1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Users T

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
TATLOW (W. B.) & SONS LTD., CLEVELAND ROAD, WOLVERHAMPTON. T.A., "Wolverhampton 20406". T.N., Wolverhampton 20406/8 (3 lines). Established 1869.
Stockists of plate, sheet and safety glass. Manufacturers and processers of constructional glass products.
Managing Director: E. M. Tatlow.
Secretary: R. A. Stevens.
TAYLOR (F. H.) & SONS LTD., 131 SEVEN SISTERS ROAD, LONDON, N.7. T.N., ARChway 1188 (P.B.X.). Established 1875. Graduated glassware; domestic lighting glassware; decorated domestic tableware and stemware.
Directors: F. W. Taylor (Managing); P. F. Taylor; J. Hogg; E. A. M. Barrett.
TAYLOR (GODFREY), 15 WOBURN SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. T.N., MUSeum 6556. Established 1860.
Artificial glass eye specialists.
Proprietress: Mrs. C. A. E. Taylor.
TAYLOR, TAYLOR & HOBSON LTD. Registered Office: MORTIMER HousE, 37/41 MORTIMER STREET, LONDON, W.1. T.N., MUSeum 5432. Works: STOUGHTON STREET WORKS, LEICESTER; GIPSY LANE, LEICESTER. T.A., "Lenses, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 20134; 27547 (Gipsy Lane). London Office: 150 HOLBORN, E.C.1. T.A., "Illiquo, London". T.N., HOLborn 2101. Established 1886.
Photographic lenses; prisms; graticules; ophthalmic instruments; projectors.
Trade Names: Taylor-Hobson; Cooke.
Managing Director: M. H. Taylor.
Secretary: R. T. Knight.
TECHNAPHOT LTD., EAST UNION STREET, RUGBY. T.N., Rugby 4145. Established 1938.
All types of industrial thermometer and spirit level.
Managing Director and Secretary: P. Lake.
THOMPSON (J. LANGHAM) LTD., SPRINGLAND LABORATORIES, STANMORE, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Tommy, Stanmore". T.N., GRimsdyke 2077/8. Established 1944 as J. Langham Thompson & Co.; Limited 1950.
Electronic control and measuring equipment; electronic weighing equipment; electronic laboratory equipment.
Directors: J. L. Thompson (Managing); F. T. Davis; T. M. Thompson.
THOMPSON (WILLIAM) & CO. (CONTRACTORS) LTD. Head Office: 58/60 GREAT DUCIE STREET, MANCHESTER 3. T.A., "Blackfriars 9224/5". T.N., BLAckfriars 9224/5. Works: 27 BRIDDON STREET, STRANGEWAYS, MANCHESTER. Established 1870.
Processers of glass; leaded lights; wall panelling; patent glazing.
Managing Director: S. F. Thompson.
Secretary: W. A. Thompson.
THOMSON, SKINNER & HAMIILTON LTD. Head Office: 137 SAUCHIEHALL STREET, GLASGOW, C.2. T .A., "Argand, Glasgow". T.N., DOUglas 2842/4 (3 lines). Works: CLIFTON WORKS, 24 HARLAND STREET, GLASGOW, W.4. T.N., SCOtstoun 4386/7. Established 1903.
Lampblown apparatus to customers' specifications; wholesale distributors of all types of laboratory glassware.
Managing Director: H. Clift.
Secretary: C. Barclay, C.A.
THORN ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Head Office: 105 JUDD STREET, LONDON, W.C.1. T.A., " Eleclampo, Kincross, London". T.N., EUSton 4433. Works: EDMONTON; TOTTENHAM; ENFIELD; PRESTON; CYFARTHFA (S. WALES). Established 1924.
Incandescent lamps; fluorescent lighting tubes; lighting fittings; Vitrite for the manufacture of electric lamp caps.
Trade Name: Atlas.
Managing Director: J. Thorn.
Secretary: R. E. Davis.
THORNTON OWEN LTD. Head Office: 31 STAFFORD STREET, BIRMINGHAM 4. T.N., CENtral 7101. Works: CHARLES HOLLAND STREET, WILLENHALL, STAFFS. T.N., Willenhall 821. London Office: 27 BERKELEY SQUARE, LONDON, W.1. T.N., MAYfair 2017. Established 1945.
Venetian handblown glassware, comprising electric lighting fittings, table lamps, vases, fruit bowls. (Made in conjunction with John Walsh Walsh Ltd., Birmingham.)
Managing Director: G. Ireland.
Secretary: G. Chillingsworth.
TOWERS (J. W.) & CO. LTD., VICTORIA HOUSE, WIDNES, LANCS. T.A., "Towers. Widnes". T.N., Widnes 2201/5 (5 lines). Established 1882.
Lampblown laboratory, scientific and medical glassware and apparatus; hydrometers; thermometers.
Managing Director: J. S. Towers.
TOWNSON & MERCER LTD., BEDDINGTON LANE, CROYDON, SURREY. T.A., "Townson, Croydon". T.N., MITcham 1161. Established 1798. One electronic-controlled annealing furnace: gas.
Laboratory, scientific and medical (including lampblown) glassware and apparatus; graduated glassware.
Trade Name: Townmer.
Managing Director: R. Barrington Brock, M.B.E., F.R.I.C.
Secretary: A. Tatman.
TREASURE (J. B.) & Co. LTD., 12 VAUXHALL ROAD, LIVERPOOL 3. T.A., "Treasure, Liverpool". T.N., CENtral 1529. Established 1857.
Engineering glassware specialities: protector guard glasses, reflex gauge glasses, needle lubricators, lubricator cup glasses, sight glasses.
Trade Names: Excelsior; Durus.
Joint Managing Directors: W. H. Elliott; D. C. Elliott.
Secretary: Miss M. I. Stubbs.
TRICKETT (E. SHOWELL) & SON, OWEN STREET, BIRMINGHAM 15. T.N., MIDland 3329. Established 1896. Two kilns: gas.
Stained glass windows; leaded ornamental glass; patent glazing.
Managing Director: E. Showell Trickett.
Stained glass windows.
TRIPLEX (NORTHERN) LTD., ECCLESTON WORKS, ST. HELENS, LANCS. T.A., "TripleX, St. Helens". T.N., St. Helens 3206. Established 1929. Thirteen toughening furnaces: electricity.
"TripleX" toughened safety glass.
Managing Director: W. H. Pilkington.
Secretary: C. N. Newton .
"TRIPLEX" SAFETY GLASS CO. LTD. Head Office: ALBEMARLE STREET, LONDON, W.1. T.A., "Tripsaglass, Telex, London". T.N., REGent 8171/5 (5 lines). Works: HYTHE ROAD, WILLESDEN, LONDON, N.W.10. T.N., LADbroke 3441/4 (4 lines). "TRIPLEX" WORKS, KINGS NORTON, BIRMINGHAM 30. T.N., KINgs Norton 2031/5 (5 lines). Established 1913.
"TripleX" laminated and toughened safety glass, both plate and sheet; multi-ply and bullet-proof glass; curved safety glass; lettered safety glass; coloured glass; shaping, forming and manipulations of "Perspex" and other thermoplastic materials.
Trade Names: "TripleX"; Triplite; TriFlex.
Directors: Sir Graham Cunningham, K.B.E. (Chairman and Managing); A. Cochrane, M.I.M.E. (Assistant Managing); Lord Stanrnore, P.C., K.C.V.O.; C. K Horne; H. W. Baker, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E.; C. L. Cripps, A.M.I.I.A.; J. W. Follett; A. G. Rose, F.C.W.A.; A. C. Waine, Ph.D.
Secretary: J. D. Nuttall, A.C.A.
TRIST (RONALD) & CO. LTD., BATH ROAD, SLOUGH, BUCKS. T.A., "Resvalar, Slough". T.N., Slough 20222. Established 1908.
Vacuum and gas-filled photo-cells.
Trade Name: Electricon.
Managing Director: T. L. Wakley.
Secretary: Miss W. Baldwin.
TUBELITE SIGNS LTD., 16 CAMPBELL STREET, LEICESTER. T.N., Leicester 65323. Established 1945.
Manufacturers of scientific glass articles; glass manipulators; tube bending.
Managing Director: J. A. Pickering.
Secretary: P. M. Pickering.
TUDOR SAFETY GLASS CO. LTD. Head Office: 111 REGENTS PARK ROAD, CHALK FARM, LONDON, N.W.1. T.A., "Tudaglass, Norwest, London". T.N., PRimrose 1171/2. Works: SPRING PLACE, KENTISH TOWN, LONDON, N.W.5. T.N., GULiiver 5731/2. Established 1935. Two toughening furnaces: electricity.
Laminated and toughened safety glass; machinery glassware.
Trade Name: Tudor.
Managing Director: C. T. Pugh.
Secretary: C. A. Sparks.
See Advertisement, page 39.
TUNGSTALITE LTD. Head Office: 47 FARRINGDON ROAD, LONDON, E.C.1. T.A., "Tungslamp, Smith, London". T.N., HOLborn 2321/2. Works: ARCOLA STREET, LONDON, E.8. T.N., CLissold 4626. Established 1923.
Incandescent electric lamps; automobile lamps; fluorescent lamps.
Trade Names: Tungstalite; Sollar.
Managing Director: B. Wexler.
Secretary: D. Landau.
TWENTIETH CENTURY ELECTRONICS LTD., DUNBAR WORKS, DUNBAR STREET, WEST NORWOOD, LONDON, S.E.27. T.N., GIPsy Hill 2277/8 Established 1945. Small annealing ovens: electricity.
Cathode-ray tubes, oscillographic; radio valves; illuminating glassware (including electronic valves); Geiger counter tubes.
Managing Director: G. A. R. Tomes.
Secretary: S. A. Reed.
TYE (JOHN) & SON LTD., 457/463 CALEDONIAN ROAD, LONDON, N.7. T.A., " Gelatinate, Holway, London". T.N., NORth 1076 and 2074. Established 1845.
Ampoules; crushable glass capsules; tubes; phials.
Trade Name: Tyebrand.
Directors: H. W. Owen; B. M. Owen; A. Owen; F. C. Horne; W. Burrows.
TYNESIDE SAFETY GLASS CO. LTD., TEAM VALLEY TRADING ESTATE, GATESHEAD-UPON-TYNE 11. T.A., "Safglas, Phone, Gateshead". T.N., Low Fell 75064/6 (3 lines). London Depot: 35/51 HANGER LANE, EALING, W.5. Established 1940.
Laminated and toughened safety glass.
Trade Name: Tyneside.
Directors: H. W. Dick; L. Feather; D. Golding; J. M. S. Lishman; G. M. Slicer.
See Also
Sources of Information