1851 Great Exhibition: Official Catalogue: Class X.: Edward Einsle
127. EINSLE, EDWARD, 46 St. Martin's Lane — Manufacturer.
Syphon douche, invented by Dr. Charles Jones.
Model of an improved syphon, for brewers, distillers, etc., dispensing with the suction-pipe.
Stomach-pump, with several useful adaptations.
Complete case of amputating and other instruments.
Double-action enema pump, enclosed in bronze.
British plate and electro-plated reservoirs; the valves so arranged that they work freely, and are not likely to get out of order.
Double-action enema apparatus, with metallic folding joints, suitable to warm climates; the same with flexible tube.
Portable enema apparatus, with metallic joints.
Improved enema apparatus, in round reservoir, discharging the contents with one stroke of the piston.
Veterinary enema and stomach pump, with useful tubes and pipes, for hove cattle, etc.
Common enema apparatus.
Model, to show the action of the double-action enema pumps.