1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class VIII.: Edward C. Shepard
1985. SHEPARD, EDWARD C., Victoria Street, Westminster.
Magneto-electric machine for electric light, and street lamp carburator.
MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINE, AND ELECTRIC LAMP, with an improved frotter, for producing a continuous electric light for lighthouses, steamers, signals, etc.
This machine possesses great advantages over all others in having a continuous frotter, which, with the improved electric lamp used with it, produces a continuous, steady, and uniform electric light, burning with unvarying intensity.
The beauty and brilliance of the electric light are undisputed. It shines through the midnight gloom, with a lustre, second only to that of the noonday sun; and so pure and white is it, that all other flames assume a red tinge by contrast. It can be used for railway signals, for lighting mines, harbours, etc. and is of especial value for use on board steamers and sailing vessels; materially reducing the risks of loss and damage from collision. It is invaluable for lighthouse use on dangerous coasts, where, for want of a light of sufficient power to reveal the hidden dangers, there has been such appalling loss of life and property.
STREET LAMP CARBURATOR. This apparatus effects a saving of one half the gas, and increases the brilliancy of the light. Over 2,000 carburators are already fitted to street lamps in London.