1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class VIII.: A. Everitt and Sons
1848. EVERITT, A., and SONS, Birmingham.
Brass, copper, and iron articles.
TUBES IN BRASS, solid drawn, for locomotive, marine, and other boilers.
These tubes are always drawn taper, to give extra thickness at the end nearest the fire. The taper is inside, and given by drawing the tubes upon steel mandrels, the outer diameter of the tube is parallel.
The expanded ends are to show the quality and ductility of the metal.
Tubes in brass and copper of various dimensions for steam, gas, etc. all drawn solid.
Tubes in brass, ornamental, rope twist, etc. for chandeliers, coronas, etc.
Brass, iron, and copper wires, for weaving, drawn as fine as human hair. Brass wire for pins, drawn malleable to allow the head to be formed upon it, and sufficiently stiff not to bend.
Steel wire for springs.
Iron wire for furniture springs.
Iron wire for weaving of various colours, such as white and blue. Iron wire galvanized with copper for furniture springs.
Iron wire tinned.
Iron wire galvanized with zinc, for electric telegraphs; hank of 1 cwt. Iron wire for ropes, best charcoal quality; hank of from 30 to 40 lbs.
Brass sheets of various descriptions thin rolled brass or latten.
All these articles are made at Messrs. Everitt's Works at Birmingham. Prices, and all information can be obtained there, and at their London offices, 33 Clement's Lane, E. C.