1904 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1904 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 1
- Report of Council . 9
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 18
- Votes of thanks . 20
- Presentation of Bessemer medal . 22
- Andrew Carnegie medal and scholarships . 25
- "Explosions produced by ferro-silicon." By A. Dupre and M. B. Lloyd . 30
- Discussion on Messrs. Dupre and Lloyd's paper . 35
- Correspondence on Messrs. Dupre and Lloyd's paper . 39
- "The manufacture of pig iron from briquettes at Herrang." By H. Louis . 40
- Discussion on Prof. Louis' paper . 56
- Correspondence on Prof. Louis' paper . 59
- "Notes on the production and thermal treatment of steel in large masses." By C. Johns . 61
- Discussion on Mr. Johns' paper . 75
- Correspondence on Mr. Johns' paper . 87
- Report on "pyrometers suitable for metallurgical work" . 98
- Bibliography of pyrometers and pyrometry . 154
- Discussion on pyrometers . 160
- Correspondence on pyrometers . 179
- "The manufacture of coke in the Hussener oven at the Clarence Ironworks and its vales in the blast-furnaces." By C. Lowthian Bell . 188
- Discussion on Mr. Bell's paper . 202
- Correspondence on Mr. Bell's paper 219
- "The range of solidification and the critical ranges of carbon-iron alloys." By H. C. H. Carpenter and B. F. E. Keeling . 224
- Discussion on Messrs. Carpenter's and Keeling's paper . 243
- Correspondence on Messrs. Carpenter's and Keeling's paper . 253
- Votes of thanks . 260
- "Troostite." By H. C. Boynton . 262
- Correspondence on Mr. Boynton's paper . 288
- "The synthesis of Bessemer steel." By F. J. R. Carulla . 291
- Correspondence on Mr. Carulla's paper . 306
- "The thermal efficiency of the blast-furnace." By W. J. Foster . 311
- Correspondence on Mr. Foster's paper . 329
- "The plastic yielding of iron and steel." By W. Rosenhain .
- Correspondence on Mr. Rosenhain's paper . 372
- "The use of steel in American lofty-building construction." By B. H. Thwaite . 391
- "The relations between the effects of stresses slowly applied and of stresses suddenly applied in the case of iron and steel." By Pierre Breuil (Abstract) . 413
- "The influence of varying casting temperature on the properties of steel and iron castings." By P. Longmuir . 120
- Correspondence on Mr. Longmuir's paper . 434
- The Annual Dinner . 437
- Obituary . 446
- Additions to the Library . 453
- American Meeting . 1
- Reception of the Institute . 1
- Presentation of the Bessemer gold medal . 11
- Election of Members . 16
- The President-elect . 19
- Retiring Members of Council . 20
- "On the influence of carbon, phosphorus, manganese, and sulphur on the tensile strength of open-hearth steel." By H. H. Campbell . 21
- Discussion on Mr. Campbell's paper . 63
- "On mining and metallurgy at the St. Louis Exposition." By H. Bauerman. 69
- "On a West African smelting house." By C. V. Bellamy . 99
- Appendix to Mr. Bellamy's paper. By F. W. Harbord . 120
- Discussion on Mr. Bellamy's paper . 124
- "On the development and use of high-speed tool steel." By J. M. Gledhill . 127
- Discussion on Mr. Gledhill's paper . 168
- Correspondence on Mr. Gledhill's paper . 175
- Votes of thanks . 181
- "On the utilisation of exhaust steam, from engines acting intermittently, by means of regenerative steam accumulators and of low-pressure turbines on the Bateau system." By E. Demenge . 183
- "On acid open-hearth manipulation." By A. McWilliam and W. H. Hatfield 206
- Correspondence on Messrs. McWilliam's and Hatfield's paper . 218
- "On methods for the determination of carbon and phosphorus in steel." By Baron H. von Juptner, A. A. Blair, G. Dillner, and J. E. Stead . 221
- Correspondence on report by Mr. Stead and others . 271
- "On the application of dry-air blast to the manufacture of iron." By J. Gayley 274
- Discussion on Mr. Gayley's paper . 301
- Correspondence on Mr. Gayley's paper .
- Visits and excursions at the American meeting
- Visit to New York . 327
- The Institute dinner .
- Visit to Bethlehem .
- Visit to Philadelphia . 345
- Visit to Washington . 353
- Visit to Pittsburg . • 355
- Visit to Cleveland . 368
- Visit to Conneaut . • 378
- Visit to Buffalo . 379
- Visit to Schenectady . 387
- The St. Louis and Chicago excursion . 389
- The return to New York . 401
- The American Institute of Mining Engineers . 403
- "On a decade in American blast-furnace practice." By F. L. Grammer . 404
- "On changes in the American iron industry since the Iron and Steel Institute Meeting of 1890." By B. E. V. Luty . 416
- Obituary . 420
- Memorial to Peter von Tosser . 441
- Additions to the Library . 443
See Also
Sources of Information