1903-1904 The Motor: Index

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- Accumulator, Au Improved, 552
- Air-ship, Spencer, 570
- Alcohol as Motor Fuel, 245
- Alcohol V. Petrol, 195
- Alcohol Race, Suggested. 15
- America, Across, 155
- Aluminium Alloys. 504
- Aluminium, Brazing of. 530, 444
- America, Across, in a Car, 575
- America. Law and the Motorist, 86
- American Motorcycles, 553
- American Motor Industry, 130,’598
- American Topic.", sec Topics, American
- Anti-vibratory Hand Crip, 330
- Antwerp and Taxation. 575
- Apprentices for the rioter Trade, 105
- Ariel Production". 20?
- Art and the Automobile. 470
- Assaults on Automobilists, 471 .
- Australia, Motor Racing in. 472
- Austria, Motorcycling Activity in, 471,
- Austrian Notes, 229
- Automobile Chair, 119
- Automobile Federation, The. 252. 274
- Automatic and Governed Inlet Valves,
- Automobile Movement. The, 445
- Ballet, Automobile. 551
- Bearings. Engine. 290
- Belgium Laws. 527. 329
- Belgium. Speed Regulation." in. 225
- Belt Fastener. A New. 465
- Belt Slip. 647
- Belts. Tl)«’ Watawata. 298
- Belt Transmission. 314
- Bollee Car for 1904, 275
- Brake, Care of. 1
- Brakes, efficiency of Car, 415
- Bramwell, Sir F., Death of. 467
- Carburetter.", 565
- Carburetters, Dunlop Automatic. 522
- Carburetters. Lougiu'inare, 249, 255
- Carburine, 624
Cars Illustrated and Described—
- - Rambler, 88 •
- - Bijou, 275
- - Cadillac. 136
- - Daimler, 576
- - Dawson (Amerii-au). 618
- - Frick, 636
- - Gordon. f 2^2. 580
- - Humberette. 648
- - Lamotte, 250
- - Martin, 669 -
- - Pegasus, 209
- - Perfecta. unb .
- - Speedwell, 220
- - Wolseley, 590
- Cattle. Uncontrolled. 547
- Centaur Motor-hieycle. 501
- Chain Drive Suggestions. 586
- Chater Lea Mode’s. 565
- Chase. \ Motorcar. 366
- China, Cars for. 6'>4
- Classifying Car." for RneSng I'lirwiM's,
- Clement Cor.": London Depot. 184
- Clubs
- - A.C. of America. 489
- - Aero, 362
- - Auto Cycle, 621, 668,
- - Automobile, 641. 672
- - Automobile Club of France
- - Automobile Scotch.
- - Berkshire. 548
- - Birmingham Motorcycle. 250, 624
- - Cyclist Touring Club and Motorcycles, 445, 492
- Club of Prnnee. 360,
- Seotcb, 16. 63. 445. 644
- - Motorcycle Club de France. 361 Motor Cycle Club of Ireland. 85, Heading. 185. 230. 360. 446 Hex M<»tor-bicve!c Club, 570 Shctfleld. 276 South Lincolnshire. 574 Southampton, 57, 86 Wolverhniupton. 131, 224
- Yoik. 548
- Cluielvs and Free Engines, 382
- Compiession, Causes of Mysterious Compression Troubles. 550
- Construction: Probable I‘evekcpinents. 657
- Contacts, Had Electrical, 2
- Cnulle of the Motor Industry, 54
- Aims nt Perfection: Comments on Mervyn O’Oor- niau's PapcT, 465
- And the New, 662 An Old Car. 662 A Year’s Progress, 359 Carburutlon, More Thoughts on, 27 Chains, 614
- Clothing for Motorcycling. 483 Coils and Contacts. 382, 544 • Etbcient. Transmission, 246
- Evasion of the Law and its Hisks. 637 Exnunities Wann, To Keep the, 485 Fair U’c of the Ronds, 77
- Fear of the Unknown. 101
- For the Cold Weather, 637
- Improving a Sluggish Carburetter, 124
- Is Motorcycling Fatiguing? 382 Lamp, A Convenient, 77
- Notable Conversion, A, 124 Nui.Minces of the Road, 52
- Number Plates, Tlie Pitfleulty of the, 563
- Position of the Quad, 219
- Power and Weight, 246
- Preventing Flooding. 124 Hetnliation. 52
- Hegistmtion in London, 6’^ Regulations. The New 485, 519 Riding Experiences, 601
- Side-slip. 565
- Taxation, 267
- The New Act, 267. 318
- Thoughts on the Trials. 101
- Trailer Speed, 268
- Unprepared for Contingencies, 359
- Varialilc Gears, 172
- Vibration, 149
- Water-cooling. 544
- Dartmoor, A Run up, 345
- Dcasy. Cnpt., and Mountain Climbing, 248, 253
- Dunlop Tj’re, New. 251
- Dust Problem, 225, 445, 674
- Engle Having Model. 524
- E.I.C. Iniprovemeuta, 364 Electioneering and Motors. 523 Electricnlly-driven Chair, 119
- Empire Support. 227 Enamels, 642
- England and Excellence, 274
- Exhaust Valve: Extraordinary Repair. 364
- Federation of Motor Clubs. 468
- Fire Engine, A Motor. 297
- Fire Engines. Motor, at Frankfort. 5S8
- F. X. Carburetter. 129
- Fore-carriages. 555. 586
- Fore-curriage. Experiuicnts with a Light Motor. 49. 75
- Fore-carriages for Winter Hiding. 297
- France: Automobile Industry. 16
- French Cars for Englund. 304
- French Exports, 572
- High Tension Cable, The,
- I till Climbs—
- Bath. 255
- Chateau Thierry, 228
- Motor Cycle Union of North Koad, 552b
- Adjustment of Trembler Coil, 78
- Belt Hook Tips. 99
- Carburetters. Hints on Surface. 125 (’ar Clutches Working Badly. 78 Cleaning out Crunk Case, 195 Composition in Semi-liquid Accumulators, 291 I lamaged Exhaust Valve Lifters and Contacts. 99 Explosions in Exhaust Box, 51 Free-wheel Notes. 99
- Gashes in Outer Covers. 291
- How to Climb Hilks when Ix w Poaert-d, 270 Leaking Petrol Joints. 99 Loose Motor Pulley. 195
- Loss of Switch Plug,. To Prevent, 99
- Make and Break Contacts, 291 Piston King Fitting, 291 Points on Lubricating Oils, 270 Bepairs to Celluloid Accumulators. 195 .
- Beplaciug Spring on Exhaust Valve. 99 Saddle, Adjustment of, 125 Saddle Clips, 99 Spire Parts. 150 Spark Gaps. 51
- Too nigh a Voltnge, 561 Treatment of Belting, 51 Why Exliaust Valves Break, 291 Wiring Hints. 150
- Horded Van Danger. 551 Horses and Street Noises, 445 How I “ Judged ” a Motorcar, by “ Kuklos.” 5 Humlier Car, Another, 301
- Iden. Mr. Geo., Besignntion of. 548
- Aecnmnlators. 655
- Bad ElectriciU Contacts. 2
- Coils and Contacts. 582, 544
- Contact Breaker Adjustment, 659 Composition in Semi-liquid Acciunulators. 291 Correct Methoil of Charging, 611 Dry Batteries, 568
- Make and Break Contacts. 291 Xon-corro<ling Terminal. 276 Uepairs to Aecnmnlatoi.s. 195 '4n*iTk Gan Devices. 51. 412 ?^narking Plnȣ Protector. 488 The High Tension Cable. 415 To Prevent Loss of Switch Ping, 99
- •• lufonnatiou Bureau,” •• Otbei Views ”
- India, Motoring in, 459
- IvroaxATiox BCKEAV, OU*.
- Accumulators, 46, 48, 119, 141, 216, 285, 286. 288, d74. 560. 531, 652, 6o5 Altering Contact Breaker, 189
- Altering Ignition Qeor, 264 Altering Weight of Float, 142
- Bad Contacts, 47, 554 Batteries, 815, 285 Belts, 264, 572, 575, 585. 656 Belt Slipping, 509 Ben* Car. 96, 265 Bicycles, in South Africa, Bogus Platinum. 216 Boron Butter^' l.iitliculty. Brakes. 145 Broken Piston Bings, 554 Brush Contact, 511 Building Bight Car, 71 Capacity of Cells. 215 Carburetters, 47, 95, 257. 510, 511. 571, 574, 655, 654, 656, 682, 685 Carburetter Ekoding, 215 Carburetter Troubles. 166, 167 Cause of Chains Breaking, 47 Chains, 650
- Chains, Treatment of Hriring, 571 Charging Butteries. 542
- Changing Carburetter, 69 Charging. 45. 259, 682 Charging Buttery, 24
- Charging from House Current Supply, Charging Mystery, 142
- Chargimr by Primary Battery, 214 Coils, 288. 571, 454. 456, 560. 606 Coil Connections. 47
- Coil ^sts, 345 Cooling Device. 167 Connections. 479, 655 Combustion M«'ad Joint, 166 Compression. 545
- Compression Lvakage, 655 Compression and Drerheatiug, 168 Conitmotion. 511
- Constructing Chain Drive, 70 Constmotive Details, 119 Converting Ous Engine, 192 Cover Blowing off Uim, 545 Crank Case Explosion, A, 22 Cracked Coil Case, 95 Cylinder, A S«x»reil, 95 Cylinders, 608 De Dion Cars, 575 De Dion Coil. 265
- Differential Gears, 258 Difficulty with Argyll Car, 261 DiaaiiMUion of Heat, 341
- Dissolving Bobber. 141 Double Trailer Difficulty. 191 Dynamo Connections. 47 Electrical Mystery, 142 Electrical Queries. 167 Engine Cooling. 651, 683 Engine Bacing, 477 Erratic Sunning of Moton 165 Exhaust Valve Springs. 583 Exhaust Valve and Tuning, 261 Explosions in Exhaust, 216 Fan-oooling for Fore-curriapes, 215 FHUH with the Wires, 214 Filtering Oil. 189 Fitting Clutch to Humber. 142 Fixing A Tyre Baud, .24 F.N. Belt-drive. 371
- Fore-carriagee, 215, 265, 345 Fore-carriages for HiU-climbing. 119 Free Engine Clntch v. Fixed Engine. 71 Friction Transmission. 651
- Fuses and Wire Thickness. 69
- Oi*aring. 47. 511. 682 Oear-cas»‘ iJefect. A, 96 Geor for Quad, 511 Good Spark, but no Errolosion, 190 Governor and Ignition Details, 257 Gradual Boss of I'ower, 190 Heavy Petrol Consumption. 190 Height of Frame, 632 High Speed Motors, 144 HUI climbing. 479. 651 Hot Exhaust Pipe. 95
- Horse-power. 310
- Ignition. 48, 238. 239. 287, 659. 584. 629, 652 Ignition Defects, 477
- Ignition Outfit, 71 Imp^ect Contact, 191 Insoranoe, 373
- Txion Motor Difficulty, 165 IjAunoh Details, 454 Beakage of Oil, 120 Bealcage of Petrol. 510 Leaking Aooumnlaton, 93 Bezkgth of WbMl Base, 72 Bieense*. 345. 555. 606, 607 Bight Cars, 238. 285 Bonguemare Carburetters. 215 Boose Flywheels. 344 Boas of Compression, 110
- Boss of Power. 215. 479. 510. 583, 608. 650. Lubrication. 285. 606. 607
- Lubrication and Silencing. 71
- Making Silencer Bust-proof, 261 Mechanical or Automatic Inlet Volres. 46 Mvehauicol Details, 23
- Mileage of Accumulators 118
- Mileage Speed, 343
- Mistires, 144, 189. ISO. 559
- Mistiring ou Uiih. 2?
- Mistiring OU High Speeds, 22. 25
- Mistiring with Advanced Spark. 23 Misliring nt Low Speed 168 Missing Fire nt Slow Speed, 240 Motor Assisted Bicycle, 24, 117 Motor for Business^ 120 Motorcycle in India. 95 Motor for Medicos. 118 Motor Over geared, 166 Motor Lauutdies, 45 Motor-tricycles, 264, 287, 545, 572, 574 Motor Trollies, 95 Motor Spirit Query, 117
- Overheatinz, 45, 257, 259, 261
- Petrol, 285, 309
- Piston Leakage, 572
- Piston Bings, 120
- Piston Working Stiffly, 70
- Power, 479. 558
- Pumps, 261
- Quad Alterations, 454
- Bcloasing Compression, 141
- Renewing Platinum Tips, 189
- Repairing a Tyre Cover 118
- Short Circuiting. 96
- Side-carriages, 93, 118
- Side-shp. 309, 454 •
- Silencers, 25, 144, 192, 684
- Single v. Independenr Control, 191 Size of Tyres, 142 Spark Advance, 555
- Sparking Mystery. 189
- Siurking with Two Volts. 215
- Spark Plug Breakage, 141
- Spark Retarding, 191 Sparking-plug Parts, 60 Sparking at Phitinums, 288 Spark Phenomena. 95 Speciiication, A. 168 Speed Gears. 240. 684 Starting Difflculties. 189, 264 Starting Troubles, 214, 542 Steel, 240
- Steel V. Bronze Bearings, 24
- Sticking of Inlet, 46
- Strength of Springs, 240 Sudden Stoppage of Motor, 22 Throttle v. Exhaust Lever, 214 Throttle Queiy, A, 145 Throttle Valves, 216, 684 Throttle Valve Difflcnlty, 117 Timing Gears, 192, 511 Timing a Motor, 45, 583 Trailer Query. 71, 94 Treatment of Chain.*, 71 Trembler v. Plain Coil, 117 Trembler Queries, 69 Trimo Engine Mistires, 95 Two-spee^l Gear for Tricycle, 96 Two-speed Gears, 375. 559 Two-stroke Motors, 22, 558, 582, 655 Tyres, 168
- Uncertain Firing, 71 Upkeep of Small Car, 166
- Vacuum Valve, 118 Wasteful Carburetter, A, 94 Wick Carburetter, 46 Wiring Wrong, 96 Wrong Connections, 70 Inn-keepers, Hostility from, 471 Instruction, Technical, for Drivers, 548
- Lamps. Fifai, 131
- Lamps and Ladies, 442
- LflDcbester Prolits, The, 252
- Laaoches. Motor (see also Motor Boats), 276
- Licenses for Motorcycles, 254
- Life of a Motor. Interesting Period in the, 292 Light Car Progress. 427
- Light Cars. Three Years’ Experience of. 658
- Light Car Ban Bound London. 251a, 251b, 278, 301, 335
- Light Cars in Reliability Trials. 525
- Locomotion. The New and the Old, 612
- London Gorprnment Board and Speed Limits, 594
- Longuemare Carburetters, 249. 255
- Lubrication. 575
- Magneto Ignition for Cars, 453
- Aecnmulators, 635
- Advantages of Standard Makes, 659 Aluminium. 611
- Carburetion in Cold Weather, 568 • Cause of Skidding. 611
- Contact Breaker Adjustment, 659
- Correct Method of Charging Accumulators. 611 Defective Steering, 635 Dry Batteries, 568
- Gritty Belt and Pulley, 568 Keep Driving Pulleys Tight, 589 ixiinp:'. 589
- Mudguards, Rust and Vibration, 568 Radium and Motors, 589 Second-hand Mounts, 659
- Timing Gears, 655 Treatment of the Head, 655 T> res, 660
- Maidenhead Bridge Tolls, 565 Mnuohetter, Trade Increase, 491 Marine Motoring (see also Jdolor Launches), 502 Military Nows—
- America, 105 Austria, 88, 598 France, 151 German)-, 471 Great Britain, 128, 160a, 297, 560, 447, 467 Italian, 80
- Mihtury I’lirpcses, Motors for, 377 Milan, Motoicychng in, 208 Minervos, lb04, 170
- Minerva, How 1 manage my, 169 Minerva Ixmgucmare Carburetter, 251 Motor Anniversary, The, 150
- Motor Boat Races, 106 , 225, 552, 624 Motorbicycles, Desirable Improvements in, 459 Motor Car Act, 9, 11, 15, 52, 58, 87, 97, 112, 160, 254, 528, 587, 459, 491, 622 Motorcycles Illustrated and Described— American Machines, 555 Ariel, 202 Centaur, 501 Chater I>ea, 365 Clarendon, 112 Crypto Tandem Tricycle, 64 Eagle, 524
- G. and ., 565 Garrard Spring Fork, 112 Indian, 2^ Ins. 196. 646 Kyrun,” 135 Liimuudiere, 88 Lloyd, 549 Millionmobile, 152 Minervus, 170 Montgomery SideH;arriage, 160 R. and P., 363 Rex, 505 Singer Belt-driven, 469 'Trafalgar, 254 ' Werner, 571 WorraU, 552
- Motorcycle “24,” 439 Motorcycles and the Motor Car Act, 97 Motorcyclists and the New Aei, 160 Motorcycle Ideals. 102 Motor-tricycle. Six Years’ Experience with. Motorcycle Trades Association, 251 Motorisms, 365 Motorists 1 have Helped on the Road, 289 Victor Launch Construction, 276 Motors and Live Wires, 645
- Motor Trafflc, 330 Jlotor '• Vet.,” 155 Motor Volunteers at the Army Munomvres, Mountain Climbing, 255 Monutoineering, Motor, 225
- Napier Car
- New Act
- New Machine, The, 587. 610
- New Mount, The Selection of a, 562
- New Things. 196, 221, 244, 269, 294, 461, 484, 542. 566. 599, 615, 658, 665
- Normandy, A Motor-bicycle Trip through, 515, 547
- Notes for Novices, 100
- Number Plates in France, 491
- Number Plates, Illuminated. 468
- Oil Leaking from Crank Cuae, 29
- Oldtlehl, Barney. 426
- Act, The, and it# JJi’Iny#. 592 AflUiation Scheme, Tlio New. 545 Aiueudo Honorable. The. 247
- Automobile Club and “ The Motor,*' 526, 558
- Automobile Federal ion, 272
- Cabinet Minuter and the New Act. 640
- Calmer View of the Future, 55
- Check to Local zVpatby, A. 567
- Club and the County Couucils, The, 520
- Club and its Chairman, 640
- Club and the Press. The, 616
- Conclusion of the Car Trials, 175
- Dangerous Speed Superstition, 55
- DifHculties of Speed Limit, 31 Dust. 105
- Echo of Motorcycle Trials, 175 E.xolusion of the (luudrieycic. 175 For the Purity of the Sport, 247
- Forthooming Shows, The, French Accessories, 545
- Future of High Speed Trnrclling, 326
- Future of Speed Events in England, 223
- Good Resolutions, 358
- Tnglorions Year, An, 567
- Inland Revenue Tax. 667
- Is a Rond Tax Desirable? 520
- Lesson of n Tragedy, 667
- Light Curs in the Trials, 105
- Bight Car Kun Round Loudon, 272, 205
- Local Koud Reform. 616
- Motor Prejudice. 127 Motorcycle Trials, 55
- Motorcyclist and the New 2\.ct, 79 Motoi cycle Tyres, 198
- Motor Debate, The, 8
- Motor Launches, 105
- Moulding the Future, 640 Narrow Roads, 440
- New Act, The. 587, 440
- New Aot, Applying the, 295
- New Act and the Motorists, 127
- New Law and the Future, 51, 55 Numbering, 151
- Paris Salon, The. 495
- Police Pension Fund, The, 520 Protest and a Plea A. 79 Provinces and Piccadilly, 466 Publicity v. Obscurity. 545 Racing Standards for 1904. 198 Reliability Trials, The, 151 Result of the Trials, 495 .
- Roarl Reform nod Rural District Councils, 225 Road Signs, 592
- Serious Menace, A, 466
- Shows, The, 587
- Speed Limit in Towns. 198 Trailers. 8, 51
- Two-speed Gears for Motor-bicyoles, Weight, 567
- Where England con Gain the Lead, Ormonde Flotation, 572
- Accumulators, 17, 285, 507, 569, 450, - 552, 579, 692, 604 678
- Accumulator. An Unbreakable, 186
- Accumulator Capacity, 91
- Alcohol, 558
- Alcohol Race, 68
- Balata v. Leather Belts. 212 Band Brakes for Fore-carriages, 185 Batteries. Charging, 567
- Belts, 65, 89. 115, 256, 257, 258 , 505
- Belt Drive for Light Car, 18, 89
- Benz Details, 455, 627
- Bi-lt Transmission. 455, 555, 556, 651, 677, 681 Benz Cars, 185, 186. 567
- Brakes, 260 f\irbuietleis. 05, 111, 162, 210, 2.8. 282, 306, 338, 369 570, 451. 475. 503. 550. 551, 555. 604, 625, 650, 677 C.nrburine for Surface Carburetter, 188 Chain v. Belt, 505, 540, 507, 605
- Chain Drive, 211, 258, ^5, 455
- ? the, 115
- 555, 625
- Loss of Power. 91, 558, 677, 678 Lubrication, 555
- Magneto v. Coil Ignition, 164 Magneto Ignition, 449 Misttring 505, 450, 476, 535 Moderate Power Pacing Motor-bioyolea, 19
- Motor Car Bill, 18, 42, 67 Motor-tricycles, 537
- Motor Cycling Club Trials, 68
- Motorcycling, Cost of, 114 Motorcycle Triols, 137
- Motorcyclists and the New Act, 164 Motor Launch, 188
- Motor Launches, 66, 140, 253, 257, 308, 503, 533, 555, 602, 650, 681
- Motoring in India, 474
- Motor Volunteer Corps, 540
- Motorists and Other Pond Users, 20, 68
- Motorists ond Poad User, 68
- N.A.B. Spring Pillars, 451
- Name and Address on Trailer, 17
- Now Act and Medicos, 209, 282 New Act and Motorcyclists, 259, 281, 508
- Non-slipping Devices, 473, 476
- Non-slipping Pulley, 162, 507
- Novel Tandem Tricycle, 20 Numbers, 505 Numbering Problem, 449 Odometer, Fixing a, 508 Oil Tight Joint, Making a, 113 Oue-cyclo Motor, 338
- Overheating, 233, 339, 367, 508, 550 Parson’s Non-skid, 163 Perfection in the Motor-bicyole, 115, 363, 451, 652
- Petro! Economy, 281, 557 Petrol in France, 66 Position of the Quad, 281 Power, High or Low, 555 Padium and Motors, 678 P echarging Accumulators, 257 Pelensing Compression by Inlet Valve, 505 Pemoving Exhaust Valves, 475 Scottish Poads, 538 Short Circuits. 138 Side-carriages, 140, 449 Signalling, 580 Silencers, 163, 187, 198, 307, 450. 555, 573 Silencer Construction, 115 Silencing Experiments, 66, Simple Float. A. 670 Skidding, 210 Small Cars. 115, 157 Social Motorcycles, 282 Spark Gaps, 90, 212 Sparc Parts, 188 Spork-plugs, 159 Sparking with Two Speed, 41. 679 Spray Carburetters. Spring Forks. 258,
- Volts,
- 67
- 283
- * 255 . . 368 Spring Sent Pillars, 357 Stoppage, Sudden Motor, Surface v. Spray Carburetters, Tankless Motor-bicyole, 212 Throttle Query, 233 Touring in France, 41 Towing Device, 92 Tram Lines, 115 Transmission, 509 Tremblers, 115 Trembler Dilllculties, 255 Trembler v. Plain Coil, 256 Tri-cars, 556 Tricycles, 450 Two Speeds, 209 Two-speed Gears, 450 Two-stroke Motors, 234 Type of Car for India. 115 Tyres, 17. 44. 68. 89, 90.
- 508, 531. 578. 579, 679 Valves, 554, 556 Variable Gears. 19. 42. 650. Vibration. 255. 306. 337, 452. 475, 506, 557.
- 603, 679. 681 Warming Motor House, 507 Water-cooling. 649 Weak Forks. 452 Weight Factor. 163 Weight of Motors. 18. 602 Wilkinson Treads, 161 Wind Scoops, 283, 284 . 337. 568
- Past and Future Development of the Motor-bicycle, 585
- Perfection in the Motor-bicycle, 5, 25, 218
- Petrol from Potatoes, 597
- Pheonix TAVo-speed Gear, 299
- Pick Cars, 360
- Power? Hiirh or Low, 676
- Practical Motorcycling Notes. 634
- Quadrants for 1904, 299
- RACING (See also « Trials ”).
- Barcelona. 6^8
- Canning Town. 13, 86
- Decauville, 131
- Racing United R. and P. Registered Reliability .
- Rex Motorcycles.' 305 Road, A Cheap, Durable and Roud. A Model. 126 Road. On tne. with a Motorcycle, 241 Rotid I'robicm, 199 Rood Races and Rood Trials, Value of. 518 Roud Ketonn, To Bneourage, 625 Roud, Right to the. 15 Roadside Warnings. 594
- Roger Wallace and the Autouiobilo Club, 646 Rule of the Road, 364
- Russia. The Motor Industry in, 623 Russia, Spread of Motorism in. 524
- Season’s Greetings. Snows, 587, 583 Sln.ws, Impressions Suows.
- Crystal Palace, Frankfort. 620 Liverpool, 365
- Manchester Motorcycle, 675 Paris, 10. 494, 526 Rome, 618
- Swnley and National Cycling, 519. 355, 360, 538. 451, 437
- Sidocarriages, 355 Side*alip Prevention. 488 Side-slip. To Prevent. 155, Signals, 251
- Silencer. A New. 299
- Singer iklt-drivcn Bicycle, Snowdon. Ascent of, 670
- South Africa, First Motor Spark Gap Devices. 442
- Sparking-p.ug Protector, 488
- Speed Limit. 644
- Speed, Limit of, 559
- Speed oik Rails, 251 Speed, * _ * ? . ?"*
- Speed Trials, Laftrcy. 39
- Standards, The New. 252 (See also Stand. A Simple. 82
- Stipendiary. Practical Suggestions Stoppage, Carious Causes of, 250
- Swift Car, A New, 552
- Terminal, A New Non-corroding. Throttle Vuive, Importance of, 148 Timing of Motorcars, 531 Topics, American. 28. 75. 222, 256, 585, 615, 663
- Touring Car, Delia it ion of. Wanted. 274 Touring Notes, Some. 170. 197 Trude. Increasing British. 488 Traffic, Motor. 550
- Tniffie, The Motor Vehicle in. 575 Train. Automobile, The, 521 Trials, Endurance, in America. 301 Trials, September Reliability, 490 TBIALS.
- America, 446
- Antwerp, 624 Autooycle, 82, 108, 109 Automobile Club Dourdon. 208, 225, 277, 352a French Motorcycle, 443, 470 Gaillon. 352a
- Italy. 444
- Motor Cycling, 85, 183
- Quatre de Litre, 1S9
- Sneed Trials at Southport, 111, 184, 205
- 1.000 Miles, 111, 153, 177, 207, 492, 525 Tyres, Pneumatic: How to Preserve and Repair then 121. 145
- Clipper, 297
- Palmer, l^e New; 430
- Tyres, Overhauling. 514
- Tyres, Automobile Club Discussion on. 676 Tyre Preservation, 523
- Utilitarian Side of the Motor-bicyole, 552
- Valves. Inlet. Automatic and Governed, 265
- Valves. Inlet, A Broken Spring. 275
- Vibration X’roblem. 349. 525
- Wallace. Roger, and the Automobile Club. 646 entlierproof Moton. "505
- Weight of Motorcycleey ^5
- Westrumite. 527 heel Steering for Tricycles, 645
- Wind Scoops. 5^
- Wirroll Motor-bicyole, 552
- World’s Record for Speed, 201
See Also
Sources of Information