1910 Stanley Show: Late Exhibits
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1910 Stanley Show
Extracted from the Cycle and Motor Trades Review
Martin's Rubber Co., Ltd.
Southampton. Stand No. 246X.
Here will be shown a full range of the cycle and motorcycle tyres manufactured by this firm; also cushion, solid and mail cart tyres, wired on perambulator tyring, repair outfits, patching rubber, pump tubing, waterproofs, etc. The firms new lines for 1911 include the new pure red rubber motor inner tube, named the Southonia, rubber studded cycle covers, a new circular moulded cycle tube, new patterns in rubber mats for motor cars, and new patterns in. waterproof motor-cycle suits.
The Constrictor Tyre Co.
London. Stand No. 243 Annexe.
The famous hand-made Constrictor racing and touring cycle tyres, all of which are of the best quality only will be shown here. A- very interesting pattern is the Silk Championship tyre, which weighs 44 ozs, only each. This tyre, we- learn, is being ridden in the Now York Six Days' Race. The Century tubular tyre on which Mr. Meredith, the well-known racing man has won many prizes, and a new pattern roadster tyre, which is well built up on the tread and has very thin rubber on the sides, will also be on view. Other tyres will be exhibited in both tubular and wired edge, the last-named having flexible wires on endless fabric. The firm are using new winding machines for next year's tyres, and the fabric will be strengthened, and the tyres improved in many ways. A special feature of this exhibit will be a new valve, which the firm claim is quite air tight, and is the most suitable valve for use with their Constrictor tubular tyres.
The Hutchinson Tyre Co.
London. Stand No. 21.
One of the finest exhibits of tyres in the Hall will be that of the Hutchinson Tyre Co. Here will be shown cycle tyres of all patterns and grades, some all grey and some with red centred treads. Motor-cycle tyres will be exhibited in the following types:- "Lightweight" for machines up to 11 H.P., "Bro4lands" H.P., "Tourist Trophy" 5 H.P., and "Side (Jar" 5 H.P. With the exception of the "Tourist Trophy," these are all new patterns.
Other new lines include the "Eagle" cycle tyre, which has a very pleasing pattern tread, and the "Magic," which has a square tread. The "Kwikon" repair band is a novelty which must not be missed; it is claimed to be the simplest and most easily fixed band on the market. Inner tubes, plain and butt-ended, valve tubing, generator tubing, football bladders, proprietary covers and tubes at prices to meet every requirement, will also be exhibited.
It is unnecessary for us to say anything about the quality of Hutchinson goods; they are known far and wide as best grade. By the way, an item of great interest on this stand will be the identical tyres which were used by Mr. C. R. Collier, when he won the Tourist Trophy Race in the Isle of Man.
Chas. Edmund.
Chester. Stand No. 257.
The Charles Edmund spring frame motor-cycle will be shown here. The frame of this machine has been no designed as to enable the seat and footboards to work in unison. Both are supported by laminated springs, the seat being attached to an upper member pivoted at the front end to head of rigid frame, and supported at the back by a half bow plate spring. The machine is perfectly rigid laterally, and has a firm wheelbase.
The Moto Reve Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 93.
The excellent little machines manufactured by this company are bOund to prove a great attraction to everyone interested in lightweights, the more so as a large number of detail improvements in various parts of the machine have been made for the coming season. The exhibit will include several 21 H.P. twin cylinder machines, and a number of 2 H.P. single cylinder machines. A feature of this stand will be a new 2 H.P. single cylinder bicycle with clutch, for ladies. A 29 H.P. also 2 H.P. machines, with clutch, will also be on view. It should be noted that the Moto Reve Co., Ltd., do practically all their business through the trade, and grant sole agencies.
The Dursley-Pedersen Cycle Co.
Dursley. Stand No. 261.
In number and variety of machines this firm's exhibit will excel that of any other ever made by them. The models for 1911 have received the most careful consideration and improvements have been made wherever possible. The famous Dursley-Pedersen Cantilever cycles are fitted with improved brake work. and models will be shown plated all over and also in various shades of enamel. The well-known woven silk hammock saddle is still, of course, one of the great features of the Cantilever cycles. This saddle is beautifully cool and flexible, and gives to every movement of the rider, entirely obviating saddle soreness, while its method of suspension ensures practically entire absence of vibration. The Pedersen Diamond frame cycles will be shown in several grades, and fitted with the firm's new back stay brake, and elipless handlebar. Pedersen three-speed gears will be exhibited separately, and fitted to machines. The price of the gear for the coming season has been considerably reduced.
S. Hall and Sons, Ltd.
Edinburgh. Stand in Annexe.
Lamps, generators, lenses, a new back rest, and a new front wheel stand will be the chief features of this firm's exhibit. A lamp will be shown which gives a beam of 800 ft.; it has doors opening front and back, the latter containing the lens. An interesting feature of the exhibit will be an automatic back rest, which can be fitted to a saddle in a quarter of an hour. A front wheel stand will be shown, which can be carried in the tool bag; it takes up the space of a few inches only, and being telescopic, it can be made ready for use in a minute. All this firm's goods can be obtained in standard plated finish, and specimens will also be shown of the company's work in black plated finish, which, of course, is an extra.
Iliffe and Sons, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 99.
Specimens of transfers of every kind for both pedal and motor-cycles will be on view here, and all information concerning free designs, prices, etc., can be obtained on applica,- tion. Messrs. Iliffe and S.ns have had a very long experience of the manufacture of transfers, and specimens of their work will be found on leading exhibits throughout the Hall. These transfers lifive wonderful lasting qualities, and a special paper is used which renders them exceptionally easy to affix. Considering their undoubtedly high quality, the prices at which they are offered are exceedingly moderate.
H. Vorley and Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 2371.
Here will be found a comprehensive range of the Voco carbides, cycle oils, rubber solution, repair outfits, etc.; also a special line in the Voco valve grinding paste. Samples of the various designs in tins in which the firm pack for the trade will also be shown.
Components, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 230.
Included in the big exhibit of this firm is an extensive range of cycle fittings, comprising among other interesting lines complete cycle frames and sets of fittings for all types of cycles, the Elite patent handle-bar, which has concealed brake levers and is entirely free from exposed clips, springs, etc., the "Speedily" fork end, a new pattern of divided fork end to replace the usual slotted variety, and which allows of the back tyre to be readily exchanged without the removal of the wheel from the frame. Then there are the Simplex three-speed hub, and a ball bearing 'free-wheel which is entirely free from springs. A new introduction is Components' "Oil Bath" free-wheel clutch, which is made on an entirely new principle, and is claimed to be the lightest and cheapest clutch on the market. This clutch has withstood a test of a direct pull of 1,705 lbs. when the testing chain broke, leaving the clutch intact. Other interesting lines include the "Enyangl" handle-bar, endless steel and aluminium rims, wood rims, Reflex rear light., plain laminated or aluminium lined mudguards. valves, spokes, chains, etc. A big display will also be made of the well-known Liberty cycle and motor-cycle tyres. These include the Liberty A.D. 1888, which carries a two years' guarantee, the Liberty Special and Standard patterns, the Liberty hand-made tyre, and the open-sided wired-on tyre for light roadster machines. The firm's highly successful racing tyres, the Liberty Record and Gossamer tubular patterns will also be on view. In motor-cycle tyres Components are showing two patterns, these having respectively ribbed and studded treads. Mention must be made of the firm's roller skates, of which a large number will be shown. These will include the Club model for ladies and gentlemen, which has ball bearing dust- proof oil-retaining wheels, and toe clamps and heel straps, and the Record model, which has footplate for screwing to the boot.
D. Moseley and Sons, Ltd.
Manchester. Stand No. 2641, Annexe.
High grade tyres will be the feature of this old established rubber firm's exhibit. As long ago as 22 years quality was the firm's watchword, and they still nut quality before price. A tyre which should be seen by all is the Moseley Special. This is made with the original "Flexifort" fabric, and the rubber is of the old mottled variety, and is of flue very finest quality. The makers claim that this is the finest cycle tyre it is possible to produce. It is made solely in the old bask.f pattern, and is guaranteed for fifteen months. Two other tyres, which are also guaranteed for fifteen months, are the Moseley "'B" pattern and "C" pattern. The rubber on the tread of these tyres is the Moseley "best quality," and the original "Flexifort" fabric is used in their construction. Amongst the many other patterns on view is an interesting thorn-proof tyre named the "Red Black." This is made of extra strong specially woven canvas, and has a red band on the tread manufactured of the best quality rubber. This is an exceptionally strong and durable tyre, and is specially designed for use on rough country roads. The firm's racing tyres are exceedingly popular with speed men, and the "Moseley Popular" and "Moseley Road Racing" are patterns deserving of close inspection. The tubular tyre has a red tread band composed of the highest grade . of rubber, and the delicate sides of the .tyre are covered with a layer of pure unvulcanised Para rubber. The road racing tyre is practically the tubular adapted fpr wired edges. Motor-cycle agents will be interested in the "Moseley Motor- Cycle" tyre, which has a new five-lined grooved tread for 1911. This tyre has the same canvas and the same quality of rubber as are used in the Moseley motor car tyres. The tread is remarkably tough, and is very difficult to cut. Juvenile and tradesmen's carrier tyres are among the other varieties on view.
The V.S. Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd.
London. Stand No. 42.
The 5 H.P. and 7 H.P. twin-cylinder models, with and without V.S. two-speed gears will be shown, also the side cars, for which the company have such a big reputation. The 1911 models contain many improvements. The magneto is now placed in a- high position behind the engine and is mounted upon a substantial platform. The frame has been strengthened' throughout, and the makers now claim that it is the strongest on the market. The rear wheel is now built with butt-ended spokes. The large two gallon tank as fitted on the 7 H.P. models will also be fitted on the 1911 5 H.P. machines. Exhaust, carrier, footrests, mudguards, stand, etc., have all been improved for the coming season. Special attention is drawn to the finish of the V.S. machines, all the 1911 models being "All-Weather" machines. They will contain no bright plating, and all the dull plated parts are treated with a good coat of lacquer, so making cleaning after a wet run a very easy matter.
Humber, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 53.
The exhibit of this famous firm will be one of the largest in the Hall, no fewer than 24 machines being on view. These include patterns ranging in price from £6 7s. 6d, for the Special Humber Road Racer, to £15 15s. for the Beestonhumber Gent's Light Roadster with three-speed gear. A Lady's Beeston-Humber Light Roadster with three-speed gear will also be shown at £15 15s.; a Carrier 'tricycle at £18 and a II umber Gent's Tricycle at £25.
In the famous Beeston-Humbers all the special features are maintained, including duplex front forks on both lady's and gent's, and duplex frame on lady's, and the machines are relieved with artistic gold and crimson lines (a very expensive process). One alteration that has been made consists of a continuation front mudguard, and a more roomy and convenient tool-bag.
In the firm's "All-Black" model the entire machine, handle-bars and pedals included, is "all-black." The black is just relieved in decoration by a delicate gold line. The machine is fitted with oil-bath gear-case, extra wide mudguards with stayed front extension. Although put on the market during the summer this is the "All-Black's" first Exhibition appearance.
Two Club models will be on view, one being the Special Humber Road Racer, an improved 1910 model. the other a new idea in this style of machine. It is built for the clubman who desires a light mount, but not a racer. It is called the Special Club model, has a road-racing frame, with 1 in. drop, duplex forks, upturned handle-bars, metal guards, with extension front, front rim brake and coaster hub, black spokes, steel rims, and a special Brooks road-racing saddle. It is a machine which should appeal to long-distance riders among others. As during the past season, all Humber models are treated by a special anti-rust process, thus minimising labour in cleaning. They simply require rubbing down with a damp cloth, and look as good as new again.
Max Steiner's Special Show.
During this week and next Mr. Max Steiner is making a special show of the many novel and competitive lines he handles at his warehouse, 10 and 12 Scrutton Street, Finsbury. A fine range of acetylene lamps is a prominent feature, including the well-known Apollo. The Diana paraffin lamp should also be noted, a speciality which has fully held its place in the market for many years—a paraffin lama that keeps alight. The Crown range of saddles and tool bags represent wonderful value, a remark which applies equally to the great variety of steel mudguards, oil cans and other leading lines.
Amongst interesting novelties is a cycle syren in brass and plated and on plain or ball bearings, an effective road clearer. Mr. Steiner also showed us a child's seat which should sell well. This article simply hooks on, the angle of its frame being such that the handle-bar hooks are opposed to those on the forks, giving perfect security. We learned that the same principle is successfully applied to various types of carriers.
All types of Gem air guns are shown, and the motor-cycle trade will be interested in Mr. Steiner's belting, the feature of which is that each layer is of one length, not pieced, and the belts are rivetted or stitched double with copper. Mr. Steiner also does a large trade in twisted belting, as used on the Motosacoche.
The Gloria Cycle Co., Ltd., of Coventry, are placing on the market a side-car, which possesses a number of novel features, particularly in connection with the springing of the wheel, and the method of attachment to the motor-cycle. Cee springs are employed for supporting the body or basket, but in addition, the wheel is sprung separately. This is effected by means of affixing a cylindrical metal box rigidly to the side-car frame. Attached to the end of the coil spring working in this box, is a curved arm flexibly mounted, allowing the wheel to move in a vertical plane. A circular disc or rocking plate is employed, to prevent this spring binding in the box when the wheel strikes obstacles at an angle, and a small spring is fitted at the top of the box, to absorb shocks, and obviate chattering of the spring inside the box. The attachment between the side-car and motor is quite new. It is common practice to have but one point of attachment to the front portion of the frame of the motor-cycle, whereas this new model car is provided with a fitment placed vertically, clipping two tubes. Part and parcel of this vertical pin, is a horizontal pin, on which slides the tube of the side-car frame. The same method is employed at the rear of the fork attachment. It will be gathered that attachment and detachment is but a matter of a few moments. This car has been designed primarily to be used in conjunction with the Triumph motor-cycle, but, of course, the makers will supply them with fitments suitable for other machines when required. .Steel stampings are used throughout, to ensure strength and reliability and a Clincher studded motor-tyre is fitted to the wheel.
See Also
Sources of Information