Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1911-1912 The Motor: Index

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor

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A. A.A. AND M.U., 135, 174, 210. 217, 489, 729. Announce Brenner Pass Closed, 862. Annual Dinner of the, 814. Appeal at Chertsey, 655. Appeal Case Successful, 976. At Olympia, 502g, 504. Avoid Speed Limit by Erecting Signs, 212. Barnes Speed Limit and the, 786. Belgian Touring and the, 68. Byfleet Speed Limit and the, 754. Continental Passes and the, 762. Dunchurch Warning and the, 914. Erect Clock in Piccadilly, 902. Falling Branches and the, 588.. Glass on Roads and the, 251. 282. Gritting Material and the, 1028. Horsham Speed Limit Signs and the, 401. Hotels and the, 51O.b, Reform of, 416. Illegal Speed Limit Signs and the, 421. International Passes in Scotland and the, 409. Iron in Road Material and the, 306. Lewes, Newhaven and Seaford Roads and the, 284. Lights on Horse Vehicles and the, 900. London Speed Limits and the. 864. Lost Badges of the, 289. Manhole in Road at Harbledon and the, 762. Members Admitted Free to Glasgow Show, 1059 Members and Index Marks, 939. Military Motorcyclists and the, 826. New Members of the, 288, 742, 900. Northern Section Dinner, 1176 Patrols and Stone Throwing, 24. Prosecutes, Boy for Tampering with Car, 424 S2; For Wilful Obstruction, 292; Obstructionist at Brentford, 764. Reflex Lights for Cyclists from the, 25, 62, 223, 862. Repair Charges and the, 99. Road Signs and the, 250, 864. Scottish A.C. and the, 114. Scouts, and Road Obstructions, 938; Christmas Day Holiday, 938. Salutes, 407. Signposts, 68. Special Concession to New Members, 502f. Touring Department, 900, 990. Trace Stolen Car in France, 268. Village Signs, 976, 1052. Warn Motorists through Callander and Strathyre, 437

Abbey, Mr. Edwin, R.A., 18

Accessories: Agents and, 1188 SI. Dictionary of. 21E. Enots, 660e. For All at Steiner and Co., 47E. For Car and Cycle, 13E

Accessory: Makers and Factors, Directory of, 19E. Thieving, 1113

Accidents, Inquiry into Cause of, 386 SI Accumulator: Charging, 251. Vibratory Rectifier, Adnil, 251

Accumulators: Castle, 595. Fors, 660h. Mira, 602. Van Raden, 599

Acetylene: AU About, 793. Burner, Roni, 876. Gas Starters, 1036, 1093. Generator, Smith’s, 611. Headlight Controller, Thorn and Hoddle, 849

Action and Reaction, 85

Adjustability in a Car, 40

Advertisement Boards at Shalford to be Removed, 1130

Advertisements: Disfiguring, 941. Roadside, Banned, 212

Advice, Expert Motors, Ltd., 729

Advisory Experts, Wellington and Bowring, 712 Aerophone and Aeroplane, 292b Afghanistan, Automobiles for, 1072

Agents: And Accessories, 1188 SI. Orders from, 450 Air: Compressors, Nesthill, 660h; Sphinx, 660h.

Inlet, Auxiliary, White and Poppe, 452b Air, The Way of the, 10, 65, 102, 140, 244, 467, 524, 619, 819, 850

Alarm, Electrochime, 503

Algeria and Tunisia, Mrs. Ayer’s Trip through, 1129 Alps, Hill-climbing Test in the, 1046 Alternating Rotary Motor, Brun, 205 Aluminium Fruit Dish, Coan’s, 1112 Amalgamation of Rothschild et Fils and Regent Carriage Co., 1097

Amateurs v. Trade, 63

America : Annual Dinner of Auto Club of, 817. Another Motor Smash in, 254. Brighton Beach Track Racing in, 231. Britain’s Answer to, 252. Carnival, A Four-race, in, 235. Eleven Fatalities at Race Meeting in, 372a. Exaggerated Ratings in, 176. Ford Co. of, 277. Parsons Chain in, 114. Millionaire Road Builder in, 255. Motor Camping de Luxe in, 255. Motorcar Craze in, 248. Motorists as Road Surveyors in, 881. Motor Statistics of, 443. Racing in, 862. R.C.H. Car Arrives from, 843. Self-starting Engines in, 1124. Welcome! 653. Where the Cars Go, 278

American Automobile Engineers: At Coventry, 775; Crossley Works, 812; Delage Works, 812; Hans Renold Co.’s Works, 812; Home Again, 1007; Lemoine Works, 812; Manchester, 812; Panhard-Levassor Works, 812; Renault Works, 812; Sunbeam Co.’s Works, 812; Wolverhampton, 812. I.A.E. Dinner to, 744. In France, 812. In the Midlands, 775. Interviews with, 745. Leave France, 865. Visit England, 738, Brooklands, 745

American: Bid for World’s Motor Trade, 1136. Car on French Market, 931. Cars, Where They Go to, 278. Export Returns, 1130. Grand Prix, 1004. Inventor’s Spring Motor, 289. Motor Industry, Extent of, 1176. Motor Racing, Barney Oldfield’s Attack on, 162.


Outputs, Large, 139. Production, A New, 1053. Racing Impressions, 231. Racing Season, 25. Second-hand Car Trade, 977. Self-starting Devices, 1152. Society of Automobile Engineers, 326. Way with Car Noises, 480

Anson, Sir William, 210

Argyll, Engine and Knight Patents, 650, Progress, 1052

Armoured Cars for Strikers, 100 Armstrong-Whitworth Car, Testing the, 314 Arrol-Johnston Wins Baily Trophy, 502f Art of Salesmanship, The, 1066 SI

Asquith, Mr., 95, Girl Cyclist Collides with Car cf, 101

Austin, Journal, 99, Paris Headquarters of, 1157 Australia, Austin Car in, 1112. First Motor Show of, 788

Australian Automobile Association. 780 Austrian, Combination, 63. Industrial Prize, 1066 Autocars, Enfield, 372b Auto-creeper, 1066. Norton, 609 Autometer, Warner, 660g

Automobile Club of France Copy Pall Mall, 501 Auto-Starter, 972

Autumn in Lakeland, 838 S2

Avallon, Boycotting of, 774


Aerial Post, The First, in England, 214. Aerophone and Aeroplane, 292b. Aeroplane, The Future of the, 920. Aviation: Engine, Renault, 935; Fatalities, 177; Motoring and, 914 SI; Motors, 935. Avions, 856. Aviators: Brindley, Oscar, 99; Gamine, Captain, 177. Cammell, Lieut., 254. Dunne, Lieut., 161. Grailly, Lieut., 177. Helen, Emmanuel, 216. Moorhouse, Mr., 501. Nieuport, M., 254. Pietschke, Alfred, 777. Picton, C.H., 54. Poege, Willy, 24. Ridge, Mr., 178. Schriver, Tod, 893. Sopwith, T., 915. White, Grahame, 161. Witte, 855.

Biplane Developments, 734. Biplanes: Astra, 935. Bristol, 54. Nieuport, 935. Voisin, 293. Wright, 935

Faber’s, Captain, Joke, 1078. Fatalities: Camine, Capt., 177. Grailly, Lieut., 177. Pietschke, Alfred, 777. Flight Impressions, 915. Flight with T. Sopwith, 915. French Military Aviation, Cost of, 1046

Hendon, Lieut. Cammell Killed at, 254. Hendon or Brooklands, 782

Long-Distance Flight, 216

Machine, An Entirely New, 935. Military Aeio-plane Competition in France, 731. Monoplanes : Bayard-Clement, 934. Bleriot, 890. Brequet, 935. Bristol, 935. Martin-Handa-syde, 915. Nieuport, 161. Rep, 177. Valkyrie, 254. Zodiac, 934. Montalent’s Passenger Height Record, 24

Nieuport, M., Receives Legion of Honour, 254 Paris Aero Show, 934. Passenger-carrying Machines, 935, Height Records, Montalent’s, 24, Matrieu’s, 293

Salisbury Plain Flights, 49. Stream-line Bodies, 734

Touring Type, Bleriot, 935

Wright Glider, 502, Experiments with, 655 Axle, Castor, The B. and L., 159 Axles: Hedgeland, 427. M.A.B., 18E

B. Bacon-Phillips, Rev. J. P., 326

Baker, Mr. Walter C., 745

Balfour, Mr., 742

Ballachulish Ferry, Crossing, 1039

Ball Bearings: D.W.F., 595. Hoffmann, 660g. . Skefko, 594. Tormo, 602. Used in 1534, 1188 Ball Journal, Rhineland (R.M.C.), 660e Ballroom as a Showroom, 1059

Baltic, From the, to the Black Sea, 387

Barnett, Mr. Arthur. 914

Batteries: Edison, 1071, 1136. Siemens, 1066 Beaumont, Mr. W. Worby, 932

Belgium-France Frontier, Smugglers at, 1007 Belgium: German Trade wtih, 13. Touring in, 68 Berliet, M. Marius, Legion of Honour for, 502 Bell and Smart, Address of, 540

Belmont: Mr. and Mrs. August, 133; Mrs. O. H. P., 133

Belsize Developments, 452

Benevolent Fund, Motor and Cycle Trade, 452, 463 Benzol, 242

Bergougnan-Torrilhon Amalgamation, 1051

Berlin, Motors in, 152

Berridge, Sir Thomas Henry Devereux, 1014 Best-lighted Car on the Road, 277 Biarritz, Tourists’ Brakes at, 230 Bishop, Mr. Cortlandt Field, 247 Black Sea, From the Baltic to the, 387 Blyth, Lord, 18 Bodies, Enclosed, Designs of, 2 Body, Napier Torpedo Pullman, 318 Bolt Nut, Improved Security, 540 Bolts, Hunt, 13E Bolt Valve, Michelin, 660h

Book of the Siddeley-Deasy Car, 1175

Bopp, Count, 99

Bosch, Mr. Robert, Interview with, 929

Bournemouth, Business at, 714

Bowden Wire, 609

Boys, Professor C. Vernon, 1168

Bradford A.C. Annual Dinner, 901

Brake: Examination, 880. From Bridle to, 1112 SI. Lining, Agrippa, 1159; Raybestos, 605; Ther-moid, 612. Overhaul, 241. Position, The Question of, 847

Brakes: Front Wheel, 362; Discarded. 306. How to Use Your, 309

Brazil, Vulcanized Rubber from, 718

Bridges: Dangerous on Chester Road, 630. That Require Attention, 275

Brighton Beach, U.S.A., Track Racing at, 231 Brighton, Gymkhana at, 213

Bristol, Advertising Mirror Danger at, 838 Britain’s Answer to America, 252

British: Cars, 2E; In Canada, 990. Flag, Trade Under the, IE. Manufacturers and S. American Trade, 902

Brooklands : American Engineers Visit, 745. August Bank Holiday Meeting at, 21. Flying at, 24. June Meeting at, 582o. Makes Good, 657. New Records at, 901. October Meeting at, 254, 349. Records: At, 408; Arrol-Johnston, 505; Straker-Squire, 505. Regular Flying at, 658. Sunbeam Beats 12-hour Record at, 175. Vauxhall Car’s Records at, 901, 932

Buffer, Dunhill’s, 25, 596

Burgess, W. T., 210

Burrow’s R.A.C. Handbooks, 114

Business, Finance and, 19, 57, 96, 134, 173, 211, 249, 287, 327, 367, 405, 447, 502a, 583, 743, 781, 818a, 857, 895, 933, 971, 1009, 1047, 1096, 1131, 1169

Bus, Petrol-Electric, 814

Butler, S. M., Killed in Georgia, 502 Buxton, Accident at, 1046

Buyer, A Hint to Prospective, 800

c. Cables, E. K., 606

Calcutta, Aster Portable Generating Plant at, 901 Calendar: Daimler, 990. Robert Park and Co., 1059 Calthorpe Drivers for Grand Prix, 1095

Camera, Motoring with a, 1028 SI

Camping Motorcar, Colonel du Font’s, 255

Camshaft Drive, The, 627

Canada: Agitation About Speed Laws in, 876. British Cars in, 230, 99u. Growth of Motoring in Western, 863. Improving Roads in, 963. Motorcars and Real Estates in, 505. Our Trade with, 1032

Canadian: Business Prospects, 849. Event, A, 727. Touring, 759. Trade Opportunities, 631

Can Opener, Furnroc, 600

Cape Cart Hood: A Well-designed, 1095. Improving the, 1040

Capel, Car on Fire at, 114

Car : As a Civilizing Agent, 3E. As an Investment, 813. Best Time to Sell a, 959. Buying a, 1004. Careful and Examination of the, 881. Choosing a, 282. Cleaner, Middlesex, 660e. Clearance, 308. Clearing Bureau, 709. Derails Tramcar, 1076. Equipment, 18E. Faults of the Modern, 1000. Insurance, 880; Car and General. 710; Townend and Co., 748. Mart, 714. Noises, 46; How to Improve, 762 SI. On the Continent, 876 SI, 914 S3. Overhaul, 726. Purchasing a, 793. Raiser,. Nojak. 786. Testing in Paris, 1029. The New, 880. Turntable, Davis and Co., 709. Very Like a, 807. Washer, The Illuminated, 886 With Novel Features, 336. Well-lighted, 373 Caravan: Body by Cree, 1136. Car with Assaying Outfit. 808

Carbon: Deposit, 1075; How to Prevent, 924; Removal of, 960. Remover, Casso, 806. Chemico, 914

Carbonization and Knock, 1075

Carburetter: Controlling the, 119. New Paraffin and Alcohol, 1137

Carburetters: Bailey, 596. Brown and Barlow,

597. Claudel-Hobson, 588, 977. Garner, 708. G.C., 1137. H.P., 708. Ideal, 660d, 751.

Jaugey (Floatless), 526. J.M., 973. Longuemare, 612. Polyrhoe, 424, 707, 1091. Right-away, 612. Scott-Robinson, 660i. Solex, 18E, 706, 876, 1091. Stewart Precision, 611, 660i. S.U., 63, 592. T. and M„ 595. Vapor, 962. Welsh, 660c. White and Poppe, 452b, 597. Zenith, 460, 707, 712, 1139

Car Construction: Aberdonia, 322. Americaine, 417. Aquila, 430. Argyll, 490. Armstrong-Whitworth, 314. Arrol-Johnston, 434. Austin, 369

Bedford, 319. Belsize, 401. Benz, 160. Benz-Sbhne, 393. Brasier, 1119. B.S.A., 400.

Buchet. 532

Cadillac, 411. Cann, 106. Cheswold, 884. C.I.D., 438. Crossley, 496

Daimler, 397. Darracq, 1073. De Dion, 83, 368. De Dion-Bouton, 268. Delage, 276. Delaunay-Belleville, 1105

Enfield, 292b Fafnir, 353. Flanders, 45 G.N., 1103

Car Construction.—Continued.

Hispano-Suiza, 469. Hotchkiss, 238. Hudson, 202, 945. Hurtu, 529

Itala, 502b

Jackson, 498

K.R.I.T., 1094

Le Gui, 998. Leon Bollee, 918

Napier, 362a

Oryx, 842

Phosnix, 436

R.C.H., 843. Ronteix, 1160. Rover, 361 Schneider, 120. Sizaire-Naudin, 465. Sunbeam, 412

Thorn, 519

Valveless, 312. Vauxhall, 426. Vinot, 510a White Petrol, 1077. Wolseley, 359

Car Construction: Where Opinions Differ, 541 Cardiff, Aerophone Test at, 292b Carpenter, Dr. Boyd, 209

Carriage Section : Accessories, Disposition of, 296, 414, 1018. Alford and Alder Landaulet, 105. Aluminium for Motor Body Building, 1056. America, Business Prospects in, 1020. American Ideas, Some, 1181. American Motor-carriage Design, 1179. Angus, Sanderson and Co., 905. Austin Motor Co., 791, 981 Baggage, The Chauffeur and the, 219. Body, A Special Saloon, 518. Body Design: Progress in Car and, 1098; New, 260. Botwoods, Ltd., 869. Brasier Catalogue, 981. British Bodywork, Appreciation of, 518. Brown, Hughes and Strachan, 68; Two-seater by, 106. Bur-mah, Double-purpose Body for, 981

Cabriolet: By Pack and Son, 220; New Form of Sociable, 297. Caledonian Motor Carriage Co,, 518. Cann Bodywork on Minerva Chassis, 1098. Cann, Ltd., 106. Car Mart and Park Motor Co., 1180. Chauffeur and the Baggage, 219. Chinese Merchants, Motor Carriages for, 296. Cole and Sons, 220. Colonial Cars and Their Special Points, 1019. Competition, City Company of Coachmakers, 1019. Connaught Motor and Carriage Co., 519. Continental Motor-carriage Work, Types of, 1142. Coronation Type of Open Touring Car, 868. Cunard Motor and Carriage Factory, 1143

De Dion-Bouton Model, 1142. Delaunay-Belleville: Landaulet, 943; On D’leteren Coachwork, 869. Demand for Garage Cars, 906. Dennis Bros., 906. Design, A Novel, 868. Dodson, Christopher, 829. Double-purpose Body for Burmah, 981

Electromobile Co., 67. Error Explained, 943 German Interior Seat, 105. Glasgow, First Cunard Motor-carriage at, 1100. Green and Son, 906

Hamshaw, H. A., Leicester, 828. Helicoidal Valve Gearing, 984. Hertford Motor Hiring C., 68. Hooper and Co., 68, 144. Hood: A New “One-man,” 143; One Man, 1180. Horsepower, Chassis and Space for Coachwork, 790. Howes and Sons, 868

Impediments, Disposal of, in Car, 104. Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 68, 181. Interior Decorations. 827. Interior View, A, 1099

Jarrott, Ltd., 519. J. D. Siddeley Type Deasy ' Carriage, 1020. Job Carriage, The, 67

Lanchester: Fitting a, 1019; Motor Co., '1019. L’Hirondelle, 520. Light Open and Close Motor Carriage, 904. Limousine: A Special, 1099; Body, Alford and Alders, 377; De Luxe, 183. Lucas Engineering and Carriage Works, 905

Mann, Egerton and Co., 68. Maythorn and Son, 143. McNaught and Co., 474. Morgan and Co., 518, 588. Motor Carriage y and its Decoration, 789; Building and Standardization, 259; Building at Olympia, 584. Motorists, Brooks’ Seasonable Presents for, 984. Mul-liner and Co., 261, 473

N.E.C. Cars at Olympia, 473

Olympia: Finished Motor Carriage at, 474; Motor Carriage Building at, 584, 720; N.E.C. Cars at, 473; Offside Front Door at, 829; -Seating and Accommodation at, 789

Paintwork on Motor Carriages, The Care of, 472. Penman, A. C., 260. Petrol Famine, 261. Pocket Flap Fixing, A Secure, 943. Polytechnic Motor Carriage Building Classes, 1142. Prance Steam-line Car, 1057. Prices and .Workmanship in Finishing Motor Carriages, 942. Progress in Car and Body Design. 1098. Pullman on Vauxhall Chassis, 14)20

Rain Water for Motor Carriage Washing, 1180. Rajah, Daimler Car for a, 1056. Refining^ Touch, The, 828. Regent Carriage Co.’s Works, 105

Saloon Carriage: A Compact, 1180; A Magnificent, 519; An Opening, 1099. Seat Front Driving, 474. Show: Reflections, 752; The Past, 754 ; The Six-cylinder J.D. Siddeley-Deasy car, 1057. Sociable: By Mann, Egerton and Co., 260; Open and Closed, by Mulliners, 473. Some Interesting New Designs, 905. Spinet Limousine, The,' 297. Spring, a Progressive, 867. Suspension: Comfort Due to, 142; Of the Car, 376

Thorn, Ltd., 519. Torpedo Body, 520. Two-seated Bucket Car, 1057. Two-seater by Maudslay Co., 260

Upholstery Materials, 143

Vauxhall and Light Gar Body, 30. Vincent, William, 260, 829. Voice-conductor Fitting,

< Rotax Co., 144

Windover’s Catalogue, 943. Windscreen Fixing by Rotax Co., 144. Wolsdley Tool and Motor Car Co., 142. Work of the Year, 980

Carrington, Earl, 18

Cars : Aberdonia, 322, 540. Adams, 410, 506, 952, 990, 1072. Adler, 582m. Albion, 63, 455, 577, 1088a. Alldays and Onions, 507, 582k. Allweather, 721. Americaine, 417. Aquila, 430. Argyll, 152, 381, 452, 508, 582, 600. 1088a, 1188. Ariel, 669. Armstrong-Whitworth, 288, 314, 509, 566. '


A rrol-Johnston, 152 SI, 329, 434, 462, 502f, 504,

505, 582e, 582m, 597, 663, 1088e. Austin, 297, 369, 408, 507, 540, 570, 644, 661, 826, 1076, 1088a, 1112, 1157. Austrian-Daimler, 510, 569, 1090

Bayard, 661, 681. Bedford, 319, 386 S3, 1089. Bell,

506, 582k. Belsize, 401, 459, 461, 563, 582m, 990,

1089, 1136. Colonial, 13E. Benz, 160, 582b, 633, 661, 800 SI, 1066, 1089. Bonz-Sohne, 393, 700. Berliet, 509, 590, 1090. Bianchi, 661, 666. Brasier, 510, 668, 1119, 1174. Brenna, 386, 680. Briton, 458, 565, 661. Brown, 704. B.S.A.,

400, 506, 582f, 644, 990, 1136. Buchet, 532

Cadillac, 411, 575, 662. Calthorpe, 458, 677, 1066, 1089. Cameron, 699. Chalmers, 372b. Chambers, 697. Charron, 444, 455, 582n, 902, 952,

977. Chenard-Walcker, 461, 516, 678. Cheswold, 884. C.I.D., 438, 444. Clement, 459, 670, 1090, 1136. Cottin-Desgouttes, 509, 682, 1028, 1136. Crossley, 496, 574, 662, 1090. Crowdy, 455, 681. Cycline. 693

Daimler, 9, 397, 424 SI, 567, 662, 706, 1087. Darracq,

461, 559, 701, 1073, 1088. Deasy, 460, 572. De Dietrich, 292. De Dion, 83, 135, 294, 368, 453, 863, 876, 914, 1059, 1089, 1093. De Dion-Bouton, 192, 268, 582a, 838, 1114. Delage, 276, 444, 531, 579. 644, 1090. Delahaye, 463. 513, 582f, 588, 1090. Delaunay-Belleville, 460, 512, 662, 676, 1090, 1105. Dennis, 582j. Colonial, 458. De Tamble, 1090. D.F.P., 456, 566. Dodson, 458, 691, 1089

Elburn, 38. E.M.F., 419, 588, 1090, 1136. Enfield, 292b, 457, 589, 662. Everett, 931

Fafnir, 353, 462. 678, 825. Farewell, 1124. F.I.A.T., 390, 457, 489, 554, 581, 582o, 1008, 1090. F.L., 700. Flanders, 45, 98, 702, 1090. F.N., 695. Ford, 510, 673, 727, 1089

Germain, 460, 662, 682. Gladiator, 456, 589, 1090. G.N., 1103. Gobron, 506, 683. Gregoire, 452b, 523, 671, 1090. G.W.K., 699

Hillman, 704. Hispano-Suiza, 469. Hotchkiss, 238. 248, 297, 455, 484, 582n, 644, 662, 1090, 1136. Hudson, 202, 945. Humber, 328, 484, 580, 662, 1088a. Hupmobile, 582o, 939, 964, 1093. Hurtu,

462, 529, 667, 1059

Imperia, 684, 1139. Iris, 463, 680. Itala, 502b, 662, 667

Jackson, 498, 685. Jackson-Demon, 662. Jarrott, 696-

Krit, 701, 826, 864, 1094, 1136

La Buire, 458, 573, 663, 1089. Lagonda, 700. La Licorne, 336. Lancia, 456, 507, 663, 675. Lan-chester, 372b, 506, 582c, 663, 826, 1088. La Ponette, 977. Le Gui, 419, 535, 701, 998, 1089. Leon Bollee, 686, 918. Lion Peugeot, 663. Loreley, 713. Lorraine-Dietrich, 76, 176, 177, 457, 590, 750

Mann-Overtons, 508. Marlborough, 506. Marmon, 630. Martini, 456, 669, 1090. Mass, 455, 683. Maudslay, 406, 485, 507, 582j, 663, 1090. Maxwell, 451, 1136a. Maxwell-Mascot, 1188. Mercedes, 81,192 SI, 503, 588. 1088. Metallurgique, 456, 582h 701, 1089. Miesse, 701. Minerva,

1089. Mitchell, 139, 502h. 696, 1090, 1127. Mors, 444, 515, 696, 713. JMotobloc, 540, 663, 684.

M. S.L., 692

Napier, 294, 362a, 363. 410. 506, 582a, 633, 1014, 1081, 1089, 1176. National, 630. Naudin, 568.

N. E.C., 459, 686. Niclausse, 687. N.S.U., 698 Opel, 455, 688. Oryx, 460, 579, 842, 1136. Overland, 459, 582j, 1136

Page, 1127. Palladium, 702. 1112. Panhard, 88, 444, 458, 556, 663, 1090. Panhard-Knight, 372. Patterson, 727. Peugeot, 456. 663, 665. Phanomobile, 507, 689. Phcenix, 293, 436, 456, 575, 588, 990 SI. Piccard-Pictet, 461, 663, 675. Pilain, 461, 664, 674. Pilot. 459, 690

R. C.H., 843. 1090. Renault, 247, 444, 461, 666,

1088a. Reo, 727. Riley, 329. 506, 582g. R.M.C., 508, 670, 1090. Rolls-Royce, 31, 294, 311, 459, 582c, 664, 1088a. Ronteix, 1160. Rothwell, 460, 690. Rover, 124, 273, 306 SI, 361, 461, 577, 10ou

S. C.A.R., 754a, 1166. S.C.A.T., 463, 582d, 664,

1090. Schneider, 120, 306, 703, 1076. Sheffield-Simplex, 212, 294, 460, 664, 674, 750, 1072. Siddeley-Deasy, 268, 1088. 1175. Silver Ghost, 940. Singer, 290, 457, 582g, 664, 1089, 1188. Sirron, 703. Sizaire, 463, 568, 787. Sizaire-Naudin, 465, 664. S.P.A., 457, 692. SpringueT, 254, 694, 1139. Spyker, 460, 664, 671. Standard,

462, 679. Stanley. 688. Stanley Steamer, 452b,

463. Star, 460, 485, 561, 664, 1090, 1136. Stod-dart, 451. Stoewer, 681. Straker-Squire, 459, 505, 677, 1090. Sunbeam, 175, 306, 358, 410, 412, 424, 459, 485, 571, 582m, 664, 990, 1089. Swift, 214, 297. 462, 582d, 664, 1090

Talbot, 292b, 320, 372, 453, 510, 578, 1011, 1088a. Thornycroft, 463, 686. Turicum, 664, 690. Turner, 509, 692'

U.I.M., 700. Unic, 564, 664

Valveless, 312. Vauxhall, 174, 251, 334, 426, 485, 507, 576, 664, 932, 1008, 1089. Vermorel, 698. Vinot, 508, 510a, 582m, 1090. Vivinus, 703. Vulcan, 230, 508, 534, 558. 664, 1089

Warren, 694. Waverley, 506. 664, 688. White, 582f, 1090. White Petrol, 399, 463, 1077. White Steam, 268. Whiting, 1053. Withers, 507, 689. Wolseley, 320, 359, 485, 555, 664, 826, 914, 1088 Zebra, 664, 691, 1136. Zedel, 247, 457, 664, 685.

Zust, 430

Cars: Are Modern, Too Low? 275. Classified According to Price, 14E. For Export, 13E. Other Well-lighted, 334. Safe Transport of, 4E

Casso, 1028 S3

Castor Axle, B. and L., 159

Castor Oil as Lubricant, 428, 502f, 521

Chain, Drive, White and Poppe, 515. Link Problem, 976, 1052

Chains: Coventry, 599. Renold, 461, 593 Chains, The Problem of Joining, 976, 1052 Champs Elysees, Motor Depots in the, 119 Char-a-bancs Accident on Long Close Bank, 139;

Lesson of, 241

Chassis : Aberdonia, 587. Adler, 518, 588. Albion,

661. Argyll, 1099. Ariel, 585, 661. Armstrong-Whitworth, 661, 905. Arrol- Johnston, 485. Austin, 260, 586. Austrian-Daimler, 374


Baguley, 661. Bell, 661. Belsize, 661. Benz, 584, 585, 721. Berliet, 721, 1112. B.S.A., 400, 483,

662. Buchet, 1057

Calthorpe, 662. Cann, 585. Charron, 720, 917. Clement-Talbot, 584. Crossley, 585

Daimler, 397, 473, 1056. Darracq, 662. Deasy, 484, 662, 1057. De Dion, 587, 662, 981. De Dion-Bouton, 585. Delahaye, 662. Delaunay-Belleville, 585, 587, 723, 869, 943, 1099

Excelsior, 787

F. I.A.T., 371, 662, 722

G. N., 1103

Halley, 1136. Humber, 328

Iris, 662. Itala, 662

La Licorne, 336. Lancia, 143, 519, 586. Lion Peugeot, 663

Maudslay, 260, 586, 663. Mercedes, 220, 586, 587, 723. Metallurgique, 585. 720, 723, 724, 1180. Minerva, 297, 586, 1098. Motobloc, 663

Nagant, 1139. Napier, 32, 722, 869, 1100. Napier-Colonia, 585. Naudin, 520. N.E.C., 473 Panhard, 485, 585. Pipe, 1139

Renault, 260, 502g, 518. 587, 712, 723, 828, 905. 1100. Rolls-Royce,'32, 144, 474, 519, 586, 722, 742, 905

Schneider, 120. Sheffield-Simplex, 520, 712. Siddeley-Deasy, 721. Silent Knight Panhard, 260. Singer. 720. Sizaire, 520. S.M. Car Syndicate, 289. S.P.A., 943. Spyker, 485, 721. Standard, 869. Sunbeam, 358. Swift, 826

Unic, 519

Vauxhall, 473, 585, 586, 720. Vinot, 587. Vulcan, 486

Wolseley, 142, 183, 220, 320.’ 585, 588, 722, 868

Chauffeur: The Imperfect, 1188 S3; The Perfect, 1150 SI

Chauffeurs: and the Insurance Bill, 787. Clandestine, Trips, 1112 S3. Position in Car, 12 Chavasse, Dr., 210. Sir Thomas, 210 Cheeryble Bros., 230

Chemical Decarbonizer, 1076

Chicago, Horse and Motor in, 452b

Chicken and Dog Episodes, 275

Chiltern Hills, Round the Foot of the, 192 SI Cigar Lighter, 599; Vandervell’s Electric, 333 Circulation Water, Temperature of, 952 S2 City Car Exchange, 386

Clarkson, Mr. Coker F., 745, 1007

Cleaning, A Car, 78. Cloth, Dumolite, 710

Clerk, Mr. Dugald, 932

Clincher Tyres, Address of, 1001

Clip, L.A.P., 370

Clocks: Asco, 660i. B.K., 660i. Boston and Royal,

598. Bransom, 660i. Newhaven, 600, 710. Phinney Walker, 1188

Cloth, Omne Tempus, 660i

Clothes and the Motor, 1150

Clothing: C. Baker and Co., 709. Dunlop, 605. Kerry, 660j

Club, Overheard at the, 234, 306 S5, 433, 527, 914 S4 Clubs : Auto C. of America, 'Annual Dinner of, 817.

Auto. C. of Belgium, President Elected, 856. Auto. C. of Switzerland, Alps Hill-climbing Test of, 1046

Berkshire A. and A.C., 251. Bradford A.C., Annual Dinner of, 901; Hill-climb of, 254

Coventry and Warwickshire M.C. and Dangerous Corners, 941; Hill-climb, 292b; Results of, 330 Edinburgh M.C., 63. Essex M.C. Dinner, 1095;

Gymkhana, 137; Hill-climb, 177

Herefordshire A.C., 114. Herts County A.C., 25.

Huddersfield A.C. Hill-climb, 254

Kent A.C., 330; Appeal from Secretary of, 285 Leicestershire A.C. Annual General Meeting of, 1114; Gymkhana, 138; Hill-climb, 178. Leicestershire and Derby A.C., 218a. Lincolnshire A.C. and Police Protection, 452b

Manchester M.C.: Gymkhana, 178; Hill-climb, 254, Winner of, 288, Objection to, 288. Maryland A.C., 881. Middlesex County A.C.: Dinner, 825; Speed-judging Competition, 216. Motor C. House Dinner, 502g, 751, 939. Motor Cycling C. Annual Winter Trial, 1011

Newcastle and District M.C. Supper, 1004. North. Stafford A.C., 218a. North Wales zk.C. Gymkhana, 138. Nottinghamshire A.C., 218a

Royal Aero C. Dinner, 938a. Royal Auto C. of Belgium Standard Car Race, 890

Scottish Auto C.: 62, 114, 620, 1066; Hillclimb, 292a. Sheffield and District A.C. Dinner, 787. Sussex Motor Yacht C. Hill-climb, 452a. Sutton Coldfield A.C., Library Formed at, 939

Transvaal A.C. Petrol Consumption Trial, 1011 West Surrey A.C. and Reckless Driving, 1174.

Winnipeg Motorcycle C. Trial, 372b

Yorkshire A.C., 114; Against Trapping, 1167;

Hill-climb at Pateley Bridge, 136

Clutch: M.A.B., 18E. An Uncommon Design of, 83. Lining, Agrippa, 1159

C.M.U.A.: And Speedometers, 62. Sixth Annual Parade, 62. Traffic Direction Plates, 513 Coachwoek: Alford and Alder, 377, 587, 943.

Angus, Sanderson and Co., 905. Argyll, 1099.

Barker 'and Co., 722. Botwoods, 869. Brainsby and Sons, 721. Brown, Hughes and Strachan, 8, 587

Caledonian Motor Carriage Co., 518. Cann, 1098. Charlesworth, 720. Cockshoot and Co.. 723. Cole and Sons, 220, 584. Connaught Motor and Carriage Co., 519. 720. Cree, 1136. Cunard Motor and Carriage Co., 1100

Daimler Motor Co., 660d. Deasy Co., 1020. Dennis Bros., 906. D’leteren Freres, 512, 723, 869

Eastjier, 588

Ferguson, 31. F.I.A.T., 721

Gaal and Co., 828. Green and Son, 906, 943

Hamshaw, 828. Harris and Others, 372, 712. Hely and Co., 614. Hill and Boll, 720, 1180. Holmes and Co., 1099. Hooper and Co.. 144, 720. Hora, 585. Howes and Sons, 868. Hyde Park Motor Co., 520, 712

Jarrott, 519

Coach work.—Continued.

Lamplugh, 720. Lawton and Co., 723, 1057. Lucas, 905

Mann, Egerton and Co., 32, 260, 474, 981. Masui, Capt. Theo, 371, 868. Maudslay, 260. Maythorn and Son, 143, 721. McNaught and Co., 474, 584. Morgan and Co., 518, 588. Mulliner and Co., 261, 473, 1020

Pack and Son, 220. Parsons and Sons, 1136. Penman, A. C., 260, 722. Pingret, Guion and Breteau, 720. Prance, 1057

Regent Carriage Co., 502g. Rothschild, 1099 Salmon and Sons, 489, 721. Smith and Sons, 297. Southsea Automobile Co., 336

Thomas and Co., 289. Thorn, Ltd., 519, 586. Thrupp and Maberly, 586

Van den Plas, 724. Vauxhall, 1020. Vincent, William, 260

Wimbush and Co., 1112. Windham Motor Body Co., 520, 585, 1056. Windovers, 519, 585. Wolseley, 142, 183

Coast Road, Grandest 10 Miles of, 250

Coats: All-Weather, 707. Coverall, 749. Piggott’s Adaptable, 939. Slip-on, 660i. Three Service, 706

Coffin, Mr. Howard E., 1122

Colonial: Car Construction, 42. Cars and Their Special Points, 1019. Motor Carriage, The, 888. Type Chassis, Charron, 917

Colonials, Cars for, 714 Colonies: Car Clearance for the, 308. De Dion Cars in the, 863

Commercial Motor Activity, 180

Commissions for Abroad, 13E

Competition, Park Trophy in South Africa, 38 Connaught, Duke of, at Montreal, 1008

Consulting Engineers: Barrett Summers and Co., 914. Markham and Prance, 452

Continental: Road Reports, 990. Touring Boom, 101

Continent, Car on the, 876 SI, 914 S3 Controller Switch, Van Raden, 599 Corrieyairack Pass, In, 800 SI

Cost of Motoring. 770, 826; French View of the, 846 Cost of Running Small Car, 273

Coventry and Warwickshire M.C. and Dangerous Corners, 944

Coventry: Population, Increase of, 1045. Unionist Candidate for, 452

Cover, Moseley, 595

Crankshaft Vibration and Its Cure, 993

Crossley: Cars for 1912. 496. Changes, 370. Mr. R., 329

Cunliffe, Mr. Whit, Strange Plight of, 230 Cups: Du Pre Challenge, 218a. Florio, 630. German Emperor’s, 386

Cut-outs: Clair, 706. Fregas, 592. Gauthier, 660h. Orno, 610. Local Government Board and, 786 Cycle and Motor Trades’ Benevolent Fund, 152, 939 Cycle Racing, Motorcars Used by Followers of, 194 Cyclists: And Reflex Lights, 26. Hanging on Motorcars, 20

Cylinder: Cooling, Novel Theory in, 122. How the Bore is’Ground True, 1136a. Paint, Ebonall, 644

Cylinders, Laystall Hydraulic Test for, 218a

D. Daimler: Motor Engineering Scholarships, 76. Works, Doctors’ Visit to, 11

Darracq, M., Not Retiring, 437

Darracqs, Mr. G. R. Garrard and, 499

Data and Formula, 976

Dawn of Reason, More Evidence of the, 938 Day with the 7000-mile De Dietrich, 292 Decarbonizers: Shipper’s, 876. Walters. 1081 Decarbonization by Oxy gen-Acetylene, 711 Decennary of the N.A.G., HT2 De Dion-Bouton Dance, 1094

Delhi Durbar: Catalogue, Brooks, 424. F.I.A.T.’s and the, 372a. Motoring to the, 306. Rolls-Royce Cars for the, 311

" Delhi,” S.S., De Dion-Bouton Cars Lost on the, 1114

Delmenhorster Wagenfabrik Carl Tonjes, 403 Depreciation, What is, 813

Derbyshire Peak, Encircling the, 314 Despatch Riders, Motorcyclist, 20 Deviation Signals, 995 De Walden, Lord Howard, 95 Diary: Motor Cycling, 800. Stern Sonneborn Oil Co., 1066

Dictionary of Accessories, 21E

Die Casting Machine, Hoyt’s, 6601 Diesel Motors for Road Work, 956 Differential, The, and Side-slip, 427 Directory: Of Accessory Makers and Factors, 19E.

Of Motor Manufacturers, Concessionnaires and Agents, 9E

Disappointment, A, 762 S3 Doctor’s Friendly Act, 292 Doctors Visit Daimler Works, 11 Dogs and Motorists, 824, 849 Donaldson, Mr. H. F., 745 Draughts, Screen-produced, 1171 Drive Near Left Kerb, 513 Driver, The Danger of Interference with the, 1066 S3

Driving: Certificates, R.A.C., 26. Experiences, Practical, 954

Driving Notes: Accidental Incidents, 279. Amateur, the, Away from Home, 1165. Brakes, Need for Well-adjusted, 1116. Cooling System Defective, Thought the, 280. Doctor Who Objects to Draughts, 840. Dozing at the Wheel, 831. Driving, Divers Kinds of, 830. Experience, An Unenviable, 877. Fog, Man and Cart in the, 1116. Generator, Silencing a Rocking-grate, 1116. Headlights, Swivelling, The Law and, 878. Lubrication Problems, 391. Moment’s, Disconcerting, 1116. Moral of the Tale, 831. Night Driving, Some Remarks on, 1115. Oil Lamps, Faulty, 1042. Owner-Driver: And Chauffeur Contrasted, 1165; as Car Killer, 830. Plug Changed Once in 3500 Miles, 280, Ports-

Driving Notes.—Continued.

down Hill, Incident at, 321. Rear Brakes, 279. Rust Fiend, Fighting the, 1042. Screens and Hoods, Relative Widths of, 840. Shock Absorbers in Action, 996. Speed Deception, 1115. Steering Gear, The Need for Inspecting the, 1042. Temperature, Changes of, 1115, Tyres, Use of Larger, 391. Vow, A Rash, Carried Out, 1165. Warning Signs at Bridge Approaches, 997. What is Wanted, 840. What to Do When Forced Lubrication Fails, 792. Wheels, Removal of Back, 321. Windscreen Discomforts, 840

Dual Control, Car with, 12

Dublin Speed Limit, 98

Dudswell, Dangerous Corner at, 824

Dunhill Catalogue, 76

Duralumin, 660g

D’Ur sei, Due, 856

Dust: From Front Wheels, 718. Trouble in Munich, 183

Dynamos: Bleriot, 593, 615. C.A.V., 599, 616. En Route, 787, 1136a. H. B. Brooks, 750. King of the Road, 598. Leitner, 660Z. Lodge, 616, Lucas, 618. Magician, 614. Oldfield Dependence, 660Z. Peto and Radford, 617. Polkey-Jarrott, 660k. Seabrook, 660Z. Smith and Sons, 618. Thomson-Houston, 618. Trier and Martin, 617

E. Economy of the Motor, 80

Edge. Mr. S. F., Leaves for S. Africa, 1086 Edinburgh M.C. and Car Trials, 63

Editorial : A.A. and M.U.: Dinner, Mr. Joynson-Hicks’s Speech at, 816: Road Scout, 817. Accidents: Some Recent, 285; The Coincidence of, 171. America, Britain's Answer to, 247. Appeal to Certain Motorists, An, 285. Atmosphere, The Motor and the, 778. Autumn Tints, 501. Auxiliary, The Motor as, 131

Brands, Many, 208. Britain’s Answer to America, 247. Building for Time, 17

Car, Why the Old, is Replaced by New, 968. Cars: Do Not “Wear Out,’’ 1006; State Subsidies for, 325. Chain Drive, The Ren-naissance of the, 365. Christmas on the Road, 930. Club-appointed Motor Police, 931. Clutch and Brake Work on Hills, 815. Collisions Between Cars, 364. Compression, Variable, 132. Constable, A Sensible Chief, 779. Cut-out: The Use of the, 930; To be Prohibited, 1166

Danger Spots, 854. Details, Small, that Matter, 131. Driver, Baneful Influence of the Unmechanical, 285

Efficiency, The Economy of. 285. Energy, Utilizing Waste, 1084b. Engine: Air-cooled, Application of the, 1044; Knocking, What Causes, 1007

Fog, Lighting in, 891. Footpaths for Pedestrians, 94. France and the Show Question, 364. French Views, Mistaken, 740. Friction Drive, The, 94

Gearing a Car Correctly, The Importance of, 891. Grand Palais, Annual Show at, 815. Grease, Diagnosing, 549

Hand, The Uplifted, 1043. Harsh Running, Theory of Cause of, 968. Heat and Rubber Tyres, 93. Historical Vehicles, The Motor Collection of, 1128. Horse-power Regulation, Inquiry into, 931. Horses and Tarred Roads, 815. Hotel: Garages, 1084b; Reform at Last, 403

Inquiry into Horse-power Regulations, 931. Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, Meeting of, 172. Insurance, Motorcar, 1044. International: Touring Courtesies, 1006; Trade, Our, 1128. Inter-town Contests, 131 Judge Parry’s Opinion Defective, 94 Legislation, Motorcar, No General, this Year, 1006. Lighting in Fog, 891

Magneto, Is it Final? 778. Melbourne’s Import Duties, Increase in. 892. Metal: And the Motorcar, 500; Fittings of a Car, Protecting the, 854. Motorcar Legislation this Year, No General, 1006. Motor: As an Auxiliary, 131; Industry, Enormous Scope for Expansion of, 968: Police. Club-appointed, 931. Motoring, Why is, Not Cheaper? 969. Motorists on Their Honour, 208. Museum, The Motor, 1128, 1166

Olymnia, 500; A Complaint of, 741: A New, 549;

Mistaken French Views on, 740

Paris Show for 1912. 445. Pedestrians, Proper Footpaths for, 94. Petrol: Consumption. Variation in, 132; Storage, Strikes and. 56; Supplies, 779; Supply, The Country’s 93; The Storage of. in Cities', 741. Point for Reply, A, 208. Police: Commissioner’s Circular, 208; Motors in the Service of the, 445. Progress, How, is Achieved, 740.

R.A.C. Plus A.A. ? 549- Repairers and Technical Training. 892. Road: Board and the Taxes. 445; Christmas on the, 930: Proposed Special Motor. 1084b; Scout, As a Member Producer, 817; Tarring of the. 56: Unlighted Vehicles on the, 209. Roads: Cross-ridging of, 325; Superior Traffic, Indication of. 1043: Tarred. Horses and, 815; In Winter, 500. Roadside Advertisement, A Substitute for, 247. Rubber, Science and, 403. Running Board Boxes, 93

Scheme, A Splendid, 1166. Science. The Wonders of, 403. Scottish Trial, Proposal to Revive. 968. Self-starter, Standardization of the, 403. Show: No British for 1912, 854: Of Surpassing Interest, 500; Problem and France, 815. Silencer Tests, 930. Speech, A Fighting, at A.A. and M.U. Dinner, 816. .J, Speeches, Fighting, at Club and Trade Din-ners, 740. Sport, The Revival of Motor. 55.i»| Standards, Central, and Their Removal, 1044 State Subsidies for Cars, 325. Strikes and‘\

Editori a l.—Continued.

Petrol Storage, 56. Switchback Track for Motorists, 1084b

Tarring the Road, 56. Taxation, Simplifying, 445. Taxes, Road Board and the, 445. Thefts from Motorcars, 1128. Theory ol Cause of Harsh Running, 968. Time, Building for, 17. Tool Kits, 325. Touring: Courtesies, International, 1006: Motorcar, Abroad, 1166. Trade, Our International, 1128. Traffic Roads, Indication of Superior, 1043. Tram-cars, The Obstruction of the, 1044. Trial, Scottish, Proposal to Revive, 968. Turbine, The Internal-Combustion^ 891. Tyre Expenses, The Reduction of, 17. Tyres, Heat and Rubber, 93

Valves and Valve Gear, Development of, 500. Variable Compression, 132. Variation in Petrol Consumption, 132. Vehicles, Unlighted, on the Road, 209. Views, Mistaken French, 740

Wheels, Look to Your, 55. Wiliness or What? 1085. Winter: How to Start Up in,'1085; Tarred Roads in, 500. World’s Motor Show, 656. Warm Drive, An Abandonment of, 365 Electrical: Equipment, 540. Measuring Instruments, Plutte, Schule and Co., 8

Electric: Inspection Lamp, New Portable, 990. Light Controller, Van Raden, 543, 599; V.R., 914. Lighting Set, Lodge, 452b. Starters, 1078. Vehicle Campaign, 1001

Electricity on the Car, 544

Electro-Plating in Automobile Work, 902 Elgin, U.S.A., Grand Stand Collapses at, 235 Empire Trade and Finance, 1028 Enamel, Eggshell, 660f Enemies, Lurking, 1032

Engine: Design, Rating Rules and, 940. Dimensions, 629. Knock, 1158: What is the Cause of, 1005. Lubrication, “ Inter-Lube ” for, 480 Engine Starting Devices: A.A., 1154. American, 1153. Amplex, 1124. 1152. Aplco, 1155. Cadillac, Electric, 233. Christensen, 454, 710. Crescent, 1153. Delco, 1155. Disco, 1153. Gardner, 415, 1154, 1155. Instantaneous, 1154,. Janney-Steinmetz, 1152. Prest-0 Starter, 1093, 1154. Regan, 1155. Rightaway, 511. Star, 1155. Victor, 1154. Wilson, 1152. Winton, 1124

Engine: Test for Vibration. 278. The Four-stroke, 268 SI. Timing of the, 881

Engineers, Consulting. Markham and Prance, 712 Engines: Adams. 482. 661. Albion, 455, 482. Argyll, 482, 490, 661, 826; And Knight Patents, 650; Sleevervalve, 452. Ariel, 482. Armstrong-Whitworth, 482. Aster, 604, 660d. Belsize, 483. Briton, 483. C.I.D., 438. Coventry-Simplex, 709. Crossley, 483. Daimler, 483, 662. Darracq, 484: Valveless, 452a. De Dion, 484. Delahaye, 278. Delaunay-Belleville, 484. Diesel, 956. Enfield, 484. French Rotary Valve. 438. Holmes, 409. Hum-phris, 660h. Itala, 484. 662. New Doubleacting, 409. Piccard-Pictet, 485. Quidarre’s, M., 122. Ransom. 90. Silent-Knight, 662.

T.A.B., 660b. Turbine, Tesla’s, 440. White and Poppe, 597; Two-cycle, 502f; Lecture on, 762

England’s Petrol Trade During 1911, 1097 Environment. Our Narrow, 626 Equipment Included, 886

Estcourt, Mr. E., Death of, 453

Event and Comment, 14, 52. 91, 127, 165, 206, 243, 326, 366; 403. 446, 501. 741. 779. 817, 855, 893, 931, 969, 1007, 1045. 1085, 1129, 1167

Evidence, Concerning, 952

Excelsior Concessions, Ltd., Change of Title, 261 Exhaust Car Heater, Thomson-Bennett, 612 Exhibition: Of Engineering and Scientific Models, 424. Of Patents, 213

Export Bureau at Detroit, 631

F. Fan for Top Hat. 970

Faraday House, 1081

Faults in Modern Car’s, 953, 1000

F.I.A.T. Works. 442

Field, The Shorn, 838 SI

Fire: Cars Destroyed by, 63. Engines, Motor, ,£140.000 for, 86; The Petrol Tax and, 1039. Extincteur, Petrolex, 1015. Extinguisher, Victor, 660i. At Morgan and Co.'s, 31. Opel Works, 139

Firm, A Recommended, 751

Fitments, Two New Car, 282

Fittings, Brooks and Co.. 378

Flintshire County Council and Licences, 248

Flush-sided Open Car, 2

Footpaths, Screened, 64

Forest of Dean, Largest Oak in, 424 S4

Forgings, Brett, 713

Formulae, Motor Tour, 955

Fox, Mr. R. S., 424

France: A.A. and M.U Trace Stolen Car in, 268. Alarmed at English Progress, 811. Austin Cars in, 1157. Losing Ground, 444b. Military Aeroplane Competition in, 731. Motor Thieves in, 515. New Road in, 743. Next Year’s Races in, 360. On the Show, 656. Reliability Trials for, 375. Road Racing in, 448. Rudge-Whitworth Wheels in. 952 S3. Touring Club of, and Hotels, 317. Wire Wheels in, 139

French: Aero Show. Quickly and Cheaply to. 902 Cars, New, 444. Car Testing, 1029. Grand Prix, German Boycott of. 893. Hotels, 340. Industry, 1157. Motor Census. 862. Poacher Uses Motorcar. 139. Reliability Trials, 413. Rule of the Road. 286. Taxation, English Motorists and, 135. View of the Cost of jS Motoring. 846

^Friction: Gear Efficiency, 44. Gear, Forest, 852 n|l Frontier. Over the, 624

Frost, Effect of. on Tarred Roads, 862

Ml Fuels, Alternative, 192

■/Funnels, No Shammy, 644

G. Gaillon Hill-climb Results, 356

Garage : Air Compressor, Burnerd, 876. A New West End, 1112. Facilities at Manchester, 1028. Lamp, Notron, 609. Regulations in New York, 729. Soap, Dobson’s, 1150. Station at Golder’s Green, 480. Stove: .Barrow, 1150; Norton, 1127. To and From the, 540

Garages: Electromobile Co.’s, 978. Storero, Turin, 430. W. and G., 269

Gas Furnace, Rapid, 660i

Gearbox, The, 880

Gear: Changing, 880. Cutters, Wrigley, 976: Heli-coidal, on Spyker Car, 844. Ratios, Gearing and, 882. System, The Sliding Change, 1002 Gears: Humphris, 660h. Lentz, 734

Generators: A.L., 611. Autoclipse, 1156. Roslee 13E. Turnover, 600. Willocq-Bottin, 604

German: Auto League, 970. Cars and Japanese Customs Duties, 192. Firms Boycott Grand Prix, 897. International Trade, 754b. Motor Industry. 884. Museum, Munich, 1174. Trade with Belgium, 13

Germany: International Run in, 777. Law on Hooters in, 192. Motor Taxation Bill in, 644. Mud Splashing in, Chauffeur Fined for, 216, 1129. Strange “ Law " in, 58

Gibb, Sir G.. on Road Width. 1175 Gibson-Carmichael, Sir T., 1168 Glamorganshire C.C., Action Against, 1051 Glasgow: Exciting Sideslip at, 288. Show of 1912, 58 Glass on Roads, 251

Glidden Tour, 474, 502, 730. Official Results, 777.

Trophy, 588

Gloves: Asbestol, 424. Eisendrath Glove Co., 502h Gobron, M., Death of, 321

Godaiming: And Motorists, 901. Speed Limit, 938a, 970

Goschen, Lord, 172. Accident to, 292a

Gotch, Frank, as Motor Agent, 780

Government Returns and Motor Industry, 903 Gradients, Leaving Cars, on, 424 S2 .Grahame-White, Mr. C., Interview with, 754a Grampian Road, Improvement of the, 58

Grand Prix, 938. Boycott of. 897. British Entries for, 1007. Calthorpe Drivers for, 1095. Entries, 1014. Fate of the, 927. First Entries for, 748. New Year’s. 496b. Sir David Salomon’s Views on, 1137

Grants to Highway Authorities, 331

Grease ^Dissolver, Quix, 607. Plunger, Royalty, Grierson, Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. M., 133 Grinding Machinery, Acer, 711 Growth of Motor Trade, 514

Gymkhanas: Essex M.C.’s, 137. Herefordshire A.C.’s, 114. Leicester M.C.’s, 138. Manchester M.C.’s, 178. North Wales A.C.’s, 138. Sparsholt Manor, 58. Sussex Motor Yacht Club’s, 174, 213

H. Hand Searchlight, Lodge, 922

Harrods for Cars and Equipment, 386

Harrogate, Speed Limit at, 780

Haulage Work, The Motor for, 633 Heather. A Dream of Purple, 152 SI Heath Fires, 62

Heat Wave, Lessons from the, 3 Hedges, Overhanging, 280, 348 Herefordshire A.C.’s Gymkhana, 114 Hewlett, Mrs. Maurice, 133

Hicks, Mr. W. Joynson, M.P., 932

Highway. A New, 907

Hill-climbing, Napier Car, 1014, 1176

Hill-climb : Australian. Lanchester Cars Win, 826. Bradford A.C.’s, 254. Caerphill. 453. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.’s, 292b; Results of. 330; Riley Car in, 329. Essex M.C.’s, at Chinnor Hill, 177. Gaillon, 332; Results of, 356. Huddersfield A.C.’s, 254. Leicester A.C.’s, 178. Manchester M.C.’s, 254; Objections to, 288; Winner of, 288. R.A.C. of Victoria, 826. Scottish A.C.’s, 292a. Sussex Motor Yacht C.’s. 452a. Transvaal A.C.’s, at Johannesburg, 174. Victoria R.A.C.’s, 826. Yorks A.C.’s, at Pateley Bridge, 136

Hiring Work. Electromobile Co.’s, 978 Hoare, Mr. E. Brodie. 95

Holyhead Road; Condition of, 372. R.I.A. and the, 250

Homes, Do Motorists Neglect their, 273

Honister Pass: Ascent of, by Daimler Car, 424 SI. Climbing, 452b

Hood: Cloth, Kamac, 711. Covering, 13E. Kamac, 540

Hoods: Capital, 707. County, 714. Kopalapso, 594, 660d, 720. Paragon, 370

Hopkinson, Professor Bertram, 932

Horns: Acme, 594. Aspero, 605. Autobruit, 644. Autochime, 596. Autovox, 712. Bleriophone, 593, 660j. Boa Constrictor, 660i. Clair, 255, 706. Echo, 602, 1066. Escargot, 592. Gabriel, 605. Godin, 605. Howes and Burley, 660i. Jericho, 660j, 952. Jubilee, 952. Klaxon, 552, 599, 600, 605, 660f, 711, 825. Klaxumi, 595. Lucas, 598. Mira, 602. Resonant, 612. Rotax Clarionette, 591. Sireno, 598. Wagner, 595

Horse: And Foot League, 404. v. Motor in Chicago, -452b

Hotel: Question, The, 317. Reform, A.A. and M.U., 416

Hotels: Irish, 97. Our, 295

Hub. Hoffmann, 660g

Humber’s Three Wins in Tasmania, 76 Humour, Motor, 1068

Hurstall Lane, Coventry, Widening, 1045 Hurtu for 1912, 529

Hydraulic Test for Cylinders, Laystall, 218a

I Ignition, New Text Book on, 348 Imports and Exports, 372

Improvement, A Suggested, 1000 Inconsistency Somewhere, 525 Increased Power, 101 _

India: Motoring in, 990 SI, 1046. Spare Parts in, 504. Wolseley for Viceroy of, 551

Industry, Our Growing, 514

Inflator, Parsons Sparklet, 282

Information Bureau : Accelerator, 538. Accumulator: Repair to an, 423; Storing an, 1149. Alcohol, Denatured, in Circulation System, 950. Anti-Freezing Mixture, 988. Axle: A Bent, 229; Strained Front, 950 Backfire, Cause of, 951. Ball: A Broken, 478;

Bearing, Adapting a, 875. Batteries, Testing, 1187. Battery, Testing a Dry, 112. Bearing Adjustment, 1063. Bearings, Rear Axle,

1186. Benzol, Using, 229. Brake Adjustment, 989. Brakes: Overheated, 267; Use of, 913. Brasswork: Blackening of, 539; Corrosion of, 989; Treatment of, 1111. Bronze Bearings, 74

Carbonization, 836. Carbon Lamps, 266. Car-buration: And Water Overheating, 305: Or Magneto Weak, 798. Carburetter: Blowback into, 875; Faulty Vibration and, 875; Fires, Cause of, 875; Flooding, 836, 989; Needs Attention, 643; New, 798; Trouble, 1111. Car: Changes and Registration, 1065; Lighting, Electric, 1026; Painting a, 761; Requires Overhauling, 191; Storage, 228. Cardan Shaft Drive for Speedometer, 75. Cause of Clanking Noise, 112. Circulation: Pump, 37; System, Denatured Alcohol in, 950. Clutch: Adapting a Metal, 305; Defective Metal, 113; Dressing a, 950; Grating Noise in, 75; Spinning a, 538; Trouble, 422; Wear in Direct Drive, 1111. Coil: A Damaged, 36; And Magneto, Variable Timing of, 1027; A Short-circuited, 951; New, Advisable, 422; Starting Easier on the, 190. Compression: Effect of Weak, 305; Flooding or Loss of, 1186; Testing and Firing, 1186. Cone Clutch, Grating Noise from, 836. Connecting Rods, Breakage of, 837. Connections, Wrong, 151. Contact Breaker Trouble, 479. Contacts: Defective, 989; Blackening of, 229. Crankcase: A Hot, 989; Explosion, Leakage into, 304; Oil Leak in, 75. Crankshaft, Repairing Broken, 539. Crank System, Converting the, 1064. Cut-out, Fitting a, 423. Cylinder: Capacity, 643; Head Boring Fallacy, 836; Internal Caliper for, 760; Restoring a Scored, 837; Scored, 229; Water in, 1187. Cylinders: Carbonizing of, 267; Effect of Paraffin in, 112 ; Lubrication, Excessive, 190; Requires Cleaning, 422

Dashboard Lighting, 836. Decarbonizers, 539. Decarbonizing, etc., 1064. Driving Wheel Untrue, 836. Dry Battery Recommended, 874. Dual Ignition, 951. Dynamo, Remagnetizing by a, 423

Effect of Weak Compression, 305. Electrical Starters, 423. Engine: Choking, 913; Hot, 229; Lubrication, 346; No Control over, 37; Noise, Reducing, 37; Racing an, •950; Timing, 951. Exhaust: Noisy, 422; Pipes, Long, 1026; Smoke, 761; Strokes, Fires on the, 761.. Explosion Leakage into Crankcase, 304

Faulty Running, 385. Fires on the Exhaust Strokes, 761. Fixed Timing, Effect of, 913. Float, Leaking, 191

Garage Stoves, 642. Gear: Altering, 151; Changing, Properly, 913; Increasing the, 423; Ratios and Petrol Efficiency, 151. Gearbox Defect, 266. Gears, Noise from New, 1148. Gearwheels, Damaged, 1187. Gudgeon Pin, Fitting a, 912

Hill. Starting on a, 304. Hood Cleaning and Repairing, 1149. Horse-power and Taxation, 191

Ignition: Fault, 1149; Faulty, 36; Trouble, 423; Wiring Connection to Engine, 305. Ignitions, Two, on One Plug, 1110. Inventions and Ideas, 384

Jet Too Large, 798

Lamps: Carbon, 266; Packing, 1149. Licence, Dating of, 151. Lighting: Dashboard, 836. Dynamo, 642. Lime Deposit in Water Circulation, 1111. Lubrication, Excess, 837

Magneto: Coil v., 1027; Converting a, 346; Fault, Not a, 1186; Heat Effect on, 346; Less Power on the, 799; Or Carburation Weak, 798; Overhaul, 1148; Position, 836: Of Plugs, 305; Power Absorbed by a, 75; Power Loss in Driving a, 836; Retiming Low-tension, 912; Starting on the, 267; Timing, Alters, 305; Incorrect, 228; Two-cylinder, 1186. Misfire or Pre-ignition. 423. Mixture Trouble, Overrich, 479

Noise, Cause of Clanking, 112. Non-skids, The Use of, 478. Number Plates, Use of Trade, 1111

Oil: Leakage, 1063; Into Water Jacket, 305; Leak in Crankcase, 75; On Brakes, 1026. Overhaul: Advisable, 37; Trouble after an, 988

Paraffin, Effect of, on Cylinders, 112. Petrol: Consumption Abnormal, 266; Density of, 229; Effect of Evaporation on, 1065; Efficiency, Gear Ratios and, 151; Supply, Interrupted, 151; Tank, Danger in an Empty, 346; Using Heavy Grade, 837; Water in, 347. Plug: Difficulty, 384; Obscure Fault in a, 151; Two Ignitions on One, 1110: Points, Position of, 75. Plugs: Connecting Two. 837; Position of, 423; Possibly at Fault, 799; Using Double, 229. Position of Plugs for Magneto, 305. Power: Absorbed by Magneto, 75; Increas ing, 539* Loss in Driving Magneto, 836. Pump, Circulation, 37

R.A.C. Formulae, 1187. Radiator, Polished v. Dull, 1149. Rear Axle: Bearings, 1186; Taking Apart, 799. Rear Light Safeguard, 478. Registration, 988; Of Second-hand Cars, 874; Transfer, 643. Revenue Tax, Tri-car and Car, 36. Road, Tends to Run to Side of, 642 Second-hand Cars, Registration of, 874. Short-circuit, Probably, 1110. Silencer: Choked,

Information Bureau—Continued.

950; Testing a, 988; Water in, 1026. Skidding, 538. Smoke from Exhaust, 761. Spark: Gap, 267; Noisy Exhaust on Retarding, 422. Sparks, Synchronized, 643. Speedometer, Cardan-shaft Drive for, 75. Starting Up, 1148; Problem, 347. Start Up, Difficult to,

1187. Steam Lock, 837. Switch, Heating of, 760

Taxation, 385, 1110; H.P. and, 191; On Car for Trial Run, 74. Tension, Fault on Low, 75. Thermo-Syphon Cooling, 113. Timing: Faulty, 191; Incorrect, 1026; Wheels, Remedy for Wear of, 36. Transmission: Fault, 1027; “ Knock ” from the, 178. Trial Run, Taxation on Car for, 74. Tri-car and Car Revenue Tax, 36. Tyres: Fitting Larger, 151; Interchanging, 74; Large v. Small, 837; Too Small. 75; Use of Larger, 760; Using Oddsized, 912

Valve: Cams, Altering, 837: Exhaust, Trouble, 346; Grinding, 150; Lift Reduced, 36; Needle Leaking, 347; Risk with Overhead Inlet, 539; Seats, Improving, 1027. Valves, Altering Lift of, 1148; Quietening the, 1065; Seat Requires Recutting, 150. Vibration and Faulty Carburetter, 875

Water: Circulation, Lime Deposit in, 1111; Company’s Charges. 75; In Cylinder, 1187; In Silencer, 1026; Jacket, Oil Leakage into, 305. Weight, Too Much, 1149. Welded Repairs, 874. Wheel Bearings, Renewing, 988

Ingram, Dr. Winnington, 210

Inner Case: Atlas, 372a, 714. Collier, 66011. Macin-tosh, 660h. Mogul, 708. Skew, 660f

Inshaw Rotary Motor. 156

I.I.A.E. Paper, Data and Formula, 976

Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 221, 1143

Institution, A Testing, 1081

Institution of Automobile Engineers, 76, 292, 503, 762. Bohemian Concert, 333. Discussions at, 824, 1188. Graduates, 424. New Session, 410

Instruction by Post, 452a

Instrument, Registering, at Napier Works, 1001 Insulating Tape, E.K., 606

Insurance: Advice on, 710. Bill, Chauffeurs and the, 787. Limited, 1079. Motorcar, 1080, 1132. Royal Insurance Co., 25. Townsend and Co., 706

International: Association of Automobile Manufacturers, 1130. Road Congress, 1913, 628. Trade, Our, 1117, 1177. Touring, 85. Union of Auto. Manufacturers, 1170

Inventor, Does the State Encourage the, 152 S3 Inventors’ Protection Association, 1175

Ireland: As a Touring Ground. 76 SI. Motor Guide to, 1052. S.A.M.D. in, 49

Irish Hotels, 97

Isaacs, Sir Rufus, 95

Isle of Wight, Tractor and Spraying Machine for, 729

Italy: Motor Industry of, 442. Touring in, 101

J. Jack, A Substitute for a, 786

Jacks: Express, 660i. Lake and Elliot, 660h. Lightning, 949. Lucas, 599. Maxima, 612. Millennium, 594, 660i. Ripault Screwless, 599. Stepney, 600. Tangye, 592, 612, 660i Jackson Car for 1912, 498

Japan, Automobile Club in, 1008

Japanese Custom Duties, German Cars and, 192 Johannesburg, Austin Car Derails Tramcar in, 1076 Johnson, Jack, and the Motor Trade, 366 Journey, A Difficult, 773

Joy Riding, 505. Chauffeurs’ Bad Practice of, 1112 S3. To Stop, 881

K. Kennedy, Mr. Walter J., 887

Kentish Roads, 26

Kerry, Motor Traffid in, 101

King, Mr. W. P., 745

King of the Belgians Orders Excelsior, 787 Kingston, Successful Appeal at, 655 Knight, Mr. Charles Y., 326

Knight Patents, Argyll Engines and, 650

L. Lakeland: Autumn in, 838 S2. Hill-climbing in, 424 SI

Lamp: Brackets, 1000. Hilton, 306. Lock, Simplex, 660k. Old for New, 274. Posts are Going, 806. Problem, 13E. Projector, Dependence, 887

Lamps: Agios, 749. Alpha, B.R.C., 712. Auto-clipse, 605. Bleriot, 217, 593, 628. Broadhurst, 594. C.A.V., 599. Dependence, 612. Dietz, 660i. Diva, 600, 660c, 660i. Ducellier, 605. Dumolite, 710. Eros, 424. Etienne and Co.’s, 660i. Goldenlyte, 611. Howes and

Burley, 660i, 952. Imperial, 592. Koh-i-Noor, 13E, 708. Lithanode, 602. Lucas, 598, 1091, 1114. Mira, 602. No Glare, 593. Pape, 990. Polkey-Jarrott, 277. Powell and. Han-mer, 592, 660i. Peto and Radford, 591. Riemann, 713 Roslee. 708. Rotax, 876. Rush-mere, 592. R.V., 660f. Salsbury, 591. Seabrook, 999. Solar, 596. Torpedo, 599. Wil-locq-Bottin, 604

Lamps: Complaints Against Side, 274. Rating, in Switzerland, 644 '

Lancia Factory, 443

Landmarks, Historical. Preservation of, 369

Land’s End to John o’ Groats on Sheffield-Simplex, 750

Lathes: Drummond, 597. Excelsior, 660i

Law: Level-Crossings and the, 221. Strange, in Germany, 58

L.C.C.: Petroleum and the, 941. Police v., 863. Spirit Licences, 990

Leather Mats, British Leather Mat Co., 714 Lectures on Illuminating Engineering, 1150

Leeds, Traps in, 517

Legal,' Parsons Chain in America, 114 Legislation, Future, 716, 754a Leicester, Speed Prosecution in, 742 Leicestershire A.C. A.G.M., 1114 Lentz Hydraulic Transmission Gear, 734 Level-Crossings, the Law and, 221 Lever, Sir Wm. H., Bart., 1168 Lewis, Mr. William James, 133 Lifebuoys, Motor Inner Tubes as, 251

Lighting" Sets : Acetylene Illuminating Co., 6601. Bldriot, 615. Broadhurst, 594. C.A.V., 289, 599, 616, 660c. Crypto, 711. Ducellier, 614. Dynalux, 705. Facile, 707. Lodge, 603, 616, 660c. Longstreth, 602. Lucas, 598, 618, 660c. No-cell, 713. Oldfield, 660Z. Peto and Radford, 591, 617, 660c, 900. Polkey-Jarrott, 588, 660k. Rotax-Leitner, 691, 660c, 660Z. Seabrook, 596, 660?. Simms, 660c, 660k. Smith, 618, G60c. Trier and Martin, 595, 617, 660c. United Motor Industries, 614, 660c. Van Raden, 599

Lights on Horsed Vehicles, 900

Linings, Detachable Endless, 306

List, Price’s, 1066

Littlehampton, Sussex, Two-use Gateway at, 306 S4 Liverpool A.C. and Speed Through Sefton Park, 704 Lloyd George, Mr., 210

Local Authorities’ Responsibilities, 976 Loch Fyne, To the Shores of, 306 SI Lock, Steering-wheel Safety, 62 Lodge Fitments as Presents, 922 Log Book, Motorists’, 502h Lomax Tyre Co., Address of, 800

London: De Dions in, 453. Petrol Famine in, 60. Speed Limits, 864. Taxicab Fares in, 749. To Brighton in 45 Minutes, 900. To Edinburgh and Back on Rolls-Royce, 513. Traffic, 864

Long, Mr. Walter, at the R.A.C., 512

Lost and Found: Bag of Tools, 1130. Dependence Tail Lamp, 330. Hood Covering, 138. Hub Cap, 138. Lucas Lamp, 1059. Mackintosh Cover, 251. Repair Outfit, 152. Side Curtains, 386

Lubricants: Ambroleum, 660j. Autosternol, 660j. Belmoline, 660j. Challenge, 660d. Champion, 288, 600j. Clutch oline, 660j.

Cooloricid, 660j. Easegears, 660f. Filtrate, 713. Gearolese, 660j. Mqnogram, 1091. Motorine, 660j. Motosternol, 660j. Nixey, 660f. Occantoline, 660j. Olease, 660j. Oleogen e, 660j Price, 660], 1091. Racerine, 660j. Roserol, 660j. Vacuum, 1091. Mobil-oils, 592. Vasoleum, 594. Voltol Sternol, 660j. Wakefield, 714

Lubricating Oils, The Selection of, 152 S4 Lubrication Details, 880

Luggage: And Tyre Carrier, Knox, 1181. Holder, Instantus, 601. Ladder, Portable and Collapsible, 992

Lumsden, Lieut.-Col. P. J., 1066

Luiiatics, Motorcar for, 99

Luncheon: Cabinet, Coronation, 258. Outfit, Coronation, 292b

M. M.A.B. Components, 18E

Madagascar, Petroleum Wells in, 741

Madison Garden Show, 114

Magneto: A New Hand-starting, 1095. Magnate, The, 929. Stolen, 354

Magnetolite: C.J.L., 86, 602, 615. Test by R.A.C., 749

Magnetos: Bosch, 503, 591, 660c, 767, 1095. Eise-mann, 729. Lacoste, 601. Mea, 595. Nieu-port, 599. Nilmelior, 602. Oleo, 660c. Simms, 174, 660c, 660k, 1004. Thomson-Ben-nett, 612. U.H., 18E. V.S.M., 660g. Welsh, 612

Makers, Problems for the, 649

Manchester, Garage Facilities at, 1028

Mann and Overton’s Manchester Showrooms, 1188

Manville, Mr. Edward, 450

Maple Syrup as Lubricant, 24

Markets of the World: Australia, 114 S2. Canada, 114 SI. China, 114 SI. India, 114 S2. Russia, 114 SI. S. Africa, 114 S2. S. America, 114 SI

Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, 133

Mascot: Harris and Samuel’s, 660e. Monoplane, 939

Mats for Dirty Weather, 1117

Mayfair, Motoring from, 978

Mechanical Starters, 1078

Mecklenburgh-Schwerin, H.R.H. Grand Duke of, at Mercedes, Works, 1114

Melton Mowbray District Horse Show, 218

Metal Coating, Pellotit, 1028

Metropolitan Streets, Gritting the, 644

Mexico, Automobile Trade in, 288

Micrometer, Craig’s, 660e

Middlesex: C.A C. Annual Dinner, 825. County Council and Drivers’ Licences, 1046

Mills, Mrs. Ogden, 133

Milometer, E.J.H., 612

Minnesota Law on Tyres, 100

Mira, Mr. F. F., 114

Mirror, Lucas. 599

Models, Diversity of, 38

Modern Car, Minor Faults in, 953

Monaco Rally, Mr. Nagel First from St. Petersburg, 1176 . .

Montreal: Record Breaking at, 212. Speed Limit in, 217

Moplen Cleaner, 18E

Motorbuses, Splashing, 255

Motorcar Elevator, Adams, 660g

Motor-carriage Factory, Brown, Hughes and Strachan, 8

Motor Club-house Dinner, 751. 939

Motor Coat, All Weather, 386

Motor Cycling Club’s Annual Winter Trial, 1011

Motor Cycling Diary, 800

Motorcyclist Despatch Riders, 20

Motor Flap, Rigid, 712

Motor Humour, 1068

Motor House: Knight, 705. Stove, Barrow Co., 713, 1150

“Motor Manual,” The, 631

Motor Manufacturers, Concessionnaires and Agents, Directory of, 9E

Motor Market of the World, 'Welcome to, 651

Motor Schools, Ltd., 452a

Motor Show of the Future, 801

Motor Spirit : Bomo, 660j. Caburine, 324. Express, 660j. Mex, 660i. Pratt’s, 602, 777, 1091. Shell, 324, 594, 749, 824, 825, 862, 902, 1014, 1052 Motor Taxation Bill in Germany, 644 Motor Trade Retailers at Dinner, 724 Motor Tour Formulas, 955

Motoring: And Aviation, 914 SI. How to Enjoy, 1028 S3. In the North of England, 306. Made Easy, 505. Made Easier, 824

Motorist of High Morals, 275

Mudguards, 551. Bramah, 712. Frankonia, 711, 825 Mud Splashing, To Prevent, 889

Munich, Dust Trouble in, 183 Museum, A Motor, 1134, 1172 “My Car Tours,”'887 Myers, Mr. T., 826

My Way of Thinking: Accidents, How they are Caused, 222. Axle, Castoring the Front, 145 Brakes on Heavy Vehicles, 184. British: Driving, 70; Management for French Work, 379

Car: An Eight-wheeled, 146; An Interesting, 146. Carbon Deposit, Removal of, 338, 379. Carts, Overhang from, 184. Certificates of Competency, 69. Cheddar Caves, 27. Cheese-garing Policy, A, 223. Corner Cutting, The .oad Board and, 185

Decision, An Illogical, 69. Detail, Alteration of, 379. Dog, Tale of a, 424 S3. Dogs, Dealing with, 108. Drink, A Summer, 27. Driving, British, 70. Dust: From Front Wheels, 298; Raising, Pot-holes and, 236

Efficiency, Simplicity and, 298. Eight-wheeled Car, An, 146. Electric Lighting for Cars, 299 Footpaths, Why Not? 108. French Works, British Management for, 379. Friction Drive, 184

Gradients: Concerning, 70; Marked in Large Figures, 424 S3

Hammersmith Catastrophe, Lesson of, 222 Illogical Decision, 69. I Wonder Why? 299 Joy Riding, 69; More Fatal, 222 Lesson of Hammersmith Catastrophe, 222 Motorcycle Carrier as Passenger Seat, 222 Nature’s Beauties, 424 S3. New, Anthony G., 107. New Zealand Requirements, 185. Norns de Guerre, 27, 107. Now and Then, 27

Overhang from Carts, 184

Petrol Consumption, The Effect of Speed on, 338. Petrol Problem, 107. Poster Advertising, 223. Pot-holes, 338; And Dust Raising, 236. Practice, A Dangerous, 222. Problem, A Knotty, 107

Requirement, An Impossible, 185. Road Board: Corner Cutting and the, 185; Funds of the, 185. Road Surfaces, Tarred, 339. Road Tarring, Effect of, 108. Road Book, A Hieroglyphic, 28. Rover, A Run on the, 339. Running-board Mat, A, 236

Seats on the Roof, 237. Simplicity and Efficiency, 298. Speed: Idea, The, 298; Petrol Consumption and, 338; Tyre Trouble and, 28. Spring Bolts and Shackle, The Wear of 339. Springing, Supplementary, 298. Starting Handle, The, 237. Steering Gear Failures, 146. Stone Throwing, 69. Strike Lesson, Another, 146. Strikes and Cars, 235. Suggestion, A Useful, 424 S3. Supplementary Springing, 298

Tarred Road Surfaces, 239. Taxation: Question, The, 338; Revision of, 237. Theft by Use, 28. Tyre: The Pneumatic, 145; Trouble, Speed and, 28. Tyres, Dating of, 145

Wheels, Dust from the Front, 298. Why? I Wonder, 299

N. N.A.G., Decennary of the, 1112

Name? What’s in a, 1072

National Automobile Council, 859, 896, 897, 1021 Nazzaro, Felice, Motorcar Manufacturer, 164 Newcastle and District M.C. Supper, 1004 New Year’s Eve at R.A.C., 1015

New York: Garage Regulations in, 729. New Show Building in, 925. Speed Limit in, 100

New Zealand, Motoring in, 5 Nieuport, Edouard, 286 1912 Models: Arrol-Johnston, 434. Phcenix, 436. VauxhalL 426

1921, The Automobile of, 357 1950, Looking Backwards, 763 Non-puncture Inner Cases, Atlas, 38 Non-skid: Gyroscope, 600. Mordant, 901. Bands: Durandal, 713; Kintyre, 710; Popular, 708; Shaw, 714. Chain, Parsons, 863, 1188. Life of a Retreaded, 638. Retreads, Wallwork, 705; Lomax, 767

Northampton Polytechnic Institution Lectures, 1150 North British Rubber Co.: New Address of, 114.

Works of, 355

North Wales for the Motorist, 230 SI

Nottingham, Mr. Atkey, Sheriff of, 13

o. Official Boycotting. 774

O'Gorman, Mr. Mervyn, 932

Oils—See “ Lubricants ”

Oklahoma, Road Making in, 883

Oldfield, Barney, Attacks American Motor Racing, 162

Olympia: Adverse Criticisms of, 809. Extensions at, 900, 1174. France Alarmed at, 811. Reflections, 800 S3. What I Thought of, 809* See also under “ Shows ”

Omnibus Horse, The Last of the, 471 Ontario Motor League and Police, 838 Opel Works Fire, 139

Orde-Powlett, Hon. W. G. A., 1085 Orders from Agents, 450

Other People’s Views: Accelerator Pedal, 34. Accident and its Sequel, 985. Adjustability in a Car, 148, 226. “ Aeromot,” A Reply to, 343. Air Tank, Storage, for Tyre Inflation, 1062, 1108. Allowance on Licence Duty, 226. Alps, Winter Tour Over the, 947. Altitudes, High, Loss of Power at, 419, 757. Aluminium Solder, 909, 949, 1062. American Competition, 381, 639. Ants, White, Protecting Car from, 35, 344. Appeal for Cautious Driving, 3U0. Australian Motoring, 419. Australian Roads, 1060. Automatic Step Light, 1109

Back-pressure Caused by Silencers, 188, 264. Benzol, 380, 534. Brasswork, Treating polished, 640. Brun Alternating Rotary Motor, 344. Burley-in-Wharfedale, Speed Limit at, 421 Car: A Converted 13-year-old, 1024; Adjustability in a, 148; Construction, Colonial, 35; Lighting, Electric, 987; v. Railway Travelling, 109, 188. Carbon: Deposit and Engine Knock, 1025; Removers, 1146. Carburetter: Controlling t the, 227, 303: Experiences, 641; Jacket, Circulation Around, 833. Cars that Pass by, 71, 189. Cars, Weight of, 1024. Castor Oil: As a Lubricant, 641, 755; Graphite and, 834. Cause of a Noise, 476. Certificates of Competency, 188. Chain: Drive, 383; Gearboxes and Silence, 757; Puzzle, 1106. Charges for Parts in India, 794. Chauffeurs and the Speed Limit, 909. Chickens on the Highway, 832, 872. Circulation for Polyrhoe Carburetter, 35. Clutch: Remedy for Fierce, 33; Slipping of, 73. Colonial Car: Construction, 35, 110, 873; Ground Clearance of, 949. Colonials Want, What, 832, 873, 947. Compression Ratios, Altering, 1184. Conversion of Peugeot Car,

263. Correction, A, 949. Cost of Motoring, 870. Cost of Railway Travelling v. Car, 26o. Crankshaft Vibration, 1062. Crankshafts, Repairing, 641. Cut-out: Abolition of the, 1063; Use of a, 871

Decarbonizers, 987. Deviation Signals, 1185. Devonshire Lanes, In, 381. Dog, Judge Steavenson and the, 947. Doors, Wider, 301. Draughts and Windscreens, 949. Drivers: Examinations for, 835, 910; Government, 149. Driving: An Appeal for Cautious, 300; Inconsiderate, 757, 835; Rash, 477, 757, 835; Tuition, 149. Dust from the Front Wheels, 475, 835

Electric: Headlights, 1108, 1184; Rectifiers, 910; Vulcanizers, 72. Electricity v. Petrol, 188. Electrolytic Rectifier, 1109. Engine: Aircooled, 1106, 1147; Knock, 1185, Carbon Deposit and, 1025, New Theory of, 1109; New, for Heavy Traction, 1063; Rotary Combustion, 382; Starter, Trial of, 148. Epicyclic Gearing, 302. Examinations for Drivers, 835, 910. Examining and Testing, 911. Exhaust Valve Trouble, 381

Fine, A Heavy, at Mark Cross, 419. Footpaths, Tarred, 226. Formula, New H.P., 110. Found, 34. French v. English Hotel Charges, 35. Friction Gear Efficiency, .187 Gas, Oil or, 226. Gear: Lever, Alteration of, 534; System, Sliding Change, 1063, 1146. Gearing, Epicyclic, 302. Gliding, 796. Godaiming Gets Tired of it, 947. Gradients, Leaving Cars on, 534. Grand Prix Drivers Wanted, 911. Graphite, Castor Oil v., 834. Ground Clearance of Colonial Cars, 949 Harsh Running, 1063. Headlamp Brackets, 1184. Headlamps, Swivelling, 872, 986. Headlight Glare, 1183. Headlight Tests, 1061. Hillclimb, Manchester M.C.'s, 345. Hills, Steam Cars on, 72. Horse-power Rating, 1183. Hotel Charges, French v. English, 35. Hotels, A Weariness to the Flesh, 795. H.P. Formula, The New, 110. Hydraulic: Transmission, 910; Apparatus, 909. Hydro-Aeroplane, Mr. Wakefield’s, at Windermere, 987, 1145

Ideas, Inventions and, 421. Ignition of, 1910 Ford Car, 1144. Illicit Use of Motorcars, 33. India: Car for, 535; Car Insurance in, 73; Charges for Parts in, 794; Le Gui Car for, 419; Motoring in, 187; Motor Insurance in, 148; Motorists and Spare Parts in, 535; Prices for Spare Parts in, 72, 263, 419, 535, 794. Indian Patent Act, New, 638. Inshaw Rotary Motor, 382, 421, 536. Insurance, Car, in India, 73, 148. Inventions and Ideas, 421. Irish Petrol, 35

Jet, Too Large a, 910. Joke? Was it a, 188 Legality of Swivelling Headlamps, 872. Legal Point, A, 109. Licence: Duty, Allowance on, 226; Endorsement of, 380; Notice of Expiry of, 303. Licences, Granting of, 1060. Lubricant, Castor Oil as a, 641, 755. Lubrication of Springs, 72, 147, 148, 226

Manchester M.C.’s Hill-climb, 345. Magneto, Is the, Final? 871, 948, 1023. 1109, 1182. Mangin Lens Reflectors, 1063, 1147. Mark Cross, Heavy Fine at, 419. . Marshall Tyres and Jacket, 1107. Mechanics, Motor, Training for, 834. Metal Fittings of a Car, Protecting, 946, 987. Mica, Cleaning, 265. Mono v. Biplanes for Military Work, 758. Motor Body Building, Delay in, 1107. Motorcycle and Car Licence Duty, 110. Municipal Locomotion in S. Africa, 833

Noise, Cause of a, 476. Notice of Expiry of Licence, 303. Number Plates, Swinging, 1025, 1061, 1145

Obstruction: 20 m.p.h. and, 33. Official Tests of Silencers, 797, 835. Oil or Gas? 226, 301. Olympia Motor Show, 535. Overtaxed, 186. Ozone and Explosive Mixture, 536

Parts Lost on the Road, 189. Patent Act, New Indian, 638. Petrol: Electricity v., 188; Irish, 35; Pressure-fed, 189, 227. 264; Tanks. 188; Tax, In Favour of a, 380. Peugeot Car, Conversion of, 263. Photo from India, Who sent the, 1106. Platinum Contacts, Pitting of, 73. Pneumatic Tyre, the. 303; and Road Surfaces, 110. Police Trap For-

Other People’s Views.—Continued.

mula, 1061. Polyrhoe Carburetter, Circulator for, 35. Pot-holes, 475, 477 , 536. Power, Loss of, at High Altitudes, 419, 536, 757. Pressure-fed Petrol, 264. Price of Parts in India, 72, 263, 419, 535, 794. Prices: In Advertisements, 300; Why No? 421

Railway Travelling v. Car, 109, 265. Radiation Tests, 109. Rear Axles, Undersprung, 870. Rectifiers, Electrolytic, 1109. Repairs, Charges for, 1144. Revision of Taxation, 300. Riley Car Experiences, 263. Road: Destruction, 225, 227; Holding the, 1144. Problem, 73, 149,

225, 262, 475, 638; Surfaces, Pneumatic Tyres and, 110. Roads: and Traffic, 264 Australian, 1060; Cross-Ridging of, 382, 475; Parts Lost on the, 189; Tarred, 477, 537, and Motor Haulage, 795; Wear ,and Tear' of, 420, 638. Roadside Help,-641. Rotary Motor, 263. Rubber Tyres, 71. Rust Fiend, Fighting the, 1184

Screens in Wet Weather, 872. Scuttle-Dash Heat, 110. Second-hand Cars, Examining and Testing, 911. Shock Absorbers, 871, 985, 1144. Trials for, 1060. Signals, Deviation, 1185. Signpost, Reform of the, 227. Silencer Tests, 797, 835, 873, 911, 1023, 1146. Silencers, Back Pressure Caused by, 188, 264. Six-wheeled Motorcar, 797 , 870. Slough Speed Limit, 33. South Africa: Car for, 833; Municipal Locomotion in, 833. Spare Parts in India, 72,

263, 419, 535, 794. Speed Limit: Chauffeurs and the, 909; Slough, 33; Signs at Stratford-on Avon, Illegal, 421. Speedometer, Handel, 1147. Springs, Lubrication of, 72, 147, 148,

226, Standardization of Cars, 189. Statement, Misleading Daily Press, 189. Steam Cars on Hill, 72. Steps, Fitting for Lighting, 1063. Strike Experiences, 265. Suspension Devices, 477, 794

Tale of a Racing Car, 381. Tank, Storage Air, for Tyre Inflation, 1025. Tarred Footpaths, 226. Tax: On Car and Petrol, 224; Proposed General, on Engine Power, 380. Taxation, 947, 948, 1024, 1107; By Weight, 380; Concessions, 35, 111, 186, 342, 420, 639, 794, 908, 986; Motorcar, 262, 380; Of Old Oars, 870, 1107; Revision of, 224, 300. Tesla Turbine, 756, 833. Throttle, No Response to the, 35. Touring Experiences, 300. Traffic, Roads and,

264. Training Motor Mechanics, 908. Train or Car, 383. Trial of Engine Starter, 148. Turbine, Tesla, 756, 833. Twenty M.P.H. and Obstruction, 33. Two-hundred-Guinea Car, 833. Tyre: Combination, Best, for Wear, 34; Inflation, Storage Air Tank for, 1025, 1062, 1108; Pneumatic, 303, 476; Treads, Hard v. Soft-Rubber, 476; Wear, Peculiar, 573.-Tyres: Effect of Odd-sized, on Steering, 986; Pneumatic, and Road Surfaces, 110; Rubber, 71

Universal Joints, 641, 797. Upholstery Defect, 477. Upper Richmond Road, Speed Limit on, 477

Valve Gearing, Helicoidal, 1060. Vibration, Periodic, 534, 756, 759, 797. Vulcanizers, Electric, 72

Wanted: Grand Prix Drivers, 911. Warning, 421, 477. Wear and Tear of Our Roads, 420. Weight of Cars, 1024, 1146. Wheel Track, 641. Wheels: Curing Wobbling Front, 343; Wire and Wood, 264; Wire v. Pressed Steel, 189,

227, 265, 303, 345, 381. White Ants, Protecting a Car from, 72. Why no Prices? 421. Wind Resistance and Power Recuperation, 342. Windscreens, Draughts and, 949. Winter Tour Over the Alps, 947. Wire or Pressed Steel Wheels, 189, 227, 265, 303, 345, 381. Wood Paving, A New Anti-skid, 750. Wood v. Wire Wheels, 873. Wood Wheels, A Word for, 871, 948. Worm-gear Drives, 833

Our Hotels, 295

Overheard at the Club, 306 S5, 433, 527, 914 S4 Overheating Troubles, 18E

Oxygen, Decarbonizing by, 762

P. Paints, Docker Bros., 601

Pangbourne, Skew Bridge at, 797

Parade, Sixth Annual, 62

Paris: Aero Show Novelties, 972. Bus Fatality in, 331. Left-hand Steering in, 1122. Motor Police Force in, 1167. Observations in, 1122. Rolls-Royce Depot in, 900. Taxis, Points about, in, 1122. The Motorcar Universal in, 1122. Traffic Improvements in, 1122 Paris-Brest Cycle Race, 194

Paris, From Our Correspondent in : Accidents, Causes of Recent, 201. Aero-Hydroplane “ Canard,” 49. Aero-Motor Competition, 200. Aeroplane: Inside Steering, 890; In War, 240; Trials, Big Prizes for, 341; Wings, What They Will Support, 928. Aeroplanes as Gifts, 1017. Aero Show, Novelties at, 972. Airship, Great Trip by, 282. American Engineers Depart, 865. Automatic Starter, 972. Auto C. de France. Headquarters, 818b. Automobile Clubs Meet in Paris, 973. Aviation and the French Army Manoeuvres, 164

Belgian Standard Car Race, 890, 1016, 1164. Brake Check, A, 164. Brake Tests, Proposed Novel, 163

Carburetter, A Floatless, 973. Champs Elysees, Daimler Showrooms in, 973. Chauffeur, Improving the Status of, 889. Crime, The Motorcar and, 1017

Daimler Showrooms in Paris, 973. Darracq, Watering the New, 1084a. Delage: Banquet, 818b; M. Louis, Interviewed, 530. Driving Experiment, 239; On Honour, 239. Dupuy, M. Georges. Death of, 928

Endurance Test, Swiss, 281. English Motorists, Influx of, 130. Escape, Rene de Knyff’s, 8. Experts, The Real and the Would-be, 164

France: Great Heat in, 47: Growth of Motoring in, 928; 1912 Racing Events in, 6; Trapping Experiences in, 163; Two Races Next June

Paris, From Our Correspondent in.—Couto, in, 865; Warning to Tourists in, 554. French: Army Manoeuvres, Aviation and the, 164; Conversion to Wire Wheels, 87; Hotels, 340; Imports and Exports, 239; Military Trial Result, 890; Races, 973; Reliability Trial, 497; Road, Condition of, 129 .

Gaillon Hill-climb, 199, 281. Garros, Height Record by, 201. Girardot Detachable Wire Wheel, 927. Goodrich Tyres in France, 1055. Grand Palais, Annual Show at, 811. Grand Prix Race, 554, 818b, 973, 1054; Fate of the, 927; Late Entries for, 1054; Late News of, 1017; Manager of the, 1164; Next Year’s, 200, 496b; To be Held, 1016. Growth of Motoring in France, 928

Knight Sleeve-valve Licences, New, 1017

La Frette, 8. Lifebelts, Inner Tubes as, 130.

Light Car Race, Another, 6

Menu Anti-mudsplasher, 889. Michelin: Trophy Flight, 48; Prizes, 130. Military Manoeuvres. Motors and Aeroplanes in, 201. Monaco Rally, 1162; Competitors, 1162; Lyons, Arrivals at, 1163; Paris, The Start from, 1163; To be Repeated, 890. Monte Carlo Rally, 1084a. Mont Ventoux Climb, 48. Motor Show Questions, 8. Municipality, La Frette. 8 National Isolation, 1084. Nieuport, The Late E., 281

Opinions on Racing, 88. Ostend Meeting, 199. Overheating Troubles, 47

Paris: Automobile Clubs Meet in, 973; Deserted, 7; Road Improvements, 1055; Show, 341, 553. Police: Brigade, The Motor, 1164; Forty m.p.h. Motorcars, 1017; Motor Brigade, 1054. Provincial Show, A, 1055

Race in Belgium, 1016. Racing, Opinions on, 88. Rating. Uniform, 87. Reno Valveless Goes to America, 7. Road, French Rule of the, 281. Roads, Condition of French, 129. Rule of the Road, 281

Saint-Germain, 8. Show, A Provincial, 1055. Sunbeam Cars for France, 1016. Swiss Endurance Test, 281

Tar: Effects of, on Fish and Vegetable Life, 164; Very Little Used, 130. Trade Preparations for 1912, 87. Trapping Experiences in France, 163. Tourists in France, A Warning to, 554. Trial, French Reliability, 497. Trip-tyque Regulations, 1084

Vedrines as Newspaper Distributor, 88

War, The Aeroplane in, 240. Wheel, Girardot, 928. Wheels, Detachable Wire, in France, 341. Wire Wheels, French Conversion to, 87 Patenting, Advice on, 451

Patents: Exhibition of, 213; Knight, Argyll Engine and, 650

Pedestrian, Plight of the, 64

Penalty, Perfect, 1176

Pence, Mr. Thomas J., 1157

Perfect Penalty, 1176

Personalia, 18, 95, 132, 172, 209

Petrode, 248, 257, 306, 326, 335, 452b, 502f. Carburetter Jelly and, 204. Inventor’s Reply, 306 S6. Petrol Economizer, 179, 204

Petrol: By Pipe Line, 547. Can, Pratt’s Perfection, 250. Can Cap, Benton, 660e. Can Emptier, Vide-Vite, 972. Can Opener, Motor Accessories Co., 282. Consumption in S. Africa, 1156. Current Price of, 178. Device to Economize, 138. Economizer, Mills, 418, 824, Electric Bus, 814. Engines, Lectures on, 628. Famine in London, 60, 261. Filter, Crum, 751. Gauge, Handy, 660g. Indicator, M.P.G., 660e, 978; Randalls, 818b. Intercepted On Way to Sewers, 984. Interest in a Novel, 977. Level Indicators, 596. Meter, Frodsham, 597. Pressure-fed, 84. Price of, 502g. Set, Crypto, 533. Sets for Country House Lighting, 533. Supplies and Transport, 765, 820. Tanks, Steel Barrel Co., 603: Tax, Fire Engines and the, 1039. Trade, England’s, During 1911, 1097. Vapour in the Sewers, 858

Petroleum : Bill, 941; L.C.C. and, 941 Petrolite, 748

Peugeot, M. Armand, Interviewed, 1170

Phipps, Mrs., 133

Phcenix Co.’s New Works, 138

Photograph, Who Sent this, 838. 1093

Photographs, Prizes for Motor, 49 Pierre, M. Petit, Shot by Pupil, 10J Pilojet, 596

Platform, Car Exhibited on a, 702

Plowden, Mr., and Motor Traps, 969

Pneumatic: Control System, 43; Hub, Simplex, 550 Poacher, the French, Up-to-date, 139

Poege, Willy, on Prince Henry Tour, 26

Points Which Appeal, 431

Police: Motorists Offer for Protecting, 452b; Ontario Motor League and, 838: R.A.C.’s Gift of Reflex Lights to, 826; Suggestion re Skidding Motors, 1130a: v. L.C.C., 863

Pont, Col. Coleman du, 248

Portinscale Bridge, 762

Portugal, Motorcars Assist Royalist Invasion of, 366 Position, An Anomalous, 841

Post Office Vehicles, Proposed Removal of, 866 Power, Increased, 101

Practice and Precept, 282

Prejudice, the Price of, 306 S3

Premier’s New Wolseley Car, 320

Pre-motor Period. 471

President Taft and Good Roads, 192

Pressure-fed Petrol, 84

Pressure Indicator: Okill, 372a, 605. Parson’s Safety Line, 606

Press Use Motors During Strike, 98

Price and Co.’s Address, 230

Price Correction, De Dion, 1059

Prince Henry Tour: Future of the, 51. No 1912, 451.

Poege, Willy, on the, 26

Problems for the Makers, 649 Proposal, An Interesting, 866 Public, The Motorcar and the, 59 Pumps: Gleason-Peters, 605. Hattersley-Davidson, 660g. Monitor, 660h. Nesthill, 607. Rotherham, 660h.—(See also “ Tyre Pumps.”)

Puncture-proof Band, Atlas, 600

Punctures from Within, 379

Punctureum, 386

Pundt, Mr. A. E., 1093

Purchasers, Facilities for, 13E

Q. Queen Alexandra’s Car Damaged at Welwyn, 741

R. R.A.C.: Advertisement Sign Campaign, 931. A Night of My Life at the, 979. Associated Clubs and the, 251. Associates at Olympia, 502g. Birth at the, 893. Book, “Motoring Made Easier," 824. Certified Trials, 250. Chess Club, 1045. Concert, 826. Cut-outs and the, 786. Dangerous: Bridge Approaches and the, 505; Railway Bridges, 375. Driving Certificates, 26. Durbar Ball, 748, 786, 826, 938, 979. Gift of Reflex Lights to Police, 826. Godaiming Speed Limit and the, 938a. Handbook, 306, 628. Hillclimbing Test of Napier Car, 1176. Legal Limit and the, 800. Meeting at Brooklands, 25. Motorcar Taxation Committee, 1014. Mr. Walter Long at the, 512. Mr. Winston Churchill at the, 1046. New Year’s Eve at the, 1015. New Year Festivities at, 949. Obstruction and the, 748. Official Repairers, 786. Paper by Mr. Philip Dawson at the, 869, 900. Paris Office, 215. Reckless Driving on Brighton Road and the, 749. Soap Bubbles and the, 1168. Swimming Bath. 1007. Tests: Christensen Self-starter, 454; Lorraine-Dietrich Car, 750; Magnetolite, 749; Napier Car, 1081. Trials, 294. Unlighted Barrier and the, 288

Race for Trade? The, 885 Radiation, Variable, 502c Radiators: Coventry. Motor Fittings Co., 596.

Marston, 593. Orme-Whitlock, 660j. Zimmermann, 660f

Radiator Cover, Antidam, 879

Railway: Bridges, R.A.C. and Dangerous Approaches to, 375. Repair Car, 242. Strike, 98

Rating Rules and Engine Design, 940

Ratings, Exaggerated, 176

Rawal Pindi to Jubbulpore on Phoenix Car, 990 SI Re-action, Action and, 85

Rear Axle Casting, Lanchester, 485

Rear Lights on Vehicles, 620

Rebound Snubber, 814

Record, Sunbeam Beats 12-hour, at Brooklands, 175

Rectifier, Adnil, 712

Redfield Rubber Mills Offer to Readers, 901 Redwood, The Late Mr. Bernard, 330 Reflex Lights for Cyclists, 26 . 62, 135, 862 Reliability Race, Russian, 251 Removal of Stranded Cars, 990 Renault, New Premises of, 280

Repair: Experts, Bell and Smart, 712. Kit, Parson’s, 606. Light, Dee Gee, 214. Of Motor Vehicles, 1102. Outfit, Parson’s, 25. Studs, Parson’s, 282. Works, Laystall, 218a

Responsibility of Local Authorities, 976 Revelation and Revolution, 89 Revival of Trials, 1133

Revolution, Revelation and. 89

R.I.A., 5. Activities. 250. Finance. 644. In Manchester, 20. Mirror Danger at Bristol, and the, 838. Overhanging Hedges and the, 280. Street-gritting and the, 644. Tramcar Memorial, 1045, 1048

Ride, A £24 Motor, 502h

Riding, Rough, 5E

Rims : Captain, 705, 1091. Chailiner, 596. Clincher, 914. Continental, 606. Facility, 610, 868. Gaulois, 607. Goodyear, 395, 660i. North British, 603. Progress, 596. Segment, 18E, 284, 386, 410, 593. 1091. Vinet, 707, 711. Warland, 174, 324, 330, 409, 502g, 660c, 660h, 708, 1052, 1055, 1150

Rings and Pistons, Oldham, 952

Road: Accidents in Switzerland, 152. A New, 485; Liverpool-Preston, 907; Motor, in Cheshire, 1011; A Switchback Motor, 1101. Board: First Report of, 444b; Future Policy of, 1058; Grants, 1015; Trials. 408. Clearance 267. Conditions Changed, 636. Congress 990, 1178. Destruction, 154. Inspection, 1094. Liverpool-Preston, New, 838. Maidenhead Thicket, 'Repairing, 114. Making in Oklahoma, 883. Problem, 38 SI, 116. Sir John H. A. Macdonald on the, 348 S3. Race Record, 630. Racing Revival, 448; In France, 530. Reports from Surveyors, 217. Surveyors, Motorists as, 881. Switchback, for Motorists, 1130a. Tarred, Effect of Frost on, 862. Trials, Revival of, 983. Universal Rule of the, 979. Weston-super-Mare to East Brent, 415. Width. Sir George Gibb on, 1175. Work, Co-operative, 230

Roads: Modern, “ The Economist ” and, 623. Movement for Good, 991. New, at Port Sunlight, 1168. Old and New, 123. On Snowy, 1175. President Taft and Good, 192. Uneven, How to Minimize Effects of, 5E. Wear and Tear of the, 268 S3

Roadside: Advertisements Banned, 212. Salutes, 375, 407

Roberts, Mr. W. H., Death of, 31

Roller Bearings: Auto. 660f. Timken, 660g Rolls-Royce: Paris Depot, 900. Showrooms, New, 254

Rolston, Dr., 1046

Rose Hill, Rednal, Austin Co. and, 826

Rotary Motor, Inshaw, 156

Rotary Valve and Self-starter, Bishop, 923 Roumania, Motor Trade in, 192

Royal Aero Club: Dinner, 938a. Prohibits Flight over Thames, 1150

Royal Masonic Girls’ School, 354

Royal Warrant for Shell Spirit, 824

Rubber: Artificial, 396. Hardened, 348. Manufacture, The Science of, 355

Rubberine, 504

Rule of the Road, tfniversal, 979

Russia: Lorraine-Dietrich Car in, 76. Reliability Race in, 174, 251, 334, 387. Siddeley-Deasy Car Wins, 268

Rutland, The Duke of, and Motors, 218

s. Safety Starting Handle, Taylor, 217 Salesmanship, The Art of, 633, 1066 SI Salomons, Sir David Lionel, Bart., 1129 Salutes, Roadside, 407

Samaritan, The Good, Up-to-Date, 218

S.A.M.D. in Ireland, 49

Sampson, Mr. O. L., M.P., Fined, 502 Samuel Mr. Samuel, Gives Dinner, 547 Sassoon, Mr. Arthur Abraham David, 210 SCAT. Works 443

Scenes, Behind the, at W. and G. Garage, 269 Schaffer, Charles W., 826

Scholarships, Daimler Motor Engineering, 76 Science Museum, Rolls-Royce Model for, 940 Scotland, Touring Notes in, 114 S3

Scottish Automobile Club, 62; and the A.A.M.U., 114. Frost and Tarred Roads and the, 862, 902. Rear Lights and the, 620

Scottish: Double Fatality, 49. Show Dinner, 1092. Trials, Revival of, 1005

Screen-produced Draughts, 1171 Screens in Wet Weather, 774 Searchlights, Hunt, 607

Seat: Novel Form of Rear, 183. Measurer, Adjustable, 306 S6. The Adjustable, 520

Seats: Brainsby and Sons, 520. D’leteren, 612 Second-hand Cars, 288, 306. How to Buy, 845 Security Bolt, 660f. Hermetic, 604 Security Imperitive, 952

Sefton Park, Speed of Cars through, 704 Seine, Motorbus in the River, 331 Selection of a Motorcar, 431

Self-propelled Traffic Association, 1129 Selfridge, Sale, 1052. Show, 749

Self-Starters, 1035, 1078. Discussion at I.A.E., 1188. (See also “ Engine Starting Devices ”)

Service Departments, 277

Sewers, Petrol Drainage of, 984

Shackle Bolts, T.P., 660e

Sheffield and District A.C. Annual Dinner, 787 Sheffield Town Council Ambulance, 1072 Sheriff, The Converted, 1074 Shock Absorber Defined, 768

Shock Absorbers : Connecticut, 8E. Hermes, 610. J.M., 8E, 600, 605, 660i. Junior, 712.

Kap, 712. L.A.S., 844. Lever, 611. Muir, 7E. Penfield, 8E. Premier, 452, 612. Snubber, 814. Telesco, 1091, 1188. T.H.E., 47E. The King, 333. Trion, 8E, 424, 601. Truf-fault-Hartford, 7E, 598

Shoreham and Front Lamps, 826

Shotley, Smugglers Headquarters near, 952 S4 Show: Future Venue of the, 543. How to Do the, 494. Made Easy, 481. The Future of the, 919; Suggestions, 838. Travelling Motor, A, 441

Showroom: Ballroom as a, 1059. For Maxwell and Stoddart Cars, 451

Shows: Berlin Motor, 348, 403. Bosch Magnetos at, 503. Great Success of, 523. Riemann’s Stand at, 754. Seizure of Cars at, 501

Brussels, Exhibits at, 1138

Detroit, 212

Glasgow, 58, 547, 1053; Accessory Exhibits at, 1091; American Exhibits at, 1090; Cars at, 1087; Dinner, 1092; Further Comments on, 1136; Impressions, 1092; Opening Ceremony, 1087

Madison Garden, 114 Manchester, 1913, 278 Montreal, 762, 838, 1159 New York, 1093, 1123; Chassis Larger at, 1124;

Electric Lighting at, 1124; Engines at, 1123, Self-starting, 1124; Mechanical Developments at, 1123; Self-starting Devices at, 1123

Olympia: Electrical, at, 293. Motorcycle and Cycle, 841; Lack of Monocars and Duocars at, 841. Motor, 371; A.A. and M.U. at, 502g, 504, 786; Accessory Exhibits at, 486, 591, 660e; Accessories Not Exhibited at, 705; Acetylene Lighting at, 486; Alarms at, 487 Balfour, Mr., at, 838; Body Designs at, 482; Carburetters at, 486; Car and Garage Equipments at, 487; Car and General Insurance Corporation Stand at, 594; Car Electric Lighting at, 613; Carriage Work at, 489; Cars at, 555, 665; Cars Not Exhibited at, 694; Components, Fittings, etc., at, 488; Electric Lighting at, 482, 486, 511, 614, 660k; Engines at, 253, 481; Features, Interesting, of, 660; First Review of Exhibits at, 555; Forecast of Exhibits, 455, 506; Fuels and Lubricants at, 488; Galleries, Observations in the, at, 660c; German Praise of, 733; His Majesty and, 446; How to Do the, 494; Ignition at, 486; Lady Motorist’s Point of View of, 654; Light Car Race Cars at, 531; Manufacturers’ Programme for, 283; Mechanical Developments at, 482, 661; Motor Carriage-building at, 584, 720; Motor Carriage Section at, 584; Motor Clothing at, 488; Motor Schools Stand at, 594; Observations at, 660: Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein at, 749; R.A.C. at, 502g; Reviewed by Lady, 654; Rims and Wheels, 488; Self-starting Devices at, 481; Shock Absorbers at, 487; Show Made Easy, 481; Speed and Distance Recorders at, 487; Springing and Shock-Absorbing Devices at, 482; The Motor Stall at, 582o; Three-wheeled Vehicles at, 807; Tools and Appliances at, 488; Tyre Accessories and Repairs at, 488; Tyres at, 488; What to See at, 661: Wheel Developments at, 482; Windscreens at, 587

Paris: Aero, 934; Novelties at, 972; Novelties at, 972. Motor, for 1912, 445: Why No, 553

San Francisco, 174

Scottish, 644, 1087—(See also "Glasgow”)

Sydney, 788, 817

Toronto, 838, 1171


Turin, 58, 174, 418; Austin Wins Grand Prix at, 540; Awards to British Exhibits at, 215; Bowden Wire, Ltd., Gain Diploma at, 754; Brown Bros. Win Medal at, 644; Coventry Chain Co. Secure Diploma at, 503; Dunlop Tyre Co. Awarded Grand Prix at, 504; Hans Renold Gain Two Grand Prix at, 502g; Mercedes at, 588; Travel Facilities to, 299; Vauxhall Awarded Diploma at, 990

Vienna, Suggested, 659

Show Saturday Dinner, 1911, 749

Sideslip, The Differential and, 427 Signals, Deviation, 995

Signposts, Test of Visibility of, 5

Silencers, 1000. Clair, 706. Dunlop, 711. Nesto-cups, 596

Simms Magneto Scheme, 174

Simon, Sir John, 95

Singapore, Trade Prospects at, 101 Sirens: Omega, 712; Of 1920, 464 Six-wheeled Motor Carriage, 634 Skagway Tidewater to Mighty Yukon, 773 Skid Causes Collision near Stonebridge, 862 Snow: A Non-skid for, 901. Fatal Motor Accident in Cheshire Through, 1175

Society for the Prevention Of Careless and Reckless Driving, 248

Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders: Dinner, 545. Agents’ Section Dinner, 724

Soldering: Bit, Turbon, 825. Irons, Universal, 660e. Paste, Tinol, 607

South Africa: Park Trophy Competition in, 38. Petrol Consumption in, 1156. Talbot Cars in, 372

South American Trade, British Manufacturers and, 902

Spanners: Autogrip, 660h. Brett, 713. Gryp, 660e.

Newleva, 660e. Terry's, 604. Ukantes, 607 Sparking-plug Cleaner, Auto, 660j Sparking-plugs: British Low Accessories Co., 706.

Cup, 706. Darop, 660i. E.I.C., 660i. E.K., 606. Eyquem, 660e. Hobson Pognon, 609. H.T., 660k. L.M., 595. Lodge, 517, 603, 660i. Mascot, 708. Nilmelior, 1150. Oleo, 599. Prested, 660i. Sphinx, 705. Spitfire, 596. V.S.M., 660g. Warrior, 705. Z, 660i Sparsholt Manor, Motor Gymkhana at, 58 Speed and Safety, 386 SI Speed Indicator, Cowey, 608 Speed-judging Competition, Middlesex A.C.’s, 216 Speed Laws in Canada, 876 Speed Limit: Applications, 452a. Avoided, 212. If there Were No. 348 Si, 453. Mr. Day on the, 286. The Question of the, 192 S3

Speed Limits: Barnes, 786. Batley, 1086. Burlev-in-Wharfedale, 421. Byfleet, 754. Cobham, 216. Dublin, 98. Godaiming, 901, 938a, 970. Harp-enden, 1015. Harrogate, 780. Harzburg, 192. Isle of Man, 250. London, 864. Montreal, 217. New York, 100. Pwllheli, 1051. Various, 135. Westminster City Council and, 410 Speed-limit Signs: Illegal, 421. Unauthorized, 135 Speedometer, Lighting the, 470 Speedometers: Bowden, 609, 952. Frodsham, 510b, 597. Jones, 598, 660d. Midget, 611. Perfect, 748. Royal, 611. Stewart, 592

Speedometers as Evidence, 512

Speed Recorders: Janus, 881. Jones, 881. Jurus, 660d, 660e

Spring Suspension, Lever, 7E, 452, 611. Moyer, 1034 Spring Suspension Attachment, Junior, 503 Springing System, New1, 1122

Springs: Gilchrist Double-acting Check, 8E. Lever, 660c. Progressive, 867. Terry, 604. Velvet Auxiliary, 7E f

Stampings, Brett, 713

Standard Car Race, Why Not a, 251

Stand on a Railway Platform, E.M.F. Car’s, 588 Stanley, Hon. Arthur, M.P., 1085 Starting Handle Deposed, 411

Starting Handles: Hartford, 451. Orno, 610 Steel: Nykrom, 660e. Ubas, 660e

Steering Wheel: Dover, 660j. Safety Lock, 62. Time on the, 100

Steliro Pass Blocked by Snow, 489 Stepmats, Barker, 655, 751

Stewart Precision Carburetter Co.’s Address, 386 Stonebridge, Sideslip Causes Collision near, 862 Stone Throwers Fined, 38

Stores: Harrods, 706. Hyde Park Motor, 712.

Whiteleys, 713

Stoves: Barrow, 713. Notron, 609

Strang, L., Death of, 82

Strike, Railway: An Episode of, 762 S3. Captain Rim Co. and, 99. Car Hiring Companies Benefit by, 152. Daimler Car as Lorry during, 114. Motorcars and the, 50, 180. Taxi, 737

Strikers, Armoured Cars for, 100 Studebaker Corporation Outputs, 139 Subscription for The Motor Abroad, 18E Surface-hardening Process, A New, 407 Suspension: Concerning, 47E. Devices, 550 Sutton Coldfield A.C , Library Formed, 939 Sweden, Races in. 1033, 1118 Swiss: Machine Industry, 306. Motor Club and Watercarts. 404. Motor Restrictions, 155. Motor Trade, 914. Peasant, The Gentle, 13. Prejudice against Motors, 306 S3. Record Poo fxxyj

Switch: Lodge, 603. Regulite, 707 Switchback Motor Road, 1101, 1130a Switch Indicator. Automono, 605 Switzerland: Cars, 38. Code of Motor Regulations in, 268. Road Accidents in, 152

T. Taft, President, and Good Roads, 192

Tale of a Racing Car, 307

Tap, Adams, 660g

Tar and Fish, 248

Tarred Roads and Agriculturists, 366 Tasmania, Humber Car Wins in, 76 Tattershall Castle, 329

Taxation: French, English 'Motorists and, 135. Motorcar, 38, 853, 1014. Revision of, 117 Taxicab: Fares in London, 749. Strike, 737 Taximeter, Frodsham, 597 Tea Case, Finnigan, 610 Technical Problem, 976 Temperature of Circulation Water, 952 S2 Ten Days on a 12 h.p. Rover Car, 124 Ten-mile-Limit Applications, 371 Ten Years Progress, 425 Terminal, Bell Bros.’, 268

Terrible Motorcar Accident Heading, 945

Thanks, Geo. A. Roberts’s, 2ul

Thefts from Motorcars, 1130

Thieves, Motor, in France, 515

Thirty-five Millions Invested in Motorcars in Great Britain, 903

Thompson, Mr. Jefferson de Mont, 248

Thoresby, Mr. Frederick, 824

Thornton Heath to Purley New Road, 248

Three Months for Throwing Stone at Car, 192 Three-seater, An Attractive, 523 Three-wheeled Vehicle, Eric, 807 Thrilling Motoring, 194

Time on the Steering Wheel, 100

Toolkit, Melhuish, 660e

Tools, Disposal of, about Car, 378

Tools: Brown and Sharpe, 660i. Brown Instrument Co., 660i. Drummond, 597. Starrett and Chesterman, 660i

Toronto, Auto Collection at, 169

Torque Bars and Radius Rods, 632

Touring: Boom, Continental, 101. Cars, Method of Shipping, . 268 S2. In Italy, 101. International, 85

Tourists’ Brakes, De Dion-Bouton, 230

Tours: Glidden, 49, 139, 217, 474, 502, 730; Official Results, 777. Herts County A.C.’s, to Kendal, 25. Midlands to the Highlands, 306 SI. Prince Henry, 754b; For 1913, 495. Russian Imperial Prize, 176. World, on Hupmobile, 964

Toy Car, A, 914

Track Width, 990 84, 1014

Trade: Our International, 1117, 1177. The Race for, 885. Under the British Flag, IE

Traffic: Congestion and London Tramways, 371. London, 864

Tramcar Obstruction, To Reduce, 47 Tramcars High Speeds, 1175 Tramway By-laws Broken, 1048 Transmission System, Thomas, 513, 588 Transport: Lorry, Racing Car as, 114. Of Cars, Safe, 4E

Traps in Leeds, 517

Trials : De Dietrich 7000-mile, 372b. For 1912, 848. French Reliability, 375, 413. Lorraine-Dietrich 7000-mile, 176. Motor Cycling Club’s Winter, 1011. Napier, 294. Revival of Road, 983, 1049, 1133. Rolls-Royce, 294. Russian Reliability, 334; Mercedes Success in, 503. Scottish, Revival of, 1005. Sheffield-Simplex, ’294. St. Petersburg-Sebastopol, 386. Swedish Great Reliability, 1118. Warland Dual Rim 1000-mile, 409

Tripoli, Argyll Char-a-Bancs at, 939

Trip Recorder, Cowey, 608

Troops, Motorists and, 20

Trophy: Bailey, 502f. Dewar, 502h. Glidden, 139, 588

Trunks: Brooks, 601. Finnigan, 610. Lomax, 708, 767

Tubes, Hall arid Searle, 444b, 710 Tullibardine, Marquis of, 1086 Turbine: Prows for Motorcars, 203. Tesla, 440 Turin and Its Exhibition, 418—(See also “ Shows ”) Turks in a Motor Works, 97 Two-cycle Engines, Lecture on, 762

Tyre : Carrier, Griff, 660i, 709. Corsets: Eyquem’s Fasteneezi, 660e; Stepney, 608. Cover, Alma-gam, 606 z

Filling, Rubberine, 504 Grip, Pneu, 600 Jacket, Marshall, 289, 660c, 660h, 804, 1008, 1010, 1051, 1091

Lever: Bee, 660k; Bobbett, 600, 714; Helsby, 707; Mellor, 610; Ogden Konkora, K, 660i, 1091; Terry, 604. Liner: Matador, 707; M.T., 710. Lining, Waterfield, 711, 914. Lock, Handcuff, 660k

Making Machine, Palmer, 1091

Patch: Chemico Stiffzack, 594, 644; Kempshall, 607; Reliance, 177, 594; Surridge, 607. Pressure Gauge, Schroder, 598. Pressure Indicator, Parsons Safety Liner, 402. Prices: Impending Reduction of, 288 New, 394. Protectors : Griff, 660i; Macintosh, 660h. Pumps: Atlas, 711, 863, 1011 ; Birkigt, 528; Blizzard, 711. Pumping Made Easy, 528

Reclaiming, Little and Co., 705. Repairers, Redfield Rubber Co., 714. Retreads: Beau-Rubbo, 990; Grose, 660h; St. Albans Rubber Co., 1112

Stopping: Chemico, 594; Pneu-Cure, 607

Tester, North British, 603

Tyres: Atlas, 714. Avon, 504, 709, 1112 Britannic, 601 Chailiner. 596. Cleveland, 392. Clincher, 603, 838, 1091. Collier. 660h. Columb, 713. Connolly, 606. Continental, 348, 606, 1091 Dunlop, 386, 607, 660c, 748, 1091 -Fai'ansui'o 593 Gaulois, 607. Goodrich, 660g. Grimston, 660e.

Griprib, 866. Gyro, 660c

Helsby, 707. Hermetic, 604. Hutchinson, 602, 1091

Kempshall, 607, 660c, 1091. K.T., 371, 603

Liversidge, 593. Lomax, 708. 767, 800. Lynton, 660f, 706

Marshall, 1010, 1091. Michelin, 660h, 1091. Midland Rubber Co., 601. Mogul, 708, 793. Moseley, 595, 1091

Palmer, 4. 593. Peter Union, 660j, 1091. Polack, 660i. 1091. Prowodnik. 713

Shrewsbury-Challiner, 1091. Sirdar, 708. Skew, 660f, 707. Spencer-Moulton, 1091. Steelrubber, 866. Stepney, 608

Tyres —Continued.

Thomas, 603

Vacuum Grooved, 603

Wood-Milne, 660i, 713, 866, 976, 1091

Tyres: Age of, 100. Damaged, How They are, 452. Price of, 504. Twin, on De Dions, 914. Tests of Large. 4

u. Underscreens, 954

United International Motors, Ltd., Address of, 452a United States: Car Exports to, 138. Co-operative Road Work in, 230. M. Maurice Clement’s Visit to the, 1129

Urban, Mr. Charles, 18

V. Valve: A New Inflation, and Relief, 1176. Gearing, Helicoidal, 984. Grinder, Ashcroft, 660e. Lifters: Nesthill, 660h: Practical, 599

Valves, The Position of the, 621

Vanderbilt Cup Race in America, 862, 1003

Vapor Carburetter, The, 962

Variable: Compression, 76 S3. Engine, 90. Presr sure, 392

Vehicles, Motor, The Repair of, 1102

Ventilator, A Torpedo, 480

Ventilator Shield, Cyclone, 480

Veteran, A Tough Little, 192

Vienna: Police Study Motoring in, 1167. State Motor School in, 297

Vinot Model for 1912, 510a

Voiturette: La Ponette, 977. Run in Germany, 777 Vosges, The, 952 SI

Vulcanizers: Harvey Frost, 170, 595. Simplex, 787.

Vulcan, 452b, 601

Vulcanizing, The Simplicity of, 170

w. Waller, Mr. Lewis, 133

” Wales, Motoring in,” 11

Wales, Prince of, Learns Motor Driving, 1086 Warland Dual Rim Co.’s Address, 174, 268 Warning Motorists, Motorist Fined for, 502g Watch, Smith, 611 Waterford, Marquess of, 133 Water-saving Device, Adams, 660g Way, Finding the, 308

Wayside Features, Interesting : Adam’s Well, 838 S4. Amen Court, Sundial at, 114 S4 Beresford Dale, Fishing Box at, 192 S4. Bradford Bridge with Chapel, 1028 S4. Bradford-on-Avon: Old Church at, 952 S4; Tithe Barn at, 1150 S4. Bryngwyn, Oak Tree as Memorial at, 762 S4. Burwell, Old Butter Cross at, 876 S4

Caistor, The Sackstone near, 1066 S4. Canterbury: “Canterbury Weavers” at, 1150 S4; St. Martin’s Church at, 76 S4. Carshalton, Famous Gateway at, 876 S4. Castlemorton, Church at, 838 S4. Chastleton House, 838 S4. " Cheeryble Brothers,” Tower Erected by, 114 S4. Chertsey, Cowley House at, 1112 S4.

Wayside Features, Interesting.—Continued. Christianity, The Cradle of, 76 S4. Churchill, Oxfordshire, Fountain at, 952 S4. Clack Abbey, 424 S4. Clement Scott, Memorial to, 386 S4. Clifford Chambers near Stratford-on-Avon, 306 S4. Coppiestone Cross, 1112 S4. Croydon Palace, Entrance to Banqueting Hall at, 114 S4

Deerhurst Priory, 386 S4. Dickens, Chas., House where, Spent His Honeymoon, 114 S4. Dickon’s Well, 838 S4. Dovedale, Lion Rock at, 230 S4. Dunston Pillar, 800 S4

Ecton, Inn Without a Sign at, 1150 S4, 1171. Ely Cathedral, Lantern Tower of, 192 S4. Exeter: Buckfast Abbots Old Residence at, 1066 S4; Curious By-way at, 76 S4

Forest of Dean, Largest Oak at, 424 S4

Giggles wick Scars, Well at Foot of, 1028 S4. Gian Usk Park, Turpil Stone at, 876 S4. Grendon Underwood Church, 1066 S4. Gret-ton, A Converted Chapel at, 1112 S4

Hanley Hall, 800 S4. Hayles Abbey, Ruin? of, 762 S4. Heckfield, Crusading Chest in Church at, 838 S4. Hell’s Glen, Adam’s Well at, 838 S4. Hereford, White Cross at, 762 S4. Hook, The Raven at, 424 S4. Hop Oast, From, to Cottages, 230 S4. Horncastle, Lincs., Marwood’s House at, 762 S4

Isaac Walton’s Fishing Box, 192 S4

“ Jack the Painter,” Hiding Place of, 424 S4

Kelso, First Bridge at, 1150 S4. Kilmun, Ancient and Modern Churches at, 1028 S4. Kimbolton, Hunts., Village Cross and Sundial at, 762 S4. Kymin Hill, Naval Temple on, 876 S4

Lea-Water Gauge House, 76 S4. Lincoln, *' The Jew’s House” at, 386 S4; “The Number houses” at, 306 S4; Justice Barn near, 1066 S4. Lion Rock, Dovedale, 230 S4. “ Llan

gollen, Ladies of,” 952 S4. London, Smallest House in, 76 S4. Lyveden “ New Build,” 306 S4

Maldon, Essex, Lion Tree near, 1028 S4. Malmesbury Abbey, 424 S4. Malvern “ Dumpling,” 1066 S4

Newbury, Obelisk just Outside, 306 S4. Newport, Essex, “ Monk’s ” Barn at, 1112 S4. Northam Church, Suffolk, Round Tower at, 230 S4. Norwich, G.E.R. Victoria Station at, 230 S4. Norwood, Thatched House at, 800 S4. Nowhere, 230 S4

Pamber Church, 230 S4. Parson’s Trove, Woad Factory at, 952 S4. Penrith, Plague Trough near, 1028 S4. Pontypridd, “ Bridge of the Earthen House ” at. 1112 S4

Reffley Spring, 800 S4. Rochester, College Gateway at, 192 S4. Rockdale, Inn Made from Boat at, 1112 S4

Salisbury: Cathedral Cloisters at, 76 S4; St. Anne’s Gate at, 1150 S4. Shenton, Dickon’s Well near, 838 S4. Spital’s Chapel-of-Ease, 306 S4. Stamford, Church Pillar as Chimney Pot at, 1028 S4. St. Augustine’s Abbey, Great Gate of, 114 S4. Stoke Dry, Church Porch at, 1150 S4. Stratford-on-Avon, Clifford Chambers near, 306 S4. Sudeley Castle, 800 S4

Wayside Features, Interesting—Continued.

Theatre Converted into Railway Booking Office', 230 S4. Thornham Parva, Thatched Church Tower at, 762 S4. Tretower Castle, 386 S4, Tripod House, 952 S4. Tutbury Castle, 192 S4 Upton-on-Severn: Haunted House at, 1066 S4; Old Church at, 386 S4

Wadebridge, 76 S4. Weston-under-Penyard, Temperance Terrace at, 800 S4. Weybourne, Church with Two Towers at, 192 S4. Whalebone House, Entrance Gateway to, 192 S4. Whetstone, Old Whetstone at, 306 S4. Wilton: Castle, 424 S4; Sundial on Bridge at, 876 S4, 963. Withington White Stone, 386 S4. Woodbridge, Suffolk, Weighing Machine at, 114 S4. Worcestershire Beacon, Toposcope on, 424 S4. Wothorpe, Ruins of, 876 S4. Wye Collar Hall. 838 S4

Weather, Dirty, Different Mats for, 1118 Welcome: America, 653. To Motor Market of World, 651

Welding Process, H.D.R., 990

Weldings, Warden and Co., 713

West Surrey A.C. Repress Reckless Driving, 1174 Wheel: Carrier, Griff, 709. Hub on Napier Car, 152 S4. Hub Testing for Accuracy, 152 S4. Puller, Little Giant, 598

Wheels: Bullturn, 1136a. Collier, 660h. Dunlop, 608. Goodyear. 139, 591, 783. Lynton, 550, 660f, 706, 1091. Martin, 1082. Michelin, 660h. Riley, 599, 1093. Rudge-Whitworth, 183, 311, 603, 608, 952 S3. Sankey, 600, 603. Stepney, 608. Tenax, 660c. Turnbull, 1091. Vieo, 600, 660c. Vinet, 707. Wood and Wire, 926 Wheel Holder, Dunhill’s, 596

Whistle, M. and B. Nightingale, 610

Wilful Obstruction, 292

Wimperis, Mr. H. E., 932

Wind Resistance and Power Recuperation, 203 Windshields: Auster, 13E, 13. Russell, 660e Windscreen: Fittings, Stock and Luff, 982. Peephole in the, 862

Windscreens: Auster, 13E, 13. 587. Beatonson, 713. Beaufort, 595. County, 587, 714. Hermer, 586. Rawlence, 587. Rotax, 144, 587. Russell, 32

Winnipeg, Contest for Oldsmobile Trophy in, 727 Wire Wheels in France, 139

Wisbech Mystery, 902

Wolseley Address, 826

Wood and Wire Wheels, 926

Woods for Cars, Owen and Sons, 660k

Works: De Dion-Bouton, 453. F.I.A.T., 442. Italy s Motor, 442. Lancia, 443. Lorraine-Dietrich. 706. Marshall’s Tyre Jacket, 804. S.C.A.T., 443

World, Tour Round the, 964

World’s Records. 214

World’s Tour by Hupmobile Car, 939 Worm: Drive, 732. Gear, Brown, 660k Wrench, Fitzall, 710

Wridgway, Mr. C. G., 329

Wurtemberg, Taxation of Motor Contests in, 174

Y. Yukon, Skagway Tidewater to Mighty, 773


A. A.A. Patrol Arthur W. Brookbanks, 746

Aberglaslyn Pass, 230 S3

Acetylene: Generator, Smith, 611. Headlight Controller, Thorn and Hoddle, 849

Acworth, Mr. W. H., at Keighley, 502d

Advertisement Eyesore at Basingstoke, 383

Advertisements, Revolving, 637

Afghanistan: Car for Amir of, 961. Preparing Roads in, 785. The Motor in, 784

Afghans Undergoings Motorcar Tuition in Bombay, 1072

Air: Inlet, Auxiliary, White and Poppe, 452b.

Tube, Diagram of Sectional, 5E

Alarm, Electrochime, 503

Alaska: Motoring in, 773. Yukon, 773

Alexandria, Argyll Works at, 59

Algeria: Contrast in, 911. In Locomotion, 914 S2

Alps, Touring Cars in the, 7

Alsace, A Road Scene in, 738

Alternating Rotary Motor, Brun, 205

Amberley, Sussex, A Peep at, 422

Ambulance Carriage, 1150

America: Grand Prix of, Benz Car in, 1012;

F. I.A.T. Car in, 1013; Lozier Car in, 1013; Mercedes Car in, 1012. Racing in, 231. Reservoir Crashes through Building in, 268 S4

American Engineers: At Coventry, 775. At Pan-hard Works, 812. On Ripley Road, 799

“ Any Bites? ” 234

Argyll: Sleeve Valve Inventors, 496b. Works, Colonials Visit, 59

Armchair, D.’Ieteren, 1141

Armoured Cars for Strikers, 100

Asheville, N. Carolina, Private Motor Road in, 860

Ashridge Park, Herts, 79

Askwith: Mr. G., Arrives at Whitehall, 98. Sir

G. , 974

Asquith, Right Hon. H. H.: Arrives at Whitehall, 98. Wolseley Car for, 320

Auster Shields Used as Tables, 409

Austin: Depot in Paris, 1157. Motor Body Building Department, 182

Auto-crat of Paris, The. 1150 S3

Auto-creeper, Norton, 609

Automatic Signals on Cars, 874

Automobile Club de France Laboratory, 448

Auto Starter, 972

Aviation : Aerial Cab, 975. Aerial Post, 141; An Incident of the, 548; First Collection of Gamage’s for, 214; Hamel, G., Carrying Mails, 548, Leaving Hendon with First Mail, 215; Hendon Aerodrome, Postbox at, 214; Some Possibilities of the, 241. Aero-Hydroplanes, New Naval, 313; Over Lake Winder-mere, 898. Aero Motor Test Bench, 448. Aerophone Testing at Cardiff, 290. Aeroplane: French Military, 1028; In Paris Salon, 974; Reconnaissance, 922; With Wireless Telegraphic Apparatus, 74. Aero Torpedo at Rheims, 467. Army Aeroplane at Aidershot, 1187. Aviators: Beachey, Mr. Lincoln, 150; Bellenger, Capt., 240; Blard, Lieut., 239; Garros, 201: Hucks, B. C., 290; Oxley, Mr. Hubert, 899; Picton, Mr., 420; Sablutnig, 1013; Vedrines, 25, 246, 524; Ward, 346; Weyman, 784, 785. Aviatress, Dutrieu, Mlle. Helene, 246

Belfort, Vedrines, M., Flies over Fort at, 246. Biplanes: Astra, 140; Brequet Military, 922; Bristol, 113; Farman Military, 921; Savary, 946; Voisin, 140. Brooklands, Mr. Picton Flying at, 354

Cardiff, Mr. B. C. Hucks Flying at, 290. Chavez, Monument to, 619. Cup, Femina, Mlle. Helene Dutrieu Wins, 246

Dagonet, M. Ernest, Monument to, 948.

Dirigible, Bayard-Clement, 922

Engines: Gnome, 65; Renault, 140, 934, 986 Farman Military Biplane Discovering Troops, 921. Flight: Impressions, 915; Mr. Wakefield’s Aero-hydroplane, 898. French Military Aviators: At Aero Club Banquet, 951; Studying the Day’s Manoeuvres, 921 Glider, Orville Wright’s, 747 Italo-Turkish War, Savary Biplane at the, 946 Marseilles, Vedrines at, 524. Michelin Cup, Vedrines Flying for, 66. Monoplanes: Antoinette Armour-plated. 245; Bleriot, 240, 784, 851, 935; Bristol, 65, 935, 939; Deperdussin, 524, 530; Marcay-Moonan, 938; Martin Handa-

Aviation.t- Continued.

side, 915; R.E.P. Military, 920; Valkyrie, 141.

Morane-Saulnier Torpedo Body, 934

Oxley, Mr. Hubert, Killed, 899

Paris Aero Show, 936, 938a. Pizey’s Wrecked Biplane at Ventnor, 113

Rheims: Military Meeting at, 784; Weyman’s ' Flight at, 785

Toulon, Vedrines Flying at, 530. Tripoli, Italian Officer on Bleriot Monoplane at, 784 Vedrines: At Issy-les-Moulineaux, 25; Flying for Michelin Cup, 6s. Ventnor: Pizey’s Wrecked Biplane at, 113; Mr. Valentine’s Aeroplane at, 103; Verdun, Lieut. Le Bland Flying at, 163

Axle-casing, Lanchester Rear, 485

B. Badge, Aero Club de France, 1023

Ballachulish Ferry, Crossing, 1039

Ball Bearing, Tormo, 602

Bangkok, A Street in, 788

Barker, John, and Son’s Motorvan, 1188

Barmouth Estuary, 230 S2

Basingstoke, Advertisement Boards at, 383

Batavia, Native Market in, 965

Battery, Edison, 1071

Benquet Zig-zag, 967

Berlin: Motor Show, 410; Queer Body Design at, 449. New Type of Cab in, 1186

Best-lighted Car on Road, 277

Bhopal, Car for Prince Hamilldullah Cahn of, 762 S2

Bianchi, C., at Hey den Bridge, 112

“ Bites, Any,” 234

Black Forest: In the, 952 SI. New Motor Service in, 347

Bob Team, A Successful, 1114

Body Design by Mr. Fitzherbert, 408

Body: Napier Torpedo Pullman, 318. New, by Capt. Theo Masui, 371. Racing Type, and Touring Car, 953

Boles, Col. Dennis, M.P., 860

Borrowdale: Among the Crags of, 838 S3. Rough By-way near, 838 S3

Bosch, Mr. Robert, 929

Botany, Dr. Carruther's Colonial Napier at, 174 Braemar, Queer Customs at, 216

Brake Shock Absorber, Zimmerman, 206 Bramber, Road Flooded at, 821 Brandon A.C., Meet of, 882

Brazil, Colonial Napier in, 1084a

Breton Ladies in National Costume, 58

Bridge: Bottle-neck, at Cranford, 1022. Humped-back, Night Driving over, 1115. Jumping at Speed, 1036. Shaky in Florida, 343

Brighton: Gymkhana, 213. Road near Bolney Rise, 41. Road, Surbiton, Tree Blown Down in, 900

Brookbanks, A. W.» A.A. Patrol, 746 Brooklands : American Engineers at, 744.

August Bank Holiday Meeting, 21, 24. Flood at, 502d, 991. Gearboxless Sheffield-Simplex at, 294. Last Lap! 349. Lord Vernon Winning at, 22. £100 Match at, 22. Records at, on Singer, 550. Rover Breasting Hill at, 748. Standard Car Race at, 349, 350. Sunbeam’s 12-hour Record at, 175. Tennis Court at, 760. World's Records at, 898

Brussels Motor Show, 1138. Medal for Daimler Co. at, 169

Buckingham, Passing through, 385

Buddha, Statue of, at Kamakura, Japan, 966 Buenos Aires, Roads in, 952 S3 Buffer, Dunhill’s, 25, 596

Burford Bridge, Old Surrey Union Hounds at, 1012 Burnham Golf Clubhouse Fire, 412 Bus, Austin, 981

c. California: Caravan Car in, 808. Lady Aviator in, 102. Trolley Car Service in, 504

Camera, Motoring with a, 1028 Si Camping Motorcar. Colonel du Font’s, 255 Canada: A Very Tired Party in, 423, The Motorcar in, 639

Canadian Northern Railway, 1500-mile Trip on, 1129 Canadian Pacific Railway, Demonstration Farm on, 480

C. and M.T.B.F. Members at Southport, 152 Canopy, Paragon Collapsible, 370 Canterbury, Ladies’ Day at, .62 Captain Rim Co. and the Strike, 99

Car: As Aid to Railway Construction, 1188 SI. Bodies, Fanciful Ideas of, 1. Cleaner Pump, Godin’s, 605. Converted 13-year-old, 1024. Finnigan’s Boxes and Trunks on, 41E. Flush-sided Open, 2. Noisy, How to Improve, 762 SI. Raiser, Nojak, 786. Suspension, 376. Testing in France, 1030, 1032. Washer, Illuminated, 886

Caravan Car in California, 868

Carbay, Lord, Steering Bob Sleigh, 1114 Carburetter: Controlling the, 119. Paraffin and Alcohol, 1137

Carburetters: Aster, 26E. Brown and Barlow, 26E, 597. Bijet, 25E. Claudel-Hobson, 26E. Deasy. 572. Garner, 708. G.C., 1137. H.P.,

708. Ideal, 751. Jaugey Floatless, 526. J.M., 972. Longuemare, 612. Oryx, 579. Polyrhoe, 25E. Stewart-Precision, 611. Solex, 25E. S.U., 26E, 63, 592. T. and M., 25E, 660f. Thomson and Bennett, 32E. Vapor. 962. Welsh, 25E. 612. White and Poppe, 25E, 452b, 597. Zenith, 25E, 465

Car Construction: Aberdonia, Carburetter, Dashboard on. 324: Differential Gear on, 323; Engine of, 322; Oil Level Pet Cock on, 322; Springing of. 324; Steering Column and Pedals on, 324; Universal Joint on, 323. Adler, Brakes on, 582m. Albion, Clutch, Engine and Gearbox on, 578. Alcyon, Inlet Side of Motor of, 1055. Alldays, Cross-Member Supporting Gearbox on, 5822. Ameri-caine. Engine and Friction Drive on, 417. Argyll: Brakework on, 493: Brake Pedal on, 582; Engine of, 490, 493, 582; Lighting Dynamo on, 582. Armstrong-Whitworth : Bevel Gear on, 316; Carburetter on. 314; Magneto on, 314; Plan View of, 314; Pump for, 567; Vaned Flywheel on, 315. , Arrol-Johnston: Crankcase Bracket for Magneto, 582e; Clutch, Engine, Flywheel and Gearbox on.* 435; Power Unit of, 485. Austin, Engine and Gearbox on, 571. Austrian-Daimler: Clutch Segment on, 570; Engine of, 374: Pivoted Spring Clip to Rear Axle on, 569; Rear Axle of, 375

Baguley, Engine and Rear Suspension of, 672. Bedford: Crankcase Vent-pot on, 319; Clutch, Overhead Valves and Rocker Arms on. 319. Bell: Air Valve and Throttle on, 582k; Engine of, 692. Belsize: Cylinder Castings on, 564; Engine of. 563: Front Axle Ends of. 564; Gearbox on, 563. Benz: Clutch on, 582Z; Cylinder Casting on, 160: Footbrake on, 5822; Gearbox on, 161: Ignition Valve on, 160; Oil Gauge on, 5822; Petrol Tank on, 161. Benz-Sbhne: Aluminium Grease Case on. 394; Clutch on. 701; Dash Shield on, 394; Engine of, 393; Gearbox and Greasebox on, 701: Rear Axle on, 393; Universal Joint on, 393, 701. Bianchi: Chain Coupling of Water Pump on, 666; Torque Stay on, 667. Brasier: Bonnet of, 1119: Carburetter Clutch, Fan, Gear and Lubricator Pumps, 1120; Magneto Cover on. 668. Briton: Clutch Withdrawal Gear and Clutch on, 566; Engine and Oil Pump on, 565. B.S.A.: Back Axle and Brakes on, 401. 483: Cross Bearing on, 400. 483; Engine of, 400, 684; Gearbox on, 401, 483; Steering Box on, 400; Worm Drive on, 686. Buchet: Brake on. 553; Carburetter, 532: Gearbox on, 532. 533

Cadillac: Crankshaft on, 575; Distributor and Dynamo Oil Reservoir, on. 411; Grease Cups on. 575. Calthorpe, Rear Spring and Torque Tube on, 677. Chambers: Back Axle and Change-speed Mechanism on. 1160: Front

698. Charron, Oil Feed on, 582n. Chenard-Walcker: Axle Drive on, 461; Camshaft on,

Car Construction.—Continued.

516; Engine on, 517, 668: Magneto Coupling on, 678; Valve Side of, 461. C.I.D.: Exhaust Side of Motor of, 439; Rotary Valve on, 438; Valve Positions on, 438. Clement-Talbot: Induction Pipe on, 578: Internal Clutch on, 579; Sprag and Reverse on, 578. Crossley: Chain Drive on, 496a; Clutch and Engine of, • 496; Filter and Tappet on, 575; Fuel Pressure Valve on, 496a; Gearbox on, 496; Magneto Shaft and Oil Gauge on, 496a; Spigot Bearing Lubrication on, 496; Spring Clips and Tube on, 484; Three Arm Support on, 483

Daimler : Aluminium Dashboard on, 484, 568; Carrier Arm of Engine on, 399; Clutch Details on, 568; Dashboard and Dynamo on, 399; Engine of, 398: Front Seat Ventilators on, 1056; Lubricating System on, 568; Steering Column on, 399; Universal Joint on, 399. Darracq: Carburetter on, 560; Engine on, 684, 1073;'Lubricating System and Magneto, 1074; Propeller Shaft, Rear Axle and Torque Stay on, 728; Vertical Shaft and Wire Wheel on, 560. De Dion: Carburetter on, 728; Clutch on, 83; Gear and Brake Levers in Quadrant, 728. De Dion-Bouton: Rear Axle and Three-point Suspension on, 582a; Universal Joint on, 728. Delage: Brake and Gate Mechanism on, 276 - .Engine of, 276, 580: Magneto on, 276; Magneto Coupling and Shackle Attachment on, 580. Delahaye, Rear Brake Adjustment, 579, 582f. Delaunay-Belleville : Carburetter on, 728; Engine of, 676; Torque Stay Attachment on, 676. D.F.P.: Gearbox on, 566; Rear Axle on, 687; Valves on, 566

Enfield, Spring Pad with Lubricator on, 589 Fafnir: Engine on, 353; Whiffle-tree Balance on, 679. F.I.A.T.: Crank Chamber and Gearbox on, 770; Gear and Brake Lever Bracket, 581; Steering Joint oil, 728. Flanders: Gate on, 46: Gearbox on, 45. F.N., Engine and Gearbox on, 695. Ford, Brake, Clutch and Engine on, 673

Gladiator: Back Axle on, 728: Clutch Stop on, 589; Propeller Shaft and Torque Stay on, 728. G.N., Bearings. Clutch, Engine, Flywheel, Gate and Gearbox on, 1103, 1104. Gregoire: Engine on, 671; Lamp on Dash on, 672

Hisnano-Suiza: Dashboard on, 470; Exhaust and Inlet Sides of, 469; Rear Part of, 470. Hotchkiss: Clutch and Gearbox on, 238; Gear Lever Gate and Brake Quadrant on, 582n; Side Elevation of, 238. Hudson, Clutch, Engine, and Gearbox on. 202. 945. Humber: Attachment on Cardan Shaft Casing, 693; Change-speed Lever on, 733; Position of Worm on, 580: Swing Bar Clutch on, 484; Whiffle-tree Balance on, 581. Hup-mobile. Engine and Rear Axle Springing on, 691. Hurtu, Engine and Gate Change on, 529

Iris: Back Axle and Engine on, 680; Extension of Gearbox on, 692. Itala: Aluminium Piping on, 502b; Brake on. 680; Distributor Valve on. 502b, 668: Engine of. 502c; Oil Delivery Pipe on. 502b; Petrol and Pressure Pines on, 667: Safety Valve Coupling on, 502b; Water Circulation on, 502b

Jackson: Axle and Steering Connections on, 498: Brakes on, 498: Engine on, 509

K.R.I.T., Engine and Gearbox on, 1094

La Buire. Brake, Rear Axle and Tail Shaft Coupling on, 573. La Licorne, Door, Hood, Seat and Snare Tyre Receptacle on, 336. Lanchester. Oil Pump and Wick Carburetter on, 582c. Lancia: Spring Drive on, 675; Turbine Driven Fan on, 675. Le Gui: Brake Lever and Change Speed Lever on, 999; Rear of Frame of, 998. Leon Bollee: Clutch Withdrawal Mechanism and Engine on, 918; Gate and Silencer Brackets on, 919. LiomPeugeot, Gear to Back Axle on, 665

Martini, Clutch on. 669. Mass, Clutch Details and Dash on, 683. Maudslay: Back Axle and Chain Casing on, 406; Chain Drive Gearbox on. 485; Gate on, 407; Magneto Position and , Silent Chain-drive Gearbox on, 406. Mercedes: Brake Adjustment on. 81: Chassis on. 82; Engine, Magneto and Oil Flow on, 81? Rocker Arms on, 192 S2: Timing Gear and Water Pump on. 81. Metallurgique: Forward Support and Torque Stay on, 682; Forward Universal Joint and Spring Drive on. 582i. Minerva, Dash and Scroll Elliptic Support on, 562. Motobloc: Driving Plate on, 684; Flywheel on, 728

Napier: Carburetter on, 813; Clutch. Dashboard Gearbox and Rear Axle on. 362a, 362b, 582b. N.EC-. Steering Wheel on. 686. Niclausse, Spring Shackle on, 687. N.S.U., Clutch and Brake Pedal Stops on, 698

Oryx, Carburetter, Springs. Bracket and Toraue Tube Anchorage on. 842. Overland : Clutch Withdrawal Mechanism on 582j

Panhard, Back Axle, Rear Spring Anchorage, Rear Suspension and Torque Tube or, 728. Panhard-Knight. Axle. Carburetter, Gearbox and Magneto on. 557. Peugeot. Spring Drive on, 665. Phoenix, Back Axle, Differential Brake, Swivel Bracket and Starting Handle on, 437. Piccard-Pictet, Air Intake, Dashboard Instrument Fitting and Exhaust Whistle on, 675 Pilain, Axles. Brake and Springing on, 675. Pilot. Clutch Shaft and Flywheel Coupling on, 690

Renault, Chassis and Dash of, 666. Riley, Gearbox and Torque Stay Support on, 582g. R.M.C., Engine and Radiator on, 508. Rolls-Royce, Lamp Bracket on, 582c. Ronteix: Change. Speed Mechanism on, 697; Gate on. Suspension and Steering Gear on, 1161; Side View and Valve Side of, 1160. Rover: Gate and Gearbox on, 362; Rear Axle on, 361

Car Construction.—Continued.

S.C.A.T., Engine Casing, Ignition Control and Throttle on, 582d. Schneider: Disc Drive on, 121; Engine of, 120; Gate, Gear and Brake Levers and Universal Joint on, 121. Sheffield-Simplex, Engine of, 674. Sjddeley-Deasy, Engine and Steering Wheel Control on, 573. Singer, Rear Brakes Adjustment on, 582h. Sizaire-Naudin: Chains for Camshaft on, 466; Carburetter, Connecting Rods and Crankshaft on, 465; Foot and Hand Brake on, 733; Magneto, Pistons and Rear View of, 465, 466. Spyker, Helicoidal Valve Gearing on, 485. Standard, Oil Level Whistle and Plate Clutch on, 679. Star: Engine of, 561; Gearbox Suspension and Steering Wheel on, 562. Stoewer, Foot Brake Adjustment on, 681. Straker-Squire: Back Axle on, 678; Steering Column Switch on, 733. Sunbeam, Carburetter, Crankcase and Footbrake on, 572. Swift: Engine on, 683; Footbrake on, 582d; Torque Stay Buffers on, 582e

Thornycroft, Engine of, 686

Unic, Carburetter, Oil Pump and Valves on, 564 Valveless, Engine of, 312. Vauxhall: Changespeed Lever on, 427, 485: Gear Locking Device and Lubrication System on, 427; Safety Mechanism on, 485; Steering Arms and Steering Block Device on, 426. Vermorel: Rear Wheel Brake Rods on, 699; Steering Column Shoe on, 698. Vinot: Accelerator Pedal Stop on, 582m; Clutch Stop, Engine and Springs on, 510a. Vivinus, Power Unit of, 703. Vulcan: Radiator on, 755; Springing. Steering and Valve on, 559; Universal Joint on, 733

Waverley, Pump Position on, 688. White, Clutch Brake Ring and Springs and Front Apron on, 582g. White Petrol, Carburetter, Magneto and Valve on, 1077. Wolseley: Chain Drive on, 360; Cut-out on, 733; Elliptic Springs on, 666; Rear Spring Suspension on, 360, 485

Zedel, Compression Top on, 685

Cars: Abbott-Detroit, 975. Adams. 75, 130. 177. 681. Alldays, 671. Americaine, 417. Argyll 125, 508, 893. 1011, 1066, 1091. Ariel, 668. Armstrong-Whitworth, 288, f>67. Arrol-Johnston, 13. 152 SI, 502d, 582e, 810: Colonial Model. 213. Atlas, 502h. Austin, 296, 351, 365, 1076, 1161; Windsor, 721. Austrian-Daimler, 21, 372a, 570, 1163

Baguley, 672. Ballonnee, 1139. Bedelia, 340. Bedford. 320. Belsize, 563. 685, 1134. Benz, 23. 161, 191 209, 212. 1012 1134, 1140. Berliet, 351 451. Brasier, 988. Briton, 565. B.S.A., 686; Carlton, 582f, 1120; Croydon, 582f. Buchet, 532

Cadillac, 832. Calthorpe, 677. Cameron, 366,

699. Carlton, 582f, 1120. Chalmers, 372b. Chambers, 697. C.I.D., 439. Clement, 670. Cottin-Desgouttes, 47. 100. Crossley, 112,

136, 643. Crowdy, 682. Cruiser, 752

Daimler, 194, 195, 460, 540, 660d, 738, 876 SI, 961, 1028 SI, 1087, 1135, 1163; Earlham. 568; Eversley, 568. Darracq, 23, 53, 408, 560, 742a, 996. 1088. Deasy. 510. De Dion-Bouton, 38, 582a, 838. De Dion, 83, 192, 870. 1024. De Dietrich. 21. 292, 385. Delage, 276, 352, 531,

1162. Delahaye, 513. 913. 1162. Delaunay-Belleville. 1105. Dennis Torpedo, 458. Dodson, 762 S3

Earlham. 568. E.M.F., 742. Enfield, 268 S3, 589. Eversley, 568

Fafnir, 354. F.I.A.T.. 63. 581. 1003, 1013. Flanders, 45. 742. Fondu, 200. Ford, 48, 138, 727, 1041. 1089

Gregoire. 1136. G.W.K . 502f. 699

Haynes, 1123. Hillman. 704. Hispano-Suiza, 341, 887. Hotchkiss, 238. 539. 1066 SI. Hudson. 202. 945. Humber, 53, 1150. Hurtu, 667, 1027. Hutton. 252

Iris. 352, 690. Isotta Fraschini, 696, 1140 Jackson. 751 Knight-Daimler, 628. Koecklin, 1054 La Licorne, 336. Lambert, 899. Lanchester, 223, 826. 1019. 1088. 1135. La Ponette. 977. Laurin-Klement. 332. Le Gui, 702, 829, 998. Leon Bollee. 334. L’Hirondelle, 520. Lorraine-

Dietrich, 176, 553. Lozier, 1013. Lurquin-Coudert, 847

Martini, 23. 177. Maudslay, 582k, 1091. MaxwelL 731, 1090; Mascot. 700. Mercedes, 22, 23. 24 192 SI, 672, 673, 1012. 1140. Mercedes* Knight. 305. Metallurgique. 952 S3, 1139,

1163. Mitchell. 502h. 696. 1090

Nap’er, 174, 363, 373, 687. 901, 10M, 1084a, 1089. N.E C., 459, 473. Norwalk. 1123

Opel 689, 1139. Overland, 509

Palladium. 23. 800. 1089. Panhard, 88, 1134. Park Royal. 722. Patterson, 798. Peugeot. 26. 199, 200, 204, 263. 1135. Phoenix, 436. Pilain. 1139. Pone-Hartford, 218

R. C.H., 843. 1123 Renault. 22, 23. 468. 518, 1091.

Riley. 348 R M.C.. 76, 670. Rolls-Royce, 31 311. 386 S3. 582- 940. 1164, 1168: Model of.

663. Ronteix. 1160. Rover, 124, 152, 273, 361,

664. 748, 855

S. C.A.R., 177, 352. S.C.A.T.. 99. Sheffield-Sim

plex, 135, 229, 294, 306. Siddeley-Deasy, 809, 1088. Singer. 290, 457, 550. 704. Sizaire. 569 Spa, 23. Spyker. 330. Standard. 284. Stanley Steamer. 291, 688. Star, 424, 833, 876 Stoddart, 762: Daytona, 275. Stoewer, 668, 863. Straker-Sauire. 190. 505. 1059. Sunbeam.

137. 178. 187, 348, 349, 351, 365. Swift, 5, 268, 1111, 1183

Talbot, 292a. 1156. Thames, 21, 24. Thornycroft 674. Trianon. 790. Turner, 914

Valveless. 313. Vauxhall, 4. 30. 228, 252, 254, 277. 389. 390 460, 507. 576, 644. 652. 736, 898, 1110. 1130, 1130a. Vinot, 510a: Standard, 509 Vulcan, 557, 755, 794

Warren. 695. White Petrol. 1077. Whiting, 1053. Windsor. 721. Wolseley. 299, 320. 463. 552 762 S2, 769, 787. 952, 1035, 1088, 1112 S2. 1144 Cars, Well-lighted, 373

Castor Axle, B. and L., 159

Catalan, Mme. Isaheau, 861

Cathedral, Nantes, 147

Chain Drive, White and Poppe, 515 Chains: Coventry, 599. Renold, 593 Chair Mender’s Ancient Renault, 468 Chambal River, Crossing, 990 S2 Champion, Captain, 746 Chapel-en-le-Frith, Near, 315

Chapel, A Derbyshire Valley near, 315

Char-a-Bancs: Collision near Worthing, 306 S5.

Smash on Long Close Bank, 139

Chart of A.A. and M.U. Membership since 1905, 786 Chassis : Aberdonia, 323. Adler, 582m, 587. Albion, 455, 1088a. Aquila, 430. Argyll, 491. Ariel, 508. Arrol-Johnston, 434. Austin, 259, 297, 507, 571, 586, 723. Austrian-Daimler, 372a, 374 Bell, 754. Benz, 160, 585. Berliet, 1112, Brasier, 1119. Buchet, 1057

Charron, 723, 908, 917. Chenard-Walcker, 521. Cheswold, 884. Crossley, 574

Daimler, 397, 472, 828, 1056. De Dietrich, 457, 590. De Dion, 368, 587. De Dion-Bouton, 981. Delaunay-Belleville, 510. 519, 537, 753, 790, 869, 906, 1099. Dennis, 16, 906

Fafnir, 353, 679, 825. F.I.A.T., 585, 827. F.N., 695

G.N., 1104. Gregoire. 523, 952 S2, 1064

Hillman, 704. Hotchkiss, 386. Humber, 328, 581, 693. Hurtu, 529, 667

Iris, 869

Jackson, 498

Knight-MercSd&s, 475. Knight-Panhard, 829.

K.R.I.T., 1094

Lanchester, 582d. Lancia, 143, 721, 752, 827. Le Gui, 998. Leon Bollee, 519, 918. Lorraine-Dietrich, 925

Martini. 669. Maudslay, 68, 260, 261. Mercedes, 82. 220. Metallurgique, 754, 1180. Minerva, 297, 1098

N.A.G., 106. Nagant. 1141. Napier, 32, 67, 362a, 506, 869, 963, 1181; Of 1904, 633

Oaklands, 203. Oryx, 842

Panhard-Knight, 557. Peugeot, 456. Phoenix, 436 Renault, 261, 587. 791, 905. 1004, 1100. Rolls-Royce, 32, 144, 474, 642, 724, 753, 795, 905. Rover, 577

S.C.A.R., 754a. Schneider, 120. Siddeley-Deasy, 1020, 1057. Silent-Knight Panhard, 260. Sizaire-Naudin, 520. S.P.A., 906, 943. Sprin-guel, 694. Star, 561. Straker-Squir§, 459, 678, 790. Sunbeam, 358. Swift, 462

Unic, 519

Valveless, 312. Vauxhall, 426, 460, 472, 576, 1020. Vermorel, 825

White Petrol, 586. Wolseley, 142, 143, 183, 220, 359. 555, 588, 868

Chassis: Frame Strengthened, 30. Standard Type of, 2

Chauffeur: Position of. in Car, 12. Proper Place for, 12

Chavez, Monument to, 619

Chicago Motor Show, 489

Chiltern Hills, 192 SI. Beeches on, 538. Snow Scene on, 1151

Christmas Meet of Old Surrey Union Hounds, 1012 Christmas Scene, Old, and New-fashioned Car, 942 Christmastide Shopping, Motors and, 974 Cigar Lighter, Electric, Vandervell’s, 333 Clock, Rinney Walker, 1188

Clubs : Bradford A.C., 252; Hill-climb. 292a. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C. Hill-climb, Winner of, 290. Essex M.C. Gymkhana, 137. Huddersfield A.C., 252; Hill-climb, 292a. Leicester M.C,: Gymkhana, 138; Hill-climb, 178. Manchester M.C.: Hill-climb, 254; Winner of, 288. Middlesex County A.C., Speed-judging Contest. 216. Scottish A.C. Hill-climb, Presentation of Awards, 291. Transvaal A.C. Speed Test, 652

Clumber, Meet of Earl Fitzwilliam’s Hounds at, 747 Coachwork: Alford and Alder, 105, 377, 587, 943, 1004. Alin and Liautard, 952 S2, 1064. Angus, Sanderson and Co., 905. Argyll, 1099. Austin Motorcar Co., 297, 722

Barker, 795. Botwoods, 869. Brown. Hughes and Strachan, 68, 106, 275. 386 S3, 722

Caledonian Motor Carriage Co., 518. Cann, 106, 722, 1098. Cockshoot, 781. Cole and Sons, 220, 753. Connaught Motor Co., 519, 791

Daimler Co., 660d. Deasy, 1020. Debnam and Strachan. 306. Dennis Bros., 16, 906. D’le-teren, 519, 753, 869, 906. 1141. Dodson, 829 Easther, 588. Electromobile Co., 67 Ferguson, J. B.. 31 Green and Son, 906, 943

Hamshaw, 386, 828. Harris and Others. 372. Hertford and Motor Hiring Co., 67. Hill and Boll, 753, 1180. Holmes and Co., 1099. Hooner , and Co., 68, 144, 584. Hora, E. and H., 203, 585. Howes and Son, 868. Hyde Park Motor Co., 520

Jarrott, 519

Knight-Poole, 754

Lambert and Worger. 723. Lanchester, 1019.

Lawton and Co., 790, 1057. Lucas. 905

Mann, Egerton and Co., 32. 261, 474, 981. Masui, Capt., 371, 868. Maudslay, 260. May thorn and Son, 143, 721, 752, 827. 961. McNaught and Co., 474, 722. Meier and Son, 184, 261, 754. Mills and Co.. 825. Morgan and Co., 518,

588, 904. Mulliner and Co., 261, 472, 642, 1020, 1142

N.E.C., 473. Newton and Bennett, 963

Pack and Sons, 220. Penman, A.C;, 259, 1181. Pingret, Guion and Breteau, 723. Prance, 1057

Regent Carriage Co.. 791, 1100

Salmon and Sons. 586, 790. Smith and Son, 297.

Stoneleigh, 460

Thrupp and Maberley. 724, 753

Van den Plas. 754. Vincent, William, 260, 829 Warren and Co.. 191. Wimbush and Co., 1112.

Windham Motor Body Co., 1056. Wolseley Co., 142, 143, 183

Coat, Coverall, 749

Coats at Selfridge’s, 1052

Coffin, Mr. Howard E., 800

Colonials Visit Argyll Works, 59 “ Come Inside! ” 348 S4 Condenser, Ducellier, 30E Connaught, Duke of, at Montreal, 1012 Contact Breaker, Nilmelior, 30E Continental Motor Holiday, 148, 149 Contour Road Map of R.A.C. Six-day Napier Test, 1014

Controls: E.M.F., 1181. Jackson, 1181 Controller Switch, Van Raden, 599 Conway Castle, 230 S2 Countisbury Hill, Lynmouth, 39 Coupe, An American, 989 Coupling Device, 803 Cowes, Royal, 15 Cranford: Bottle-neck Bridge at, 1022. White Hart at, 1066 S2

Cripples’ Outing, Essex M.C.’s, 8 Crowther, Mrs. J. K., on Her Car, 275 Crummock Water, In the Woods near, 838 S3 Cudham Church Hill, Napier Takes, 1081 Cunard Motor and Carriage Co.’s Works, 1143 Current Transformer, Crypto, 711

Cut-outs: Clair, 706. Fregas, 592. Orno, 610. Pol-key-Jarrott, 660k t

Cylinder Cooling, Novel Theory in, 122 Cylinders, Laystall Hydraulic Test for, 218a

D. Daimler: King’s Telegram Ordering New, 777. Showrooms in Champs-Elysees, 973. Works, American Engineers Visit, 775 Doctors Visit, 11

Dalnaspidal, N.B., A View near, 1035 Damoh Jungles, Leaving the, 990 S3 Danger of the Unexpected, 82 Dartmoor, Changing Tyres near, 409 Dashwood Hill. 267

“ Day’s Sport ” at Palladium, 1178 Daytona Beach, Florida. 127 m.p.h. at, 209 Deauville, Vedrines Falls into Sea at, 101 Delhi Durbar: Rolls-Royce Cars for, 311. Standard Car for, 284

Delorimies Park, Montreal, Track in, 337 Demonstration Car for Marshall’s Tyre Jacket, 289 Denmark, Crown Princess of, 717 Derby, Rolls-Royce Track at, 858 Devon and Cornwall, Touring in, 444a

Devonshire: Lane in. Motoring through, 381. Lyn-ton Hill in, 725

Deydier, Georges: At Mont Ventoux, 100. On Cottin-Desgouttes Car, 47

Dhasan River, Fording the. 990 S3

Diagram Illustrating Messrs. Lodge’s Letter, 1108 Differential Axle, M.A.B., 18E Dirigible, German Princes in a, 737

Dogcart, Electric, Thrupp and Maberley, 1143 Doggy Dissipation. 1145 Dolgelly, Near, 230 SI Door Silencer, Snutzel, 1141

Dreadnought, Car Disguised as a, at Carnival, 114 Dual Control Car, 12 Dunstable Downs, On the, 77 Du Cros: George, 269. William, 269 Dudswell, Dangerous Corner at, 824

Durbar: Ball at R.A.C., 937. Royal Cars at, 1112 S2 Dust Cap, Captain Rim, 705

Dynamos: Bleriot, 615. Brooks, 750. C.A.V., 582, 616. C.J.L. Magnetolite, 615. Ducellier, 616. En Route, 787. Lucas, 618. Magician, 615. No-cell, 793. Peto and Radford, 615. Rotax-Leitner, 660Z. Seabrook, 660Z. Seebright.

660Z. Smith and Son’s, 618. Trier and

Martin, 617

E. Edinburgh in 90 Minutes by Gyro, 763 Eisteddfod, Welsh National, 58 Electric Light Controller, Van Raden, 543 Electromobile Co.’s,Roof Testing Ground, 898 Electromobiles, A Fleet of, 978

Elgin, Ill.: Collapse of Grand Stand at, 235. David Buck at, 218. Youngsters’ Racing Fever at, 218

Engall, Mr. W. S., Land’s End to John o’ Groat’s by, 135

Engine: Four-stroke, 268 SI. Knock, Illustrating New Theory of, 1109. Rotary Combustion, 382. Test for Vibration, 278

Engines : Adams, 482, 1088, 1091. Albion, 578. Aquila, 430. Argyll, 483, 490, 491, 492, 582, 660a, 1088a. Aster, 604. Austin. 571. Austrian-Daimler, 570. Baguley, 672. Bayard-Clement, 861. Bell, 692. Belsize. 563. Briton, 565. C.I.D., 438. Coventry-Simplex, 502f.

Crossley, 483. Darracq, 452a, 484, 560. Daimler, 398, 400, 903. De Dietrich. 590. De Dion, 1106. De Dion-Bouton, 478. Delage, 580. Delaunay-Belleville, 676. D.F.P.. 456. Diesel, 956. Flanders, 1090. Ford, 673. Gregoire, 671. Hudson, 945. Humber, 766. Iris, 680. Itala, 502c. Lanchester, 458. Martini, 456. Minerva. 562. Napier, 661. N.S.U., 834.

Oryx, 579. Phoenix, 575. Piccard-Pictet, 771. Quidarre, 122. Ransom, 90. R.C.H., 1090.

Rolls-Royce, 582c. Sheffield-Simplex, 674. Sizaire, 569. Spyker. 844. Star, 561. Sunbeam, 572. Swift, 462, 683. Taylor-Simplex,

709. Tesla Turbine, 440. Thornycroft, 686.

’ Unic, 564. Vivinus, 703. Vulcan, 558. Wolseley, 556

Engine Starting Devices: Aplco, 1153. American, 1153. Chalmers, 1124. Christensen, 454, 710. Crescent, 1025. Delco, 1126. 1153. Disco, 1152. Ever Ready, 1126. Gardner, 415. Glenard, 1126. Janney-Steinmetz, 1152. K.E.W.. 1127. Kimball, 1155. North East, 1155. O’Neill, 1155. Prest-O, 1093. Regan, 1155. Right-away, 511. 612. Star, 1154. Victor, 1153. Wilson, 1152. Winton, _1124

Esher, The Bear at, 806

Essex M.C. Cripples’ Outing, o

Exhaust Car Heater, Thomson-Bennett, 612 Experience, An Unenviable, 877

F. Fancy Dress from Palmer Cord Tyre, 902

Feat, A Daring, 1050

F.I.A.T. Works, Engine-testing Department, 442

Field. The Shorn, 838 SI

Fire Engine Coupling Device, 803

Fire on Thames Embankment, Car at, 155

Flight and Flotsam, 530

Plorida. A Shaky Bridge near, 343

Fog. An Incident of the, 1121

Folkestone Pier, Cars on. 148

Formulae, Motor Tour, 955

Fortingall Church, 125

Fosseway, Views on the, 769

France: A Halt for Petrol in, 876 S2. Harvesting, Up-to-Date, in, 478. Winding Road in, 965

Friction Gear, Forest, 852

French: Aero Exhibition, Poster of, 850. Alps, Hairpin Corner on, 876 S3. Designs Disposing of Accessories, 414. Hotel, Starting Tour from, 149. Military Manoeuvres. 239; Towing Aeroplane to, 266. National Roads, Speed Testing on, 1030

G. Garage: Air Compression, Burnerd, 876. Electro-mobile Co.’s, 978. W. and G.’s, 270. West Wales Motor, Burnt Out, 784

Garages, Basements as, in Paris, 87

Gas Bags: B.B.L., 22E. Turco, 22E

Gear: Lentz, 734. Box. Rover, 577. Clutch and Brake Control Levers, 43. Lever, Buick, 1181 Generators: Autoclipse, 1156. Rushmore, 660e.

Salsbury, 591. Turnover, 600. Willocq-Bottin, 604

George IV Avenue, Between Alton and Basingstoke, 1028 S2

German Emperor’s Landaulet, 105; New Sporting Car, 305

German Museum at Munich, Early Cars at, 1172 Geripany, H.I.H. the Crown Princess of, 717 Glen Fyne, In, 306 S2

Glen Kinglas, Road Blockage near, 306 S2

Glidden Tour: Cars Crossing Ford in, 731. Digging Car Out of Rut in, 730. Maxwell Car Rush- . ing a Stream in, 731. Roads after Heavy Rains in, 730

Golf Club-House Fire, Nine Motors Burned at, 412 Grange, Flooded Road near, 838 S3 Grasmere Village, 424 SI

Grease Plunger, Royalty, 1136a

Gymkhanas: Eastbourne, 348. Leicester M.C.j 138.

S.M.Y.C., at Brighton, 213

Gyroscopic Non-skid Apparatus, 600

H. “ Half-a-jimmy,” 234

Harrods, Cars Outside, at Christmas, 974

Harvesting Up-to-Date, 478

Hawk and Prey Inn, 180

Hawking Aided by Motorcar,' 293

Height Record by Garros. 201

Herts. County, A.C. Lake District Tour, 76

Hill-climbs: Bradford A.C., 292a. Bradford and . Huddersfield A.C., 252. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 290; Winner of, 296. Essex I M.C., at Chinnor Hill, 177. Gaillon, 332; Bedelia Cars for, 340. Huddersfield A.C., 292a. Leicester A.C.. 178. Manchester M.C. at Heyden Bridge, 112, 254; Winner of. 288. Mont Ventoux, 100. R.A.C. of Victoria, Lanchester Cars for, 826. Scottish A.C., Presentation of Awards at. 291. Yorks A.C., at Pateley Bridge, 136, 137

Hindhead: Dust at, 64. Royal Huts Hotel at, 758

Holbeck Hill, Accident at, 63

Honister Pass, Daimler Car Conquers, 424 SI

Hood, A New One-man, 1180

Hoods: Capital, 707. Lamplugh, 720. Paragon, 370

Hope, A Ray of, 637

Horns: Adnil, 45E. Apollo, 45E. Autochime, 45E, 596. Bleriophone, 46E, 593. Boa Constrictor,. 45E. Clair Electric, 255. Echo, 602. Gabriel, 46E, 605. Godin, 45E, 605. Klaxon, 45E. Klaxonet, 711. Lucas, 45E, 598. Mira, 45E. Moco, 46E. Python, 45E. Rossignol, 46E. Rotax Clarionette, 591. Sireno, 45E, 598. Testophone, 45. Wagner, 45E, 595

Horse Bus, The Passing of the, 497

Horses Drawing Car from Ditch near Munich, 876 SI

Horses Passing Motorcar on Way to Meet, 816

Hustling Spirit, The, 153

Hut Hotel at Wisley, 428

Hydraulic Test for Cylinders, Laystall, 218a

I. Ideal Exhibition Building, 822

Inflator. Parsons Sparklet, 409—(See also “ Tyre ' Inflators ”)

India: Petrol in, 990 S4. Unpacking Adams Car in, 75. Wolseley for Viceroy of, 552

Indianapolis, Barge Driven by Car at, 384

Inner Case, Atlas, 714

Inshaw Rotary Motor, 156

Instantus Holder, The, 378

Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 221 Interlude, A Pleasant, 92

Ireland, Brasier Car Touring in, 988

Isle of Wight, Cars Crossing to the. 237, 339

Italy, Stiff Hill near Perugia in, 965

J. Jacks: Lightning, 949. Lucas Hydraulic, 409. Ripault Screwless, 599

Japan: Buddha Statue in, 966. Ferry in, 965. Negotiating Narrow Bridge in, 964

Jhelum Valley, In the, 990 S2

K. Keep near Left Kerb, 37

Kelat, Cars for the Khan of, 644

Kellermann of Valmy, Monument of, 163

Kendal, Ascending Shap from, 306 S2

Kent Cyclist Battalion Placing Gun on Car, 53

Keswick-Butterwick House Climb, 424 SI

Khay, Mr. Oey Tjong, 855

King’s Telegram Ordering Daimler Car, 777

Knight-engined Rover Car, 124

Knighton, Water-splash near, 1028 SI

Krugersdorp Municipality, Star Car for, 833

Kuala Lumper: Crossley Car at, 643. Flood Scenes at, 1188 S4

Kursk, Competing Cars at, 388

L. Ladies’ Day at Canterbury, 62

Lake Butter mere, 495

Lamp Brackets, 1000. Autoclipse, 23E. Bleriot, 23E. Lucas, 23E

Lamp Burners: Bleriot, 23E. Bray’s, 23E. J. and S., 23E. Lucas, 23E. Phos pat, 23E

Lamp Projector, Dependence, 887

Lamps: Agros, 749. zlutoclipse, 605. Bleriot Noglare, 593. Diva, 600. Lithanode, 602. Lucas, 598. R.V., 660f. Seabrooks’ Solar, 596. Wil-locq-Bottin, 604

Landaulet with Patent Head, 588

Land’s End: Arrival at, 409. Sheffield-Simplex Car Leaving, 229

Language Difficulty, The, 386 S2

La Roche du Diable, 876 SI ♦

Lathe, Drummond, 597

Launch of “ King Georve V,” Princess Christian at, 787

L.C.C.’s Enfield Car, 268 S3

Legros, Mr., 800

Level-crossing Keeper, Calling Up, 257

Lifebuoys, Motor Inner Tubes as, 304

Light Open and Close Motor Carriage, 904

Limousine by Alford and Alder, 377

Little Heath Hill, 912

Little, Lady, In Her Car, 1012

Little Tring, 192 SI

Liverpool Corporation’s Swift Car, 268

Living, The Joy of, 29

Llanberis Pass, Near Entrance to, 230 SI

Llangattock, Lord, Unveiling Statue of Hon. C. S. Rolls, 450

Lloyd George, Mr., Motoring in Wales, 166

Llyn Cwellyn, near Snowdon, 230 SI

Llyn Ddinas Beddgelert, 230 SI

Loch Eck, Looking South, 306 S2

Loch Fyne, St. Catherine’s Inn at, 306 S2

Loch Laggan Road, 800 SI

Lohr, Miss Marie, at Olympia Show, 582j

London: Danger Spot, 310. Edinburgh, Vauxhall Car Run, 1130. Street Traffic, Contrasts in, 502d. Traffic Census, 864

Long Close Bank, Char-a-Bancs Smash on, 139

Longdale Reservoir, 315

Looking Backward, 1950, 763

Lord Mayor: Of London in Vienna, 250. Show, Motorcar in, 746

Lower Icknield Way, 4

Lowther Castle, Penrith, Kennel Club’s Trials at, 785

Lubrication: Problem, 391. System, Panhard, 558

Luggage and Tyre Carriers: Hudson, 1181. Knox, 1181

Luggage Carriers: Auster, 29E. Jackson, 1181

Luggage Holder, Instantus, 601

Luggage Ladder, Portable and Collapsible, 992 Luncheon: Cabinet, Coronation, 258. Outfit, 292b Lynton Hill, Car Sttick on, 725

M Mackenzie-Knollys Wedding, 974

Magnetos: Bosch, 465, 1095. Eisemann, 729. Nil-melior, 602

Magnetolite, C.J.L., 86

Maidenhead, Flooded Roads at, 1174

Mam Tor, 315

Mandarin, Florida, 80 deg. in Shade at, 479

Manitoba, Motoring in, 882

Manningford Abbotts, Wilts, Near, 36

Mantes Cathedral, 147

Maori Home, Rotorua, N.Z., 965

Marble Arch, London, Hupmobile^ Car at, 966

Marsworth Reservoirs, 192 Si

Mascot, Monoplane, 939

McKenzie, Mr. G., Marriage of, 233

Meallgarbha, At, 800 SI

Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Grand Duke and Duchess of, 717

Medals: Daimler Co.’s Brussels Exhibition, 169.

Prince Henry, 14

Meet, Going to the, 816

Melbourne, Nails, etc., Picked up in, 1060

Menu Anti-Mudsplasher, 889

Micrometer, Craig, 660e

Middlesex C.C. Educational Department, Car for, 628

Middlesex County A.C. Speed-judging Contest, 216

Mirror, Godin, 605

Mix, Mr. Edgar W., Suicide of, 784

Model Motor Carriage, 184

Monaco Rally: Arrivals at Monaco, 1163. Cars in, 1162. Cars after Arrival, 1164. Count

• Malvasia Della Serra Starts on, 1168

Mont Ventoux, 26, 49. Hill-climb, 100

Montreal: Delorimier Park Track at, 212, 337. Duke of Connaught in, 1012

Morel, Miss May, Car for, 38

Moscow, Cars near, 389

Motofrip, 839

Motor Boat with Aeroplane Engine, 861

Motorbus in River Seine, 331

Motorcar Driven by Propeller, 1149

Motorcar in Service of Business Man, 1150 SI

Motor Christmas Card, 944

Motor Humour, 1068

“ Motor Manual,” 631

Motor Tour Formulae, 955

Mudguards, 551. Frankonia, 36E, 711

Muiord, Mr. Ralph, 860

Munich: German Museum at, 1172. Horses Drag Car from Ditch near, 876 SI

N. Napier Car Six-day Test Route, 1014

“ New-fangled Notions,” 235

New Mill, Agricultural Implements on Gate at, 192 S2

Newnham Bridge, 130

Newspapers and the Strike, 98

New Zealand: Motoring in, 5. Six Turner Cars for, 914

Nieuport, E., The Late, 281

Night Troubles, 348 S2

1902, The Motorcar of, 425

1912, The Motorcar of, 425

1921: Front Wheel of Car of, 357. Side View of Car of, 357

Nocturnal Noises, 302

Non-skid: Mordant, 901. Bands: Durandal, 713;

Lomax, 36E, 767. Chains, Parsons, 1161

Norfolk, Duchess of, Napier i^andaulet for, 901

Normandy, In Picturesque, b

North British. Rubber Co.’s Works, 355, 356

North Road Accident through Dazzling Headlight, 1045

N.W. London M.C.C. Trial to Gloucester, 1011

Not To Be Taken Literally, 756

Number Plate on Napier, 1061

o. Oil Cans: Duco, 24E. Lucas, 24E

Oil Fuel, 1037

Olney, Old Bridge at, 115

Olympic Notes, 719

Omnia Locomotion Competition, 414

Ostend Meeting, 199, 204

Owner-Driver as Car Killer, 830

Oxford, Magdalen Tower at, 225

P. Palladium, Joe Elvin’s " Day’s Sport ” at, 1178

Palmer Cord Tyre as Fancy Dress, 902

Pangbourne, Skew Bridge near, 797

Paris: Basements as Garages in, 87. Brest Cycle Race, 194. Our, Correspondent’s Car, 6. P.O. Fleet of Delahaye Cars, 913. Rolls-Royce Showrooms in, 452b. Taxicab Accident in, 452a. The Autocrat of, 1150 S3

Parisian Auto-taxi Driver, 1150 S3

Passenger, An Unwilling, 109

Passion, A Ruling, 535

Patiala, Maharajah of, Rolls-Royce for, 386 S3

Penrith, A Few Miles South of, 306 S2

Pen-y-Gwryd Hotel, 230 SI

Percival, Dr. Chas., In Skagway, Alaska, 975

Perpetual Motion, 197

Peruvia, Stiff Hill near, 965

Petrode Petrol Economizer, 179

Petrol: Can Cover, 378. Can Emptier, Vide-Vite, 972. Can Opener, Motor Accessories Co., 282. Consumption Indicator, Jarrott, 33E. Corner, 235. Economizer, Mills, 418. Filter, Crum, 751. Indicators: Harris and Samuel’s, 660e; M.P.G., 660e; Randall’s, 818b. Interceptor, 984. Meter, Frodsham, 597. Set, Crypto, 533. Storage, Steel Barrel Co., 603. Supply, The Strike and, 60, 61

Peugeot Car Conversion, 263

Photo? Who Sent This, 838

Pilgrims' Way, Off the, 1081

Pilojet,; 596

Pneumatic Control System, Edington, 43

Pocket Flap Fixing, Rotax, 943

Police Trap, A, 636

Portsmouth Road, Flying Bull Inn on, 715

Poser, A, 941

Postal Card issued to A.C. of Maryland, 881

Pressure Gauge, Parsons Safety Line, 606

Pressure Indicator, Okill, 372a

Price Henry Medal, 14

Princes in the Air, 737

Programme of R.A.C.’s New Year Festivities, 1015 Pumps—(See “Tyre Pumps”)

Puncture-proof Band, Atlas, 600

Putney Bridge, Flood Scene near, 950

Q. Quebec, Eastern, Through the Woods in, 759

R. R.A.C.: Durbar Ball, 937. New Year’s Eve Programme, 1015. Official Post Office, 1159

Racing Car, On a, 307

Radiator Cap Badge, Aero Club de France, 1023

Radiator Cover, Antidam, 879

Railway: Construction, Cars as Aid to, 1188 SI. Repair Motorcar, 242. Travelling Cheaper than Car? 171

Rake, Flying Bull Inn at, 715

Ramboda Pass, Ceylon, 299

Rear Axle Casing, Lanchester, 485

Rear Axles, Undersprung, 870

Rebound Snubber, 814

Registering Instrument at Napier Works, 1001

Reid, Lady, at Clyde Bank, 502g

Reliability Race, Russian, Route of, 251

Renault’s New Premises, 280

Repair Kit, Parsons, 606

Rims: Captain, 38E, 705. Continental, 606. Dunlop, 38E. Facility, 38E. Gaulnois, 607. Goodyear, 395. Michelin, 38E. North British, 38E. Segment, 38E, 593. Shrews-bury-Challiner. 596. Skew-Westland, 38E. Vinet, 38E. Warland. 38E, 409

Rim Trial, 409

River Ouse, Statue in the, 114 S2

Road: Abuse by Farm Carts, 841. Built for Racegoers, 301. Flooded at Alexandria, 893. Flooded between Blackpool and Lancaster, 1041. For Motorists Only, 860. Liverpool-Southport-Preston, 907. Sweeper, Motor, in Paris, 1084. Switchback, Motor, 1101. Vile, for Testing Suspension, 1030

Roadside Adjustment, The Only, Nowadays, 1030 Rolls, Hon. C. S., Statue of, at Monmouth, 450 Rolls-Royce: Depot, Interior of, 253. ■ Showrooms in Paris, 452b. Track at Derby, 858

Rome, Vatican, 965

Roof Seats on Motocar, 193

Roof Testing Ground in Mayfair, 898

Rotary Alternating Motor, Brun, 205

Rotary Valve and Self-starter, Bishop, 923

Rotorua, N.Z., Maori Home at, 965

Royal Party, A, 717

Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes, 15

Rubberine, 504

Rudge-Whitworth Wheels after Collision, 54

Ruislip, Middlesex, 71

Russia: Digging Car from Sand in, 388. Reliability Race: Route in, 251; Winner of, 390

s. Safety Starting Handle, Taylor, 217

Salesmanship, The Art of, 640

Salesman, Zealous,, and Tired Lady, 594

Salisbury Plain, Al-fresco Supper near, 409 Scenery: Desecrations, 290. Disfigurement, 383 Screen by Messrs. Wilson and Co., 408 Scuttle Dash, 2

Seaford and Newhaven, Bad Driving Between, 1036 Searchlight, Hunt, 607

Seat: Austin Measuring, 182. Brainsby and Sons, 520. Rear, 183

Sebastopol: Cars Outside, 387. Reception of Competitors at, 390

Seine, Motorbus in the River, 331

Self-starters—(See “ Engine Starting Devices ’’) Shetlands, Rover Car in the, 152 Ship’s Ventilators on Cars, 908

Shizuoka, Between Kobi and Yokohama, 964

Shock Absorber: In Action, 996. On Front Spring, 1083

Shock Absorbers: Connecticut, 8E. Hermes, 610. Hobson, 453. J.M., 8E. Kap, 712. L.A.S., 844. Muir, 7E. New Premier, 611. Pen-field, 8E. Truffault-Hartford, 7E. The King, 333. Triou, 601

Shoreham, Old Bridge at, 985

Shorncliffe, Maxims on Motors at, 135

Show of the Future, 822

Shows: Berlin Motor, 410; Continental Tyre Co. Exhibit at, 503; Knight-Mercedes Chassis at, 475; Queer Body Designs at, 449. Chicago, 489. Glasgow, Exhibition Building, 1092. Olympia: Miss Marie Lohr at, 582j; Sketched at, 658; Smallest Car at, 663; The Motor Stall at, 582o; The Show by Day and Night, 546; View of, 582i. Paris Aero, 934

Shrewsbury: Comet Bridge at, 630. Factory Bridge at, 630

Siam, Leon Bollee Car for King of, 334

Siberia, Hotchkiss Car in, 10b6 SI

Signals on Cars, Automatic, 874

Signpost, The Reform of the, 126

Silver Ghost Model for Science Museum, 940

Simferopol, Crimea, A Scene at, 389

Sindh River, Ferry at, 990 S3

Singapore Depot and Garage, 1148

Six-wheeled Motor Carriage, 634

Skagway, Alaska, Native Children’s First Motor Ride, 975

Sleigh, Eight-seated, Nivo&lane, 1016 '

Slough, Ten-mile Limit at, 33

Smithfield: During Strike, 50. Motorcar Carrying Meat from, 51

Smugglers Crossing Border of Belguim, 1050

Snow in Midlands near Austin Works, 1161 Soldering Bit, Turbon, 825 South African Race, A, 652

Southport, Members of C. and M.T.B.F. at, 152

Spanner Kit, Autocle, 41E

SpannersCicoy, 41E. Ukantes, 41E

Spare Tyre Carrier: Bransom, 27E. G.P.M., 27E.

Griff, 27E. Hilton, 27E. Mac, 27E

Spare Wheel, Disposal of the, 219

Sparking-plug: Adaptor, Kerry, 39E. Tester, Ar-guia, 40 E 1

Sparking-plugs: Cup, 706. Hobson-Pognon, 609. Lodge, 517, 603. Nilmelior, 1150

Speed Indicator, Cowey, 608

Speedometers: Bowden, 609. Frodsham, 510b.

Jones, 598

Spey, On the Banks of the, 800 SI

Spinet Limousine, 297

Springing System, New, In Paris, 1122

Spring Repair, 265

Spring Suspension: Attachment, Junior, 503. On Wolselev Cars, 485. The Lever, 8E. Velvet, 7E

Squire and Old Lady, 432

Starting Handle, Hartford, 451

St. Cloud, Over the Switchback near, 1029

St. James’s Street, Taxi and Four-wheeler Collide in, 746

St. Keyne’s Well, Liskeard, Cornwall, 1028 SI

Steering Mechanism on Vulcan Car, 559

Steering Wheel: Control, J. D. Siddeley-Deasy, 573.

Safety Lock, 62

Stelvio Pass, 330

Stranger Within the Gates, 1067

Strathmore, Alberta, Demonstration Farm at, 480 Strike: And Petrol Supply, 60, 61. Army Generals and the, 99. Motorcar and the, 50. Petrol Barges Idle through,. 61. Petrol Tank Held Up During, 60. Scenes at Liverpool, 100. Settler, The, 974. Tramcars and the, 101

Summer Days, Recalling, 476

Suspension. Compensator, U.M.I. Perfect, 595 Swedish Winter Trophy Race, 1033. 1110 Switchback Road for Motorists, 1101, 1171, 1175

Switchboards: Ducellier, 616. H. B. Brooks, 750. Lodge, 615. P. and R., 616, 617. Seabrook, 6601

Switch Indicator, Automono, 605

T Taj Mahal, Entrance to the, 990 S2

Taxi Bathing Machine, 20

Taxicab: Accident in Paris, 452a. Collides with Four-wheeler, 746. Driver’s Sarcasm, 499. Strike, Reminiscent of the, 796

Tea Case, Finnigan's, 610

Temperatures, Contrasts in, 479

Tempoeran, Up, on Rover Car, 855

Terminals: A.M.A.C., 40E. Chater Lea, 40E. Eise-mann, 40E. Orno, 40E. Prested, 40E. Ross-Courtney, 40E. Sawfish, 40E

Territorials, Cars and, 53

Test Hill,- Rival French Cars on, 1031

Thames, The Flooded, 950

Thirlmere from the West, 838 S3

Thomas, Mr. and Mrs., in " Chicken-stealing ” Competition, 137

Thornhill, Dumfriesshire, Main Street of, 306 S2

Threadneedle Street, London, 310

Three-wheeled Vehicle, Eric, 807

Thrupp, George H., 1143

Titsey Hill, Ascending, 1081

Tokyo: Lambert Car at, 899. Red Gate at, 899

Toolbox and Instantus Holder, 378

Touring Cars, Method of Shipping, 268 S2

Tourists’ Brakes, De Dion-Bouton, 230

Traffic Census in London, 864

Transmission System, 513

Tree Trunk, Jumping a, 831

Trial, Lorraine-Dietrich 7000-mile, 176, 553

Tripoli: Automobile Equipped for War, 898. Motor Used by Italian Army at, 860

Trip Recorder, Cowey, 608

Trolley Car Service in California, 504

Trunks: Brooks, 601. Finnigans, 41E, 610. Lomax, 767

Tube: Hall and Searle, 444b. Repair, Vulcanizing a, 170

Tullibardine, Marquis of, at Glasgow Show, 1088a

Turbine, Tesla, 440

Turkish Commissioners: At Daimler Works, 164. At Mercedes Works, 97

Turning Too Late, 274

Two Shots Rang Out, 625

Tyre: Filling, Pfleumatic, 42E: Rubberine, 504. In-flators: Michelin. 42E: Parsons, 42E. 409. Jack, Ever Ready, 43E. Jacket: Marshall, 804, 1051; Demonstration Car for, 289; On Car, 1010. Levers: Bee, 43E; Mellor, 43E, 610. Patch, Kempshall, 607. Pressure Indicator, Parsons Safety Line, 402. Pumps: Atlas, 863; Birkigt, 528: Enots, 37E; H. and D., 37E, 660g; Hills, 37E; Lacour, 207; Lucas, 37E; Rotax, 591. Repair, Vulcanizing a, 170. Wear, Peculiar, 537

Tyres: Atlas, 714. Clincher, 839. Connolly, 606. Dunlop, 607. Goodrich, 660g. Griprib, 866. Lynton, 1150. Marshall, 1051. Michelin, 660h. Palmer, 4. Steelrubber, 866. Stepney, 608; Road Grip, 810. Thomas, 603. Vacuum Grooved, 603. Wood-Milne, 660i, 866

u. Underscreen, Easily-detachable, 954 Ullswater, On the Road to, 424 SI United States, Crossing the Borders into, 759

V. Valve: Tooth, 1176. Gearing, Spyker Helicoidal, 485. Positions, 621

Vanderbilt: Car Race, 1003. Cup Winner, 860

Vauxhall Motor Shops, 31

Vedrines’s Aeroplane Falls into Sea, 101

Ventilator Shield, Cyclone, 480

Ventnor, I.W., Car Ascending Bath Road at, 190 Versailles, On the Road to, 1029 Vibration Damper, Lanchester, 903

Vienna, Lord Mayor of London in, 250 Voice-conductor Fitting, Rotax, 144 Voiture Atelier, 1026

Vosges: Gorge in the, 952 SI. Mountains, 952 SI Vulcanizers: Ara, 45E. Electric, 45E. G.B., 45E.

Harvey Frost, 45E, 170; Baby, 595. Simplex, 787. Unique, 45E

w. Waiau: Gorge Road, N.Z., 5. Suspension Bridge, 5 Wales, Mr. Lloyd George Motoring in, 166

Warfare, The Motor in, 860

War in the Future, 1026

Wayside Features, Interesting—(See Text)

Watch, Smith, 611

Wedding, Mackenzie-Knollys, 974

Wedon Turville, 192 SI

Welsh: Motor Garage Burnt Out, 784. Mountain Road, Sideslip on, 76 SI. National Eisteddfod, 58

Wendover, Old Clock Tower at, 192 SI

Westerham Hill, Napier at Top of, 1081

West Hill, Wandsworth, 5. Signposts at, 38

West Norfolk Hounds, Master Arrives in Car, 746

West Somerset Hounds, Master Motors to Meet, 860

Wheel: Holder, Dunhill’s Stepney, 596. Hub, Napier, Testing for Accuracy, 152 84. Removing Rear, with Jack and Rope, 321

Wheels: Bullturn, 1136a. Darracq, 560. Dunlop,

607. Girardot, 927. Goodyear, 591, 783. Lyn-ton, 1150. Martin, 1082. Michelin, 660h. Riley, 16, 46E. Rudge-Whitworth, 46E. 183,

608, 776. Sankey, 810. Stepney, 46E, 810

Where a Good Little One Can Beat a Good Biff One,- 801

Whitehall, Mr. Asquith Arrives at, 98

Wide Doors and the Crinoline, 217

Wiltshire Lane, 36

Window, Lozier, 1181

Wind Resistance, Utilizing, 82

Windscreen: Accessories, Auster, 47E. Beatonson, 47E. Fittings, Stock and Luff, 982. Lock, Rotax, 144. With Peephole, 862

Windscreens: Auster, 47E, 409. Beatonson, 47E. Beaufort, 595. Handy, 47E. Hermes. 586. Rawlence, 587. Rotax, 587. Russell, 32. Universal, 47E

Winnats Pass, Eastern End of, 315

Winnipeg: Fair, Cars at, 836. Forty degrees below Zero at, 479. Oldsmobile Endurance Test at, 727, 798. To Brandon by Car, 423

Wintry Scene, A, 1161

Wisley, Hut Hotel at, 799. Outside the, 428

Wolseley Tool and Motor Co.’s Body-building Works, 181

Works, Marshall’s Tyre Jacket, 805

Worthing, Narrow Escape near. 34

Wycombe Marsh, 192 SI

Wyre Forest District, 9

See Also


Sources of Information