1909 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1909 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting . 1
- Election of Members . 1
- Report of Council . 6
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 19
- Votes of Thanks . 25
- Revised Bye-Laws . 26
- Presentation of Bessemer Medal . ^ 27
- Carnegie Research Scholarships . ^ 30
- "The preservation of iron and steel." By A. S. Cushman . 33
- "The electrolytic theory of the corrosion of iron and its applications." By William H. Walker . 69
- "The value of physical tests in the selection and testing of protective coatings for iron and steel." By J. Cruickshank Smith . 81
- Discussion on " Corrosion of iron and steel" . 93
- Correspondence on " Corrosion of iron and steel" . 102
- "Influence of the treatment on the solubility of steel in sulphuric acid." By E. Heyn and O. Bauer . 109
- Discussion on Professor Heyn and Mr. Bauer's paper . 227
- Correspondence on Professor Heyn and Mr. Bauer's paper . 229
- "The chemical physics involved in the decarburisation of iron-carbon alloys." By W. H. Hatfield . 242
- Discussion on Mr. Hatfield's paper . 257
- Correspondence on Mr. Hatfield's paper 259
- "The electric furnace and electrical process of steelmaking." By W. Rodenhauser . 261
- Discussion on Dr. Rodenhauser's paper . 294
- Correspondence on Dr. Rodenhauser's paper 302
- "Fuel from peat." By M. Ekenberg . 313
- Discussion on Dr. Ekenberg's paper . 344
- Correspondence on Dr. Ekenberg's paper . 345
- "A heat treatment study of Bessemer steels." By A. McWilliam and E. J. Barnes . 348
- Discussion on Professor McWilliam and Mr. Barnes' paper . 373
- Correspondence on Professor McWilliam and Mr. Barnes' paper . 376
- "High-tension steels." By P. Longmuir . 383
- Correspondence on Mr. Longmuir's paper . 397
- "The ageing of mild steel and the influence of nitrogen." By C. E. Stromeyer . 101
- Correspondence on Mr. Stromeyer's paper . 921
- "Notes on tests for hardness." By Thomas Turner . 426
- Correspondence on Professor Turner's paper . 438
- "The Bristol recording pyrometer." By P. Longmuir and T. Swinden . 444
- Correspondence on Messrs. Longmuir and Swinden's paper . 453
- "Note on the determination of carbon and phosphorus in steel." By A. A. Blair 455
- The Annual Dinner . 463
- Report of the Seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry . 475
- Obituary . 478
- Additions to the Library . 484
- London Meeting .
- Election of Members . 2
- Presentation of Carnegie Gold Medal . 4
- Votes of Thanks . 5
- "Production of iron and steel by the electric smelting process." By E. J. Ljungberg . 9
- Discussion on Mr. Ljungberg's paper . 14
- "The determination of the economy of reversing rolling-mills." By C. A. Ablett . 15
- Discussion on Mr. Ablett's paper . 22
- "The 'growth' of cast irons after repeated beatings." By H. F. Rogan and H. C. H. Carpenter . 29
- Discussion on papers by Professors Rogan and Carpenter . 126
- Correspondence on papers by Professors Rogan and Carpenter . 129
- "Uniform moisture in blast." By Greville Jones . 144
- "The fuel economy of dry blast as indicated by calculations from empirical data." By R. S. Moore . 150
- Discussion on papers by Mr. Moore and by Mr. Greville Jones . 154
- Correspondence on papers by Mr. Moore and by Mr. Greville Jones . 161
- " Artificial magnetic oxide of iron." By F. J. R. Carulla . 163
- Discussion on Mr. Carulla's paper . 169
- Correspondence on Mr. Carulla's paper . 170
- "The action of air and steam on pure iron." By J. Newton Friend . 172
- "The serviceable life and cost of renewals of permanent way of British railways." By R. Price-Williams . 183
- Discussion on Mr. Price-Williams' paper . 196
- Correspondence on Mr. Price-Williams' paper . 203
- "Tests of cast iron." By E. Adamson . 208
- Discussion on Mr. Adamson's paper . 221
- "The constitution of carbon-tungsten steels." By T. Swinden
- Correspondence on Mr. Swinden's paper . 253
- "The corrosion of iron." By J. Newton Friend
- Visits and excursions at the London Meeting . 262
- Gala performance at theatre . 265
- Dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant . 265
- Reception by the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House . 266
- Notes on Works and Places of Interest visited . 266
- "Report on the Fifth Congress of the International Association for Testing Materials." By G. C. Lloyd . 287
- Obituary . 305
- Additions to the Library . 313
See Also
Sources of Information