1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class I.: Sutton and Ash

345. SUTTON and ASH, Snow Hill, Birmingham.
Patterns of sections of rolled iron.
Rolled iron girders, for fire-proof buildings, to 18 in.; flat bars, to 12 in.; rounds to 8 in.; square, to 5 in.
Bevelled, half-round, oval, octagon, hexagon, fire, sash, and patent shoe bars; angle, tee, rivet, cable, and boat guard iron. Fencing and drawn wire. Single, double, and latten sheets. Boiler-plates, hoops, strip, nail rods, galvanized iron, and corrugated sheets for roofing.
Ship and boat knees, cart-arm moulds, and all kinds of hammered iron.
Lowmoor plates, bars, angle, rivet iron, etc., etc.
Every description of melting iron, hot and cold air, in Staffordshire, Shropshire, Welsh, and Scotch, of the most approved brands.
Sheets of sections will be sent on application.