1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class VIII.: Needham and Kite

1942. NEEDHAM and KITE, Phoenix Iron Works, Vauxhall.
Filter press for semi-fluids.
The PATENT FILTER PRESS for semi-fluids, manufactured by the patentees Needham and Kite, engineers, Phoenix Iron Works, Vauxhall, London, and Hanley, Staffordshire.
The patent filter press is used by the largest manufacturers of china and earthenware, for expressing the water from slip instead of boiling.
It is used by the largest brewers in London, Burton-on-Trent, and the United Kingdom, for rapidly clarifying drawings, and expressing beer from yeast and grounds; and also by the largest oil refiners and colour makers in the United Kingdom. It can be applied to all trades having large quantities of semi-fluids to deal with.