1903 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1903 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting 1
- Election of Members .
- Report of Council . 7
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 22
- Votes of thanks . 24
- Presentation of Bessemer gold medal . 26
- Andrew Carnegie research scholarships . 29
- Presentation of Carnegie gold and silver medals . 30
- Presidential Address . 32
- Vote of thanks . 53
- "On the development of the continuous open-hearth process." By B. Talbot 57
- Discussion on Mr. Talbot's paper . 74
- Correspondence on Mr. Talbot's paper . 91
- "On hollow-pressed axles." By C. Mercader . 95
- Discussion on Mr. Mercader's paper . 124
- Correspondence on Mr. Mercader's paper . 129
- "On the influence of sulphur and manganese on steel.' By J. O. Arnold and G. B. Waterhouse . 136
- Discussion on the paper by Professor Arnold and Mr. Waterhouse . 144
- Correspondence on the paper by Professor Arnold and Mr. Waterhouse . 159
- "On the application of the electric furnace in metallurgy." By A. Keller . 161
- Discussion on Mr. Keller's paper . 187
- Correspondence on Mr. Keller's paper . 197
- "On Portland cement manufactured from blast-furnace slag." By C. de Schwarz . 203
- Discussion on the paper by Mr. de Schwarz . 216
- Correspondence on the paper by Mr. de Schwarz 223
- "On a new blast-furnace top." By A. Sahlin . 231
- Discussion on Mr. Sahlin's paper . 240
- Correspondence on Mr. Sahlin's paper . 243
- "On the effect of flue dust upon the thermal efficiency of hot-blast stoves." By B. H. Thwaite . 246
- Discussion on Mr. Thwaite's paper . 266
- Correspondence on Mr. Thwaite's paper . 268
- Votes of thanks . 269
- "Note on the alleged cementation of iron by silicon." By J. E. Stead . 271
- Barrow-in-Furness Meeting 1
- Reception of the Institute 1
- Presidential Address 6
- Retiring Members of Council . 11
- Election of Members . 11
- "On alloys of iron and tungsten." By R. A. Hadfield . 14
- Discussion on Mr. Hadfield's paper. 80
- Correspondence on Mr. Hadfield's paper . 83
- "On the restoration of dangerously crystalline steel by heat-treatment." By J. E. Stead and Arthur W. Richards 119
- "On sorbitic steel rails." By J. E. Stead and Arthur W. Richards . 141
- Discussion on the papers by Messrs. Stead and Richards . 155
- Correspondence on the papers by Messrs. Stead and Richards . 171
- "On the probability of iron ore lying below the sands of the Duddon Estuary." By James Leslie Shaw . 197
- Discussion on Mr. Shaw's paper . 204
- Correspondence on Mr. Shaw's paper . 204
- "On coal as fuel at Barrow-in-Furness." By W. F. Pettigrew . 206
- Correspondence on Mr. Pettigrew's paper . 231
- "On diseases of steel." By C. H. Ridsdale . 232
- Discussion on Mr. Ridsdale's paper . 283
- Correspondence on Mr. Ridsdale's paper . 285
- "Note on the manufacture of weldless steel pipes and shells." By Heinrich Ehrhardt 289
- Discussion on Mr. Ehrhardt's paper . 292
- "Go the regulation of the combustion and distribution of the temperature in coke-oven practice." By D. A. Louis 293
- Correspondence on Mr. Louis' paper . 308
- "On the influence of silicon on iron." By Thomas Baker . 312
- Discussion on Mr. Baker's paper 329
- Correspondence on Mr. Baker's paper . 332
- "Go some further experiments on the diffusion of sulphide through steel." By E. D. Campbell 338
- Correspondence on Professor Campbell's paper 349
- "Notes on the heat-treatment of steel rails high in manganese." By J. S Lloyd . 353