1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class VIII.: Benjamin Fowler and Co

1856. FOWLER, BENJAMIN, and CO., Whitefriars Street, Fleet Street, London.
Force pumps, fire engines, and hydraulic rams.
PUMP (No. 143) for contractors' use, irrigation, and other purposes.
This pump is arranged either to lift large quantities of water from excavations, cuttings, docks, mines, etc., and delivering over embankments or through other channels; or it is suited for raising water, and forcing it through lengths of piping to any elevation required. Its merit consists in its extreme simplicity, and the ready means of working it direct from a portable or other steam engine. The pump discharges an equal quantity at both strokes of the plunger, and the valves arc readily accessible.
2. FOWLER'S NEW AND IMPROVED FIRE ENGINE (No. 142), for towns, public buildings, mansions, manufactories, etc.
The principle of this pump is similar to the foregoing; it throws a large supply of water at both strokes of the plunger, the valves are readily accessible, it is fitted with an air vessel, and inlet and outlet unions, to connect hose piping, and with long handles at each end; it is mounted on a stout carriage, with wheels and drag handle. Its advantages are, great simplicity and few working parts, one barrel is made to do the work of two. It is well adapted for hot climates, as it will always be found ready for work after lying out of use.
3. FOWLER'S IMPROVED DOUBLE-ACTION PUMP, mounted in frame with fly-wheel and handles (No. 138).
This pump is fitted with gun-metal plunger and brass bucket, and delivers the water at both up and down strokes in a constant stream. It is well adapted for supplying railway stations, public and private establishments, also for fixing on water lighters to supply ships with fresh water through hose pipes.
4. FOWLER'S IMPROVED DOUBLE-ACTION PUMP (No. 141), of a similar description to foregoing, mounted on base with pillar, forming air vessel and gear for driving by steam power.
This pump is adapted for manufactories, and other places where large quantities of water are required.
5. HOLMAN'S PATENT DOUBLE-ACTION PUMP (No. 7), for steam power.
The advantage of this pump consists in the valve arrangements, being all contained in one chamber, readily accessible by the removal of a single plate.
This useful and powerful pump is well adapted for watering gardens, forcing water to a distance; for use as a small fire engine, and for a variety of useful purposes. It is thoroughly well fitted, and very economical in cost.
7. The IMPROVED HYDRAULIC RAM (No. 60), for raising water for the supply of mansions, farms, etc. from a stream, brook, or spring, where a fall can be obtained. By this means water may be conveyed to a great distance and height.
This machine is entirely self-acting, and is capable of raising water 10 ft. high for every foot of fall obtained.
The figures in brackets relate to the numbers the various articles bear in B. Fowler and Co.'s general list.