1907-1908 The Motor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor
View the Issues referred to by this index
A. A.A. and Motor Union at Variance, The. 46, 125, 126. .538, 577
Accessory, A Very Useful, 68
Accumulators.—-Cells. Bluenml’s, 210; Lithanodc. 429; Carrying, Fuller’s C Haloid Carrier. 9: Charging, through Lamps, 668; Connections of. 27; Difficulty with. 612; Preservation, 526; Shock, 750
Acetylene Generator, “ Neverout.” 346
Adams Car, 279, 370. 425
Adler Car. 428. 482. 506
Aeroplanes.—Apparatus, Bleriot. 25, 688; Farms n. 568. 754, 739. 768; Ferber. 710; Florio (Voisin Bros.), 821; Gastam bide-Meng in, 739; Pichoff, 568; Roe, 792; Wright, 742; Control of Machines. 623; Experiments, 295. 568 . 734 . 739; Flights, Successful, 25. 768. 811: Level Finder for. Draper's, 769: Models. Competition, 767
Aga Khan Reliability Trials. 291
Agent: Motor, The. His Trade Influence, 308 Air, Conquest of the. 568
Airships—British Military. 177. 185. 260. 298; French, La Patrie, 603; Ville de Paris. 627: Zeppelin, 600, 820
Air Valve, A’Simple Automatic. 101
Alarm, Automatic, for Punctured Tyres, 257 Albion -Car. 483
Alcohol Fuel. 571; the Trade and, 5
Alignment, Wheel, Testing, 106
Alldays Car. 368. 122c
American Enterprise: Will Cars be Dumped? 725;
Dump and Slump, 713
American Motor Industry, 72, 560, 586; Growth of. 670
American Topics,—American Cars. A Word for. 599; Car Helps Newspaper Man. 293; Cheaper Cars. 404: Danger, Defying, 293; Fatal " 24," A. 293; Fiat Winner. 293; Incident. Exciting. 293; Madison Square Garden Show, 547; Market, Secondhand, 266a; Motorcars Slump, 266a; Palace Show, 345, 404 ; Pleasure Vehicles, 404: Rare, 24 Hours’. 91. 209; Records Falling. 243; Simplicity, Aiming at. 404; Sixte.H-six Winton, The, 266a: Statistics, 243
Anti-skid Device. Warren’s. 631
Appeals, Motorist. 766; Lewes J.P.’s from. Successful. 738; Weigel’s, Mr. D. M.. from Cuck-field J.P.’s, 734. 742a
Argyll Car, 419
Argyll’s London Car. 412
Ariel Car. 6. 372, 411
Armstrong-Whitworth Car. 372. 422e
A rrol-Johnston Car, 410; Sirdar of Egypt’s, 573
Asia in the Car. 650
A Truly Silent Car. 132
Attendant. Stand, The, 602
Austin Car, 374, 422g
AUSTRALIA.—Across bv Motor, 771. 828a; Cars for, 816; Duties, New. 206; Tariff, 707; Reductions in, 688; Trials in, 71
Austria, Foreign Motor Trade, 314
Autocycle Club. The, 48. 315
Auto-electric, The. 381; Foreto’d, 457
Automobile Association and Motor Scouts. 815
Automobile Engineers’ Incorporated Institution, 102, 378, 540. 655, 742b
Automobile Everywhere. The, 59 Automobile. Racing Resume. 396 Awakening, The Trade's, 1, 33 Axle. Live, Design, 775
B. Backfires, 382. 403. -559. 619, 664
Badge, Epic of the. 443; White v. Red. 158 Badminton Car. 477
Balloon Motors, German, Prize Cjtnp tition, 22 Balloons, Gordon-Bennett Cun for, 314
Balloon. War. The British. 1<7, 185, 260. 298 Barge Walk, Rt. Hon. John Burns and, 291 Bassee-Michel Magneto, 18 Beeston-Humbor Car. 408. 615 Bell Car 360, 481, 643 Bell Carburetter. 643
B.E.M.T.A., Farewell to the, 21 Bentall Car. 500 Benz Car, 481
" Big Drummer of Tramlinetown,” The. 201
" Bill Sikes’ Car,” The. 686
Bluemel*s Accumulator, 210
Rluff. 670
Bodies. Motor, Concerning. 606
Bogus Enquiries: "The Motor” Libelled. 649 Bombay-Calcutta Record, The. 767: Trials. 215 Book of Year: Review Pekin-Paris Borghese-Bar-zini, 617
Borghese. Prince, in Germ ny, 30 Brasier Car. 411
Brescia Meeting, The. 145, 153
British Lorraine-Dietrich Car, 496
British Motor Industry, Condition if, 374c Brooke Car. 368, 479
Brooklandish Notions. 287
Brooklands, 108. 154, 182, 211, 221. 252. 257-8. 283. 710, 715, 745; Alterations at. 19: A.R.C., 742a; Auction Sale. 346; Automatic Electric Timin ? System, 737, 754; B.«nk Holiday, 13; Admissions. 19; D tails of. 13- Challenges and. 344: Eightv-five Miles per Hour on, 828a; Fatality. The First. 179, 182. 205, 208: Half a Truth About. 37; Handicapping 74; StaH>. 154; System. 74: Hutton. Mr. J E., on 5<; Improvements • t. 49; Meetings. Race, 182; September 14th. 1907 76, 154; October 13th. 257; Last of Season. October 19th. 285: Mistress Speed at. 809:
BftOQK e A N ds.—Con t i n ued.
“Motor" Suggestion Adapt'd, 15; Napier v. Panhard (Edgo-De Knyfl Challenge), 828a; N-pier Victories at, 183; Show. The. and. 252; Stopping Rules. Tin- New, 257; Track, Rough. The. 25. 8*2; Tryon's Escape. 740; Voiturelte Races. 351; Wizard of, 513; World's Records, 658
Blown Car, 423
B.8.A. Car. 343, 374a, 418
Buit'h Car, 497
Cabs.—Rover, 240a; Vulcan, 236
Cadillac Car, 422
Calthorpc Car, 372. 417
Camber. Road. Excessive, 226
Carbon Dioxide (CO ), 7/4
Carburetters.—Adapting. 127, 836) Adjusting, 168. 271, 299; Boring, 300; “Cobwebs" in. 750; Difficulty with. 272; Flooding. 140; Frozen. 730, 774; Makers, |J II. 643; Gillett-Lehmann. 156b; Longuemare, 384; T. and M. Triple .Jet. 235
Car. Modern. Det JI Points of. 358; Designs for 1908. 336; Prices Concerning. 362. 386
CARS-Adams, 279. 370. 425; Adler. 428, 482, 506; Albion, 483; Alldays, 368 . 422c: Argyll. 419; Argyll's London, 412; Ariel. 6. 372. 411; Armstrong-Whitworth, 372. 422c; Arrol-J<jhn>ton. 4iO. 573; Austin, 374, 422g: Badminton, 4<7; Beeston-Humbcr, 408, 615: B--I1, 369, 481. 643: Belnize. 376, 415’; Bentall, 500; Benz. $81; Brasicr. 411; British L jrraine-Dletrich. 496; Brooke. 368’ 479: Brown, 422: B.8.A.. 343. 374a. 418, 497; Cadillac, 422; Caltliorpe. 372. 417; Clement, 427; C.N.. 369: Coventry-Humber, 408: Critchhy-Norris. 495; Crossley. 422a; Clyde. 428; Daimler. 422d: Daimler-Merce des. 428; Darracq, 367, 422f; Deasy 422; De Dietrich. 368. 506; De Dion. 371, 416: Delaunay-Belleville, 427; Dennis, 480; Eclipse, 475: E.J.V.R., 496: Enfield. 334, 371. 416; F.I.A.T., 477 : Ford. 372, 505; Germain. 502: Gladiator. 428: Gobron-Bri'lie. 503: Gre-§oirc, 500; Hillman-Coa talon. 422h: Ilispano-uiza. 501: Horbick. 373; Horen. 478; Hotchkiss 97. 370. 413; Iris. 414; Itala. 801; Junior, 479; La Buire, 476: Lanchester, 422g; Lindsay, 484, 691; Lucas Valveless. 484; Manchester. 3/4; Martini. 440, 497; Mass, 418: Maudslav. 367, 422f; Mercedes, 374. 413. 479: Minerva, 217, 372. 425; Mors, 569, 506: Motobloc, 369. 500; Motor Manufacturing Co.’s. Ltd. (1907). 504: " M.P.." 97; N.A.G., 373, 478; Nagant llobron. 505: Napier. 264 . 348, 368. 422a: Niclausse. 495; Panhard. 373. 420: Phoenix, 441; Picard-Pictet. 483; Pilain. 370. 475; Pilgrim, 367. 418; Porthos, 35. 475, 742; Premier, 501; Pullcar. 505; Renault. 480; Reno, 374, 413; Reo. 812; Rilev. 74. 482; Rochet-Schneider. 483: Rover, 118, 374. 412; S C.A.T., 499; Sheffield Simplex, 415: Siddolcy, 374. 424, 501, 702; Singer. 423: Sizaire. 412; S.P.A., 503; Spyker, 373. 422b; Standard. 422b; Star. 476; Straker-Squire. 411. 475; Sunbeam. 505; Swift. 421; Talbot, 417; Thames. 594: Thornyeroft. 3/2. 406; “Truly Silent,” 221; Unit, 411; \ auxhall. 306. 369; 410; Vortex (J. and B.). 369. 480; Vulcan. 498; Wasp. 476; West-Aster, 368. 422c: Westinghouse. 370. White and Poppe, 373; Zed el. 373. 422b; Zust, 502
Castle Screw Jack. The. 743
Catalogue, An Artistic, 746
Catechism. The Motor Catcher’s, 456
Ceylon, The Motor in. 273
Challenge. XI0,000 (Edge Huntley Walker). 263 Chauffeur, The Responsibilities of the, 784 Classification. General International, 5, 317 Clement Car. 427 Clothing. Winter Novelties, 685 Club and Union. The. 538
Clubs, Provincial, Conference of. 786
Clutch.—De bion Fibre. 52. 220. 269, 296. 354; Multiple Disc, Nanier, 348
Clutches. Brakes, or Ignition Timing, Adjustment or Alteration, 383
Clyde Car, 428
C. N. Car. 369
Coils.—Adjustment, Trembler, 248, 583: Contacts, Sparking. 247; Pitting. 248; Filler. Synchronised, 793; General Electric Co., f9]; Gue-not. 84; Lodge, 429; Query Concerning, 27; Adjusting, 805: Auto-Trembler Difficulties. 328; Peculiarity, 244; Sticking, 352: Three Firing Four Cylinders (?). 605: Two. 668
Colvile. Sir H. E.. Accident. Fatal, to. 572. 594. 603
Commercial Vehicle Trials Awards, 376
Contest. International, of 1908, 510. 613
Continental News.- Ardennes Circuit Echoes, 77: Austria. Legislation Impending in, 152; Balloon Motors, 22; Bavaria, Minister of Justice and Motorism, 767: Brescia Meeting, 98. 145, 153; .Cagno Wins. 145; Cost of. 239; English Drivers’ Impressions of, 153; Bosnia. Through. 768; Carters. Somnolent. 238; Chateau Thiery Hill-climb, 72, 260;
Coupe de la Pressc, Renaux Victory. 48b; Criterium de France, Abandoned. 17: Dinner. A Sporting, 627; Eyreux Cup. 439; Falkenstein. Climbed by Motorcar, 213; France, Competitions Prohibited, 72; Parisian Cabmen v. Motors, 73; Florio Cup. The. 128: Flor da Meet. The. 822: G tillon Hill-climb. 313: G rmany. Automobiles at Impelial Manoeuvres, 213; Berlin. Municipal Motor Schools, 770; Budget, 600; Cars in 1908 Races. 599; Edge.” A German. 16: Kaiser-preis Claims, 214: Koestlitz Fatality. 410; Liede-
Con tin i nt a l N e ws.-Con t i nned.
ooL1 X.f up' .?**• Mn,or’ *rs Legal Frei I Motor frack Conference r> (Projected), 102; Roads Tur rd.' Track, and German Imperial , UIIlin t „ Horse, Educating up to Motor. 4x1, I nt.. nJ CombuMion Motors, 439; International TmtHbr Car Races, 214; Traffic Regulation . 3|; nft|v Motor Exports, 771; Prim e Borgh* «.•’ Ib . p turn in, 72; Prince Henry, and Wild Motorist 626; Provence Meet. 186; Robl v. Hi. Ti.mmu:' 72; Rochet-Srhneidcr Cup, The. 49. R..ullin’ tile late M , Obsequies. 48b. S hwai.dung Sondershausen: Law Long Drawn Out at 16 Semmering Hill-climb. Analysis of Entries* 186: Records, 238. Sicily: Tri n acrid, 828; Spa. Pilctt.-Cup, 214. Switzerland: C’ontc>i- Postponed ’14 Motor Liability Question in. 257: Vmt.nux Hi)' climb tVauclusian A.CJ. 123, 186, 213. Voitun tt-Cup Race. 313. 380. 626
Control. Method of. A, 166 Coventry Humber Car, 408 Covered Cars. Seats for, 731 COwejf Speed Recorder. The. 250 Critcliley-Norris Car, 195 Crossley Car. 422a
MoU ■ i 215: st.-glit7. Family. |2I»
Cuckfield J.P.s, Mr. D, M. Weigel - Appeal fiom, e 734, 742a
Cyclomot’s Causerie.- Bolts. Security. 814. Brakes and Clutches, Size of, 579: Bra swork. Lacquering, 281: Car and Gun, With. 702; Cai bon Dioxide (C02): Experiments Suggested. 771 Rubber Permeability to. 774; Tyre Intl.ition, lb. Carburetter. Frozen. The. 774; Car, Modern. Goodness of. 170; Protecting Mechanism of, 663; Cotton Waste, Danger of. 305; Dewy Evening . For, 608; Driver, Horse, Oblivious, 814; Engine, not Starting, Why? 60S: Fancy—and Reality. 674; Gears. Condition of the, 170; Grease Risk. Taking the. 444; Licenses. Police Examination of, 305; Motorcyclist.-, Consider the, 783; Motor House Heated, Why? 608; Non Skid Tyres (Rubber), 635; Treads of. 814; Overhaul, ’ Interesting. An, 170; Pedestrian, Irresponsible, The, 158: Petrol, and the Younger Generation, 579; Having, 305; Plugs, Sparc. Haw to Carry, 783; Box for. Ib; Rubber. The Best Material, 636; Road. Joy of the. 281; Six, Personal Experience of, 444 ; versus Four, II*; Slovenly and Neglected, 702; Theft from Garage, Liability? 204; Touring Experiences. 87, 135; Trouble Competition, A, 674; Tube-., Inner, Spare. 744; Tyres. Inflation and Valves 204; Pressures, Cold Weather, 702: Repairs. Vu Irani sation, 674; Undergcar Protection, 664; Under screen, Fire in. 636: Week-end, A Varied, 228 Wicks, Lamp. Turn up Your. 636; W indent! -744; Winter, The Car in, 663
Daimler Car, 422(1, 428
Daimler's Dinner, 437 Darracq Car, 367, 422f Date-spark, Advancing the, C61
Deasy Car. 422
De Dietrich Car, 306
De Dion Car, 371, 416
De Dion Fibre Clutch. 52, 220, 269, 296, 354; Plug, New, 237
Defence Fund, Motorists’. 659
Dennis Car, 480
Design, Motorcar, Experience from Racing (Paper —Mr. S. F. Edge), 827 _ _
.Designs at Olympia, 574; And Prices for 1908, 336
Detachable Flange Rims, Elastvs, 231; Top.,Limousine. 364; Wheels, Rudge-Whitworth Wire. 208. 437
Deutch-Archdeacon 50.000 Francs Prize (FurmanI 782
Development. The Motorcar, and Its, 4!7 Distributor (H.T.), Gratze, 333
Dustless Experiments, Bristol, 315; Trials (1907), 48a
E. Eclipse Car, 475
Edinburgh Show See Show-
Edison Marvel (?), The. 329
E.I.C. High-tension Magneto, 275
Eisemanu Magneto (1908)
EJ.Y.R. Car. 496
Elastes Detachable Flange Rim, 231
Enrmv. Our Friend the. 69, 99, 121, 131, 166
Enfield Car, 334. 371. 416
Engineering Exhibition, The, 242
Engines.—De Dion Rotary 12-Cyhndcr. 8-8;
Features (1908). 828; Internal Combustion, Research Work on. 813; Rollaston Three Cycle, 446 Enter! 1908. 697
Entertainment, A Fine, 576b
Epicyclic Gear. Jackson, 675
Essex, West, Automobile Club, 291
Ever Ready " Lamp. The. 743: Tyre Detacher, 9
Exchequer. Chancellor’s ^ong, 758
Exhaust. COj in. 778; Purifier, Saduyn, 312
Expenses, Running, Factors in Keeping Down, 465
Experiences, Practical. Carburetter and Petrol
Freezing, 717; Spark Troubles, etc.. 717
Exports, Motorcar, Fiscal Duties. Table, ©t*: . 582
F. arrnan Banquet, The. 799; Flight. 782
I.A T. Car. 477
jNANCE AND Business.—11, 38, 66. 95, 120, 150. 178, y 206. 232, 255, 282, 310. 338, 374c, 435. 534, 564, 596, I -624. 653. 681. 708, 736, 764. 791. 828b jnaucial Position, The. *255 ire, Strange Origin of a, 144 Ifeugc Rim. ’* Elastes ” Detachable, 231 fe*d Car. 372, 505 foreign Imports, Fiscal Duties Tabic, etc.. 582 prgrave Vul< aniser. The. 312 rance and Germany. Motoring in, 332 tench Tendencies for 1908, 227 nel. British, for Motorcars, 156 hlh-r’s, Accumulator Carrier (Celluloid), 9; Coil, E Synchronised, 793
G. arage. Proprietors’ Point of View, The, 671; Tales
§ from the, 732
garden City Ghosts, 361
I fistambide Meiigin Aeroplane, 739
G.B.” Hot Air Vulcanising Process, 211
fear. Epicyclic, Jackson’s. 675
earing Question, The, 219
i feneral Electric Co.’s, Coil, 601
fermain Car, 502
I ERMANY.-Automobile Statistics, 104: Drunkards.
I ; Consideration for, in. 439; Industry, Imperial jk Enquiry, 507; Protection League. 377; Motor I Export* and Imports, 79, 439; Trade in Internal Combustion Engines, 77
illett-Lehmann Carburetter, A New, 156b
ladiator Car, 428
lidden, Mr. C. J., in London, 187; Third Trophy
?• Contest. 23
obron Brillie Car, 503
fedalming Bench and Motor Union, 102
Taphite in Crankcase. 806. 834
raize Distributor (H.T.), 333; Novelties, 101 fregoirc Car, 500
H. Calf a Truth, Crystal Palace A.C.’s Bcxhill Meet ft»n«l Brooklands, 37 [arrogate Hill-climb, 68 ■ayling Island Bridge Tolls, 345 ^mining’s Locknut. 601
[ill-climbs.-Ads., Results and Disputes (Edgc-'• Woolen), 19. 22; Australian, South, 571; Cardiff
- (Open), 152. 179, 180; Chateau Thierry, 262; If Crystal Palace A.C. (Titscy Hill). 376; GaiHon,
- 290, 313; Harrogate, Briscoe Rigg, Stainbury, *• 69; Herts* County A.C. (Aston). 152; New York
(Fort George). 102: Pilat (Mont), 239: Scnnncr-p ing, 238; Syston Park, 70; Ventoux (Mont), 213; I- Wicklow, 20 Gllmao-Coatalen Car. 422h fjspa.no-Suiza Car, 501 foods. New Ideas for, forbitk Car, 373 torch Car. 478 [otchkis< Car, 97, 370, fow 1 Economised, 703
413; Trial, The. 73
•.lea1908. Criticism of Some, 515
gnition, Lodge, 429; Prested Specialities. 631 Umtration, A Frightful. 105
ddia. Motor and Gun in. 303; Motor Union of 5 Western. Reliability Trials, 318 fid’cator. Oil-Level, An, 16
^formation Bureau.—Accumulators, Charging, •? 167, 224. 392. 556; Through Lamps, 668; Conncc-V tions. Cell. 27; Difficulty. A, 612: Acetylene £ Generator. 751; Air, Less Wanted, 28; Too Much. S 300: Backfiring, 195, 583; Bearing Adjustment, S 555: Defective, A, 224; Benzol, 639; Bonnet, g Noise Under, 299; Brakes, Renewing, 272; Car 'V, boration. Faulty. 640; Carburetter, Adjustment, a 168, 271, 299, 392; Boring. A, 300; Difficulty, with i .......
A, 272; Flooding,’ 140; Improving Action. 300, 808; Car, Modern, Detail Points of, 358; Circulation, Faulty, 28. 139; Clutch, Adjusting, 723; Defective, 168; Slipping, 356; Leather Faulty, 327: Renewing, 779; Coll, Auto-Trembler Adjustment, 84. 328. 583; Sticking, 248, 639; Contacts, Defective, 328. 356: Pitting, 248; Sparking, 247; Gucnet Trembler, 84; Query. A. 27; Work ing Two, 668: Compression. 83; High, Difficult to Start, 139; Improving, 56; Loss of, 806: Connection, Broken, 583; Changing, 109: Wrong
139, 723; Cooling. Water, 84; Crack, Brazing a, 271; Crankcase, Crank, 56; Graphite in. 724; Cylinders, Clacked, 272; Fouled, 140: Testing, 355: Weak. 55:’Differential Effect, 110: Engines, Difficult Starting, 780. 808; Noise in, 640; Power,
f Increasing, 84. 167; Exhaust Valve, Adjustment.
140, 167; Auxiliary, 195, 695: Explosions, Weak, 327: Flywheel, Tight. Removing, 168; France, Taking Car to, 695: Frost, Protection against. 695; Non-Freezing Solutions, 247, 356, 724. 752; Gear, Excessive, 667; Problem of, 611; Hill, Car Stops on. Why? 168; Ignition. Adjustment, 299;
, Fault, 724'; Lubrication. And. 56; Point Resettling, 779; Timing, Wrong, 807; Trouble. 556; Ignition, Pre-. 223. 248, 780; Ignition, Self, 584;
- Inlet Valve, Faulty, 223
- Irregular Running. *28: Knock, in Engine, 247, 452; Lubrication Difficulty. 807: Magnetos, Adapting, 140; Adjustment, 452; Difficult Position, to. 28: L.T. Arrangement, to. 109. 299: Connections, 223, 751; Difficulties. 300; Firing Order from. 751; Problem of. 196; Weak, Symptoms. 779: Misfires, 56. 355; Motor House. Heating the, 612; Oil Leakage,
- 168; Overheating. 27, 140, 168. 196, 300. 327; Petrol, Consumption, Reducing, 356, 752; Stoppage. 110; Plugs, Chain Connectors to, 84
- Double. Set Advantages. 696; Heat Effect on. 667; Tight, Removing. 83; Power. Loss of, 168, 696, 723: Gradual. 612: Sudden. 168; Problems. ComnJi-1 rated. 110: Interesting, 752; Pump, Alteration to, 247; Defective. 271; Radiator Freezing. 779; Bear Lamp Lighting, 83, 779; Registration
Information Bureau. -Cont tn t- I
Number, Transferring, 696; Silencing, 355; Skid, Non, Effect on One Wheel. 807; Speed, Want of, 556; Spring Drive Device, 584; Start, Failure to, 55; Starting Difficulty, 109. 584; Third Speed, Weak. 27; Timing, 224: Wrong, 555; Tyres, Unequal Sized, 392; Valves, Breaking, 110; Water Cooling System, 272; Weakness. Sudden. 355; Windscreen, 668
Inspector Marks, Marks against, 540
International Contest (1908), 438
Ireland, Road Book of, 69
Iris Car, 414
Irish Automobile Club. Hill-climb, 20
Isle of Man Race (1908), 537
I tala Car, 801
Italy, Motor Exports, 771
J. Jack, Screw. The Castle, 743
Jackson Car, 477
Jackson Epicyclic Guar, 675
Junior Car, 479
Justice! 49
K. Killen Stud Tyre, The, 601
Kilometres of Mr. Perry," 576a
Kingston, Mr. Holmes, Funeral, 348
Kingston (Surrey). License-production Point Settled at, 813
L. La Bnire Car, 476
Laroste Magneto (1908), 601
Lake and Mountain, By, 112, 142, 170
Lamp, " Ever Ready." The, 743
Lamps, Something Good in, 659
Lanchester Car, 422g
Legislation, Future. 10. 374b, 394. 581, 609, 638. 646. 694. 721. 806; Motor Car Collisions and Accidents Bill in Commons. 47
Leicester. Motor Union Meet at, 187
Levers, Elaboration of, 443
Lewes County Bench. Mr. C. C. Chandler’s Conviction Quashed at Quarter Sessions, 762
Lighting, Universal (Lights on Vehicles Act, 1907), 716
Limit, z\ Ten Mile. 829
Limousine Top. Detachable, 364
Lindsay Car. 484. 691
Lithanode Accumulator, 429; Electric Lamp, Portable, lb
Live Axle Design, 775
Locknut, Hemming's, 601
Lodge Coil, The, 429
Lungnemare Carburetter, New, 384
Lorraine-Dietrich Car, 368
Lura> Valvcle.ss Car, 484
Lyn ton Resilient Wheel, 123
M. Magnetos.—Adapting, 14G; Adjustment, 271. 392; Connections. 223. 751; Difficulties with. 300; Fitting, 28; Ignition Point (L.T.), 299; Bassee-Michel. 48; E.I.C. (H.T.), .275; Eiscrnann (1908), 660; Lacoste (1908), 601: Simms-Bosch, 289; Problems. Interesting. 196: Power Loss Commences, When? 68; Weak, Symptoms, 779
Magnetos Point of View.—Aeeumulatois, To Preserve, 526; Aerial Navigation. Latest Phase, 244; Aeroplane Experiments. 295: Successful, 811; What Remains, lb; Battery, Use of a Charging. 34; Brakes, Best Arrangement of? 634; Small, Non-cfficient. 634: Braking Power. Sufficient? 94; Carburetters and Acetylene Generator Matters, 803; Frozen. 730; Car. Lighting the. 605; Sometimes Noisy, Why? 330; Clutch, Noise from, 295; Leather, New, Fitting. 673; Coils, Three, Firing Four Cylinders— Practicable? 605; Cold Snap, The, 730: Compression, Excess ’ of. 705; Weak, Puzzling Cases, 803; Cylinder Arrangement, 605; Wear, 94; Defects, Mechanical—Worn Bearings, 705; Distributor, Connections Broken, 580: Driving. Best Methods of, 34; Emergency Hints, 580; More, 635; Engine Design Problems, How to Solve. 811; Engines, Lubrication Notes on. 662; Why Some will not Run Slowly, 148; Exhaust, An Auxiliary. 61; Fan Drive, Alteration to, 330; £50 Motorcar for Million, The. 3; Finish, Scope for Alternative Class of, 148; Fjre, Racing Cars often Catch—Why? 2; Reducing. Risk of. 323; Friction, and Amount of Surface, 634; Heat. Exhaust, Utilise, 803; History Teaches—What ? 295; Horse Power, 526; Ignition, Wire Broken, Locating. 216; Improvements Desired by Car Owners, 580; Knock, Engine, 705; Lamps. Oil, Converting to Electric, 673: Paraffin, Useful Addition to, 773; Locating Trouble, 330; Tail Problem, 673; Motoring, Resourcefulness a< an Aid to. 134: Possibilities of, Fact v. Fiction, 295; Night. Improved Running at, 34: Non-Skids, Wear of. 323; Oil and Dust-proof Bearings Necessary, 94: Oils, Leakage Objectionable, 94; Lubrication, Effect of Pressure and Temperature on, 662; Oxygen, Picric Acid Revival, The, 2: Parts, Durability of, 148; Petrol, Supposed Deterioration of, 61; Plugs, Effect of, 705; Shorting—Safe? 323: Testing. Simple and Quick Methods, 61; Pre-ignition, " Waste ” Spark, The, 803; Radiator Troubles, 134; Revolution Indicator as Accessory, 216; Rust on Rubber, Chemical Action of, 773; Silencing Theories, 730; Self-starting on L.T. Ignition Cars, 244; Springs, Inlet and Exhaust, Weak Overlooked, 61; Tremblers, Peculiarity in, 244; Tubes, Inner, Troublesome, 773; Turbine, Dynamo, Home Charging by, 773; Tyros. Bursting, Cause, 811; Danger, 216; Pressures Question, 244; Soft. Skid Most? 662: Puncture Easier than Hard? 662; Repairs to Vulcanising, 216; Vibration, Remedy, 2
Maison Talbot Tyre Pump, 771
Makeshift-*, On, 515
Mauch<-»tcr, Car, 374; Motor Chib, 130, 241 Manxl ind, Rare.* in 1908, o98 Marks. Inspector. Exposed, *289 Martini Car, 440, 497 Mass Car, 418
Master Chauffeur, The. 457 Maudslay Car, 367. 422f Mauritius. Motor in, 578 Mercedes Car, 374, 413. 479 Millaro Screen, The, 502 Minerva Car. 217 , 372 . 425 Miraeulum, 4 Miss Limousine de Limousine, 699 Mors Car, 369, 506 Motobloc Car. 369, 500
Motorcar Development. 88, 447, 550; Excursion, 241: Law of (Review), 126
Motor Club (enterprise, 20
Motor Industry, Crisis in the, C03
Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Society of, 16. 69. 209. 210, 290. 310, 316, 346, 376, 406. 655, 683, 76t 799
Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (1907), Car, 504 " Motor Quadrille," 720 Motor Shows. Future of, 729
Motor Union, The.—184, 288, 319: A.A. and, 102; Bills, Parliamentary, and, 828a: Body, International. As, 686: Dinner. Annual, 207, 522; Legal Work, 719; Meet at Leicester, 187; Membership, 104; R.A.C. and, 577. 806, 827; Railway Crossings and, 440; Road Scheme, Its, 75; Supports Sir Henry Norman's Appeal, 242 Motor-wrecking Bridge, Atherstonc. Warwick. 155 Mountain, Veldt, and .Great Karroo, 161, 190, 198 M P. Car. 97
My Way of Thinking.—Accessory. A Suggested. 277; Accident, Preventable. A, 203; Acetylene Lamps in Winter, 699; Alcohol, Denatured, in America, 563: American Dumping, 647; Anomaly, A Curious, 689; Australia, Cars for, 816; Tariff. The, 160: Automobilism, A Loss to. 728; Benzol, Concerning, 689: Frosty Weather and, 646: Bodies, Motor, 729; Booms About, 89: Bonnets. 787; Boycott. Defensive Weapon, 230; Brass Bands in Exhibitions, 350: British Trade • Methods. 174; Brittany Roads, 62; Brooklands, and the Show, 252; Burst Tyre Effect. 277; Cambered Road Surfaces, 159; Carbon Dioxide (CO2), About, 728, 760: Car» Life of a. 302; Cars. Foreign. British-built, 63; Chassis-weight? What is; 592; Club Competitions. Tra'e Participation in. 364; Commercial Vehicles. 174; Trials 301; Competent Motorman. Value of, 32; Control, Awkwardness of. 760; County Council, The, and Road Warnings, 364; Cyclists, Consideration for, 621; Damages for Motorist! 402: Dangerous Help, A. 31; Degenerating? Are We, 689: Desirable. Attainments of the, 593; Dirty Cart Wheels, 646; Doctors Disagree, C17; Doctrint* A Dangerous. 562; Doolittle Rims in Grand Prix. 4; Doubting * Thomases, Concerning, 230; Drivers. Bavarian. Reckless, 563: Check on. 620, 690: Considerate. 349; Inconsiderate, 202: Seats Closed in. 365; Dust Experiment, A. 4: Economy. Six Cylinders. 690: Efficiency, About, 593; " Electromo-bile." 787; Energy, An Outlet for, 116; Enfield Balance Sheet, The, 230; Engines, Horizontal, About. 278: Exhaust Cut-outs, Ab.»ut, 4; France. The Pinch in. 620; Funeral, Motor, at. 202: Garage. A Commodious, 63; Gas Engine Efficiency, 81/: Glare, Prevention of, 525: Good. Change for the,. A, 252; Harm. Men Who Do Us, 203: Heart Beatings Tn See One's Own, 365; High Speed Freaks. 32: Holidays. The, 729; Horse-power Nomenclature, 302; Humours of the Show, 593; Idea. .A Revolutionary, 90: Incrustation in Circulation System, 253: Removal of, 160: Influence, An Interfering. 728; Injustice. A Matter of. 253; Interest. An Object of. .116; Italian Industry Collapse. The. 230; Japan, Motoring in, 620: Kineton Persecution, The, 203; King Edward's First Motor Drive, 365, 525; Knight "Silent" Car, The. 364; Knowing How. The, 174; Lamp and Horn, Position of. 689; legislature. A Duty of the, 349; Licenses, Suspension of, 175; Lights on Vehicles Act. The, 253: Limousines as Summer Vehicles. 251: Manchester Show Question. 349;
v Manufacture, Home. Scope for, 89; March Show, The. 788; Market. Motorcar, The Best, 31: Military Band at Olympia. Exit, 647; Military Roads 252; Motorcab Comes tn. Where the. 759; Motorcabs About. 32; Motorcars, Control, 90: Motoring. Cost of, 760: Motorist, Something Like a. 4; "Motor. The." Where it Circulates, 787; Motor Road Scheme Again. That. / 278: Motor Trade Investment, Asking Enough!
302; Motors Barred. 621; Name, A Recognised, 302; Night, Do Cars Run Better at. 364; Nonskid. New. 592; Object Lesson. Another, 203; Oil, Lubricating. Mileage on, 524; Old Saturn. Seen from. 202: Olympia Decorations. 788; Orders. 593; Patentees, Foreign. 31; Partington Wheel. The. 817: Part Paid Share Idea, The. 817; Pekin-Paris Adventure, 62; Petrol Consumption. Effort on S'p-ed. 524; Plugs, Magnetic. 621: Prices. Car (1908), 301. 563; Privilege, An Official. 89: Advisable Precaution. An. 159; Producer Gas for Cars. 787; Question, Answered, A. 277; Racing. Chassis v. Car. 402; Dangerous. 159; Radiators, Before the Days of, 698; R.A.C. Founders' Dinner, 698; New Premises, 699: Reason Why The, 349; Registrations, Se'recy of, 117- Retal a'iou, 1)6: Roads, Destroyers, Real, 788: Frozen. Driving on, 698; Motorists and, 592; Pedestrians, Rule of, 817; Surfaces. Non-skids and. 524: Tarred, 525; Russia. Motoring in. 32; Screens, Glass. Danger of. 592; Scottish Club and Trial Proposals, 63; Selling, Cost of. 31; Show, Olympia, 350, 402; Prolongation of. 563; Signposts, Concerning, 817; Silencing. 698: Sirens. Action of. 350, Mouth. 277; I’ft* of. 90; Society. The, and its Exhibition, 202: South African Import Duties 253: Standardisation Desirable, 698; Steam v’. Petrol. 62; Stitch in Time, A, 620; Special Occasions, Cars for. 160: Speed Picture That 562: Speed Regulation. Medical Men and 365* Sunriring Hill, 31: Tarring Roid. 278; Taxation and Roads. More about. 728: Taxicabs, 759-Advance of, 621; Taximeter. Beating the. 816; Tourist. An Adventurous, 4: Toyland, Motor-
My Way of Thinking.—Continued.
cars in, 278; Trade. Motor. The, Competitors and, 171; Engineering Firms and, 647; Information Department, 230; New Zealand with, 11/;
. Race. Four in. and the. 647; Traffic, Driving in, 2/7; Transmission, Fluid, 278; Two Thousand Miles Trial, The, 62: Tyres. Air Pressure in, 593; Bill for. 365; Burst, About 788: Cold Weather and, 759; Economy of, 364; Endurance, Limit of, 1)6; New Idea in. 759; Unconvcn-tionality, Danger in. 562; Union and Club. The, 620; Warning, A, 525; Ways. Parting of the, 562; Weather, Cold, Starting Up in. 759; Weight, Distribution of, 175; \Vcel base, A Question of, 89; Wind Pressure. Height of, 175; Wind-screens, Concerning, 646; EQect of. 116
N.’ Nagant-Hobson Car, 505
N.A.G. Car, 373, 478
Napier Car, 264 . 368. 422a; Challenge. A, 16; Clutch, Multiple Disc, 348; Engine Tests, 241; Plugs, 242
Narrow Escape, A, 276
” Ncverout ” Acetylene Generator, 345
News.—A.A., 656: Manchester, At, 130; Members’ Continental Facilities, 766; M.U. versus, 102. 212; Abyssinia, Siddeley Car in, 742; Adventurous Motorists, 599; Advertisers, A Note to. 294; Aero Club Dinner, The, 596; Agent, Warn* ing, at Work, 75; Ambulance. Automobile, The, 743; America, Cars of, 599; Races Sanctioned in, 793; Appeals, Three Won, 340; Weigel's, 317; Ardennes Circuit, Echoes, 7/; Arrangement, A Sensible. 153: Austrian Motor Legislation, 152; Auto-cycle Club, 184. 315. 5/2; Conference of. 212a; Six Days’ Trial. 100; Union, 689. 767; Automobile Association, 184. 240; Club, A.C.F. Banquet. 44: West Essex, of, 128; Automobile Engineers' Institution, 46; Badge, R.A.C., 122. 311; Barriedale Accident, The, 258; Bassee-Michel Magnetos, 48; Bavarian Minister of Justice and Motorism. 767; Benzol Trials. 210; 3.000 Miles, 291; Berlin, Run Round, 22; Technical Motor College. 770; . Bosnia, Go As You Please in, 768; Brighton Front, 48; Car, Beautiful. 212; Definition of a Touting, 656: Owner Wanted for a, 292; Cardih Hill Climb, 152: Motor Club, 657; Ceylon A.C.. 153: Challenge. Abortive, 290; Charging Plant, Unique, 126; Cheap and Good. 656; Children, Think of the, 258; Clement Talbot- Extensions. 240a; Clock, A. Which Passed Through Fire anil Water, 377: Commentary. A Sensible, 127; Commercial Vehicles .
R.A.C. Trials. 46, 122. 215. 284; Concert, R.A.C., 319; Congratulations (Citroen-Minerva). 19; Councils, County, and Studded Tyres, 103; Cup Lifted. Another. 712; Cut-outs, 215; Daimler Hire Department. 376; Darracu Dinner, 536; Disclaimer. A. 712; Display. Novel, A, 712; Driving Certificates, 212. 630; Drovers, Lamps for, 288: Dumping,. First Move Towards, 441: Dust laying Competition. 311; Prevention Experiments. 379; Earls wood Common Hill, 686 ; “ Eage,” The- German—(Engineer Schmidt). 103; Endorsement for Highway Offence. 683 ; Eb ex M.C.'s Dinner, 629; Gymkhana. 2,37; Excursion, A Cheip, 657; Exhibition. Franco-BriUsh, 312: Karman's Latest Success. 739; F.-ljLT. New Racer. 294: Fined. Whether Fast or Slow, 155; Fine Record, A. 14; Florio Cup. 128; French War Balloon. The. 795: Furniture? Do Spirits Move, 823; German Cars in 1968 Races. 599; German ’Edge.’/ A. 16; German Import Duties and Chassis,. 21; Motor Track, Projected. 102; Great North Road, Kes-teveu County Council Action. 48; Grimsby, Motorists Entertained at. 236: Godiva Procession, The. 47; Harrogate A.C.. 658: Harvey du Qros. M.P.. J.P., 742b; Hertfordshire County*. Automobile Club. 100: Hoax, A Big, . 742a; norbick Six-cylinder, Tie-. 47; .Hotchkiss. 15.000 Mile Six-c.vlinder, 451i.p., 97; Dismantled Condition of. Ib.; Long Distance Trial, 374f; Reliability, 16; Hundred Miles per Hour, One. 115. 212a: Imagination. Lively, A. 207; Incomplete Motorist. The. 657; India. Western, Reliability Trials in, 318; Injuries Case, Dismissed, 743: Interesting Re-Union, An, 237; Interests, Fusion of. 317; Kaiser-preis Claims. 214; Kentish Road Maintenance.. 103; Kingston. Mr. Holmes, Death of, 315; Kingston (Surrey). Police Snubbed, 210; Ladies A.C.. The. 712; “La Patrie” follows *'Nulli Secundus, 600; Lewin’s Leather, 241: Liedokerke Cup, 768: London. West, New ‘ for. 573; Lubricants and Lubrication, ■311; Maidenhead Bridge Tolls, 212a, 291;
"Mail” said that Car Drove On. 103; Malicious Damages Act. Proceedings under, 440; Manchester M.C., 15: M C., The. aud Crystal Pshie? Club. 794: Mervyn O’Gorman Trophv. The, '(38; Midland A.C.. 714b, 800; Middlesex Cu and Motorcars. 379: Models, Scientific, Exhibition of. 289: Motorcab Accident; 686; Case, A, 281: Motor Caravan, A. 684; Motor Car (Collisions and -Accidents) Bill in Commons. 47; Motor Coals, Pig-got’s. 442; Motor Firms, Awards- to, 796;
, Motorist Sentenced. 75; Motorcycle Club Dinner 656: Motorcyclists’ Organisation, 346; Numbers of. 212a: Motor Union Inter national Body. »6; Leg^ Work etc.. 719: Napier and Records. 436; Cab, A. 796. Not tingliam°hire A.C.. 215, 795;
From, 104: North-Eastern A.A.. 534; Ought-Tc-Go ’’—Skittish Publication, 69; Ormond Betfch Prospects. 742a: Opel-Darracq Director Injured. 70; Palace. Motor .Pictures at the. 96; Pekin-Paris. ” The Motor ..Special Interview with Prince Borghese, 40: Pvtform-unce A Good. 77; Petrol Consumption Comparative Test. 290; Photo Fakes. 294; .
Miount Ascending. 684;. Pnncc Henrv, Tour Committee. 771; Voint, A Knotty, 153; .Porthos Traffic Trial, 127; Pygmalion and Gala; tea. 76; R.A.C. and M.U., 538; Reliability Trial (’90S), 658: Racing Lines, On. 103; Ifan-iitsinhii’s Cars. 96; Records. Worlds 798. Regulation, International, of Motor Traffic.
News.—Continued. ,
317; Repair. An Interesting Temporary. 292; B.I.A. Road Improvement Scheme, 289: Rjgcl joins Bayard-Clement. 738; Road Hog. A Genuine, 21; Road Race A Big American, 796; Road Signs, M.U.. 130; £500, For. 319; Roads, Motorcars and the, 658; Rover Cab, Run on the, 240a; Rolls-Royce 15,000 Miles Durability Trials, 48a; Roumanian Speed Trials (240 kilometres), 14; Sandwich, Enlightened, From, 374a; Savannah Meet. The 794; Scheme, Decentralisation, Adopted, ’ 2j/ ; Novel, A, 23fr; Scottish A.O., 292, 539. 628; Motor Show, 72; Reliability Trial. 822; Sheffield A.C., 656; Smith Story, A, .714b; Somaliland, Through, on Motor, 375; South Devon Automobile Club Meet, 212; Southern M.C , 236: Spa, Pilette Cup, 214; Spot, a Dangerous, 766; "Squaring the Circuit,*' 19; Stones, An Unroll'd Highway, 654; Sutton Coldfield, Club for, 767; Taunus Course Project. 573. 792; Tarring Roads in Germany, 215; Tar-Spreading Competition, 67; Taxation and Other Figures (1908), 657; Test, A Startling, 825; Touring Cars, International Trial (1908), 768; Tourists Motor Club, Rooms for, 767; Tonbridge Cases. 130; Traffic Dangers, 319; Record. New, 379; Trophy, A Handsome. 76; 20,000 Mile.- in 12 Months, 823; Valveless- Engined Cur, A, 69; Voiturette Cup. 288; Vulcanising, Hot Air * G.-B." Process. 211; Weigel s Appeal, 96; Wheel. Lyn ton Resilient, 123; Windscreens, 710; World, Drive Round the, 684; (W’)right the Wrong, To, 21; Zeppelin Airship and German Imperial Budget,600
New York (Madison Square) Show—see Shows New York-Paris, 772; German Interest in, 822 New' Zealand. Cars in, 402; Trade With, 11/ Niclausse Car, 495
Night Pulice Trap, Whitehall—Parliament Street,
S.W., 236
Nomenclature, Motorcar, 831
Non-Skid Device (Warren’s), 631; Treads, Rubber.
814; Tyres, 635
" Nidli Sccundus,” 260
o. Oil-Level Indicator. 16
Okill Pressure Indicator, The, 440 Olympia Exhibition—sec Shows Opinion.—A.A. and M.U., Dispute Between the, 149; Accident, Motor, The Extraneous Factors, 735: Advertisement, A Record, 65; Offensive, 762; Advertising. Ethics of. 37; Aeroplane Experiments, Recent, 734: Airship, The Dismantled, 283; Airships’. Control of, 623; Argyllshire C.C.—Hoist with Own Gunpowder. 820; Awakening. An Official. 623; Badge, R d Reigns, The, 762; Benzol, Enough, 177; Board of Trade Classification. Alterations, 735; Brentford's Outcry. 254; Broad and Open Mind, The. 233; Brooklands, 283; Bursting Tyre—Dan-geroiisf 121; Carburation and Petrol Bill, 6/9; Car Comfort, 595: Car, Medium-Priced, Triumph of the, 309; Challenges and Counter-. Challenged, Control of, 537; Cigarette Danger/ The. 595; Collision. A Tragic, 594: Club and Union: The Gap Widens, 566; Club Reports and Publicity,- 652; Decide. Let the Clubs. 7624 Difficulty, The Everlasting. 623; Edge v. M» tallurgique and F.I.A.T., 622: Engines, Internal Combustion. Research Work on, 818; Six-Stroke Cycle, 405; Events, Clashing of, 177; Evil. One. hax Created Another, How, 3o9: Excesses. Checking, 121; Faction Control. Outcome of. 680; Farcical Competition, A, 10; Feat, Great, Belittling a, 177; Financial Position, Home and Foreign, 374b; Foreign. Car, The Dumped—A Warning, 337; France’s Latest Move, 251; French Efforts. 533; Garage Loss dr Damage—Who is Liable? 205; Gearbox, Abolishing the. 706; Giving and Taking. 337; Good Wishes, 679: Graud Prix, Conditions, 652; Half a Truth, C.P.A.C.'s Bcxhill Cancellation and Brooklands, 37; Highway’s Protection League. 707, 818; Hill Climbs, Open, Prohibition of, 820: Ignorance. Public, A Concession to. 65: Imputation. A Preposterous, 93; inconsiderate, A Lesson to the (Weigel Appeal), 734; Individual Rights v. General Convenience. 205; Instruction, Excellent Method of, 594; Justice, True. Has this been Secured? 205; Kineton. Trouble at, 149; Law, Waste of, 595; Legislation. Government and Future, 10. 374b: Lighting, Automatic, of Car. 652: Lubrication. 565: Made to Last—Not Built to Break. 149; Manufacturers. British and Steam Cars, 565: Man Who Struck the Band, 233; Manx Race. Sanctioned, 594; Man, Young, of Good Status. Attracting the, 623; Mischief, Making, 533: Motor-Burglar Problem. The, 6/9; Motorcar, Life of 50.000 Miles. 93; Motoring, Cost of 651; Olvmpia Show. Future and Results, 566; Round Robin, Truth About, 533: Oxygenated Fuel. Special Races for, 37; Paris’Salon, Importance to Britain of. 405; Peace, 405; Pekin-Paris. Fini-. 37; Pinckney, Mr.. His Way, 56b; Pitv of It, The. 790; Plea for Consideration. A '233: Police, Against the, 283; Timing and Watches, 820; Practice, A Dangerous, Waste Petrol Thrown into Drains, 734: Prix. Grand, Detachable Wheels in the, 790; R.A.C. Competitions and, 622; M.U.. or? Clubs and the Subject. 790: Racing, Wbv Necessarily Dangerous, 205; Rear Lights for Cycles. 254; Re cords, Verification of. 680: Repairer. Th': Unskilled Motor, 149; Roms. Carelessness on.-121: Cause. The Real, of Motor Damage t% 93; Contest, Speed. Our Next. 532: R served for Motorists. 594: Taxation and. 532; Scientific Progress. A Loss to. 680; Scottish Trial. Nun-absorption, 65: Result#, 10: Scout and Police* What is Obstruction? 651: Show Campaign, The. 254; Society Motor Manufacturers and Traders, and Manx Rare. 622, 652: Small Cars, Race Wanted for. 789; Sneak Thieves, A Cheek to, 707: Sport Control of the, 680; Starting Up, A Risky. Aid to 532; ‘•Times" Tirade. A. 763: Touring Car. Definition of a. 707: Trade. Colonial, To Facdl-t-ite, ’90: Trnnsmij*'OU. Oear’ca, 565; Trial Runs. Abolition of 787; Tru nph A Jonrrmlis-tic, 309: Trouble, Class that Meets with Most,
374b; Tyies. Burst Views Apparently Conflict ii.g, 789: Urban Councillor, An Urbane, 233; War Balluun. British, 1/7; Wavs, Parting of the 532. 622; Wheel, Driver Dus at His. 533; World. Round the. by Gar, 651
Other People s Views.—A A. and Motor Union I > •. 193, 246; Accessory and Repair, lligl Charges, 390; Accumulator, Shock from. 750 Troublesome, A, 80; Advertisers, Private Warnings to, 326, 351; Aerial Flight, 354; Aero Bleriot's, 25; Anglia, East, Motoring in 673; Axle, Live, The. 553; Barkfires. 52. 106 Balloon. Small, Dimensions of. 297. 3547 Band Striking, To Avoid, 325; Barge Walk, 324; Bear ing Cone, Reliable. 166; Behaviour, Caddish 749; Benzol, 54 , 351, 553. 683: Experiences with 352. 450: versus Petrol, 270. 326. 391; In Winter 749, 804; Bicycles, Rear Lights on, 297; Bodies Motor, Concerning, 694; Brakes, 166: Bridg' Tolls. 749; Brooklands, Rough Track, 25, 82 Bnrslcdon Bridge and Road Co., 834. Canada Motoring Experiences in. 221; Carbon Dioxidi (C0.3). 777. in Exhaust, lb; Carburation Hint A, 52; Carburetter, 'Cobwebs ” in. 750; Expcri meriting with, 194; Cardan Shaft v. Chains 582; Cai Details, 804; Lighting, 833; Old Pattern Good Performance, 106 One-cylinder, 666: Small One or Four Cylinders? 722; Case, A Bad. 351 Chauffeur. 26; Circulation W’ater, Loss of. 80 Clergyman's Appeal, A, 246; Clicking Noise Mysterious, 82, 137, 138; Cause. 221; Clutchc-De Dion Fibre, 52; Disc, Lubrication, 584 , 637 693; Coils. Ignition, Adjusting, 805: Corfipcti tion Awards,. 54; Control Method Wanted. 10* 221; Converting Engine, 138; Country Doctor’ Car, 450; Current, Path of, 638; Cu-t-m. Facilities, 246; Cut Outs, Use of, 108; Cylin.I< r.-Carbon Deposit Tests. 776: Castor Oil for. 722 Du Dion Fibre Clutch. 220. 269, 296; Dirigihl No. 1. 352; Doctor’s Car Tyjx-, 324; DooLlth Dr.. Reply to, 80; Driving, Best Method, 52 Reckless, 54; in Lincolnshire, 296: Drivin Wii i l, Loose, 296; Edge v. Jarrott. 81; Elasti Limit of Mai. u.i]-, The. 26; Enemy, Out Frien the, 103; Engine, Choking 26; De Dion, Starting 25; Horizontal, Tests, 107; Knock in, 721; Slow on Accelerator Pedal, 390: Engines, Horizon ta 165. 220, 270: One ur Four, 777; Fan Driving 609: Fat Spark. The, 721; Firing Point. 55‘. Foreigner's Impressions, A, 82; France, Takin Car to, 52; Friend in Need. A. 106; Frost. Effec 805; On Stinting, 806; Fmj Trials.
137; Funerals, Motorcars at., 693; Garage, Flo' Material. 390. 552. 581; Liability of Owner. 26!
Gear Changing Difficulties, 106, 138. 165, 19 2!'/; Hillclimbing Competitions, >2; Hood New, 581. 637, 638; Ideas. Old, Revived. 834 Import Duties, 66G; Inlet Valve Joint Leak.’ 750, 778, 804. 805; Ireland. Taking Motorcar ti .I uni. Inlet Valve, Leaky, 804; Justiei Kineton, Justice at, ' • “ . K ■ < 1 Bad. Cause of. 296; Curing, 220; Lamps, Tai 610; Legislation. Future, 581; Live Axle < Chain Drive? 657; Long Distance Road Test
Value of, 165: Lubrication, Automatic v. Ham 666; Theory of, 610; Motor School Experience 221; Spirit Economy, 81: Nickel Plating. 661 Night, Do Cars Run Better at, 107. 610, 63 665, 694. 750. 776. 806; Non-Freezers. 834; Nul Secundus, 298; One-cylinder Car still Running M-ailing ? 638; Overheating, 450; Oxygen’ i Racing, Use of, 26, 80; Patent Act. 80;
Foreign, 107; Paraffin Injection, . Hint, 833; Petersham Scorching. 222; Petro Cars, Paint on, 246; Consumption of, Reducin 53, 106: Per Ton-mileage, 137; Versus Paraffii 165; Plugs: Short Circuiting* 324; 'Testing, 22 270: Power: To Increase. 777. 833; Wanted «
Second and Third Speed*, 137: Pre-ignition. 831 Pump; Repacking a. 3; l:.. and MJ ., 30< R,i<. ; For Small c.ir . 683; Fquj inch, The, 771 Rear Light Failure, 553. 581. 609, 637; Repa Shops, Small, Experiences, 137; Re-starting Di ficulty. 220: Roads; Damage to, 834; Discourte.-on, 351; Hanley Castle, At. 353; Imprcr. Association, 553; Racing Motors cm, 108. 37. Repairing, 245, 325, 390; Suggestion, A, 74! Tests on, Value of. 222; Up, 297; Rubber. Prii of, 805: ” Safeguard.” /I Dangerous, 220; Sen tish AC. and R.A.C, Formula': Weight Facte in, 80; Seif-ignition, 665, 749; Seventy two M’h on Gallon of Petrol, 220, 553. 637: Side-slip, 32; Prevention of, 609; Silencer, Cut-outs. 193; E’ pinions, 196: Siren Horn, The, 354; Spares. 16-Price of. 222; Sparking-plug: Short-circuitim 138. 166, 222, 270. 296, 298; Sp?< ific.it ions, Sm goted. for .€200 Car. 750, 778, 806; Standards tion, 776; Stanley Steamer and €5,000 Offer, 2£ Starting Trouble Suggestions. 107. 108: Steal Car, Handbook, 609; Steering Connections. 10 222: Wheels Wobbling, 245; Stilton. Peterbord Police Active at, 269; Stones. Br< for. 296; Sun rising Hill: Dangers. 108: Tai Lamps, 665: Thieves, 721: Ton mileage. 24a Touring Car, Definition Alignment Test. 390; ' “Z. .. .
552; Truly Slent Cai, czc. ____
( i, . ; . T • . Burst ng 194 ( o ( of
Racing v. *Tonnng. 25. 82; Em- > - wig
194. 352: Mileage of. 25. 82. 106; Wear of. M 106; €200 Car: Suggested Specifications, 7u0.
806; Vai king 166; Vibration Cure 2a
' Wagons. Farm. and Roads. 749: Wind I: 108: Wheels, Steering. Wobbling, 297, 390 Overhauling Question. The. 511 Oxygenated Fuel, Special Races for. •>»
721. . _
.. 721, 804; Transmission! ............. ...Trembler Sticking. Cans! of. 552: Trouble. Class. The. that Meets M.»-t| ' 7.u‘, ... -i. A. 2.1; Tubes. Innei!
Racing v
P. Panham L>ar. *05, 373. 420
Paraffin, Driving on 259
Paris Salon. The, aa?; lire at, ->i2; Sli-.-n
Par<MJyh°\miidng, Ah, 509; Written Near a Count iv
Garage, 378
Paxtingt 11 Wheel, The, 31
Patent Act, One Feature of the, 645
Pekin-Paris Race—Adventures. 15, 62; Automobile Club Banquet. 44; Barzini (Signoi), 69; Borghese i Prince), 40; Enters Paris. 40; How he Entered for Race, .130; Interviewed by" “The Motor,” 41; Itinerary and Incidents, 14; Finish of Journey, 37; Rearguard Arrives at Berlin, 98 Performance. An Unequalled, 318 Petrol.—Versus Benzol, 270, 326, 391; Bill, and
Carbnration. 679; Consumption, Reducing, 106. 3-36, 752; Tests (M.C.CJ, 290; Speed Effect, 524; DfeUrioration of, 61; Fires: Prevention Experiments, 240a; Leakage of, 391; Saving. 305; Steam and 62: Supplies of, 813; Storage Regulations, New, 347; Russian Spirit, 813
Phoenix Light Car, The, 441 Picard,-Pictol Car, 484 Pichoff Aeroplane, The, 568 Pda in Car, 370, 475 . ‘
Pilgrim Car, 367, 418
Plugs, Sparkino: Chain Connectors to. 84; Do Dion, New, 237; Double Bel Advantageous. 696; Effect of, 705: Heat Action, on, 667; Magnetic, 621; Napier. 242; Short-ci reciting, 138, 222, 270, 296, 298, 324. 331. 153. 391, 451. 554; Safe? 323; Testing, 270; Spare, How to Carry, 783; Box for, lb.; Tight, Removing, 83
h Point*, Detail of a Modern Car, 358 Pole, South, Motoring to the, 321
‘ Police, Against the, 283
1 Police: License Production, 305; Point Settled at Kingston (Surrey), 813; Obstruction? What is, 651
, Police Traps. —Alconbury Hill, 48a, 269, 352; Arundel: Bury Hill. Worthing Road, 294; Ba w try, 151; Birdlip Hill, 239; Buckden, 48a; Bridlington, 239; Canterbury. 179; Cheshire County, Geher ally. 48; Christchurch, 179; Lynd hurst-Bourne-month Road, 46; Epping, 14; Three, 479; Stanton. 48a; Grantham, <540; Lancaster. laeds, 348; London: N.W., Spaniards* Read, 48; Fitz John’s Avenue, 179; S.W.: Whitehall Parliament Street, 236; W.: Uxbridge Road, 296; 8.E,: Shooters’ Hill-JLowfield Heath. 151; Lynn (King’s), 179; Milford-Godahniiig. 14: Morpeth, 48; Newcastle on-Tyne, 239: Ncwton-h-Willows-Huhne Bar, 151; Patchain. 239: Rake, 23T* Scarborough. 179; *&iuthaniptoti. 67: Slcxenage-W<d-wyn, 127: Stilton, 269; Walton-Wcybridge, 14; King4on-New Radnor, 239; West Feltun, 212a: Winch field, 239
Police Watches and Timing, 8i0
Poor Man'- Battery. The. 382
Pope Manufacturing Co., Collapse (U.S.A.), .-Porthos Car, 35, 475. 742; Single Induction Pipe on, 78
Power: Growth of, 449; Testing Machine (A.C. of America's). 794; Magneto Losss, yVhen? 68
Premier Car, 501
Pressure Indicator. Okill, 440 Prested Ignition Specialities, 631
> Prices and C i ts for 1908, 336
Prince Henry Reliability Trial: Official Regulations. 714
Prix. Grand. The, 290, 657. 743. 799: Bayard-Clement Participation in, 820; Conditions of. 652; Engine Bore, 737: Thery (Leon) and. 821; Qin.-tion, A, 766: Regulations, 761: Wheels, Detachable. in. 790: Voiturette, 799
Pulicir Car. 505
Pyrenees and Baek. To the, 57
R» Racing,- Automobile. -Resume, 396
Regulation Gh. s ficalion of Motor Traffic, 317
Renault Car, 4fc0
Reno Car, 374, 413
Reo Car, 812
Research, Scientific. Branch of, A. 402
Resilient Road Wheels, 769
Richards Tyre Valve, 800
Riley Car (1908), 74, 482: Mrs. Riley Wins Gold Medal, 3
Rims.—Doolittle. 4; Elustes, Detachable, Flange, 231
Road Racing Developments, 225
Roads.—Adaptation of. for Modern Traffics, 629;
British. 3: Brittany, 62; Camber, Excessive, 226;
Damage to, by Farm Wagons. 600; Future of
" Our. 453; Home and Abroad, 86: Pedestrians'
Rule, 252; Wheels, Resilient, for, 769
Rochet-Schneider Car, 483
Rollaston ’Three-eye),* Engine, 446
Rolls-Royce Car. 76, 79, 104
Rover Oar, 118, 240a, 374, 412
Royal Automobile Club.— Associates, 798: As ciatcship, 766; Badge, 67, 311; Commercial Ve-hide Trials, 46, 122, 215, 281; Competitions aod, 622; Concert, 319; Dinner (Founders*), 698; Lighter Mood, In. 795: Motor Uni<Tn Split, and, 43b. L83, 577 , 687, 790, 795, 806, 826, 827; Premises. New, to 7. 699
Radge-Whitworth Detachable Wheels, 208. 437 Runabout to Touring Car, 50
Running Expenses: Keeping Down, 463
s. Saduyn Exhaust Purifier, 312
■' Sandwich Case.” 389
S.C.A.T. Car, 499
Scenery, Rural, Disfiguring, 727
School. Motor Drivers’, Something Like a, 340 Scotland and Back, To, 718
Scottish A’.C. mid Proposed 2,000 Mile®’ Trial, 78;
Dinner. 826
Scottish Appeal, An Important, 441; Motor Show— (Sec ” Shows ”1
” Scouting the Idea,” 115
Scouts, Motor, and A.A., The, 815
Scylla and Charybdis, 717
Seat, American: Silly Season Suggestion, 77 Seats, Folding, for Covered Cars. 731
Share List. 11, 38, 66, 95, 120, 150, 178, 206, 232. 256, 282, 310, 336, 374d, 435, 534, 564, 596, 624, 653, 681, 708. 736, 764 . 791, 828b
Sheffield Simplex Car. 385 Shopping by Motorcar. 415 Show: Question of the, 591; Future of the, 566, 576b, 729
Snows.—Berlin, 123, 314. 539, 626; e. ..inary List, • 442; Brussels. 683* Dublin, 540; Edinburgh, 47;
Irish Motor, 741;. New York, Madison Square Gardens. 547, 793; Olympia. 366 374a, 406-434. 466-484 . 493-508, 527-530; Accessories at, 374a, 430, 434, 502, 503. 5 04; Reviewed. 530; Anticipatory Fore cast of Show, 366-374: Carriage Designs, 574; Cars and Chassis, 366-374. 407-428, 474-484, 504. 506; Clothing (Motor), 507; Exhibits: Details, Preliminary, of, 366, sqq.; Reviews of: First, 407; Second. 474; future of Show, 566; Humours, 593: King of Spain Visits, 538, 577; Lady Mechanic’s PoiUt’of View of, 491; Non-skids, etc., 434: Observations upon Exhibits, 466, 527; Orders.. 593; Results. 566; Round Robin: Truth about, 533: Touting at, 582; Tyres, 434, 508; Value Census of 1907 Show, 493: Gross and Average Valuations of Five Olympia Shows, 661 ; Ventilation at. 637: Paris, Reviews of, 485 490, 541-54Gb; Scottish Motor, 824, 826; Stanley. 569, 577; Vienna, 310. 439
Showscript.', 460, 490, 540a
Shows, Echoes of the: Average too High’, 661; Decreasing Value, 661: Drop per Car, lb.
Siddcley €>r, 374 , 424, -501, 742
Silence, Eloquence of, 319 Silent Car, The Knight, 253 Simcu Benzol Tests. The, 315, 374f Sm ms-Bosch Magneto, 289 Singer Car, '423
Six and Four Cylinders, 700
Sizaire Car, 412
Skag Spring Wheel, 293
Slump and Dump, 713
Smith and Sons. Ltd.. Taximeter, 127
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders—(See “Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Society of”)
Southern M.C. Annual Dinner, 627
S.P.A. Cars, 503
Speed Limit, Ware, 49 Speed Market. The, 523 Speedometers.—Cowey, 250; Vulcan. 781) Spring, Double. A New, 157 Spvker Car, 373. 422b
Sqiwaks, The Location of, 733
Standard Car, 122b
Star Car, 476
Steam, 520
Straker-Squire Car, 411, 471
Sunbeam Car, 505
Supplement, Our, 377
T. Talbot Car, 417
T. and M. Triple-jet Carburetter. 235
Tar-spreading Competition, 57
Tasmania: Reliability Trials, 714a
Taunus: Motor Racing Prohibited, 160; New Track Project, 262, 739
Taximeter English. Smith and Sun, Ltd., 127 len-inile Limit, A, 829 *
£10,000 Edge-Huntley Walker Challenge: Correspondence, 263
Ten Years Ago: Old Tale Re told, An, 267
Ten Years' Motorcar Tour, Our, 188
” Tests: New York-Paris,” 796
Thames Car, 504
Things Novel and Entertaining, tOl Tboinycroft Car, 37z, 42(5 Three-cycle Engine. A, 446 Titsey Hill Survey, 704 Ton-mileage, 245 Track, King Petrolemv’s, 292
Trade, Motor, The.—Australian, 33, 314, 816; Tariff, 160; British Motor Industry, 374e, 763: Methods of, 174; Boycott as Defence. 230; Colonial, 756; Facilitating, 790; Competitions and. 174; Engineering Firms, and, 647; German Statistic*. 79; Home and Foreign, Our (Review), 255; Information Department, 230; New Zealand. With, 1, 117; Duty. 637; Organisation, Our, 740; Press, and, 763; U.S.A., With, 117. 118, 322; World's, 399, 458
Traffic: International Regulations, 317
Through Persia in a Motorcar, 604 Trophy, A Handsome. Jay Cup, 76 Tiuly Silent Car, A, 221 Tubes, Inner, Rust-Damaged, 773 Two thousand Miles’ Reliability Trial, The, 8 Tyre Detacher. Ever Ready. 9; Filler, A. 80: Killen Stud, The, 601; Pump: Maison Talbot, 771; Valve: Richards, 800
Tyres.—Alarm, Automatic, for Punctures, 257-; Air Pressures, 215, 244 , 592; Bdl for, 365; Bursting, 121, 194. 216, 277, ?88. 789; Cause of, 811; Danger of, 760; Odd Weather, Effect on, 702, 759; Cost, 25, 82; C02 Inflation of, /»•»; Economy of, 364, 365; Endurance Limits, 116; Experiences. 352. Inflation and Valves of, 204; Mileages of, 25. 82. 106; Non-skidding, Rubber, 635. 7b9; Panmure Liability, 673: Saving, 305; Skidding, 662; Unequal Sized, 392; Vulcanising Repairs, 160. 674; Wear of, 80, 108
U. Un.'c Car, 411
United States, Our Trade with, 117, 322
Upkeep Expense, 602, 651, 666, 721, 760. 833; Factors Reducing, 165
User, Instructing the, 701
V. Valve Spring Fastening, A New, 157
Valve, Tyre, Richards, 800
Vanderbilt Cup. 714b. 715
Vauxlmll Car. 306. 369, 410
Vertex Car (J. and B.), 369, 480
Voiturette Cup Contest, 341
. Vulcan Cars, 498
Vulcmiser. Forgrave, The. 312
Vulcanising: G.B. Hot Air Process, 211; Tyre Repairs by Electricity, 160
Vulcan Landaulet, The. 236
Vulcan Speedometer, The, 785
Want, A, and an Opportunity. 787
Warren’s Anti-skid -Device, 631
Wasp Car, 476
Weather, Cold, Starting in 834
Waigel's, Mr. D. M„ Appeal. 734. 742a
Weight versus Wind Resistance, 128
West-Aster Car. 368. 422c
Westinghouse Car, 370
Wheels.—Lynton Resilient, 123; Partington. 31. 817; Resilient Road. 769; Rudge-Whitworth Patent Detachable. 208, 437: Spare. Carrying. 768; Steering. Wobbling. 297; Wire v. Wood, 445, 641
White and Poppe Car. 373
‘Wild Beast” of Highway: Which? 595
Wmd Resistance. 73: Versus Weight, 128
Windscreens. 589. 648, 710
World’s Motor Trade. 399. 458
z. Zedul Car, 373, 422b
Zust Car, 502
Index to Illustrations
A. IA.A.’s Direction Lamp at Morstham, 567 Accident Cansed by Pedestrian. 185 Arcumnlntor, Carrying Case for. Fuller’s, 9; Litha-node Cell, 129
Ac* t,leno Generator, *' Neverout,” 345
Adams Car. 481; 49h.p. Eight-Cylinder. 484; lOh.p., 280. 834; 25h.p. Four-Cylinder, 481; Chain Drive for Magneto, 280; Engines, Eight-Cylinder. 3/0: 40h.p. 426; Flywhebl, 279; Gearbox (Three Speeds), 425; Rear Distance Rdds, 280: Springing, Novel. 279; Ends of Springs, 279; Pedals. Gear Interlocked, 280; Push System.
. 383; Worried, 280; Phaeton, 328
Aeroplanes, Bleriot’s, 688, 810; Draper's Level. 796; Esniault-Peiterie (Seven-Cylinder Engine). 573: Karman’s. 156, 340. 782: Gastambide Mangin. 816; Malecot Dirigible Balloon, 194: Pichoff's. 568; Vauix. 156. 2I2a; Roe. 666
Africa, South, Coast to Coast Motor Drive, - . 161-164
-vrrships Beachy. 76; British Militarv, 169. 139, 260. 261. 326; French Military. 6:7. 798 9: Query. A Correspondent’s, 664: Zeppelin’s, 259
V il?m- Automatic, for Pnnrturcfl Tyres, 257
A bion Car. Pedal Brake, 528
Aleyon Car. 262
Alldays Car, 422c; 14h.p. Four-Cylinder, ’506; Contact Maker, 422c; Crankcase. Oilpunip, Uni-, versal Joint, lb.
America, Motoring in. 71; Testing Car .on *’ Good “ Road, 400
American Show, Scene of, 345
Antarctic Expedition, Lieut. Shackleton’s Motor Dash to South Pole, 321; Arrol-Johnston. Ulf, Motorcar. 321; Engine of the, Photos, of Principals, 322
Applegate, Mr. A. H., 714b
Ardennes Rare. Getting Round Co-ncr in. 25
Argyll (for, New Model 40h.p., 419 475; Clip Locking Lever, Engine, ” Gate/' Hear Tranave se Spring, 419; Speed Trial (Grim.‘thorp Park), Lincs., 518 e
Ariel Simplex Car, 767; Chassis, 25-30h.p., 412 Aries Chassis, 569; Engine. Ib.
Armstrong, Mrs., \and Family. Green Mount,
- Western Australia, 629
A rmstrong-Whitworth Clutch. 422e; Engine, 422e; 18-22h.p., 372; Gearbox. 422e
Army, British, First Motor Airship for, 169 ?\rro].Johnston Gar (Sirdar of Egypt’s), 573 Aseph,. St . North Wales, TTigh St. Hill, At, 640 Assam. Old and New Ways in. Elephants v.
Motors. 328
Atherstone, Dangerous Sub-Railway Bridg , 155
Atlas Jack. 432
Aubert in Ventonx Hill-Climb. 186
Aungcr, Mr. Murray (Adelaide—Pori Danvini, 71.1
Austin Car, ?5h.p.. 154; 60h.p.. Six-Cylinder, 422g;
Closed-In Gate. 422b; Two Magnetox and Driui. 422k
Australia. Across, bv Motor. 771
Australians, Jolly Party of, 830
Auto-Cycle Club Meeting, Canning Town. rive Miles Handicap. 48
Auto-Cvcle Chib Trial. 100: Climbing Dashwood, 354;* Competitors Preparing, 100; Dangerous Road. fb.: Sharpenhoe Hill-Climb. 296
Auto-Cycle Union, Trial at Banbury Cross, $21 Automobile Club. Autumn Tour Memory (October, 1899). 687; Cars Drawn Up for. 695
Autowatcrcar, The. 631
Axle, Back, The Clyde. 428
B. Baron, Sir Hickman, 71
Badge, Motor Union, Re-Designed, 602; Epic of the, 443
Baillif, M. Jacqui*, 642
Ballodn, Malecot Dirigible. 194
Barnsford, Worcester, Hereford Road, Hooded. 533
Barzini (Luigi), 72
Rath-Chair Position, The, 69
Batt man Car, 341 ilavard-Oteruent Voitnrettcs, 3*3 Beachy Airship, Flighjt of, 76 Boston Humber Car, 161; Hudsons, Mrs., 30h.p., 294; 20h.p.. 408, 615; Aluminium Pedal Platform, 616; Axles, Front. 615; Rear, 616; Body Support, 616; Brake Mechanism. 408; Cone Clutch, Exhaust Pipe, 616; Fuel Pump, Magneto Cradle, 408; Mudguard, Rear, 613: Radiator 616; Starting Handle Suppoxt, 408
Bel’ Cars. 173: 1908 Type, 643; Brake Pedal (Wide Shoes), 643; Carburetter. 643; Connections, Steering, G44; Water Pump. Ib.
Belsize Car (20h.p), 415 .
Bennett, Thompson, Contact Breaker, 344; Distributor, Ib.
Bentall Oar, 500; Axle, Rear, 500; Dist.n.c Rod Bolting Gearbox, Ib.
Benz Car, 439
Borliet Car, 210, 243, 474, 483; Clutch Brake, 4/4;
Brake Levers, Ib.; Early Type. 577
Berlin Run Round (For Light Cars), 22; Bratsch. Frau, on Polvmobil, Winner, 22; Route Scene, lb.
Berlin, Tiergarten (Entrance), 332; Unter der Linden, 333: Show—(See “Shows")
Bessarabia. Car Embedded in Mud. 604 Best, Mr. (Messrs. Inglis Bros.), 780 Bexhiil. Car Over Cliff at, 105 Bleriot Aerop'ane, 688; Headlight, “ ParaboEqite," 430
Body Designs. 607; Luxurious, 575 Bailee Chassis. 545
Bolton Abbey (Yorks). 90; Strid, Near the. 1.2 Bonsor (Darrarq-Serpollet). 318
Borghese, Pr’nee, 40; Crayon Sketch/ 550; Photo Autographed for "The Motor." 44: Joinville, at. Passing Bridge. 41: Milan. Arrives at 12^ Munchcbcrg, At, 29: LuimhesL^*■ ■TOr-rto]
Lal. .34, J0-40h.p.. 497 •
Bratsch. Frau, on Polymobil Winner. Ruu Round Berlin, 22
Brescia Mooting, Coupe Florio, Cagno Winning Coupe de Velocitc, 146; Demogeot Changing Tyre, 146; Minoia Winning on Isotta-Frascbin:, 145; Wolsit and Junior Cars Race, 147
Bridge, Dangerous Sub-Railway, at Atherstonc, 155 Brighton Beach. America. 24-Hours’ Race, 91;
Delahaye’s Tyre Troubles. 91; Fraycr-Miller Car after Collision, 91; Winning Car. 92
Brighton-Hickstead-Cuckfield Road Signpost, 374b Brighton Road. A Car Smash on. 78
British Daimler-Mercedes Car. 483; Foot Brake, 483: Oil Pump, Reservoir. Water -Pftmp, 484
Broadway (Worcestershire). Lygon Arms, 141; Pretty Bits,' in
Brooklands.—Animated Paddock Scene. 285. 551; Auctioneering at, 346; August Bank Holiday Crowd. 13; Prix de France (Start). 13; Resta and Hutton Wheel to Wheel, 14; Black Line Danger Limit. 284; Cars in New Enclosure, 183, 359; On Winning Straight. 327; Dimt-Dong Race, A. 301: Earp Clifford. Beating Records on 60h.p. Thames Racer, 658: Electric Timer and Pen*. 755: Expressions, A Study in. 288; F.I.A.T., 30-40h.p.. with Kempshall Tvres. on Completing 3.000 Miks’ Te*t. 401; Five Miles Handicap, Cars Parade for. 179: Exciting Moment, An. 210-211; Fine Race, Three Mercedes. 181: Guinness (Mr. A. Lee), at 115 Miles per Hour, 212a: Hermon (Mr. Vincent). Fatal Accident to, 182-183; Hutton's Attempt at Record, 438; Jay Gould. The.‘76; Lonsdale. Lord. 446: Napier World's Record Holders, 540; Petrol Tanks, New. 290; Road on Race Day, 750; Rodakowski, Mr., 658: in Paddock, 514: Stopping Rules, Now, Diagram of. 257; Suggestions. 123: Sillv Sckson. 77; Tryon Accident, 738; Electrical Timing Slip Recording. «40, 754
Brook water! 668
Brown Car, 423; Clutch disengagement Device, 42J;
Compression Relief Taps, 423
Brussels Show—(See " Shows ")
B.S.A. Car, 343. 496; Axle, 343: Ball Socket-. Ib.: Contact Breaker, H.T. Distributor. 344; Elliptical Webe of Crankshaft, 343; Duplicate Worm Steering Gear, 344
Buckland Drives, South Devon, 212 Burleigh, Mr. Bennett, 278
c. Cadillac Car, 20h.p., FoCr-Cylinder. 422; Clutch Pedal, Engine, etc., Ib.
. Cadore Mountains, On Motorcar through, 639 Cagno, M.. Winning Coupe dtj Velocite Brescia, 146 Cahora, 57 •
Calthorpe Cir. 27; 16-20h.p. Four-Cylinder, 417;
Clutch Linkage to Pedal, Ib.
Canning Town, Five Miles Handicap (Auto-Cycle Club). 48
Caravan (Motor). A. 214
Carburetion and Reduction Tests (Mont Geneve), 712, 746
Carburetters, Gillett-Lehmann. 156b; Longuemare, 384
Cardiff M C.’s Hill-Climb. 195; Tvnvgwrw Hill, Caerphilly, 180-181
Car Overturned in Avoiding Pedestrian. 185
Cars.—Adams. 481; 40h.p. Eight-Cylinder, 484: 10h.p., 668, 837; ?5h.p. Four-Cylinder, 426; Adams-Hewitt Phaeton, 328; Albion, 528; Ak’yon. 262; Alldays, llh.p. Four-Cylinder. 442c. 506; Argyll. 475. 518 ; 40h.p. New Model, 419; Ariel Simplex, 20h.p.» 767: Aries, 569: Arrol-Johnston, 573; Austin, 422g; 25h.p., 154: Battm&n, 341; Bayard-Clement, 313; Bcexton Humber. 181. 294, 450; 20h.p.. 408; Bell, 173. 643. 644; Bentall, 500: Berliet. 210, 474. 483; Early Type of. 577; B->nz. 439; Brasier, 324; 30-40n.p, 4&J: British Daimler Mercedes, 4834 484; Brown. 423: Calthorpe. 37; 16-20b.p.. Four-Cylinder. 417; C.G.V.. 484; Charron. 53; Clement. 427: Cottin-Deagouttes, 186; Coventry Humber. ISh.p.. 629. 714b; 10-12b.p., 410. 414b; 30h.p. Bix-Cyhndcr Model de Luxe, 409; Daimler, 54. 141. 181. 185, 381. 769; Cham Driven, 422d: 55-8h.p.. 215: 42h.p., 422d 498; German Emperor's, 585; "Milverton,’1 750; Poona, Motor Trial*. At, 291; Darracq, 146, 210, 732 ; 20-28b.p.,
398; Deasy, 45h.p., 122: De Dion. 51, 81 93. 99. 165, 712; Pekin-Paris. 451; 12-14b.p. (New) 416; Demeester, 329: De Dietrich, 19"’ 213; Ambulance, 778; 60h.p., 75: 28-38h.p., 506 : Enfield, 362, 416; 18 22hp.. 334; F.I.A.T., 224; 40h.p., 131; Silver Flier. 286, 287; Ford 505* louillaron, 610: Frayer Miller, 91; Gaggenau, f?;„„Per,n.au1’ 182 > Gillet Forest. 545; Gladiator, 18-28h.p., 155; Gobron Brillie, 546; Hillman-Coata-len, 422h; Hispano Suiza. 501; Horch, 478; Hotch-kiss, 97; Humber, 54, 752; .20b.p., 139; Do Luxe 55-; Iris, 85, 285. 301; Isnlta-Fraschini, 125, 145; Itala, 29, 41, 43, 146; 80h.p., six-cylinder, 440; Pekin-Paris Car, 47; Jackson, 92; No. 8 (How Many Cylinders?), 103; Junior. 147; LabOBtc, 341; Lanchester 422g, 437: Ran jitsinh ji's, Jam of Nawanagers, 96: 28h.p., Six-cylinder, 836: Lindsay, 15b.p., 691; 16h.p., 512; Lorraine-Dietrich, 2Hi.p., 598; Martini, 497; Matheson, 92; Maudslay, 25-30h.p., 422f; Mercedes, 52, 184, 314. 479, 529; Racer, 515; Unique Body, 212; Metallur-gique, 317; Racer, 627; Minerva. 180; Brooklands Fatality, 152-3; 40h.p., Six-cylinder, 217: 24h.p., 27; Mors. 506. 528; 45h.p„ 193; Racer, 509 , Moto-bloc. 827: 25h.p., 500; 67.5h.p.. 74; Nagant-Hob-son, 497, 529; Napier, 128. 285, 301, 724 ; 40h.p., Sax-cylinder, 576b; Limousine, 422a; World's Record, 540: Niclause. 495; Pan hard (1892), 509: Live Axle. 373; Passe Paxtout. 318: Colin Defries, Ltd., .£200 . 742a; Peerless, 24; Phoenix, 8h.p., Two cylinder, 441: Piccard-l’ictetr 483, 529; Pierce, 548; Pilain. 501; Porthos, 125; 24-32h.p., 35; Pull-car. 156a; 12-14h.p., Four-cylinder, 505; Peugeot, 48b; Renault. 352; Reno, 374; Riley, 12h.p„ 215, 528: Two-cylinder. 482; Rolls-Royce •'Silver Ghost ’’ (15.000 miles Record), 48a; Rover 328; Doctor’s, 8h.p., 109, 412: 6h.p., 360: 20h.p„ —* —New Muuci, 118: Royal Starting, 570: Ryknield’
Caravan, 40h.p., 684; San Giorgio, 106; S.O.A.T., 499; 22h.p.. 747; Sheffield-Simplex. 415, 503; Sidde-ley, 220. 378:-14h.p., 424; Limousine, 18h.p.» 824; 10b.p. (Rio de Janeiro). 297; Silent Knight (Cylinder Sectional View), 132; Simplex, 102; Singer, 423; Simms-Welbeck, 502: Sizaire Naudin, 315, 347, 380. 546b; Spyker. 98. 99, 422b; Star. 476; Six-cylinder Limousine, 776; lOh.p., 780; 12h.p., 815; Stearns, 102; Straket-Squire, 475; Swift, 421; Sunbeam. 16-20h.p., 346; Talbot, 70, 181, 771; 20-21h.p„ 215; Thames. 658. 770; Six-cylinder. 504; Vauxhall, 496: 16h.p., Four-cylinder, 410; 12-16h.p., 369; Vertak (J.B.), 480; Six-cylinder, 45b.p., 373; Vulcan, 498: Werner, 329, 376; West-Aster, 377; Winton, 2C6a; Wolseley, 71, 328; Wol-sit, 147; Zedel, 422b
Caryll, Mr. Ivan: His Daimler Overturned in Avoiding Pedestrian, 185
Castle Screw Jack, . The, 743
Caution Signals, Scott sb Automobile Association, 317
Ceylon Ronds. Sample of, 274
C.G.V. Car, 484; Contact Breaker, Distributor, Magneto, lb.
Charron Car. 53
Chassis.—Ariel-Simplex, 25 30b. p.. 412; Aries, 30-35b.p., 569; Bollee, 545: Coventry Humber, 10-12h.p.. 516: Darracq (front), 422f; 18h.p., Four cylinder. 367: De Dion (front), 371; Esperia, 545; F.I.A.T.. 28 35h.p.. 477; Horbick, 18-24h.p., Six-cylinder, 407; Hotchkiss, 16 20h.p., 370: Six-cylinder, 414; Iris, 40b.p., Six-cylinder, 414; Milde-Gaillardof. 572; N.A.G., 478; Napier, 40b.p., Six-<*$lindef, 368; Panhard. 18h.p., 420; 15-20h.p., Live Axle, 420; Reno. 13-16h.p., Four-cylinder, 413: S.C.A.T., 22h.p.. Four-cylinder, 499; Sheffield-Simplex. Six-rylinder. 290: Siddeley, 40h.p., 501; Star, Four cylinder, 527; Six. 371; Vermorel, 609; West-Aster, ’4220; Westinghouse, 35-40b.p.,
Chateau Thierry Hill-clinjb, 262
Cheddar Gorge, 197
Church Congress, Motorcars at Great Yarmouth, 263'
Churchill. Rt. Hon. Viscount, 724
Circuit Brescia, Two Views on the. 138
Cissac, M., on Alcyon Car, 262
Clemenceau, M., 439
Clement Car: Roi dos Beiges Body, 25-35h.p.. 427;
Mr. W. Stone’s, 241
Clip, Terminal (G.E.C.), A, 601
Clock, Dashboard, that Passed Fire and Water, 377
Clothing, Winter (Jaeger, Drykitt), 685
Clouds, In the (Airship Race. St. Louis), 449
Clutch, Napier Multiple-disc, 348
Clyde, Axle, Back, The. 428
Coats and Jackets. Waterproof, 507, 508
Coils. Induction, Fuller's Synchronised, 793; Lodge (A and B spark). 429; Vandcrvell's New. 530
Colignon, M., 716 '
Colvile, Sir Henry, Scene of Fatal Accident to, o99 Combined Pleasures: Motorcar to Motorboat, 85 Contact Breaker, Thompson Bennet, 344; Distribu
tor, 344
Continent. Off to the, 67
Corbin Car, 243
Ciupe Florio Winner (Isotta-Fraschmi), 125
Coupe Press: Pedestrians’ Safety Bridge, 49
Coupe Voiturette.—Cars passing Timing Box, 390;
De Langite lending Dcmecster. 329; Naudin on Sizaire-Naudin, 380; Sizaire Second, Ib.; Wer-
Coventry Humber Model de Luxe, 15h.p.> 409; 10 12h.p.. 410, 516; 30b.p.. Six-cylinder. 409
Cowev Speed Indicator and Recorder. 250. 251
Criterion) de France: Charron Car Starter, 53
Crossley 40h.p.. Founeyhnder L-ar, 422a; Differential Casing, Three quarter Elliptic Rear Springs,
Crystal’ Palace A.C. Hill-climb: Oaltborpc Car, 27 Cylinders, How Many?—(Sec ” Jackson Car ")
D. Daimler Car, 54, 141, 181, 381, 769; Chaimdriven. 422e: AdjU&nent Eccentric, Chain Case. Gearbox. Ib.; 55>£8h.p., 215; 42h.p., Axle, Live. 422d; Curved Valve Tappet, Ib., 498; German Emperor's. 375. 585; M Milverton," 750: Poona Motor Trials. At. 291; Princess of Wales, 30b.p.F Special. 234
Dangerous Bridge, Atberstone. tab
Dare Mr. and Mrs (Singapore), 834
Darracq Car. 146. 210. Australian Records, 732 Door. Inspection, to Crank-chamber. 500; 18h.p..
2Sh^p in3’U’ 367; R0<>f Scatin8’ 546» 30h.p., 19a;
Dairacq Wheel, 42*2f
Densy Car, 45h.p.
—422; Flitch Plate Frame, Steer ing, Jaws, etc.. Ib.
Dietrich Car. 213; Ambulance, Paris, 778; Khedives, 192; 60h.p.. 75; 28-33h.p.. 506; Belt Tensioner, Fan Support, Ib.
Dion Oar. 51, 83, 98, 99, 165, 712; 12 14b.p.» 371; ------- . Parij^
(U.S.A.), Tyre
Six-cylinder. 427
Director, 28
12-14h.n„ New; 417; Pckm-F
De Dion Plug. 237
Delahaye, Mr., Brighton Beach
Trouble in, 91
Delaunay-BelleviLc Engine, 15U.p..
Derneester Car, 329
Deruburg, Herr. German Colonial
Dei wentwater, Keswick, 173
Devil’s Bridge, Waterfalls at the (Aberystwyth), 111
Diamond Buyers' Hubs, Klipdam. 190
Dilemma! 362
Dinas Mawddwy, Start up on, 113
Directory Board, Novel, Cincmatti Club, 713
Dirigible No. 1, 299-233—(See also ” Airships: British Military "J
Dstributors—Thompson Bennet, 344; Gratae, 333
Double Car Spring. A New, 157
Drabble, Mr., at Brooklands, 184
Draper's Aeroplane Level, 796
Dream, Wizard’s, The. 710-711
Dublin Show—(See "Shows”)
Duceliier Mirror Lens Projector, 432
Duco Jack, 432
Dunhill's Chain Fastener, 431; Electric Light and Bulb, witli Horn Combined, Ib.; Petrel Filler, 431: Side Lamp and Mirror, Transparency Road Map, 431
Dunlop Detachable Rim. 504; Locking Device, 434
Dutxon, Mr. (Adelaide—Port Darwin), 771 Dynamite: An Aid to Touring, 630
E. Earp. Mr. Clifford. 301
Ebblewhite, Mr., 354
Edinburgh Show—(Sec " Shows Edison Battery, New. The (?), 342-E.I.C. Magneto (H.-TJ, 275, 276; Contact- Maker (four-cylinder), 430
Eisemann Magneto, 1908, The, 660
El astea Detachable Flange Rim, Drawings, 231 Electric Vulcanising (Tyre Repairs), 160 Elephant in Breakdown Case, 360
Enfield Car. 352, 416; 18-22h.p., 334; Brake Drum, Carburetter, Contact Breaker, Crankshaft, Engine, Gearbox, etc.. 335; Parallel Steering Bar Joints. Petrol Tank Orifice and Outlet, Spring Tension to Fan Belt, 334; Valve Tappet Mechanism, 335
Enfield Radiator, The. 416 -*
Engines.—Adams, Eight cylinder, 370; 40h.p.. 426; Aeroplane, Seven Cylinders (Barnaul t Pelterie), 573; Aries. 3O-35h.p.. 569; Armstrong-Whitworth. 18-22b.p., 372; With Clutch and Gearbox, 422. 4226: Buriat, 2lh p.. Eight-cylinder. 544: De Dion, 12-cylinder, Rotary, 828; Delaunay-Belleville. 15h.p., Six -cylinder, 427; Esperia, Single Casting, 672; F.I.A.T., 28 35h.p.. 477;. La Bui re, 546a; Lucas. Valveless, 484; Mercedes’ 479; Motdbloc, 369: Porthos, 24-32h.p.. Six-cylinder, 646; Renault. Six cylinder. 611; Rollnston. Throe-cycle, 446: Sheffield-Simplex, 45h.p.. Six cylinder. 415; Straker-Squire, 16-20h.p.. Four-cylinder, 411-; Tai bot, 417; Thornycroft, 30b.p„ Four-cylinder, 426; Vertex, 480
Enthusiast. A Royal, Prince Henry of Prussia, 5*21 Ever Ready Lamp, The; 743; Tyre Detacher Replacer, 9
Eysseric Windshield, 352
F. Fact, An Actual. 289
Fat man Aeroplane, 340; Full Flight of, 782, CO.; Cheques (Archdeacon and Deutch) for 50.050 Francs Prize. 781; M. Henry Farinan. 781; M. Deutch Embraces on Winning, 80G
Fair, Usual State of Roads. Near. A, 57 Fairyland, A Visit to, 682
Fallieres, M. (French President), 667
Fantasy, A, 677
Fawcett, Mr. E. Douglas, Christmas Reminder. 722 F.I A.T. Car. 40b.p.. 131; German Einpeior's, 224;
-Silver Flier.” 286. 287: 30 40h.p.. 401
Ford Car, 15-16b.p., 503; Flywheel, Triangulated Distance Rods, Water Pump, etc., 505; Ford Landa ulet, lb.
Fouillaron Car, 610
Fox, Mr. Chester, 109 Frayer-Miller Car. 91. French Army Manoeuvres. General de Lacrsit at, 19S French Invention. A. 352 French President, Motorcar Visit to Hooded Dis tricU, 273
French Road. A Typical- 57
From© Carnival. ” Prehistoric ” Car. At. 319 Front "Side” Doors (Thames). 770 Fuller: Accumulator Carrying Case. 9; Magneto, »o0;
Dashboard Starter. Syntonic Trembler, and Lock < ing Device. Ib.: Synchronised. Coil. 793
Future, In the, 312
G. Gaggenau Car. 68
Gai lion Hill-climb, 313, 314
Gamage: Horn, Multi-P ral, 433; Mouth Siren. 4.J);
Switch Plug with Petrol Injector, Ib.
Garage Rotunda and Chauffeurs’ Hotel, 800
Gear, Epicyclic, Jackson, 675
Ge) dor, Mr. A. Ernest. Manager ” K.T.” Tyres. 131 Geneve. Mount, Carburation. Carburetter and Radi.
a tor Tests, 712 716
German Emperor.' The, Arriving at a Review. 52;
At dighrLffe Custie, 585; At Imperial Gentian Manrenvrcs, 2*24; Motors to Meet King Edward, 63 Gillet-Forest Car. 545; Differential, Gear Wh«eb, Rear Axle, lb.
GiUettrLchmann Carbur .Un, isto
Gladiator Car. 18-28h.p., 155
Glidden, Mr and Mrs. Charles J., at Brooklands (Mr. C. J.), 175; On London Bridge. 188
Glidden Trophy Contest; Car Stuck in Mud, 24; Peerless Car on “Good ” Road. 24; Toledo and South Bend (Between), 23
Gobron-Brillie Car, 546; Connecting Rods, Crankshaft, 54G; Opposed Piston.-, lb.
Goddard, Mr. J., on 35h.p. Dahnler. Winner Southern M.C.’a Hill climb, 236
Godin: Electric Indicator, 504; Driving Mirror, 432; Horn, lb.
Gordon-Bennett Ballooning Championship: Balloons Brought to Grounds 379; Trophy, The. 386; Winner, 379
Gore, Mr., on Men'edes in Gai lion Hill-climb, 314 Grade Meter I Automobile Club of America), 832 Graetz, Oberlieutenant: German East Africa Motorcar Tour Irreducible Minimum, 64
Gratz Novel lies.—Air Valve .(Automatic), Buzzer (Electric), Clock, 101; Dashboard Lamp, 429; Distributor. 333; Gradiometer, 101. 429; !»w tension Magneto Plug, 101; Lubricator, 429; Pneumatic Lifting Jack, 101
Grid Trunks (Brooks’), in Position, 531
Grimsby Motor Meet. The, 236
Guinne&s. Mr. A. Lee. at 115 Miles per Hour, 212a Guizzardi, Ettore. Prince Borghe-c’s Pekin Paris
Mechanic, 72
Gun, Acetylene, The, 678; Enfield, and Car Made Like, 416
H. Halley’s Motor Lorry, 154
Hampton Court Bridge. M.U. Scout on, 245
Hardy’s Current. Direction Indicator. 503 Harringtoir Earl of, The. 828a
Hartford City, Police Patrol Van, 654
Harvey Frost Garage Vulcaniser, 430
Hats and Equipment; 507, 508
Hence, Horrible Shadow! 742b
Herven, M. Jeanne, 376
Hex River Mountains, 200
Hill-Climbs.—Crystal Palace, 27; Evreux. Homer, in, 439; Herven on Werner, 376; Stocker-Star ling, 439; Herts A.C., 152. 154. 155; Lincolnshire, 70; Mont Pilat. 225; Nottingham A.C.’s. 215; Semmering, 238; Sharpen hoe, 296; Ven-t- nx, 186. ’>13. 214, 239
H Jiniaii U uitalen Car, 422h: Magneto Drive, R* Spring, Valve Cup and Saddle Piece, Water Pump, lb.
Hispano Suiza 40-50h.p. Car. 501; Cam Action, Contact Maker, lb.
Holden, Col., 513 .
Hood, Combined with Car Cover and Dust Protector, 633
Hoods, Auster Cantilever, 632; Cape Cart, 815: Dennis, Leather, 632: Humpcry, 637; Jones, 632; Lazy Tongs Device, G33; Lowe, Bevan, and Co., Ltd., 633; Thornycroft. 632
Horch Car, 478; Lubrication, Steering Joints, lb.
Horse-Power Testing Machine (A.C. of America’s), 794; Chart of Curves, 795 ,
Hnrsomobile, The, 19
Hotchkiss Car, 97; Gears after 15,000 Miles, 167,
414; 16-20h.p. 370
Hotel Accommodation (New Style). 147 Hotel, Chauffeurs—see Garage, Rotunda Humber Car, 54; 15h.p., 552; 20h.p., 139 Humpy Bridge in Scotland, Car Passing a. 588 Hunting, The Car as an Aid to, 269
Hutton. Mr. J. E., at Brooklands. 184; His Merry Christmas, 709
I. Ideal and Real, The, 382
Incident, An Actual, near Oxford Circus, 74
Inflation, Tyre, Fatigue of Ordinary Pumping versus Compressed Air Cylinders, -159
Ingestre (Earl of Shrewsbury's Seat), 561
Iris Car, 85, -285 ; 40h.p. Six-Cylinder, 414; Valve Tappet, lb. > Oil Box, 415; Captain Hinds Howell’s, 301
Islington - Carnival, 208
Isotta-Fraschini Car, 145
I tala Car, 146; 35-45h.p, Four-Cvlinder, Brake. Rear, Expanding, 801; Pedal, Ih.; Connections, Steering, 802; Gear-Changing Gate, 801: Joint. Universal and Sliding Combined. 802: Steering, Complete and Dissembled. 802: Prince Borghese’s at Champigny, 43: at Joinville, 41; at " Matin ” Office, Paris. 47
J. Jackson Car. 92 103
Jackson Epicyclic Gear. 675, 676
James, Mr. H, B.» 732
Jaure, M., 439
Jay Cup, The, 76
Jeffreys, Mr. ‘ W. Rees. 600
Jones Speedometer, 431
Joyce, Mr. (Antarctic Expedition), 322 Junior Car, 147
K. Kaiser of Germany—(Bee " German Emperor "I baiserpreis^ Lancia. 393; Nazzaro after Victory 398: Prince Henry of Prussia at, 521.
•'.user aeoraKarta Hakoe Boe won >, The, 75(1 Kempshall Tvres, 401;
nil worth Castle, 141
the6 192 B?yPt °e Dietrich (40h.p.) Built for
K’jjen Stud 'Pyre, The, C01
K,S,Ur\-f Th<’ •'Plough ' Inn, 752
’ ^ton-Hampton Court Road Closed to Motors.
K»rkstone Pass, 171
^hfire Car, 546a; Railway Motorbus (Orleans),
1 r<t Do\rl1: Magneto. 1908, 601
' ami JGenPr?lh
, 170 172 MounU,n. B.v (Six-Day Tour), 112-115.
Lanria^Ss'’’ po,kov Combination Set,
Lanchbvter Cm, 437; 20h.p., 422g; Hoar Spring and Worm Driv<\ lb.; 28h.|i. Six-Cylinder, 836: State Vehicle, the Jam of Nawanagcr's (R_n-jitsinjhi), 96
Landaulets.—B.H.A., 25-33h.n.. 496; Daimler, 75h.p. (German Emperor’s), 375: Ford. jM'ew, 372; Gladiator, 1828h.p.. 428; It Ha. 496: Mass. 24h.p. (Double). 418; Minerva, L8I> p., 425; Rover, 412; Vauxhali; 12-16h.p , 597
L<cs, Mr. H. W., 714b
Leicester, Motor Union Meet at,* 187
Levassor, M., Honouring, 363
Lighting Car (Wiring Diagram), 779
Limousine do Limousine, Miss. 699
Lindsay Car, 15h.p., Brake Balancer, 691; Clutch Brake 692; Drive Spring. 692; Oil Reservoir, 691; Reckers Overhead, 691; Pump, 691 ’
Links, At the, 746
Lithanode Accumulator, 129; Electric Lamp, Ib.
Llanberis Puss, North Wales, 142, 249; Pcn-s-Gwr: d Hotel. 87
Lork-N ut. 'Hemming's, 601
Ixidge Coil Ignition. 429
LongUemarc Carburettor. 384
Lonsdale, Lord, 513
' Lords Seat." The. 170
Lorraine Dietrich, 24h.p., 598
Lucas Electric and Oil Lamp, Combined, 451, Head-Lamp, New. 431; Triple Compression Pump, 431
Lynton Resilient Wheel, The, 123
M. Madison Square (New York) Show. Scene of, 315 Maidenhead,' Flooded Bath Road at. 690 Magnetos.—E. I.C., 430; H.T., 275, 276; Eisemann (1908). 660: Fuller. Starling Device, 530
Maison Talbot Tyre Pumps, The, 771
Malecot Dirigible Balloon (with Aeroplane). 191. 222
Malleson, Mr. J , on 24h.p. Corbin at Readville, U.S.A., 243
Manchester M.C.’s Reliability Trials, Start, ICO
M irkt and Cj. . Compr< ssometer, 4"0; Odomet* r, lb.
Martini Car. 497: Chain adjustment, Cross Conn c-tton Rod, Front \xie, steering Jaws. 497
M.iscots, The Real Thing in, 727
Master Chauffeur The, 457
Matheson Car, 92
Maudslay Car. 25-30h.n,. Four-Cylinder, 422f; Clutch Forming Double Fan, Contact Brcaki r. etc., Ib.
Maybury LMr. H. P.). Kent County Surveyor, 10.3
Mercedes Gar, 52, 184. 314; Body, Unique, 212;
Electro-Magnetic Plug, 529; Mr. Fry's (With Owner), 288, 515; Inspection Ports. 480
Metallurgique Cat, 317; Rxeer, 627
Me, Too, 151
Mildenhall, Car in Road after Fog, 833
Military Motorcars for Morocco, Captain GentiVs, 656; Hotchkiss, 666
Minerva Car, 40h.p., Six-Cylinder, 217; Automatic Carburetter, Band Brake Canes, 218; Clutch. Clutch Spring and Flywheel, 217: Fan Belt Adjustment. Tb.: Mechanical Lubricator, 218; Steering Head; 217; 28h.p. Car, Clutch Fork, 425 ,
Mont Geneve. Carburstion Tests, 712, 716
Morris Park Track U.S.A., 293
Mors Car, 45h.p.. 193; Contracting Clutch Band, 506; Racer. Paris-Madrid, 509; 60h.p. .Spring Shackles, 528 ,
Morui, Marharajah of, 378
Moseley Detachable Tyre. Ratchet, Fastening, 531 Motobloc Car. 500. 827; Engine Transmission System. 369; Interlocking Gear Strikers. 500
Motor and Gun in India. With, 303, 304
Motorcar Aids Railway, G.W.R. Motor Sight-See-jng Car, 240a
Motor Club, Temporary Headquarters, 466 Motor-Driven Airship, British Army’s First. 169 Motorist. The, in France. 332; in Germany, 332 , 333 Motor Union Aecnt Cautioning Motorist, 46 Motor Wedding. Penworthen Church, Preston. 156a Mountain, Veldt, and Great Karroo, 161-190; 198-201
M.P. Car, 97
N. Nagant Hobson Car, 529; Brake Cover, Shoe Housing, 529; Radial Stay, Ib.; Threaded Collars, 497. 505
Nant Grancon Pass, Official Hnmber 20h.p. Car in Auto-Cycle Club's Trial. 139
Napier Car. 128. 285; Brooklands World’s Record (November 6th, 1907) Holders, 540:1301. Carleton Smith’s. 301; 40h.p.. Six-Cylinder, 576b; Limousine, Six-Cylinder. 422a; 30h.p. Six-Cylinder, 264: Carburetter. Clutch, 264; Engine. 266; Ignition Cut-Out, Internal Expansion Brake'Drum. Ratchet Sprag. Transverse Rear Spring. 265; 60h.p. Six-Cylinder. 241: Viscount Churchill's, 724; Clutch. Multiple Disc. 348
Natal. Automobile Club Gymkhana. 276
Naudin on Sizaire-Naudin Car, 380
Nautical Way. The, 491
N azzaro. 398
Nevada. Death-Valley (Rock and Gravel). 60; Gold
Fields. .59
Neveront- Acetylene Generator, 345
Newton. Mr. J.. 241. 313
Now Year, A Happy, 698
New York, Broadway Novel Procession. 713; Fort Grange Smash, 102; New York-Paris Journey, Motoolor Car 827; Tests. Carburation, 716: Eliminatory, 796; Experimental, 712
New Zealand, Motoring Through. Deep Cutting, a.
81; Kawaran Gorge. 693-4; Unnietalled Roads, 1 Ni<dausse Car, 495; Clutch Brake. Ih.
Northumberland Avenue, Repairing Tyre in, 247 '• Nulli SecundUR,” British Military Airship. 260
o. Okill Pressure Indicator, 440
115 Miles an Hour. At a, 212a
Oido Mr. Julian W.. 207
P Palmer Tyre, Cord Laying Machine. 667; Gauge and Holder. 434: Tester. Ib.
Panhard Car. 1892, 509; Live Axle. 373; SeJLStaJ ing Apparatus. 420
Panne, En, 670
Paris, Pluce de la Concorde, 332; Show—(S» ' “ Shows ”) , -
Passe Part out Cars, 318
Pedals to Push System, Adams, 383
Pedestrian, Car Overturned Endeavouring to Avoid a, 185
Peerless Car, 24
Pekin-Paris Race—Chinese Military Escort. 21; Collignon on De Dion at Munchcberg, 98; De Dions Arriving in Paris, 165; De Dion Car in Ferryboat. 51; with Spyker, Leaving Friedrich felde, 98; Descending into Siberian Village. 8;>: Disaster of the Bridge, Car Overturned, 618: Hum-Ho River, The Banks of, 618; Mecham • (Borghese’s), Ettore Guimrdi, 72; Press Corr*, spondent. Luigi Barzini, 72; Route Map, 42-43 Peto and Radford’s Charging Board, for Lamp B si stances, 531
Petrol Two-Cyrle. Reversing Marine Motor. 766 Peugeot (’ar, 48b
Phoenix Car, 8h.p.» Two-Cylinder, 441; Brake Adjustment, Transmission, lb.
Photographer’s Dream, A Motorina. (55 Piccard Car, Electro Magnetic Plug, 529 Piccard Piqtet Car, Steel Torque, 483 Picnic, The. 298; Roadside. A, 387 Pierce Car, 548 Pilain Car. 501; Driving Shaft, Rear Axle, Pioneering, Honouring a, 61U Piltler Hydraulic Transmission, The, 242 Plug Cut Out, Brown Bros., 531” Plugs Spare, Box or Wallet, 785 Plunkett, Sir Horace, P.I.A.C., 741 Police Patrol Van, Hartford City. 614 Police Trap near Carlyle. Caught! 249 Pelkey Combination Set of Lamps, 659 Poona Motor Trials. Winning Vulvan, The, 29 < Pope-Toledo Stage Coach, 549
Porthos Car, izo; 24-32h.p., 35; Airangcmcnt f .r Interconnecting Brakes and Clutch, 35; Ca shaft Driven Oil Pump, 36; Carburetting I) vice, 35; Oil and Air Pressure Pumps. 86. Rear Axle (Unique), 35; Springing System, 36; Steering Jaws. 171
Postage Stamp, Novel, A, 21
Power Testing Machine (A.C. of America), r!M: Grademeter, 832
Prarion (Mont). Successful Ascent. 598
Princess of Wales' Daimler, 234
Prix, Grand, The. Acclaiming Competitors, 396; Bro sier, M.. 553; Renault. M.. 553; Scenes, Behind the. 396
Pullcar, The. 156a, 506
Quid Pro Quo, A Lighting Suggestion, 447
R.A.C., Commercial Vehicle Trials, 318; Bad 4*' New, The. 122; Secretary, 318
Racing Body. A Well-Equipped, 75
Radiator. The Enfield, 417
Rainforth, Mr. Alec., 290 *
Rating, New, Car 16m.p. (Man Power), 460 Refinement Refiner!, 642; Ultra, 700
" Regiment,’’ “The,’* Siddeley Oar Carrying Star (Aidershot Manoeuvres). 220
Renault Car, 352
Ronaux, Winner Coupe de la i’ressc. 488
Reno Car, 374
Reo Car, 18h.p., 812; Axle, Rear, and Spring, 81'.
Coil with Switches, Engine, Two t’j’l.i ..e . (opposed). Oil Box and Pumps. Ib.
Repair, Temporary, An Interesting, 293
Resta, D., at ’Brooklands, 184: on Mercedes, 28‘
Mr. F. R. Fry’s Racer. 515
Rhodes Memorial, Kimberley, 198
Richards Tyre Valve, buu
Riches Torpedo Siren, 432; Whistle (Exhaust), 433 Riley Oar, 12-18h.p.. Two-Cylinder, 482; Clute i .
Expanding, Metal-to-Metal, 482; Torque Rod 528; Wins Class A. 215
Riley, Mrs. E. A., 3-
Rio de Janeiro, In. .297
Rivals, Scout and Rjad Agent, 156a
Road, “Good’’-in America, Testing Oar on, 400. Strange Contrasts on Horse, Elephant, an*. Automobile? 137
Roberts, Mr., Winner 24 Hours Brighton Beac‘. Race. U.S.A.,, 91
Rodakowski (“ Roda ”), 658; Characteristic 3na» -shots in Brooklands Paddock, 513, 514
Roe, Mr. A. V., and Aeroplane, 656
Rollaston Three-Cycb* Engine, 446
Rolls-Royce Car. 104
Rongier, M.» 213
Roosevelt (President U.S. A/).-294
Rosebery Avenue, Sritalt Boys Adventure in. 39 Rotunda Garage and Chauffeur's H tel 80v Rover Car. 109. 328. 360; Doctor’s Body, 413; 8h.p., 412; Engine. Gate Lever, Steering Wheel with out Quadrants, Ib.: New Model. 2011.p . IP Bonfiet Cbnstrnction. 118: Contact Maker. 119: Dashboard and Tank Combined^ 118: Front Wheel Stub. Main Tubular Axle, etc., H8; Rear Axle and "Torque Rods, 119
Royal Starling Car, 10h.p.. Two-Cylinder. 5'0
Rube Oar, Curiously Decorated (Boston, U S.A.) 248
Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wheel, 437; Method of Carrying Spare, 768
Ruling Passion. The. 133
Ryknield Caravan Oar, 684
s. Sandwich Way, Tl»e. 142
San Giorgio Car, 166
S.C.A.T. Car, 23i».p.. 499 747:
499; Camshaft 747: CMch ----. - w
(Gearbox). 499; dutch Brake and Fork Suspension. 748. Different ini. 499: As Wve™?! JoiDL 748; *(Srea*e-retainin£ Cover 499Drive Pins and Sockets. 748: Igniters (L.T». 7<; Oil box. Pumps (Five), 748; Water to Jackets Method,
Scenery. Rural, Disfiguring. 727
Bevel Drive Brake and Butterfly Nut
.and Back, To, 719 zBCfe#<Jack, Castle. 743
X .'.Folding. etc., fxiwe, Bevan and Co., 731;
- V Selby and Co.. Ltd.. 731; Tye's, 731
Shan^ Mr. G. B„ I ami riling to Drive, 375
Sheffield-Si nip lex Car. 45h.p., Six-cylinder, 415; Back Axle. 503: Pivoted Wings, 415
Bhowfi.—America: Chicago Coliseum. 696; New York,
- Grand <X*ntral Palace, 404, 804; Madison Square.
. Geptral Views, 747, 755; Girl Prevailing at, 549; Kearns Runabouts. 549; Trial Cars Outside, 548: Berlin: General View, 665; Opening, Prince ffenrys Arrival. 626; Brusseh, 683; Corner of, 723: Dublin: General View, 742; Chambers’ Exhibit, -741; Edinburgh, 825; General View, lb.; Olgruipia: Aisle, Central, View ’ of. 520; And General View. 453; A Corner of, 471; Body De-eigns, 607; lai various. 575; Entrance, Front, at Night, 539; Ha miner smith Road, Trial Cars Loving. 581, 584; Taxir.iba Outside. 538; Stands: Humber’s, 481; Cur de Luxe, .552; Keele and Co., 577; ^ap.ers 612; Siddeluy, 540; Swift. 495; PfcTis. Annexe des Invalides, Lighting 'Effects. 524; Cara Entering Grand Palais for Exhibit, ; .436; Removing from, After. 638: Busy Scene, 555; General View. 488; General Review, 541; Illuminations, Magnificent, 537; External, 54G; In the Gloaming. 558f Minerva’s Statue being Touched Up, 458; President Fallicres, 48C; Re reived by M. Gustav Rives before Opening, 541; Oars: Fhuillaron, 610; Chassis, Vermorei, 609; Engine, Brouhnt, 612; Stands: Magnificent Group of, 522; Benz, 487: De Dion (Chinese Decorations). 185; F.I.A.T., 487; Itala, 513; Mercedes. 4£9; Porthos. 490; Siddeley, 570; Unic iGeorges-Ei&ard), 190
tiiddeiey Car, 220: Uh.p.. 424 : Flexible Cardan ’Shaft Coupling, 424 ; Front Hanger, Gear driven Pump, lb.; Limousine. 18h.p., 824; Maha* / - rajah of Mrtrvis. 48h.p.. 378
Sldfreiip, A Remarkable, 325
"Sign of. the Times. A, 326 Sneht Knight Car: Section of Cylindot. 132
/ miter Ghost Roll .-Royce Car 115,000 Miles’ Record )r _y48a.
? SitbCBX Benzol Text. Napier Piston Tops, Condition after. 374f
-■ Simms-Busch Ekctfo-magnetie Plug, 531
■ Singer Car, 423; Differential. Enclosed Propeller Shaft, Radiator Ca»K?. Semi-uurveisa! Jnfnt, 423 Siren, Mouth, on Swindled Oarr’cr, 775 x-v^msBii^Naudin Car. 315, 347 , 380; Improvements. J. ♦M6b; Si zaire Driving. 380
Spring Wheel. 293
■> Skyway: The Future. 823
Smash, A Very Thorough. 102
Smeliier, Mr. L. W.. Just before Fatal Accident. 293 Smith 8jv?ed Indicator. The. 433
, -Snapshot. A Happy (Messrs.. Edge, Hutton and . Napier), 511;- An Interesting, 629
South Devon A.C.. 212
Smith Pole, Lirntenant Shackleton’s Motor Dash to, 321
• Spain. British Car iu. 769
Spain. King of. Arrive* at Evesham. 535; Garage in Spain. 559
Spanish Castle. A (Fuentarabrat; 57
Spare Wire Wheel, Method of Carrying, 768
Speed Indicator and Recorder, Cowey, 250. 251
Speedometer, Vulcan, 785
Spyker Car. 98, 99; 20-30b.p.. Four-cylinder. 422b;
Fan Belt, Adjustment, Propeller Shaft and Uni versal Joint Lubrication, Ib.
Soueak, Locating a, 57
Stampede, The, 810
St a idard Car, 20h.p., Six Cylinders, 422b; Distance
Bods, Ib. ; Elliptic Rear Springs, 422<-
Star Car. 476. 776. 780. 815
Stearns Car, 102
Stevens. Mr. W. L.. 732
Stones, Taunton, Garage Fire. 777
Stia'glit, Mr. F. lA.C.U. Offi<"i:ill, 354
Straker-Squire Car, 111, 47G; IGCOh.p, Univeisal and lacking Box Joints, 475
Strike. R.tiiwav; Updo Date Citv Man’s Indifference, 389
Sunbeam Car. !6-20h.p., 346
Swift Car. 18 20h.p.. Four-cylinder, 421; Differential
Cosing. Gearbox. Semi universal Joint, etc., 421
T. Talbot Car, 70, 181; 20-21h.p., 215. 771; Gearbox,. 418; Gear Selector. Ratchet Sprag, Rear Brakes Connection, 418
T. and M. /Trier and Martin) Triple-jet Carburetter, Sectional and Perspective Views of, 235
Tasmania A.C.'s Reliability Trials, Launceston. .
Hobart, 714
Technical Committee of R.A.C. Inspecting Hotchkiss Car, 97
Tests, Carburetter and Radiator, Mount Geneve, 712 Thames Car (Front Side Door), 771; Six-cylindcr,
Gear Quadrant Bracket, 504
Thomas Car. 91. 92
Thomas, Mr/ H S.. Llanelly, 107
Thompson-Bennett Contact Breaker, 344; Distributor.
Tbornrhwaite Sketches, 170
Times, The, Moving with, 636; A Sign of, 767
Tin tern Abbey. A Halt at, 87
TiUey Hili, Oxted, Survey of, 704
Trade, Motor, Import and Export Chart (Four
Years), 756, 757
Traffic Studies. 553. 554. '>56
Transmission. Motoblor, 359
Trembler Coil, Fuller s Syntonic, 530; Single Blade and Spring, 601
Trial Winner, A Four-year-old, 107
Tryon. Mr. H. C., 301
Tynygwrn Hill, Caerphilly, 180
Tyres.—Detacher Replaeer for (Ever Ready), 9; Fill ing Device, A New, 79; Kcmpshall. 401; “ K.T..” 131; Pump, Maison Talbot, 771; Repairs, Electrical Vuleanisirur, 160; Spare Carrier for, 240a
u. U.M.I. Bucket (Collapsible), 429; Horn. Wind proof. 430; Ma-uetO, 429; Minot, Adjustable. 433; Plug. 429
V. Valve Spring Fastening, A New. 157 Van. Armstrong-Whitworth (*’ The Merton ”), 454 Vandervcll’s Coil, New, 530; Electric Adapter for Acetylene Headlights, 530
Vauxhall Car, Ifth.p. Four-Cylinder, 306, 410; Combined II. and L.-T. Contact Breaker and Dis- _ tributor. Copper Oil Tank, 306; Engine Lubrication, 307; Exhaust Expansion Chamber, IK; Pedal-Applied ExU*rnal Brake, 306; Webbed Live Axle Casing, 307; Ports, Inspection, 410. 496
Vertex (J. B.) Car, 45h.p. (Lacre Body), 373. 480; Distributor, Engine, Half-Compn ssion Lerer. . 480
Voiturette Cup Contest. Adjustments. Making, 342; Cars Lined far Stait, 311; Early Mishap. An. 341; Sizaire-Naiidin on Sharp Corner, 347 Vulcan Car. 498; Distributor, Rear Axle, and Universal .Joint, 498
Vulcaniser, Harvey Frost, 430 Vulcanising Tyre Repairs by Electricity. 100 Vulcan Speedometer, The,'785; Generator, lb, w.
Walker, Mr. Huntley, 268; at Brooklands, 210-211 .Warren’s Anti-Skid, 632 Washburn Pressure Gauge. 430
’ Weather Conditions, Old-Fashioned Christmas, New Locomotion Under; 670
Wedding, A Motorcar, 571; Fashionable, Hanover Square, $26
Week-End, A Varied, 228 Welsh Harp, Skater’s Motorcars at. 737 Werner Car, 329, 376 West-Astnr Car, 377 . .
Wheels. Alignment Testing Tool, 106; Darracq, 422f; Detachable, Rudgo-Whitworth, 437;
‘‘ K.T ,“ 131; Wire Spare, How to Carry, 403 Whiff tno Much. A. 33 Why Not? G14 Windermere. Keswick* View across, 143 Wind Resistance, Edge's Experimental Shield, 73< Weighting-up Napier for Trial. 128
Windscreens; A New, 502< Austin, 589; Auster. 59’>; Double-Angled. 648; Bell’s Patent. 601, 648: Cromwell {Morgan and Co.), 601; Dar-racq, 590; Eys-erie, 352; Jones (E. H.. and Co.). 590; Lowe and Bevan, .">89. 590: Melhuish’s, 648;. Napier, Regent Carriage Co., 614; Selby’s. 648; Longmore, 589; Summer’s. 590 i Swift, 589 Winton Car. ” Six-Teen-Six,” Six-Cvlinder, 266a Wire' v. Wood Wheels, Diagram, 446 Wolseley Car, 71. 328 Wolsit Car, 147 Wridgway, Mr, C. G., 82 Wye. Banks of River, 111; Tea on, 135
Y. Yalta, Cars Cm«sing Torrent Bed, 604
z. Zedel Car, 422b; Accelerator Pedal, Dashboard Connections. 422b: Engine (One Casting!, Ib.