1851 Great Exhibition: Official Catalogue: Class X.: Alexander Bain
434. BAIN, ALEXANDER, Beevor Lodge, Hammersmith — Inventor.
Patent electric clocks, suitable for halls of mansions, offices, steeples, etc., kept in action by a small galvanic battery, or the electricity of the earth.
Time-ball, to be discharged by electricity sent by an ordinary regulator clock.
Pair of electro-chemical telegraphs, stated to be capable of transmitting and recording communications at the rate of 1000 letters, or even 1000 words, per minute.
Patent electro-chemical copying telegraph, said to be capable of copying any figure, such as profiles, autographs, stenography, etc.
Patent electric telegraph, for printing all the letters of the alphabet in the Roman character.
[The copying telegraph referred to, depends for its principle upon the decomposition of certain chemical substances placed on paper, by means of the electric current transmitted through the wires.—R. E.]