Paul and Marjorie Abbatt

of 94 Wimpole Street, London, W1. Telephone: Langham 3884
- 1932 Paul and Marjorie Abbatt were pioneers of innovative educational toys in the 1930s. They set up in business in 1932 selling toys to friends and by mail order from their flat in Tavistock Square.
- 1936 Demand was such that they opened a child friendly shop at 94 Wimpole Street, designed by their friend the architect Erno Goldfinger. The Abbatts were his main clients at the time and he designed toys and nursery equipment for them. They were concerned with the play needs of children in general, introducing a range of toys for children with physical disabilities, devised by Milan Morgenstern.
- 1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Strong toys specially designed for their play value for little children up to eight years. suitable for use in Home and Nursery Schools. (Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. J.2244) [1]
- In 1951 they were instrumental in setting up the Children's Play Activities Trust to promote excellence in toy design and manufacture.
- 1971 Paul Abbatt died and the business was bought by the Educational Supply Association. [2]
- Marjorie survived Paul by twenty years. [3]