1851 Great Exhibition: Official Catalogue: Class V.: Moses Merryweather

401. MERRYWEATHER, MOSES, 63 Long Acre — Manufacturer
Carriage fire-engine to be drawn by two or four horses, London Fire Brigade pattern (Simpkins' patent), with 7-inch gun-metal cylinders, and spherical copper air-vessel; gun-metal pistons and valves in separate valve chambers; handles for 30 men, to fold up fore and aft; improved wrought-iron fire carriage, patent axles and springs; double delivery screws for attaching two lines of hose. Fully equipped with nose-pipes, jet-spreader, etc. Fig. 1 represents this engine, and the peculiar dress of the fire brigade.
Light carriage fire-engine, Simpkins' patent; country pattern for post-horses, with handles for 20 men. Equipped and furnished like the preceding.
Patent metallic fire-engine, for tropical countries, to be drawn by hand.
Ship fire-engine for six men; on the patent principle, with suction-pipes, delivery-hose, branch-pipe, etc.
Cabinet fire-engine, for mansions, picture galleries, etc.
Two portable conservatory engines.
A coil of best leather-hose, copper-riveted, with gunmetal union screws — London Fire Brigade pattern.
A coil of patent seamless canvas hose, screw, etc., as before.
An improved short branch-pipe and nozzle fitted with Baddeley's jet-spreader.— Registered 1842.
An improved metal breeching for connecting two separate lines of hose into one, or for dividing one line into two.— Invented by Lord Thurlow; registered 1844.
Improved preventor (or fire-hook), capable of being lengthened indefinitely.— W. Baddeley, inventor.
Six improved japanned leather helmets, and leather belts and axes, for firemen.
Leather and canvas fire-buckets.
Set of seven portable fire-escape ladders on hand carriage, with guide wheels, safety-belt and rope, as supplied to the City police, etc.
Domestic family fire-escape, simple and easily applied. Fireman's leather morion, as made in the early part of the 18th century.
Old English leather black-jack, of the same period. Old English leather plate-basket, of the same period.