Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Co

of 613 Australia House, London, WC2. Telephone: Temple Bar 2122/3. Telegraphic Address: "Clarsteamo, 'Phone, London"
of Sharman Works, Hitchen (1945)
of Fetter Lane, London EC4 (1951)
c.1925 Fitted an exhaust-gas boiler to the motor vessel MV Malabar (see Clarkson Steam Motors)
1926 T. Clarkson presented at the Inst of Civil Engineers on water circulation in thimble tube boilers[1]
1930 Patent on steam generators or water heaters, with Howard John Fountain, the first of around 20 patents
1932 Patent on improvements in steam generators or water heaters with William John Niven.
1935 Reduction in capital[2]
1937 Advert in British Industries Fair Catalogue. One of two Clarkson Patent Timble Tube Silencer Boilers for new L.M.S. 3-car articulated Diesel Train, similar to Boilers used by G.W. Railway, Netherlands, Danish, Spanish, Canadian and Irish Railways. (Engineering/Metals/Quarry, Roads and Mining/Transport Section - Stand Nos. D.501 and D.400)
1944 Patent - Improvements in steam generators or water heaters.
1951 Patent - Improvements in thimble tube boilers.
See Also
Sources of Information
- 1937 British Industries Fair Advert p600; and p349
- [1] [2] Wikipatents