1898 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1898 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 1
- Report of Council . 5
- Annual Statement of Account . 13
- Votes of thanks . 14
- Election of Trustees . 15
- Presentation of the Bessemer gold medal . 16
- "On the use of blast-furnace gas for motive power." By A. Greiner . 21
- Discussion on Mr. Greiner's paper . 32
- Correspondence on Mr. Greiner's paper . 42
- "On coking in by-product ovens." By J. H. Darby . 44
- Discussion on Mr. Darby's paper . 54
- Correspondence on Mr. Darby's paper . 63
- "On the relative merits of limestone and lime in blast-furnace practice. " By C. Cochrane . 69
- Discussion on Mr. Cochrane's paper . 89
- On steel permanent way." By R. Price-Williams . 94
- Discussion on Mr. Price-Williams' paper . 110
- Correspondence on Mr. Price-Williams' paper . 125
- "On the iron ore deposits of the Ural." By H. Bauerman . 134
- "On the crystalline structure of iron and steel." By J. E. Stead 145
- Correspondence on Mr. Stead's paper . 190
- "On allotropic iron and carbon." By E. H. Saniter . 206
- Correspondence on Mr. Saniter's paper . 211
- Reply by Mr. Saniter to the correspondence on his paper on "carbon and iron" 275
- "On brittleness in soft steel." By C. H. Ridsdale . 220
- "On the solution theory of iron and steel." By Baron H. Juptner 235
- Correspondence on Baron Juptner's paper . 271
- Votes of thanks . 274
- The Annual Dinner . 284
- Obituary
- Additions to the Library . 320
- Stockholm Meeting;
- Election of members 4
- "Outlines of the development of the Swedish iron industry." By R. Akerman
- Discussion on Dr. Akerman's paper 29
- "On the most prominent and characteristic features of Swedish iron ore mining." By G. Nordenstrom 35
- Discussion on Professor Nordenstrom's paper 75
- "On the danger of using too hard steel rails." By C. P. Sandberg 76
- Discussion on Mr. Sandberg's paper 83
- "On the iron ore deposits of Kiirunavaara and Luossavara." By H. Lundbohm . 111
- Discussion on Mr. Lundbohm's paper 124
- "On experiments made with a motor using blast-furnace gas." By A. Witz 130
- "On brittleness produced in soft steel by annealing." By J. E. Stead 137
- Discussion on Mr. Stead's paper . 155
- Correspondence on Mr. Stead's paper 166
- On the micro-chemistry of cementation." By J. O. Arnold . 185
- Discussion on Professor Arnold's paper 195
- Correspondence on Professor Arnold's paper . 196
- "On the action of metalloids on cast iron." By G. R. Johnson . 200
- Discussion on Mr. Johnson's paper 217
- Correspondence on Mr. Johnson's paper . 226
- Visit of H.M. the King of Sweden . 232
- On the action of the projectile and of the explosives on the tubes of steel guns." By W. C. Roberts-Austen 233
- Discussion on Professor Roberts-Austen's paper 238
- "On the solution theory of iron and steel." By the Baron Hans Juptner von Jonstorff 243
- "On the diffusion of sulphides through steel." By E. D. Campbell . 256
- Votes of thanks 261
- Visits and excursions et the Stockholm Meeting 262
- Obituary . 324
- Additions to the Library 333
See Also
Sources of Information