1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class VIII.: C. A. Preller

1959. PRELLER, C. A., 4 Lant Street, London, S.E.
Machine driving belts for transmitting power, made of leather, combining extraordinary strength with suppleness.
By experiments in the Woolwich Dockyard (made on October 24, 1855, and repeated on April 27, 1858), it has been ascertained, that Preller's leather is at least 50 per cent. stronger than tanned leather, and consequently far superior to all substitutes for leather.
Eminent engineers are of opinion that the thinness of a band is a great advantage; but this depends upon the nature of the material used: if weak and spongy, thickness is required; but in proportion to the greater strength and density of material, bands may be made thinner.
Preller's bands are in use all over the Kingdom, in different parts of Europe, India, Australia, South America, etc.
For hot climates the yellow leather is particularly suitable, and the grain never cracks in working even when the greatest power is applied.
All bands made of Preller's leather are warranted to be cut from the prime part of the hide (no shoulder being used), and are sewn with Preller's laces and twice stretched.