Newman and Sinclair

Newman and Sinclair, makers of cameras and cine equipment
1909 Arthur Newman set up a partnership with James Sinclair called Newman and Sinclair to manufacture film equipment that would be retailed by James A. Sinclair and Co, the best known being Newman and Sinclair's Una.
Newman and Sinclair went on to design and sell many items including the Una and N and S Reflex cameras.
Newman designed the Newman-Sinclair reflex camera, a lightweight design carrying 400 feet of negative in film boxes placed side by side.
1910 Herbert Ponting took one of the cameras on Captain Scott's ill-fated polar journey.
1922 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Newman and Sinclair N. S. Cameras, Iris Dissolvers, Tripods with Revolving and Tilting Tops, Film Perforators and Appliances for Kinematograph work. (Stand No G.61e) [1]
1929 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Photographic and Kinematographic Cameras, including the Sinclair "Una" in Standard and Tropical Models; the "N. S." Standard Kine Camera with electric drive, and "N. S." Auto Kine Camera taking 200ft. (35mm.) film. (Stand No. O.4) [2]
Newman and Sinclair continued on well into the 1950s, mainly focusing on Cine equipment.