoes getting in the way when tyres have to be removed.

A. E. Bramson.
6 Farleigh Road, Stoke Newington. Stand No. 107.
This exhibit consists of specimens of the Banks' patent Ideal wind screen, a pair of trailers- Bramson's Patent Attachable Rear Cars - one for two persons, and one of the ordinary width, and last but not least, Bramson's Patent Hill-Climbing Crank. This is one of those ingenious, simple, and gratifying inventions which give one something for nothing. By merely compressing a spring at every stroke of the pedals it is claimed that hills can be climbed with practically no exertion. The idea is that the spring which is contained in each crank being compressed during the stroke, automatically carries the effort over the dead centre.

Bowden Brake Co., Ltd.
151 Farringdon Road, London, E.C. Stand No. 210.
What can one say about the Bowden brake? Except that it is as popular and efficient as ever, there is really nothing to be said. Here are the old original, the Bowden Popular, Magnet, and Stop, also Bowden back and front luggage carriers. A new type of front brake lever is shown, which is very neat, and which gives a straight pull on the wire, and a new clip for machines with short heads and extension handlebars. On the Magnet and Stop brakes the outer coiled wire is enamelled. The Bowden Brake Co. are now laying themselves out to capture the wholesale trade by supplying a handle-bar complete with both front and back brakes, at a price which is really amazing, even to those who are used to hearing low figures quoted.

Brown Bros., Ltd.
Great Eastern Street. London, E.C. Stands 159, 191, and 265.
This, the premier firm of factors, have their policy and motto emblazoned over the doorway of their office, "Wholesale only." Their exhibit embodies everything the agent can require, and includes the new "B.B." lug set for building a light and cheap racing machine. This provides for a gin. top tube. Complete bicycles and motor bicycles of the well-known Brown and Bronco brands are shown. The New Departure hub and bells have a stand to themselves, their popularity being now sufficient to demand this attention. Messrs. Brown Bros. have just received from America a large consignment of Sturgis Collapsible Baby Carriages. This is a marvellous contrivance whereby the whole carriage, with its four wheels, hood, back rest and handle folds up instantaneously into a very small space. It was almost like a conjuring trick to see Mr. Albert Brown take the carriage in its folded form (when it resembles a mail cart taken entirely to pieces for transit by rail), drop it on the ground, and by the time it reached terra firma it had expanded into a complete carriage ready for the road ! It is impossible to describe the action of the carriage, but agents should see it for themselves. It is a line in which they can do good business. Prices from 42s. upwards, retail.

British and Colonial Chemical Alliance.
25, 27, and 29 Windsor Bridge, Salford, Manchester. Stand No. 177.
On this stand are shown the Universal Plate Cream for cleaning plated parts of cycles and cars; also Squeegees for cleaning motor wind-screens, and a similar appliance for tyres.

"Brum" Invisible Cycle Lock.
Walker and Son, 847 Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham. Stand No. 154.
This is a distinct novelty in the way of a cycle lock, being invisible with the exception of an aluminium clip on the down tube. A key is supplied which fits into the clip, and lowers a lever which is concealed in the down tube, the lower end of the lever fitting into a specially cut slot on the crank-axle. The sliding lever is fitted with a small piston with leather ends, and binds against the tube to prevent all rattle. The cycle cannot possibly be ridden when locked with this device. The weight is only 101 oz. We consider this lock to be the best and most practical that has yet been introduced. A patent has been applied for. The firm are also agents for Probert and Sons' cycle transfers.

Bavarian Rubber and Asbestos Works.
63 Crutched Friars, E.C. Stand No. 22.
Cycle and motor tyres, as various other rubber goods, are shown here. The firm do not claim to have anything new, but state that their tyres have given the utmost satisfaction, and that they are giving better value for money than ever. They do not care to publish prices, as they only supply factors and manufacturers. They are making a speciality of a very cheap tube which they have named the "Torpedo."

British Hub Co.
This firm's hubs are shown for both cycles and motor-cycles, and also for side cars. There are no distinctive features, but they have been improved in detail, and are better value for the money. They are made in every style for both front and rear wheels, and the workmanship is of the highest class.

Brampton Brothers.
Birmingham. Stand No. 274.
This celebrated firm have a handsome suite of offices with show-cases in front containing all their specialities. Of course, their saddles take the leading position, and the new saddle No. 1 has been greatly improved in the frame-work for 1909, in order to minimize the risk of breakage. Messrs. Bramptons are not factors, but themselves manufacture all goods they sell. They have a fine range of hubs for cycles and motor-cycles, ball-bearing rings, axles, pedals, brake sets, etc. The handle-bars shown are all fitted complete with brake-sets, and some are covered, partly or wholly, with black celluloid. The Brampton chains are shown in all patterns. The quality of all Messrs. Brampton's goods are fully maintained throughout.

Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co., Ltd.
235 Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.,and at Warrington. Stand No. 222.
The well-known bifurcated rivet which has been favourably known to the trade for some time, remains the same as hitherto. The Christy new safety razor is also shown, which sells at 5s. complete with strop and six blades. Machines are shown suitable for rivetting for cycle dealers and repairers. There is also a tubular rivet in various sizes, one pattern being suitable for studs of motor tyres.

Calmon Asbestos and Rubber Co., Ltd.
1 to 3 Trinity Place, Tower Hill, E. U. Stand No. 61.
This is one of the handsomest stands in the show, and can scarcely fail to catch the eye of anyone in the main hall. A very fine array of cycle and motor cycle tyres are to be seen here, the cycle tyres being made in a number of different patterns, either beaded edge or wired, and in red or grey rubber. We noticed particularly the "Superb," which is guaranteed fifteen months and sells at 45s. per set retail, the P.63 and the C. C., which sell at 17s. 8d. and 15s. 10d. per set respectively. Various types of treads may, of course, be obtained. Calmon motor-cycle tyres are unusually strong. They are not a cheap tyre, as the company only make the highest quality. They may be obtained either with a smooth round tread or with a large square tread of ribbed rubber. They are, in fact, exactly similar in section to the car tyres which were illustrated a short time ago in The Review. Motorcycle tubes are also noticeable on account of their unusual thickness, and they are made of the very best quality tough red rubber, canvas finished.

Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 196.
This is a business office, with a neat well-lit showcase in front, showing the well-known and excellent "Coventry" Chains, in all sizes and grades. The Coventry Elite Chain is a fine example of this firm's beautiful work, and is the highest priced chain on the market. There are also some light, small chains for driving purposes where no strain is required, but all are guaranteed accurate; also a sample of speed gear chains for actuating variable speed gears. The Coventry Ball Clutch is also shown. It is doubtful if better chain can be made than that emanating from the works of the Coventry Chain Co.

Continental Motor Co.
32 Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C. Stand No. 27.
The leading exhibit on this stand is the R.O.M. combination rubber and steel non-skid motor cycle tyre. It has a tread of toughened compressed rubber across which run wide transverse ribs set at an angle. This construction is in itself a very effective non-skid, but to make assurance doubly sure, a pair of steel studs are placed between every pair of ribs. The compressed tread is so tough that it is difficult to believe that any ordinary nail could penetrate it, and we consider that altogether the company have an extremely saleable article which agents would find it to their advantage to stock. This tyre is not by any means the only thing of interest to be seen, though it certainly occupies the premier position. Several other patterns of motor-cycle covers and some butt-ended tubes are well worth inspection. Quotations for re-treading may also be obtained from this firm. Another and quite different line is the R.O.M. Synchronised and Ideal Contact Breaker, which possess several special features of its own. We understand that even so early as Saturday afternoon some very satisfactory business had been done with the new tyre, and there was every indication that the demand was going to be very considerable before the close of the Show.

County Chemical Co., Ltd.
Excelsior Works, Birmingham. Stand No. 266.
This firm show their Chemico specialities, from repair outfits to complete vulcanizing plants. The Pyramid tyre is shown for the first time; this is an ordinary roadster tyre under the casing of which is fitted a Sphinx puncture proof band. A side line which agents should enquire about is the "Go Bang" burglar alarm, which retails at 2s. 6d.; this little contrivance is fastened to the door pillar and set so that the opening of the door releases a spring-controlled trigger, which fires a cartridge and alarms the household—and probably the burglar !

Cuthbe and Co.
37 Gt. Eastern Street, E.C. Stand No. 272.
The speciality of this firm is the "Max" tyres. These are guaranteed to contain 90 per cent. pure Para rubber. Tandem tyres are guaranteed for two years, "Special Max" for 18 months, and the Max roadster for 15 months. The Company offer £50 reward to any purchaser who can prove that the covers and tubes are not 90 per cent, pure Para.

Chater Lea, Ltd.
Golden Lane, London, E.C. Stand No. 228.
The well-known Chater-Lea fittings for cycles and motorcycles, together with the Chater-Lea" "Carette." This low-priced little vehicle has a 6 H.P. two-cylinder air-cooled engine, driving the back wheels by means of a chain. A number of different types of frames for tandem and single bicycles, are shown, also motor bicycle frames to accommodate different engines. A speciality which should interest agents handling motor bicycles, is a .brake which acts on the inner circumference of the belt rim, and which is actuated by the rider's left foot on a small pedal; the brake is fitted below the chain stay, which position ensures it coming away from the belt rim directly the foot is removed from the pedal. Of course, it is impossible to do justice to such a large and comprehensive exhibit as Messrs. Chater-Lea are making, in the short space at our disposal, but the trade are already well aware that their requirements in any and every direction are adequately catered for by the Golden Lane house. Following the lead of other people who embody their initials in the design of their chain wheel, Messrs. Chater-Lea have a chain wheel, the spokes of which form the letters " C.L.," the initials being repeated three times in each wheel.

Capon Heaton and Co., Ltd.
Birmingham and London. Stand No. 60.
This old-established firm have samples of their various lines in tyres, tubes and other rubber goods. They have a speciality for 1909 in a very good quality cover, which is guaranteed to contain 90% of pure Para rubber. They claim that the quality is exactly the same as was originally put in the Fleuss tyres in 1897, and also that no tyre on the market to-day is of such a good quality. The firm are making a speciality of motor car gaiters; also of a new golf ball.

Chiswick Soap and Polish Co.
Chiswick. Stand No. 204.
This company are manufacturers of a number of well-known brands of soaps, polishes for leather, metal polish in powder paste, and liquid, and various other similar preparations. A full range of their specialities may be seen at their stand.

Components Ltd.
Bournbrook, Birmingham. Stand No. 232.
This firm's goods are almost too well known to need description. There are several novelties, however, for 1909. Of course the wholesale trade only is supplied by this Company. In cycles, the "Fleet Imperial" truss frame, men's and lady's, hold foremost place, and entirely new models are the "Fleet Royal" light-weights, also in lady's and mens. These sell at £10 5s. retail. The " Commodore " models are wonderful value at £5 5s. retail, and will compare favourably with any on the market in finish, and general attention to details. Specialities in the way of fittings for next year include the Hygienic spring saddle, with hinged joints and springs, which give it a very flexible movement in downward direction, with a slight forward and backward movement. There is also a new spring fork carried out on similar lines to the springs beneath the saddle, which seems very effective and is •very neatly made. The firm have a new three-speed hub, the Crabb "Simplex," for which many important advantages are claimed. Amongst other special features are a solid axle, and one train of gears only, so that there are no idle trains of wheels in motion on the high and low gears, creating needless friction. The gear operating mechanism is contained between the back fork ends. The gears are always in mesh and run on ball-bearings, all of which are adjustable by one cone. The hub is as light as any other three-speed hub, and it is claimed to be simpler and Stronger than the majority of these fitments. A frame is shown treated with the new Coslett rust-preventing process. It looks very serviceable, although no enamel has been applied. and gives a dull black surface. Liberty tyres and all the other specialities of this firm are on view. The stand is replete with interest to everyone connected with the cycle trade.

W. Canning and Co.
Birmingham and London. Stand No. 54.
This exhibit consists of the already well-known plating and polishing apparatus. A model is shown of the patent rim plating machine, in which the rims are carried in a special form of cage which is kept in constant rotation round the anode in the plating bath. They are also exhibiting a cycle frame ^lose plated in brass to prevent any danger of it .rusting through the enamel, the brass being really exceptionally thick.

R. W. Coan.
Goswell Road, E.C. Stand No. 157.
Our readers are doubtless all of them well aware that Coan casts clean crank-cases. It should, however, not be forgotten that he can repair broken aluminium parts, and can even cast in complete new portions if necessary. Coan's make aluminium for practically every purpose for which it is used, from kitchen utensils and small articles, such as paper knives, to dashboards and back axle cases. The works have recently been extended on account of the ever-increasing business.

Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd.
Stand No. 52.
This firm are exhibiting a full range of cycle, motor-cycle and racing tyres, together with a variety of sundries. There are " The Special Continental " tyre, in wired-on or beaded edge form, which can now be supplied with name on the tread. "The Continental Invicta, ' which is introduced to meet the increased demand for a tyre having an extra thick tread. "The Coventry and Conrex ' brands, also a "No Name" cycle tyre, in either wired-on or beaded edge form, which is now placed on the market for the first time. In addition to the already well-known "Standard" and "Model de Course" pattern motor-cycle tyres, samples of all-rubber non-skid, as well as steel-studded, covers, are shown. The latter have the studs embedded in the rubber, similar to the method used in the manufacture of Continental car tyres. Racing tyres are represented by samples of sprint single tubes in smooth and file pattern, and also in detachable form, with either open fabric sides or all rubber for road racing purposes. Cycle tubes are shown in a variety of qualities, and motorcycle tubes in endless or butt-ended forms. In addition to the above are many sundries, such as patching rubber, valve tubing, inflator tubing, carbide bags, etc.

Clissold Cycle Co.
77 Green Lanes, Stoke Newington, London, N. Stand 105.
The Clissold patent stand for attaching to cycles and motorcycles. This stand is very substantially made, and is provided with small rubber-tyred wheels, one on each side of, and about a foot from, the centre of the bicycle. The stand is normally carried just clear of the ground, but a turn of the handle allows it to drop, so that the rider can remain on his machine without dismounting. It is also claimed that the appliance, if let down when the rider approaches a greasy road, prevents side slip.

Coventry Rubber Co.
Coventry. Stand No. 268.
The speciality of this firm is the manufacture of the "Three Spires" non-skid tyres. There is a new pattern of the "Three Spires" motor-cycle tyre for 1909. The tread has been improved in design, as was recently pointed out in The Review, when we fully described the new tyre. Cycle tyres are made in the same pattern. A "Modele de Luxe " motorcycle tyre has an extra thick tread of same pattern, and is suitable for rear wheels of tri-cars, or side wheels of side-cars. The motor-cycle tyres are especially cheap when'the excellent quality of material and manufacture is considered. One of these tyres is shown which, fitted to a Triumph motor-bicycle, has covered 3,000 miles, and the non-skid design is scarcely worn.

Dover, Ltd.
Northampton. Stand No. 229.
It is interesting to note at this stand the many uses to which Exonite (the name by which Messrs. Dover's speciality is known) can be put. 'The Vero and Revod chain covers are well known to the trade, as are Messrs. Dovers' inflators, trouser clips, detachable mudguards, and other sundries. Handle-bars are shown covered with Exonite of various colours, and handle grips with coloured rings. A novelty is the Exonite oil-can with brass spout; a thumb grip is provided for screwing the spout into the body of the can. The D.L. socket spanner is also shown.

Edouard Dubied and Co.
Couvert, Switzerland. Agent, W. A. King, 166 Edmund Street, Birmingham. Stand No. 200.
This exhibit is of great interest to the manufacturer in a large way of business. Mr. King shows samples of cycle and motor-cycle spoke nipples, cycle and motor tyre valves, motor tyre security bolts, specially hardened studs for metal-studded tyres, spindles for cycle wheels, and various screws and turned parts, also the "Edco" sparking plug. Enquiries are solicited from really large manufacturers for special articles, which can be made at very low prices owing to the works being specially equipped for large quantities of repetition work.

East London Rubber Co.
2, 4, and 8 Gt. Eastern Street, London. Stands No. 211-212.
Stand No. 211 is occupied by tyres and rubber goods generally for cycles and motor-cycles. Some good steel-studded tyres for motor-cycles are exhibited. The "Kerry " group of cycle tyres are shown in large numbers inflated on rims; also "Kerry " matting for motor-cars. The "Goodwear " cover is guaranteed for 12 months, and the "Kerry " special cover is guaranteed for 15 months. Stand No. 212 is devoted to cycles built of B.S.A. fittings. Phillip's pedals and brackets, sparking plugs, ball thrust rings for cars, accumulators, etc. Some very neat mechanics' tool cases are shown, containing stocks, dies, and all such necessary adjuncts to the repairer's workshop.

E. Eichhorn.
South Place, London, E.C. Stand No. 223.
This firm's specialities are horns and lamps for cycles, motorcycles and cars, though the car goods are not exhibited. They are stoutly-constructed articles, which sell at a very moderate price considering their quality. On the stand a full range of the motor-cycle and cycle goods are shown.

Express Rubber Co.
11 Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. Stand No. 194.
This firm have a neat exhibit of "Nobility " waterproof garments for ladies and gentlemen. The garments on view are eminently suited for the various purposes intended, and appear to be good value at the prices quoted. There are some good examples of waterproof caps for motorists and cyclists. A combined jacket and overalls for motor cyclists looks a good thing. The word " Nobility " as applied to waterproofs is registered, and all goods are guaranteed for two years that bear the "Nobility " trade mark.

Elephant Chemical Co.
Neats Street, London, S.E. Stand No. 202.
Here are exhibited the well-known specialities of this firm, which scarcely need description. "Vulstop," a tyre-stopping preparation, is claimed to be the best on the market for filling cuts and holes in cycle and motor tyres. Two new things for 1909 consist of the "Alexander" Accumulator, fitted with patent grids, and the "Alexander" Non-sooting Sparking Plug, which has a plate covering the sparking points. These sell at 3s. 6d. Of course, oils, carbide, Carton for chains, soldering fluid, repairing outfits, etc., put up neatly in enamelled tins, are seen in profusion.

Stanley Feast and Co.
Crown Diamond Works, Walworth, London, S.E. Stand No. 182.
The name of Feast and the initials " S.F." are well known in connection with accessories, repair outfits, pump clips, and a great variety of articles useful to the cyclist and easy to sell by the agent. A real novelty shown for the first time is at this stand; this is the "Stop Thief " saddle pin clip, invented by Mr. W. J. Welch, the London manager of the Centaur Cycle Co. This consists of a small clip or band fastened round the seat pillar by a nut and bolt; from the rear of the band - extending downwards - is a narrow tongue, which engages with the slot between the two back stays, thus preventing the saddle pillar turning round. The ordinary seat pillar adjusting nut is left comparatively loose, so that the seat pillar complete, with the saddle, can be bodily removed and taken away by the rider who has to leave his Machine unattended. This, of course, prevents it being ridden by a member of the light fingered fraternity.

Fluxite Soldering Paste.
The Auto-Controller and Switch Co., Bermondsey, S.E. Stand No. 203.
"Fluxite." which is demonstrated on this stand is a patent soldering paste, which enables dirty, greasy, and even painted metals to be soldered without previous cleaning. The stand attendant taking an enamelled tin shows very clearly that it may be instantly tinned by an ordinary soldering iron, by merely rubbing a little "Fluxite " over the surface before applying the iron. The claims for "Fluxite" are that it solders all metals except aluminium. Iron is the only metal which requires to be cleaned for soldering. It does not corrode, is a paste, and cannot be spilled, and will adhere to the surface to be soldered. It is sold in 6d., ls., and 2s. tins, and also in drums.

H. A. Goodall and Co., Ltd.
5-7 Shoe Line, E.C. Stand No. 172, Entrance Arcade.
The Imperial Puncture Preventer is shown here. In the first place, a powder is put through the valve of the tyre, water is afterwards forced in, and the tyre whirled round. This produces a black liquid in the interior, which is claimed in the case of puncture to effectually seal same. We had ample evidence of its efficacy on the stand, where it seemed to act perfectly and instantaneously. It is claimed that it is not sticky and does not clog the valve, is harmless to rubber, and does not affect the resiliency of the tyre, which, moreover, will keep hard and firm for weeks without inflating. It seems just. the thing for porous inner tubes. The whole appliance sells at 1s. 6d. retail.

Gough and Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 219.
Messrs. Cough's specialities in cheap and moderate-priced cycle saddles are here shown. The latest novelties include some very well-designed bags and luggage holders for the use of motor-cyclists. These are fastened pannier fashion to the side of the back luggage carrier, strapped both to this and to the frame of the machine in some cases, and in others lying flat, upon it. One very good line is a week-end bag for motorcyclists, to lie flat upon the luggage carrier, which sells at 16s. retail, and is very well made. There are also some very good tool-bags, both for cyclists and motorcyclists. Another novelty is a leather spare belt carrier, a very good idea, and one which will appeal to motor-cyclists. It sells at 6s. retail.

Great Eastern Rubber Co.
31 Norton Folgate, E.C. Stand No. 208.
This exhibit is devoted to accessories, principally for cycles, although a few motor goods are in evidence. Amongst other goods shown are Manx and Ascot Tyres, Renold cycle chains, Sturmey-Archer Tri-coaster hubs, and lamps, bells, motor outfits, tool bags, etc. Outside is shown a lady's frame fitted with the latest thing in Bowden brakes for both front and back wheels.

The Gorton Rubber Co., Ltd.
Manchester. Stand No. 239.
As generally known, this firm is coming rapidly to the front as makers of good tyres for cycles at reasonable prices, and Mr. George Spencer is to be congratulated on the success he has achieved since he took over the reins of management. Quite a staff are in attendance, including in addition to Mr. Spencer, Messrs. E. L. Curbishley, P. H. Wright, G. Owen, P. Klepper and F. Billet. The great speciality of the firm for 1909 is the " Paraflexo," produced to meet the growing. demand for a superfine quality. It is fully guaranteed to wear 15 months, and the quality of the rubber and fabric are of the very best. This sells to the public at about 10s. 6d., and leaves a good profit to the agent. The next best line is the " Gorton Special," made in the firm's registered pattern with name on tread, from best selected fabric and rubber. These are guaranteed for 12 months, selling retail at 8s., beaded edge 6d. each extra. Other specialities are the Gorton Hibernian tandem tyres, made of fabric of three-fold strength, "A" grey rubber, and are specially suitable for heavy riders in rough districts. These are guaranteed for 13 months. The Gorton new process tyre is made by the firm's own patent method of manufacture, vulcanized in the form they assume when inflated. Therefore the outer rubber is not in tension and less liable to puncture. These are also guaranteed for 15 months. The weekly output of tubes of this firm is 25,000, which will be materially increased when the new works are ready. They have also a very cheap line in tyres, which are guaranteed for six months, termed the "Unrivalled Openshaw." Where agents require a very cheap line, where prices are of paramount importance, they will do well to inspect these tyres.

Hoffmann Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Chelmsford, Essex. Stand No. 181.
This exhibit, as one would naturally expect, consists of an array of steel balls of different sizes set in frames. A few self-contained motor races are also shown. Mr. Japh Mason, the agent for the company, drew our special attention to a sign which announced that Hoffmann's in their Chelmsford works make steel balls at the rate of 50,000 an hour for 24 hours every day except Sundays.

Hanover Rubber Co.
29-31 Old Street, London, E.C. Stand No. 259.
Cycle and motor-cycle tyres, with circular rubber studs moulded on the tread for the prevention of side-slip, also a band with the same pattern tread for fitting to a plain tyre. The cycle tyres are made in either beaded edge or wired-on pattern, and the motor-cycle tyres in beaded edge only. Rubber and canvas motor cycle belts are also shown, and a detachable air tube, which though butt-ended, has the ends made to socket one into the other, making a join which can be easily undone and the tube bodily detached from the machine without taking the wheel out.

Hobday Bros.
27 Gt. Eastern Street, E.G. Stand No. 187.
This is an interesting stand, containing every article for cycles and motors usually factored, and of interest to agents, dealers, repairers, etc. The firm have a big market for B.S.A. and Eadie fittings, and stock Jap and Sarolea motor-cycle engines, both twin-cylinder and single, also tanks, magnetos, accumulators, etc. Rushmore lens mirror searchlight headlamps, and also their patent shaking grate generator. There are some splendid sets of cycle maker's tools, stocks, dies, etc., for the use of repairers. Tyres of all kinds are shown - Dunlops, Michelin, and Continentals, both for cycles and motors. As is well known, the firm claim to be the "Quick Dispatch Factors." Orders promptly attended to.

Handy Detachable Luggage Carrier Co.
7 East Bond Street, Leicester. Stand No. 245.
This luggage carrier is very ingenious in its method of attachment. Four small sockets are clipped to the machine, two immediately above the back mudguard, and two on the back stays a few inches above the hub, and into these sockets hooks on the carrier are made to fit. The sockets may remain permanently on the machine, and the carrier with its stays can be instantaneously detached. A pattern is also made for attachment over the front wheel, and in this the sockets are fitted on the front wheel spindle under the usual nuts. The retail price is 1s. 9d. for either back or front carrier. Trade prices, which show a very fair margin for the retailer, on application.

Hutchinson Tyres.
Etablissements Hutchinson, London, Paris and Mannheim. Stand No. 215.
This firm are only exhibiting their cycle tyres. They have a new endless cord tyre, with the cords placed diagonally in both directions round the circumference. They also manufacture sprint tyres for racing, and they have a new cover with square tread for cycles for post-office, cycle-carrier, and rough work generally. Several examples are on view of motorcycle tyres, which vary in price from 15s. 6d. for 24in. by 2in. size to a 28in. by 21in., at 21s. 6d. The Hutchinson tyres are undoubtedly very carefully made, and are worthy of the reputation they have gained as motor car tyres. The Hutchinson "Club " tyre is a very cheap line, made in all sizes, at 4s. 6d. per cover, and it is claimed that it has good wearing properties.

Heller and Co.
2 Colvestone Crescent, Dalston, London, N.E. Stand No. 171 (Arcade Entrance).
This firm make stencil plates, cut out of stout zinc, for the use of all tradesmen; also tyre stencils for marking the insides and outsides of tyres with sizes, etc. The firm are showing a cheap watch, which a cyclist can carry, and which also shows lighting-up time for each Saturday throughout the year. It is non-magnetic, and is guaranteed to withstand vibration.

Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd.
Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. Stand No. 238.
A full range of H.F. vulcanising appliances were shown at Olympia, and all the latest novelties were described in our report last week. Here only one pattern is shown, namely, the H.F. Popular. This is a machine of a size suitable for motor tube repairs or cycle and motor-cycle cover work. It is, of course, just as good as all the other H.F. articles, and should appeal very strongly to the cycle agent who is not dealing with motors to a very great extent.

Ernest H. Hill, Ltd.
Sheffield. Stand No. 261.
This well-known firm show every description of inflator for cycles, motor-cycles and cars. One new model for car tyres is a double-action pump in brass, which sells at 36s. The gauge fitted to same is a novelty, as it only registers the amount of pressure in the tyre when a button is touched by the foot. The pressure does not go through the gauge in the action of pumping. The firm have also a very special line in a black celluloid cycle inflator, which, with the agent's name on, is quoted at a very low figure. The remainder of this firm's goods are too well known to need description.

India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Co., Ltd.
Cannon Street, E.C. Stand No. 4.
This old-established firm have very little that is new. They are still showing the well-known Silvertown cycle tyres and the "Le Persan" motor tyres. They are sole makers and agents for the Reilloc motor bus tyre, which has been proved so reliable in actual service in London streets. One of these tyres has run 11,00 miles, and has only worn down gin. It was used on the Renard trains at the Franco-British Exhibition, and in six months only two blocks had to be replaced out of 448. Samples are also shown of the Silvertown rubber matting, and a new floor covering made of india-rubber which can be made any shape in two thicknesses and laid down in mosaic style. It is claimed to be a permanent floor covering instead of ordinary removable linoleum.

Lycett Saddle and Motor Accessory Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 185.
This old-established firm show samples of their famous "La Grande " saddles, chain cases, tool bags, belts, etc. They have a new motor-cycle stand, which is brought into use without using the hands, and has a spring automatic locking action as soon as the cycle is wheeled backwards. The new 101 motor-cycle saddle is beautifully easy in action. The rear part is a curious combination of coil springs in various directions, and is adjustable to the weight of the rider. It sells at a guinea. A feature of the "La Grande" cycle saddles is that the tension nut at the front is easily get-at-able with an ordinary spanner. The firm are just about to introduce a new rubber motor-cycle belt, with canvas interior, which is claimed to be very pliable and strong. Some neat tool bags for both cycles and motor-cycles, and a motor-cycle luggage carrier of ample dimensions complete a very interesting exhibit.

C. Lohmann.
35 Great Eastern Street, London. E.C. Stand No. 184.
The specialities of this firm include lamps, saddles, tool-bags, cycle and motor horns of all patterns. In addition there are numberless other goods relating to cycles and motors. One novelty is an acetylene bicycle lamp, with an elliptical hood brought well to the front above and below the glass, with or without bull's-eye centre lens. A novel idea also is an acetylene lamp with white enamel reflector, and spun in lens front. Cycle lamps range in price from 8s. down to 1s. 8d. The majority of the lamps are acetylene, but there are also cheap oil lamps. They have also a motorcycle head lamp, with separate acetylene generator at a very moderate price. The "Perfecta " motor-cycle head lamp (self- contained) is very smart looking. Cycle horns in great variety at all prices are also exhibited.

A Sarolea motor-cycle engine is to be seen, and in addition there is a huge assortment of phonographs, guns, wrenches, handlebars, frame bags, and all the usual accessories pertaining to a factoring business. In the show cases in front are some very fine examples of motor horns, and motor side lamps, ranging from about 30s. per pair. The celebrated black enamel, Flintolin, is also solely controlled by this firm.

Joseph Lucas, Ltd.
Birmingham, Stand No. 233.
The goods of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., are too well known to need description. They have been frequently dealt with in our columns. Needless to say, they comprise all that is latest and best in lamps for cyclists and motor-cyclists at all prices, also bells, inflators, luggage carriers, lamp-brackets, etc. There are many new features in detail on most of the lamps, and a novelty is a new acetylene lamp, separate generator for motorcycles on Rushmore lines, with lens mirror, searchlight and reflector. Needless to say, this is beautifully made. It sells at two guineas complete. Another novelty is a new motorcycle horn, suitable for the long handlebars brought to the rear now in general use. It is so swivelled on the bracket that the handlebar can pass through the body of the horn, while it also has a wire gauge to protect it from dust.

Leatheries Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 221.
This firm have a genuine novelty in a new saddle adjustment and tension device, which is so simple that one can only wonder it was never invented before. It is worked by a small lever about 4in. long, which depends from the front of the saddle, and this can be instantaneously used to adjust the tension of the saddle by a small ratchet and spring pawl movement, so that no spanner is required. A lady can adjust a saddle in a few moments at any time. This is fitted to the "Empire de Luxe" saddles Nos. 104 and 105. Another novelty is the "Townsend " mudguard extension, a device to attach to the stays of the front mudguard, to take up the back and side splash from the front wheel. It is claimed that riders using this will not dirty their shoes, and the inconvenience of cycling in muddy weather so obviated. The retail price is 2s. 6d. each, and they are easily fitted. The firm are the makers of the British Pattison hygienic saddles, which have a longitudinal depression extending from front to rear of the saddle, and which can be adjusted as regards the amount of opening, so as to obtain perfect comfort. The firm show models of saddles, viz., the " Empire de Luxe," and " Empire " of cheaper grade, which are thoroughly up to date, and have been still further improved for next season. 'Fool bags and gear cases are also shown in great variety.

Leicester Rubber Co.
Leicester. Stand No. 249.
This firm are making a speciality of very strong inner tubes and covers. They claim to have reverted to the original very good quality rubber which formed the tyre treads and tubes in the early days of the pneumatic. In the new "John Bull" tyre, the firm evidently have a really good thing; the tread is above the average full roadster, thickness. This was formerly the " Special Swan " heavy tread, and it is even better quality than the old Swan tyre. It is guaranteed for 18 months. and is made in either beaded edge or wired-on varieties. The retail price is 28s. beaded, 27s. 6d. wired-on, per pair. The "John Bull" tyre should be easy to sell, because its quality is so apparent and its wearing qualities self-evident by the heavy tread and thick inner tube. The Swan tyre, which has been made by the firm for some time, is of the highest grade, and fully guaranteed, but is not quite so heavy as the "John Bull," and is therefore considerably cheaper. The firm are also making butt-ended motor-cycle tubes and bulbs for motor horns. Another great speciality of this Company is the " North Pole " wired-on pram tyring, British manufacture, in various sizes, which should appeal to cycle agents and repairers who have much to do with perambulators and bassinettes. As showing the quality of the valve tubing supplied by this firm, a sample on this stand was shown blown up to the extent of nearly an inch diameter without bursting. In addition, there are all kinds of rubber goods, such as pedal rubbers, brake-blocks, patches for inner tubes, pump connections, football bladders, etc.

Micrometer Engineering Co.
Coventry. Stand No. 267.
The Micrometer springless free-wheel clutch is shown here, together with the new Micrometer three-speed gear, which we were interested to notice is provided with two oilers between the hub flanges, rather an unusual—but very good— feature.

Midland Rubber Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 1.
This old-established Birmingham rubber manufacturing company have on a nicely-draped and attractive stand, a complete range of their tyres, which are all well known to the trade as first-class, reliable goods. The chief exhibits are the special Midland high-grade tyre, guaranteed for 15 months, and the Midland, British, Ryland, Crown, and Windsor tyres. All these have for years commanded a ready sale. A special extra heavy type is the Mirco carrier-bicycle tyre, with a centre tread of red rubber, giving it an attractive appearance. They have also all kinds of rubber lines, which a cycle dealer could require, such as tubes, brakes and pedal rubbers, repair outfits, football bladders, etc. The Company make a feature of special named tyres for agents who wish to run a tyre as their own, and thus create their own goodwill.

Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd.
49-50 Sussex Place, S. Kensington, S.W. Stand No. 64.
This firm, one of the most noted for quality in motor tyres, have just commenced to push the interests of their cycle tyres in Great Britain. This must not be taken to indicate that they are new at this branch of the business, as they have made cycle tyres and sold them all over the Continent for fully 15 years. It is almost needless to say the reputation of the firm made in England by their motor tyres, is fully maintained in the cycle tyres on view. Special features include motor-cycle tyres with steel non-skidding covers, made on exactly the same principle as this firm's heavy grade goods. Another speciality is the butt-ended tube, of very best quality. All the tubes are fitted with motor pattern plunger type valves.

Monovo Co.
Stewart's Road, S.W. Stand No. 241.
This firm's speciality is, of course, calcium carbide, but visitors to the Show who have the idea that this useful commodity is the only thing the company sell in any quantity should certainly not fail to examine the stand, for they will find it is perhaps one of the most all-round exhibits of its kind in the Show. Oils are shown, and tyre repair bands, patches, repair outfits, and last, but not least, the "Novdel " carbide and match carrier This is a nickel-plated tube with a division near one end, and, finally, at each end a cap. The larger portion can be filled with carbide, and holds more than enough for many cycle lamps, and the smaller compartment is just the right size to hold a quantity of wax vestas. The Whole device is carried on the frame of the machine between two spring clips of the same pattern as the ordinary pump

H. Miller and Co., Ltd.
Lamp Manufacturers, Birmingham. Stand No. 192.
The main feature for 1909 on this Stand is a new "Cetolite" lamp, which is distinctly new. The whole of the front part hinges outward, so that the burner, lens, and reflector and every portion can be easily got at to clean. It has a lens perfectly focussed, and contains all the other features which have made the "Cetolite" famous. This lamp is made in three qualities, the No. 3, listed at 8s. 4d., and the Nos. 1 and 2, at 5s. 8d. and 7s. respectively. They combine all the advantages of both loose and fixed front lamps, and the powerful condenser lens will throw a strong beam of light well ahead. All Messrs Miller's lamps have a fixed minimum selling retail price for next year.

Regarding the ordinary cycle oil lamps, there is little change, but all have been improved in detail, and generally rendered more efficient. Prices also remain the same as last year, except in very few cases, as no reduction is found possible for the quality supplied. Another novelty of the firm is the "Cetolite " projector and separate generator for motor-cycles, on the principle of the celebrated Rushmore motor head lamps. These are made of brass throughout, and are plated to order. Minimum price of these with separate generator and lens mirror complete, 30s., to the public. The front glass is 4in. diameter, and the lens mirror reflector 301. diameter. It is suitable also for a small car, and in this case is supplied with a distributor, so as to keep a reserve of gas for both lamps, and supply each equally. Messrs: Miller's goods. are all beautifully finished, and the firm are catering for every class of trade in cycle and motor-cycle lamps.

Moebius and Son.
Stoke Newington. Stand No. 186.
This exhibit consists of a full range of all the "Challenge" oils and greases for cars and cycles. Our readers should not forget that "Challenge" carbide is also marketed by this firm, and is of the same high quality as the lubricants.

David Moseley and Sons, Ltd.
Ardwick, Manchester, Stand No. 59.
This noted Manchester firm of rubber manufacturers have a fine stand on the ground floor devoted to their specialities. The standard of quality hitherto set by this Company is a very high one, and no efforts are being spared to maintain it. The Company, for 1909, have a very liberal guarantee of 12 months on each tyre used for cycles. If a tyre fails within 3 months, a new tyre is supplied free of charge, within 6 months, at 75 % reduction; within 9 months, 50 % reduction, and within 12 months, 25 %. The tyres shown include Moseley's best tyre, "Ardwick " tyres, "Red and Black," thorn-proof tyre, Moseley's carrier or tradesmen's tyre, and Moseley's path-racing tyre. The latter is a very neat new pattern, built up on light fabric, with a substantial red tread, which has been greatly appreciated by speed riders, and it is now being marketed generally for the trade. Another new feature is Moseley's non-skid motor-cycle tyre, with a new herring-bone pattern tread. All the tyres on view are of the very best quality, both in moulding and material. The firm are not descending to very low qualities, but at the same time they are selling to the trade a new "no name" tyre, which can be sold to the public at 5s. 6d. to 6s. per cover, leaving a fair margin as the agent's profit. The original "Flexifost" fabric, which created the fashion in tyre-linings some years ago is adhered to as being absolutely perfect. Other items on the stand include Moseley's acetylene gas bags, which are guaranteed pure "Para " rubber, and warranted never to go hard. There are also fine samples of black pedal rubber blocks. All Moseley's tyres can be had either beaded or of the wired-on type. The firm inform us that the wired-on type is still popular with a great number of riders. The firm also make a speciality of cycle-repair bands, with and without flaps. Moseley were established for many years previous to the inception of the cycle industry, and have always had a very high reputation as rubber manufacturers. They are thoroughly up-to-date for 1909.

Mason and Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 242.
The Mason gear cases in all styles are exhibited here, and some of them are sold at very cheap prices for both lady's and men's machines. These are shown in both plain American cloth, and with part celluloid fronts. There are also chain cases with celluloid fronts and in plain enamelled metal.

North British Rubber Co., Ltd.
Castle Mills, Edinburgh. Stand No. 55.
We recently dealt with the policy and programme of the North British Rubber Co., so that reference to these would now be superfluous. For 1909 only two types of Clincher cycle tyres are being marketed, the A Won, which is the very best that ingenuity can produce, and the B. The North British Rubber Co. also make an "own name " tyre at a cheaper price than the B, but their name will not appear on this, and they are prepared to supply it with a customer's name on, when big orders are placed. The firm will strictly uphold their price maintenance scheme, and our readers may take it that the most strenuous efforts will be made to keep up the full retail price of Clincher tyres during 1909. New tyres in motor-cycle tvres are the "Dreadnought," and the Clincher "A Won." The former is stronger and heavier, suitable for very powerful machines; both have circular rubber studs as a non-slipping tread.

F. S. Nickells and Co.
2 Dornberg Road, Blackheath, S.E. Stand No. 312.
There is a neat and interesting novelty here, in the shape of a connect:on between the pump and valve, suitable for cycles, and motor-cycles. By keeping the attachment screwed to the pomp, the nuisance of repeated screwing is avoided, as all that is needed prior to pumping up the tyre is for the article to be squeezed betWeen finger and thumb and pushed on the valve. It can be used at any angle. This extremely conve- nient 1:ttle fitment is on ,ale at 6d. for cycles, 1s. for motorcycles. and ls. 6d. for cars.

Newman's Successors.
45 Tabernacle Street, Finsbury, London, E.C. Stand No. 216.
Chains, pedals, lamps, tools, gear-cases; in fact a complete range of accessories. The firm also show complete bicycles and footballs, so that the agent who cannot get what lie wants from them must be very hard to please.

Oldbury Tube Works Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 271.
Our readers know as well as we can tell them that the speciality of this firm is bends of all kinds, complete handle bars, seat pillars, etc. They are showing a very fine assortment of cycle and motor-cycle bars, the latter being made in extra stout gauge tubing, so as to be perfectly reliable under the great strains to which they are naturally subjected. The patent lap-joined seat pillars may be examined here, and there is also a very neat tubular motor-cycle stand and carrier combined. A range of bars are shown coated with celluloid in different patterns, one with a plain rib being very neat indeed.

Ernest Osmond.
Winchester Works, Birmingham. Stand No. 209.
The numerous ingenious contrivances emanating from the fertile brain of Mr. E. Osmond are here displayed; these include the new "Winchester" brake, which is a very neat apparatus the lever being clipped to the handlebar stem instead of to the bar itself. The top of this brake is pressed out, and the shoe made in two parts; each side of the horseshoe is continued downwards through the eyelet on the fork blade. Of course, the miniature spanner which Mr. Osmond was the first to introduce, is prominent at this stand; it is now made in two qualities, retailing at 2s. and 2s. 6d. respectively.

Patent Turned Spoke Co.
Alcester. Stand No. 242.
Some fine examples of spokes of the patent turned variety are shown here. High tensioned, double-butted, non-stretching, and unbreakable, the patent turned spokes will stand a greater tensile strain than spokes made by other processes. The firm are also making spokes for motor car wire wheels a speciality. The high-tension, plain " rustless" spokes screwed with nipples and washers are sold in boxes by the gross in 15 gauge, for 28in. by tin. wheels and other sizes.

Patchquick Patent Patches.
Woodgates Bros., Tiverton. Stand No. 150.
There are several novelties on this stand in the way of patches for cycle and motor tyres. As regards the ordinary patches, it is claimed they are the only make which are vulcanized on the outer side and left unvulcanized inside, so that when a special solution, which is also sold by the firm, is applied, it practically dissolves the unvulcanized side, which adheres more firmly than the ordinary solutioned patch vulcanized on both sides equally.

Perry and Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 183.
This exhibit consists of a very handsome array of Perry specialities—chains of many different sizes, the famous Perry freewheel clutches, "Midget" oilers, pump clips, and other well-known Perry fittings. There are no particular novelties for 1909, the old and well-tried articles having proved themselves so satisfactory that there is no need for alterations.

Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd.
London, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. Stand No. 165 (Entrance Arcade).
This firm show all the necessary oils for the lubrication of cars, motor-cycles, and cycles. The "Motorine C." is their water-cooled engine oil, and the "Motorine A." is for air-cooled engines. Their Battersea gear oils for change speed gears of all classes of cars are well-known. The firm have a special cycle axle oil, suitable for 2 and 3-speed gears on cycles. This is non-freezing, non-gumming, and specially adapted for its purpose. For differential axles the firm have Belmoline (solidified oil) in three grades. This is also specially suitable for gear-cases, axles, and bearings. Price's cycle lamp oil is put up in neat enamelled tins with a new label, to sell at 6d., 8d., and 1s. For large cars they are now putting their motor lubricants in 2-gallon tins.

Palmer Tyre Co., Ltd.
London, Glasgow, Birmingham, Coventry and Nottingham. Stand No. 3.
The celebrated Palmer tyres are shown in great variety. The standard of other years is fully maintained, and little need be said as to the excellent quality of the tyres on view. There is a slight reduction in the price of the Standard Fabric cycle tyre, of about 1s. retail. Other prices remain the same. A new feature is a 14in, motor cycle tyre, with thick square- tread, grooved, which is equally suitable for an ordinary cycle, for those who require a machine to stand rough wear. It would be especially suitable for a tradesman's carrier bicycle or a tandem. It has a most substantial appearance. All the ordinary motor-cycle tyres are built up on the famous cord system, the same as the motor tyres which have made such a reputation for durability. The Palmer tyres are shown in every size, fitted on rims, and they have a very high-class appearance throughout. Two motor car tyres of black rubber may be seen on artillery wheels.

Peter Union Tyre Co.
Upper St. Martin's Lane, W.C. Stand No. 231.
The firm are showing all their usual line in beaded edge and wired-on cycle tyres, and also motor-cycle tyres with beaded edges. A neat steel studded leather tread non-skid is shown, and two different patterns of 'ibber tread. There are also butt-ended inner tubes for motor-cycles, and a puncture-proof band made of specially treated rubber, also intended chiefly for motor-cycles.

Polack Tyre Co.
31-34 Basinghall Street, E.C. Stand No. 248.
The Polack Tyres are shown here in grey and red, and the novelty is one with side bands of black rubber. Tubes are put up in neat boxes, and other goods include V-belts for motor-cycles, with canvas centres covered with rubber, tubing for electric wires, pedal rubbers and brake blocks. The goods are of German manufacture, and many of the tyres are of racing size.

Pathe Freres.
Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C. Stand No. 291.
The special feature of this exhibit is a new model Pathephone, for use in public buildings and very large rooms. This machine works with compressed air, and so gives a much greater volume of sound than one of the ordinary type. The complete outfit _consists of a small air compressor driven by an electric motor, which may be run from any ordinary lamp holder, and forces the air to the sound box, and a Pathephone that to all outward appearance is the same as usual. The difference lies in the sound box, which is a little hollow aluminium casting. There is a small silver disc mounted ou the sapphire-pointed needle and the air passes through holes in this disc. As the needle lifts the disc an extra quantity of air is allowed to pass, and the modulations are so delicate that the subtlest differences are reproduced just as well as on the ordinary machine. There are a new series of Pathe records which can be heard, and our readers would do well to pay attention to this exhibit.

Powell and Hanmer, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 217.
This well-known and old-established from of lamp manufacturers have a very glittering array of their specialities. A new pattern is the "Panther" acetylene lamp for attachment to a; bracket on the front wheel spindle; this has a red glass for showing a rear light. Motor-cycle lamps with separate generators are shown, and this is a type which is likely to come more generally into use. All sorts of oil, paraffin, acetylene, and candle lamps are shown, and as Messrs. Powell and Hanmer's reputation is world-wide, their name on a lamp is of great assistance to the retailer when effecting a sale.

Parkers' Lamp Co. Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 195.
Now that there is so much discussion on the subject of cyclists carrying tail lamps, two of Messrs. Parkers patterns should appeal to the trade as good selling lines. These' are the "Protector," a round-bodied lamp, and the "Duplex," a square lamp; each of these have a red glass at the back. The lamps, of course, are designed to be carried on a bracket fitted to the front fork or spindle. Both these lamps retail at 3s. 9d. each. Messrs. Parker also make oil and acetylene lamps in great variety.

J. A. Phillips and Co.
Credenda Works, Sinethwick, BirMingham. Stand No. 214.
This firm's name is well known in connection with its "Vox Populi " pedals; they are now introducing a new front rim brake, known as the "Leverette," which is applicable to any type of handlebar. In this the pull-up lever is very short. This is a brake which should certainly appeal to speed men. The V.P. pedals now have a solid centre, and extra quality rubbers, and these improvements account for the small increase of cost.

James Price and Son.
10-20 Fitzroy Place, Euston Road, London, N.W. Stand No. 213.
The hard-drying "Chez-Lui" enamels, which have been favourably known for the best part of 20 years, are on view in every possible colour, and the stand is a very large and attractive one. Samples of rims are exhibited enamelled on the inside in all colours. The firm claim to have made improvements in several respects for next year. They are making a speciality of various enamels for radiators of motor cars, aluminium and black being prominent. This they claim will not tarnish or rust and will stand any heat and exposure.

J. Pedley and Son, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 218.
This well-known rubber house are making a speciality of their Oxford tyre, the cover of which is guaranteed for either two years or ten thousand miles. Should a cover go wrong within that period or distance the makers replace it at a cost proportionate to the distance it has travelled, or the time it has been in use. Messrs. Pedley do not fix a retail price for this cover, the trade price is low, and the agent can charge what he likes for it. Another good line is the Barron butted air tube; in this the butt -ends are bevelled, and each end is provided with three ribs which grip the inside of the cover and prevent. the ends of the tube separating when it is in position in the tyre. A large variety of general rubber goods, applicable to the cycle and motor trades, are also on view.

Perfecta Clutch Co.
Spoil Street, Coventry. Stand No. 242.
The "clutch with the perfect pawl action," introduced in 1901, is shown in all sizes. It is fully guaranteed, and the Perfecta hardening process is a feature. It has standard B.S.A. screwing. The Perfecta Bracket Axle is made in three sizes. The Perfect., head and crown ball races are made to suit standard lugs and crowns. The crown races are plated and lapped.

Rich's Patent Detachable Air Tube Co.
Crawley, Sussex. Stand No. 255.
The special feature of Rich's tubes is, of course, the fact that the air circulation is perfectly free and unrestricted all round the tyre. The tubes have been slightly improved since last year by thickening the rubber behind the joint ring, so that it is stronger, and if possible, slightly easier to handle. The operation of joining or unjoining the tube is perfectly simple and speedy. A very small quantity of special lubricant is rubbed round the joint occasionally, but it is practically air-tight without this.

Richards Fork and Pressing Co.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 242.
Some fine examples of this firm's pressed fork crowns, and back fork sides are shown here with other parts and fittings, such as saddle pillars, handle-bars, etc. The quality of the Richards' goods is too well known to need description.

E. A. Radnall and Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 242.
The speciality here is Radnall's "XL" shell set, and cycle frames, shown with back and front brake parts, all complete, with neat lug-clips on handle-bars. The fork crowns are very. accurately machined all over, and one has a new curved top of distinctive design. These are remarkable value. Other fittings shown are front and back wheel axles, adjusting cones, and pump clips; while on cards are neat sets of bolts and nuts, hack fork adjustments, and sets of parts for front and rear-wheel brakes. There are also chain wheels, handle-bars, and luggage carriers.

Roman Rim, Ltd.
Upper Priory, Birmingham. Stand No. 5.
The Roman Rim is greatly improved for 1909, and we may say that it is now made throughout in Birmingham. As our readers are aware, this rim is made of aluminium alloy; it is jointless, seamless, rustless, is a perfect circle, has no flats, and the fibre of the metal is continuous; the rim is of the same colour and consistency all through, so that it cannot rust either on the surface or on the paths rubbed by the brake pads. It is made in all sizes for both wired-on and beaded tyres, the trade price being 12s. 6d. per pair. The new Roman Rims are much more highly polished than those of a few years ago, which were criticised in some quarters because of the slightly dull appearance which they bore. Roman paint and Roman letters for signs are also on view, as is a magnificent Roman in the flesh, clad in the garb that was fashionable in the days of Julius Caesar, and wearing a Roman rim round his body.

Standard Plating Works, Ltd.
Rosebery Avenue, E.C. Stand No. 146.
This exhibit consists of "Non-rusting rims," samples of plating and enamelling, and some neat revolving signs. The signs are made of thin sheet metal in different sizes. They are mounted on hardened steel balls, and will revolve in the lightest breeze. The rims are coated with a thick layer of nickel rolled on.

H. M. Stevenson.
6 Edmund Street, Birmingham. Stand 167.
Mr. Stevenson is the patentee of a system of transfers which do not require varnishing. The varnish is incorporated with the transfer itself, so that all that is necessary is to place the transfer in a box containing a pad saturated with turpentine or other spirit which will soften the varnish it contains. After about three minutes it may be placed on any smooth surface and will adhere instantly. A damp sponge is passed over it to fix it, and after the removal of the mounting paper it is perfectly clean and clear, and there is no unsightly patch of varnish surrounding it.

Stonehouse Works Co.
Perry Bar, Birmingham. Stand No. 242.
This firm make pedals their speciality, and claim to produce the cheapest pedal in the trade. These are shown in various forms, both rat-trap and rubber, and a great novelty is the combined toe-clip pedal, in which the arched spring pieces forming the clip are part of the side-plates, and firmly clip the boa, while there are no teeth on the treading plates to hinder the foot from slipping in and out.

Stuart Lock Joint Tube Co.
603 Bute Docks, Cardiff. Stand No. 243.
The "Stuart Lock Joint" inner tube is, or should be, well known to every motor cyclist and agent. The butt-ended tube is socketed for some five inches in the motor-cycle size, and for four inches in the cycle size, making, when inflated, a perfectly secure joint which could not be pulled undone without tearing the whole tube. The convenience of a butt-ended tube is too obvious to need explanation, and even on pedal cycles their use would save a great deal of time and trouble in these days of rim brakes.

Sturmey-Archer Gears Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 23.
The famous Sturmey-Archer gear is exhibited both as a Tri-Coaster hub and as an ordinary hub. The mechanism in the two is very similar. In the previous hub it will be remembered that there was only one train of wheels, but now there are two, and the changes of speed are effected by sliding laterally one of the two sun wheels. Of course, in the coaster hub, brake mechanism is added. A great feature of this gear from the agent's point of view is that should any accident happen to the mechanism, the whole of the parts can be easily withdrawn and forwarded to Nottingham for repair. As there are only about four distinct elements in the gear, it is quite easily dealt with. Another point in the gear's favour is its great comparative lightness. This year the pinions are all mounted on ball bearings, and the friction saved in this way is illustrated by some large models with balance weights showing that ten times as much extra weight is required to move a plain bearing pinion as a ball-bearing one. The three wheels carrying electric lights, and revolving at the relative speeds provided by the Sturmey-Archer gear are on view, and also a well-executed model of the Ord of Caithness, up which the dummy cyclists propel their machines at rates illustrating the comparative ease of riding with the Sturmey-Archer gear, other variable gears, and a fixed gear.

The Company fosters the agent's business by advertising extensively to the public, and by sending travellers round to explain the gears to the agents. All factors stock the gears, and agents can obtain their supplies from whichever of the factoring firms they may prefer.

Seabrook Bros.
32 Featherstone Street, E.C. Stand No. 242.
the exception that for 1909 a new clip has been added, similar to the Lucas bell. The Seabrook 1909 Solar Lamp (acetylene) with fixed bracket, seems a very simple and reliable lamp of this class, and is sold at a very reasonable price. There is also a very loud-toned motor car, bell for fixing underneath the footboard, depressed by an ordinary stud arrangement. The Seabrook one-piece solid-jaw spanners are retained in the well-known form. These have a very large sale all over the world.

Steiner and Co.
58 Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. Stand No. 257.
Horns, lamps, tool bags, and other sundries for both cycles and motors, are here shown, including a huge horn about 6 ft. long. Their speciality is the "Fanphare" horn, with either three or four notes. This has a very penetrating sound, and is made in a smaller size for motor cycles.

Self-Sealing Rubber Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 225.
The well-known "Hermetic" tyres, and the Self-Sealing air- tubes are on view, with many small details in connection therewith, such as the "Hermetic" motor patches, tyre stopping, repairing outfits, solutions, valve attachments, etc. The Self-Sealing tube remains the same, no alterations being considered necessary. The firm are also making butt-ended tubes for motor-cycles, also a tube with open end detachable joint, which has a continuous air space. The firm are marketing for 1909 two new cycle tyres, the best being the "Hermetic," which is guaranteed to contain 90% best Para rubber on the tread. This is a very high-class tyre, and can be supplied with either beaded or wired edge. The other tyre is the "S.S. Popular," which retails at about 7s. 6d., and is well made, and of good design.

Walter Stenning.
Blackpool. Stand No. 298.
Several distinct novelties in small adjustable wrenches of various kinds, electrical torches, etc. A very useful little hammer, with vulcanite ends, for light work, is also shown.

Tubes, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 242.
this well-known tube firm. who are manufacturers for His Majesty's Government, show a few samples of cycle weldless steel tubing in various forms, evidently of the highest quality. There are also some handle-bars of various shapes shown in the rough, and polished tubes in a variety of forms. The firm manufacture every description of weldless steel tubes.

A. G. Taylor and Co.
24 Great Putteney Street, S.W. Stand No. 246.
The well-known "Quick Grip" Spanner and Nut-Gripping Pliers are exhibited. Most of our readers are well acquainted with this ingenious time-saver, which is equally useful for the workshop as the private car owner or cyclist. The spanner is also made in larger sizes with lock-joint, screwed up by a winged nut. The "Quick-Grip " Spanner can be used as pliers in case of emergency, as the jaws are milled inside to obtain a good grip. Wherever the hand can be inserted a grip can be obtained, and the spanners will grip round tubes or rods equally as well as square.

Tormo Manufacturing Co.
H. and D. Friedenhain, Bunhill Row, E.C. Stand No. 25.
The speciality this firm are pushing is the "Torpedo" coaster hub. This has a roller free-wheel which grips forward instantly, but it is designed on a different plan to the old patterns, and when free-wheeling the rollers come out of contact with the hub-shell, falling away instantly as soon as pressure on the pedals is relieved. The chain ring then runs simply on a ball race.

The brake has a surface 14in. wide, the material being a special alloy, something similar to phosphor bronze. The whole hub may be taken to pieces and re-assembled very quickly and very easily, there being no small loose parts. On this stand our readers can also inspect the new models of the "Sarolea" motor-cycle engines, single-cylinder and twin, both being on view.

Tubeless Inflator Co.
Mold. Stand No. 247.
The Patent Tubeless Inflator and Connection, a boon to cyclists, is shown here. The separate connections are put up on attractive cards in dozen lots. They are made with both male and female threads. Some inflators are shown with the connection rigid with same, forming part of the pump itself. We were shown a black celluloid inflator which has been made with special fitting at the end, so that the part into which the connection screws cannot possibly turn round, and will remain always rigid. The celluloid inflator is specially made for the metal connection and the ends are guaranteed to be indestructible.

Robert Tann.
London Fields, London, E. Stand No. 155.
Safes of various sizes are exhibited here.

D. F. Tayler and Co., Ltd.
New Hall Works, Birmingham. Stand No. 53.
This is the well-known spoke-making firm, and examples of their spokes are shown, including plated, and enamelled, the latter in black, green, and red. Spoke nipples, treated likewise, are shown, also tying wire on spools, and samples of brazing spelter. Special copper wire for use in plating vats is also shown.

Timson Bros.
Snow Hill, Birmingham, and hake Street, Liverpool. Stand No. 282.
This firm, who have always previously exhibited in the gallery, are to be found in the Minor Hall this year. The stand consists of a show-room with plate glass fittings in front, and Mr. Timson informed us that be is only showing this year goods for export., his specialities being the goods of the following firms, for which Messrs. Timson Bros are Continental agents:—James Cycle Co. for cycles, freewheels and speed gears; Cycle Components Co. for brakes, hubs, pedals, and variable gears; Lycett Saddle Co. for sad . dies, gear cases and tool bags; British Rubber Co. for outer covers and inner tubes; Armstrong Triplex Co. for three speed gears; Villiers Co. for free-wheels and speed gears; Hartill Gear Case Co., for gear cases and chain covers; Richmond Gear Case Co., for celluloid and metal gear cases; Birmingham Stopper Co. for chain wheels, fork ends,- forward lugs, etc.; Deakin and Co., for cycle carriers; also for Victa and Luxe fittings, hubs and pedals. The firm are now marketing a now cycle frame, somewhat on the lines of the Enfield Girder, which, it appears is now free to be taken up by the trade.

Herbert Terry and Sons.
Redditch. Stand No. 206.
This house is famous for its springs and Spring appliances, which include muscle developers, rubber-covered spring handles for hand bags, also such useful sundries as brake cable clips, leather pump washers, and a novelty in the new registered armoured pump connection, in which the ordinary rubber tube is covered with coiled spring wire. Messrs. Terry have recently introduced a little novelty which should sell in large numbers to cyclists and motorists. This consists of four. spanners of different sizes hinged on a single stud, and closing up in neat form, so that they can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. This retails at 1s. in oxidised finish, or 1s. 6d. plated. Assorted boxes of springs, also boxes of nuts and bolts, are also shown. Motor car manufacturers will be interested in Messrs. Terry's automatic lock nut. The nut is rather thicker than usual, only half its bore being threaded; a coiled spring is concealed in the other half, and this prevents the not being unscrewed until it is released by the insertion of a wire nail (or something similar) in a hole which is drilled through the nut.

Union Rubber and Chemical Co., Ltd.
41 Great Eastern Street, London, L.L. Stand No. 234.
Turco novelties and specialities, which the cycle agent who knows his business is already well acquainted with. These include Pumice soap, gaiters for motor tyres, motor grease, oil, and carbide, gas bags for acetylene lamps, etc. Tools and appliances for effecting vulcanized repairs to motor tyres, are also shown. Every agent should make it his business to closely inspect the goods shown here. It will pay him to do so.

Vaughton and Co.
Gothic Works, Birmingham. Stand No. 269.
This firm's speciality is cups, medals, and similar fine art metal work. They were the makers of all the Olympic medals and of numerous cups and badges. Our readers will perhaps be most interested in the cycle name-plates in various metals and enamels.

Seymour and Co., Ltd., 65 Fenchurch Street, London, E.0 Stand No. 275.
"Velure," shown in large quantities on this stand, in various sized tins, is a preparation for enamelling cycles. It is made in 120 different colours and shades. We had ample evidence that it will not crack or chip, even when subjected to the most severe tests on tin. Villiers.

Villiers Co.
Blakenhall, Wolverhampton. Stand No. 260.
The Villiers Co. concentrate their attention on three articles, namely, the Villiers two-speed gear, free-wheel clutch, and pedals. The gear is constructed on the same lines for 1909 as hitherto, but the changing mechanism has been altered, the movement being now effected through a hollow spindle. Altogether the weight has been cut down some 6 to 8 oz., and the price has also been lowered. It will be remembered that in this gear there is no interval in changing from One speed to the other. A clutch picks up on the low speed, so that the change is made instantaneously in both directions. The free-wheel clutch is made with a solid back, that is to say, the chain wheel has a flange extending down to the screwed centre-piece. This greatly increases the strength of the wheel, and prevents it bursting The ball races are filled with balls, no cage or other separator being employed. The pedals are constructed in both rubber and rat-trap types, and are of excellent quality; in fact, they are only intended for use on high-grade machines. The Villiers Company are quite right in their policy of putting reliability before price.

Wineberg and Co.
Stafford Street, Walsall. Stand No. 175.
Wineberg's speciality is a little rubber buffer carried in a nickel clip which may be attached to the handle-bar of a bicycle or motor-cycle to protect the plating when leaning the machine against a wall.

Edward Williams.
Benson Works, Foundry Lane, Smethwick, Birmingham. Stand No. 199.
Mr. Williams confines his attention to the production of the patent cold forged steel chain wheels with flange, and bevel edge cranks, which he is supplying to a large number of the biggest makers in the trade. His chain wheel designs are many and varied, and the customer who cannot find anything amongst Mr. Williams' wheels to satisfy his requirements must indeed be hard to please. In these days of specialising it is interesting to note that Mr. Williams manufactures these articles exclusively, confining his resources and energy to the production and perfection of cranks and chain wheels.

A. E. Wilby, Ltd.
8 City Road, Birmingham. Stand No. 251.
Mr. Wilby informed us that his is a very young firm, only a few months old, in fact, and this is his first appearance at the Stanley Show. From the nature of the display which lie makes, we can safely affirm that it will not be his last appearance, and that in future years he will require a very much larger space than the little corner he now occupies. Mr. Wilby was the designer of the large-sized long distance saddle used by Peck in his End-to-End record, and this saddle is being extensively taken up by speed men, so that agents should prepare to deal with enquiries for it. A large number of other types of saddles are shown, together with leather gear-cases ana tool bags. All of them show careful thought and fine finish, and the prices are extremely moderate.

Walters, Ltd.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 242.
Some very high-class forms of oil-bath gear cases are shown here. One is a patent adjustable form, which is stated to be thoroughly oil-tight and dust-proof, and requires 110 soldering whatever. Another novelty is a very light aluminium gear case.

XL'All Specialities, Ltd.
Martineau Street, Birmingham. Stand No 134.
The XL'All electric cycle lamp should be a good selling article for agents It burns for 45 hours, and the accumulator providing the current can easily be re-charged. It retails at 15s., and, unlike some of the electric lamps which we have used in the past, is not unduly heavy. The XL'All saddle springs and spring forks are very ingenious, and a bicycle fitted with them is very comfortable to ride.

See Also


Sources of Information