1900 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1900 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 1
- Report of Council . 5
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 12
- Votes of thanks . 14
- Presentation of the Bessemer Geld Medal . 18
- Statement by J. E. Stead . 19
- "On the use of fluid metal in the open-hearth furnace." By J. Riley . 22
- "On the open-hearth continuous steel process." By B. Talbot . 33
- Discussion on the papers by Mr. Riley and by Mr. Talbot . 62
- Correspondence on the papers by Mr. Riley and by Mr. Talbot . 90
- "On a blowing-engine worked by blast-furnace gas." By A. Greiner . 109
- Discussion on Mr. Greiner's paper . 113
- "On the manufacture and application of water-gas." By C. Dellwik . 119
- Discussion on Mr. Dellwik's paper . 135
- "On the utilisation of blast-furnace slag." By C. von Schwarz . 141
- Discussion on the Ritter von Schwarz's paper . . 147
- Correspondence on the Ritter von Schwarz's paper . 147
- "On the equalisation of the varying temperatures of hot blast." By L. F. Gjers and J. H. Harrison . 154
- Discussion on the paper by Mr. Gjers and Mr. Harrison . 160
- "On ingots for gun tubes and propeller shafts." By F. J. R. Carulla . 163
- Discussion on Mr. Carulla's paper . 168
- Correspondence on Mr. Carulla's paper . 170
- "On the manganese ores of Brazil." By H. K. Scott . 179
- Discussion on Mr. Scott's paper . 209
- Correspondence on Mr. Scott's paper . 210
- "On the theory of solution of iron and steel." By Baron H. von Juptner . 219
- Votes of thanks . 228
- The Annual Dinner . 230
- Obituary . 251
- Additions to the Library . 258
- Paris Meeting . 1
- Reception of the Institute 1
- Election of Members . 3
- The President-Elect . 6
- The Andrew Carnegie donation .6
- The retiring Vice-Presidents and Members of Council . 7
- The Visit to the Paris Exhibition .7
- Presidential Address by Sir William C. Roberts-Austen . 8
- "On the development of the iron industry in France from 1888 to 1898." By H. Pinget . 39
- Discussion on Mr. Pinget's paper . 58
- "On iron and phosphorus." By J. E. Stead . 60
- Discussion on Mr. Stead's paper . 145
- Correspondence on Mr. Stead's paper . 148
- " On iron and steel at the Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1900." By Professor H. Bauerman 156
- "On a new method of producing high temperatures." By Ernest F. Lange 191
- Discussion on Mr. Lange's paper 210
- "On American standard specifications and methods of testing iron and steel." By A. L. Colby . 215
- Discussion on Mr. Colby's paper . 237
- Correspondence on Mr. Colby's paper . 241
- "On the influence of aluminium on the carbon in cast iron." By G. Melland and H. W. Waldron. 244
- Discussion on Messrs. Melland and Waldron's paper . 255
- "On suggested improvements in rolling-mills." By L. Katona . 259
- Discussion on Mr. Katona's paper . 271
- Votes of thanks . 274
- "On the constitution of slags." By Baron H. von Juptner . 276
- "On iron and steel from the point of view of the phase-doctrine." By H. W. Bakhuis-Roozeboom . 311
- "On the present position of the solution theory of carburised iron." By A. Stansfield . 317
- Correspondence on Professor Roozeboom and Dr. Stansfield's papers . 330
- Visits and Excursions . 355
- Obituary . 387
- Additions to Library 394
See Also
Sources of Information