1911 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1911 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual General Meeting 1
- Election of Members . 2
- Report of Council . 5
- Annual Statement of Accounts . 18
- Votes of Thanks . 21
- Presentation of Bessemer Gold Medal ^ 22
- Carnegie Scholarship Awards . 25
- Votes of Thanks . 27
- "Note on a process for the desiccation of air by calcium chloride." By F. A. Daubine and E. V. Roy . 28
- Discussion on paper by Messrs. Daubine and Roy . 46
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. Daubine and Roy. 52
- "Notes on the welding-up of blowholes and cavities in steel ingots." By J. E. Stead . 54
- Discussion on Dr. Stead's paper . 72
- Correspondence on Dr. Stead's paper . 79
- "Some studies of welds." By E. F. Law, W. H. Merrett, and W. Pollard Digby . 110173
- Discussion on paper by Messrs. Law, Merrett, and Digby .
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. Law, Merrett, and Digby 120
- "The action of aqueous solutions of single and mixed electrolytes upon iron." By J. Newton Friend and J. H. Brown . 114255
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. Friend and Brown
- "The corrosion of metals." By P. Longmuir . 147
- Discussion on Mr. Longmuir's paper . 165
- Correspondence on Mr. Longmuir's paper . 166
- "The influence of impurities on the corrosion of iron." By J. W. Cobb 170
- Discussion on Mr. Cobb's paper . 191
- Correspondence on Mr. Cobb's paper . 191
- "The growth of cast irons after repeated beatings." By H. C. H. Carpenter . 196
- Discussion on Dr. Carpenter's paper . 230
- Correspondence on Dr. Carpenter's paper . 241
- "The chemical and mechanical relations of iron, chromium, and carbon." By J. 0. Arnold and A. A. Read . 249
- Discussion on paper by Professors Arnold and Read . 261
- Correspondence on paper by Professors Arnold and Read . 266
- "Some properties of heat-treated three per cent. nickel steels." By A. McWilliam and E. J. Barnes . 269
- Correspondence on paper by Professor McWilliam and Mr. Barnes . 290
- "Influence of 0.2 per cent. vanadium on steels of varying carbon content." By A. McWilliam and E. J. Barnes . 290
- Discussion on paper by Professor McWilliam and Mr. Barnes . 311
- Correspondence on paper by Professor McWilliam and Mr. Barnes . 315
- "The influence of vanadium upon the physical properties of cast irons." By W. H. Hatfield . 318
- Discussion on Mr. Hatfield's paper . 327
- Correspondence on Mr. Hatfield's paper . 328
- "Mechanicalising analysis as an aid to accuracy and speed for commercial purposes." By C. H. Ridsdale and N. D. Ridsdale . 332
- Discussion on paper by Messrs. C. H. and N. D. Ridsdale . 368
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. C. H. and N. D. Ridsdale . 370
- "The magnetic properties of some nickel steels, with some notes on the structures of meteoric iron." By E. Colver-Glauert and S. Hilpert . 375
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. Colver-Glauert and Mr. Hilpert . 408
- "The volumetric estimation of sulphur in iron and steel." By T. Gifford Elliot . 412
- Correspondence on Mr. Elliot's paper . 420
- "Iron-silicon-carbon alloys." By W. Gontermann . 421
- Correspondence on Dr. Gontermann's paper . 471
- "On the organic origin of the sedimentary ores of iron and of their metamorphosed forms: the phosphoric magnetites." By W. H. Herdsman . 476
- The Annual Dinner . 485
- Obituary . 495
- Additions to the Library . 503
- Autumn Meeting . 1
- Turin Meeting . 1
- Election of Members 9
- Votes of Thanks . 12
- "The transformations of steel within the limits of the temperatures employed in heat treatment." By L. Grenet . 13
- Discussion on Mr. Grenet's paper . 54
- Correspondence on Mr. Grenet's paper . 57
- "The mechanical influence of carbon on alloys of iron and manganese." By J. O. Arnold and F. K. Knowles 76
- Discussion on paper by Messrs. Arnold and Knowles . 81
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. Arnold and Knowles . 83
- "Temperature influences on carbon and pig iron." By E. Adamson . 86
- Discussion on Mr. Adamson's paper . 100
- Correspondence on Mr. Adamson's paper . 101
- "On the origin of the iron ores of Swedish Lapland." By L. L. Fermor 113
- Correspondence on Mr. Fermor's paper . 123
- "Researches on the nature of the phosphates curtained in basic slag derived from the Thomas-Gilchrist process." By V. A. Kroll . 126
- "Autogenous welding of metals." By F. Carnevali . 188
- "The applications of electricity in the metallurgical industry of Italy." By R. Catani . 215
- "The present state of the iron industry in Italy." By L. Dompe and F. S. Pucci . 239
- "New industrial processes for the case-hardening of steel." By F. Giolitti . 307
- "On case-hardening by means of compressed gases." By F. Giolitti and F. Carnevali . 331
- The iron ore deposits of Piedmont." By R. Catani . 353
- "The iron ore deposits of Sardinia." By L. Testa . 364
- "The production of iron ores in the Brembana Valley." By G. Calvi . 380
- "The iron ore deposits of Central Italy." By A. Ciampi . 390
- The iron ore deposits of Southern Italy and Sicily." By G. La Valle . 409
- "The iron mines of the Island of Elba." By C. Capacci . 412
- Obituary . 451
- Additions to the Library . 459
See Also
Sources of Information