1835 Directory of Birmingham

Classification of the Manufacturers, Merchants, Wholesale Dealers etc. in Birmingham
- Allen Isaac, Moat row
- Anderson Thomas, 23, Congreve street
- Aspley John, 131, New street
- Barker Edward, to Harford and Bristol brass company.- Williams, Foster and Co., copper smelters.- Daubaz & Co. block tin smelters.- J. James and Son, manufacturers of tin plates, Lower Temple street
- Cook Benjamin, 24, Upper Temple st.
- Eborall Samuel, 34, Union street
- Emery Thomas, 8, Bordesley place
- Hammond Joshua, 9, Temple row
- Hunt Joseph, 114, Islington
- Jordan Thomas, St. James's street
- Juxon Richard J., 41, Princep street
- Kempson Peter, Islington
- Kenway Henry, Crooked lane
- Clark Samuel, 78, Summer lane
- Marshall George, New street
- Mason Robert C., 36, Loveday street
- Medlicott John, 115, Livery street
- Minshull Charles, 21, Ann street
- Nind Benjamin, 7, Exeter row
- Green John, Bennett's hill
- Partridge John, 30, Broad street
- Potter Robert B., 22, Masshouse lane
- Powell Thomas, Moseley street
- Price James, Exeter row
- Richards James, Bridge st., Lawley st.
- Roderick John, 54, New street
- Harrison James, 41, New street
- Anderson Thomas, 23, Congreve street Short
- Thomas, 2L, Friday bridge
- Slack John, 25, Cherry street
- Southall Richard, jun., 41. Mount street Standley William, 3, Holloway head
- Say John, Vauxhall road
- Wade John, Upper TerApIe street
- Westbury William, 73, Summer lane
- Cooper Benjamin 3 court, Oxford st.
- Hill J. T. and Co. 94, Digbeth ,
- Holmes George, St. Martin's lane
- Burton Wm. & Co., High st. Bordesley
- Glover Charles, Pritchett street
- Hines James, 3 court, Queen street
- Horton Thomas, Edgbaston street
- Allarton and Powell, New John street
- Bembridge Joseph, 39, Harford street
- Collins Thomas, Brewery st.
- Ashted Evans Josiah, New John street
- Harris Thos. 11 court, Steelhouse lane Ross William, Howard street
- Gibson Joseph, 8, Weaman street
- Heath W. F. Jamaica row
- Holmes George, St. Martin's lane
- Millichap George, 85, Aston street
- Sandland Henry, 138, Lancaster street
- Darby William, 73, Lionel street
- Horton Isaac, 44, Cherry street
- Hudson Matthew, 10, Colmore street
- James John, Aston road
- Ryder John, 9 court, Little Hampton st
- Warner William, 82, Upper Brearley st.
- Creswell Joseph, Lawley street
- Doodey John, Bradford street
- Doodey John, Smithfield
- Greathead John, 97, Steelhouse lane
- Ingley Thomas, 561, Constitution hill
- Insall Thomas, 44, Banbury street
- Jones William, Oxford street
- Onion John and Sons, 49, Digbeth
- Onions James, 32, Worcester street
- Onions John C., Digbeth
- Onions Simon, 191, Moseley street
- Podmore John, 69, Meriden street
- Taylor John, 15 court, Digbeth
- Taylor Richard, 117, New Canal street
- Ward William, Great Brooke street
- Johnson Nathaniel, 13, Lichfield street
- Bagnall James, 130, Gt. Hampton st.
- Baker Thomas. 19, Gt. Hampton row
- Barlow James Staniforth, street
- Bartleet Thos. & Sons, Gt. Chas. st.
- Beresford James, 54, Warwick street
- Dowler Thomas, 91, Great Chas. street
- Evans John, Prospect row
- Fiddian Wm. & Son, Gt. Hampton st
- Knight Henry, 15, Ann street
- Bates Richd., 124, Gt. Hampton street
- Bettridge Joseph, 23, Church street
- Bewlay & Griffon, 1 Court, Loveday st.
- Brueton Edwd. 1 Court, Lower Tower st
- Davis Joseph, 7, Clarence row, Parade
- Davis William, 812, Aston street
- Day Edward, Bristol street
- Dudley J. and Co. 21, Caroline street
- Elkington G. R. St. Paul's square
- Haseler John, 48, Constitution hill
- Heeley, James and Sons, Gt. Charles st.
- Horton and Bower, 2, Newhall street
- Kettle M. Suffolk street
- Lea and Flower, 12, St. Paul's square
- Lear William, 45, Bradford street
- Lyon A., 42, Paradise street
- Morton John, 31, Moland street
- Reading Joseph, 129, Great Charles st.
- Stockton John, Bread street
- Tabberer William, jun., 4, Weaman row
- Tongue Samuel, 3, Hanley street
- Wilcox William, 94, Northwood street
- Barron James, Lower Temple street
- Haynes James, 19, Dudley street
- Latham John, 11, Exeter row
- Brittain William, Coleshill street
- Burton Wm. & Co. High st. Bordesley
- Chandy Charles, 2 court, Hill street
- Cooper George, 16 Court, Hill street
- Griffiths Wm. 9, Thorpe street
- Gudice A. and Co., Edgbaston street
- Leadbeater Samuel. 54, Birchall street
- Moore Isaac, Suffolk-street
- Nicklin Edward, 48, Bradford-street
- Palser William, 38, Barford-street
- Steventon Joseph, Navigation street
- Benjamen & Cohen, 48, Edgbaston st.
- Carpenter Samuel, 43, Temple street
- Davis Samuel, 62, Edgbaston street
- Hancox Thomas, 91, Suffolk street
- Lyon Thomas, 25, Digbeth
- Peverelle L., 28, Edgbaston street
- Rodgers John and Sons, 19, Easy row
- Smith James, Hockley hill
- Barton and Son, 27, Cannon street
- Berisford James, 54, Warwick street
- Blews William, 9, Bartholomew street
- Dewier Thomas, 91, Gt. Chas. street
- Ash Henry, 1, Dale end
- Aston George, 4, High-street
- Baldwin John, 106, Digbeth
- Baxter Edwd. 105, Snowhill
- Birch John 2, Rea street
- Bradley William, 13, Dudley street
- Bruce Charles, 28, Deritend
- Dale William, Mount street
- Fenton William, Prospect row
- Fesbrook John, 21, Balsall street
- Greswold John, 104, Livery street
- Hunt James, 185, Coleshill street
- Jackson William, 9 1/2, Weaman street
- Keyte J., Moat lane
- Keyte Samuel, 14, Digbeth
- Pagett James, 75, St. Martin's street
- Palmer Samuel, Freeman street
- Pemberton James, 97, Rea street
- Pemberton Sampson, Cheapside
- Raby Edward, Prospect row
- Thomas James and Son, 42. Oxford st.
- Turner Jeremiah, 52, Smallbrook st.
- Whitfield Thomas, 31, Summer row
- Bembridge Edward, Gt. Charles st.
- Bretton James, 1, Brook st. St. Paul's
- Brown James, 10, Paradise street
- Gleadall John 13, Navigation street
- Groves Samuel, 82, Cheapside
- Harrad John, 62 1/2, Park street.
- Llewellin and Ryland, Coleshill street
- Sturges Elizabeth and Son, Lichfield st.
- Walker William, 30, Water street
- Wells M. R. 61, Oxford street
- Yates John, Coleshill street
- Abbot Joseph, 127, Suffolk street
- Abbott Thomas, 24, Moor street
- Anderton William and Sons, 6, Whittal st
- Atkins Thomas, Duke street
- Auster Roger and Son, Bristol street
- Bagley Wm. and Fredk. Novascotia street
- Baker Joseph, 115, Great Charles-street
- Banister James, 5, William street, north
- Barber Henry, 190, Bradford-street
- Barber Joseph, 5, Newhall street
- Bate Richard H., 1 Court, New Canal st.
- Baylis Job, 4 Court, Loveday street
- Baylis Richard, Bromsgrove street
- Bedington Robert, 106, Lantaster street
- Bedington, Tonks, and Co., Cheapside
- Best J., Lee bank
- Best John, Tank street
- Bevan -, Brewery lane
- Blackford and Lawson, 2, Bread st Hill st
- Bolas Edward, 100, Navigation street
- Boyce James and Son, 26, Alcester street
- Boyce Joseph, 156, High street Bordesley
- Boyden John, Barford street
- Brettell Samuel, 146, Lancaster street
- Brettell Thomas, 33, Dudley street
- Brittain Richard, 245, Bradford street
- Brookes George, 78, Cheapside
- Brookes John, 65, Bull street
- Butler Brothers, 19, Lionel-street
- Bynner Jeremiah, 6, Bartholomew street
- Canning Thomas, 2, Aston street
- Careless William, 25, Smallbrook street
- Cartland James, 2, Weaman row
- Chaplin Thomas, 2 Court, Cannon street
- Chattaway Thomas, Ravenhurst terrace
- Clarke Charles, Bristol road
- Clarke R. 0. 28, Exeter row
- Clarke Thomas, Caroline street
- Collins Edward, 114, Moland street
- Collins James, 62, Coleshill street
- Cooke Benjamin and J. 228, Bradford st.
- Cooke Thomas, jun. Bartholomew street
- Cope and Austin, Fleet street
- Cope Charles, Cardigan street
- Cottrell Abraham, 8, Fazeley street
- Cottrell Joseph, 16, Mott lane
- Cox Samuel, 67, Suffolk street
- Crane and Pattison, 26 Court, Cannon st
- Cross John, Belmont row
- Dace William, 379, Summer lane
- Daniel Samuel, 25, Lichfield street
- Davis William, 191, Bradford street
- Derry Thomas, 33, New Church street
- Docker Thomas and Sons, Whittall street
- Douglass Joseph, 77, Coleshill street
- Dowding Robert, 14, Springhill terrace
- Dyer John and J., 22, St. Paul's square
- Eades Samuel, Cheapside
- Eays John, 23, Summer street
- Edmonds Thomas, 11i Duddeston row
- Elwell Samuel, 2, Grovenor street
- Eustance John, 32, Great Charles st.
- Evetts Charles M., 7, King-street
- Freeth Job, Mott street
- Green Joseph, 85, Steelhouse lane
- Green, William, 10, St. Paul's square
- Greenfield Daniel, 57, Staniforth street
- Gretton James, 12, Grosvenor street
- Grew John, Bromsgrove street
- Habbis John, 14, Canal street
- Hadley Thomas, Lombard street
- Hands John, 12 and 13, Prospect row
- Harcourt Brothers, Bristol street
- Harcourt James, jun. 2, Brook street
- Hardiker and Co. 23, Bath street
- Harris B. H. 198, Livery street
- Harvey William, 49, William street
- Heaton Ralph, 71 and 72, Bath street
- Hill Edwin, 94, Digbeth
- Hipkins William, Spon terrace
- Home Richard and Co. Belmont row
- Inchley Frances, Bordesley
- Ingall William, Bordesley
- Jenkins W. and Son, 80, Digbeth
- Jenkins William, Summer lane
- Jennings John, 6, Inge street
- Jones Joseph, Ashted row
- Juxon Charles, 41, Princep street
- King William, 52, Blucher street
- Lander Richard, 10, Summer street
- Lant -, Lionel street
- Lewty James W. 102, Lichfield street
- Line John, 9, Whittall street
- Lingen Thomas, 38, Newhall street
- Loach and Clark, Little Charles street
- Longmore Richard, 35, Exeter row
- Longmore Thomas, 13, St. Mary's row
- Lucas William, Hurst street
- Meadow William, Mott street
- Merry Henry and Theophilus, Cherry st.
- Messenger Thomas and Sons, Broad st.
- Mills Samuel, Thomas street
- Newey John, 56, Newtown row
- Oadams John, 41, Constitution hill
- Paddy John, 43, Bartholomew street
- Page Abel, Lancaster street
- Perry R. and W. 55, Bread-street
- Penn and Williams, Great Barr street
- Perry Richard, Brearley street
- Pershouse and Welch, Dean street
- Phillips William, Watery lane
- Phillips William, 28, Worcester street
- Plimer Thomas, 67, Loveday street
- Poller Christopher, 4 ct., Bartholomew st
- Potts William, 15, Easy row
- Powell William, 38 and 39, Summer lane
- Power Henry, 6, Wood street
- Price William, Cheapside
- Price William, Moseley street
- Pumphrey Josiah and Co., Newtown row
- Ratclyffe John and Sons, St. Paul's square
- Reading W., AB row
- Robert Elijah, Jamaica row
- Roome Frederick, 108, Bordesley
- Boyle John, 81, Loveday street
- Ryder J. N., Bristol road
- Shuttleworth James, Swallow street
- Shuttleworth John, 43, Paradise street
- Simcox, Pemberton, and Co., Livery st.
- Slade Joseph, Whittall street
- Slaney Thomas, Hurst street
- Smith Charles and Son, Great Charles st.
- Smith Timothy and Sons, Bartholomew st
- Standley James, 63, Staniforth street
- Stevenson and Vernon, 30, Tanter street
- Sutton William, Price street
- Swift James, Whittall street
- Talbut Joseph, 38, Church street
- Taplor Josiah, 61, Moor street
- Taylor William, Prince street
- Taylor William, 19 court, Summer lane
- Thomas Edward, 61, Colmore row
- Timmins Samuel, Islington
- Titley Edward, 4, Wellington road
- Titley Robert, Blucher street
- Tonks Joseph, 5, Steelhouse lane
- Townsend John. 66, Newtown row
- Turner John, 72, Lichfield street
- Turton Benjamin, Swallow street
- Wagstaff John, 36, Horse fair
- Walker Samuel, 29, Park street
- Walters John, Suffolk street
- Wharton Thomas, 4, Great Charles st.
- Wheelwright Fredk, 56, Hanley street
- Whitfield Samuel, jun. 38, Oxford st.
- Winehurst Robert, 31, St. Paul's sq.
- Winfield R. W., Cambridge street
- Armfield Edward and W. T. Newhall st.
- Armitage Joseph, 22, Lr. Temple street
- Ashforth James, 105, Moland street
- Ashmore William, 25, Buck street
- Aston John, 41, St. Paul's square
- Baker and Smith, 127, Hospital street
- Baldwin W. and J. 56, Harford street
- Bartleet Thomas and Sons, Gt. Charles st
- Beck and Thomas, 64, Coleshill street
- Boot Daniel, Aston road
- Brueton William, 64, Moland street
- Bullivant and Tipson, Gt. Charles street
- Bullock Thomas, 26, Cliveland street
- Butler and Son, 40, Cheapside
- Calley George and Co. 42, Weaman st.
- Chatwin John, 92, Gt. Charles street
- Chelton Charles, Aston road
- Coney William, 55, Edmund street
- Cox and Ingram, Alcester st. and Snow hl,
- Cressell John, New John street
- Darby William, 73, Lionel street
- Deykin J. and W. H. 6, Jennen's row
- Docker Edward, 36, Legge street
- Earp Groves, Gt. Brook street
- Edwards Thomas, Woodcock street
- Elliott William, Regent street
- Empson J. F. Swallow street
- Francis Thomas, 244, Bradford street
- Gibbs H. and P. 7, Gt. Charles street
- Gough John, Aston road
- Hammond, Turner and Sons, Snow hill H
- Hardman John, 12, Hockley hill
- Hardman John, jun. 12, Paradise street
- Hardman John and Co. Paradise street
- Harris Joseph and Son, 2, James street, St. Paul's
- Hasluck Thomas H. Summer lane
- Heeley James and Sons, Gt. Charles st,
- Hill Samuel, 20, Gt. Charles street
- Hipkiss Thomas, 61, Charlotte street
- Hitchman Samuel, Canal street
- Hodson Thomason, 12, Canal street
- Holloway James, 12, Park lane
- Hunt Joseph, 54, Edmund street
- Iliffe Jeremiah, 13, Paradise street
- Jennens Joseph and Co. Meeting house yd
- Jones Henry, 17 court, Up. Brearley st.
- Kemp John, 34, Tower street
- Linegar and Son, 184, Livery street
- Littlehals Samuel, 109, Barr street
- Lunt William, 67, Constitution hill
- Mann Joseph, 106, Gt. Charles street
- Meredith and Capner, 48, St. Paul's sq,
- Miles Thomas, 69, Kenion street
- Morgan Henry, Lionel street
- Morton William, Mount street
- Nind Benjamin, 7, Exeter row
- Oxford Joseph, 15, Price street
- Parry Samuel, 21, Slaney street
- Parsons Isaac, 135, Suffolk street
- Pearce William, 14, St. Mary's row
- Pearsall William, 44, Bromsgrove street
- Phillips William, 126, Summer lane
- Phipson Joseph, 12, Newhall street
- Price Thomas, Upper Tower street
- Robinson William, 17, Weaman row
- Shale Edward, Brewery street
- Silvister Henry, High street
- Smith and Baker, Hospital street
- Smith C. F. 14, Newhall street
- Southall John, Lee Ban
- Spencer William and John, St. Mary's ro
- Starkey Thomas, Weaman street
- Steadman Richard, Edmund street
- Steed Sarah, Pritchett street
- Thornton Thomas, Great Hampton row
- Tipson John, Moor street
- Warner William, Upper Brearley street
- Westwood and Sons, St. Luke row
- Wilkinson Nathaniel, Fox street
- Willis Samuel, Colmore row
- Abbott William, 15 ct., Lt. Hampton st.
- Allen Edward, 300, Summer lane
- Bagnall Richard, 131, Great Hampton st.
- Baker John, Taylor's Buildings, Moseley road
- Baker William, Bath street
- Baylis John, 33, Water street
- Bennett Thomas, 19 court, Slaney street
- Biddle John, 32 court, Brearley street
- Brisband H., 50, Great Hampton street
- Brittle William, 4 court, Staniforth st.
- Burrows Thomas, Witton street
- Caney George and Co., 43, Weaman st.
- Clark William, 1 court, Newtown row
- Cocks and Banks, 112, Bradford street
- Collins Samuel, Belmont row
- Cope John, 21, Ludgate hill
- Cope William, 73, Moor street
- Crosbee Henry, 18, Alcester street
- Cunliffe Thomas, Francis street
- Davis Hugh, 12, Price street
- Davis William, Snow hill
- Day Thomas, Ashted row
- Deykin J. and W. H., 6, Jennens row
- Dudley Daniel, 360, Summer lane
- Earp Joseph, 85, Upper Tower street
- Eden Sarah, 14 court, Summer lane
- Elliott William, Witton street
- Ensor Silas, 19 court, Summer lane
- Ensor William, Aston road
- Evans Michael, Freeman street
- Farnell and Cattell. 20, Worcester street
- Fowkes William, 6 court, High street, Deritend
- Graves Josiah, 11, Bartholomew street
- Gray John, 27, Loveday street
- Hadley Benjamin, Crescent street
- Hadley Joseph, Crescent street
- Hanslow Thomas, 8 et., Lower Tower st
- Hargrove Thomas, Lower Tower street
- Herring John, 2 court, Ludgate hill
- Hill John, Cheapside
- Hill Joseph, Witton street
- Maley John, Lower Tower street
- Horton Robert, Ashted row
- Huntington Thomas, Digby street
- Jakes Joseph, 17, Little Hampton street
- Jones George, 35, Branston street
- Lawley James, 30 court, Brearley street
- Leavesley Thomas, Witton street
- Linford John, Drury lane
- Littler James, Digby street
- Lovett William, 3 court, John street
- Lowe James, Howe street
- Lucas John, H court, Upper Tower st.
- Matthews Thomas, 17 ct., Staniforth st.
- Meaking and Co., 67, Stafford street
- Meeson Josiah, 97, Lancaster street
- Miaward William, 4, Digby street
- Newey Samuel, 19 court, Jennens row
- Palmer Henry, 17 court, Staniforth st.
- Parry Francis, 32, New Church street
- Payne John, 125, Great Charles street
- Philips John, New Summer street
- Plant Arabella, 21, Bread street
- Priest John, Brewery street
- Shale Joseph, 5 court Laurence street
- Shelley Samuel, Ward street
- Shoer Thomas, Aston road
- Shuker James, Lancaster street
- Slone Benjamin, New John street
- Smart Thomas, Howe street
- Smith and Greaves; Prospect row
- Smith William, Barr street
- Smith William, Little Hampton street
- Smith William, Woodcock street
- Swan James, 5 court, Moland street
- Taylor Charles, Newtown row
- Taylor William, New Church street
- Thornton Thomas, Pritchett street
- Tilsley John, Ashted row
- Tonks Charles, New John street
- Tonks Samuel, Belmont passage
- Turner Richard, Casters Lane, Brass st.
- Vale Thomas, 1 court, Summer lane
- Weston John, Gt. Brook street
- While James, Edmund street
- Whitehouse John, Upper Tower street
- Worrall W. -Weaman row
- Wright Edward, Great Hampton street
- Farmer George, Duke street
- Heaton Brothers, Shadwell street
- Martin John, Park street
- Barlow James, Staniforth street
- Berisford James, 54, Warwick street
- Blews William, 9, Bartholomew street
- Clark Thomas, Blucher street
- Clewes Joseph, Moland street
- Davis William, 191: Bradford street
- Dean William, Alcester street
- Dowler Thomas, Great Charles street
- Eades Edward, New Inkleys
- Eades Richard, 14, Cannon street
- Evans John, Prospect row
- Fiddian William and Son, Gt. Hampton
- Fanwood John, Lancaster street
- Groves Samuel, Cheapside
- Harvey William, Bartholomew street
- Horn Robert, Park street
- Jenkins W. and Son, Digheth
- Marsh Benjamin, Coleshill street
- Neal John, New John street
- Pershouse and Welch, Dean street
- Powell W. H. Bromsgrove street
- Taylor Allen, Pope street
- Whitehouse Daniel, Lench street
- Bagnall James, Great Hampton street
- Boyden Richard, High street, Deritend
- Butwell Isaac, Brewery bane
- Buxcey Thomas, Duke street
- Cope Isaac, Belmont passage
- Cox and Ingram, Alcester st. & Snow hl.
- Crossbee T. and J. 19, Doe street
- Downes John, 9 court, New Canal st
- Eastwood Simon, 25, New Canal street
- Freeman John, 15 et., Bartholomew st.
- Freeth and Jennings, 103, Gt. Charles st.
- Green William, 10, St. Paul's square
- Hadley John, 78, Smallbrook street
- Balfield Joseph, Sheep street
- Hyde Joseph, Gt. Brook street
- Parker Henry, 126, Bordesley
- Parsons Samuel, Deritend
- Savage Thomas, 359, Summer lane
- Shore John, Tanter street
- Shore Joseph, Princes street
- Shore Richard, Gt. Charles street
- Simpson Henry, 107, Lancaster street
- Simpson Joseph, 13 et. Coleshill st.
- Wells Richard, 65, Edmund street
- Cheney Mary, 28, Lichfield street
- Cox Thomas, Thorpe street
- Davis and Holland, Princep street
- Fitehet John, 33, Potter street
- Haywood Joseph, 1, Great Hampton st.
- Jones John, New Canal street
- Phillips William, 27, Price street
- Abbott Thomas, 25, Moor street
- Beddington, Tonks and Shelton, Cheapside
- Blakeway John, Edghaston street
- Blakeway Thomas William, 46, Broad st.
- Cox Thomas, Mary Ann street
- Hickling Thomas, 34, Suffolk street
- Jones Edward, Moseley street
- Marsh Benjamin, 83, Coleshill street
- Messenger Thomas and Sons, Broad st.
- Mole —, Easy row
- Phipson and Lambley, 7, Newhall street
- Shaddock Robert, jun., Gt. Brook st.
- Underhill Samuel, 88, Constitution hill
- Adams Josiah, Fordrough" street
- Adams Thomas, 2 court, Ludgate hill
- Baker Henry, 48, Lichfield street
- Baxter John, 33, Newhall street
- Beesley Samuel, New Inkleys
- Bellamy Henry, 12, Severn street
- Cartwright Thomas, 31, Newhall street
- Earp Thomas, 26, Harford street
- Hall Charles, 24, Great Charles street
- Hall Richard, 16, Ludgate hill
- Hall Thomas, Edmund street
- Hill Samuel, Bread street
- Horton Edward, 3 court, Gt. Hampton st
- Lister John, 88, Bartholomew street
- Mason Henry, 9, Cannon street
- Parton John, Holland street
- Perkins John, 385, Summer lane
- Sherriff James, 2 court, Ann street
- Shuttleworth C. E., 43, Paradise street
- Udell Joseph, Edmund street
- Wallbank and Bassett, James street
- Alston James and Son, 17, Steelhouse lane and Coleshill street
- Armitage James, Love lane
- Adams John, 72, Newhall street
- Antrobus John, 167, Gt. Hampton st.
- Blackham John, Hanley's ct., Hanley st.
- Blyth John, Woodcock street •
- Brooke John, 32, Lancaster street
- Dugard Wm. 24, Upper Priory
- Edmonds Joseph, 28, Gough street
- Gardner James, 72, Barr street
- Hooper William, 3, Bartholomew row
- Mills and Co., Paradise street
- Johnson William, Bank Alley
- Lowe Thomas, 21, Gt. Charles street
- Mills and Co. Paradise street
- Baker and Parkes, 14, Edmund street
- Barlow James, Staniforth st. & Fisher st.
- Beresford James
- Emson Thomas, 61, Navigation street
- Fiddian William & Son, Gt. Hampton st.
- Harris B. H. 198, Livery street
- Hickman John, 37, Water street
- Holland Joseph, Deritend place
- Martineau and Smith, Hill-street
- Moore George, -Moor street
- Smith and Aleddings, 35, Staniforth st.
- Stevens James, 90, Gt. Hampton st.
- Stephens Joseph and Son, 64, Price st.
- Walker Joseph; 61, Meriden street
- Butler, Brothers, 19, Lionel street
- Lea Mrs. 78, Bordesley
- Lingard George, 67, Snow hill
- Shaw C J. and C. Snow hill
- Thompson, Leonard, Dawes, and Co. Gt. Brook street
- Wigley and Cooksey, 248, Bradford st.
- Bird Walter, Upper Trinity street
- Holland, Swan and Co. 16, Cliveland st.
- Mitton and Fletcher, 52, Dean street
- Skipps John, 208, Bradford street
- Thornley and Badams, Birmingham heath
- Bowen Richard, 45, Constitution hill
- Davis Samuel, 38, Steelhouse lane
- Deeley Joseph, 96, Suffolk street
- Draper Isaac, 39, Wharf street
- Gaskins Joseph, Suffolk street
- Hill Samuel, 6, Navigation street
- Hodgetts Thomas, 61, Coleshill street
- Lloyd Edward, 271, Gt. Hampton street
- Rogers John, 125, Snow hill
- Rostell William, Hill street
- Simpson Thomas, 2, Steelhouse lane
- Crown Copper Company, 36, Cannon st.
- Freeman John and Copper Company, 59, Broad street
- Harford and Bristol Brass and Copper Company, (agent, Edward Barker,) Lower Temple street
- Gilbert Daniel, 1 Smith street
- Rider Thomas E., 36, Smith street
- Barlow Jas. Staniforth st. and Fisher st.
- Dowler Thomas, 91, G-t. Charles street
- Grainger George, 24, Barr street
- Heeley James and Sons, Gt. Charles st.
- Jones Robert, 102, Cheapside
- Lee John F. Brittle street
- Osborne and Co. 11, Upper Temple st.
- Adie Charles, 36, Loveday street
- Avern Edward, 44, Paradise street
- Bagshaw Thomas. 42, Newhall street
- Bridgens Edwin, 45, Coleshill street
- Carpenter Samuel, 12 court, Thomas st.
- Carter Charles Frederick, 4 et., Livery st
- Cartwright J. and G., St. Paul's square
- Cartwright Job, 7, Ann street
- Cox and Ingram, Alcester street and 131, Snow hill
- Dewson C. and T., 107, New street
- Faulkner and Pearce, 10 ct., Snow hill
- Gibson Richard Hughes, Camden street
- Grimes and Newton, 1 et., Shadwell st.
- Hands Daniel, St. Mary's row
- Harris William, 5, Edmund street
- Harris William, 31, Newton street
- Heaton Ralph, 72, Bath street
- Hughes Thomas, 21, Upper Priory
- Jenkins H., Brook street, St. Paul's
- Kerton Thomas, Summer lane
- Lewis James William, 56 1/2, Snow hill
- Marrian Benjamin J. P., Ann street
- Pickard Thomas M., 75, Bull street
- Priest Joseph, 3 court, Bartholomew st.
- Smith Samuel, Mount street
- Steadman John, 1 court, King Alfred's Place
- Stevens William, Edmund street
- Webster William, Lionel street
- Baylis Samuel, 10 court, Dale end
- Burrows Joseph, 20, Leek street
- Froggett William, 15 ct., Bartholomew st
- Hughes H., 1 court, Moseley street
- Osbourne Henry, 69-i, Park street
- Giles Joseph and Son, 173, Great Hampton row
- Perry William, Newtown row
- Bolton W. and S., 85, Weaman street
- Bradbury William, 57, Weaman street, and Mott street
- Thinner Thomas, 65, Weaman street
- Chaplin Thomas, 7 court, Weaman st.
- Garner Charles, Weaman street
- Hayward Charles, 93, Weaman street
- Jorden George, Whittall street
- Pratchett Edward, 7 court, Lench street
- Adams Joseph P. Fox street
- Anderton and Steen, Whittall street
- Baker and Robinson, Exeter row
- Baldwin George, Sand street
- Ballany John, St. Paul's square
- Banks W. and R, Spring hill terrace
- Barnes J. D. Great Charles street
- Bates and Barrows, Snow hill Keswick James, Dale end
- Bissell John, Bradford street
- Blood Richard and Son, Ann street
- Bolding Robert and Co. Bordesley st.
- Butler Edward, Frederick street
- Carter Edward, Brittle street
- Carter George, Ann street
- Collins Edwin, Summer lane
- Collins J. B. Steelhouse lane
- Crowley Edward, George st. St. Paul's
- Crowley James, George st. St. Paul's
- Dale Wm. H. Bailey street
- Dawes Richard B. Great. Brook street
- Edwards Wm. and Co. Bull street
- Garner Simeon, Great Charles street
- Gill and Alldridge, Mount street
- Green John, jun. Frederick street
- Harding Abraham, Aston road
- Hardman John, Hockley hill
- Hawkes J. W. Lombard street
- Hodgkins and Booth, St. Paul's square
- Horton G. M. W. & Co. Gt. Hampton st.
- Jenkins Michael, Moor street
- Johnson and Son, York street
- Kell Samuel C. Charlotte street
- Kimberley James and Wm. Inge street
- Labron J. A. St. Mary's row
- Linwood William, Frederick street
- Mabson William, Whittall street
- Mapplebeck and Lowe, Bull ring
- Newstadt and Barnett Bennett's hill
- Nevill Thomas, Park street
- Nevin Joseph, Lombard street
- Palk H. II., Parade
- Parkes George Bromsgrove street
- Penn Thomas, Bromsgrove street
- Phillips and Cohen, Bath street
- Pinches Henry, Newhall street
- Reeves John and Richard Moor street
- Ridge Benjamin, Edmund street
- Rock, Blakernore, and Rocks, Great Charles street
- Rogers, Bond, and Son, Moor street
- Russell William, Howe street '
- Ryder Edwin, St. Martin's lane
- Smart George, Great Charles street
- Smith Robert and Co., Bartholomew st,
- Smith William H., Bordesley street
- Southall Richard, jun. Mount street
- Thorton James and Son, Bradford street
- Todd Thomas, Sheepcote street
- Tonks B. and T., Charlotte street
- Walker Joseph and Co., St. Paul's square
- White Thomas, Colmore terrace
- Whitfield Edward and Son, Church street
- William, John, Moor street
- Wilmot and Roberts, Summer row
- Woolfleld and Co. Brearley street
- Ash Henry, 1. Dale end
- Bellamy Richard, 61, Newhall street
- Bloomer John, 91, Alcester street
- Bussey Thomas, 12, Vittoria street
- Davis John, Heath Mill lane
- Dolphin John, I court, Banbury street
- Eades James, 92, Navigation street
- Evans George, 27, Freeman street
- Fenney William, 29, Legge street
- Gorton Thomas, 23, Doe street
- Gorton Thomas, jun. 23, Poe street
- Horton Charles, Bridge row, Deritend
- Lee William, 33, Adderley street
- Nicklin Edward, 48, Bradford street
- Parker John, 14 court, Moor street
- Ryland and Son, 71, Suffolk street
- Timmins John, Moore's row
- Tongue John, Oxford street
- Turner William, 17, Birchall street,
- Asford Samuel, 13, Lichfield street
- Beasley John, 24, Steelhouse lane
- Beesley Wm., 45, Lancaster street
- Beesley John, 2, Edmund street
- Brotherton Joseph, New Colmore street
- Clarke Thos. & Wm., 111, Lancaster st.
- Cope John, 1244, Deritend
- Cope Richard, 1 court, Jennen's row
- Cottrell Wm., Camp hill
- Crump Wm. 59, Lawrence street
- Fieldhouse, 68, Steelhouse lane
- Holyoake Abraham, 39, Meriden street
- Jackson Thomas, Edmund street
- Keay Jeremiah, 3 Bordesley
- Lawledge Wm. H. Ann street
- Lucas William, Duke-street
- Mason Josiah, 3 Court, Whittall-street
- Palmer John; Deritend bridge
- Pritchett Henry, Lancaster street
- Sheldon Benjamin, Russell street
- Spencer Willam, Prospect row
- Walker John, Steelhouse lane
- Walker John, Water street
- Broomhall Charles, High st. Deritend
- Bussey Thomas, 12, Vittoria street
- Carter Samuel, Doe street
- Cartwright Mark, 8 court, Bordesley st.
- Cartwright Mark, New canal street
- Chambers Thomas, 2 court, Barn street
- Chambers Thomas, High street, Deritend
- Graves Abraham and Son, Newtown row
- Harper William, High st. Bordesley
- Harrison and Swann, 65, Birchall st.
- Harrison John, 7, Slaney street
- Harvey John, Moseley road
- Jukes Daniel, 14,court, Bordesley at,
- Knott James, 2 court, Milk st.
- Lee John F. Brittle st,
- Rhodes John, Bordesley
- Robinson John, Floodgate street
- Sambidge William, 2 court, Bradford st.
- Timmins John, Moor's row
- Wigley and Cooksey, Bradford street
- Ash W., Dale end
- Lowe W. Spiceal street
- Mabblebeck and Lowe, 6, Bull ring Pountney, Ann street
- Webb, W. Bull street
- Bedington, Tonks, and Shelton, Cheapside
- Chambers Samuel, Aston street
- Kendrick John, 65, Little Hampton st.
- Potts William, 15, Easy row
- Adie Wm. Henry, 8 court, Loveday st.
- Allen E. 34, Ltveday street
- Allen Wm. 17, Cross street
- Ashford Richard, Wharf street
- Bates Richard, 124, Great Hampton st.
- Baylis Wm. 45, Bartholomew street
- Bennett Wm., Legge st.
- Bewlay J. and W. 2, Graham st.
- Birch Paul, 30, St. Paul's square
- Bland John, 92, Weaman st.
- Blocksidge John, 4, Caroline st.
- Boden John, 38, Price st.
- Boland John, 78, Caroline st.
- Boswell Wm. 3 court, Harford st.
- Bunn Charles; Mount st.
- Burdett Thomas, 107, Upper Tower st.
- Cadby Wm. T., Great Charles st.
- Cameron Allan, Severn st.
- Child Robt. Wm., 4, Ludgate hill
- Clark Thomas and Co., 53, Lionel st.
- Clarke John, 154, Gt. Hampton row
- Dadley A. P., 51, Newhall st.
- Darby James, 3, Edgbaston st.
- Davis J. and W. 2, Edmund st.
- Davis Joseph, 7, Clarence row, Parade
- Dudley J. and C. 21, Caroline st.
- Edge Thomas, 136, Snow hill
- Edwards W. 113, Suffolk st.
- Elkington G. R. St. Paul's square
- Frankel Morrice, 82, Bath st.
- Giles Wm. B. New John st.
- Greenhill John, 3 court, Gt. Hampton st.
- Greenhill Thomas, 4 court, Whittall st.
- Guest William, 18, Little Hampton st.
- Hamnet George, 45, Steelhouse lane
- Harvey James, Little Hampton st.
- Haseler John, 48, Constitution hill
- Hayes Joseph, 27, New Summer st.
- Hayes John, 4 court, Smith st.
- Heeley and Sons, 147, Gt. Chas. st.
- Hollingshead Isaac J. 5, Howard st.
- Horton and Bower, 2, Newhall st.
- Humphreys Charles, Digby st.
- Johnson Michael, Northumberland place
- Jones Thomas, 266, Newtown row
- Lander James, 5, Upper Gough st.
- Latham Thomas, Ashted row
- Lea and Flower, 12, St. Paul's square
- Lear William. 45, Barford st.
- Leonard Thomas, 41, Constitution hill
- Lyon A. 24, Paradise st.
- Malens W. H. 161 Little Charles st.
- Mason William, 2 court, Bartholomew st.
- Meager George, 2, Slaney
- Mullings F. 20, Constitution hill
- Newey and Son, 306, Summer lane
- Newey William, Loveday st.
- Parkes S. and Sons, 7, Bath street
- Payton John, Cohnore row
- Perkins Mark, 8, Newhall st.
- Phillips Edwin, 20, St. Mary's row
- Phillips Henry, Graham st.
- Purcell James and Henry, 147, Moor st.
- Reading John, 10, Whittall st.
- Reading Joseph, 129, Gt, Charles st.
- Reading S. and J. 46, St. Paul's square
- Reece Joseph, Aston road
- Scattergood William, 52, Brearley st.
- Scott John, Summerhill terrace
- Scott Thomas, 55, St. Paul's square
- Smith Joseph, 1, Hospital st.
- Smith William and Son, 74, Newhall st.
- Tabberer William, 4, Weaman row
- Taylor and Perry, Newhall st.
- Taylor Joseph, 94, Upper Brearley st.
- Taylor Thomas, 76, Bromsgrove st.
- Tongue Edward, Lancaster st.
- Tongue Samuel, 3, Hanley st.
- Tye Edward, 9, Easy row
- Unett Wm. 36, Little Ann st.
- Wagstaff John, 36, Horse fair
- Wilkinson W. 2 court, Edmund st.
- Woolridge, J. H. 85, Caroline st.
- Bacchus and Green, Dartmouth st.
- Biddle John, Birmingham Heath
- Gammon Wm. and Son, Great Brook st.
- Gibbins, Brothers, Baggot st.
- Harris Rice, Islington
- Docker Thomas and Son, 40, Moseley st.
- Docker Wm. and Son, 43, Moseley st.
- Dukes Joseph, Woodcock st
- Elkington G. IL 43, St. Paul's square
- Farmer John, Heneage st.
- Hall William, 95, Northwood st.
- Lee Thomas, 2, Fleet st.
- Moore Charles, 51, Loveday st.
- Radenhurst Edward, 23, Church st.
- Smith Chas. 97, Moland st.
- Ballard Mark, 15, Little Charles st.
- Birken Wm. 65, Slaney
- Blakemore Joseph, 1 court, Cotton st.
- Brown Charles, Buck st.
- Burton Wm. and Son, High st. Bordesley
- Clark Matthew, Snowhill
- Evans Wm. 65, St. Martin's st.
- Fellows Thomas, 1 court, York st.
- Glover Charles, Pritchett st.
- Harrison Richard, Dartmouth st.
- Hill Waldron, 98, Bordesley st.
- Holyoake John, 3 court, Milk st.
- Horton Thomas, Edgbaston st.
- Johnson Edward, 43, Floodgate st.
- Newey Edward, Little Ann st.
- Newey John, 5 court, Bordesley st.
- Nicklin Edward, 48, Bradford st.
- Wild Edward, Lawley st.
- Lane Joseph, 3, Great Charles st.
- Marston Thomas, 107, Rea st.
- Uyland John, Barford st.
- Walker Samuel, 4, Bartholomew st.
- Bedford Noble, 27, William st. north
- Bragge T. P., 72, Northwood st.
- Clare Thomas, 1, Gough st.
- Earl William, 11, Parade, Sandpits
- Horton G. M. and Co., 8, Hall st.
- Jefferies William, 21, Northwood st.
- Jones and Smith, Vittoria st-.
- Mainstone Charles, Gt. Charles st.
- Malens W. H., 16,; Little Charles st.
- Morton John, 38, Moland st.
- Nevin Robert, 75, Constitution hill
- Small John, 28, Newhall st.
- Steen Joseph, Caroline st.
- Stringer G. C. 20, Coleshillst.
- Stych Richard, 17, Lower Priory
- Taylor and Perry, Newhall st.
- Wallbank Henry, 44, Horse fair
- Wheeler Gervase, 30, St. Paul's square
- Wilmore and Co., Bread st.
- Morris John, 22, Bath st.
- Southall Richard, jun. Mount st.
- Starkey Thomas, Weaman st.
- Walker S. and R., Legge st.
- Webley James and Hhilip, Weaman st.
- Adams George, 33, Steelhouse lane
- Allen George, 2 court, Weaman row
- Aston Joseph; 8, Upper Priory
- Baylis Lewis, 93, Moland street
- Bentley Joseph, 2, Sand street
- Brighton Joseph, 7 court, Lancaster st.
- Chambers Thomas, 2 court, John street
- Evans Benjamin, 5, Blews street
- Evans John, 6 court, Staniforth street
- Freeth and Jennings, 103, Gt. Charles st.
- Golcher James, 74, Slaney street
- Graves William, Howe street
- Hargrove Samuel, 90, Bath street
- Harper James, Prospect row
- Harper Joseph, 9 court, Lancaster st.
- Jones John, 99, Weaman street
- Lander Charles, 33, Weaman street
- Morton Thomas, 29, Lt. Ann st.
- Needham Henry, 11, Cannon street
- Perks Samuel, 62, Lichfield street
- Williams J. and T. 50, Whittall street
- Aston Henry, 32, Newton street
- Baylis Benjamin, 25, Loveday street
- Chaplin John, 15, John street
- Clive David, 37, Brearley street
- Clive Henry, Legge street
- Clive John, Newtown row
- Deakin William, 70, Navigation street
- Hardy Edward, Palmer stree t
- Harris Joseph,- 18, Princep street
- Hart James, 13 court, Steelhouse lane
- Hill Mark, 5 court, Lawrence street
- Hodgetts Richard, Ashted row
- March Joseph, Woodcock street
- Mills John, Ashted row
- Millward William, Adderley street
- Millward Ezra, Price street
- Oram Thomas, 45, Banbury street
- Parker Joseph, 13, Newtown row
- Portloek John, 80, Moland street
- Probin John, 43, Moland street
- Raybould Benjamin, 92, Lichfield st.
- Swift Edward, 6, Weaman street
- Swift Thomas, Whittall street
- Trueman Ezekiel, Staniforth street
- Turton Joseph, Gosta green
- Willetts Thomas, 92, Moland street
- Adams Walter, 11, Upper Priory
- Adeock William, 3 court, Colmore st,
- Allen Samuel, jun. 48, Bread street
- Allport Samuel, 3, Weaman row
- Aston Joseph, 8, Upper Priory
- Bayliss Edward, 33, Whittall street
- Beckett J. 10, Loveday street
- Bowker Joseph, 33 court, Lench street
- Bridgewater Edward, 61, Lancaster st.
- Bust John, Cardigan street
- Bust John, 27, Newton street
- Canning Thomas, 2, Aston street
- Gilbert Henry and Son, Staniforth st.
- Gilbert Joseph, 14, Lt. Hampton street
- Griffiths William, 61, Weaman street
- Hadley James, 6, Dims street
- Hunt William, 59, Staniforth street
- Jones Henry Hill, Coleshill street
- Parkes Benjamin, 22, Weaman street
- Parkes John, 48, Duke street
- Roper Thomas, 74, New Canal street
- Turner George, Duke street
- Ward James, 12, St. Mary's row
- Whitmore Richard, 24, Lt. Hampton st.
- Heath W. J. Jamaica row
- Jones Edward, 58, Snow hill
- Knowles Richard, Bordesley
- Linell Thomas, Windsor street
- Lloyd Samuel and Son, 3, Moat row
- Faux George, 2 court, Bartholomew row
- Fieldhouse William, 3 court, Baggot st.
- Hayes Isaac, 105, Mott street
- Hodgkins Amos, 17, Trent street
- Law John, 48, Coleshill street
- Sturges William, 58, Suffolk street
- Thornton James and Son, Bradford st.
- Bellamy Richard, 61, Newhall street
- Cutler Joseph H. 13, Newtown row
- Harrison John, Waterloo place
- Haslewood William Robert, Freeman st.
- Horton, William and Co. 6, Hall street
- Newey and Turton, 306, Summer lane
- Peirce William, 602, Park street
- Upton Christopher, 9, Mott street
- Clark Thomas, 55, Lionel street
- Daft Thomas and Son, 7, Livery street
- Jones Thomas and Sons, Cheapside
- Allen and Phillips, 91, Aston street
- Allen James, 13, Gt. Hampton street
- Cox Thomas, 35, Bromsgrove street
- Fletcher and Day, Loveday street
- Mole William, 14, Easy row
- Bache Charles, 292, Moor street
- Bate Joseph, 87, Aston street
- Bordesley Steel Company, 110, Digbeth
- Bullock William S. 153, Gt. Charles st,
- Dawes John and Son, 8, Livery street
- Gibson John, Cambridge street
- Lee G. C. and W. H. Suffolk street
- Ryland Chas. 296, Bradford street
- Sarson Benjamin, 63, Stafford street
- Sutton Sam. 20, Livery street
- Upfill Thomas and Jas. Gt. Charles st.
- Warden Joseph, 14, Smalibrook street
- Woolley and Co. Masshouse lane
- Yates, Birch, and Co. Coleshill street
- Burton William and Co., Bordesley
- Stokes John, Great Lister street
- Bradley William, 13, Dudley street
- Smart Charles, 4, Church street
- Stevenson John, 211, High street, Deritend
- Whitfield Thomas, 31, Summer row
- Collens Thomas, Moseley street
- Field John, Moseley road
- Glover John, Cheapside
- Hawley Thomas, 19, Bromsgrove street
- Stevens Joseph. Great Hampton row
- Aston Samuel, 34, Hockley hill
- Baker James, 10, Upper Temple street
- Bakewell John, 116, Constitution hill
- Bill Richard and George, Summer lane
- Butler and Son, 40, Cheapside
- Cooke William, Great Russell street
- Cooper William, 39, Cherry street
- Cotton James and Co., 8, Livery street
- Docker Charles, 134, Gt. Hampton st.
- Edmonds Joseph, Summer hill
- Edwards, Gill, Millward and Westwood, Swallow street
- Edwards and Millward, Pritchett street
- Evans James, 103, Suffolk street
- Foster and Arrowsmith, 11, Summer lane
- Hardy Joseph and John, 175, Great Hampton row
- Harrison William, 44, Fisher street
- Hayes Josiah and Son, 78, Weaman st.
- Hendrin Felix, Hockley hill
- Hunt Josiah, 12, Edmund street
- Jennens and Bettridge, Constitution hill
- Jerome Joseph, Harford street
- Lander Charles, Edmund street
- Lane Thomas, Great Hampton street
- Loxton and Son, Suffolk street
- Me. Callum and Hodson, Brearley street
- Morley P. Augustus, Warston lane Room
- James and John, 28, Summer row
- Ross Thomas, 2 court, Bath street
- Shuttleworth Samuel, Allison street
- Tongue Charles, 44, Water street
- Turley Richard, Summer lane
- Webb John, Great Brook street
- Whitfield William, 83, Bradford street
- Woodward and Co., George street
- Adams Abraham, 22, Harford street
- Bailey William, 288, Summer lane
- Baker George, 40, Loveday street
- Bates Samuel, 101, Mott street
- Bedford Noble, 27, William street North
- Bellfield Thomas, 102, Gt. Hampton st.
- Bettridge Joseph, 23, Church street
- Birch Joseph, 130, Suffolk street
- Birch Paul, 30, St. Paul's square
- Birch Thomas, 78, Bartholomew street
- Bolton James, Great Charles street
- Bragg T. P., 72, Northwood street
- Brookes John, 17, Harford street
- Broughton Robert, 110, Barr street
- Brunner John, Francis street
- Bullivant -, 39, New Canal street
- Bullock James, 1, Regent Place
- Carrington George, 56, Howard street
- Clare Thomas, 1, Gough street
- Clark Thomas and Co., 53, Lionel street
- Coley John 341, Summer lane
- Cooper William, 34, Woodcock street
- Creswell William, 34, Bread street
- Darby James, 3, Edgbaston street
- Davis William, 8l Z, Aston street
- Davis William, 3 court, Gt. Hampton st.
- Day Edward, Bristol street -
- Deeley and Vyse, Great Hampton street
- Dudley William, St. Paul's square
- Earl William, 11, Parade, Sandpits
- Edge William, S court, Lichfield street
- Edwards Henry, 82, High street
- Edwards William, 11, Upper Temple st.
- Emanuel Joseph, 81, Bath street
- Fellows John, 54, Price street
- Field Ann, 91, Bull street
- Fisher William, 30, Rea street
- Fowler Joseph, 83, Great Hampton st.
- Freeth William, 4, Kenion street
- Garside Robert, 782 Gt. Hampton row
- Goodby and Latham, 43, Hospital street
- Green James, 67, Gt. Hampton street
- Griffiths Philip M., Lichfield street
- Haines Samuel, 15, New street
- Hall Charles, 24, Great Charles street
- Harrison Henry, 4, Howard street
- Heeley Edmund and Co., 24, Union st.
- Hollins William, 100, Mott street
- Horton George, 12, Livery street
- Horton G. M. and Co., 8, Hall street
- Hunt James, 51, Barford street
- Jackson Joseph, 74, New street
- Jenks J. and T., 40, Caroline street
- Jukes Charles, Hanley street
- Keeley Samuel, 12, New street
- Kemp Abraham, 5, Barr street
- Kent Richard and Frederick, Woodcock street
- Kettle M., Suffolk street
- Kimberley Isaac, 111, Hospital street
- Kirby Henry, 5, St. Luke's row
- Knowles Joseph, Union street
- Lacy Edward, Summer lane
- Latham Robert, New John street West
- Lawden T. and Son, 49, Gt. Hampton st
- Lewis, James, 23, Essex street
- Loaelk Thomas, 11, Smith street
- Lowe Joshua, Great Russell street
- Lowe Thomas H., Caroline street
- Lowe Thomas, Lancaster street
- Lucas Thomas, 71, Rea street
- Marshall J. and Son, 46, Newhall street
- Martin Elizabeth, 2, High street
- BIayell James, 24, William street
- North Meabey James, Darwin street
- Meabey Michael, Sherlock street
- Meadows Joseph, 108, Great Charles st.
- Meaking James, Woodcock street
- Moody Joseph, 233, Bradford street
- Morton John, 38, Moland street
- Mountford Thomas, 21, New street
- Neustad and Barnett, 12, Bennett's hill
- Newnham Joseph, Summer lane
- Northall John, Hospital street
- Onions and Son, Brook street
- Parkes John, 33, Lench street
- Parkes James, 138, Hampton street
- Parrott Joseph, 69, Bordesley street
- Peach Richard, Great Lister street
- Pearpoint James, Lawrence street
- Peers William, 13, Little Hampton st.
- Perkins William, Branston street
- Perry Samuel, Upper Tower street
- Petty William, Holt street
- Phillips Benjamin, 13, Mott street
- Pimley Joseph, 39, Dudley street
- Poncia John, Pershore street
- Preston William, Deritend
- Price James, 135, Snow hill
- Price Joseph, 102, Bull street
- Pye John, 54, Suffolk street
- Roberts Thomas, 77, Barr street
- Rollason Joseph, sen., 42, William street
- Rooker Thomas, 76, Upper Tower street
- Salmon C. M., Great Charles street
- Sill Richard, Garrison lane
- Siviter Wm., 102, Mott street
- Slucoek John, 22, Gough street
- Stokes James, 2, Howard street
- Stokes John, 95, Great Hampton street
- Stockton John, Bread street
- Stringer and Co., 20, Coleshill street
- Stych Richard, 17, Lower Priory
- Such William, Ravenhurst terrace
- Swindon F. C., 80, Bath street
- Taylor and Perry, Newhall street
- Taylor William, 51, Great Hampton st.
- Taylor Wm., 1, Howard street
- Thomason Sir Edward, Church st.
- Thompson Wm., 444, Constitution hill
- Tildesley Samuel, Great Hampton st.
- Tonks B. and T., Charlotte street
- Tye Edward, 9, Easy row
- Tye George P., 80, Caroline street L
- Wallbank Henry, 44, Horse fair
- Walton George, Weaman street
- Wheeler Gervase, 30, St. Pauls
- Whitehouse Samuel, Essex street
- Whithers John, Great Hampton street
- Wilkes Jesse, 42, Upper Temple street
- Willmore George, Exeter row
- Wood Robert, Bath street
- Woodward Charles, Livery street
- Woolley W., Thorpe street
- Abbott Thomas, 24, Moor street
- Aspinall Thomas, 33, Lover Temple st.
- Bedington, Tonks, and Shelton, Cheapside
- Biakeway John, Edgbaston street
- Burrough Abraham, Freeman street
- Bynner Jeremiah, 6, Bartholomew street
- Cox Thomas, Mary Ann street
- Fidoe Joseph, 178, Livery street
- Fletcher and Day, Loveday street
- Hayden Charles 120, Constitution hill
- Heath James, St. Paul's square
- Hickling Thomas, 34, Suffolk street
- Jones Edward, Moseley street
- Kendrick W. and M. 24, Legge street
- Lambley Abraham, 35, St. Paul's square
- Lingen Thomas, 38, Newhall street
- Messenger Thomas and Sons, Broad st.
- Mills Matthews and Co. 41, Paradise st.
- Minshull Samuel, Cannon street
- Morris Brothers, 10, Ludgate hill
- Pears John, 12, John street
- Phipson and Lambley, 7, Newhall street
- Ratclyffe John and Sons, St. Paul's sq.
- Rea John, Coleshill street
- Reddell John, 24, Navigation street
- Salt Thomas Clutton, 18, Edmund st.
- Shaddock Robert, jun. Gt. Brook street
- Smith Timothy and Sons, Bartholomew s
- Thompson John, 32, Horse fair
- Underhill Samuel, 88, Constitution hill
- Walker Joseph, Darwen street
- Wilcox Richard, Fordrough street
- Barber Eliza, 11 court, Snow hill
- Cole Isaac, 13, Livery street
- Cooper James, 46, Barr street
- Cox Thomas, 47, Barr street
- Dugmore James, Mount street
- Fletcher William, Pritchett street
- Hawkesford James, 19, Ann street
- Jaques John, 33, Gt. King street
- Kenney William, Ravenhurst street
- Kent Abraham, Bradford street
- Matthews William, Loveday street
- Neal David, 21, Hill street
- Penington John, Gt. Hampton row
- Thompson James, Ludgate hill
- Timmins James, Hampton st.
- Billinge William, 50, Bull street
- Eades William, 65, Lichfield street
- Shilton William, Dartmouth street
- Ainsworth William, Bordesley street
- Asken James, 6, Brearley street
- Aston George, 4, High street
- Aston William, Henrietta street
- Beckett Joseph, Ashted row
- Billingsley John, 21, Tenant street
- Breeden William, 80, Smallbrook street
- Brindley Samuel, 59, Gt. Charles street
- Brisband Abraham, 10, Moat row
- Bromwich Richard, 54, Stafford street
- Brookes John. 65, Bull street
- Butler Simeon, 124, Moland street
- Careless William, 25, Smallbrook street
- Chadwick Joseph, Pritchett street
- Cox William, 2, St. Martin street
- Dennis Joseph, 69, Coleshill street
- Goddard James, Pritchett street
- Hickman Samuel, Lawley street
- Hildreth Joseph, 60, Bath street
- Hill Joseph, Windsor street
- Knowles James, Lancaster street
- Lee Robert, Barr street
- Lingham Brothers, 170, Lt. Hampton st.
- Mapplebeck and Lowe, 6, Bull ring
- Perks Thomas, Belmont row
- Smith Charles and Son, Gt. Charles st.
- Standley and Potter, Bull street
- Standley Edward, 67, Bull street
- Sturges William, Suffolk street
- Tabberner George, 33, Henrietta street
- Bartlett John, 10 court, Deritend
- Parkes Zaehariah and Richard, Digheth
- Reynolds W. H. 59, Edgbaston street
- Bateman Henry, 31, Bartholomew street
- Gabriel William, 99 Coleshill street
- Bolton Frederick, 55, Summer lane
- Bolton Thomas, Loveday street
- Carpenter Joseph, 6, York street
- Haycock Samuel, Woodcock street
- Shuttleworth Joseph, Lichfield street
- Trow Isaac, Loveday street
- Alexander R. H. 49, Bread street
- Allarton Edward, 43, Ann street
- Alston James and Son, Steelhouse lane
- Anderton and Steen, Whittall street
- Anguary Paul, 4, Hagley terrace
- Armfield Edward, and W. T. Newhall st.
- Barnes F. and Co. Sand street
- Baines J. D. Great Charles street
- Bates and Barrows, 108, Snow hill
- Beach and Maschwitz, 30, Ann street
- Bedford and Lord, Newhall street
- Blood Richard and Son, 8, Ann street
- Blunt G. V. 26, Charlotte street
- Bolton Thomas and Co. 109, New street
- Brien Henry, 51, Ann street
- Broomhead and Thomas, Gt. Charles st.
- Burt William, Edmund street
- Butler Brothers, 19, Lionel street
- Carter Edward, 5, Brittle street
- Chance William, Great Charles street
- Cooke William, 55, Bread street
- Crompton and Blyth, Temple row
- Evans T. and A. Edmund street
- Fiddian Brothers, 35, Broad street
- Francis John, 22, Congreve street
- Gibbins Brothers, Baggot street
- Goddard and Company, Newhall street
- Green John S. Ashted row
- Guest James and Sons, 170, Bristol street Hall,
- Dade, and Co. 46, Ann street
- Harrold William and Sons, Waterloo st.
- Hasluck Thomas, H. Summer lane
- Hawkesley James, Livery street
- Hill Richard, 43, Frederick street
- Horton G. M. W. & Co. Gt. Hampton st
- Israel Andrew and Co. Congreave st.
- Jacob William and Edward, Livery st.
- Keeling Brothers, Newhall street
- Lee Thomas, 8, Brittle street
- Lewty James W. Lichfield street
- Lowe B. and G. Snow hill
- Mason William Wallis, Broad street
- Maulin and Cod, Summer row
- M'Keen, 83k, Great Charles street
- Meyer and Bekenn, Sand street
- Mills P. H. 68, Edghaston street
- Moilliet John Lewis, 70, Newhall street
- Moore E. T. 3, Summer row
- Muntz and Purden, 38, St. Paul's square
- Oppenheimer A. B. Great Charles st.
- Perry J. B. and Co. 16, St. Paul's square
- Potts Thomas and Co. Temple row
- Rabone Brothers, 49, Broad street
- Redfern B. C. 57, Broad street
- Reeves John and Richard, 125, Moor st.
- Richards Theophilus, Gt. Charles st.
- Roberts Peter, Newhall street
- Robins John, 39, Frederick street
- Rogers Henry, Edmund street
- Scholefield Joshua and Son, Minories
- Shaw C. J. and C. 99, Great Charles A.
- Shore Joseph and Son, Easy row
- Tarrattt Wm. and Co. Ann street
- Tonolla Brothers, Dudley street
- Van Wart Henry and Son, Summer row
- Wadsworth George, Princes street
- Walker John, 182, Livery street
- Wood and Son, 12, Bath street
- Woodfield J. Ludgate hill
- Baker Edward, 35, Newhall street
- Barker Edward, Lower Temple street
- Barlow John, Little Hampton street
- Collins James, 62, Coleshill street
- Ducker Jahn, 6, Digbeth
- Hall Samuel, 56, Steelhouse lane
- Parker Robert, 441, Edmund street
- Parsons Thomas, Ann street
- Parsons Thomas and Son, Bath street
- Phipson Wm. Fazeley street
- Plimley Charles, Holt street
- Smith James, 28, Constitution hilt
- Twells and Podmore, 84, New street
- Willmore and Co. 108, New street
- Wootton and Co. 10, Russell street
- Cooper William, Adderley street
- Cooper William, 149, Bradford street
- Everitt, Allen, and Co.: Cambridge st.
- Jennens Jos. & Co. Meeting house yard
- Merry Henry and Theophilus, Cherry st.
- Middlemore James W. Holloway head
- Oliver William, Lawley street
- Adams Edward B. Lowe street
- Hill Samuel, Bread, street
- Marrian Francis, 14, Cannon street
- Mason Henry, 9, Cannon street
- Clarke William and Co., 14, Broad street
- Dawes George James, 73, Edmund st.
- Dawes James, jun. Bridge street mill
- Francis George and Son, Bradford st.
- Graves Thomas, 6, Park lane
- Heeley James & Sons, 146, Gt. Charles st
- Heeley and Deakin, 74, High street
- Ledsam D. and Mill Company, Edmund s
- Llewellyn and Ryland, A B row
- Martin James, 10, Jennens row
- Mapplebeck and Lowe, Bull ring
- Morris Mich. 67, Cliveland street
- Pearson Thomas, New Canal street
- Price Theodore, Crescent
- Robinson Charles, Moor st.
- Salt Wm. and Jacob, Broad street
- Shaw C. J. and C. Snow hill
- Shaw John, Park street
- Thompson, Leonard, Dawes, and Co.
- Great Brook street
- Thornton James and Son, Bradford st.
- Upfill Thomas and James, Gt. Charles st.
- Winkfield and Co. Newtown row
- Clulee Thomas 56, Lionel st.
- Cox Wm. 77, Suffolk st.
- Dean Wm. 11, Whittall st.
- Edwards John, Church st.
- Griffin Charles, Newhall st.
- Knight Joseph, 38, Allison st.
- Laurence Thomas, 17, Hill st.
- Laurence Thomas, 76, Aston st.
- Scott Joseph, George st. St. Paul's
- Smith and Hughes, 13 court, Snow hill
- Taylor John, 33, Newton st.
- Bill and Co., 14, Summer lane
- Jennings and Bettridge, Constitution hill
- Bates John, 16, New George st.
- Cochrane William, Nigh st. Deritend
- Davis Edw. Pump Tavern Yard, Bullring
- Griffiths Richard, New Inkleys
- Humphreys Richard, 74, Smallbrook st.
- Leedhum Thomas, Lower Tower st.
- Lockett Jonathan, 14 court,
- Dale end Palmer Joseph, Duke st.
- Phillips John, 23, Bread st.
- Shaw Charles, 6, Tanter st.
- White John, 437, Constitution hill
- Adney John, Belmont passage
- Douglas Mathew, 11, Duddeston row
- Hall Henry, 101, Weaman row
- Terry Benjaman, 17 ct. Gt. Hampton st.
- Brotherton Thomas, 22, Lower Priory
- Cherry Charles, 6 court, Upper Priory
- Harvey Matthias, 113 Gt. Chas. st
- Mincher Edward, 95, Steelhouse lane
- Robotham George, 115, Lancaster st.
- Welch Fred. J. 15, Bromsgrove st.
- Kilmister Thomas, 137, Lancaster st.
- Phipson Thomas and Sons, 12, Broad st.
- Brown Henry, 14, Park st.
- Clulee Charles, 56, Lionel st.
- Cox John, 196, Deritend,
- Davis George, 8 court, Cheapside
- Moss William, Cannon st.
- Parkes Wm. 37, Staniforth st.
- Preston Edward, Lichfield st.
- Preston William, 57, Steelhouse lane
- Allport James, 12, Weaman row
- Archer James, 14, Gt. Hampton st.
- Barrister Wm. 17, Lench st.
- Bannister Charles, 16, Moland st.
- Barker and Creed, Garver st.
- Barlow John, 27, Little Hampton st.
- Bates George, Navigation st.
- Blackford and Lawson, 2, Bread st.
- Bower Joseph, 141, Snow hill
- Challenor John, Hampton st.
- Chamberlain John, Gt. Hampton st.
- Cole Richard, New Summer street
- Cooper Henry, 97; Bradford st.
- Cottrell William, 12, St. Martin's place
- Devy Wm. 8, Little Hampton st.
- Dixon Matthew, 137, Snow hill
- Dugard Barnabas, Bartholomew row
- Edward James, 70, Park st.
- Evans Samuel and Son, St. Paul's sq.
- Fielding Henry, 123, Livery st.
- Fowler Robert, 2 court, Cannon st.
- Gibbs H. and J. 7 and 8, Gt. Charles st:
- Gilbert John, 28, Legge st.
- Haley William, 60, Loveday st.
- Hall Henry, 105, Gt. Hampton st.
- Hall James, 30 court, Lancaster st.
- Hardy James A. Sandpits
- Hardy Jos. and J. 176, Gt. Hampton row
- Harris James, 54, Great Charles st:
- Harwood Thomas, 13, Mount st.
- Hill John, Steelhouse lane
- Hobday John, 32, Digby st.
- Hooper Wm. Duddeston row
- Hughes William, Park st.
- Hutton Wm. and Son, 130, Gt. Chas. st.
- Kirkham Thomas, 13, Cherry st.
- Laughton James, 8, St. Paul's square
- Leather John, Cardigan st.
- Ledward Rdward, 33, Mott st.
- Lilly John, jun. St. Paul's square
- Lowe Isaac, 21, Lower priory
- Lowe Thomas, 21, Gt. Charles st;
- Needham Edward, 16, Coleshill st.
- Oakes John, 5, Islington row
- Osborne Samuel, Aston road
- Page William, Lawley st.
- Parker John, F. 72, High st.
- Parker John, Summer row
- Pimley Samuel, 21, Steelhouse lane
- Poller Christopher, 4, st. Bartholomew st.
- Prime Thomas, 18, Northwood st.
- Rotherham Charles, Gt. Chas. st.
- Ravenall James, 10, Hanley st.
- Reading George, Livery st.
- Renshaw William, 33, Cherry st.
- Richards and Sons, Mary st,
- Robathan John, Vittoria st.
- Robathan Thomas, 36, Hall st.
- Roberts Robert, 7, Bond st.
- Rogers John, 44, Coleshill st.
- Ryland and Son, 23, Great Chas. st.
- Ryland Thomas and Son, 40, Newhall st.
- Sheppard John, Ryland road
- Sherwin Thomas, Witton st.
- Sherwood John B. Lichfield st.
- Simpson Thomas and Co. Livery st.
- Smith James, 58, Snow hill
- Spooner, Painter, and Co. New Market st
- Swingler Thomas, Staniforth st.
- Terry and Oaks, 127, Suffolk st.
- Thomason Sir Edward, Church st.
- Tongue John, 12, Smith st.
- Twiss Thomas, 33, Gt. Charles st.
- Wallbank and Bassett, James st.
- Waterhouse and Son, Hill st.
- Waterhouse T. and Co. 45, St. Paul's sq.
- Waterhouse George, 1, Horse fair
- Welch Thomas, Prospect row
- Wilkes J. 91, Hill street
- Wilkinson T. & Co. 13, Gt. Hampton st.
- Barnes Joseph, 3 et. Bartholomew st.
- Law James, 274, Cheapside
- Poller Richard, 32, Duddeston st.
- Walker Samuel, 29, Park st.
- Brown Samuel, Upper Gough st.
- Chantry Joseph, 1, Exeter row
- Drakeford Jonathan, 11, Moat row
- Lomax William, 144, New st.
- Martin Harp, Lawley st.
- Smith Charles, 112, Snow hill
- Aston Sampson, 1, Jennen's row
- Aston Thomas, 17, Jennen's row
- Betts John, Vauxhall road
- Betts Thomas, Gt. Brook st.
- Betts W. 2, Exeter row
- Bolton Thomas, St. Mary's
- Cradburn Thomas, 7 court, Digbeth
- Bradley John, 10, Hurst st.
- Brittle Joseph, Palmer st.
- Brown Wm. 1, Vittoria st.
- Cox F. B. 50, Camden st.
- Harriman Thos. 24, Loveday st.
- Haycock Samuel, Woodcock st.
- Hodgetts Thomas, 92, Upper Tower st.
- Inman William, Market st.
- Lawley George, 51, Summer lane
- Ludlow Thomas, 32, Park st.
- Ainsworth and Ashford, Bristol st.
- Bembridge Edward, Great Chas. st.
- Bright, Martin, and Co. New st.
- Cheston Charles, Bridge row, Deritend
- Clarke, R. B., 163, Bristol st.
- Holden, Lowe, and Lowe, Livery st.
- Homer John, 30, Colmore row
- Homer John, 36, Newhall st.
- Insole and Jones, 10, King st.
- Lowe Thomas, 31, Gt. Charles st.
- Stubbs Joseph, Bromsgrove st.
- Atkins Aaron, 35, Barford st.
- Betts William, 10, Ludgate hill
- Hadley Oliver, 2, Edmund st.
- Avery Wm. and Thos. 12, Digbeth
- Beach Thomas, Hill st.
- Bourne Thos. sen. 56, Broad st.
- Bourne Thos. 1, Mount st.
- Cole Thos. 14 court, Bordesley st.
- Collins Edwd. 127, Pritchett st.
- Culwick James, 17 ct. Upper Brearley st.
- Day W. C. 118, Suffolk st.
- Garland and Pilkington, 48, Bull st.
- Mason William, Curzon st.
- Pain Benjamin, 3 Meriden st.
- Robinson Thomas, Birchall st.
- Shaw Samuel, 24, ct. Barr st.
- Simmons Charles, New John st.
- Whitfield Edward & Son, 16, Church st.
- Bettridge John, 52, St. Paul's square
- Bettridge Joseph, 23, Church street
- Clock Thomas and Co. 53, Lionel st.
- Clowes Thomas, 88, Camden street
- Collin James, sen. Russell row
- Edwards Henry, 82, High street
- Field Ann, 91, Bull street
- Freeman Thomas, 9, Howard street
- Fuller Joseph and Ashberry, Digbeth
- Gloster and Docker, 43, Moseley st.
- Haines Samuel, 15, New street
- Harbride Frederick, Hill street
- Horton John, 77, Summer lane
- Horton Samuel and Son, 23, High street
- Johnson William, Moland street
- Keeley Samuel, 12, New street
- Lawrence Thomas, Charlotte street
- Manton Henry, 110, Gt. Charles st.
- Millington Thomas, 7 court, Tanter st.
- Mitchell Robert and Co. Frederick st.
- Oakes Thomas, Islington row
- Osborne and Sons, 13, Bennetts hill
- Parkes Thomas, 8, Mott street
- Price Joseph, 102, Bull street
- Ravenall James, 102, Lower Tower st.
- Sarjeant Jesse, Howard street
- Simpson Thomas, 44, Newhall street
- Simpson William, 41, Newhall street
- Slack Richard, Mary Ann street
- Smith and Vernon, 50, Charlotte st.
- Smith Edward, Howard street
- Smith John, 21, Upper Tower street
- Taylor and Perry, Newhall street
- Thomason Sir Edward, Church street
- Tye George P. 80, Caroline street
- Wilkinson John, Unett street
- Woodcock George, Constitution hill
- Armfield Edward, Aston road
- Armfield Stanhope, 29, Fisher street
- Armfield Thomas, 9 court, Bath street
- Barratt John, 45, Tanter street
- Bott Edwin, 9, Clarence row
- Brierley Frederick, 6, Drury lane
- Brierley Richard, 6, Drury lane
- Colliss Samuel, 2 court, Cannon street
- Court William, 18, Legge street
- Crawford Benjamin, 4 court, Sheep st.
- Curzon William, Howe street
- Cutler Thomas, Union terrace
- Garner William, 36, Allison street
- Gilbert John, 28, Legge street
- Grove William, New John street
- Groves Richard, Prospect row
- Harley William, 23, Bartholomew st.
- Harris James, 54, Gt. Charles street
- Hawkes. William, 84, Lombard street
- Heeley James and Sons, Gt. Charles st.
- Hobday Samuel, 20, Russell street
- Hobday William, Windsor street
- Homer William, Bromsgrove street
- Jennings Joseph, Prospect row
- Langford William, 9 et. New Summer St.
- Lees Thomas, 30, Chapel street
- Lile James, Lord street
- Martin Charles, 3, Doe street
- Miller John, 48, Hill street
- Mole Samuel, 7 court, Old Cross street
- Probert Arthur, 25 Lench street
- Rosson Francis, Canal street
- Budge Edward, 128, Snow hill
- Simpson William & Son, Bartholomew st
- Askey John, 4 et. New Canal street
- Askey Thomas, Lichfield street
- Barton John, 55, Barr street
- Caddick Benjamin, 31, Hockley hill
- Doley John, 2 court, Worcester street
- Greaves T. H. 49, Dudley street
- Hanson William, 76, Newhall street
- Hopkins John, Rea street
- Mansell Samuel, Navigation street
- Parkes Isaac, Gt. Barr, street
- Pearson Joseph, Vauxhall road
- Powel F. C. Pershore street
- Redfern J. 35, Horse fair
- Rostill Henry, Aston road
- Tongue Charles, 44, Water street
- Williams Samuel, 47, Duke street
- Bartleet Thomas and Sons, Gt. Charles st
- Beck and Thomas, 64, Coleshill street
- Blunn Frederick, Ashted row
- Collins James and Son, 75, Newhall st.
- Cope David and Son, 7, Bartholomew st.
- Dutton Joseph, 9, Weaman row
- Grimley Frederick, 2, Fleet street
- Hill Ann and Son, 15, Henrietta street
- Hipwood Thomas, Holt street
- Jordan Thomas J. 48, Whittall street
- Mineher Edward, 95, Steelhouse lane
- Moore John, Barr street
- Parkes John, Alcester street
- Phillips Henry, 16 court, Park street
- Robbins William, 4, Bartholomew row
- Round A. Brittle street
- Scambler Edward, 26, Loveday street
- Simpson William and Son, Bartholomew
- Swain Joseph, 205, Divery street
- Tibbetts Joseph, Moland street
- Cooper and Son, 22, Moland street
- Deeley William, 27, Gt. Hampton st,
- Holden William, 1 court, Lench street
- Kendrick Alfred, Peck lane
- Needham Edward, 16, Coleshill street
- Allen John, 25, Masshouse lane
- Barwell William,Northwood street
- Boole William, 14, Summer lane
- Brook John, 62, Navigation street
- Cureton Thomas, 58, Ludgate hill
- Dewson C. and T. 107, New street
- Edge Thomas, 136, Snow hill
- Greenhill Joseph, 65, Bath street
- Howie James, Bartholomew row
- Howie William, 74, Coleshill street
- Marrian and Reynolds, 56, Moor st.
- Morgen -, 39, Oxford street
- Morris Sarah, 37, Loveday street
- Mucklow James, Edmund street
- Price Thomas, 217, Livery street
- Rowley Charles, 23, Newhall street
- Russell Richard, 21, Loveday street
- Styles and Leather, 26, Newton street
- Banks William, 71, Northwood street
- Barnett George, 27, Gt. Hampton st.
- Caldecut William, 20, Mount street
- Gillott and Taylor, 31, Cannon street
- Gillott Joseph, 59, Newhall street
- Heeley James and Sons, Gt. Charles st.
- Mason J. Lancaster street
- Mitchell John, 48, Newhall street
- Mitchell William, 7, St. Paul's square
- Sansum Stephen and Son, Loveday st.
- Sheldon John, Lancaster street
- Silk J. and Co. Mount street
- Westwood and Sons, 4, St. Luke's row
- Askey William, 52, Cliveland street
- Bennett Frederick, Prospect row
- Bennett William, Legge street
- Bibb John, 3 court, Legge street
- Birch Joseph, 130, Suffolk street
- Bottely William, Market street
- Brown John, Newhall street
- Chamberlain Enoch, Woodcock street
- Clark Thomas and Co., 53, Lionel street
- Colesby Joseph, 60, Barr street
- Court William, 18, Legge street
- Davis John, 9 court, Barr street
- pax John, 184, Bradford street
- Dodd Benjamin, 26, Duddeston row
- Drew John, 4 court, Coleshill street
- Edwards W,, 113, Suffolk street
- Giles William B., New John street
- Green Samuel, 267, Newtown row
- Groves Roberts tee Crescent
- Harrison James, Dartmouth street
- Hathaway Henry, 13 ct. Gt. Hampton st,
- Haynes Daniel, 28, Staniforth street
- Heeley James and Sons, 147, Great Charles street
- Holland Thomas, Aston road
- Hollingshead Isaac J., 5, Howard street
- Holloway John and Daniel, 42, Moland st,
- Hopkins Henry, 82, Navigation street
- Hopkins Thomas, Fordrough street
- Hulston Elizabeth, 4, Old Inkleys
- Humpherson —, 4, Grosvenor street
- Johnson J., 49, Coleshill street
- Jones Thomas, 266, Newtown row
- Law William, 17 court, Bartholomew st,
- Lewis Jesson, Heneage street
- Marklew Charles, Garrison lane
- Millward William, 117, Constitution hill,
- Morgan Henry, Lionel street
- Page Joseph, 57, Weaman street
- Parsons Joseph, Inge street
- Perks John, 8, York street
- Perks Richard, Weaman street
- Perks Thomas, Holland street
- Ross Thomas, 3, Prospect row
- Shaw Thomas, 85, Navigation street
- Shepherd Robert, Ashted
- Smith Benjamin and Co., 8, Whittall st,
- Smith Joseph, 32, Great Charles street
- Smith William, St. James's place
- Stanley John, Great Charles street
- Taylor John, 22, Leek street
- Terry John, 5 court, Lower Church st.
- Thompson Richard, Woodcock street
- Timmins R. and Sons, Hurst street
- Webb William, 246, Bradford street
- Whitehouse Joseph, 19, Horse fair
- Wilkes James, 9 court, Baggott street
- Wynn W., Suffolk street
- Bourne Thomas, Broad street
- Bourne Thomas, Mount street
- Day William, 118, Suffolk street
- Garland and Pilkington, 48, Bull street
- Whitfield Edward and Son, 16, Church st
- Chambers Samuel, Aston street
- Deakin William, 70, Navigation street
- Gill Elizabeth, 30, Masshouse lane
- Harvey William, Coventry road
- Heeley James and Sons, Great Charles st
- Hill Samuel, Snow hill
- Kennedy —, 53, Loveday street
- Kennine Thomas, Edgbaston street
- Mason William, 87, Steelbouse lane
- Mayo Samuel, 73, Worcester street
- Mole J. and R., Broad street
- Osborne Henry, Bordesley Mills
- Reeves and Grieves, 12, Fazeley street
- Reynolds William, Rea street
- Sargeant and Son, Edmund street
- Wheeler Robert and Son, Snow hill
- Linwood John, 57, St. Paul's square
- Ryland Henry, Snow hill
- Soutter William, New Market street
- Bartleet Thomas and Sons, Gt. Charles st
- Bartleet Thomas, jun., Mary Ann street
- Baylis Michael, Dartmouth street
- Clark Samuel, 78, Summer lane
- Collins James and Son, 75, Newhall st.
- Grove Ann, 264, Newtown row
- Grove Samuel, 200, Newtown row
- Hill Joseph, Holt street
- Newey William, Canal street
- Orme S. and J. 35%, Ludgate hill
- Peirce John, Woodcock street
- Pratt Edmund, Pritchett street
- Pratt William, Aston road
- Rogers William, 13 court, Coleshill st.
- Rogers William, 25, Duddeston row
- Smith and Greaves, 2, Prospect row
- Swann James, 22, Marshall street
- Terry Benjamin, Lord street
- Terry William, Digby street
- Webb Edward, 82, Summer lane
- Ash Henry, 1, Dale end
- Aston George, 4, High street
- Baxter Edward, 105, Snow hill
- Baxter John, 13, St. Martin's lane
- Beckett John, 44, Harford street
- Birch James, 9, Church street
- Bradhurn Richard, 19, Park street
- Crowther John, 66, Digbeth
- Cunningham Charles, 12 ct., Thomas st.
- Drury James, Great Brook street
- Fosbrook John, 21, Balsall street
- Goodhead William, 88, Lancaster street
- Gordon William, 15, Bordesley street
- Griffiths Thomas, 10, Moat row
- Grindle Peter, 167, Deritend
- Greswoid John, 104, Livery street
- Higgins Joseph, 42, Park street
- Hodson Spencer, 28, Hospital street
- Hughes Mary, tin plate worker, 24, Colmore street
- Kelly James, 11 court, Thomas street
- Lomas William, 20, Lichfield street
- Maulin James, Summer row
- Moffat James, 11 court, Thomas street
- Morley P. Augustus, Warstone lane
- Osborne George, Manchester street
- Parker John, Ashted row
- Perry Joseph, 67, Steelhouse lane
- Rea John, 2 court, Edmund street
- Rollason William, 45, Ludgate hill
- Smith Joseph, Duke street
- Bentley Joseph, 153, Islington
- Brades Company, Ann street
- Chapman and Dickenson, 28, Newton st,
- Hildick Thomas, 41, Deritend
- Holland William, Rea street
- Jones John, St. Peter's place
- Lyndon and Wignall, Fazeley street
- Parkes Thomas, Lower Fazeley street
- Savage Samuel, Park Mills, Aston
- Thomas R. and G., Charlotte street
- Carrington Henry, 67, Constitution hill
- Carrington Henry, 2, Regent place
- Chambers Samuel, 80, Bull street
- Newey Philip, 93, Barr street
- Peters W. and R., Cecil street
- Thompson Thomas, 123, Great Hampton street
- Finnemore Isaac, 4, St. Paul's square
- Moore Paul and Co. Gt. Lister st.
- Oliver Wm. Lawley st.
- Price Edward, New John st.
- Baker Wm. 23, Worcester st.
- Burgess John, 37, Suffolk st.
- Clark William, 19, Hill st.
- Field John, Moseley st.
- Hollick Joseph, 49, Barford st.
- Horton Joseph T. & J. St. Mary's row
- Howell James, 94, Cheapside
- Hughes John, 8 court, Lawley st.
- Hunt Joseph, Cheapside
- Johnson Wm. Darwin st.
- Knight Edwd. 16 court, Hospital st.
- Luckett Thomas, Bristol st.
- Melam Lacey, 31, Newton st.
- Minshull W. R. 31, Digbeth
- Moshall Wm. Darwin st.
- Newby John, 2, King st.
- Oliver IL 119, Mosley st.
- Padmore Thomas, Darwin terrace
- Priestly Joseph, 27 court, Bromsgrove st.
- Riley Thos. 17 court, Navigation st.
- Rogers W. R. 64, Bath st.
- Sandon John, 47, Inge st.
- Stainton James, 10, Summer st.
- Slater Thomas, 72, Cheapside
- Trimmall James, Cheapside
- White Joseph, 8, Warwick street
- Whitehouse James, Bread street
- Barry William and Son, 7, Edmund st.
- Boyce James and Son, 26, Alcester street
- Boyce John, Meeting house yard
- Carter A. and C. 111, Snow hill
- Dodson John, 12, St. Martin's lane
- Dutton Thomas, Sherlock street
- Howell Joshua, 79, Bull street
- Jackson Josiah, 52, Constitution hill
- Jones James, 26, Moor street
- Padmore Charles, 24, Coleshill street
- Power William T. 59, Bradford street
- Roof Green, 36, High street
- Rubery John, 6, Newhall street
- Ashford Samuel, 13 court, Lichfield st.
- Case Joshua, 20 court, Park street
- Bill J. T. and C. W. 94, Digbeth
- Holmes George, St. Martin's lane
- Jones John, 1 court, Masshouse lane
- Robinson Benjamin, 14 court, Bordesley s
- Alston James and Son, Steelhouse lane
- Armitage James, Love lane
- Peyton and Son, Oxygen street
- Phipson W. P. 23, Gt. Hampton street
- Rabone Richard, Broad street
- Shorthouse and Sons, New Market st,
- Barnett George, 27, Gt. Hampton st.
- Holllck William, 57, Howard street
- Allport Samuel, 3, Weaman row.
- Harrison John, New John street, Birmingham.
- Albutt John, Aston road
- AllWood William, Lawley street
- Aston Joseph, Lawley street
- Avery Sarah, 76, Aston street
- Baker Sarah, Novascotia street
- Brown John, Constitution hill
- Clarke Francis, 5 court, Oxford street
- Clarke John, 132, Camden street
- Cund Richard, Newtown row
- Grindrod James, Holt street
- Harvey William, Aston street
- Hill Ambrose, Essex street
- Hill James, Gt. Barr street
- Howe's Francis, Broad street
- Hunt William, Ashted row
- Lewis Thomas, Old Cross street
- Morgan John, Bradford street
- Nash William, Aston street
- Newey James, Severn street
- Reeves Joseph, Hurst street
- Reeves William, Wharf street
- Sayer John, Potter street
- Thompson. William, Deritend
- Tomlinson Thomas, Duke street
- Ainsworth James, St. Martin's lane
- Bagnall S. 114, Suffolk street
- Beale Thomas, 131, Digbeth
- Bright, Martin, and Co. New street
- Coates Thomas, 84, Alcester street
- Docker Thomas, 218, Bristol street
- Hanmer Luke, 28, Suffolk street
- Keays William, Colmore street
- Low ton Thomas, Upper Brearley street
- Renaud Thomas, 11, Upper Temple st.
- Sheen Richard, High street
- Stubbs Joseph, Bromsgrove street
- Tester Samuel, Curzon street.
- Varney and Co. Cheapside
- Carpenter Thomas, King Alfred's place
- Carpenter T. H. Cambridge street
- Cooper William, 249, Bradford street
- Fox William and Co. 22, Prineep street
- Hensman Joseph, 35, Bristol street
- Hopkins Edward, George street mills
- Horsefall Joseph, Trent street
- Hughes Edward, Vauxhall road
- Inman William, Fazeley street
- Palmer John, Great Charles street
- Spawforth Edward, Oxford street
- Al1day John, Coventry road
- Bedington Robert, 106, Lancaster street
- Beesley Benjamin, 48, Ludgate hill
- Bellamy Richard, 61, Newhall street
- Bland John, 31, Suffolk street
- Busby John, 31, Little Colmore street
- Cox John, 196, High street, Deritend
- Fox William, New street
- Harrison John, Waterloo place
- Large John, 56, Digbeth
- Motteram T. C. Edmund street
- Muntz George Frederick; Water street
- Nieklin Edward, 48, Bradford street
- Oxenbould William, 58, Constitution hill
- Palmer Henry, 7, Constitution hill
- Palmer John, 111, Gt. Charles street
- Pemberton W. D. Ludgate hill
- Penn, Williams, and Brooks, 62, Constitution hill
- Petty James, 83, Bartholomew street
- Porter Frederick, 101, Lichfield street
- Ryland John and Son, 71, Suffolk street
- Sanders John, Bordesley
- Smith John, 12, Moors row
- Tookey William, 93, Snow hill
- Wakefield John, Moor street