1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Shipping: D
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- David and William Henderson and Co, Limited.—Directors : A. P. Henderson (Chairman), F. N. Henderson, and L. D. Henderson. Secretary: D. Thomson. Office: Meadowside Works, Partick.—The company was registered March 30, 1900, to take over the shipbuilding and engineering business of the firm of the same name.
- Dene Steam Shipping Co, Directors: J. H. W. Culliford (Chairman), B. K. Lunn, J. T. Lunn (Managing Director), B. Morton, and W. Simpson. Managers: J. T. Lunn and Co. Office: Newcastle-on-Tyne.—The company was registered May 22, 1897.
- Deptford Dry Docks Co, Limited.—Directors: T. N, Alexander, E. B. Stoker, and J. Wood. Secretary: M. H. Forster. Office: Deptford Green, Deptford, S.E.—The company was registered January 15, 1905.
- Dowgate Steamship Co, Limited.—Directors: H. Cockroft, H. W. Dillon (Managing Director), E. H. Dillon, and H. Powell. Office: 71, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C.—The company was registered July 16, 1894, and in 1902, in connection with the absorption of the London Gate Steamship Co, Limited, the capital was largely increased
- Droitwich Canal Navigation.—Sccretai’y: F. Holyoake, Droitwich.—The canal is leased to the Sharpness New Docks and Gloucester and Birmingham Navigation Company for 999 years from Midsummer, 1874.
- Droitwich Junction Canal Co.—Directors: G. J. Johnson (Chairman), T. H. Ryland, H. S. Wynn, and W. H. Wynn. Secreta/i'^y: W. D. George. Office: Gas Street, Birmingham.—The company’s canal is leased for 99 years from 1853 to the Sharpness New Docks Company
- Dublin and Glasgow Steam Packet Co.—Directors: G. Macnie, J. D. O’Connor, and M. K. Roche. Secretary: A. Forsyth. Office: 71, North Wall, Dublin. —The company was established in 1836, and was registered as unlimited January 31, 1872.
- Dublin and Liverpool Steamship Building Co.—Directors: W. P. Cairnes, W. Darley, E. R. Read, W. Robertson, E. Watson, Sir W. Watson, and W. G. Wybrants. Agent: A. J. Callaghan. Office: 16, Eden Quay, Dublin.—The company was formed in 1839.
- Dundalk and Newry Steam Packet Co, Limited.—Dircctoi's: T. C. Macardle (Chairman), J. Connolly, J. M, Cox, J. T. Dolan, C. A- Duffy, J, F, Harris, D, Martin, H. O’Connell, F. O’Hagan, and J. Kooney. Secretary and General Manager; T. Jones. O^ce; Dundalk.—
- Dundee Gem Line Steam Shipping Co, Limited. — Directors; J. M‘Donald (Chairman), D. McIntyre, J. Robertson, and J. Smith- Manager: J. Duncan. Secretary : D. J. Browne. Office : 39, Dock Street, Dundee.—The company was registered March 17, 1882.
- Dundee, Perth, and London Shipping Co.—Offiee: Dundee.—
- Dundee Shipowning Co, Limited. —Directors: H. Baxter, J. Gibson, J. N. Smith, and A. Wood. Managers : W. O. Taylor and Co. Office: 83, Commercial Street, Dundee.—The company was registered October 6, 1890, to take over the properties of the Dundee Shipowners’ Co]], Limited, registered March 1, 1882.
- Dunedin Steam Ship Co, Limited.—Managing Directors: W. J. Henderson and A. McIntosh. Secretary: J. Ramsay. Office: 41, Constitution Street, Leith.—The company was registered November 7, 1889.
- Dunrohin Shipping Co, Limited.—Directors: C. Wright (Chairman), H. Cail, A. E. Doxford, C. D. Doxford, R. P. Doxford, Sir W. T. Doxford, G. Head, Lord Joicey, W. Milburn, A. M. Sutherland, B. J. Sutherland, and T. Wanless. Secretary: A. M. Sutherland. Office: 38, Sandhill, Newcastle-on-Tyne.—The company was registered November 12, 1902.
See Also
Sources of Information