1851 Great Exhibition: Official Catalogue: Class X.: Thomas Cole
31. COLE, THOMAS, 2 Upper Vernon St., Lloyd Square, Clerkenwell — Inventor, Designer, and Maker.
Inkstand, containing requisites for writing; and showing the time, the day of month, and the day of week, with thermometer. In metal, engraved and gilt, inlaid with malachite.
Design for a portable eight-day timepiece, showing the months and days of the week and the month.
Design for a flat, portable clock, with calendar; metal, engraved and gilt, inlaid with malachite.
Eight-day night and day timepiece, or horological lantern.
Small eight-day clock. Improved calendar, in metal frame.
Flat eight-day striking clock, to repeat the hours and quarters, in engraved and gilt case.
[The substance here called "malachite" is also known as mountain green. It is a beautiful mineral of a fine green colour, variegated in a pleasing manner. It consists chemically of carbonate of copper, and is found native in Cornwall and Cumberland. —R. E.]