1902 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1902 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual general meeting . 1
- Election of council . 1
- Election of members 3
- Report of council . 7
- Annual statement of accounts . 18
- Votes of thanks . 21
- Presentation of Bessemer gold medal . 23
- "On the manufacture of coke from compressed fuel." By J. H. Darby 26
- "On the recovery of by-products in coke-making." By J. Thiry . 32
- Discussion on the papers by Mr. Darby and by Mr. Thiry . 41
- Correspondence on the papers by Mr. Darby and by Mr. Thiry . 52
- "On the elimination of silicon in the acid open-hearth." By A. McWilliam and W. H. Hatfield . 54
- Discussion on paper by Messrs. McWilliam and Hatfield . 63
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. McWilliam and Hatfield . 69
- "On a new system of cooling tuyeres for blast-furnaces." By H. Allen . 79
- Discussion on Mr. Allen's paper . 84
- " On the nomenclature of metallography " . 90
- Correspondence on the nomenclature report . 116
- " On the microstructure of hardened steel." By J. O. Arnold and A. McWilliam 120
- Discussion on the paper by Professor Arnold and Mr. McWilliam . 136
- Correspondence on the paper by Professor Arnold and Mr. McWilliam . 153
- "On a comparative study of some low carbon steel alloys." By J. A. Mathews 182
- Discussion on Dr. Mathews' paper . 220
- Correspondence on Dr. Mathews' paper . 224
- "On the iron ores of Brazil." By H. K. Scott . 237
- Discussion on Mr. Scott's paper . 255
- Correspondence on Mr. Scott's paper . 256
- "On the combined blast-furnace and open-hearth furnace." By P. Eyermann 259
- Discussion on Mr. Eyermann's paper . 280
- Correspondence on Mr. Eyermann's paper . 281
- Votes of thanks . 284
- "On gas from wood for use in the manufacture of steel," By J. Douglas . 287
- Correspondence on Dr. Douglas's paper . 294
- "On the chemical and physical properties of carbon in the hearth of the blast-furnace." By W. J. Foster 296
- "On the sulphur contents of slags." By Baron H. von Juptner . 304
- Correspondence on Baron Juptner's paper . 330
- "On the influence of chemical composition on soundness of steel ingots." By A. Wahlberg . 333
- Correspondence on Mr. Wahlberg's paper . 354
- Annual dinner . 371
- Obituary . 389
- Additions to Library . 398
- Dusseldorf meeting . 1
- Reception of the Instituion. 1
- Election of members . 5
- The President-Elect . 8
- Retiring members of Council . 8
- "OS the progress and manufacture of pig iron in Germany since 1880." By W. Brugmann . 10
- Discussion on M. Brugmann's paper . 45
- "OS progress in steelworks practice in Germany since 1880." By R. M. Daelen . 46
- Discussion on M. Daelen's paper . 57
- Correspondence on M. Daelen's paper . 58
- "On iron and steel at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 1902." By Hermann Wedding . 64
- "On the overheating of mild steel." By E. Heyn . 73
- Discussion on Professor Heyn's paper . 110
- Correspondence on Professor Heyn's paper . 116
- "On the compression of steel by wire-drawing during solidification in the ingot mould." By H. Harmet. 146
- Discussion on M. Harmet's paper . 208
- Correspondence on M. Harmet's paper . 214
- "On the application of electric power in the iron and steel industries." By D. Selby-Bigge. 220
- "On the use of electricity in iron and steel works." By F. Kylberg . 249
- Discussion on Messrs. Selby-Bigge and Kylberg's papers . 264
- Correspondence on Messrs. Selby-Bigge and Kylberg's papers . 270
- "On results obtained in equalising the temperature of hot blast." By L. F. Gjers and J. H. Harrison . 282
- "On the probable existence of a new carbide of iron, Fe2C." By E. D. Campbell and M. B. Kennedy . 288
- Correspondence on Messrs. Campbell and Kennedy's paper . 296
- Votes of thanks 301
- Visits and excursions at the Dusseldorf meeting . 303
- Obituary 359
- Additions to Library 374
See Also
Sources of Information