1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class VIII.: Coombe and Co

1828. COOMBE and Co., 30 Mark Lane; Manufactory, Gower's Walk, London.
French mill stones, flour machines, wire brushes, patent smut machines, general flour mill machinery.
(Obtained medals at the Great Exhibition of 1851, for woven wire, etc.)
COOMBE and Co. subjoin a list of the manufactures in which they are engaged.
General wire weavers, workers, and brush makers; builders of French millstones, and importers of French burrs; dealers in peak, Cologne, and grindstones.
Manufacturers of patent iron revolving flour-dressing machines, and Ashby's patent corn or smut machines.
Improved steel machine wire; brushes of all kinds for machinery; weighing machines, scales, beams, steel mills, etc.; wood cylinders; iron millstone provers; mill chisels and picks; patent punched iron; hoisting chain; extra strong wire malt-kiln heads, and malt screens; separators for wheat, barley, oats; trucks, shovels, corn measures, sieves, brooms, etc.; leather straps, elevator webbing, tin buckets and rivets, gut, gutta-percha bands; waterproof cart covers, sacks, etc.; iron pulley blocks, screw jacks, etc.; improved patent bolting cloths.
They are also importers of Swiss and French silks.