1907 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1907 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 1
- Report of Council . 5
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 16
- Votes of thanks . 18
- Presentation of the Bessemer Gold Medal . 20
- Presidential Address . 22
- Votes of thanks . 48
- Carnegie Research Scholarships . 53
- Vienna Meeting . 55
- "The development of electricity in the iron and steel industries." By D. Selby Bigge . 57
- Discussion on Mr. Selby Bigge's paper . 88
- Correspondence on Mr. Selby Bigge's paper . 97
- "The manufacture of steel from high-silicon phosphoric pig iron by the basic Bessemer process." By A. W. Richards . 104
- Discussion on Mr. Richards' paper . 109
- "A method of producing high-class steel from pig iron containing chromium, nickel, and cobalt." By A. W. Richards . 114
- Discussion on Mr. Richards' paper . 121
- "An investigation on the use of steam in gas-producer practice." By W. A. Bone and R. V. Wheeler . 126
- Discussion on Messrs. Bone and Wheeler's paper . 161
- Correspondence on Messrs. Bone and Wheeler's paper . 172
- "The relation between the process of manufacture and some of the physical properties of steel:" By F. W. Harbord . 181
- Discussion on Mr. Harbord's paper . 197
- Correspondence on Mr. Harbord's paper . 198
- " The ageing of mild steel." By C. E. Stromeyer . 200
- Discussion on Mr. Stromeyer's paper . 255
- Correspondence on Mr. Stromeyer's paper . 260
- " Sentinel pyrometers and their application to the annealing, hardening, and general heat treatment of tool steel." By H. Brearley and F. C. Moorwood . 261
- Correspondence on Messrs. Brearley and Moorwood's paper . 273
- " Induced draught, with hot air economisers, for steelworks and blast-furnace boilers." By A. J. Capron . 276
- " Note on the distribution of sulphur in metal ingot moulds." By J. Henderson . 286
- Correspondence on Mr. Henderson's paper . 289
- " Carbon-tungsten steels." By T. Swinden . 291
- Correspondence on Mr. Swinden's paper paper . 325
- The Annual Dinner . 328
- Dinner to the Council . 339
- Obituary . 340
- Additions to the Library . 348
- Copper Steels. By Pierre Breuil, Paris. (Received Tune 29, 1906) . 1
- Cast Iron as Cast and Heat Treated. By W. H. Hatfield, Sheffield (Received February 28, 1907) . 79
- The Non-Metallic Impurities in Steel. By E. F. Law, Assoc.R.S.M., London (Received April 3, 1907) . 94
- The Geology and Origin of the Lapland Iron Ores. By Otto Stutzer, Ph.D., Freiberg-in-Saxony. (Received March 28, 1907) . 106
- Boron Steels. By Leon Guillett, D.Sc., Paris. (Received May 7, 1907) . 207
- The Effect of Air and Moisture on Blast-Furnaces. By Joseph Dawson, Lowmoor . 221
- Vienna Meeting .
- Reception of the Institute
- Election of Members .6
- Retiring Members of Council . 9
- " The Austrian iron industry during the last twenty-five years." By W. Kestranek . 10
- Vote of thanks to Mr. Kestranek . 24
- " The Erzberg of Eisenerz." By H. Bauerman . 27
- Vote of thanks to Professor Bauerman . 36
- "Steel and meteoric iron." By F. Berwerth . 37
- Discussion on Professor Berwerth's paper 47
- "The determination of the total quantity of blast-furnace gas for a given make and its calorific value." By J. von Ehrenwerth . 52
- Discussion on Professor Ehrenwerth's paper . 55
- Correspondence on Professor Ehrenwerth's paper . 58
- "Application of the laws of physical chemistry in the metallurgy of iron." By Baron H. von Juptner . 59
- Vote of thanks to Baron H. von Juptner .. 85
- Further experiments on the ageing of mild steel." By C. E. Stromeyer . 86
- Discussion on Mr. Strotneyer's paper 108
- "The case-hardening of mild steel." By C. O. Bannister and W. J. Lambert 114
- "Case-hardening." By G. Shaw Scott . 120
- "Hardened steels." By Percy Longmuir . 137
- The hardening of steel." By L. Demozay . 144
- Discussion on steel hardening papers . 179
- Correspondence on steel hardening papers 181
- "The economic distribution of electric power from blast-furnaces." By B. H. Thwaite . 190
- Discussion on Mr. Thwaite's paper . 200
- Correspondence on Mr. Thwaite's paper . 102
- " A new blue-black iron paint as a protective covering." By F. J. R. Camilla . 204
- Votes of thanks at Vienna Meeting .
- "The cleaning of blast-furnace gases." By E. Bian . 210
- Correspondence on the nomenclature of iron and steel . 216
- Visits and excursions at the Vienna Meeting . 236
- The Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects . 238
- Baron Rothschild's Gardens . 239
- Drive through Vienna . 223
- The Town Hall .
- Performance at the Opera . 240
- Luncheon at the Archduke's Palace . 240
- Schonbrunn .
- Reception at Court . • . 241
- Visit to the Hoch Schneeberg . 241
- Banquet at the Hall of the Musical Society . • 242
- Private hospitality . 245
- Excursions after the Meeting . 246
- Excursion to Bohemia . 247
- The Koenigshof party . 248
- Visit to Prague . 248
- The Kladno Excursion . 249
- Excursion to Styria . 251
- Excursion to Moravia and Silesia . 253
- Visit to Witkowitz . 253
- Visit to Trzynietz . 254
- Travelling arrangements . 255
- Notes on works visited . 260
- Prague Iron Industry Company . 260
- Bohemian Mining Company . 263
- The Althiitten Ironworks . 266
- The ironstone mines of Nucitz 266
- Electrical rolling-mill transporters at Kladno . 278
- The Styrian Erzberg . 280
- Donawitz Works . 287
- The Eisenerz Blast-furnace , 288
- Witkowitz Ironworks . 289
- The Trzynietz Ironworks • 299
- Acknowledgments . 304
- Obituary . 305
- Additions to the Library . 310
See Also
Sources of Information