1851 Great Exhibition: Official Catalogue: Class V.: W. Bridges Adams
510. ADAMS, W. BRIDGES, 1 Adam Street, Adelphi - Patentee and Designer.
Light locomotive engine for railways, named "Ariel's Girdle," on four wheels, coupled to a four-wheeled composite tender; it makes a steady eight-wheeled machine, capable of lateral flexure for sharp curves. The tender contains water beneath the floor, and has a sledge break of peculiar construction, acting with friction on the rails to save the wheels. its handle being within reach of the driver.
Eight-wheeled double railway carriage for first and second-class passengers. The wheels are left free to move laterally by means of swinging links and shackles, which enable the carriage to run round curves of 250 feet radius. A sledge break of peculiar construction is suspended from this carriage. The locomotive engine produced at the Airedale Foundry, Leeds, by Kitson, Thompson, and Hewitson; the carriage portion produced at Birmingham by Brown and Marshall.
A spring for the locomotive engine, formed of patent ribbed steel; the rib, working in a corresponding hollow of the adjoining plate, reduces the friction and preserves the parallelism of the plates.
Patent grease-tight axle-box.
Model of a patent fish-jointed rail, bedded to the upper lip in longitudinal timber sleepers. Drawings illustrating the mode of forming this railway. Drawings of patent carriages, etc., low-hung for agricultural railways. A non-recoiling patent atmospheric railway buffer for terminal stations.