1911 The Motor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor
View the Issues referred to by this index
A. A.A. and M.U., 45, 52, 58b, 405, 790. Badge of, 250. First Annual General Meeting of, 1,066. Growth of the, 1,058. Handbook of the, 794. New Members of the, 617. Northern Dinner of the, 108, 138
Aberdeen, Countess of, 638. Earl of, 712 Accelerator Pedal Footrest, Kisselkar, 11 Accessibility Competition, Suggested, 277 Accumulators: Adnil, 962. Dinin, 422. Fors, 416.
Fuller, 422. Garner, 103. H.H., 416b. Litha-node, 103. Prested, 416b. Sampson, 704. Van Raden, 427
Acetylene: Explosions, 39. Generators: A.L., 102, 416c. Howes and Burley, 426. Lux, 785. Tank Storage on Car, 10
Acid-proof Labels, 924
Action against Temple Press Ltd., 828a
Addlestone: Crouch Oak at, 125; Old Oak near, 4 Supp. following 924
Advertisement Consultants' Conference, 283 Advertising, Clever, 176
Aerial Gun, Saunders’ Patent, 300 Aero-Hydroplane, Ravaud’s, 20 Aerotechnique Institute, Inauguration of, 1,004 Aitken, Sir W. M., 942
Airship, England’s First Naval, 536
Air, The Way of the, 61, 109, 170b. 208, 240, 275, 330, 468, 483, 539, 577. 705. 760, 804, 822, 859, 900, 933, 968. 1,026, 1,052b
Album, Bowden, 1911, 180 Alington, Lady, 639 All-British Shopping Week. 139, 245 ** All Sublime,” 5 Supp. following 268 Almagam : Fire, 20; New Branches of, 154 Alps. The High Roads of the. 1,063 Amalgamation, Tyre Companies, 217 America: British Success in, 403; Car Insurance in, 512; Growing Export Trade of, 278; Knight Engine in, 1,076; Motor Trade of, 238; Over-producest, 38; Patent Law in, 702; Races in, 833; Tyre Trade of, 734
American Cars and the German Market, 536 American Conquest of Canada. 174 American Devices. Some, 170 American Motor Exports, 734 American Notes and Novelties, 10, 51, 77, 130 Ancaster, Countess of, 638
Angler, The Car and the. 3 Supp. following 924 Anti-Freezing Mixtures, 131
Argyll, 15 h.p., All-night Run on, 440 Argylls and the Voiturette Races, 216 Art and the Garage, 556 Art Department, An, 107
Asbestos Lining. Frood’s Bonded, 57a Ascot, R.A.C. Motor-house at, 612
Ashby St. Ledgers, Manor House at, 4 Supp. following 476
Asquith, Mrs., 641
Associated Clubs, The, 609
Association, Scottish Motor Trade, Dinner of, 24 Atherstone Hunt District. 594
Australia: Effects of Floods in. 347; News from, 347;
Some Roads in. 347: Talbot Car in, 550 Australian A.C.’s Reliability Trials, 118 Austrian Hill-climb at Ries, 140 Austrian Non-stop. An. 2 Supp. following 70 Austria, Taxation in, 537 Auto Gun, Ehrhardt’s, 383 Automatism in Driving. 3 Supp. following 268 Auto-meter, Warner, 415 Automobile Engineers’ Proceedings, 20 Automobiles: Foreign Trade in, 55; Increasing Demand for, 704
Automobile Tolls in Bavaria. 300b
Auto Ventilator, Goslett. 108 Auxiliary Oil Tank, Royal Tourist, 10 Aviation :—
Aerial Life, Hours of My. 4 Supp. following 268. Aerial Post, The First, 215; Aerial Transport, 949. Aeroplane Passenger Tickets, 268. Aeroplane Propeller. Normale, 550. Aeroplane Reliability Trial, First, 1,023. Aeroplane Industry, British, Abroad, 558. Aeroplanes at the Olympia Show, 296. Aix-la-Chapelle-Berlin Race Abandoned, 275. “Art of Aviation,” 965. Aviators: Barnwell, Mr. H.. 18. Byasson, Lieut., 530. Caumont, Lieut., 530. Cody, Mr. S. F., 19. Ferber, ’ Capt., 530. Gilmour, Grahame, 572, 611. Grahame-White. 550. Gress well, Mr. G. H., 572. Hamel, M., 459, 462, 572. Latham, M. Hubert, 644. Legagneux, Georges, 4 Supp. following 268. Madiot, Capt., 530. Morrison, 611. Picton, Mr., 462, 572. Prier, M. Pierre, 512, 550. 696. Snowdon Smith, 572. Tarron, Capt., 530
"Biplanes: Astra, 5. Bristol. 298, 330, 337, 464, 538, 550, 572, 611. Bleriot, 462. Breguet, 118, 298, 340. Dunne, 252, 330. Farman, 297, 530. Humber, 268. Humber-Sommer, 297. Roe, 462, 572, 578, 611. Sanders, 300, 330. Sloan, 192. Valkyrie, 298. Wright, Howard, 298. Brighton: Race at, 611; Race to, 572. Brook-lanas-Brighton, 497, 603. Brooklands: Easter Monday Flight at, 462. Flying at, 573. Good Practice at, 611. Race at, 406. Whitsun Flights at, 755
Douai-Brooklands, 340. Dresden-Chemnitz, 180 Engines: A.B.C., 300a. Anzani, 297, 298. Can-ton-Unne, 1,027. Clerget, 331. E.N.V., 299, 300, 1,027. Gnome, 297, 298, 469 , 530, 550, 1,027. Green, 4 Supp. following 112, 298, 300, 462, 578, 1,027. Humber, 298, 300a. Isaacson, 300, 1,027. Labor, 80. Lamplough, 300. N.E.C., 300a. Nieuport, 299. Recipro-Rotary, 300. Renault, 298. Turbo, 300. Wolseley, 300a
European Circuit: 340, 950a; Arrivals at Hendon, 910; Luncheon, 943
Farman, Mr. Maurice as Defendant, 5. Fatalities: Jules Noel and La Torre Killed at Mouzon, 58b. Flight: A Scottish, 18. Impressions of a First, 241. Flights: Advance Bookings for, 192. Brooklands-Brighton, 497, 573, 603. .£4,000, 200. London-Brighton, 459. London-Paris, 452b
Gordon-Bennett Cup, 176, 179, 912. Grahame-White Competition, 215. Grand Circuit of Saxony, 180
Hendon, Official Flight at, 612
Lawsuit, 5. London-Brighton and Back, 459. London-Paris, 452b, 512
Manville £500 Prize, 406. Michelin Cup, British, Rules of, 337. Monoplanes: Bleriot, 297, 337, 4 Supp. following1 512, 550, 572. Bristol, 298. De Pischoff, 293. Handley Page, 298. Humber, 376. Kny, 298. Marti n-Handasy de, 297. Morane, 351. Nieuport, 299. Penteado, 170b Moonlight Flight, Ducrocqs, 408 Nice to Corsica Flight, 180 Paris-Berlin-Brussels-London-Paris, 848. Paris-
Clermont-Ferrand, 268. Paris-Madrid: Ved-rines Victory, 714, 719. Paris-Rome, 342, 762b. Paris-Rome-Turin, 719. Paris to Pau and Back, 337. Passenger Aeroplane, Bleriot, 179. Passenger-Carrying Record, Brequet’s, 293. Portholme Aerodrome, 392. Prince Henry of Prussia’s Interest in, 376. Puy de Dome, Renaux Alights at, 200
Record, The World’s Flying Mile, 538. Renaux Wins Michelin £4,000 Prize, 200. Riviera, Flights at the, 139. Russia, British Aeroplanes in, 538
Salisbury Plain Flights, 757. Saxony, Grand Circuit of, 180. Sopwith, Mr. T.: Accident to, 611; Flies to Windsor, 16. Sydney-Melbourne, 497
Vedrines Benefit, 1,062a. Vedrines Record Poic-tiers-Paris Flight, 351
War Office and Aeroplanes, 118
£10,000 Flight: 179. 1,023, 1,045; Arrivals at Edinburgh, 1,025. Engines Competing in, 1,027; Start of, 1,025
Axles, Krupp, 102
B. Badge, A.A. and M.U., 250, 338
Balfour, Mr., 650
Ball-bearings: D.W.F., 179, 848. F. and S., 423, 512. Hoffmann, 89. R.F.B., 103. Gauge System for Testing, 282
Banbury Cross, 4 Supp. following 192
Barcelona Cup, 790a
Barton Aqueduct, 4 Supp. following 924
Bass, Sir William, 1,056
Batburst, Countess, 639
Batteries: City Ignition Co., 416d. Fors, 416. Siemens, 758. Van Raden, 427
Bavaria: Automobile Tolls in, 300b; Village Tolls in, 344
Beachy Head, to, on De Dion, 380
Bearings, Auto-friction Metal for, 103
Beaufort, Duke of, 529
Bedelia Light Car, 343
Ben Nevis, Ford Car on Summit of, 611, 669
Benzol, Town Duty on, Raised, 799
Bill, Motor Traffic (Street Noises), 1,063 Biplanes—(See “ Aviation ”)
Bisley, Seven Springs at, 4 Supp. following 70 Blue Coat School at Thatcham, 4 Supp. following 36 Boat Race: Motor Club’s Launch for, 339; Seen from Aeroplanes, 337
Bodiam Castle, 352
Body Design, Dolphin, 147
Bodywork, Metal, Ancient Example of, 2 Supp. following 626
Bolt Valves: Kempshall, 416. Michelin, 151, 224
Bosch, Mr. Henry, 248
Bowden Competition Result, 501
Boys and Motorcars, 19
Bradfield, Mr. Louis, 108
Brake Adjustments: Alco, 52; Winton, 52
Brake Linings: Ferodo, 101, 167, 425. Raybestos, 102, 196
Brakes: Allen-Liversidge, 416c. Cadillac, 52.
Speedwell, 52
Brassey, Lady, 639
Brentford, “ Bottle Neck ” at, 300b
Bridgnorth, Leaning Tower at, 861
British Aeroplane Industry Abroad, 558 British Cars and Prices at a Glance, 613 British Columbia, Opening up, 241
British International Trophy: Challenge for, 118;
Entrants for, 118
British Rule of the Road for France, 1,001
British Triumph, A, 815
Brittany, In, with Car and Camera, 1 Supp. following 154, 1 Supp. following 192
Broadbent, Sir John, 456
Brooklands: Aerial Flights at, 60. Associated Club’s Meeting at, 626, 772, 791. August Meeting at, 1,063. Bridge Building at, 987. Deasy Car 15,000-mile Test at, 872, 907, 988. Easter Meeting, 216, 412, 460. Entries for 26th March Meeting at, 244. First Meeting, 141, 290. Inter-’Varsity Motorcycle Race at, 890. 20th July Meeting at, 906, 989. June Meetings, 671, 791, 829. May Meeting at, 601. Motor Cycling Club’s Meeting at, 948a. Prince Henry Tour Commemoration Meeting at, 1,022a. Protest, 667. R.A.C. and InterClub Meeting at, 1,059. R.A.C. Standard Car Race at, 575, 815. Singer Racer at, 343. Speed and Distance Tables at, 268. Subscription, 404. Suggested R.A.C. Race at, 252. Timing at, 343. Whit Monday Meeting at. 753. Whitsun Meeting at, 717
Brun, General, 135
Brush, Pathfinder, 40
Buccleuch, Duchess of, 637
Buffer, The Bumper, 131
Burton, Baroness, 640
Burton Dassett, Curious Well at, 4 Supp. following 192
Business, Finance and, 17, 53, 97, 136, 173, 211, 249, 287, 335, 401, 457, 495, 531, 569, 607, 713, 751, 789, 865, 905, 950b, 981, 1,019, 1,057
By-law for London, 943
c. Cairnwell Crossed, 458
Caister Look-out, 4 Supp. following 588
Calendar, Daimler Co.’s, 499
Camera, The, on the Car, 411
Campbell, Mr. A. W., 286
Campbell-Smith, Sheriff, 788
Campden House, Pavilion at, 4 Supp. following 233 Canada: Conquest of, by America, 762. Motor Developments in, 795. Motor Show of, 233. Neglect of, 342. Spread of Motoring in, 1,005. Trade Problem of, 758
Canning Town, Church Gate at, 4 Supp. following 734
Canterbury: Becket’s Shrine at, 126. Christchurch. Gate at, 4 Supp. following 1,038. Grey Frian’ Monastery at, 4 Supp. following 1,038 Cape Hood Waterproof Fabric, 103 Car and Train, 178 Caravan, Old Car Converted into, 161 Carburetters: Arnott, 421. Bailey, 102. Bailey Pilojet, 427. Bi-jet, 427. Claudel-Hobson., 103. Excelsior, 78. L.B.M., 102. Longuemare, 117, 188, 533. Polyrhoe, 588. Schebler, 85. Scott-Robinson, 419. Solex, 186, 237, 734. Stewart, 99. S.U., 154. Welsh, 217, 414.
White and Poppe, 86, 91, 102, 300, 300a, 752, 828b. Zenith, 85, 103, 292, 416d, 932, 1,008
Carburetter Agitator, Bow’den, 416c Carburetters, New, and Old Cars, 3 Car Construction: Adams, 74. Adler, 124, 785. Alldays, 319. Argyll, 440 Belsize, 891. Brenna, 79, 370 Chenard-Walcker, 964. C.L.C., 129, 985. Cle
ment-Bayard, 723. Cotton Colonial, 159
Daimler, 256. Darracq, 1 Supp. following 962. Deasy, 320, 552. De Dion, 380 Enfield, 876. Excelsior, 158 Ford, 479 Humber, 594 Maudslay, 165. Maxwell, 819. Metallurgique, 514, 1,064a
Napier, 675
Owen, 178
Palladium, 703. Panhard, 197. Pearson and
Cox, Steam, 875. Pilot, 929
Rational, 1,048. Regal, 25. Renault, 673, 739. Rover, 270, 767. Ruby, 62
S.C.A.R., 782. Sizaire, 591. S.P.A., 935. Stanley, Steam, 1,003
Talbot, 742
Vermorel, 311. Violette, 939
Car: Design—Past and Present, 359. Equipment, 446. Hiring in London, 645. Lighting, 386; de Luxe, 926; Equipment, Ducellier, 422; P. and R., 926; Outfit Test, C.A.V., 392. Old, Converting into Torpedo Body, 26. Packing and Transport, 895. Polish, Chemica, 19. Running Costs, 192
Carew Castle, 4 Supp. following 70
Carnarvon: En Route for, 852; Route to, 910
Carrick, Mr. J. J., 400
Cars: Adams, 74, 520, 670, 795, 810. Adler, 124, 217, 339, 785. Albion, 436. Alcyon, 810. Alldays, 89, 319. Argyll, 40, 87, 192, 289, 394, 436, 440, 626, 2 Supp. following 626, 759, 1,000. Armstrong-Whitworth, 82, 580. Arrol-John-- ston, 91, 752. Austin, 90, 412, 772, 848. Austrian Daimler, 92, 726, 880
Bell, 83. Belsize, 85, 570, 891. Benz, 863. Brasier, 118. Brenna, 79, 370. Briton, 458, 848.
B.S.A., 90, 141
Cadillac, 118, 532. Calthorpe, 60, 757 Cameron, 670. Chenard-Walcker, 964. C.L.C., 129, 985.
Clement, 667. Clement-Bayard, 723. Clement-Talbot, 772. Cottin, 288. Cottin-Des-gouttes, 154. Cotton Colonial, 159. Crossley, 86, 720. Crowdy, 91
Daimler, 85, 256, 368, 416b, 588. Darracq, 94, 268, 797, 1 Supp. following 962, 987, 1,066. Deasy, 94, 320, 2 Supp. following 550, 552, 803, 872. De Dion, 19, 224, 380, 467, 965. De Dion-Bouton, 897. Delage, 83, 912. Delaunay-Belleville, 67, 94. Dodson, 82, 106.
Elburn, 100. Enfield, 91, 795, 876
Fafnir, 52, 92, 558. Fernand-Charron, 744. F.I.A.T., 84, 436, 476, 756, 950. Flanders, 405. Ford, 187, 412, 479, 611, 669 German-Daimler, 906. Gobron, 118 Hotchkiss, 82. Hudson, 1,058. Humber, 88, 188, 594. Hupmobile, 90, 107. Hurtu, 955 Imperia, .342, 693. Iris, 94
La Buire, 89, 90. Lanchester, 81, 504, 763.
Lancia, 88, 92. Leon-Bollee, 828b. Lion-
Peugeot, 496a, 574. Lorraine-Dietrich, 550. Lotis, 251
Martini, 436. Maudslay, 165. Maxwell, 796, 819. Mercedes, 82, 106, 576, 978. Metallurgique, 82, 92, 390b, 514, 1,064a. Minerva, 83, 734. Mors, 1,016. Motobloc, 2 Supp. following 306
N.A.G., 145. Napier, 32, 83, 88, 137, 357, 403, 416c, 588, 675, 747, 981
Oldsmobile, 189. Opel, 91, 1,064b. Overland, 85. Owen, 178
Palladium, 703, 797. Panhard, 197, 576, 611, 667, 949. Pearson and Cox, Steam, 31, 875. Peerless, 66. Phanomobile, 832a. Phoenix, 63, 111, 113, 501. Pilot, 929. Pope-Hartford, 337. Porthos, 924
Rational, 1,048. Regal, 25. Renault, 87, 673, 739. Reo, 63. Riley, 283, 1,016. R.M.C.. 376.
Rolls-Royce, 36, 87, 184, 476. Rothwell, 93. Rover, 1 Supp. following 70, 93, 113, 270, 476, 509, 550, 765, 767. Rover (Silent-Knight), 912, 1,000. Ruby, 62, 100
S.C.A.R., 118, 179, 782. S.C.A.T., 83. Sheffield-Simplex, 19, 192, 2 Supp. following 306, 726. Siddeley, 149. Siddeley-Deasy, 118, 254, 828b. Singer, 91, 211. Sizaire, 591. S.P.A., 935.
Springuel, 85. Spyker, 268, 436, 982. Standard, 89, 534, 965. Stanley, Steam, 588, 1,003. Star, 89, 476, 758. Stoewer, 83. 402. Sunbeam, 60, 93, 300b, 570, 1,008, 1,038. Swift, 29. 81, 115
Talbot, 19, 36. 90, 288, 376, 403, 550, 3 Supp. following 626, 742, 886, 987. Turcat-Mery, 19
Unic. 92
Vauxhall, 36, 3 Supp. following 36. 89, 118, 268, 289 . 296, 499, 500, 626, 810, 987. Vermorel, 311. Violette. 939. Vulcan, 94, 146
Warren, 981. Winton, 1.008. Wolseley, 91, 206, 466. White Steam, 64, 86
Cars: That Scream in the Night, 969. To the Rescue, 408
Case, An Unusual, 752
Cell, Hellesen. 416b
Census, A Motor, 641
Centrifugal Force, 1 Supp. following 924
Ceylon, The Car in. 1 Supp. following 734
Chain: Hans Renold, 103. Carbon Remover, Miche-ner. 170. Case, Universal, 418
Charging Batteries, Fuller, 70 Charity, A Commendable, 858 Chassis : Adams, 75, 296. Adler. 543. Alldays, 89. Argyll, 87. Armstrong-Whitworth, 82, 765. Arrol-Johnston, 91, 222. Austin, 90, 147, 356, 764
Bell. 83, 89. Belsize, 85. Berliet, 93. Bianchi, 355. Brenna, 131. Briton, 89
Cottin and Desgouttes, 764. Crossley, 86, 107, 185, 296. 1,069. Crowdy, 91
Daimler, 93, 107, 145. Darracq, 94. Deasy, 94. De Dion, 89, 106. 2 Supp. following 626. De Dion-Bouton. 725, 802. Delaunay-Belleville, 94, 146. Dodson, 82, 107
Enfield, 91. Excelsior, 158
Fafnir. 92. 724. F.I.A.T., 84, 89. Ford, 504.
F.N., 724
Germania, 196. Gobron, 1.068
Hotchkiss, 82. Humber, 88. Hurtu, 1,030
Iris, 94
La Buire, 89. Lancia, 88, 92, 105, 146, 258. Lotis, 251
Maudslav, 542. Mercedes, 145. Metallurgique, 92, 106, 107, 917. Minerva, 83, 147, 542
Napier, 105, 107
Overland, 85
Panhard-Knight, 106
Renault, 87, 673. Rolls-Royce, 87, 145, 222, 296. 878. 992. Rothwell. 93. Rover, 93. Ruby, 62 S.C.A.T.. 107. Sheffield-Simplex, 89. Singer, 91. S.P.A., 935. Springuel, 85. Spyker, 982. Standard, 89. 724. Star, 89. Sunbeam, 93, 141
Unic, 89, 92
Vauxhall, 89, 289, 295, 1.069. Vulcan, 94 Wnlseley, 91, 107, 763, 840, 917
Chauffeur Problem, The. 1 Supp. following 268 Chauffeur’s Endorsements, 924. Petition to the King. 476
Cheam, White Hall at, 4 Supn. following 588 Cheddar: Caves, The. 849. Gorge, 796
Chertsey: Abbey at. 6 Supp. following 306; Church at, 8 Sunp. following 512
Cheshire Motoring Resorts. 4 Sunn, following 118 (%ilterns, O'er the. on a Vermorel. 311
Chipping Norton, King Stone at, 4 Supp. following 476
Christchurch Priory, 4 Supp. following 626
Christian, Princess, 650
Church. Cobham. Pine Woods at. 125
Cigar Lighter, Electric, Hardy, 413
Circuit Racing, 759
Circular Tours, 683
Circumstances Alter Oases, 901
Clement, M. Adolnhe. 494
Clerk, Mr. Dugald. 456
Clock, New Haven Clock Co., 696
Clothing, Piggott’s, 418
Clubs: Austrian M.C., 3 Supp. following 626.
Berkshire A. and Ae.C., 571, 611
Camera Club, 832b. Cardiff M.C., 796. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 141
Eastbourne A.A., 989. Essex M.C., 772, 1,049 Hampshire A.C., 348, 532, 924. Herts. County A.C., 58a, 536, 828b
Imperial A.C., 726. Imperial Austrian M.C., 2 Supp. following 70
Kent A.C., 98
Leicester A.C., 58, 858, 987. Lincolnshire A.C., 463, 714, 797. Liverpool A.C., 796
Manchester M.C., 19, 3 Supp. following 118, 464, 610, 714, 924, 984d. Middlesex County A.C., 345. M.C., 459. Motor Cycling C., 948a, 987
Notts. A.C., 251, 532, 832, 984d, 1,038, 1,062a Richmond and Surbiton M.C., 537. Royal Aero
C., 9
Scottish A.C.. 192, 344, 359, 476, 880, 1,063. Sheffield and District A.C., 756, 924. Sutton A.C., 101. Sutton Coldfield A.C., 19, 58a, 436, 498. 535, 924
Wolverhampton and District A.C., 982 Yorkshire A.C., 574, 795, 907, 908
Clutch: De Dion, 33. Fierce, Remedy for a, 111.
Lining, Raybestos, 196. Pedal, Kisselkar, 11 C.M.U.A., New Address of, 340 Coachwork : Alford and Alder, 147, 409, 446, 878, 1.068. Angus, Sanderson and Co., 106. Anne Cowburn, 105, 107, 185. Argyll, 87. Austin, 410, 447
Barker and Co., 184. Brainsby and Son, 105, 145. Braun and Co., 1,031. Brown, Hughes and Strachan, 295, 446, 509, 724
Cann, Ltd., 87, 106. 222. Cockshoot and Co., 107, 145. Connaught Motor and Carriage Co., 259. Crawfords. 106, 146
D’leteren Freres, Brussels, 146 Flewitts, 141 Garner, 90, 356. Gordon, 106, 1,064 Harris and Others, Ltd., 260. Hewers, 251.
Hooper and Co., 409. Hora, 466. Hup-mobile Co.. 145
Knibbs and Son, 147
Lanchester, 916. Lawton, 93, 106, 145
Macnaught and Co., 295. Mann, Egerton and Co., 1,029. Maythorn, 84, 258. Morgan and Co., 543, 724, 917. Mulliners, 725
Newton and Bennett, 107. Nibbs and Son, 106 Salmon, 259, 355, 447, 542, 581, 955, 1,029. Spyker, 726
Thrupp and Maberley, 321, 992, 993. Turner and Co., 409
Van den Plas, 84. 92, 196, 355, 917. Vincent, 146, 466. Vinet, 80. Vulcan, 106, 146
Windham, 259. Windovers, 106. Wolseley, 91, 917
Cobham, Speed Limit at, 288
Coils: Fuller, 422. Lodge, 430
Collins, Miss Jose, 108
Colly Weston, Sundial at, 827
Colonial Car, A Special, 159
Colonial Car Construction, 1 Supp. following 1,076 Combination, Seligmann-Robertson, 139 Combustion Chambers, Design of, 1 Supp. following 230
Commercial Traveller, The New, 783 Commonsense, A Triumph of, 1,001 Competition for a Coronation Mascot. 268 Compression Tap, Ross, Courtney, 416d Compton Church, 4 Supp. following 626 Compton, Lord Alwyne, 247
Compulsory Insurance in Germany, 2 Supp. following 306
Connaught: Duke of, 612, 650; Prince Arthur of, 904
Conneau, Lieut., 1.055
Contact Rivet, A New, 282
Cooling. Internal, 1 Supp. following 550
Coronation: Flower, Queen Mary’s, 532; Motor Parade, 300b: Night, Along the Road on, 894 Corunna, Cars in, 848
Cote, Chapel at. 4 Supp. following 192
County Chemical Co., Ltd., Address of, 36 Counties, Through 17, on a Deasy Car, 552 Coventry: Engineering Society of, 2 Supp. following 306; Trade of. 735
Covers: Barker’s, 46. Dunlop, 63. Goodyear, 63. Michelin, 63
Cumnor Hall, Gateway from, 6 Supp. following 268 Cups: Barcelona, 790a. Gordon-Bennett Aviation, 176. Prince Henry Tour, 252. Rover, 832a
Cut-out Switch, Tingye, 192
Crankshaft. Krupp, 102
Cresslow Manor House. 4 Supp. following 230 Crewe: Countess of. 639: Earl of, 864 Crompton, Col. R. E., 172 Cross Hands Finger-post, 973
Curfew, Revival of the, 928
Cyclist Prosecuted by A A. and M U., 752 Cyclists, Offer of Reflex Lights to, 988
D. Daimler Car: The Rise of the, 1,049; Not Racing this Year, 207
Dalmeny. Lord. 1.018
Damage from Sand and Gravel. 612
Danger Signs in Lancashire, 500
Day on Sleeve-valv^-engined Panhard, 197 De Caters. Baron Pierre,’ 96 Deflation Alarm. Palmer. 217 De Fre°e, Mr. Walter, 108
Delhi. On the Road to, 774
Demonstration Car, Ara Co.’s, 140
Denman, Lady. 640
Derby, Lord, 16, 750
Desborough, Lady, 640
Desborough Pillar. 8 Supp. following 512
Detonating Plug, Low, 112
Devizes. Market Cross at, 4 Supp. following 476 Devonshire, The Duchess of. 637
Dewar Trophy, Will it be Shelved? 277
Diarist, The Car as a, 737
Dillon, Mr. John, 787
Direction Posts, 58b
Distributor, Eisemann, 987
Doctor and the Motorcar, 215
Dog, The, and the Car, 3 Supp. following 476
Doherty, Mr. H. L., 529
Dolgorouki, Princess Alexis, 826
Dominion Representatives at Daimler Works, 1,038 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 788
Draughts, Protection from, 394
Dressing Cases, Finnigan’s, 982
Drilling Machine, Drummond, 417
Drummond, Mr. Arthur, Presentation to, 215
Dry Cells, Fuller, 422
Dublin, Speed-limit Inquiry at, 459
Dubonnet, M. Emile, Marriage of, 96
Dudley, Countess, 787
Dundee, Argyll Fire-tender for, 154
Duocar, L.M., 18
Dynamos: Bleriot, 387, 420. Carleon, 715. C.A.V., 387. C.J.L., 391. Ducellier, 389. Facile, 388, 704. Fuller, 118, 388. Leitner, 431. Oldfield, 390. P. and R., 386. Polkey-Jarrott, 389. Rotax. 162, 388. T. and M.. 391. U.M.I.,
390. Vandervell and Co., 283, 581
Dynamometer, Acer’s, 23
E. Eastbourne Crippled Children’s Outing, 989
East Coast, About the, 1,076
Easter Tour to the Chateau Country, 348
Edinburgh, Runs to, 19
Edison Electric Street Car, 480
Editorial: A.A. and the National Automobile Council, 567. Accidents, Testimony in, 492. Action, Prompt, Where it is Required, 332. Adjustments, Repairs and, 528. Air Battalion, 171. Air and Tyre Problem, 862. Air Tubes, Quality of, 333. Argosy, A Modern Golden, 246. As Others See Us, 786
Bore, Reduction of, 95. Brake Horse-power Formula, 50. Brake Tests, 492. British Cars and the Glidden Tour, 332
Canadian Market, Are We Losing? 171. Car Control, Automatic Carburation and, 940. Car Design: Continuous Progress in, 528; Vulnerable Point in, 749. Cars That Pass in the Night, 902. Competitions, A Dearth of Useful, 284. Coronation, After the, 862. Cyclists, Numbering, 940
Dawn of Light, The, 567. Doctor and the Car, 134, 209
Electricity in the Service of the Car, 903. Engine H.P. Testing, 50. Enterprise, The Courage of, 455. Equipment, 399. Exhaust, Odourless, 284
Fatal Hesitancy, 902. Fines, The Allocation of, 15
Garage: Protecting the, 710; The Unsightly Private, 604; Work, Outside the Shops Bill, 748. Gases, Poisonous, from Portable Stoves, 50. Glidden Tour, British Cars in, 332
Hill-climb, Reviving the Club, 710. Headlights: Dazzling, 134; Movable, and Their Legality, 209. Horse Driver, The Negligent, 492
Insurance and the Occasional Motorist, 399.
Irish Road Development, 247
Justice from the King, 333
King, Justice from the, 333
Lamp Moving Mechanism, 209. Legal Pro-. nouncement, 1,017. Light Car Race, 825.
London: Roads, 529; Season, 529; The Congestion of, 748
Marvel, A Scientific, 604. Motor Traffic and Road Surfaces, 455
National Automobile Council, Proposed, 135, 399. Night Driving, A Ban on, 1,017. Numbers, Representation and, 567
Offence, An Inexcusable. 941
Petrol Motor Turbine, 749. Plea for Consideration, 940. Police Activity, 979. Popularizing the Motor. 332. Prince Henry Tour, 903, 1.017. Prohibition of Flying Over Crowded Places. 710. Publicity, The Value of, 825
R.A.C., New Home of the, 285. Railway, The Motor in the Service of the, 979. Repairers, Qualification of, 246. Repairs and Adjustments. 528. Revenue Duty and the Unused Car, 134. Road: Conditions. 711; Construction, 455: Making. The . Finance of, 748; Note, 1.054: Schemes. Big. 50a: Surfaces, Motor Traffic and. 455; The First Great Motor, 454: Wear, Causes and Cure. 171
Self-starters, Electrical. 528. Self-starting Engines, 15. Shops Bill and the Motor Trade. 605. Slander, and a " Correction,” 903. Social Life. The Car’s Influence Upon, 649. Sparking-plugs and Over-lubricit'ion. 454. Spectacles and Motoring, 50a. 51. Speed: Limit Abolished in France, 979; Limitations of, 1,054. Switch, Starting Engine on. 209 Tar and the Car. 605. Taxation: Motor, 95, 604;
Reform, 15, 50a. Testimony in Accidents, 492. Tools, Use and Misuse of, 979. Traffic, Regulation of Slow, 786. Travel Evolution, Motor, 786. Triumph, A British, 825. Tyre Wear, Causes of, 454
Valuable Experience. A, 284. Value of Publicity, 825. Van Driver. The Careless, 493
Warning: About Lamp-moving Mechanism, 209; Lights on Carts, 246. Water Circulation, 1.055. Wheels not Parallel, 1,054
Factions. Motorcars and. 548
Electrical Specialities. Ward and Goldstone, 704 Electric: Car Lighting Set, Polkey-Jarrott. 1,052.
Chronograph. Elliott Bros.’ Portable, 203. Horns: Adnil. 102: Echo. 2-54; Sireno. 103. Light: Generating Set. C.A.V., 159: Installations. Ward and Goldstone, 429: Outfits.-Ducellier, 670. Fullers. 23. "King of the Road.” 413, Leo Ripault, 283. Longstreths, 103; Systems, C.A.V., 533, Fuller, 70
Ely Cathedral. 4 Supp. following 70, 4 Supp. following 734; Cross at, 6 Supp. following 306 Enclosed Motorcars, 321 Engine: An Air-cooled, 670. A New Aeroplane, 331. Lubrication, 3, Supp. following 36. Speed, 1,064. The First Internal-Combustion, 3 Supp. following 512. The Ignitionless, 1 Supp. following 772
Engine Starting Devices: Amplex, 127. Eise-mann, 361. Eveready, 127. Glenard, 128. Goodhart, 349. Grisco, 127. Star, 128. Wilkinson, 127. Winton, 127
Engines: Berliet, 93. Daimler, 85. Excelsior, 158. Godfrey Evans, 346. Gregoire, Long-stroke, 253. Knight-Daimler, 93. Knight, in America, 1,076. Reynolds, 873. Sherbourne Valveless, 429. Silent-Knight, 839. Thrutch-ley, 245. White and Poppe, 45, 102, 159. Aviation, at Olympia, 300 (See also under “ Aviation ”). Double-acting, 245. Runaway, 561
Equipment in Detail, 413 Escape, A Narrow, 949 Esthetics of Motoring, The, 798 Evans, Mr. Will, 108
Event and Comment: Cape Hoods as Sunshades, 1,040. Dash, The Quality of, 1,040. Fish? Does Tar Poison, 1,041. Flying Race, The Great, 1,040. Hotel Reminiscences, 1,041. Illicit Use of Motorcars, 1,042. Man, The, and His Licence, 1,041. Omnibuses, Mudsplashing by, 1,042. Risking and Gaining, 1,040
Evesham: Bell Tower at, 352. County Court, 4 Supp. following 230
Eve, Sir Frederic, 787
Exeter: Cathedral at, 973, 4 Supp. following 1,038. Mol’s Coffee House at, 861. St. Mary Steps Church at, 973
Exhaust Cut-out, Lyell, J. C. and Co., 532 Exhibition: A New German, 403. Proposed Overseas British, 232
Exports, American Motor, 734
F. Factory, Bayard-Clement Co.’s, 799
Family Car, A, 360
Farman, Maurice, 248 Farquhar, Lady, 640 Fate, Our, 1,052a Faulty Running after Overhauling, 2 Supp. following 36
Fiction, The Car in, 339
Fire: Extinguisher, A New, 1,031; Fyrout, 268. Prevention, Scientific, 701. Vehicles, Argyll, for Dundee, 154
Fires: Almagam, 20. Barker’s Carriage Works, 57a. Ford Motor Co., 58a
First April Joke, 496
Fitzford House Gateway, 801
Flanges, Detachable Rims and, 11
Flexible Wiring, Metal-sheathed, Fuller’s, 179 “ Flight of Birds, The,” 217 Floor Plate, Hudson, 10
Florida: Motor Racing in, 491; Pope Hartford Car Wins at, 337
Flower Holders, City Ignition Co., 416d
Flying in 1733, 14
Foot: Pump Found, 498; Scraper, Moco, 417 Fordwich Town Hall, 973 Fork Lever, Dunlop, 70 Formula, H.P.. A New, 20 Foxhunting, Motorcars and, 252
France: Dunlop Tyre Co. of, 19; Fast Running in, 1,043; Grand Prix of, 1,020; Speed Limit Abolished in, 1,001; Strike in, 128; Taxation Troubles in, 244
Fuel: Comparative Tests, 715; Consumption Trial, 536
G. Garage: An Artistic, 593; And Workshop, 314; Art and the, 556; At Benbow House, 1,076; At Golder’s Green, 910b; Couch, 130; Debnam and Strahan, 762b; Mitchell, 734; Morris, at Oxford, 47; West End, List of, 681; Water Supply for a Model, 392a
Gas: Conveyance from Generator to Lamp, 131, 512. Generator, Bleriot, 420
Gastro-Manograph. 51
Gauge System for Testing Ball Bearings, 282 Gear, Vincent Infinitely-variable. 162 Generators: A.L., 526, 550. Allen-Liversidge, 536.
Bleriot, 420. Powell and Hanmer, 432. Seabrook. 108, 432
German Automobile Works Busy, 538 German Crown Prince: 863; In India, 177 German Emperor: At the Imperial Motor Club.
210; New Adler Car for, 339; Progress of Motorism and, 663; Visits the R.A.C., 667
German: Joy Rider Convicted, 70; Market, American Cars and the, 536; Motorists’ Disabilities, 343; Way Worthy of Imitation, 1,058
Germany: Compulsory Insurance in. 2 Supp. following 306; Joy Riding in, 537
Gilmour, Mr., Acquitted, 756
Glasgow: Dangerous Cross-roads near, 943; Drivers, Re-Union of, 58a: New Agencies, 217; New Combination at, 139
Glastonbury: Abbot’s Kitchen at, 4 Supp. following 70; Tribunal at, 4 Supp. following 154 Glove, The Continental, 36 Golden Valley and the Black Forest, 675 Gradient Meter. Bennett and Tapley, 571 Graduates Section of the I.I.A.E., 185 Grafton, Duke of, 400 Granard. Countess of, 639
Grand Prix Race, 911; American Cars for, 178; Michelin Tyres in, 1,062; Napier Cars for, 250; Result, 1,043
Great Orme’s Head, Up the, 797
Great Ponton Church, 4 Supp. following 1,038
Grendon Underwood, Shakespeare Farm at, 4 Supp. following 476
Grey: Lord, 8G3. Sir Edward, 712
Guide Books: Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., 924. Michelin, 734, 757. South of England, 376
Gunter, Sir Robert Benyon Nevill, 96 Gyroscope as a Non-skid, 458 Gyroscoppy, 532
H. Hamilton, Duchess of, 637
Hammock, Tocah, 993
Hampshire, Strange News from, 950
Hampstead, King George at, 285
Hampton Court Park, Oldest Oak in, 4 Supp. fo] lowing 626
Handbook, A.A. and M.U., 794
Hanriot, Rene, 96
Harcourt, Mrs. Lewis, 641
Harrogate—A Warning, 820
Headlamps: Moving, 24; Swivelling, 357
Hedge Trimming, 47
Hemel Hempstead, Highwayman’s Grave at, 801 Hertfordshire, Some Quaint Sites in, 514 Hesse, Grand Duke of. 217, 941 Hicks, Mr. Joynson, 247
Hill, A Dangerous, 4 Supp. following 810 Hill-climb in a Metallurgique, 1,064a Hill-climbing, Non-skids for, 608
Hill-climbs: Hants, and Dorset A.C.’s, 965. “ Henry Edmunds,” 70, 499. Herts. County A. apd Ae.C.’s, 669, 765. Manchester M.C.’s, 714, 984d, l,022d. Middlesex County A.C.’s, 907. Midland A.C.’s, 792. Motor Cycling C.’s. 436. Ries, 140. Scottish A.C.’s. 1,063. Sheffield and District A.C.’s, 756. Sutton Coldfield A.C.’s, 535, 720. Wolverhampton and District A.C.’s, 626, 982, 1,021
Hillyard, Mr. G. W., 980
Hindhead, Dial Signpost at, 4 Supp. following 36 Hoel-Llewellyn, Capt., 712 Hog’s Back, The, 126
Holden, Col. H. C. L., 942
Holt, Mr. Herbert S.» 1,018
Hood Covering, Pantasote, 259
Hoods: Auster, 427. Auster "One Man,” 168. Capital, 588. Kopolapso, 103, 419. Oakley, 423, 954
Horn: Blowing, 950a; Reed. Riches Adjustable, 289 Horns: Adnil, 526, 550, 1,076. Apollo, 416a, 609.
Aspeero, 102. Autochime, 103, 432. Auto-Musica, 413. Autovox, 886. Bleriot, 420. Clymax, 423. Echo, 421. Elmore, 52. Gabriel, 102, 496a, 720, 758; Pick for Cleaning, 140. Klaxon, 118, 176, 192, 300b, 420, 496a, 535, 581, 613, 833. Leo Ripaults, 550. Le Tromblon, 420. Lucas, 413. M. and B., 415. Motophone, 427. Torpedo, 423. Tuto, 962. Wagner, 421
Horse, Decline of the, 1,004
Horse-power Formula, 57a, 59
Hotel: Advance of the Country, 170a; Question, The, 1 Supp. following 588
Hounslow Heath, Toll Gate at, 4 Supp. following 1,076
Hours of My Aerial Life, 4 Supp following 268 Humbers Supply Hotels with Road Maps, 950 Hyde Abbey Gateway, 4 Supp. following 70 Hydraulic System of Petrol Storage, 521
I. Information Bureau : Accumulator, A Reversed, 35; Charging, 153; Restoring a Weak, 884. Air Tubes, Treatment of, 10; Under Tension, 624
Backfire, Risk of, 923. Bearings, White Metal, 922. Brake Lining, 884. Brakes, Using the, 770; Worn Out, 438. Brasswork, Protecting, 190
Carburation, Difficulty, 809; Strength of Mixture, 846; Too Rich, 999; Trouble, 733; Weak, 116. Carburetter, Adjustment, 808; Altering Position of, 624; A New, Advisable, 1.036; Fitting a New, 117, 732; For V-type Engine, 961; Requires Attention, 474. Car: Lighting, 117; Registration Detail, 587. Cause of Popping Back, 808. Charges for Repairs, 378. Charging: 153; Circuit, 809. Chemical Non-freezing Mixture, 153. Choked Silencer, 190. Circulation Water Boils, 267. Clutch, A Fierce, 960; Slipping of Metal. 771; Trouble, 49, 998. Coil, Connection Difficulty, 695; Trouble, 884. Compression, 1,036; Leakage, 267, 586; Question, 998. Condenser, Action of. 377; Breakdown of, 69. Contact Maker Sparking, 306. Cover Blowing Off the Rim, 191. Crankcase: Explosion Leakage into. 11.6; Vacuum Valve in, 378. Cylinder, Fitting a Larger, 885; Jacket, 999: Misfiring, 770; Snapped, 117; Reboring, 438: Weak, 68
Defective, Contact, 266; Wiring, Test of, 474. Difference in Timing. 846. Differential, Gear Action, 34. Taking Dowm the, 191. Distance Rods, Dispensing with, 695. Dual Ignition, 1 Supp. following 306. Dynamo, Adapting, in Place of Magneto, 378
Engine: A Temporarily Weak, 229; Choking, 306, 1075; Knock, 885. 922, On a Hill. 733; Misfiring of Three-cylinder, 438; Racing of, 733; Replacing Single-cylinder, 438; Speed Control of, 809; Vibration, 69, 1,037, Cause of, 847; Exhaust: Pipe, Overheated, 549; Port, The Auxiliary, 586, Springs, 68, Utilizing the, 475; Explosion, Leakage into Crankcase, 116; In Silencer, 923; Fails on Hills, 587; Firing Back, 229; Frost Risks, 69 Graphite as a Gear Lubricant, 34. Gearbox, Paraffining Engine and, 694. Gears, Noisy, 846
Information Bureau.—Continued.
Ignition: Puzzle, 1,075; System, A Wasteful, 1,036; Timing, 35
Lamps, Re-Oxidizing, 117. Leaking Float, 474. Lime Deposit, 961. Loss of Power after Overhauling, 117. Low Tension, 69; Not Applicable, 116. Lubrication of Back Axle, 923
Magnetos, Concerning, 191, 378, 437, 475, 548, 549
586, 732, 733, 771, 884, 1.037. Misfiring, Occasional, 999; Of Three-cylinder Engine, 438
Noisy Engine, 378. Non-Starteritis, 377 Old-type Carburetter, 230
Petrol, Consumption, 191, 961; Tank, Explosive Vapour in, 438. Piston Rings Loose, 437. Power: For Motor Workshop, 510; Sudden Loss of, 695. Protecting Brasswork, 190
Radiator: An Inefficient, 960; Defects, 437. Registration Transfer, 1,075. Re-magnetizing,
587. Re-registration, 1 Supp. following 306, 587. Revenue Tax, Refunding, 695, 809; Trial Runs and, 511. Roller Contact, 922
Seized Bearings, 1,074. Silencer, A Throttled, 694, Choked, 190; Explosions, 152. Smoke, Cause of Black, 809. Spontaneous Firing and Engine Knock, 1 Supp. following 306. Springs Under Valve Tappets, 625. Starting Difficulties, 230, 625; On the Switch, 230; Up, 733. Steering Mechanism, 153
Taking Down the Differential, 191. Taper Gudgeon Pin, 267. Tar Stains on Coachwork, 587. Taxation, 190, 694, 847. Tax on Hired Cars, 846. Testing the Firing, 586. Throttle, No Response to the, 1,075. Touring Formalities, Foreign, 587. Tube, Internal Burst in, 1,074. Trade Cars for Private Use, 511. Trial Runs and Revenue Tax, 511. Tyre: Bursts, 1,037; Defects, 809; Using Up a Damaged, 960
Vacuum Valve in Crankcase, 378. Valve, and Piston Ring Queries, 266; Cam, Worn, 884; Grinding Defective, 771; Noise, Eliminating, 152; Seatings, New, 437; Springs, 1,075; Tappets, 625; Timing, 117, 885, 999. Valves, Fitting Mechanical Inlet, 548; Pitting, 152. Valve Stems, Lubrication of, 34. Vibration of Single-cylinder Engine, 69
Water Circulation, Failure, 475; System, Converting a, 153. Water Jacket, Soldering Up Crack in, 35. Weight Limit of Tri-car, 510. Wheels, Wobbling, 1,074. Worn Dog Clutch, 190
Ignition Repairs, How They Are Made, 828 Ilford Castle, 4 Supp. following 734
Imperial Motorist, An, 663
Incognito, The New, 662
India: Coronation Parade in, 1,066; German Crown Prince in, 177; Government of, Order 30 Darracqs, 906; Motoring in, 1 Supp. following 886
Indianopolis 500 Miles Race, 821
Indicator, Electric, A.G., 422
Inflator, Parsons Sparklet, 416a Inner Case, Atlas, Test of, 592 Inn with Church Door, at Bloxham, 4 Supp. following 192
Institute: Of British Carriage Manufacturers, 104, 145. Of Mechanical Engineers, 449; Mr. O’Gorman Lectures at, 192
Institution of Automobile Engineers, 59, 476, 535, 609, 988; Graduates’ Section of, 185
Instruction Book, Car Owner’s, 537
Insurance: Action, 576; At E. and H. Hora, Ltd., 108; Car, In America, 512; Compulsory in Germany, 2 Supp. following 306
Internal Cooling, 1 Supp. following 550 International: Passes, 405; Road Congress, 1913, 405 Ireland: English Cars Registered in, 4 Supp. following 962; Speed Limit in, 500
Isle of Man: Jubilee, 345; Race—A Denial, 99 Italy: Roads, Bad, in, 337; Rcyal Motorists or, 635 Ito, Prince, 750
Iveagh, Viscountess, 639
J. Jacks: Adams, 600. Celerio, 251. Cicoy, 416b. Cinderella, 417. Empire, 120. Hartford, 130. Ideal, 130. Lake and Elliott, 426. Lucas,
413. Millenium, 496a, 765. Peerless, 120. Baisweil, 130, 176. Sparta, 417. Springfield, 130. A New Screwless, 254
James, Mrs. Willie, 641
Jarrott, Mr. Charles, Mishap to, 216
Joy Rider: Foiling the, 741; In Germany, 537
Jura Country, Through the, 1 Supp. following 476
K. Kennington Road, Railings In, 8 Supp. following 512
Ket’s Oak, 861
King: Chauffeurs' Petition to the. 476; Edward VII.’s First Motor Drive, 634; George as a Motorist, 657, New Car for, 526; Manoel of Portugal, 247; Pardons a Motorist, 313
Kingston-on-Thames Parish Church, 4 Supp. following 588
Kitchener, Lord, 864, 980; Landaulet for, 1,064
Kleyer, Heinrich, 50b
Knaresborough, Lord. 568
Knowles, Mr. Guy, 172
L. Labour, Saving the, 478
Ladder, Collapsible, Duco, 424
Ladies, For Motoring, 26, 800
Laindon, Priests’ House of St. Nicolas at; 6 Supp.' following 306
Lakeland, Motoring in, 790
Lake Vyrnwy, 721
Lamp, Electric, Plug, Rotax, 121
Lamps: Adnil, 962. Alpha, 103. Anti-Dazzle, 432. Autoclipse, 102, 696
Bennett, 397. Billy, 417. Bleriot, 103, 420, 496a. Broadhurst, 413
Carleon, 715. C.A.V., 496a. C.W., 103
Dependence, 414, 501. Dietz, 417, 423. Ducellier,
' 422, 765
Finnigan’s, 103. Flush, 432. F.R.S., 282, 718.
Fuller, 422
Germania, 886. Goldenlyte, 102, 357, 418, 526, 550, 1,076
Harrod’s, 420. Howes and Burley, 103
' Koh-i-noor, 1,000
Lithahode, 924. Longstreth’s, 428. Lucas, 102.
Mira, 421
Oldfield, 390, 414. Osram, 715, 949
P. and R., 926. Polkey, 3 Supp. following 154,
414. Powell and Hanmer, 432. Prested, 416b Robbins, S. T., and Co., 1,064b. Rotax, 102.
Rushmore, 103, 414
Salsbury, 432. Seabrook Bros., 103, 432. Seabrook, Solar, 108, 139, 432. Sentinel, 423. Sterling, 423. Sterling, Junr., 423
Vandervells, 608. Victor, 423
Ward and Gbldstone, 566. Willocq-Bottin, 429. Woodland, 422 '
Lamps and Gas Generators with Distinctive Features, 108
Lancashire, Danger Signs in, 500
Lansdowne, Marchioness of, 638
Larkin, Mr. P. C., 788
Lathes, Drummond’s, 392a, 417
Laudi, Signor Ernesto, -58a
Launch of the “ Thunderer,” 23
Laurentz, Baroness Campbell von, 334
Laws, Motor, Up-to-date, 574
Lawsuits, Aviation, 5
Leatherhead, The Running Horse at, 801
Leather, Nothing Like, 345; Tread Tyre, 180 Lecture Teams, 405
'Leeds Crippled Children Outing, 907
Legal: A Case of Obstruction, 289; Matters, 58b, 253; “Season” Models, 46
Leipzic, “ Daisy Day ” at, 268
Lever, Double-control, for Aeroplane Carburetters, White and Poppe, 154; Spring, Pioneer, 103 Light-Car Race, 214, 338, 376, 752, 4 Supp. following 772, 832a, 834, 836, 867, 888, 889, 924, 936
Lighting: Set, Test of the C.A.V. Car, 343; System, Petrol-0 xy gen, 397
Lights on Motor Vehicles, 5
Liners: Roberts, 424; Turco, 426
Linlithgow, Lord, 493
Liquid Fuel Meters, Frodsham’s, 425
Live Axle, Repairing a Damaged, 257
Live Map, The, 390
Llangelynin Church, 4 Supp. following 734
Local Taxation Licences, 250
Loch, Mountain and Glenn, 1 Supp. following 1,038 Locking Arrangement for Hall Spare Wheels, 142 Locking Joint, Beatonson, 415 Locomotion in the Reigns of Five Georges, 651 Londesborough, Countess of, 639; Earl of, 826 Londonderry, Marchioness of, 638
London: New Index Mark of, 1,058; Traffic Problem, 56; To Edinburgh, M.C.C. Run, 762a.
Long-stroke Engine, Gregoire, 253
Loop-road Round North London, 44
Lost Opportunities, 734
Lowther, Mrs. J. W., 641
Lubricants: Glyco, 103; Price, 102; Sternol, 102;
Wakefield. 103; “ Ilo,” 533
Lubrication Indicator, La Buire, 138
Lubricators: Chalmers, 51; Godin, 422
Luggage, Carrier, Rotax, 431; Equipment, Brooks, 36; On Tour, 874
Lyons, Sir Joseph, 70
M. Machinery Support, 5 Supp. following 306
Machrow, Mr. Clement, 16
Magnetolite, C.J.L., 391
Magnetos: Bosch, 33, 85, 89, 90, 92, 93, 166, 268,
415, 752, 832a, 855, 910. Eisemann, 33. 124. 416b. Fuller. 422. Gibaud, 103. Mea, 19, 421. Nilmelior, 417. Oleo, 66. Thomson-Bennett, 217. U.H., 414
Manchester: Club Life in, 3 Supp. following 118; Duke of, 941; Historical Data Concerning, 2 Supp. following 118; Motoring Clubs, lb.; Motoring In and About, 1 Supp. following 118; Office of The Motor, 101; Show, Ijjrrata, 140
Manorbier Castle, 4 Supp. following 70
Manx Motor Race, Proposed, 60
Marah, Mlle. Osca, 108
Marlborough, Duchess of, 637
Martin. Mr. Bradley, 400
Mascot: Aeroplane as, 997; A New, 574; A Prize, 575; Competition for a Coronation. 268; Coronation, 431; Policeman, 967; Rolls-Royce, 222; Rotax Coronation, 215; Swift, 436
Maxim, Sir Hiram, 286, 334
Mayo, Mr. Sam, 108
Maythorn, Mr. J. F. A., 145
Meare, Fish House at, 4 Supp. following 626
Medical Man and the Motorcar, 194
Memorial to a Robin, 2 Supp. following 268 Metal-sheathed Flexible Wiring, Fuller, 179 Metropolis, Slow Traffic in, 536
Middlesex Hospital, R.A.C. and the, 403 Midlands, Historical Sights in the, 270 ’Midst Mud, Rain and Wind, 197 Miles, After 2,000, 1,052 Millard, Miss Evelyn, 108
Milometer, E.J.H., 413
Minto. Lord, 750
Misfiring in Two-cylinder Engines, 4 Supp following 505
“ Mister Walker ” Again, 338
Models for 1912, 623
Monaco, Prince of, 904; Rally, German Complaint in. 47
Monoplanes—(See " Aviation ’’)
Montenegro, Princess Xenia of, 606 Moreton Corbet Castle, 861 Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Curfew Tower at, 4 Supp. following 192
Motor, Alarm, Philomel, 416b; Bus v. Tram, 1 Supp. following 848; Cab Owner-Drivers’ Association, 717; Car Body for Aeroplane, 293; Car Insurance, 58; Harold Townend and Co., 406
Motor Carriage Section : Activity in the Trade, 992. Adams Car, A Smart, 296. Adaptable Motor Chair, 1,030. Alford and Alder, 409, 878. All-enclosed Racing Car Body, 502. Armstrong-Whitworth and Co., 616. _ Arrol-Johnston Car Co., 616. Auster Fitting on Prince Henry Cars, 1,067. Auster Paris Branch, 879. Austin, 410, 615, 764. Australia, A Cabriolet for, 1,068. Austrian-Daimler Alpine Car, 880
Bodies, New Salmon, 259; Refitted, and Secondhand Chassis, 260. Business, In the North, 260; Prospects Good, 260
Cabriolet, All-weather, 1069; One a Crossley Chassis, 185; The, 467. Calledon Limousine-Landau let, 258. Camping Car, 580. Capital Curved Shield, 880. Car for Severe Service, 879. Chassis, Adaptations for Driver’s Comfort, 260; Frame and Interchangeable Body, 915; Second-hand and Refitted Bodies, 260. Cleaning of Motor Carriages, 222. Clement-Talbot, 615. Coach work, Smart Repairs to,
802. Colonial Motorcar, 1,069. Colour in Exterior Design, 220. Convertible Car, 1,067. Coronation Durbar at Delhi, 296. County Screen Co., 466. Crossley Coupe, 296
Daimler Co., 615, 839. De Dion-Bouton, 467.
Design for Large Car, 1,029. Detachable Bodies, Windham Patent, 259. Disposal of Spare Wheel, 220; Of Luggage and Chauffeur, 1,029. Doctor’s, Coupe, Crossley, 222; Sedan Motor Carriage, 353. Door Lock, 726. Double-purpose Motor Touring Carriage, 579 Edge, S. F., Ltd., 615. Elastic Tyre and Shackles, 953. Evolution of the Motor Carriage, 503, 672. Exhaust Outlet, Position of, 296. Exterior Decoration of Motor Carriages, 183, 257, 294, 354, 465
Ferguson, J. B., Ltd., 764. Flush-sided Body, 504. Forder, F. and F., 725. Front-hinged Door, 185
Godin’s Catalogue, 765. Graduated Horse-power and Sizes, 221
Hood, A Combination, 954; A Sunshade, 724; Cleaning Enamel Leather, 543. Hoods, Hints on, 259. Hooper, 409. Hora, Ltd., 466. Horse-power, Graduated, and Sizes, 221. Humber Co., 615, 839. Hupmobile Suspension, 1,029. Hurtu Cars, 1,030
Interior, Decorations, 144; Fitting, 1,030; Seating of Cabriolet, 185. Invalid Carriage, 542 King George’s New Motor Carriage, 617 Lafayette’s Unique Car, 581, 671. Lanchester, Colonial Phaeton, 763; Carriage, 916; Latest Models, 504. Lever Spring Suspension, 917. Limousine, A Handsome, 355; A New, 725 Mann, Egerton and Co., 542. Maudslay, Motor Carriage, 724; Co., 879. May thorn and Son,
765. Minto, Earl of, Rolls-Royce, 184. Models and Model Making, 1,031. Morgan and Co., 543, 917. Motor Carriage, Builders and Insurance Bill, 1,067; Painting, The Use of White Lead in, 259; Showroom, 581. Motorcoaching Possibilities, 992. Mulliner’s, 614 New Style Flush-sided Car, 259
Opening of a New Era, 672. Orto Tyre Test, 765 Paris Design, A New, 802. Phaeton, Two-seated, 726. Prince Henry Tour Cars, 1,030
Rothschild et Fils, 541. Rover Co., 616. Royal Motor Carriage, 726
Sanders, Ralph E., Sons, Ltd., 764. Scuttle-fronted, Dash, 955; Open Car, 878, 1,068. Seat, Hot Front, 1,068. Serviceable Car, A,
803. Siberia, Knight-Panhard for, 879. Small Two-seater, 356. Sociable Car, 803. Star Engineering Co., 615. Suspension of the Car, 540, 953
Taxi, Three-wheeled, 880; Victoria, 839. Tools, Providing Space for Carrying, 220. Torpedo, Bodies, the Ventilation of. 726; Cabriolet, 802. Touring, Adjunct, 765; Car with Special Features, 356. Town Landaulet, 295. Turin, Crossley Exhibit at, 955; British Cars at, 614. Two-seater Car, 260
Van den Plas, Cabriolet, 917; Carriage, 355. Vauxhall, Ltd., 614. Ventilation, 992. Vincent, W.. 466
“ West End ” Landaulet, 295. White Lead and Car Painting, 259. Windscreen, Venetian, 295; V-shaped, 1,067. Wolseley, 409, 466, 542, 763, 840, 917
Motor, Carriage Springing, 120; Work at Manchester Show, 105; Clothing, Dunhill, 103, Samuel Bros., 103; Club and Boat Race, 217; Club Notes, 339; Cycling Club’s Opening Run, 340; Club-house, 342; Design, 3 Supp. following 772; Flap, Hall Rigid, 70; House, An Asbestos, 719, Equipment of, 392a; Laws, 574; Mary of Argyll, 337; Oil, Castrol, 403; Sleigh, 489; Spirit, 141. Carbus, 436, Pratt’s Perfection, 102, 425, Shell, 154; Taxation, 22; Trips, 2 Supp. following 306; Upkeep, 154 ; Vehicles, Lights on, 5; Washers, Hallite, 252
Motorphobe Switzerland, 376
Movable Headlights, Legal Committee on, 215 Much Wenlock Abbey, 6 Supp. following 306 Mudguards: Frankonia, 430, 1,069. Mainly About, 2 Muir, Mr. A. Campbell, 494
Murray, Mr. T. B.’s, Lecture at Scottish A.C., 359 My Idea of a Well-equipped Car, 384 Mystery, A Bedford Motorcar, 538
My Way of Thinking: A. A. and M.U. and National Council, 619. Accelerator Pedal Again, That, 619. Accident, A Strange, 913;
My Way of Thinking.—Continued.
In case of, 1,065; The Selfridge, 482. Accidents, How They Occur, 913; Last Year’s, 392c. Adaptation, A Novel, 728. Aero Show, 392c. Annual Overhaul, 392d. Army Transport, Reorganization of, 392a. Artists, Unobservant, 777. Aviation Accidents, 766
Body Design, 6. Bodies, Hideous, 689. Bill, Another, 689. British and Foreign Cars, 181. Buggy-type. Cars, 41
Carburetters, The Size of, 914. Careless Handling, 517, 618. Car Licences, 122. Car Speeds and Safety, 618. Census, The Military, 842. Charge, An Unusual, 481. Chauffeur, The Wail of the, 123. Complaint, Another Cause of, 518. Constructional hvs-tem, Early, 450. Contrast, A Striking, 451. Cost of Repairs, 366. Country Cars in U.S., 273. County Council Activity, 727. Criticism, A Curious, 41. Cross-country Flying, The Dangers of, 854. Curves, The Car on, 182
Daimler Omnibus, 202. Dangerous Driving, 367. Dawn of a New Era, 41. Daylight Saving Bill, 767. Destruction of Our Roads, 202. Destructive Action of the Horse, 182. Distribution of Road Funds, 559. Dogs, On the Killing of, 366. Drivers, Medical Examination of, 1,010. Driving, Considerate, 841. Duty to the Public, 366
Easing Off, 728. Edison Battery, 201. Elections, Motorcars and, 689. Epicyclic Gear, 688. Escape, A Narrow, 777. Exhibition, A Peripatetic, 392d
Farmers, Road Spoiling by, 73. Fatalities, The Lessons of, 73. Figures, Some Interesting, 914. Fly in the Ointment, 778. Forgotten Laws, 366. Friction Drives, 951
Garage, A Country, 841. Gear, Steering, 6. German Crown Prince, Accident to, 854. Good News for Ireland, 235. Gravity, Starting by, 181
Headlights, Swivelling, 41. Heat of the High Door, 1,009. Horse-power Formulas, 202. Horse, The Destructive, 182
Ideas, A Confusion of, 274; More About Old,
517. Industry, The Future of the, 991. Initial Nomenclature, 560. Injustice, A Gross, 72. Ireland and the Motor Question,
518. Good News for, 235. Irish Absurdity, 451. Isle of Man Race, 42
Killing of Dogs, 366. King, Proposed Petition to the, 517
Last Year’s Accidents, 392a. Laws, Forgotten, 366. Lazy Enjoyment, 778. Lesson to Obstructionists, 481. Licences, Dating of, 1,065. Lighting of Road Obstructions, 181. Locating a Grind, 842. Looking Gift Horse in the Mouth,. 450
Macdonald, Sir John, on Road Signs, 7. Mechanical Feet, 273. Medical Examination of Drivers, 1,010. Mexican Tyres, 274. Motorbus v. Tram, 952. Motorcar Suspect, 1,009. Mythical Cuteness, 234
Nomenclature, Initial, 560; The Question of Horse-power, 73
Objection, A Novel, 72. Obstructionists, Lesson to, 481. Offence Against the Act, 122; A New, 991. Ornaments, Car, 482. Overhaul, The Annual, 392d
Patents of 1910, 6. Plug Trick, The, 201. Police for Once Defeated, 854; Persecution, More,
766. Prince Henry Tour, The, 991. Public, A Duty to the, 366. Punishments, A Contrast in, 122
R.A.C., A Point for the, 1,010. Race? Was it a, 913, 1,010. Racing Development, 559. R.A.C. New Premises, 367. Red Tape, Absurd, 482. Regulations, Concerning, 727. Repairs, Cost of, 366. Resilient Wheels, 235. Road, A New Main, 234; Funds, Distribution of, 559; Obstructions, Lighting of, 181; Question, 451; Signs, 7; Speeds and Trams, 952; Slippery Tarred. 727; Spoiling by Farmers, 73; The Destruction of Our, 202; The Rule of the, 274; Wear, Concerning, 392d
Safety Starting Handles, 273. Selden Patents, 7. Showrooms, Travelling, 1,065. Sopwith, Mr., Fined, 122. Speed Limits, 41; Abolished in the Isle of Man, 392c; The Farce of, 990. Speed, The Deceptiveness of, 842; The “ Feel ” of, 990. Sprag. The Use of the, 951. Standard Car Race, 688. Steering Wheels, Celluloid-covered, 854. Suction? Is there, 618 Tar-sprayed Road Surfaces, A Destroyer of, 1.066. Taxation, 727. Taxi, Cabby, The Hilarious, 72; Driver, 619; Situation, 560. Tell-tale Speedometer Readings, 766. Testimonials, 392d. Theft by Use, 913. “ There Are Others,” 841. Tour, An Ambitious, 450. Torpedo, Bodies, High Doors on, 952; Style, Objection to, 689. Trade Difficulties, 72. Traffic, Driving and Horn Sounding, 1,009; Experiments, 855; Slow-moving, 688; Cost to the Public of Slow, 560. Trams, Stop Warning on, 1,066. Tramway Monopoly, 777. Transformation, Another, 952; A Remarkable, 951. Turin Exhibition, 201. Tyre, Allowances, 123, 201 ; Painting, 728; Prices, 842; Taxi, 855
Variable Radiation, 518. Votex or Fan Mixers, 914
Why Not Motor Vans? 990
N. National Automobile Council, 404, 571, 613
Naylor-Leyland, Lady, 640
Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 640
New Car, What to Do with the, 316 Newcastle, Duchess of, 637
N.S.W. as Touring Ground for Motorists, 6 Supp. following 512
New York, Taxicab Tests in, 78
New Zealand, 1,064 Miles Non-stop Run in, 268; Reliability Trials in, 118; Vauxhalls Win in, 268
Nice and Gently, 752
Night Out with a Bleriot Searchlight, 206
Noble, Sir Andrew, 980
Noises at Night, 962
Non-puncture Inner Case, Atlas, 154, 345
Non-skid Band: Climax, 418. Tanus, 416a
Non-skid Chain, Parsons, 3
Non-stop Run, An Argyll, 289
Norfolk, Duchess of, 637
Northcliffe, Lord, 980
North Eastern A.A., 498
North Walsham, Market Cross at, 827
Norwich, Dolphin Inn at, 827
Notts. A.C. Dinner, 292
Nottingham Cripples’ Outing, 1,062a
Now and Then, 1 Supp. following 810
Numbers, False, on Cars, 906
Nuneham Park, Otho Nicholson Conduit in, 4 Supp. following 734
1912, Models for, 623; Trade Boom in, 738
o. Oakley Park, Horse Memorial at, 827
Obstruction, Prosecution for, 403; The Factor of, 182 Ockham, Church at, 4 Supp. following 924; Hautboy Hotel at, 125
Odourless Exhaust, 36
Oil, Gladiator, 102; Circulation Indicator, Singer, 141; Leakages on Old-type Cars, 157
Old Car, Converted into Caravan, 161; Novel Use for, 161; New Carburetter and, 3; Oil Leakages on, 157
Old Work Republished, 217
Orders, Rush, Coping with, 700
Orozco, General, 109
Ostend, Racing at, l,022d
Other People’s Views: A.A. Insurance Policies, 958. Accelerator Pedal Again. 957, 1,032, 1,073. Acetylene, Adaptor for Oil Lamp, 997; Explosions, 186, 304; Headlight Difficulty, 31; Side Lamps, 113. Adjusting Horn Reeds, 304. Advertisers and Advertisements, 845. Advice to Learners, 769. Age Limit for Drivers, 67. Aids to Engine Starting, 186. Air Tubes, Missing, 691, 769; Size of, 151 ; Quality of, 473; Seams of, 263, 375. Aluminium: Castings, Cleaning, 374; Enamel, 473. American Competition, 31. “ A
Motorist’s Wail,” 189. Ants, White, Protecting Car from, 1,073. Australia, A Cheap Car for, 262. Axle Leakage, 921
Benz Car, Improvement to an Ancient, 997. Bodywork, Tar Stains on, 621. Boiling Kettle Phenomenon, 620. Bolt Valves, 151, 224; Use of, 112, 187, 265. Brooklands, Accident - at, 544; Imperia at, 693; 300 h.p. F.I.A.T. at, 959. Bus, Control of Driverless, 620. By-pass Starter, 111
Camping Car, A, 262, 375, 506. Cape Hood, Interior Light, 957; Leaky, 956, 1,035. Carbon, Formation and Elimination of, 731. Car-buration and Car Control 996, 1,034. Carburetter, Adjustment, 186; For Old-type De Dion, 228; Improving Longuemare, 188, 262; Polyrhoe, 996; Solex, 264, Experiences with, 261; The Size of, 959; Why Blame the, 32; Why Tickle the, 111. Cardan Shaft Problem, 115, 186, 262, 373. Careless Handling, 584. Car, Experiences, 375; For India, 187; Lighting, Flexible Conductor for, 264; Upkeep, 301, 372. Cars that Scream in the Night, 1,035. Case, Atlas Puncture-proof, 1,071. Cause of Stoppage, An Unusual, 881. Chain, Drive, Disappearance of, 148; v. Cardan Shaft, 228. Champs Elysees, 509; Traffic in, 470. Chassis. Overall Lengths of, 373. Chauffeur Problem, 372. Cleaning, Aluminium Castings, 374; Horn Reeds, 374. Clutch, Curing a Fierce, 33, 112, 1,033; Leather v. Metal, 473, 546. Clutches, Cars with Light, 33, 111, 113. Colonial, Cars, 919; Motoring, 63. Commercials, Cars for, 148. Compressed Nitrogen, 188. Contact Rivet, A New, 433. Converted Old-time Car, 371. Cooling Systems, 544. Cover Blowing Off Rim, 261, 265, 959, 1,072. Covers, Treatment of Old, 957, 1,034; Using Up Old, 65, 303, 1,071. Cup-shaped Piston Head, 265. ’Cute Things on New Cars, 114. 150 224 302
Dazzln’g Headlamps, 263, 305. Defective Sight, Motor Glasses for, 31. Detachable Band, 33, 64; Steel Wheels, Sankey, 113; Wheels and Rims, 67, 114. Despatch of Spare Parts, 65. Differential Gear Puzzle, 470, 545. Distance Recorder for R.-W. Detachable Wheels, 33, 111, 149. Doctors: Country, Experiences, 225; Interesting Experiences by, 225-8. Drivers, Age Limit for, 67; At 14 Years, 148. Driving Licences, 112. Dublin, Road Congress in, 547
Electric Lighting Most Necessary, 226. Engine, Balancing of V-type. 434; Starting, Aids to, 186; Starting by Running Downhill, 113; Two-cycle, 622, 691, 844, 918, 996: The Ignitionless, 845; The Mead Rotary Valve, 1,070; The Piston Valve, 882, 956, 958; Using Car, to Drive Circular Saw, 434. Electrical Vulcanizing, 1,032. Entrance, The Off-side Front, 66. Experiences with the Solex Carburetter, 261 Fan Breakage Mystery, 843, 921. Farnham—A Warning, 769. Fierce Clutch, Remedy for, 186. Fine, A Disproportionate, 623. Flexible Conductor for Car Lighting, 264. Found, 435. Four Years Experiences, 227. France, Things They Do Differently in, 374. French Chalk and Tyre Repairs, 65. Friction Gear Efficiency, 920
Garage, Hot Water Supply for, 547. Garages, Country and Repair Shops, 919. Gear, Epi-
Other People’s Views.—Continued.
cyclic v. Sliding, 620; Vincent Variable, 470. Gears Accidentally Meshing, 769. Glasses for Defective Sight, 31. Gyroscopic Non-skids, 584
Headlamps, Dazzling, 263. Hill-climb, Hants, and Dorset, 1,073. Hints on Easy Starting I) p, 133. Hood, Remedy for Leaky, 1,073. Horn, Blowing, 1,071; Defective Motor, 807; Reeds, Adjusting, 223. Horse-power Formulae, 150, 224, 373, 435, 1,071; Some Comparisons, 29. Horse, The, and Road Wear, 4/1. Horses, Nothing in Favour of, 225. Hydraulic Transmitter, Vincent, 371
Ideas, A Confusion of, 372. Ignition, Automatic Advance, 33; Cells, Automatic Charging of, 920; Cells Frothing, 883. Illicit Use of Motorcars, 1,073. Improving Longuemare Carburetter, 188. India, Car for, 187; Motoring in, 957; Price of Parts in. 1,070. Information, Lack of, 149. Insurance, 544, 583, 692; A.A. Policies, 9a8; The Question of, 472. Interchangeable Wheel Patents, 261. Ireland, An Injustice to, 544. Irish Numbers, 1,034
Knock, Troubled with a, 188
Lack of Information, 149, 224. Landscape, An Alternative to Disfiguring, 113. Leather v. Metal Clutch, 473. Lesson, An Object, 728. Licences, Driving, 29. Light-car, Experiences, 115; For Commercials, 29; Race, 807, Vauxhalls and, 769, 883. Lighting, Using Ignition Magneto for, 187, 264. Lights, Rear, for Hay Carts, 472. Locating a Grind, 918. London’s Traffic Problem, 114. Lost, 187. Lubricator, Automatic, 996; Simple Automatic, 956. Lubrication, Forced, 958
Macdonald’s, Sir John A., Letter, 471. Magneto, Runs on, 305; Starting on, 585, 690; Using Ignition for Lighting, 187, 264. Makers and Car Owners, 693. Maps, Live, 730. Medical Car Tax Rebates, 374. Metal Clutch, Difficulty, 111; On 8 h.p. Rover, 228. Military Searchlights, 264, 30j. Misfiring and Overheating of a “ Six,” 507. Misfiring Problem, 620, 693. Motor and Horse, No Comparison Between, 225. Motorbus v. Tram, 918. Motorcar Upkeep, 374. Motorcycle Road Trials, 189, 262. Motor Design, 844
New Cars, ’Cute Things on, 66. Nitrogen, Compressed, 188. Nomenclature, Motorcar, 509. Non-skid Bands, 66, 187
Oil Leakage from Rear Axle, 997. Oilproof Sparking-plugs, 113, 187, 303. Old Cars, Reducing Taxation on, 151. Old Covers, Using Up, 223, 374. Oldsmobile, Troubles with an, 189, 263, 303, 507. Old-time Car Converted, 371. Opaque Windscreen, 470. Overall Lengths of Chassis, 373. Overheating, 693, 807 Paint for Willesden Canvas, 435, 507. Panhard Top Gear Run, 845. Paraffin, Burners, 31; v. Petrol, 582, 691. Petrol Can, 1,034; Consumption, 1,073; Economizer, 149, Mills, 149; Tins* New Cap for, 921, 995. New Stopper for, 959, 996; Turbine Motor, 582, 690, 729, 806, 920, 994. Peugeot Long-stroke, 622. Phenomenon, The Boiling Kettle, 620. Piston, Built-up, 149, 223; Design of, 149; Valve Engine, 956, 958. Plea for Consideration, 959. Plug Cleaner, A.F. Auto, 149. Plugs, Short-Circuiting of, 433, 506; Sooting-up, 264. Prices Given for Scrap Covers, 304. Prince Henry Tour, 1,073. Pump Starters, 224, 302 Radiation, Variable, 32, 261, 505. Railway Points as Vice, 433. Remedy for Fierce Clutches, 186. Renewal Parts, 692. Repairers, 65, 149, Requirements of New Cars, 807. Retreading, The Question of, 882, 1,033. Rim, Cover Blowing Off, 261, 1,072. Road, Congress in Dublin, 547; Hogging in Sussex, 730; Repairs, 1,033; Wear, 372, The Horse and, 471, Question of, 508, Tyres and, 844, 918, 994. Roads, How are Spoiled, 29. Routes, Threatened, 113. Rover Clutch, 187. Rubber, in Road Dust, 302; Tyres, 1,073. Running Costs, 113, 261, 265. Runs on Magneto, 305
Safety Starting Handle, Crown, 435. Saw Driven by Car Engine, 434. Screen Cleaner, 374. Scuttle-fronted Open Car, 921, 1,032. Seams of Air Tubes, 263, 375. Second-hand Car, The, 65, 151. Segment Rims, 263, 433. Selfgrip Tyre Jackets, 150. Self-Starters, 150; Needed, 225. Selling and Buying, 768. Shep-pey, The Way to, 921. Slide-valve Engines, 186. Slow-combustion Stoves in Garages, 65. Slow-speed Cars, 843. Sooting-up of Plugs, 264. S. Africa, Motoring in, 113. Spare Parts, Despatch of, 65; Problem of, 621. Spare Wheel Found, 997. Sparking-plug: Fouling-up, 29, 66, 149; Hints, 303; Oil-proof, 113, 187, 303; Sooting-up, 112, 189, 264, 434. Sprag, Use of the, 881. Squared Axle-end Trouble, 435. Starting Handle, Crown Safety, 507. Steam, Advantages of, 227; Cars, 189, And Tyre Economy, 505, Experiences, 31, 64, 149, 227, 263, Life of Tyres on, 112, Points, 228. Stoves, Slow-combustion, 30, 67, In Garages, 65. Streamline Bodies, 373. Suggestion Criticized, 305. Surrey, Veldt Roads of, 844, 959. Switzerland, Hiring a Car in, 507, 547
Tar Stains on Bodywork, 621. Taxation, Licences, 371; Of Steam Cars, 994, 1,035; Reducing, 149, Of Old Cars, 114, 151; Reform, 115, 1,072; Unjust, 844. Tea, An Expensive, 883. Ten-year-old Car, Improving a, 692. Things They Do Differently in France, 374. Threatened Routes, 113. Trade Cars for Private Use, 583. Traffic, In the Champs Elyse.es, 470; Slow-moving, 623. Tramcars Passing, 882. Transmitter, Vincent’s Hydraulic, 546. Trials, Grims-
Other People’s Views.—Continued.
thorpej 769. Troubled with a Knock, 188. Troubles with an Oldsmobile, 189, 263, 303, 507. Tuning Horn Reeds, 372. Turbine, Petrol Motor, 690. Turning Circle Formulae, 63. Tyre, Allowances, 189, 305; Combination, Best, for Wear, 1,070; Difficulty, 33; Economy, 435, 505; Jackets, Self-grip, 150; Mileage, Wire Wheels and, 958; Phenomenon, 768; Retrenchment, 33. Tyres, and Road Wear, 844, 918, 994; For Special Rims, 63; On Steam Cars, 112; Reclaiming Old, 622; Stopping Cuts in, 546, 621 ; Sucking Action of, 768; Using Up Old, 30, 112, 187, 228, 375; Using Damaged, 1,032
Uninsured Motorist, 435, 472, 509, 544. Using Up Old Covers, 303, 374; Old Tyres, 30, 112, 187, 375
Valuable Experiences, 227. Valve Noise, How to Remedy, 508. Variable, Cooling, 375; Gear, Vincent, 265; Radiation, 261, 505, and Boiling Kettle Phenomenon, 585. Vauxhall and Light-car Race, 883. Veldt Roads of Surrey, 844, 959. Voiturette Race, 769
Warning, 994. Wheels, Fitting of Wire, 997. Willesden Canvas, Paint for, 435, 507. Windscreen, Opaque, 470. Wire Wheels and Tyre Mileage, 958
Overheating Alarm, An, 828
Oxford, The Earl of, 712
Oxygen Decarbonizing Progress, 467
P. Pall Mall Pars, 281, 325, 398, 453, 491, 527, 576, 613, 648, 709, 747, 784, 824
Parade, Indian Coronation, 1,066 Paraffin Burner, Pearson-Cox, 31 Paris, From Our Correspondent In: Abolition of Speed Limit, 1,050. Accident Statistics, 164. A.C. de France, and the Trade, 780; Reforming the, 563. Aeroplanes at Moderate Prices. 746. Aeroplane, Catalogues, 49; Failure of, as Touring Machine, 524; Over Paris, 329. Air, Land and Water .Machine, 746. Algeria and Tunisia, Motor Excursions to, 48; Through, 242. American, Car, 857; Height Record, 329. Annoying Preference for a British Car, 13. Another Fatality, 329. Antique Car Competition, 133; Awards of, 133. Automobile Club de France, £4,000 Aviation Prize, 12; Trouble in the, 745. Aviation Grand Prix, 857; Postponed, 1,051 Barcelona Light-car Race, 328. Belgian Endurance Test, 1,051
Car and Aeroplane Times Compared, 13. Census, Military Motor, 564; Motorists and, 681. Champs Elysees, 781; Motorcar Depots in, 523. Clement-Bayard New Light Car, 279. Clement-Hammond Wedding, 243. Coupe des Voiturettes, 242. Cycle Races, Cars and, 832b
Death of Cei, 329. Decorative Schemes, The Car in, 523. Detachable Wheels in General Use, 708. Dirigible Balloon Motorcar Body,
327. Discord at the A.C. de France, 489. Drastic Action Against Motorists, 1,007. Duray’s Tour, 488
English Entries for Light-car Race, 242. Escape, A Miraculous, 1,007. European Circuit, 396, 598, 746, 857; Protests Against, 279
France, American Cars in, 488; English Rule of the Road Adopted in, 971; Two-cycle Motor Developments in, 687. Flying Records, 397. French Naval Aerial Corps, 49. French Newspaper “ Report,” 938
Garage and Lodging House Combined, 524. Gear, D. and P., Test of the, 13. Gordon-Bennett Elimination Races, 832b. Grand Prix, Aviation, 972. Grand Prix de France, 132, 164, 242, 781, 972, 1,006; Course, Visit to, 279; Date Changed, 487; Entries, 212, 597, 937; Preparations, 212; Route, 164
Hill-climb, Limonest, 708; Calthorp Wins, 898. Horse Owners Oppose New Road Code, 1,050 Interesting Gregoire Cars, 328
Land, Air and Water Machine, 564. Latest Voisin Biplane, 49. Law, Carrying of Lights,
971. Lawsuits, Aviation, 49. Legal Case, M. Louis Renault, 563. Licences, The Granting of, 832b. Licensing Regulation, A New, 856. Light Car, for English Market, 243; Race, 132, 164, 212, 487, 746; Comment on, 898; Competing Cars in, 707; Delage Cars for, 524, 707, 780; Drivers in, 681; English Entries for, 242; Entries and Drivers, 396; • Entry, 328; Ford Car for, 779; Gregoire Car for, 779; Order of Starting, 780; Speculations on the, 707; Speed Events Following, 898; Testing Cars for, 597; The Course, 212; Training for, 565. Long-distance Aeroplane Races, 397
Marriage, A Motoring, 243. Michelin Aviation Trophy, 48. Military, Aerial Routes, 243; Motor Census, 564. Monte Carlo Rally, Official Result, 12. Monument to Leon Ser-pollet, 487, 856. Motor Excursion to Algeria and Tunisia, 48. Mud-splashing Preventives, Trial of, 242
National Touring Office, 598. No Aeroplane Meetings in 1911, 279
Official Race Next Year, 1,051. Old-age Competition for Cars, 12
Paraffin as Fuel, 522. Paris, Aeroplanes over, 329. Paris-Clermont-Ferrand, 133. Paris-Madrid, 598,. 708. Paris, Prier Arrives in,
488. Paris, Return of Motor Vehicles in,
489. Paris-Rome-Turin, 598. Paris-Bordeaux, 12. Peril, The Yellow, 598. Protests against European Circuit, 279
Racing in France, 1,006. Return of Motor Vehicles in Paris, 489. Revival of Racing Likely Next Year, 972. Road, Cope for France, 487; Destruction, 329; Improvements,
Paris, From Our Correspondent In.—Contd. French, 938; Repairing in France, 524. Rolls-Royce Depot in Champs Elysees, 1,008. Rule of the Road, English, in France, 971. Russia, Endurance Trial in, 832b
Sarthe Meeting, 781. Serpollet, Leon, Memorial, 598; 856. Show Question—A Referendum,
972. Slide-valve Developments in France, 522. Spanish Car to be Made in France,
328. Speed Limits, Abolition of, 971; Illegal in France, 745. Streamline Experiments, 564
Ten Days of Motorcar Racing, 164. Tourist Facilities, 1,051. Tour through Algeria and Tunisia, 242. Traffic in the Champs Elysees, 328. Triptyques, Granting, 832b
Universal Lighting Compulsory, 487
150 Miles an Hour, 781
1911, No Aeroplane Meeting in, 279
Past and Present Car Design, 359
Patent Law in the States, 702
Patents: Renault, 700; Wright Bros., 538
Patrol, A.A. and M.U., New Developments of, 176 Patrols to the Rescue, 536
Pedal Covers, La Grippe, 418
Pedals, Adjustable, 1,008
Pennington, Mr. E. J., 286, 315
Penrith, Giant’s Grave at, 8 Supp. following 512 Personal: 16, 50b, 96, 135, 172, 210, 247, 285, 334, 400, 456, 493, 529, 568, 606, 637, 650, 712, 750, 787, 826, 863, 904, 941, 980, 1,018, 1,055
Peterborough Cathedral, 4 Supp. following 1,076 Petrol, Can Cover and Funnel, Loton, 426; Can Opener, Riches, 417, Young’s, 1,058; Carburine, 103; Consumption Indicator, Frodsham’s, 425, Jarrott, 428; Reducing, 350; Current Price of, 177, 215, 251, 293, 338, 406, 500, 612, 858; Economizer, 810; Electric Motor Rail, G.W.R., 180; Filler Cap, Royal Tourist, 10; Filter, Franklin, 51; Gauge, Ross-Court-ney, 416d; In France, 177; Lock, 178; Oxygen Lighting System, 397; Rebates, 245, For Medical Men, 60; Solidified, 205; Storage, Hydraulic, 521; Strainer, Bowden, 416c; Tank Pressure Pump, Benton and Stones, 426; Tap, Non-leaking, 320, Ross-Courtney, 416d; Tin Carrier, E.W., 178, Folding, 1.000; Turbine Motor, 452, 1 Supp. following 626
Pfleumatic, 102
Photography, Motoring and, 3 Supp. following 734 Piccadilly, Six Hours Traffic in, 408
Pilkington, Sir Thomas, 334
Pilgrims’ Way, 126
Piston-valve Engine, Hewitt, 91
Plague Houses, Eyam, 4 Supp. following 154
Plain Bearings, Durability of, 3 Supp. following 306 Plas Mawr, 827
Plea that Failed, 796
Plug, Clean, A.F., 424
Plymouth, Countess of, 639
Pneumatic Tyre, Life of the, 410a
Police, and Motorist, 791; The Maximum Hand, 481 Polishing Powder, La Brilliantine, 696
Pope’s Tower, Oxon., 6 Supp. following 268 Portable Electric Chronograph, Elliott Bros., 203 Portable Seat, Auster, 427 Portland, Duchess of, 638
Portsmouth, Coach and Horses Inn at, 4 Supp. following 476
Potterne, Ruth Pierce’s House at, 4 Supp. following 476
President Taft, 285
Pressure Indicator, Okill, 101
Primer. Royal Tourist, 10
Priming Pump, Peerless, 10 Prince Henry of Prussia, 826 Prince Henry Tour : 70, 462, 790a, 872, 911; Appearance Prizes, 1,015; Cheltenham-London, 1,014; Criticized, 23; Culmination of, 1,011; Cups for, 252; Edinburgh-Windermere, 984; From a Competitor’s Point of View, 1,016a; German Section, 944; Harrogate-Newcastle, 977; Leamington-Harrogate, 975; Newcastle-Edinburgh, 983; R.A.C. Banquet, 1,016; Shrewsbury-Cheltenham, 1,012; Southampton-Leamington, 974; Sutton Bank Climb, 977
Prince Munster of Derneberg, Vulcan Car for, 260 Prison, Profit from, 886
Progress of Motorcar Construction, 1 Supp. following 512
Prosecution, An A.A., 534; A Necessary, 214; A Successful, 1,008
Pulley Block, Warden and Co., 421
Pump, Four-cylinder, Hawthorne, 142; Willesden Albany, 416a
Puncture-proof Inner Casing, Atlas, 103 Punctures, Repairing Small, 833
Q. Queen Alexandra, 568
Queen of Holland; Spyker Cars for, 268 Queensland, Motor Matters in, 910b
R. R.A.C. and Its Associated Clubs, 791; Annual General Meeting, 292; At Tunbridge Wells, 533, 570, 608, 668; Clerical Staff Dinner, 405; Certificates, 359; Certified Trials, 252, 803; Club-house, 217, Model of Rolls-Royce Car for, 36, Reading Room at, 536; Duke of Teck Re-elected as Chairman, 403; Election of Candidates, 141; German Emperor Visits, 667; Handbooks, 738; Legal Department, 288, 345, 1,063; May Meeting, 408; Motorhouse at Ascot, 612; Motorhouse, The New, 344; New Premises, 138; President, 612; Scottish and Irish Clubs Meet, 570; Standard Car Race, 575. 667, 716, 795, 815, Entries for, 756, Sunbeams and, 832a; Test of the Segment Rim, 211
Racecourses and Club Grounds, 642
Racing Cars, Arrol-Johnston, 217; Singer, 343 Radiation Variable, 175, 369
Radiator, Aerotype, 4.6a
Railway, P.L.MV Motorcars in Service of, 966
Rainproof C.’oth, Omnes Tempes, 103
Rattling, The Prevention of, 543
Rawal Pindi to Kashmir by Motor, 1 Supp. following 886
Rear Spring, Hudson’s, 51
Recording Device, Jones, 737
Records, New American, 476
Reflector, Vandervell’s, 608
Reflex Lights, 214
Registration, A New System of, 3 Supp. following 230
Reid, Mrs. Whitelaw, 641
Reid, Sir George, 1,018
Reliability Run, Manchester A.C.’s, 610
Renaux, Eugene, 210
Repairing a Damaged Live Axle, 237
Repair, Kits, Parsons, 833; Works, Humber, 243, Oyler, 276, Warwick Wright, 140
Ribblesdale, Lord, 494
Richmond, Old Palace Yard at, 8 Supp. following 512
Rims: Baker, 77. Booth, 77. Captain, 140, 425. Chailiner, 102, 103. Clincher, 422. Denegre, 77. Dunlop, 268. Empire, 77. Facility, 243, 417, 418, 613, 626. Firestone, 77. Fisk, 77. Goodyear, 33, 63. Michelin, 102, 424. North British, 59. Progress, 418. Segment, 67, 103, 114, 211, 263, 420. Shrewsbury and Chailiner, 102, 103, 159, 418. Skew, 103. Spencer-Moulton, 103, 431. Vinet, 103, 417, 476. Warland Dual, 4, 67, 114, 140, 431, 476
Rim Holders: Dunlop, 14; Jarrott and Letts, 14
Rims, Detachable, and Flanges, 11
Ripon, Marchioness of, 638
Ritchie, Mr. M. J. G., 530
Riviera, Motor Competitors at the, 251; Notes, 58, 395, 485
Road, A Motor, 679; Atlas of British Isles, Continental Tyre Co.’s, 1,000; Birmingham-Wolverhampton, New, 243; Board, Grants, 19, 55, 538, 1,058, And Dangerous Corners, 121; Closed, Farnham-Petersfield, 962; Construction-Payment on Results, 575; Improvements, 19; Materials, Trials of, 932: Or Rail? 740; The First Great Motor, 444, Wheel and, 440
Roads, and Road Repairing, 812; Bad Italian, 337; Improvement Association, 459, 535; Maintenance of Main, 160, 219; ^£24,000,000 for, 4 Supp. following 772
Robey, Mr. George, 108
Rollright Stones, 2 Supp. following 268
Rosebery, Lord, 864
Rotary-valve Engine, A, 873; Corliss, 88; Mead, 931 Rothschild, Mr. Leopold, 456; Mr. Lionel, 494 Rothwell Town Hall, 4 Supp. following 230 Roundwood House, 861
Routes: London, Ascot, 643; Epsom, 643; Goodwood, 644; Henley, 643; Newmarket, 644; Rawal Pindi-Kashmir, 1 Supp. following 886; Threatened, 47
Roxburgh e, Duchess of, 638
Royal, Pioneer, A, 634; Motorists, Italian, 635;
Warrant for Palmer Tyre, Ltd., 154
Roze, Miss Lelia, 108
Rubber, Compound, Ruballoy, 139; Matting, Dook Swain, 103, Dunlop, 103
Ruins of Uriconium, 4 Supp. following 192 Runabout, Cyclone, 855: Metz, 463 Rutland, Duchess of, 638
s. Safety Control, Roper, 102
Salisbury, Marchioness of, 638
Saltburn, Speed Trials at, 574, 793, 908
Sanatorium for Workers, 762b
Sandford Lasher, 6 Supp. following 268
Savile, Lady, 640
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of, 904
Scientific Service, 871
Scotch Police Active, 848
Scotland, The Glories of, 440; Knight-Panhard in, 949
Scottish Motor Trade Association’s Annual Dinner, 24
Searchlight, Bleriot, 206; In Military Motor Manoeuvring, 38
Seaside, Early Spring Day at the, 380
“ Season ” Models, 46
Seat, Folding, Rotax, 720
Security Bolt: Hermetic, 429; Plate, Hindley, 417;
Protector, Dunlop, 102
Selborne, Countess of, 639
Selden, George B., 50b
Self-ferrying Car, A, 943
Self-holding Tyre Lever, Bobbetts, 376
Selfridge Accident, The, 482
Self-starters—(See “Engine Starting Devices”) Self-starting Engine, N.B., 141
Semmering Vetoed for Good, 339
Serpollet, Leon, Monument to, 487
Seven Dials, Column from, 4 Supp. following 588 Sheffield Crippled Children’s Outing, 924 Sheffield-Simplex, R.A.C. Certificate for, 192 Shelton Oak, The, 4 Supp. following 36 Sheppey, A Week-end in, 813
Shirley Churchyard, 4 Supp. following 1,076
Shock Absorbers: Cleveland, 180. Dutrieux, 431. Gurney, 170. J.M., 696. Nevajah, 414.
Trion, 282, 912
Shops Bill, R.A.C. and, 626; Scottish A.C. and, 880;
The, 759, 1,028
Shows: Allahabad, 57a, 1,062a. Buenos Aires, 250. Canadian, Dates of Two, 52. Glasgow, 1912, 458. Montreal, 233, 501. North of England (Manchester), 58a, 81-94, 139; A.A. and M.U. Stand at, 58b; Accessories at, 102-3; Carriage Exhibits at, 145; Luncheon to Inaugurate, 100; Our Supplement, 94; R.A.C. Stand at.
58; S.M.M. and T. Dinner at, 101. New York, Another, 910b. Olympia Aviation, 297; Next, 828b. Paris Aeronautical, 785. Scottish, 24. Toronto, 233. Turin, 180, 614, 772. Winnipeg, 233, 1,058
Show Signs Uniform at Last, 486
Shropshire Union Canal, Primitive Drawbridge on, 4 Supp. following 230
Sifton, Hon. Clifford, 568
Silencer, Clair, 416a
Sign Bracket as Gallows, 4 Supp. following 36
Six Cylinders to Move Us, With, 891
Sky-scraper, A Motor, 538
Sleigh Motorcar, A, 80
Slip Farm, 4 Supp. following 626
Smith, F. E., 904
S.M.M.T., Election of President, 392
Social Calendar, The, 665
Soldering Iron and Blow Lamp, Universal, 420
Soldier-like Enterprise, 403
Solidified Petrol, 205
South Africa, Austin Cars in, 772; Talbot in, 36; Motoring in, 1 Supp. following 70; On 8 h.p. Rover in, 1 Supp. following 70
Southam, Chemist’s Shop at, 4 Supp. following 192 Southampton, Cross House at, 4 Supp. following 36 South of England Guide Book, 376
Spanish Race- Meeting, 790a
Spare Wheel, Carrier, Bailey and Co., 427; Coupling, Durandal, 828; Protector, Griff, 429
Sparking-plugs: Albright, 78. Bosch, 415. Cronan, 422. Cup, 288, 421. Eccentric, 78. E.O.A., 415. Hagstrom, 78. L.M., 140, 421. Lodge, 430. Nilmelior, 417. Pognon, 103, 578, 833. Point, 78. Prested, 416b. Samson, 421. Spitfire, 103. Taxi, 421
Speed, at Saltburn, 908-; Indicator, Royal, 418; Judging, 245; King, The, 832a; Limit, 121, Abolished in France, 982, Barnet, 1,063, Edinburgh, 570, Hammersmith, 288, 910, Gosport, 810, In Ireland, 500, Inquiries, 873, Proposed for Cobham, 288, Wansford, 828b, Woburn Sands, 1,000
Speedometer, As a Witness, 407; Driving the, 480 Speedometers: A.T., 103. Bowden, 403, 416c.
Cooper, 431. Frodshams, 425. Jones, 416, 810. Markt, 416. O.S., 578, 765. Perfect, 550. Smith, 102, 418. Star, 254. Stewart, 419. Stewart and Clark, 102
Speed, Terrific, at Indianopolis, 821
Speed Trials at Grimsthorpe, 714
Spencer, Earl, 286
Splash guard Design Discussed, 1 Supp. following 36
Sports, The Records of, 670
Springing of Motor Carriages, 120
Spring Leaves, Packard’s Auxiliary, 51
Spring Oiler, Ross Courtney, 416d
Springs: Lemoine, 103; Lever Spring Suspension Co., 448
Staines, London Stone at, 4 Supp. following 588
St. Albans, The Fighting Cocks at, 8 Supp. following 512
Stamford, Interesting Gateway at, 6 Supp. following 306
Standard Car Racing, 896
Starter, A New, 886
Starting Handle, Crown, 416d
Statue to Stage Coach Driver, 6 Supp. following 268
St. Benet’s Abbey, 4 Supp. following 734
Steam as a Source of Power, 1,003
St. Cleer, Cross and Holy Well at, 4 Supp. following 1,076
St. Helier, Lady, 568
St. Levan Stone. 4 Supp. following 1,038
St. Neot’s Well, 4 Supp. following 1,038
St. Paul, Cornwall, Memorial at, 4 Supp. following 1,076
Stoke D’Abernon House, 4 Supp. following 924
Stonham Aspal Church, 801
Stoop, Mr. A. D., 456
Stoves, Portable, Poisonous Gases from, 50
Strange Uses for Motor Vehicles, 499
Strang, Lewis, 1,056
Streamline Bodies, Gregoire, 239; More Experiments, 2 Supp. following 734
Street Closed to Motors, 906
Strike at Chenard-Walcker Factory, Paris, 128
St. Withberga’s Well, 4 Supp. following 924 Summons Dismissed, 233
Sundial on Gravestone near Barmouth, 4 Supp. following 154
Surrey Pine Forests, A Day in the, 124
Suspension of the Car, 448, 490
Sutherland, Duchess of, 638; Duke of, 493
Sutton Coldfield A.C., Opening Run of, 283
Swaffham. Fountain at, 6 Supp. following 306; Post Office, 4 Supp. following 154
Switch: E.I.C., 421. Fuller, 422. Lodge, 430 Switchboards: C.A.V.. 387. C.J.L., 391. Ducellier, 389. Fuller, 389. Oldfield, 390. P. and R , 387
Switzerland. Motorphobia in, 962; Motors, 501
Swivelling Headlamps, 357
T. Taft, President, 285
Talbot Co.’s Awards Stolen, 256
Tang’ey Hall, “ Robbers’ ” Door at, 352
Tasmania, Reliability Trial in, 118: Through, on a Talbot, 3 Supp. following 626
Taxation: Further Notes on Reducing, 43; Tn Austria, 537; Motorcar, 22. 156; R.A.C. and, 58b; Troubles in France, 244; Unjust, 599
Taxes. Cost of Collecting Motorcar, 340
Taxibus'Spirit. 102
Taximeter. Polkey. 376
Tea on the Car, 738
Teck, Duke of, 863
Temple Press Ltd., Action Against, 828a
Terrington, St. Clement Church, 801
Tcwin, Remarkable Tomb at, 4 Supp. following 154 Thames Head, To, in a Darracq, 1 Supp. following 962
Thames Junction with Severn, 352
Then and Now, 1 Supp. following 512
Thomas Transmission System, 525; Test of, 796 “ Thunderer,” Launch of the, 23
Tickencote Church, 4 Supp. following 1,076
Timing Methods, Unsatisfactory, 609
Toll, An Excessive Bridge, 288
Tool, and Battery Box, Pierce-Arrow, 10; Kit, Broadhursts, 45; Set, Get-at-it, 420 Torrington, Waterloo Memorial at, 827 Tour: A European, 1 Supp. following 1,000;
Canadian National Reliability, 154; Glidden, 364, 7a7, 872, 962. London-Cambridge-Newmarket, 683; London-Cobham-Canterbury, 684; London-Chichester-Arundel, 685; London-Epping-Colchester, 685; London-Hastings-Eastbourne, 684; London-Oxford-Strat-ford-on-Avon-Leamington, 683; London-Salisbury-Stonehenge, 685; London-Windsor-Beaconslield; 683; To the Chateau Country, 348
Tour Chart, Automatic, 23
Touring Car, A Well-equipped Argyll, 394; Points to Look for on a, 363
Touring, Growth of Continental, 537; Popularity of Foreign, 128
Town Duty on Benzol Raised, 799
Trace v. Abercrombie and L.G.O.C., 716
Track, Off the Beaten, 124
Trade and the Town, 735; Boom in 1912, 738;
Names, 4u2a
Traffic, Horse and Motor Divided, 679; Obstruction, 534, 886; Problem, 99, 236; Slow Moving in the Metropolis, 536
Tramcar Obstruction, 182
Tramlines and Punctures, 757
Tramway Schemes not Sanctioned, 268
Transmission System, The Thomas, 525
Transport, Car Packing for, 895; Forced March with Motor, 512
Transvaal, Talbot Cars in the, 987
Trapped, 3 Supp following 505
Travel Progress, 651
Trial: Herts. County A.C., 536; Italian Reliability, 626; R.A.C. Certified, 499
Trip on a Stanley Steam Car, 1,003
Trophy: Albert Brown, 536; Dewar, 137, 252, 277; For the Prince Henry, 910b; Glidden, 1,008; Henry Edmunds, 70
Trunks: Brooks, 413, 965. Double Grid, 422. Finnigans, 103. Lomax, 422
Tube Corset, Stepney, 417
Tubes: Almagam, 103. Searle, 519. Victor, 112, 416a Tunbridge Wells, R.A.C. at, 533, 570, 608, 668 Turbine, Petrol Motor, 1 Supp. following 626 Turbine Steamers for S.E. Railway Co., 128 Turntable, Moco, 417; Where a, is Essential, 720 Tweeddale, Marchioness of, 638 Two-cycle Engine, 59, 698 Two-seated Car, Useful, 673
Tyre : Adjuster, Dunhill’s, 428. And Wheel Carrier Handcuff, 428
Band: Arab, 520; Fibrax, 520; Lomax, 566; Pegasus, 520; See Band Co., 64
Carrier: Clair, 45; Garner, 103; Hilton, 431. Case: Dunlop, 415; Star, 170. Clip: Lomax, 118. Companies’ Amalgamation, 217. Cover: Duco, 424; Bag, Dunlop, 752
Economy, 393
Filling: Pfleumatic, 414, 905; Rubberine, 848 Gauge, Motor Accessories Co., 519. Grip, Pneu, 417
Infiator: Maxfield and Co., 519; Michelin, 424
Jacket, Self-Grip, 45, 65, 268
Levers: Bobbett, 419; Garner, 103; Ogden Kon-kora, 138. Liberator, Riches, 417
Paint, Sanderson, 426. Protector: Complete, 429; Mackintosh, 103; Tourist, 424. Pump: Gleason-Peters, 772; Hunt, 416b; Peerless, 11; Pierce Arrow, 52; Skinner, 170; Whipple, 501; Push-off, Chamberlains, 20
Retreading: Almagam, 103, 427; Redfield Rubber Co., 626; Ruballoy, 416
Saving Jack, 178
Tester: Eros, 512; Roberts, 424. Tread, City Taxi Cab Co., 58b
Valve Seat Truer, Girling Motors, Ltd., 758.
Vest, Victor, 519
Tyres: Ajax, 734. Atlas, 419, 576. Avon, 416d, 436 Barker, 423. Beldam, 368, 416b, 608, 747
Camel, 416, 762b. Chailiner, 419. Clincher, 416c, 810. Connolly, 103. Continental, 416, 464. 716
De Fornier, 19. 416c. Book Swain, 103. Dun-lops, 23, 60, 102, 103, 131, 415, 752, 4 Supp. following 772, 848, 1,062a
E.D., 217
Fearnought, 51
Goodrich, 33. Goodyear, 66. Grammont, 566, 626. Grose, 103
Jenatzy, 535
Kempshall, 103, 416, 574, 626
Liversidge, 416c. Lomax. 422. Lynton, 103, 415 Mackintosh, 103. Michelin, 102, 1,062. Mogul, 118, 670. Moseley, 422
North British Rubber Co., 180
Orto, 765
Palmer, 103, 342, 416b. Parsons, 416a. Pirelli, 962. Prowodnik, 416, 730
Shell. 420, 566. Shrewsbury, 419, 917. Skew, 103, 276, 424. Spencer, Moulton Co., 103, 159. Stepney, 417
Thomas. 2 Supp. foHowing 306. Torkington, 987 Wood-Milne, 103, 140, 416b, 626
£24,000,000 for Roads, 4 Supp. following 772
u. Unjust Taxation, 599
Upton, Sundial at. 4 Supp. following 36
Uriconium, Rims of, 4 Supp. following 192
V. Valve, Grinder, Ashcroft, 420; Seating Tool. Midland, 415; Spring Adjusting Device, 406; Removers, 254
Van-driver Obstruction, 600
Variable Radiation, 175, 369
Vaughan. Father Bernard, 904; Hon. Crawford, 1,018
Vauxhall and Light Car Race, 907
Veldt Roads in Surrey, 742, 844
Ventilators, Beatonson, 992
Vernon, Lord, 334
Vicars Court, Lincoln, 4 supp. following 626
Voiturette Records, 496a
Voltmeter, Peto and Radford, 45
Vulcanizers: Braby, 430. County Chemical Co., 102. Harvey Frost, 430, 496a, 765. 924, 1,016. Simplicity. 833. Swain, 103. Turco, 425. Vulcan, 426
w. Wales, A Trip to, on Napier Car, 675
Wanted, An Easily-cleaned Car, 1 Supp. following 36
Ward, Sir Joseph, 606
Warfare, The Car in, 1,062
War Office Order Siddeley-Deasy Car, 254
War Upon Reckless Driving by Notts. A.C., 2 Supp. following 306
Warwick, East Gate at, 973 Warwickshire Fire Beacon, 352 Water, Charges for Motorcars, 99; Circulation System, The Cleaning, 848
Watts, Lady, 606
Wayside Features, Interesting, 4 Supp. following 36, 4 Supp. following 70, 4 Supp. following 154, 4 Supp. following' 192, 4 Supplement following 230, 6 Supplement following 268, 6 Supp. following 306, 352, 4 Supp. following 476, 8 Supp. following 512, 4 Supp. following 588, 4 Supp. following 626, 4 Supp. following 734, 801, 827, 861, 4 Supp. following 924, 973, 4 Supp. following 1,038, 4 Supp. following 1,076 Well-equipped Car, My Idea of a, 384 Wells Cathedral, 4 Supp. following 626 Welsh Coast Road, Condition of, 888 Welsh Mountains, Lost on the, 1,064a Westminster, Duchess of, 638; Duke of. 494 Weston, Jack o’ Legs’ Grave at, 4 Supp. following 924
What to Do With the New Car, 316 Wheels, Ancient and Modern, 402 Wheel and Road, 449
Wheels : Dunlop, 415, 950a. Goodyear, 169. Halls, 20, 142. Humber, 88. Kronprinz, 949. Lyn-ton, 103, 415. Michelin, 424. Riley, 4T6a, 458, 924. Rudge-Whitworth, 33. 111. 149, 402, 416d, 726, 763. Sankey, 113, 466, 752. Stepney, 103, 417. Swift, 726
Whipping Irons at Much Wenlock, 4 Supp. following 70
Whistle, Rossignol,
Whyte, Sir William, 942
Why the Motorcar Appeals to You, 308 Wilding, Mr. A. F., 530 Wilson, Mr. A. J., 135, 177
Wimbledon Common, Caesar’S Well at, 4 Supp. following 734
Wimborne, Lady, 641
Winchester' Castle, Great Hall of, 352
Windmill by Inigo Jones, 3 2
Windscreens: Auster, 103, 427, 738, 955, 1,067. Beaton, 415. County, 416c, 466. Gordon, 356. Oakley, 423. Rotax, 431. Russell, 415. Universal, 418. Venetian, 295
Windscreen Cleaner, Gabriel Automatic. 253 Wireless Telegraphy, Petrol Motor and, 99 Wire Wheels, Captain, 154
Witney Blanket Hall, 4 Supp. following 230, 2 Supp. following 306
Workshop Power and Electric Set, 283
Wraysbury, Bucks.. Famous Yew Tree at, 4 Supp. following 588
Wrottesley, Hon. W. B., 1,056
Wymondham, Abbey Church at, 861; Market Cross at, 4 Supp. following 154
Wynne, Miss Wish, 108
Y. Yarrow, Mr. A. F., 788
Younghusband, Sir Francis, 1,055
z. Zetland, Marchioness of, 638
Zuylen, Baron de, 248
A. Accumulators, Adnil, 962; Sampson, 704
Accumulator Charging Attachment, “ Indispenso,” 704
Acetylene: Adapter for Oil Lamps, R. L. Ham, 997. Generator, F.R.S., 718; Howes and Burley, 426; Lux, 785. Lamps, F.R.S., 282. Projector Set, Lucas’s, 413
Addlestone, Surrey, Crouch Oak at, 4 Supp. following 924
Adelaide, Renault Car near, 347
Aerial Gun, Ehrhardt, 383
Aero-hydroplane, Faber, at Monaco, 485; In Flight, 488. Ravaud-Saunders, 20, 48
Alberta, Colonial Lanchester for, 763
Aidershot, Their Majesties at, 658
Alfriston Village, 381
Allahabad, White Steamer for, 696
“ All-British ” Week, an Echo of, 344
Alpine Tour, International, 882
Althorp Park, Cars at, 235
Alton, Hants., A Dirty Spring Day at, 475
Amalgam, Fire Brigade at, 2
Amersham, Climbing Rectory Hill at, 312, 554
Anker wycke Park, Bucks., Famous Yew Tree at, 4 Supp. following 588
Anti-Motorist, Insincerity of the, 496
Aauradhapura and Jaffna, Between, 1 Supp. following 734
Ara Co.’s Demonstration Car, 140
Argyll Cars, One Week’s Production of, 853-. “ Flying Fifteen,” 405
Army and Navy Rugby Football Match, Queen’s Club, Their Majesties at, 658
Art and the Garage, 556, 557, 558
Ascot: Oars at, 828a. Sunday, Deluge of, at Maidenhead, 851
Ashby St. Ledgers, Plotters’ Room at, 4 Supp. following 476
Ashton Keynes, Bridge at, 2 Supp. following 962 Asia, Wolseley Car for, 763
Astley Castle, 595; Church, Quaint Armorial Bearings in, 596
Aston Rowant, Oxon, 677
Astronomical Clock at Exeter, 973
Australia, Cabriolet for Governor-General of, 1,068 Auto-Inflator, Maxheld’s, 519
Avenue de la Grande Armee, Decorated Motorist’s Bar in, 523, 532
Aviation : Aerial Warfare in the Future, 5 Supp. following 512. Antoinette, 667. Aeroplane: Caudron, 434; As it May be Used in Warfare, 188; New Army, at Aidershot, 934; View from, 115. Aeroplane Engines: Clerget, 331; Adjustment of Magneto on. 331; Gnome, 300a; Green, 300; Lamplough, 300a; Mercedes, 330. Aviators: Aubrum, 30; Bellenger, Capt., 13, 61; Conneau, 760, 1,045; Garros, 760; Grahame-White, 337; Grossweil, 337; Hamel, 337, 572; Hubert, 337; Jenkins, Mr. Frank Conway, 578; Landpaintner, 822; Loraine, Mr. R. 612; Melly, Mr., 796; Morane, 30; Morrison, Mr. O. C., 113, 153: Pattereon, Mr., 337; Pixton, Mr. H.. 859: Prier, Mr. Pierre, 337, 452b, 483; Renaux, Eugene, 200, 210; Sopwith, Mr. T., 16, 68; Vedrines, 708; Weyman, 912. Aviators and Their Machines, 30
Biplanes: Bleriot, 42; Carrying Four Persons, 42; Breguet Carrying 11 Persons, 293; Bristol, 469; Roe, 578; Voisin, 32, 49; “Canard,” 562; Front Bearing Surface and Elevation Rudder of, 565. Brighton, Mr. O. C. Morrison Flying to, 1,153. Brooklands: Aeroplane v. Motorcar at, 667; Cody, S. F., Flying at, 729; Morrison, Mr. O. C., Flying at, 113; Pix-
ton, Mr. H., Flying at, 859; To Brighton Flying Race, Asquith, Mrs., Miss, and Master, Watching Preparations for, 497, Crowd at Brooklands Watching Start of, 573, Crowds Watching Gilmour’s Preparations for, 496a, Hamel, M. Gustave, Winner, Arriving at Brighton, 572, Motorists on Way to Brighton to See, 497, Motorists Watching from Handcross Hill, 537
Circuit of Europe: Beaumont Starting from Hendon, 933; Vedrines Starting from Hendon, 933; Vidart Flying in, 901. Curtiss Special War Aeroplane, 330
First Aerial Post from Allahabad Exhibition, 215. Flight, £10,000: Arrival of Beaumont and Vedrines at Brooklands, 1,046, 1,053. Beaumont Leaves Brooklands, 1,023; Bier's, Lieut., Etrich, Monoplane Arrives at Brooklands, 1,044; Bier, Lieut., Leaving Brooklands, 1,024; Conneau (Beaumont), Lieut., Winner of, 1,045; Pixton, C. Howard, Arriving at Hendon, 1,024; Prier’s, Mr., Bristol Monoplane Arrives for, 1,026; Prince Henry Watches the Start from Brooklands, 1,025; Vedrines Arrives at Brook lands, 1,053
Gnome Aviation Motors, Testing of, 733. Gordon-Bennett Cup, Weyman, Winner of, 912.
Hamel, Mr. G., Landing at Hove, 459. Hendon, Balfour, Mr., at, 612; Connaught, H.R.H. the Duke of, at, 612; Loraine, Mr. R., Alighting at, 612. How M. Caudron Transports His Aeroplane, 434
Magdeburg, Landpaintner Reaches, 822. Monoplanes: Blackburn “Mercury,” 900; Bristol, 1,026; Clement-Bayard, 539; Diapason, 132; Etrich, 1,024, 1,052b; Goldschmidt, 577; Lehr’s, Capt., 276; Mulliner, 378; Paulhan’s Latest,
Aviation.- -Continued.
240, Underneath View of Wing of, 240; Pen-teado, 170b; Pischof, 484; Valkyrie, 275; With Motorcar Body, 484
Outochkino, M., Flying at Heliopolis, 230 Paris-Madrid Race: Gibert Arriving at Angou-leme, 707; Vcdrines Passing over Angouleme, 705, Winner of, 708. Paris-Rome-Turin Race: Beaumont Passing over Tower of Pisa, 7bl; Cars at Start of, 749; Conneau, Lieut., in, 760; Garros in, 7£0. Paulhan Aeroplane Towed by Motorcar, 624. Pisa, Beaumont Passing Over Tower of, 761, to Rome, Beaumont En Route, 810
Renaux, Eugene, Nearing the Puy de Dome, 200 Sommer Carrying a Load of Youthful Passengers, 340. Sopwith, Mr., Flying Round Windsor Castle, 68
£10,000 Smile. The, 1,045 Avon Dassett, Church at, 272 Axle, Repairing a Damaged Live, 237
B. Bablot Winning Light-car Race, 887
Back Screen, Auster, 427
Badge, Coronation Day for Motors, 828b. Motoicab Owner-Drivers’ Association’s, 717
Bailey’s Pilojet, 427
Balfour, Mr., Arrival at Guildhall, 535; At Hendon, 612
Ballachulish, Ferry at, 957
Ball Bearings: D.W.F., 179; Gauges for, 282
Balloon Car Body, Dirigible, 327, 550 Banbury Cross, 4 Supp. following 192 Band, Brown Bros.’ Duco, 424. Fibrax, 520. Lomax, 566
Ba ram u la. Approaching, 3 Supp. following 886. Poplar Avenue at, lb.
Barker and Co., Notting Hill, Fire at, 266
Barley, Quaint Inn Sign at. 515
Barrow, Duke of Fife at, 5<‘0
Barton, Aqueduct, 4 Supp. following 924
Battery, Andre’s, 416
Bavaria, Restive Horse Holds up a Car in, 2 Supp. following 1,000
Beachy Head, De Dion at Top of, 382
Bearings, Durability of Plain, 3 Supp. following 306 Beauchamp, Earl of, in His Car at Carnarvon Castle, 809
Beechwood, Through the, 3 Supp. following 230
Ben Lawers, ’Neath the Shadow of, 2 Supp. following 1,038
Ben Nevis Conquered, 669. Ford Car on Summit of, 669
Bentley Wood, The Road by, 595
Beresford, Lord Charles, Motoring at Portsmouth, 112
Berkhampstead, Hairpin Corner Near, 554
Bettws-y-coed, Cars Outside Waterloo Hotel at, 549.
Fairy Glen at, 852
B.H.S. Body for Doctors’ Use, 2 Supp. following 268 Biplanes—(See “ Aviation ”)
Birmingham to Wolverhampton, Map of Proposed New Road, 444
Bishop’s Palace as Inn, 827
Black Bear, Sandwich, Cheshire, 4 Supp. following 118
Black Forest, In the, 1 Supp. following 1,000 Bloxham, Inn with Church Door at, 4 Supp. following 192
Bodiam Castle, 352
Body: Camping Car, 506; Racing Car, 502; Wyndham Interchangeable, 915
Bodywork, Contrasts in, 324
Bolton, Mr. F. A., J.P., on Crossley Car, 758 Bombay Motor Car Co.: Daimler Cars for, 511 ;
Staff of, 471
Bookmaker’s Stand, Motorcar as, 403
Bosworth Park, A Fine Herd of Fallow Deer in, 594 Bottledown Hill, Essex County A.C.’s Hill-climb at, 1000
Boulogne: Light-car Race, Views of Course for, 365, 545; Triptyques being Signed at, 1 Supp. following 1000
Boulter's Lock, Cars at, 858
Boultwood, Mr. Bertram, 982
Bo well, Hon. Sir Mackenzie (Canada), leaving Warwick Castle, 1038
Boy Scouts at Windsor, 930
Brake: Cadillac, 52; Speedwell, 52
Brake Adjustment: Alco, 52; Winton, 52
Braughing: Church at, 515; Bifurcated Oak at, 515;
Ford at, 515
Brentford, Road Blockages in, 300b
Breton Gate, A, 2 Supp. following 154
Bridge of Balgie, Glen Lyon, 2 Supp. following 1038 Bridgnorth, Leaning Tower at, 861
Brighton : Group of M.C.C. Members Outside Old Ship at, 342; Road, Chequers Inn on, 956; Mr. A. F. Ilsley on, 433
Brinklow, By the Tumulus at, 166
Bristol Aeroplane Factory at Felton, 255
British Enterprise, 507
Brooklands: Aerodrome, 110. Al-fresco Tea at, 850. Austin Racer at, 694
Boillot on Lion-Peugeot at, 462, 496a, 537. Brighton Flying Race, 496a, 497, 572, 573
Oafs at, 601, 603. Coatalen, Mr. L., on his Sunbeam, at, 524. Cox, Mr. A., on Riley, at, 1059. Craig, Mr. A. T., Winning at, 351. Cup, 139
Deasy 15,000-mile Trial at, 872
Easter Monday Meeting at, 461
Finish of 100 m.p.h. Handicap, 599. First Meeting at, 291. Flying at, 60
Hornsted, Mr. L. G., on Benz Car at, 460. Hurtling up the Straight at, 351
Incidents at, 602. Isaacs, Sir Rufus, at, 510 June Meeting at, 829, 832, 884: Hornsted, Mr.
L. G., on Benz at, 884; Indian Visitors at, 829; McBain, Mr. W. R., on De Dietrich at, 885; Paddock at, 830, 831. July Meeting, 1,022a, b, c, 1,072; Hind, Mr. N. S., on Ber-
Het, 1,022a; Hodge, Mr. H. F., on Iris at, 1,022c; Lambert, Mr. J. E., on Bedford at, 1,022a; Mash, Mr. B. B., on Jackson at, 1,022a; " P.H.T.” Cars Parading at, 1,022b; Tikari’s, Maharajah of, Renault at, 1,022a Lambert, Mr. Percy, on his Austin at, 1,060. Lion-Peugeot Long-stroke at, 561
M.C.C. Meeting at, 998. Morrison, Mr. O. C., Flying at, 113. Motorists Watching Flights from Road at, 99
Panhard’s Gear Test at, 696. Propeller-driven Car at, 538
R.A.C. and Associated Clubs’ Meeting at, 1,059, 1,061, 1,062. Rose, Sir Charles, at, 510 Siddeley-Deasy Car, 10,000 miles Test at, 535.
Simon, Sir John, at, 510. Singer v. Benz at, 290, 345. Skilful Driving Race at, 1.062. Standard Car Race at, 815-818, 824, 828b; Cathie. Mr. C., Winner of, 816; Star Car, Winner of, 818; Visitors’ Cars at, 824. Stanley Steam Car Ascending Test Hill at,. 1,004 Watney, Mr. Gordon, on Mercedes at, 460.
Whit Monday Meeting: Farquaharson, Mr., on winning Mercedes, 753; Incidents at, 754; Martin, Mr., on S.C.A.R., 753; Petit, on Bedford, at, 753; Whitlark, Mr., on
S.C.A.R., 753a. Wilkinson’s Accident at, on Easter Monday, 498. Worm’s Eye View at, 3 Supp. following 70
Young, Mr. G., on his Napier at, 1,060
Brown, Hon. Tom (Australia), at Daimler Works, 1,038
Brunembert, 545
Brush, Pathfinder, 40
B.S.A. Works, Colonial Troops at, 922
Buckingham Palace: Coronation Visitors’ Cars at, 877; German Emperor Leaving, 671; German - Empress Leaving, 646
Buffers, Bumper, 131
Burman with his Speed Crown, 832a
Burton Dassett, Curious Well near, 4 Supp. following 192
Bushey Park, Chestnut Avenue at, 740
c. Cable Car, Armoured, 387
Cabriolet, Mr. Percival Foster’s, 1,069
Cader Idris, Slate Quarries near. 1,064a
Csesar’s Well, Wimbledon Common, 4 Supp. following 734
Caister, “ Look-out ” at, 588
Calendar, Daimler Perpetual, 499
Camera on the Car. 411
Campden House, Smoking Pavilion at, 4 Supp. following 230
Canada, Labour Car for, 80
Canterbury, Christchurch Gate at, 4 Supp. following 1,038; Grey Friars Monastery at, lb.
Capel Curig, The Moors Beyond, 853
Cap, Royal Tourist, 10
Car: A Camping-out, 262, 508; A £70 Threewheeled, 11; An Easily-cleaned, 1 Supp. following 36; Cleaning the, 701; Equipment, Luxury in, 379; Flush-sided, New Style, 259; Modern, Interior, 381; Old. Converting, 26, 371; Suspension of the, 490; The, in Wet Weather, 2 Supp. following 154
Carburetter Agitator. 416a
Carburetters: Excelsior, 78. L.B.M., 102.
Longuemare, 533. Scott-Robinson, 419. Solex, 237. Welsh. 414
Car Construction : Adams, Air Compressor on, 74; Gate Control on, 74; Self-starting Mechanism on, 74. Adler, Differential Brake on, 124; Power Unit of, 785; Special Gate on, 126. Alldays, Four Speeds, Gearbox and Brake Mechanism on. 319. Argyll, Gate on. 87; Differential Housing, Gate, Levers and Bevel Casing, 440; Magneto on, 441. Arrol-Johnston, Silencer on, 91. Austrian Daimler, Shackle-pin Lubricators on, 92
Bell. Control to Carburetter on, 83; Hand Pump on, 83. Benz, Improving an Ancient, 997. Brenna. Carburetter of. 79; Clutch, etc., of, 79; Magneto Side of, 79
Chenard-Walcker. Driving Pinion and Brake Shoes on. 964; Double Back Axle of, 964; Rubber Buffei' Pad on, 965. C.L.C., Gear
box of, 986; Gear Set on. 985: Silent Chain Drive on, 986; Sleeve-valve IMotor on, 129, 985; Valveless Motor on. 129. Clement-Bayard, Clutch. Engine and Gearbox on, 723. Crossley, Glass Frames and Lock on, 222; Handwheel Adjustments on, 86
Darracq, Connecting Rod on, 94. Deasy. Petrol Gauge on, 555. De Dion. Gate on. 380; Oil Pump, Gauge and Oil-filling Orifice on, 380 Enfield, Engine of, 876; Four Sneeds and Reverse on, 877; Housing for Rear Universal Joint on, 91. Excelsior, Gland Joint, Motor and Torque Tube on, 158
Ford, Back Axle, Front Axle, Bearings, Differential Casing, Mounting of Frame and Transverse Spring on. 479
Humber. Change-speed Gate and Chain Drive on. 594; Clutch Mechanism, 88. Hupmobile, Side Entrance on, 145
Lancia. Frame Extension on, 92
Maudslay, Cone Clutch, Clutch mechanism, Pedal Plates, Radius Rod. etc., on. 165; Gear-changing Mechanism on, 166. Metal-lurgique, Engine and Clutch Mechanism of, 514; Steering Heads and Swivel Arms on. 516; Whiffle Tree on. 92. Minerva, Brake and Gear Levers on, 83
Napier, Engine of. 676; Universal Joint on, 84 Owen. Steering Wheel and Control of, 178 Palladium. Back Axle and Bracket of, 703.
Panhard. Engine on, 197: Gearbox, Torque Tube, Brake and Clutch, 197, 198
Rational, Motor. Spring Drive and Back Axle on, 1,048, 1,049. Regal, Front Axle and
Car Construction.—Continued.
Transmission Gear on, 25-. Renault, Back Axle and Engine on, 739; Lid to Lubricating Inlets, 87. Rover, Engine and Back Axle on, 270; Gear on, 93; Ratchet Shield, Brake Lever and Gate on, 271. Ruby, Motor of, 62
S.C.A.R., Clutch Mechanism, etc., of, 782. S.C.A.T., Induction Tubes in Engine of, 84. Siddeley-Deasy, Bonnet on, 553. Singer, Oil Pump on, 92. Sizaire, Front Suspension and Valve Side of Engine of, 591. S.P.A., Engine of, 935. Springuel, Clip Bracket on, 85. Standard, Dashboard Fittings on, 89. Stanley Steam, Control Lever, Engine and Piston Valve Motion on, 1,003. Star, Clutch Withdrawal on, 89. Sunbeam, Bracket on, 93 Talbot, Brake Mechanism and Rear Suspension of, 742
Unic, Gate on, 92
Vauxhall, Foot-brake Gear on, 90. Vermorel, Engine on, 311; Gearbox and Brake Levers on, 313. " Violette,” Friction Drive and Motor on, 939. Vulcan, Interior of, 146 Carew Castle, 4 Supp. following 70 Carnarvon Castle, Earl Beauchamp at, 809 Carrier, Adjustable, for Spare Tvre, Griff, 429 Cars: Adams, 75, 76, 296, 832, 1,072. Adler, 917, 984. Alldays, 88, 290, 319. Argyll, 29, 87, 216, 289, 405, 853, 957. Armstrong-Whitworth, 82, 580, 617, 765. Arrol-Johnston, 617, 752, 808, 835. 848, 868, 910a. Austin, 140, 588, 616, 694, 764, 908, 932, LOCO, 1,061. Austin Killarney, 726. Austin “ Pobble,” 1,061. Austrian Daimler, 92, 880, 882, 978
Bedelia, 343, 563. Bedford, 734, 753, 829, 832, 1,022a, 1,061, 1,072. Belmont-Daimler, 616. Belsize, 86. Benz, 460, 501, 664, 721, 884, 997, 1,072. Berliet, 746, 1.022a. Brasier, 402. Brenna, 79, 370, 1,057. British Clement, 626. Briton, 89, 588. B.S.A., 90. Bugatti, 779, 1,007, 1,021. Buick, 491
Calledon, 258. Calthorpe, 757, 834, 867, 890, 898, 910a, 911. Chenard-Walcker, 964. C.L.C., 129. Clement-Bayard, 1.007. Cote, 870. Cotton Colonial, 159. Crosslev, 86, 296. 503. 611, 758, 810, 847, 955, 984d, 1.061. Crowdy, 91
Daimler, 34, 85, 191, 256, 288, 2 Supp. following 306, 511, 570, 608, 625, 658, 793, 910b, 922, 1.007. Daimler Cloncaird, 840. Daimler Durham. 840. Darracq, 94, 343. 797, 987. Deasy, 320, 552, 554, 872. Decauville, 1.072. De Dietrich, 885. De Dion-Bouton, 70. 309 . 324 . 3*1. 382, 467,
725, 802, 965, Delage, 867, 868, 887, 910a. Dennis 212, 803. Dodson, 82
E.M.F., 348. Enfield, 69. 803. 876. Excelsior, 836 Fafnir, 147. F.I.A.T., 888, 908 . 909, 1,020. 1,068.
F.I.F.. 910a. F.N., 58, 924. Ford, 480, 504, 669, 780
Gobron, 1.068. Gregoire, 38, 251, 327, 548, 745, 869, 910a
Hispano-Suiza, 691, 846. Hotchkiss, 83, 709. Hudson. 1,058. Humber, 88, 594. 839. Hurtu. 1,030 Iris, 1,022c. Isotta-Fraschini, 59. Itala, 243 Jackson, 601, 832, 1,022 Knight-Panhard, 879
Labor, 80. La Buire, 90, 154, l,022d. Lanchester, 81, 148, 504, 763, 4 Supp. following 722. 916. Lion-Peugeot, 150, 462. Lorraine-Dietrich,
234, 799
Marmon, 821. Mathis. 910a. Maudslay, 165, 166, 267, 536, 542, 724. 879. Maxwell, 590. Mercedes, 460, 601. 603, 667 , 753, 945, 978. Metallurgique, 917, 1.064a. Minerva, 31, 147. 177, 1 029
Nagant. 1.006. N.A.G., 145, 268,'784, 972. Napier, 35, 214, 3^9. 500, 546, 568, 615, 677, 756, 1,060
Orel, 941, 1,006
Packard, 1,043. Panhard, 55, 57a, 66. 161, 3 Supp. following 230, 301, 3.50, 564. 696, 732. Pearson and Cox’s Steam, 875. Peugeot. 868, 870. 910a. Phanomobile, 832a. Phoenix, 433, 762b. Pickard-Pictet. 1.049. Pilot, 929. Prot'cs. 863
Rat-on al, 1.048. Regal, 25. Renault, 347. 739, 769, 1.022a, 1,072. Rilev, 872, 1.059. R.M.C.. 5c0. Roland-PPain. 779, 1.070. Rolls-Royce. 36. 87, 195. 184, 2^6, 960, 1.012, 1.031. Ro^er. 1 Sunn, following 70. 2 Supp. following 70, 244, 338, 509, 617, 762b. 767. 820. Rub”. 62
Savtter-Harle. 587. S C.A.R . 753, 782. 829. 907. S.C.A.T., 84, 610. 687. “ Sedan.” 353. Sheffield-Simplex, 1,029. Siddeley-Deasv, 47. 535, 2 Supp. following 5r0 961. Singer, 714. 794, 1.061. Sizaire. 592. S.P.A.. 935, 936. Snykpr.
726. Stanlev Steamer. 1.003. Star. 89, 151. 615, *16, 818. Stor’d art. 982. Stoewer, 83. Strator. Snuire. 792, 797. 950. Sunbeam, 347, 524, 791, 870 , 910a. 1.022d. *04. Swift. 82. 550.
Talbot. 3 Snnp. following 626, 800, 909, 984d. Tb.am^. 205. 501. 83?
Vauvhall. 36. 90, 154. 9?8. 265 430. 500. 611. 61L 793. *69, 989 " VioWte.” 939. Vuic-an. *6, 1^6 Wh"+e Steam. 86. 252, 696. Woi=ele”. 90, 118, 192, 367. 376. 466. 5***. 692. 763, 804, 840
Cars on the Road. New. 307
Cart Driver, Tbn Slovenly, 551 Cascade. A Cooling. 773
Cattle. Encounter with Fractious, 2 Supp. following 924
Ceirano, Winner of the Targa-Florio, 687 Ceylon. Maudslay Car in, 536
Chain Carbon Remover. 170. C^se. R-awlence, 418 Champs E’ysees, 679. De Dion-Bouton Depot at, 523 Char-a-Bancs bv Motor Coaches, Ltd., 993 Ch.aspts: Adler. 543, 917
Bell, 84. Berliet, 755. Brenna, 79.
Clement-Bayard, 723. Cotti n-Desgouttes, 764.
Crossley. 185. 955
De Dion, 147, 259, 725. Delage, 146. Delaunay. Belleville, 222
Elburn, 725. Enfield, 175.
Fafnir, 674. Ford, 504.
Lancia, 146 Mercedes, 581. Metallurgique, 725, 543,
Chassis. -Continued.
Napier, 675.
Overland, 85.
Palladium, 703. Pearson and Cox, 875. Pilot, 929 Renault, 1 Supp. following 268, 673. Ruby, 62 Siddeley-Deasy, 555. S.P.A., 935.
Vauxhall, 295. Vulcan, 260.
White and Co.’s, 106
Chateau de Queyras, 966
Chauffeurs Watch Horse-racing at Sandown Park, 229 Chauffeur v. Owner-Driver, 2 Supp. following 626 Cheam, White Hall at, 4 Supp. following 588 Cheddar Gorge, 552
Cheltenham, Prince Henry Garaging Hie Car at;
Chenies, Bucks., 554
Chertsey Abbey, Relic of, 6 Supp. following 306.
Parish Church, 8 Supp. following 512 Chilterns, Over the, 312 Chipping Norton, King Stone at, 4 Supp. following 476
Christchurch Priory, 4 Supp. following 626
Christening Guests, 55
Chronograph, Elliott’s, 204. Portable Electric, 203 Chrysalis and Butterfly, 310 Church, Cobham, 125
Church with Two Towers, 861
Cigar, Electric, lighter, 413
City, Flying Over the, 3 Supp. following 962 Claudel-Hobson Testing Laboratory, 586
Cleobury Mortimer, Unprotected Crossing Near. 811 Clipstone Park, Nottinghamshire A.C.’s Speed Trials at, 984d
Clubs: A.A. and M.U., Yorkshire Offices of, 67. Essex C.A.C.’s Opening Run to L.ayer Mar-ney, 533. Motor Cycling Club’s Opening Run to Brighton, 338, 339, 342. Sheffield A.C.’s Meet at Oldham, 406
Clusaz, Village of, 971
Coach and Horses of Nicholas Nickleby, 4 Supp. following 476
Coaching, The Pleasure of, 652
Coachwork: Alford and Alder, 147, 1 Supp. following 268, 410, 878, 1,068. Argyll, Torpedo, Interior Fittings of, 394. Ariel and General Repairs, Ltd., 1,030. Arrol-Johnston, 321. Austin Motor Car Co., 410. Austin Pullman, Interior of, 323
Brainsby and Sons, 185. Brown, Hughes, and Strachan, Ltd., 295, 621, 724, 982
Cann, Ltd., 106, 323. Clovelly, 322. Cottingham, 332. Cowburn, 185. Crawford and Co., 146, 147
Ferguson, J. B., Ltd., 764. Forder, F. and T., 725
Garner, Henry, 356. Girardot, 436. Gordon Cai-riage Co., Ltd., 356, 673, 1,064. Gregoire, 548 Hollingdrake Automobile Co., 394, 443. Hooper and Co., 409, 629, 709. Hora, E. and H., Ltd., 324, 466, 674
Jackson and Kinnings, 147, 674
Kimble and Son, 147
Lawton, J. A., and Co., 323
McNaught and Co., 295. Mann, Egerton and Co., 542, 1,029. Masui, Capt., 1,068. Maythorn and Son, 321, 765. Morgan and Co., 105, 543, 724, 917. Mulliner’s, 614, 725
Newton and Bennett, 107
Regenae Co., Paris, 222. Rothschild et Fils, 541 Salmon and Son, 355, 542, 955, 1,029. Sanders, Ralph E., and Sons, 764
Thrupp and Maberley, 993. Timberlake, R. B., 146. Turner and Co., 409
Van den Plas, 321, 356, 917. Vincent, W., 466. Vulcan Motor Engineering Co., 323
Whiting and Co., 355. Windover’s, Ltd., 879. Wolseley Tool and Motor Co., 763 , 840 Coil, Lodge, 430
Col de la Schlucht, 1 Supp. following 1,000
Collig-Weston, Northants., Sundial at, 827
Colonial: Pictures, 214. Premiers’ Cars Outside Aldwych Theatre, 873. Troops at B.S.A. Works. 922. Visitors at Daimler Works, 1,038 Combustion Chambers, Designs of, 1 Supp. following 230
Compression Tap, Ross-Courtney, 416d
Compton. Interior of Church at, 4 Supp. following 626
Connaught, H.R.H. Duke of: At Hendon, 612. In South Africa, 151
Continental Tyre Co.’s Premises at Brompton, 783 Contrast, An Interesting, 367
Cookham. Berks., Toll Gate at, 571
Cooper, Sir Daniel, Memorial at Newmarket, 623
Copa de la Rey, Cuidad, Winner of, 846
Coronation: Crush in Broad Sanctuary, 871. Day, Badge for Motors, 828b. Portable Grand Stand for, 874. Procession at Hampton-on-Thames. 3 Supp. following 924. Special Taxicab Drivers for, 881. Visitors, Cars for Use of, 877
Cote, Venerable Chapel at, 4 Supp. following 192
Couch, The Garage, 130
Cover, Barker, 46
Creslow Manor House. 4 Supp. following 230
Cricklade, Wooden Bridge at, 2 Supp. following 962 Critchley, Mr. J. S., and his Napier Car, 500 Criterion, Piccadilly Circus, 695 Cross Hands. Finger Post at, 973 Crowther, Mr., 982
Cummings. Mr., on S.C.A.R. Car, 907
Cumnor Hall, Gateway from, 6 Supp. following 268 Cup, Brooklands, 139
Cut-out: C.J.L., 391. Polkey-Jarrott, 390, 1,052. Rotax, 388
D. Daimler: Special Train, 875. Works, Colonials’ Visit to, 1.038
Dandelong Heights, near Melbourne. 347
Dashboard Ventilator, Beatonson, 992
Dash on Ben tall Car, Glass, 11
Dashwood Hill, Napier on, 677
" Dawn, Trouble which has Lasted till the,” 935
De Dion-Bouton Depot, 523
Delhi, On the Road to, 774, 775
Denham, near Uxbridge, 312
Denman, Lord, Cabriolet for, 1,068
Derby: Contrasts on the Road to, 768. Darracq Motorcoach on Course, 759. Day Scene, 741 Desborough Pillar, 8 Supp. following 512
Devil’s Punch Bowl, Surrey, 1 Supp. following 588 Devizes, Cross at, 4 Supp. following 476 Devonshire, Duchess of, 648
Diagnosis, The, Up-to-Date, 195
Dinan, The Ramparts at, 2 Supp. following 154
Distributors, Eisemann, 987
Doctors’ Car Special No.—(See Index at end)
Doi Cathedral, 2 Supp following 154; Old House at, lb.
Dolwyddelan, N. Wales, 493
Domel, Near, 3 Supp. following 886
Door Lock, Auster, 726
Doorways, Narrow and Wide, 258
Dreher, Theodor, 721
Drilling Machine, Drummond, 417
Dust: Causes Winterlike Aspect, 499. Cloud, Dangers of the, 513. Up in a Trial Spin, 3 Supp. following 588
Dynamometer, Acer, 23
Dynamos: Bleriot, 388. Carleon, 715. C.A.V., 387. C.J.L., 391. Ducellier, 389, 670. Facile, 388, 704. Fuller, 389. Oldfield, 390. P. and R.» 386. Polkey-Jarrott, 389, 1,052a. Ro tax, 388.
T. and M., 391, 392. U.M.I., 390
E. Ealing Common, Tram Track at, 2 Supp. following 848
Eashing, 124
Eastbourne: Car Turns Turtle near, 512. Near, 382. Road, Woodland Scenery on, lb. View of, 473
Eastchurch, 814
Edwards, Dr. D., Presented with Renault Car, 769
Eiffel Car Body, 384
Ellesmere, Earl of, Hotchkiss Car for, 709
Ely Cathedral, 4 Supp. following 70, 6 Supp. following 306, 4 Supp. following 734
Engine, Coal Fuel, In the Days of, 8
Engines: Bugatti, 1,050. Cameron, 670. C.L.C., 985. Clement-Bayard, 723. Empress, 88. E.N.V., 934. Godfrey Evans, 346. Gregoire, 253, 316. Hazelton, 622. Mead, 931. Napier, 676. Pilot, 929. Renault, 739. Reynolds, 873. Rover, 270. Slide-valve, 186. Thrutchley, 245 Engine-starting Devices: Amplex, 127. Eveready, 127. Glenard, 128. Goodhart, 349. Grisco, 127. Star, 128. Wilkinson, 127. Winton, 127
Engine Starting, New and Old Methods, 307 Engine, The Ignitionless, 2 Supp. following 772 Enthusiast, The, 463
Entrance, Alford and Alder Off-side, 444
Epping Forest, Their Majesties at Fresh Air Fund Outing, 658
Eridge Castle, 668
Exeter Cathedral, 973, 4 Supp. following 1,038
Exhaust Cut-out, Lyell’s, 532
Export, Packing for, 895, 896
Europe, First 1912 Packard Cars in, 1,043
Eyam. The “ Plague House ” at, 4 Supp. following 154
Evenley Church, Memorial at, 6 Supp. following 268 Evesham: Bell Tower at, 352. County Court, 4 Supp. following 230
Exhibitions—(See “ Shows ”)
F. Fallieres’, President, Tour in Tunis, 534
Farnborough Park, 272
Fazeley, Smoke Crosses Road near, 591
Fife, Duke of, 560
Fire, At the Call of, 439
Fitzford House, Tavistock, Gateway of, 801
Fitzwilliam Festivities, 55
Floorplate, Hudson, 10
Footrest, Kisselkar, 11
Fordwich Town Hall, 973
Fosseway, 166
Fournier, M. Maurice, 1,040
Foxhunting and Motorcars, 252
French Village, Filling up Petrol in, 3 Supp. following 1.000
Frensham, 744, 798
Frederick, M. Ernest, 1,007
Fresh Air Fund Outing to Epping Forest, 658
Fuel Storage, 521
Funnel, Loton, 426
G Gampola, 1 Supp. following 734
Garage: An Artistic, 593. American, 558. A Stable Rebuilt as a, 557. And Workshop, 314. Built as House, 558. Combined Stable and, 558. Internacionale, Rio de Janeiro, 336. Knight’s, Mr. W. H., 719. Mann and Eger-ton’s, Norwich, 762. Portable. 719. Tithe Barn as. 4 Supp. following 626. Wheeler, 556. With Roof Garden, 557
Gastro Monograph, The, 51
Gauge, Tyre Compression, 519
Ganges for D.W.F. Bearings, 282
Gavois, Abbe, 732
Generator. Salsbury, 432
George III., Coaching in Reign of, 651. IV., Road Scene in Days of, 653
George and Dragon, Gt. Badworth, 2 Supp. following, 118
German Crown Prince and Princess, 177, 863, 960
German Embassy, 648
German Emperor, 589, 663, 671, 697
German Empress, 646
Gibbet Hill, 272, 995
Gipsy Encampment, De Dion meets, 324
Glastonbury Abbey, 4 Supp. following 70. "Tribunal,” The, 4 Supp. following 154
Glen Croe, 269
Goff’s Oak, 515
Goodman, Mr. W. Lawton, 104
Goodwood, Enclosure at, 1,063
Gordon-Bennett Aviation Trophy, Cars at Shep-pey, 943
Gorge de 1’Ubaye, 967
Gourgas, Winner Cannes A.C. Cup, 251
Gradient Meter, Bennett and Tapley, 571
Grand Military Steeplechases at Dunchurch, 306
Grand National, 292
Grand Prix, 277. Bugatti Car in, 1,021. Calthorpe Climbing St. Martin, 911. Fournier, Maurice, in, 1,040. Friderich, Ernest, in, 1,007. Gabriel in, 1070. Hemery in, 1,020. Louvel, Henry, in, 1,040. Route, A Trip Over the, 280
Great Orme’s Head, 797
Great Ponton Church, 4 Supp. following 1,038
Greek Blessing of Bedford Car, 734
Grimsthorpe, Speed Trials at, 714
Guards’ Chapel, Wedding at the, 179
Guy’s Cliff House and Kenilworth Road, 244
Gwalior Guest House, Delhi, 775
Gymkhana, Liverpool A.C.’s, 796, 961
Gyroscopic Device to Stop Skidding, 458. Troubles of a Starter with, 464
H. Hampton Court, 4 Supplement following 626
Hampton-on-Thames, 3 Supp. following 924
Harrington, Sir John, Enfield for, 803
Harroun on his Marmion, 821
Headlamps -(See *' Lamps ”)
Heath, Mr. G. F., 910b
Henley, 950a
Hertfordshire, By-lane in, 1,074
Hertford, Gates of Old School at, 515
Hesse, Grand Duke of, 941. Mr. Adolf, 550
Hicks, Mr. Joynson, 247
Higginson, Mr. J., Junr., 1 Supp. following 118
High Cross, 166
Hill-climbs: Essex County A.C.’s, 1,000. Manchester M.C.’s, 810, l,022d. Middlesex A.C.’s, 907, 961. Midland A.C.’s at Shelsey Walsh, 772, 793, 794, 847, 872. Welsh A.C.'s, 932
Hindhead, 4 Supp. following 36, 499, 995
Holden. Col., 460
Holland, Queen of, Carriage for, 726
Hollenthal Gorge, 2 Supp. following 1,000
Hoods: Auster, 168, 427, 447. Cabriolet, 447. Cape Cart, 170a. Oakley, 954. Sunshade, 724
Horn Reeds, Tuning, 374
Horns: Apollo, 609. Clymax. 423. Echo, 254, 421. Elmore, 52. Gabriel, 720. 758. Hardy’s, 413. Klaxon, 420, 613. Torpedo, 423. Tuto, 962. Riches and Co., 289. Seabrook’s, 432
Hornsted, Mr. L. C., 884
Hotel Cecil, Sir Wilfred Laurier leaving, 711
Hot Water System, 392b
Hounslow, Tollgate at, 4 Supp. following 1,076
Hour, Legitimate Domain of the, 233
Hyde Abbey Gateway, 4 Supp. following 70. Park, 641, 666, 678, 682
Hydestile and Hascombe, In the Pine Forests between, 119
I. Tnknield Way, 199
Ilford Castle, 4 Supp. following 734. Their Majesties at, 658, 659
Indicator, Okill, 123
India, German Crown Prince in, 177
Indianopolis: Harronn at, 821. Track, lb.
Inner Tube, Searle, 519
Insurance Tout, 71
Italy, King and Queen of, 635
Ivinghoe Beacon, 199
Celerio, 251. Cicoy, 416d.
Hartford, 130. Ideal, 130.
Peerless, 130. Raisewell. 130.
Springfield, 130. Tyre-
Jacks: Adams, 600.
Empire, 130.
Lucas’s, 413.
Screwless. 254.
saving, 178
Jack o’ Legs’ Grave, 4 Supp. following 924
Japan, Wolseley Car in, 192
Jhelum Valley, 3 Supp. following 886
“ J.R.G.” and his Modern Car, 225
Jura, 476
- ' Ket’s Oak,” 861
K. Kaduganawa Pass, 2 Supp. following 734 _
Kandy Road, Ceylon, 1 Supp. following 734 Kashmir, To. 1, 3 Supp. following 886
Kemble, Bridge near. 2 Supp. following 962 Kenilworth Castle, 271 .
Kenmore, Ascent from, 3 Supp. following 1,038 Kennington Road. Headless Railings in, 8 Supp. following 572
‘o CC1
and Queen 6n way to White Lodge, 716, 731
Edward VII. at Chester R-aces, 634
George: First Motorcar Ride, 660; Leopards-town Races, at, 970; New Daimler, 570; Phoenix Park, at, 988; Returning from Newmarket, 597; Runnymead, at, 697; Sandringham, 658
King, Sir Henry Seymour. 756
Kingston-on-Thames Paris Church, 4 Supp. following 588
Kitchener, Lord, Landaulet for, 1,064. Motoring to St. Paul’s, 903
Kuala Lumpur, Coronation Parade at, 1,066
L. La Oapelle, 545
La Colle St. Michel, 967
Ladder, Duco, 424
Lafayette, Carriage of, 581
Laindon Priests’ House, 6 Supp. following 306
Lake Vyrnwy, 722 _
Lamps : Bennett, 397. Carleon, 715. Dietz, 423. Dunhill's, 428. For Hay Carts, 472. F.R.S., 282, 718. Fuller’s, 23, 422. Germania, 886. Goldenlyte, 418. Harrod’s, 420. Herbert’s, Major, 357. Hunt, 416b. Koh-i-noor, 1,000. Longs tret h’s, 428. Oldfield, 390, 414. Osram. 715, 910b. P. and R., 926, 927. Penman’s, 12. Powell and Hanmer’s, 432. Ripault, 283. Robbins’ Co., 1,064b. Rushmore, 414. Salsbury, 432. Seabrook’s, 108, 432. Sherborne, 429. Swivelling Head, the Value of, 358. Ward and Goldstone, 566. Willocq and Bot-tin, 429. Vandervell’s, 608
Land, Air and Water Machine, 562
Landerneau Market Place, 1 Supp. following 192
Land’s End, Mr. Jarrott’s Napier at, 546
La Roche aux Fees, Esse, 2 Supp. following 154
“ Last Across,” 718
Lathe, Drummond's, 392a
Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 711
Law, Inequalities of the, 213
Lawton Grange, Watling Street, 892
Leadenham, Meet at, 474
Leatherhead, ‘‘The Running Horse” at, 801
Leather Mat, 345
Leicester, Grass-grown Road Near, 166. Town Hall at, 167
Leopardstown Races, King and Queen at, 970 Lep Transport and Depository, Ltd., 895 Levers: Dunlop, 70. White and Poppe, 154 Lever Spring Suspension, 448
Light-car Race, 745, 752, 757, 791, 795, 834, 835, 836, 867, 868, 869, 870, 887, 890, 899, 910a
Lights on Motor Vehicles, 5
Limousine Landaulet with 11 ft. Wheelbase, 257
Liner, Roberts, 424. Turco, 426
Liquid Fuel Meter, Frodsham’s, 425
Little Berkhampstead, Near, 516
Littleton, 125
Live Map, Jones’s, 590
Lives, Our Hurried, 1
Llangelynin Church, 4 Supp. following 734
Loch Lomond, 442, 1,038
Locking Device: Beatonson, 415. Dunlop, 950a Locomotion, A Contrast in, 901
London, Bishop of, 402. Season in Hyde Park, 666; No., Street Advertisers, 717. To Edinburgh, M.C.C. Trial, 762b; Winner of, 924. To Land’s End, 501. Town, The Glow of, 362
Long-stroke Design, A, 316
Longtown, Runs Near, 677
Lonsdale, Earl of, 460
Looking-up, Dangers of, 1,039
Loop Road Round N. London, 44
Louvel, Mr. H., 1,040
Loyalist, The Lonely, Lowly, 697
Lubrication, Forced, 4 Supp. following 306. Indicator, La Buire, 138
Lubricators: Chalmer’s, 51. De Moleyns, 956
M Magersfontein, 2 Supp. following 70
Magnetos: Eisemann, 416b, 553. Nilmelior, 417.
U.H., 414. U.M.I., 421
Maidenhead, Bear Hotel at, 851
Maksee Temple, 775
Mancetter Church, 595
Manchester M.C.’s Easter Tour, 464; Reliability Run, 610. 611. Offices of The Motor, 101. Strike, 1,037
Manorbier Castle, 4 Supp. following 70
Markyate, Near, 892
Marlborough House, 659
Mascots: Aeroplane, 997. Coronation, 217, 575. Rolls-Royce, 222. Swift, 436
Maxim, Sir Hiram, 286
Maythorne, Mr. F. A., 104
McBain, Mr. W. R., 885
McCormack, Mr. J., 1,049
Meare Fish House, 4 Supp. following 626
Medical Man, Ideal Oar for, 196
Melbourne, Near, 347
Memorial, Queen Victoria’s, 686, 690
Mere Corner, Knutsford, 3 Supp. following 118
Michaelchurch, Escley Mountain Torrent Near, 677
Michelin Tyre Co.’s Premises, Fulham, 772
Middleton Dale, Derbyshire, 98
Miles Per Gallon Indicator, Jarrott, 427
Milton’s Cottage, Chalfont St. Giles, 312
Minster Church, Sheppey, 814
Mol’s Coffee House, 861
Monoplanes>—(See “ Aviation ”)
Monte Carlo, Starting for, 59
Moreton Corbet Castle, 861. In-the-Marsh, Curfew Tower at, 4 Supp. following 192
Morlaix, Old Houses at, 2 Supp. following 154
Mortimer, Farm Horses Drag Cars Out of Mud at, 361
Motorbus v. Tram, 1-3 Supp. following 848
Motor Carriage, Evolution of the, 672. Springing, 120, 121. Suspension of the, 540
Motorcar Body for Aeroplanes, 293. Enclosed, 321-324
Motorcoach, A Giant, 1,076. By Motor Coaches, Ltd., 993. Darracq, 759
Motorcycle, Daimler’s (1885), 656
Motor Cycling Club’s Run to Brighton, 338, 342, 433, 437
Motor “ Fly About ” of the Future, 339. Horns, Orchestra of, 906. Toboggan, 409. Vehicles, Lights on, 5
Motoring in Rhodesia. 2 Supp. following 230
Motor-tricycle (1884), 656
Mow Cop, Congleton, 808
Much Wenlock, Abbey, 6 Supp. following 306.
Whipping Irons at, 4 Supp. following 70
Mudguards, Frankonia, 430
Murdock Steam Carriage, 653
Murree Hill, 3 Supp. following 886
N. Nag’s Head Inn, Bucklow Hill, 2 Supp. following 118
Naval Review, 919
Nawanagar, Maharaja of, 4 Supp. following 772
Nether Alderley, 3 Supp. following 118
Newark Abbey, 843
New Car: Supplement—(See Index at end). The, and Its Owner, 318
Newlands Corner, 125, 700
Newmarket, The King Passing Memorial at, 623
New York: Decies-Gould Wedding at, 116
New Zealand, Crossley Car for, 1,069; Wolseley Car in, 804
Night Call, The, 193
North Cheshire Hounds, 252
North Walsham, Market Cross at, 827
Nottinghamshire A.C.’s Crippled Children’s Outing, 1,062, 1,062a
Now and Then, 2, 3, 4 Supp. following 810
Nuneham Park, 4 Supp. following 734
Nuremberg, Bridge at, 2 Supp. following 1,000
Nuthurst Heath, Round Tower Farm at, 595
o. Oakley Park, 827
Oak, Oldest in England, 4 Supp. following 626
Ober Ammergau, 2 Supp. following 1,000
Ockham, Church, 4 Supp. following 924; Near, 156
Oller ton, 406
O’Neill, Mr. V. F., 1 Supp. following 118
Only Way, The, 361
Ostend Meeting, 1,006, 1,007
Overheating Alarm, An, 828
P. Pageant-bitten Motorist, Dream of, 790
Pageantry, Horse Triumphant in, 636
Pandy, Near, 677
Parcel Carrier on Metz Car, 463
Parliament, State Opening of, 39
Pedals on Winton Car, 1,008
Penrith, Giant’s Grave at, 8 Supp. following 512
Pentreath, Dorothy, Memorial to, 4 Supp.. following 1,076
Peny-y-Gwrydd Hotel, 852
Petrol Can Opener, Young’s, 1,058. Consumption Indicator, Frodsham, 425. Economizer, J.E.F., 810. Filter, Franklin, 320; Nesbitt, 320. Lock, 178. Tin-opener, E.W., 1,000. Tins, Cap for, 921. Turbine Motor, 452
Phoenix Park, Dublin, 988
Piccadilly Circus, 640, 695
Picnic, An Early Spring, 306. Party, 176, 477
Pierce, Ruth, House of, 4 Supp. following 476
Piston, The Built-up, 223
Plas-Mawr, 827
P.L.M. Railway, 937, 938, 966, 967, 971, 993, 4 Supp. following 1,000
Ploisy, 545
Plugs: Albright, 78. British Low Accessories Co., 421. Eccentric, 78. E.I.C., 421. Electric
Lamp, 121. Hagstrom, 78. L.M., 140, 421. Pognon, 833. Point, 78. Prested, 416b. Sparking, 303, 430
Pneumatic Road, The, 3 Supp. following 192
Polkey, Mr. A., 989
Portsmouth Road, 806
Povey Cross, 338
Primer, Royal Tourist, 10
Prince Henry Tour, 910b, 925, 944-948a, 962-964, 974-978; 983-984c, 994, 996, 999, 1,011-1,016, 1,022 1,022b, 1,028, 1.031, 1,033-1,035, 1,075
Prison Window as Church Gate, 4 Supp. following 734
Proverbs Applied to Motoring, 883
Pumps: Benton and Stone’s, 426. Hunt’s, 416b.
Peerless, 10, 11
Puncture-proof Testing Machine, 1,051
Pytchley Hunt, 1 Supp. following 306
Q- Queen Alexandra, 637, 658. Mary, 716. Holland’s Car, 726. Victoria Memorial, 686
Queen’s Club, Their Majesties at, 658
R. R.A. Club-house, 21, 281, 325, 326, 661; Outside at Night, 633
Radcliffe, Capt. C. E., 1,036
Radiator, Lamplough, 416a. Variable, 505
Railway, P.L.M. Alpine, 937, 938, 966, 967, 971, 993 4 Supp. following 1,000
Rampur, Near, 3 Supp. following 886
Ranelagh Club, 858
Rattling, To Prevent, 543
Rawal Pindi to Kashmir, 1 Supp. following 886
Rear Hub, Dunlop, 950a. Spring Shackle, Hudson’s, 51
Rebus at St. Petersburg, 4 Supp. following 1,076
Recorder, Jones, 737
Rectory Hill, Amersham, 312
Reflex Lights and Traffic, 231
Repair Kit, Parson's, 833
Rest and Be Thankful Hill, 442, 1 Supp. following 1,038
Richmond, Horse Show, 845. Old Palace Yard, 8 Supp. following 512
Rim Holder, Dunlop, 14. Jarrott and Lett's, 14
Rims: Booth, 77. Captain, 425. Denegre, 77. Empire, 77. Facility, 418. Firestone, 77. Fisk, 77. Kronprinz, 949. Michelin, 424. North
Rims. -Continued.
British, 59. Segment, 420. Spencer Moulton, 431. Universal Baker, 77. Warland, 4, 431, 476
Rio de Janeiro, 336
Ripley, River Mole, Near, 773
Rivieira, On, 301
Road: Engine, Trevithick’s (1800), 654. Hogs, 18. Improvements, 609. Race, A Spanish, 846. Wear, Uneven, 1 Supp. following 848
Roadmender’s Caravan, French, 856
Roads, Proposed New, 56, 57
Rochester: College Gateway at, 813. Priors’
Gate at, 813
Rolls, Hon. C. S., 660. Statue of the Late, 547
Romaine, Mr. E., 140
Romsey, Sign Bracket at, 4 Supp. following 36
Roof-Garden, The, 3 Supp. following 268
Ross: Church at, 676. Town Hall at, 676
Rothenburg, White Tower at, 3 Supp. following
Rothwell Town Hall, 4 Supp. following 230
Roundwood, Ipswich, 861
Routes.—Grand Prix, 280. London-Ascot, 643; Epsom, 643; Goodwood, 644; Henley, 643; Newmarket, 644. Threatened, 47
Rover Cup, Winner of, 924
Ruling Passion, The, 776
Runabout: Cyclone, 855. N.A.G., 972
Runny mead, King and German Emperor Passing,
Rutland’s, Duke of, Hounds, 474
Ry dal Water, Westmoreland, 250
s. St. Benet’s Abbey, 4 Supp. following 734
St. Cleer, 1,076
St. Heliers, Lady, 568
St. James’s Palace, 157
St. Levan Stone, 4 Supp. following 1,038
St. Neot’s Well, 1,038
St. Withberga’s Well, 4 Supp. following 924
Salmon and Son’s West-End Showroom, 581
Saltburn Trials, 908-910. Caught by the Tide at, 1,001
Sandford Lasher, 6 Supp. following 268
Sandown Park, 229
Sarthe Meeting, 779, 780, 799
Saunders, Mr. H. B., 848
Scientists and the Motorcar, 847
Scotland, The Glories of, 442
Scottish Reliability Trial, 1909, 1,076
Scott, Mrs., 547
Screen, Cleaner: Home-made, 374. Oakley’s, 423 Searchlights, 206, 207. The Value of, 37
Seats : Auster, 427. Alford and Alder, 444. Brown and Hughes, 444. Front and Rear, 258. Rotax Co., 720
Security Bolt, Hermetic, 429
Self-starter, Social Aspect of the, 155
Seven Dials, Column that once Stood in, 588
Sevenoaks, The Seven Oaks at, 382
Seven Springs, Bisley, 4 Supp. following 70
Shakespeare Farm, 4 Supp. following 476
Shave, A Close, 4 Supp. following 512
Shelton Oak, 4 Supp. following 36
Sheppey, Highest Point in, 814
Shield, Curved, 880
Shirley Churchyard, Sundial in, 4 Supp. following 1,076
Shock Absorbers: Cleveland, 180. Dutrieux, 431. Gurney, 170. J.M., 696. Trion, 282
Shows : Allahabad, 215. Aero and Motor Boat (Olympia), 297, 299, 300a, 330, 331, 378. Brussels, 34. Buffalo, 174. Edinburgh, 11, 12, 31, 36. Monaco, 395, 522. New York, 35. Manchester, 52. North of England, 81-94, 100, 145-148, 154. Turin, 507, 614-617, 897, 955
Siberia, Knight-Daimler for, 879
Sibson Church, 595
Signpost, The Illegible, 849
Sipri Bungalow, Delhi, 775
Sleigh, Motor, 80
Slip Farm, 626
Snooks, Robert, Grave of, 801
Snowdon and Llyn Lyddan, 852
Snow: In April, 404. Trailer, Hakanso, 64
Solitude, The Grandeur of, 269
Somerford Keynes, Bridge near, 2 Supp. following 962
Somerset, Lady Blanche, 529
Southam, Chemist’s Shop at, 4 Supp. following 192 Southampton, The Cross House, 4 Supp. following 36
Spain, The King of, 691
Spanish Road Race, 790a
Speedometers: Cooper, 431. For Detachable Wheels, 111, 149. Frodsham, 425. Jones, 416. Silent Witness, 407. Smith, 418. Star, 254. Stewart, 419
Spithead, 919
Sport Among the Birds, 718
Spring Clips: L.B.M., 103. Levers, Packard, 51.
Axle, Ross-Courtney, 416d
Staines, The London Stone at, 4 Supp. following 588
St. Albans: “ Fighting Cocks ” near, 512. Gateway at, 199
Stamford, Gateway at, 6 Supp. following 306
Standard Car Race, 866
Stanton Harcourt Manor House, 6 Supp. following 268
Starter, J.E.F., 810
Station Wagonette, Maudslay Co., 879
Steam: Car, Pearson and Cox, 875. Carriages: Cugnot’s (1770), 652; Gordon, 655; Hancock’s, 654; Murdock’s (1784), 653; Rickett’s (1861), 656; Gurney’s (1827), 655
Step Mat, Barker’s, 423 .
Stoke D’Abernon House, 4 Supp. following 924
Stonehenge, 771
Stoneleigh, 4 Supp. following 306
S tonham Aspal Church, 801
Storford, Major-Gen., 903
Stream Line Body, 239. Waymouth-Prance’s, 573 Stream Lines Round Airship, 564 Sturgeon, Giant, 1,036
Sundial on Gravestone, 4 Supp. following 154 Surrey Lane, A, 125. Veldt Roads in, 743 Swaffham, Norfolk, Fountain at, 6 Supp. following 306. Post Office, 4 Supp. following 154
Switches: E.I.C., 421. Board, Ducellier, 389, 676; C.A.V., 387; C.J.L., 391; Fuller, 389; Oldfield, 390; P. and R., 387
T Taking Cover, 137
Tal-y-llyn Pass, 1,064a
Tangley Hall, 352
Tank: Columbia, 10. Royal Tourist, 10
Tansley, Mr. F. S., and His Mother, 950 Targa-Florio, 687
Tasmanian Military Camp, 800
Tasmania, Talbot Car in, 3 Supp. following 626 Taxation, Reducing, 43
Taxicab: A Three-wheeled, 880. Drivers for Corona- . tion, 881. Napier in Toronto, 7. Victoria, Gamage-Bell, 839
Tennyson’s Lane, Blackdown Common, 583
Terrington St. Clement Church, 801
Testing Bench at High-Tension Co., 828
Tewin, Herts., 154
Thames and Severn Meet, 352. Head at, 1, 2 Supp. following 962
Thatcham, Blue Coat School at, 4 Supp. following 36 Thatchers, Watching, 319 Thistlethwaite, Mr. J. B., 1 Supp. following 118 "Thunderer,” H.M.S., Launch of, 23 Tickencote Church, 4 Supp. following 1,076 Toolboxes: Pierce-Arrow, 10. Broadhurst, 45 Torrington, Waterloo Memorial at, 827 Touring Carriage, 578, 579
Tours : International Alpine. 882. Prince Henry— (See “ Prince Henry Tour ”). Glidden, 364. Royal Cornish, 658, 659. Circular, 683-685 Towcester, Stone Causeway near, 893
Traction Engine and Trailers, Road Blockage by, 3 Supp. following 848
Traffic, and Reflex Lights, 231. Problem, 236
Tramlines: Metal, and Pneumatic Tyres, 757. Cause Cartwheel to Collapse, 2 Supp. following 848
Tram Passengers, Obstruction Caused by, 3 Supp. following 848
Transmission System, Thomas, 525, 526
Travel Contrasts, 810.
Trials: (See "London-Edinburgh,” "London-Land’s End,” “Manchester M.C.,” "Saltburn,” " Scottish Reliability.”) Grimsthorp, 714. Nottingham A.C., 984d. Yorkshire A.C.’s, 908-10
Trunks: Brooks’, 413. Lomax, 422
Tubing, Rushmore, 131
Tunis, President Fallieres in, 534
Turntable, 720. Motor Accessories Co., 417
Turvey, near Bedford, 876
Twenty-five Days on Road, 381, 382
Two-cycle Motors, 698, 699 ,
Tyre: Adjuster, Dunhill’s, 428. And Wheel Carrier, Handcuff (Dunhill’s), 428. Boot for Carrying Spare, 945. Carrier: Clair, 45; Hilton, 431. Case: Dunlop, 45; Star, 170. Gauge, Motor Accessories Co., 519. Inflators, 393; Michelin, 424. Jacket, Self-grip, 45. Lever, Bobbett’s, 376. Liberator and Replacer, Riches, 417. Pump: Gleason-Peters, 772; Hawthorne, 142; Pierce-Arrow, 52; Skinner, 170. Push-off, Chamberlain’s, 20. Tester, Eros, 512. Tread, 58b. Valve-seat Truer, Girling, 758
Tyres: Atlas, 419. Beldam. 368, 608, 693. Fearnought, 51. De Fornier, 19. Grammont, 566. Harrod’s, 420, 566. Kempshall, 416. Moseley, 422. Palmer. 416b, 500, 625. Parson’s, 416a. Prowodnik, 720. Skew, 424. Spencer-Moulton, 431. Tanus, 416a
Tyres, Tramline Metals and, 757
U. Ufton Church, 272
Umballa, Between, and Delhi, 367
Universal Joint, 373
Upton Magna, Drawbridge near, 4 Supp. following
Upton, Sundial at, 4 Supp. following 36
Uri, Approaching, 2 Supp. following 886
Uriconium, Ruins of, 4 Supp. following 192
V. Valle Crucis Abbey, Llangollen, 852
Valletort, Viscount, Wedding of, 639
Valve: Seating Tool, Midland, 415; Spring Adjuster, Motor Accessories Co., 406; Remover and Grinding Tool, 254
Valves, Noiseless, 508
Variable Gear: Vincent, 162, 163. Radiation, 369
Veldt Roads in Surrey, 743
Ventilator for Scuttle Dash, 765
Vicar’s Court, Tithe Barn as Garage at, 4 Supp. following 626
Victoria, A Country Hotel in, 347
Victor Vest, 520
Villiers, Lady Edith, Wedding of, 639
Vitre, Fortifications at, 2 Supp. following 154
Voltmeter, Peto and Radford’s, 45
Vulcanizers: Electric, 704. Harvey Frost 430 Simplicity, 833. Turco, 425. Vulcan, 426
Vyrnwy and Bala, Between, 722. Great Dam at, 722
w. Ward, Sir Joseph, 343
Warwick, East Gate, 973
Warwickshire Fire Beacon, 353
Waterhay Bridge, 2 Supp. following 962
Watling Street, 892
Watts’, Lady, Camping-out Car, 580
Weather “ Dodger,” 226
Weedon Beck, 892
Wells Cathedral, 4 Supp. following 626
Welsh Mountain Pass, 1,064b
Wey, The River, 843
Wheel: Carrier, Bailey’s, 427. Coupling, Durandal, 828. Locking Device for Nuts on Spare, 142. Protector, Griff, 429. Receptacle on Gregoire, 327
Wheels: Dunlop, 950a. Goodyear, 169. Michelin, 424. Riley, 416a, 553. Rudge-Whitworth, 416d, 504, 1,021
Wheels, Methods of Disposing of Spare, 220, 221
Whispering Knights, The, 6 Supp. following 268
Whistle, Rossignol, 417
Whitchurch, 199
Whiteside, Senator Peter (S. Africa), 1,038
Wilmington, The Long Man at, 381
Winbringham, 545
Winchester Castle, 352
Wind Cleavage, French Design of, 802
Windmill by Inigo Jones, 352
Windscreens: Auster, 738. Cleaner for, 253. County, 416, 467. Front Windows as Adjustable, 447. Renault Freres, 565. Transformed into Tea Table, 738. Two Arrangements of, 447. Universal (Rawlence), 418. Venetian, 295
Windsor, Bell Tower at, 4 Supp. following 848. King Edward’s Avenue at, 787. Queen Victoria’^ Statue at, 4 Supp. following 848. Review of Boy Scouts at, 930. Road, Old, 730
Wiring, Metal-sheathed Flexible, 179
Wisley, By the Lake at, 806
Witney Blanket Hall, 4 Supp. following 230
Workshop Power and Electric Set, 283
Wormlington, 272
Wylye, Statue to Stage Coach Driver at, 5 Supp. following 268
Wymondham, Market Cross at, 4 Supp. following 154
Y. Yorkshire A.C.’s Crippled Children’s Outing, 950, 958