Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1912 The Motor: Index

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor

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A. A.A. AND M.U.—64, 71, 116, 369, 448, 511, 628, 768, 791, 922. Annual General Meeting of the, 906b, 1000. Badge, Position of Fixing, 320. Belgian Minister and the, 316. Certificates Issued by, 65. Chairman of, at Opening of Motor Museum, 774. Hotel Reform Scheme, 582. Hotel Scheme, 525. Latest Development of, 1008. Letter from Secretary of the, 280. Membership of the, 236. Membership, Value of, 242a. New Members of the, 64, 238, 414. Northern Section Dinner, 24, 161. Patrols and Guides, 158, 159, 197. Prosecutes Boy for Using Catapult, 547; for Stone Throwing. 570 S3. Road Guides v. Patrols, Reply of the R.A.C., 196. Scouts: Are there Sufficient? 191; an Incident, 81, 242; and Guides, Why not a Single Corps; 230. Sentimental Membership, 196. Smoothing the Way for the Motorist, 997. Suggested Abolition of Speed Limit by, 671. Suggestion for Supply of Petrol to Members, 1098. Suicide Prevented by a Patrol of, 283. Touring Guides at Easter, 234. Wilful Obstruction and the, 731

Accessibility, A Few Considerations on, 420 Accessories: Agents and, 147. Concerning, 318, 319, 320. New Electrical, 49. Selection of, 394, 448 S4, 1007

Accumulators: Fuller and Son, 254. Leo Ripault, 49 Acetylene: Gas Generator, Howes and Burley, 11.

A.-L., 67. Lighting, Storage Tank System of, 567; Further Developments in, 453, 454. Starter, How it Works, 177, 178. Starters and Engine Stresses, 147

Acts, The Motor Car, 21

Advertisement Novelty, An, 906b Agency. Expanding Midland, 928 Air Leakages into Cylinders. 90 Alcohol: For Motors, 804. The Importance of, 919 Almagam. Ltd., Fire at, 6

Alpine: Tour, The Austrian. 902, 902a, 902b, 903.

Run, Austrian Motor Club’s. 138 Aluminium or Pressed Steel, 214 S3, S4, S5 Ambulances: De Dion, for Mulhouse Municipality, 971. Siddeley Van Chassis for Leicester Corporation, 413

America.—Adventurous Journey in. 1032. Austin Chassis Specially Built for, 525. Big Harvest for Patent Agents in, 291. Car Race in, List of Riders, 696. Coming of the Self-starter in, 57. Compulsory Dating of Cars in, 291. De Dion in, 246. Engine Starting Devices in, 152. Garage Crane in, 556. Holds the Market in Canada, 275. Jeffreys, Mr. Rees. Goes to,' 678; Returns from, 1125. Letts, W. M., Talks about his Visit to, 57. The Everitt, One of the Latest Arrivals from. 570 S3. Paige-Detroit, The Latest Arrival from, 194. Panwood Self-starter in, 906c. Pneumatic Speedometers on the Market in, 498. Prices: Of Cars in, 254 S3; Of Petrol in, 256. Racing Carnival in, 1049. Racing “ Pit,” with Tools, etc.. 1005. Remarkable Speeds in, 754. Report on Alcohol Tests in, 804. Rudge-Whit-worth Wheels in, 798. Self-starting Engines in, 539. Shows, Impressions of, 57. Spark Gap Idea Revived in, 1124. Standardization Wanted in, 1014. Stand Decoration, Faults in. 57. Tell-tales, Two Valuable, in. 1096. Three hundred miles an Hour by Electric Railway in, 556. Tour Across the Continent of. 203. Trend in Design, Examples of. in, 539. “ Tygard Dual Impulse ” on the Market in, 399. Where Europe can Beat. 38 S2 American : Air-cooled Motor, 516. Car, The Pathfinder, Makes an Impression, 290. Cars, Full Equipment of, 1122. Cars: in Germany, 278; in South Africa, 190b; Prices of. 254 S3. Continent, Motoring Across the, 202. Invasion: 190b; and Weight of Cars, 367; Reply to Mr. Edge on, 131. Magneto: Electric Co.'s, 12; An Interesting Remy, 12. Practice of Central Position of Control Levers. Examples of, 463. Roads, Rees Jeffreys’s Impression of, 1125

American Automobile Engineers: Visit to Rudge-Whitworth Works, 306

Annual Overhaul, The, 246a Approach to London, A New, 25 Argyll, Ltd., v. Knight and Kilbourne, 1006, 1137 Arrol-Johnston: Developments at Dumfries, 771; Grand Prix Drivers, 279; Racers, 873

Artificial Lakes, Rhayader and Birmingham Reservoirs, 874, 875, 876

Auction Sales, Motor. Mordant and Mordant, 6 “ Austin Advocate, The,” 614

Austin Motor Co., Annual Dinner of, 436a Australia: “Justice” in, 176. Motorcars Imported into, 570; Reliability Trial in. 862b. Soldiers Run Down by Taxi in, 1136

Austrian Alpine Contest, 862

Austrian M.C.’s Run, 736

Auto-Cannon. French Army’s, 469

Automobile Golfing Society’s Summer Meeting, 906a Auto-trembler, The, 410 S5 Autovox, The, 321 Aviation.—Aero “Derby,” The First, 818. Aeroplane Disasters, Can they be Avoided? 988. Aviator’s Difficulties, 591


Brooklands: Flight from, to Salisbury, 466a; July Meeting, 1046; Whit Monday Flight. 729 Channel, Development of, Across the, 1084b. Charts, showing Variation in Character of Wind, 591

Easter Flying at Hendon, 400

Flight Theory, A New, 962a. Flying at Hendon, 472. France: and the Aeroplane, 1084b, 1085; Recent Visit to, 1084b

Graham Gilmour, Fatal Accident to, 117. Grand Prix, The Aero, 862

Hamil at Hendon, 554. Hendon: At Easter, 436; Flying at, 513; Second Spring Meeting, 554

Ladies’ Flying Experiences, 635

Postmass, Final Heat at Hendon, Collision at, 633, 634

Show, Berlin Aeroplane, 434. Stenbury, Madame and M., with Jules Vedrines, 635. Salmet, M., Wonderful Flight by, 242

Avondale, Visit to, 495

B. Back-firing, Abolition of, 325

Bad Petrol, A Tale of, 138

Ball Bearings: Duplex, 374. Weydert, 316. Wolf and Co., 324

Bath Road, Condition of the. 425

Bayreuth, Wagner Festival, How Reached by Motorcar, 1056-59

Bearings, Roller, Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., 331

Bedford Motors, Ltd., Dinner of, 65

Beginners on the Road: Accidents, How to Minimize, 303, 304, 305. Points for, 129. 130, 179, 180 Belgium: Grand Prize of, 1141. Novel Race in, 1091 Bell Alarm for Motor Vehicles, 886 Belting, Book about, 138

Betsy Grimbald’s Tower, Tavistock, 176 S4 Birkenhead, Ferry Arrangements at, 472 Biscay’s Bay to Mediterranean Main, 410 SI, 448 SI Bleriot Extensions, 76 Blowlamp, Imp, 710

Body: About the, 257. Building at Wolseley Car Co.. 307. Hints and Tips when Ordering a. 257, 258, 259. Interchangeable, Windham, 388. Thrupp and Moberly, 306. Type of, About the, 257, 258, 259

Bolt. Hermetic Security, 360

Booklets: Cadillac, 570. United International Motors, Ltd., 771. Vauxhall, 981. Wolseley, 532, 754

Book: of “ Bulls,” 282. For Metallurgique Owners, 285

Brake: Horse-power Tests. 952. Lining, a New, “ Motorbestos,” 658, 962b. Novel Tests of, 805.

Brakes, Raybestos for, Brown Bros.’, 331

British : Automobile Engineers. Visit to Paris of, 906; Cars in Canada, 281. Cars in France, 254 S3. Design in the New World, 477. Isles: An Atlas of the, 374; Guide to the, 658 Brooklands.—Abandonment of Meeting at, 588, 589.

All-day Meeting at, 1043. Automobile Racing Club Classes, 161. August Bank Holiday Meeting at, Programme of, 1090. B.H.P. Tests at, 1059. Easter Meeting, 281; Car Entries at, 396. Eventful Meeting at. 1044-1046. First Records at, 204. Grand Prix Racers at, 951. Hill-climbing Test, 43. May Meeting, 550; Car and Aeroplane Entries at, 550. M.C.C. Meeting at, 1004. R.A. and Associated Clubs at, 679, 1132, 1133. Racing at, 859, 860, 861. Records at, 512, 906a, 1091. Some Items of Interest, 1004. Whitsun Meeting at, 634, 728, 729, 730; Entries for, 867

B.S.A. Showrooms, 67

Business, Finance and, 19, 61, 113, 157, 195, 233, 277, 338, 393, 429, 467, 507, 549, 585, 629, 675, 723, 769, 813, 857, 909, 949, 999, 1041, 1084a, 1129

Buyers, Points for, 288

Buying, The Burden of, 264, 265

By-ways of New Forest, 450

C. Cable Connector: Re V, 49. Cricklewood Motor Works, 316

Calculator, An Ingenious, 819

Camera, Advice on Choice of, 271

Canada: British Firm in, 65; Our Trade with, 249.

Winter in, 138

Car: Advice on Equipping a, 318. And Camera, 271. Argyll, Built in 1899, 661. Buying a Second-hand, 69, 70, 71, 214. Census and Examination of, 648. Doctors and the, 400. Efficiency and Careful Equipment, 448 S3, S4. Equipment, Economic, 674. Friction-driven, 185, 219. Housing Problem, Developments in, 699. In a Reservoir, 551. Lighting Switch, Multum in Parvo, 921. Lighting Set, Ignition Apparatus for Use with, 682b. Old Benz, Reminiscences of, 142. Old, Easy Disposal of, 227. Overhaul, Some Notes on, 736. Ownership, The Popularity of 682. Owner’s Workshop, 382, 417. 494, 533, 594, 786. Purchasing a, 176. Purchase, Consulting Engineers, Advisers, etc., List of, 263. " Riding a, of Moderate Power, 701. Second-hand, 488. Submarine Type of, 1054.


That £100, 735, 736. The Lady on the, 682. Upkeep of a, 300, 301, 302. Why you Should Have a, 255. With Bogey Wheels, 45 Carburation: and Flexibility, 1024. Cold Air and, 150. Problem of, 375, 376, 377, 468. Some Criticisms of an Article on, 468. Some Notes on, 1114

Carburetter: Exhaust Gas, Analysis of, 1116. Gauging a Performance on, 1116. Methods of Testing a, 1115. Test of, 1116. Tests, Are they Conclusive? 782

Carburetters and Carburation: Importance of Proportions, 1115. Opinions of Experts on, 1114, 1117

Carburetters.—Bailey, 324. By-pass, 754. Claudel-Hobson, 351, 1119. Durr, 545. Facile, 220. Garner, 760, 1118. Mauvillier, 686. Napier,

118. Polyrhoe, 352. Scott-Robinson, 165, 1119. Solex, 351, 1120. Stewart Precision, 352. S.U., 352, 1119. Trier and Martin, 353. White and Poppe, 353, 570 S4, 1120. Zenith, 351, 651, 1117

Car Construction.—Abbott Detroit Co., 463. Argyll, 1033. Armstrong-Whitworth, 47, 48, 49 Buchet, 741, 742

De Dion, 7, 8, 9. Dubois-Rousseau, 2, 3, 4. Dumond. 219

Herreshoff Motor Co., 463. Hispano-Suiza, 599, 600. Hotchkiss, 13, 14. Howard, 228

Knox Automobile Co., 463

La Licorne, 14a. 14b. Luxior, 189 Maxwell, 455. Metz-Lion, 287. Mors, 774b National Motor Vehicle Co., 463 Oldsmobile Motor Co., 463

Paige-Detroit. 194. Palmer-Moore, 516. Panhard,

119, 166. Pathfinder, 290

Rolland-Pilain, 198. Roper Corbet, 120, 121. Rover, 402, 402a

Sava, 102. Spyker, 74, 75, 76. Straker-Souire, 144, 146. Stoddard-Dayton Motor Co., 463 Turcat-Mery, 868 Wolselev. 267

Cardiff, Motor Week at, 1086-90

Carriage Builders, Institute of, 73

Carriage Section.—Ambulance, A Modern, 971. Ancient City Companies and Modern Practices, 604. Argyll, Inside Control of an, 517. Ariel Touring Carriage, 689. Armstrong-Whitworth for the Admiralty, 870. Australia. Admission of Motorcars into, 1054

Body Space. Is Increase of Chassis Length Possible? 476. Brainsby’s Exhibit at Manchester Show, 122. British Cars in the Colonies, 29. Brussels Limousine on Delaunay-Belleville Chassis, 834

Cabriolet: All-enclosed, Morgan, 645; An Easily-opened. 206; By Arrol-Johnston, 645; Humber, 785; Seven-seated Connaught, 30. Cabrio-Phaeton, Humber, 833. Cadillac Car for India, 1150. Car: Heater, An Improved, 123; Repair and Unkeep of a, 246. Chassis: Motor-Carriage Builder’s, 205; Users for OM, 869. Coune: Body for Doctor’s use, 1012; Brenna, 517; Mercedes, 644: Metallurgique, 1053; Side-light. 971: Stolz Motor Co.. Ltd., 1013; Vulcan. 477. Coachwork, Standardization for, 1052. Communicator, A New, 519. Compensator, Perfect Suspension. 519

Daimler Phaeton. 30. Dash Fitting, Daimler, 746. Dashboard, Armstrong-Whitworth, 206. De Dion-Bouton: Chassis. New Design on a, 688. De Dions in America, 246. Dome-roofed Limousine. 306. Driving Oar, An Ins:de, 785 Elastic Shackle and its Fitting. The, 439, 440. Entrance, Effective Off-side. 1150

Fitments, Some Interesting Carriage. 1149, 1150. Fittings. New Showrooms for Interior. 1013. Front Seat: Comfort of the. 244; Divisions of the. 205; The Enclosed. 307

Garage: Motor Carriage Builder’s, 245; Lawton •and Son’s New, 123

Humber, Repeat Order from Sultan of Zanzibar, 644

Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, Prize Competition, 834. Interior, The Treatment

______ of an, 478

Lanchester. A Luxurious, 644. Landaulet: Carriage, The Return of, 688: Cunard Carriage Co.’s. 604: Flush-sided. 559: Jarrott, Ltd., 402c; Napier, Noiseless, 689; On a Lanchester Chassis, 870. Limousine: Connaught, 605; Enclosed, by Kelvin. Ltd.. 785; Humber, 519; Lorraine-Dietrich. 73: Mavthnrn’s, : On a Ford Chassis. 834. Lorraine-Dietrich Saloon Motor Carriage, 440. Luggage on the Car, Where to Stow, 744, 745

Making the Car Neater. 402b. Manchester: Car on a Knight-Panhard Chassis. 559; Some Features at. 122. Motor Carriage: A Maharanee’s. 558; Building. The Development of. 784. Motorcar: Weight and Suspension of, 1103-05; Wireless on a, 558

Old Bodv on New Chassis, 518

Petrol Tank, Convenient Position for, 746.

Pillion Seat, Adjustably 870

Saloon Car: Maythorn on FI.A.T. Chassis. 870; Metallurgique. 1053. Scuttle Ventilator. Cockshoot, 122. Seats. Touring Car. W. and F. Thorn, 1013. Shackle: New Elastic. 605; and Shock Damper, An Elastic, 123. Springing

Carriage Section.—contd.

on. Some Early Motor Vehicles, 832. Spring Suspension Proportionate to the Load, 1148, 1149. Submarine Type of Car, 1054. Suspension, True Three-point, 832, 833

Talbot Chassis, New Design on a, 833. Thorn and Maudslay Motor Carriage, 366. Touring: Body, A Smart, 245; Car by Armstrong-Whitworth, 206, 440; Car, Blake on Wolseley Chassis, 30. Car, by Dennis, 834. Trunks, Selection of Suitable, 365. Two-seater: Car on a Metallurgique Chassis, 971; Crossley, 245; Hotchkiss, 834; Wolseley, 72

Vauxhall, Designed for Trans-Russian Contest, 519. Ventilation Methods, 244. Visit to Warehouse of Auster, Ltd., 689

Weight and Suspension of Motorcars, 1103. Win-dover’s Fine Show, 122. Windscreen: One-hand Adjustable, 29; Rawlence, 970

Cars.—Aberdonia, N.C. 4. Adams, N.C. 2. Adler, N.C. 2. A.G.R., N.C. 2. Albion, 6, N.C. 3. Albruna, N.C. 4. Alcyon, 802, N.C. 4. Alfa, <417. Alldays, 102, N.C. 2. Alphonso XIII, 600. Aquila, N.C. 4. Argyll, 173, 517, 556, 1033, 1034, 1073, N.C. 4. Ariel, N.C. 2. Armstrong-Whitworth, 95, 151, 206, 440, N.C. 3. Arrol-•Tohnston, 96. 802, 816, N.C. 4. Austin, 84, 729, 33, 886, N.C. 3. Austrian-Daimler, 109, 817, J63. N.C. 3

Baguley, 96, N.C. 36. Barre, 798. Bedford, 771, N.C. 5. Bell. 109, N.C. 5. Belsize, 108, N.C. 5. Bentall, N.C. 6. Benz, 728, N.C. 6. Benz-Sohne, 84. 107, N.C. 5. Berliet, 104, N.C. 6. Brasier, 106. 1050, 1051, N.C. 7. Brenna. 682a, N.C. 7. Briton, 106, 816, 892, N.C. 6. Brown, 165. B.S.A., 67, 97, N.C. 6. Buchet, 741, 742, 743. N.C. 7. Buick, 817, N.C. 5

Cadillac, 164, 738, 965, 966, 967, 1150, N.C. 8. Cal-thorpe, 164, 436a, 683, 802, N.C. 8. Cameron, N.C. 7. Carlton, 518. Chalmers. N.C. 10. Chambers. 279, N.C. 8. Charron, 638, N.C. 8. Chenard-Walcker, 102, 107, 816, N.C. 9.

C. I.D.. N.C. 10. Clement, N.C. 9. Clement-Bayard, N.C. 9. C.L.C., 816. Clyde, N.C.

10. Colibri, N.C. 36. Cottin et Desgouttes, 97, N.C. 10. Crespelle, 817, 1151. Crossley. 96, 106, 698, 754. 817, N.C. 9. Crowdy, N.C. 10

Daimler. 30, 108, N.C. 10. Darracq, 109, 164, 817, 1132, N.C. 11. Deasy. 658. De Dietrich, 801. De Dion. 7, 100, 816, N.C. 11. De Dion-Bouton, 302, 400, 532, 1126. Delage. 97, N.C.

11. Delahaye, N.C. 11. Delaunay-Belleville, 102. 153, 745, N.C. 12. Dennis, 834, N.C. 12.

D. F.P., 105. 816, N.C. 12. Dodson-Trianon, 109, N.C. 12

Eclipse, 102. E.M.F., N.C. 13. Enfield, 105,

N.C. 13. Everitt, 570 S3, 817. N.C. 13

Fafnir, 105, 1144-46, N.C. 13. F.I.A.T., 106, 184, 684. 736, 770, 800. N.C. 13. F.L., N.C. 14.

F.N., N.C. 14. Ford, 96, 100, 173. 402b, 728, 800, 817, 834, N.C. 14. Forest, N.C. 14

Germain, N.C. 15. Gladiator, 817, N.C. 15. Gobron, N.C. 14. Gregoire. 103. 153, 477, 848, 1132, 1133. N.C. 15. G.W.K., N.C. 15

Hansa, 238, 961, N.C. 16. Hermes. 1136. Hillman, N.C. 15. Hurtu, 816. Hispano-Suiza, 599-601, 807, N.C. 17. Hotchkiss, 13, 834, N.C. 16. Hudson. N.C. 16. Humber. 106, 519, N.C. 16. Hupmobile, 105, N.C. 16. Hurtu. 993, N.C. 17. Hutton, 817

Tris, 109, N.C. 17. Itala, 105, 283, N.C. 17 Jackson. 1135, N.C. 17

Komnick, 339. K.R.I.T., 97, N.C. 17

La Buire, 97, N.C. 18. Lacre, N.C. 18. Lan-chester, 95, 910-913, N.C. 18. La Licorne, 14a, N.C. 19. Lancia, 164, N.C. 18. L. and P., N.C. 19. Leon Bollee. N.C. 19. Lloyd, N.C. 18. Loreley, N.C. 36. Lorraine-Dietrich, 184, 188. 307, 800. N.C. 19

M.A F., 816. Marlborough, N.C. 21. Mass, N.C. 20. Mathis. 800. Maudslay, 107, 661, N.C. 22. Maxwell, 455, N.C. 20. Mercedes, 728, 798. N.C. 20. Metallurgic ue, 100. 1000,

N.C. 20. Metz-Lion, 287, 288. N.C. 21. Miesse. N.C. 36. Millard-Le Gui. 816, N.C. 21. Minerva, 105, 430. N.C. 20. Mitchell, 96, 817. N.C. 21. Mors. 774b. N.C. 22. Motobloc, 1150, N.C. 21. M.S.L., N.C. 21

Napier, 24. 108, 200, 284, 953, N.C. 22. N.A.G., 816. National. 815. Nazzaro. 67, 108. N.C. 23. N.E.C.. N.C. 22. New Pick, N.C. 23. N.S.U.. N.C. 23

Oakland, N.C. 23. Opel. N.C. 24. Orvx, 816, N.C. 24. Overland. 108. N.C. 23

Paige-Detroit, 194. 1036, N.C. 26. Palladium, N.C. 25. Panhard, 119. Panhard-Levassor, N.C. 24. Pathfinder. 290, 291, N.C. 24. Pearson-Cox, N.C. 24. Peugeot, 800, 801, N.C. 25. Phanomobile. 106. N.C. 26. Phoenix. 900, N.C. 26. Piccard-Pictet. N.C. 25. Pilain, N.C. 25. Pilgrim, N.C. 24. Pilot, 816, 994, N.C. 26

Rational, N.C. 28. R.C.H.. 96. N.C. 36. Renault. N.C. 27. Riley, N.C. 28. R.M.C., 107, 928. N.C. 27. Rochet-Schneider. N.C. 28. Rolland-Pilain. 184. 684. 809. 801, 925. Rolls-Royce, 107. 736, N.C. 26. Rooer-Corbet, 97, 168, N.C. 36. Rothwell, N.C. 27. Rover, 402, 403, 817, 1012, N.C. 27

Saver, 103. N.C. 29, 36. Sabella. N.C. 32. Salmon, 283. S.C.A.R.. 164, 416, 728, 816, N C. 23. S.C.A.T., 106. N.C. 29. Schneider, 684, N.C. 28. Scout. N.C. 29. Sheffield-Simplex, 109, N.C. 30. Sheppee, 1077. Siddeley. 105. Siddeley-Deasy, 49, 619, 620, 906. 1070, N.C. 30. Silent Knight, 76. 96, 805. Singer, 103, 802, 1132, 1133. 1075. N.C. 30. Sirron, N.C. 28. Sizaire, N.C. 32. Sizaire-Naudin, 167, 184, 802, 845. S.P.A., N.C. 31. Springuel, N.C. 36. Spyker, 74. 982. N.C. 30. Standard, N.C. 32. Stanlev, N.C. 31. Star, 649-651. 924, 1047, N.C. 31. Stoewer, 43, 1153. N.C. 28. Stoddard, N.C. 32. Stoneleigh, 906, 1059. Straker-Squire. 144, 817, N.C. 31. Sunbeam, 107, 605, 802, 817, 922, 1045, 1105, N.C. 32. Swift, 102, 661, 989, 990, N.C. 29

Talbot, 98, 817, 972-974, 995, N.C. 33. Thorn and


Welch, 552. Thornycroft, N.C. 33. Turcat-Mery, 867, N.C. 33. Turicum, 241, N.C. 36. Turner, N.C. 33

Unic, 99, 364, N.C. 34

Valveless, The, N.C. 34. Vauxhall, 65, 97, 162, 486, 519, 696, 798, 802, 817, 863, 899, 1092, 1133, N.C. 34. Vermorel, N.C. 34. Vinot, 153, 817, 844, N.C. 34. Vivinus, 729. Vulcan, 99, 981, N.C. 35

Warren, 488, N.C. 35. Waverley, 97, N.C. 35. Werner, 1121, 1122, N.C. 36. White, 102, N.C. 36. Wingfield, 163. Withers, N.C. 35. Wolseley, 65, 103, 104, 153, 365, N.C. 35

Zebra, N.C. 36. Zedel, N.C. 36

Cars: And Drivers, Some New, 550. In the Argentine, 759. Of Moderate Price, List of, 685. Utilizing Waste Space in, 320

Castrol for Record Breakers, Wakefield, 325

Catalogues: Birch and Co., 214. Brown Bros., 754. Cameron, 176. Charron, 30. Dunlop, 316. Godin, 928. Le Gui, 38. Minerva, 283.

Piggott, 738. Pilain, 38 S4. Selfridge, 689. Terry and Sons, 776. Vermorel, 1000. Wood-Milne, 981

Census of Motorcars in New York, 1034

Central Tramway Standard Danger, 1048

Chain Drive on Rover Engine, 402

Chartists’ Colony, A, near Witney, 176 S4 Chassis.—Ariel, 107. Armstrong-Whitworth, 47-49, 95. Austro-Daimler, 109, 559 Bell, 104. Berliet, 104 Crossley, 106 Delaunay-Belleville, 102, 745. Dumond, 219 F.I.A.T., 100 Gobron, 1035 Hispano-Suiza, 600. Hurtu, 107 Iris, 109. Itala, 105 La Licorne, 14a. Lorraine-Dietrich, 73. Luxior, 189, 190

Metallurgique, 971. Metz-Lion, 287. Mitchell, 96

Pathfinder, 73. Peugeot (England), Ltd., 73 Renault, 73, 107. Rolls-Royce, 30, 245, 402c. Roper-Corbet, 120

Sava, 102. Sheppee, 1077. Silent-Knight-Pan-hard, 100. S.P.A., 830, 831. Spyker, 74-76, 95. Star, 103, 649. Straker-Squire, 104. Sunbeam, 107

Talbot, 833

Vauxhall, 206

Wolseley, 30, 104

Zedel, 100

Chassis: Good Example of, at a Medium Price, 682a. Manufacturers, Some Points for, 1052. Motor-Carriage Builder’s, 205

Chauffeur: An Inquiring, 383. Choosing the, 266, 267. Encouraging the, 269. Qualities to Look for and What to Avoid, 267. Rewarded, 906c Chauffeurs: Club in London, 570. Humorous Study of Some Types of, 907, 908. Perfect and Otherwise, 254 SI, S2, S3

Chemico Specialities, 350

Chested Trunk, A, 323

Clement-Talbot Works, A Look Round the, 56 Clip, Morris Russell and Co., 327 Clothes Brush A Pocket, 454 Clothing Novelties, Nicolls, 328

Club Membership, Abolition of Entrance Fee to Motor, 285

Clubs.—A.A. and M.U. (Northern Section), Dinner of, 24, 65, 161

Cardiff M.C. Hill-climb, 1086. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., Dinner of, 24

East Lancashire and Cheshire, Section of S.M.M.T., 115. Essex M.C.: Annual General Meeting of, 66; Annual Report of, 162; Annual 24 hours Run, 1032; Aston Hill, Winner at, 280; Hill-climb, 118

Herts. A. and Ae., 21. Herts. County A.C., 771 Manchester A.C., 12th Annual Dinner of, 199.

Middlesex County A.C., 66; Efficiency Run, 1046; Events, 556. Midland A.C., Annual Competition of, 635; Concert, 66

R.A.C. and Associated: Dinner of, 305, 339, 398; Gala Day of the, 1132, 1133; Hill-climb, 1133; Meeting and Dinner of, 1001. R.A.C.,

Founders’ Dinner, 117

Scottish A.C., Dinner of, 229. South Wales A.C. and Cardiff M.C., Hill-climb, 1086. Sutton Coldfield A.C., Annual Meeting, 160

Yorkshire A.C., Dinner of, 21; Gymkhana, 680. Clutch: Pneumatic, Prather, 152, 153. Saver, 103. Troubles, Some Remedies, 1009. Two-part Band, 774b

Coachwork : Argyll, 164. Armstrong-Whitworth, 95. Barker and Co., 245. Brainsby, 122. Connaught Motor and Carriage Co., 30, 605. Cunard Motor Carriage Co., 604. Daimler, 30. Jarrott and Letts, 478. Knibbs and Co., 102. Metallurgique, 1053. Mulliner, 745. Rover, 1012. Salmon and Sons, 440. Thomson-Bennett, 321. Van den Plas, 101, 518. Windover’s, 107

Coachwork: Interior Fitting of Mother-of-Pearl and Ivory, 1054

Coal Gas: for Motorcars, 1024. The Claims of, 822 Cold Air Motor, German Invention for a, 625 Colonies: Cars for the, 310. Testing Napier for the, 1030

Combination Petrol and Ignition Safety Cut-off, 430 Commercial Habits, Smart, The Value of, 528 S4 Commercial Motor Parade, Examination of Drivers for, 573

Communicator, The Stewart, 563

Compressed Air Starter, How it Works, 269 Connecting Rod, New Lightweight. 1112 Conover Safeguard, Klaxon Co., 330 Continental Rubber Co.. Profits of, 302

Control: Bowden, 324. Device, A Novel, Herzmark, 183

Cornering, Concerning, 421

Counties, Penalizing of, 238

Cover Shield: “ Kuvershield,” Acre Rubber Co., 360. Searle, 360

Crankshaft: Alignment of, 417. How Repaired, 710. Truing and Repairing a, 382

Criticism: And Replies, 147, 148. Comment on, 5 Crossley: Saloon Limousine, A Well-designed, 293. Motor Works, New Offices at, 201

Current Events, Some Comments on, 602, 603 Cushion, Brooks’s, 322

Cut-out: A Silenced, Gamage, 542. Duco, 1124. Prohibition of the, 182. Value of the, 488 S4 Cycle-car: Tweenie, Advantages of the, 668. G.W.K., 669. Duocars, Ltd., 669

Cylinders: Cleaned with Cyclean, Internal-Combustion Engine Cleaning Co., 325. Efficiency of, 383. Relative Efficiency of, 384, 561

D. Daimler: Doings, 798. Motorbuses, The Latest, 26 Dashboard: Clock, Selfridge, 327. Its Use and Abuse, 410 S6

Decarbonizers, Use of Liquid, 401

Diesel, Dr., Lectures in London by, 279 Demonstration Touring Car, A, Armstrong-Whitworth, 440

Depot, A Well-equipped, 350

Designer, The Greatest Problem Confronting the, 411-414

Detachable Rim, A Successful, Captain, 596-598 Development: A Remarkable, 514a-516. Danger of Ignoring, 825, 826

Deviation Signals, 148

Dewar Trophy: Trials for, 43. Goes to Thomas Transmission, Ltd., 26

Dialogue, Enthusiast v. Doubter, 255, 256 Dieppe, Touring the District Round, 756 Directory of Manchester and District, 124-128 “ Doctor and the Car, The," 400

Doctors: and their Cars, 176 SI, S2, S3. Coupe, A, 115

Door: Opener, Improved, Lowe Bevan and Co., 321. Lock, Positive, 1149

Doorway, 12th Century Norman Work at 1 ffley, 214 S6

Drivers, Reckless, A Moral to, 470

Driving Notes: Air Leakages, 90. Approaching Main Roads, 470. Cars with Bogey Wheels, 45. Concerning Cornering, 421. Control of a Skidding Car, 529. Danger: of Overhanging Spare Tyres, 665; of Tramlined Roads, 45. Driving: Errors Common to Beginners, 129, 179; How to Learn, 297; In Kent, Inconsiderate, 1156; Wheels, Brakes on, 162. Equipping a Car, 318. Erratic Running, 444. Faulty Laying of Tramlines, 45. Frosts, 58. “ Get You Home ’’ Badge and Disc, A, 995. Hand Brake, Use of the, 62. Level Crossing Dangers, 45. Method of Stopping Rash Driving, 731. Non-skid, An Impromptu, 90. Number-plate Lighting, 482. Reckless Drivers, A Moral to, 470. Rust, Painting, 9(7. Signpost Reforms, 665. Swollen Wood Pavement, 45

Drummond, Mr. A., Welcome to, 400

Dual Pastimes, Motoring and Fishing Tour in Ireland, 1016

Dumfries, Arrol-Johnston Developments at, 771 Dunhill’s Specialities, 324

Dynamos: Bleriot, 343. Brolt, 239, 344. C.A.V.,

342. Crypto Electrical Co., 346. En Route.

343. High-Tension Co., 1055. Jarrott and Letts, 344. Lodge, 345. Lucas, 342, 560. Polkey-Jarrott, 343. Rotax-Leitner, 362. Thompson and Co., 346a. Trier and Martin, 342. Ward and Goldstone, 346

E. Earl’s Court, Proposed Hall at, 1039, 1084a

Early Motoring, Some Reminiscences of, 142, 143 Easter at Hendon, 436

Edge, Mr. S. F., on his South African Experiences, 466a

Edinburgh, Club Life in, 138

Editorial.—A.A. and M.U.: Smoothing the Way for the Motorist, 997; versus R.A.C.—Scout Controversy, 191; A.A. Spirit, The True, 426. Alcohol, A Big Prize Proposed for, 1039 Beginner, To the, 274. By-ways, Neglected, 546 Carbide, Regulations Concerning, 58. Carburetter, Freezing of a, 16. Coal and Chaos, 390. Coal Gas as Motor Fuel, 810, 811. Cross Roads, Speed at, 1127. Cut-out Prohibited, 112. Cars: Electric Lighting, 389; Folly of “ Tinkering ’’ with New, 1039

“ Danger of the Streets," The, 901. Deplorable Object-lesson, 722. Driving on the Roads, Seeming Bad, 855

Fleecing the Lamb, 274. Frost, The Dangers of, 58. Fuel: New, Needed, 767; Question, The, 1039; Home-produced, Urgent Need for, 1083 Grand Prix: The, 626, 901; Prospects of the, 546; Revolution, 810; What it Has Taught us, 947. Guides to Tourists in Great Britain, 58

Highway and By-way, 464. History Teach Us? What Can, 16

Insurance, The Importance of, 334

Labour Troubles, Preparing for Further, 504. Lay Press and Motoring, 997, 998. Locomotion and Social Problems, 112

Mammoth Hall, A, 1039. Motorcar: Bill, A New, 767, 768; Coal Strike and the, 334. Motor Fuel, Coal Gas as, 810, 811. Motoring, More Popular, 671. Motor Museum, Opening of the, 722, 767. Motors, Brilliant Future of, 464. Motor: Spirit, High Price of, 154; Vehicles and Accidents, 464. Museum, The Motor, 16, 626

New Cars: Control of, 191; of 1912, 274. Night Driving and Troops, 390

Oil versus Coal, 230. Olympia: Extension Problems, 154; Uniform Stands at, 504. On Equipment, 334. Overseas, A Plea from, 546 Patrols and Guides, 112. Petrol: at Easter, A Useful Tip, 334; Can it be Cheapened? 722; No Monopoly Wanted, 810; Storage of, The Private User and the, 855. The Dangers of, 626. Private Car, Paraffin and the, 426. Purchasing, The Pleasures of, 390


Rear Light Conviction, Injustice of, 582. Road Board and New Roads, 465. Roads of the Future, 154. Roman Roads? Why not Open up the, 465

Scandal of the Law, A, 1127. Scouts and Guides,

230. Security Bolts, Are they Necessary? 426. Self-starters, Coming Boom in, 191. Sign-posting, Long-distance, 582. Speed Limit at Godaiming, Can it be Abolished? 671. Speed Limits, Should they be Abolished? 504. Spoiling the Landscape, Drastic Action in France, 855

Towns, Way through, A Suggestion, 389. Traction Engines, Road Damage by, 1083. Traffic: Problem, The, 947; Reforms, London’s, 997. Trust, In the Grip of the, 671. Touring Guides, The Coming of, 230. Tour, The Spring, 389

Eglwyseg Manor, near Llangollen, 214 S6

Electric: Accumulator: Crypto, 346; Klaxon, 348. Dry Batteries: Hunt and Co., 346; Siemens, 347. Ignition and Electric Details, 346. Lamp: Dashboard, Hardy, 346a; R.V. and Portman, 343. Swivelling, Coath, 10. Light: And Ignition Machine, Simms, 346; For Cape Cart Hoods, Brown Bros., 1007; C.A.V., 394; Diva, 362. Head: Bray and Co., 355. Rear Hoop Stick, 322. Lighting: Accumulators, Fuller, 344; Equipment, 342, 343. House and Garage, Thompson and Co., 346a; Outfit: C.A.V., 342; Lodge Bros., 345; Problem of, 1147; Sets: Bleriot, 343; Four-volt Long-streth’s, 345; King of the Road, 342; Lucas, 560, 561; Trier and Martin, 342. Magnetic Grip and Searchlight, 347. Plug: Cup Detonating, Low Accessories Co., 346a; Hobson-Pognon, 347; Sphinx, 346a. Railway, 300 Miles an Hour on, 556. Rear Lamp and Number Plate, 1046. Vehicle, Development of, 176. Warning Devices, 347

Engine: Cleaning Ports, 198. Dual Impulse, 399. Electric Power to Start, 527. Knock, 147, 163; The Mystery of, 15. Rotary Valve: Cochrane and Co., 65. Parker, 854; Wizard, 775. Stresses, Acetylene Starters and, 147, Troubles, Defining, 278. Two-stroke, Koeck-lin, 777

Engines : Argyll, 109, 981. Brenna, 682a. De Dion, 188. Dubois-Rousseau, 2. Howard, 228, 229. Palmer-Moore, 516. Pathfinder, 290. Peugeot, 962. Riley Cycle Co., 176. Rolland-Pilain, 198. Rover, 109. S.P.A., 830. Star, 649. Turcat-Mery, 868. Vinot, 845. Wizard 775. Wolseley, 510

Engines: Giant and Dwarf, 800. Low High-pressure, 190a. Three-cylinder, Should they be Revived? 636

Equipment: Accessories, Rotax, 362. Electric Lighting, 342. General, 324-331. Of a Car, Advice on, 318. What is, 410 S3, S4, S5

Equipping a Car, The Pleasure of, 388 European Cars and American Cars, 765 Europe, Where it Can Beat America, 38 S2 Event and Comment, 59, 60, 114, 155, 156, 192, 193,

231, 232, 275, 276, 335, 391, 392, 427, 428, 465, 466, 505, 506, 547, 583, 584, 627, 672, 673, 723, 724, 763, 811, 812, 856, 948, 998, 1040, 1084, 1128

Evesham, The Vale of, Spring Run through, 497, 498 Exerciser, A New, Haydock’s. 283

Exhaust: Alarm, New Dumalite, 316. Heater, 321 Exhibition: An Overflow Motor, 603. Hall for Paris, 191

F. Far East, Motor Carriages in the, 29

Ferry Arrangements at Birkenhead, 472

Fibre, Ferodo, Herbert Frood and Co., 328

Finance and Business—(See “ Business, Finance and ”)

Fire: Engine, New Turbine, 396. Extinguisher, 181. Insurance, The Garage and Its, 757

Fitments, Some Interesting Carriage, 1149

Flange, Removable, 419

Flexibility and Carburation, 1024

Flood Incident, A, 25

Foot Warmer, A, Wolseley Co., 322

Ford Ignition and Auto-trembler, 369, 443, 482, 522, 566, 610

Ford Owners, Of Interest to, 1126 *

Fbttinger Transformer, New Use for, 294

Four Years After, Incident in Gordon-Bennett Race, 488 SI

France: Drastic Action in, Spoiling the Landscape, 855. Labour Troubles in, 687. Practising on Grand Prix Course Barred, 581. Road Improvement Campaign in, 543, 581

Friction: Drive, 241, 242. Driven Vehicle, Pilot, 994 Fuel: Competition, Herts. County A. and Ae. C., 509. Motor, Simply Defined, 1140. Paraffin: A 1000 miles of Perfect Running on, 1069-71; As a Fuel, Paper Read before the Inst. Auto. Engineers, 174, 475; Question: 920, 921 ; Clogging Action of Government, 919

Funnel and Filter, Selfridge Combined Petrol, 914

G. Gabriel Rebound Snubber, 165

Garage: And Workshop, A New, 151. Crane, 556. Free, for Provincial Club Members, 551. Movement, A New, 762. New London, Rawlings Bros.’, 951. Beginner’s, The, 270

Garaging, Popular, 699, 670

Gauge, Tyre Pressure, Schrader, 331

Gearbox: Buchet, 741. Leaking, How to Cure a, 150. New Briton, 892. Rover, 402a. Saver, 103

Gears: Hispano-Suiza Co., 862b. Vicars, 718

General Motors (Europe), Ltd., Important Announcement of, 65

Generator: Agros, 327. A.-L. Acetylene, 67. Howes and Burley, 11, 329. Smith and Son, 354

German: Reliability Run, 1038. Rubber Supplies, Consular Report on, 1048. Statistics of Motor Industry in, 294

Germany, Motoring in, 1036

Glass, Flexible (Verra Souple), 424 Gordon-Bennett Race, Incident in, 488 SI

Grand Prix Race: Assistance to British Competitors in the, 680. Aviators who Return to Cars for, 739. Automatic Report of the, 1079, 1080. Banquet to the Sunbeam Team by R.A.C., 1048. Calthorpe in the, 100o. Chart of Races for the, 959. Coatelen, ML, Interviewed, 957, 958. Colinet’s Accident, Truth about, 962a. Comparisons with Other Big Races, 943. Competing Cars, Details of Design in, 800. Competitors, 448 S2. Course of, 501, 678. Distance and Time of Starting of the, 733. Drivers and Cars for, 683, 684. Drivers, Some Types of, 739. Engines, Contrast between Large and Small, 800. Fatal Accident to Colinet, 933. Features: of the Sizaire-Naudin Cars, 845; of the Sunbeams, 956. How I Won, by Georges Boillot, 944-946. How Roads are Being Prepared for the, 712-715. How to See the, 864-866. Items of Interest on and Off the Course, 959, 960. Last Look Round, 906. Nationalities of Cars for, 643. Peugeot, Distinctive Features of the Motor of the, 962. Practising on the Course for the, 866. Preparations for the, 641-644. Race Summarized, 956. Racers, Technical Details of the, 844-849. Record Entry for, 160. Results of, 938. Revolution, Ingenious Method of Increasing Power, 820. Rudge-W hitworth in the, 862a. Seats, Prices of, 643. Second Day’s Running, 935-938. Singer Racers for, 734. Speeds in the: The Fastest, 941-943; Table Showing, 942. Starters for, Full List of, 897. Story of the Laps, The, 939. Sunbeam: Doings at the, 506a; Drivers Engaged for the, 589. Table of Cars in, 824. Training for the, 896. Tuning-up: What Happened in the Sunbeam Camp, 993. Vaux-hall Team of Drivers for, 557. Weights and Cylinder Dimensions of Cars in the, 943. Winner’s Speed Analysed, 1079

Grand Prix of 1913: Alterations and Conditions for, 1081; New Course, Possibilities of a, for the, 1082

Grand Prix de Belgique, 1141

Grease Plunger, Dew and Co., 528

Great Orme’s Head, America and France on the, 687 Grinding, Specialists in, 1008

Gudgeon Pins, Making new, 382

Guildford, Chapel of St. Martyr, near, 214 S6 Gymkhana: Herts. County, 953. Yorkshire A.C., 680

H. Hammersmith, Speed-limit Inquiry at, 71, 222 Harrod’s Motor Department, 341

Head Lamps, Swivelling, Coath, Mr. W., 10 Headlights: Bray and Co., 355. C.A.V., 394. Diva, 362. And Modern Driving Conditions, 40. Movable, 148. What the Motorist Requires from, 40

High-speed Repair Methods, 1005

Highway and By-way: Artificial Lake Districts, 575. Beaten Track in France, Off the, 499. Boulogne and Calais, Round about, 763. Brighton by Unfrequented By-ways, 616. Cardigan to Fishguard, 807. Charnwood Forest, Exploring, 806. Cheshire, Rhymeland of, The, 666. Colliery Districts, Dodging the, 617. Cromer and Sheringham, 720. Dartmoor, Touring Round, 850. Day’s Distance on a Tour, 1139. Dorsetshire, Routes in, 1094. Dukeries, Routes in the, 665. Egyptian Well near Aylesbury, 576. Essex, Off the Main Road in, 501. Fishguard Road, Improvements at, 964. Going Northward through Lancashire, 575. Holyhead Road, Touring the, 618. Ipswich, Old Gateway at, 1139. Ireland: Motor Touring in, 1026; Roads and Hotels in, 1026. Lake District, How to Tour the, 536. Leicestershire Wolds, Slopes of the 576. Longleat, Round about, 991. Lutterworth, 721. Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of, 574. Midlands, How to See the Beauties of the, 617. Monastic Well, An Old, 1140. North Road: Off the, 1027; Alternative Route, 574. North Wales: A Digression in, 616; Routes to, 991. Portinscale, Picturesque, 500. Portsmouth: New Road into, 964; Road Alterations in, 764; Road, Off the Beaten, 538. Preston (South), Road Dangers in, 499. Rhineland, Touring Round, 851. Roads and their Condition, 449. Scottish Routes, Some, 763. Southport-Preston Road Dangers, 499. Sussex: By-ways in, 963; Coast and Hinterland, The, 719. Toll-bridge, Passing of the Ancient, 451. Warwickshire Lanes, Through, 806. Wayside Tree, A Curious, 537. Wharfdale, Touring Round, 850. White Horse Hills, 963

Highway: Protection League Again, 602. To the Midlands, A Popular, 577-580

Hill-climbs : And Formulae, 780. Aston Clinton, 816, 817. Caerphilly, Results at, 1087. Calculating Machine for, 1126. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.’s, 1043. Devon and Cornwall A.C., 1048. D.F.P. Car on Aston Clinton Hill, 862a. Essex M.C., 341, 368. G.W.K. at the Oxford, 669. Herts. M.C., 570. Kent A.C.’s at Seven oaks, 680. Lancashire, 632, 633. Leicestershire A.C.’s, 1015. Le Mans, 727. Manchester M.C., List of Cars, 679. M.C.C.’s Members at Aston Rowant, 634. Middlesex County A.C., 815. Midland: A.C.’s at Shels-ley Walsh, 842; Clubs at Hazelwood, 587. Oakamoor, Inter-club Meeting, 815. Open, and Speed Trials in Wales, 952. Rivington Pike, Crossley Cars on, 698. Shelsley Walsh, 635, 636a, 904-906. Somerset A.C., 1008. South Wales: and Cardiff M.C., 1086; A.C., 680. Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C„ 1091

Hints and Wrinkles: Carburetter Trouble: Chief Causes of, 514; Suggestions as to, 514. Choked Jet, How to Clear a, 149. Faulty Engine Running,. 90. Gearbox Leaking, How to Cure a, 150. Liquid Decarbonizers, Use of,

Hints and Wrinkles.—contd.

401. Motor House, Strengthening the Floor of a, 150. Paintwork, Restoring Dull, 401. Rust, Painting Over, 90

Holyhead Road, A Guide to the, 38

Holy Well, An Ancient, at Thorpe Malsor, 214 S6 Hood Locks, “Tenax,” Morris, Russell and Co., 327 Hoods : B. H. Baker, 381. Capital, 380. Oakley, 380.

Kolapso, 379. Plymouth, 380. Leaky, What to Do with, 84. Material for, 402c. Waterproofing Paint for, 402c

Horns : Apollo, 254. Duplex, 356. Echo Electric, 199, 410 85. Gabriel and Aspeero, 348. High Tension Co., 348, 394. Klaxon, 76, 340, 348. Lyell and Co., 347. Markt and Co., 347. Mira, 330. Premier Taxameter Co,, 347. Seabrook, 348. Universal Agency Co., 348

Hydraulic Transmission, 50, 623

Cause of

Ignition: Multi-point, 49. Repair Work, 214 Index Marks, Nationality by, 458

Indicator, A Compression, Taylor, 331

Inflator, The One-minute, Burnero and Co., 326 Information Bureau.—Accumulators: Sulphated, 137; Charging, 373. Acetylene Lamp, To Light by a Spark, 136. Action of Petrol on Metals, 83. Air-pressure for Petrol Tank, 840. Anti-freezer, Salt as an, 174

Back-fire, Occasional, 136. Banks on Hills—A Vague Query, 526. Bearings: Require Attention, 1022; White Metal, 840. Bevel Drive Pinion, Breaking of, 175. Black Smoke from Exhaust, Cause of, 980. Body, Fitting a Heavier, 753. Brakes: Adjustment, 656; Defective, 797; Magnetic, 979; Oil Leakage into, 446; Power of Foot and Hand, 709. Brazing or Soldering Cast-iron, 1154

Cam, A Worn, 884. Car Alterations, Notifying, 753. Carburation: At Fault, 4048; Trouble, 486. Carburetter: A Sensitive, 373; Explosions, 82; Flooding, 979; Heating a, 37; Requires Attention, 252. Car Lighting, Using Ignition Cells for, 796. Chain: Grinding Noise from, ■'1155; Drive to Shaft Drive, Converting, 927; Driving on a Single, 136; Grinding Noise from, Cause of, 1155. Chains and Sprockets, Fit New, 656. Change Down, Time to, 83. Charge Left in Cells, Amount of, 446. Charging: Car Lighting Accumulators, 408; Dynamo Loses Power, 1110. Circulation: System, Use of Hard Water in, 409; Water, Hotter, 83. Clutch: Fitting a New Leather to, 796; Leather, A Burnt-out, 568. Renewing a Leather, 137; Requires Lining Up, 212; Trouble, 569. Coil : Extra Voltage on, Effect of Using, 315; Ignition, Fixed Lining on, 1022; More Efficient, 568; Trembler, Sticking of, 840. Compression: High v. Moderate, 136; Loss of, ’ 253; “ Second,” A, 1067. Taps, Increase of Speed on Opening, 315. Connecting Lamps in Series, Method of, 526. Contact Breaker Spark and Ignition of Spray Mixture, 408. Contact Maker, Defect in, 212. Cover, A Stretched, 372. Crank Chamber, Repair of Crack in, 1155. Crankcase: Explosion, Risk of, 569; Leakage of Oil from, 446. Crankshaft, Making Fly-wheel Secure to, 1023. Crank Systems, Two-cylinder, 36. Starting-up, Cold Weather and, 83. Cylinder: A Larger, Recommended, 927; Cracks in the, 253; Enamel for, 373; Increasing the Bore of, 174; Leak, Testing for a, 372; Noise in Front, 1022; No Power from Front, 252; Over-lubricated, 409; Testing for Leak in, 841; Damaged, 568; Non-firing, 37; Priming the, 253; Testing of, the, 979

Decarbonizers Once More, 8404. Differential: Sheared Keys in, 612; Wear in, 314. Driving Wheel Rotation, Reversal of, 1023. Dry Cells, Position of, 408

Electric: Light, Inspecting Tank by, 797; Power to Start Engine, 527. Engine: Bearings, Leakage of Oil at, 1066; Brake Effect, 709; Air for, 613; Converting from Low to High-tension, 885; Fitting an, 708; Improving Lubrication of, 82; Knock, 708, 796; A Case of, 36; Advanced Ignition and, 840. Measuring the Power of an, 37; Painting a Rusty, 373; Pre-ignition and Damage to, 372; Reducing Vibration of a Single-cylinder, 657; Starting on, Difficulty of, 841. Exhaust: Joint Leakage, 315; Ports, Auxiliary, 1154; Valve: Scaling, Cause of, 612; Stems, Loose Fit of, 1110; Stronger, Wanted, 446; Timing, 212; Why the. Break, §13

Firing, Finding the Order of, 174. Float Chamber, Dust in the, 1023. Flooding, 487 ; Remedy for, 408. Footbrake, Easing a Hard, 314. Foreign Visitors’ Cars, Tax on, 1110. Fouled Plugs, 1066. Friction Drive, 568. Front Wheels not Parallel, 527. Fuel Economy, Doubtful Plan of, 569. Fuels, “ Mixed,” Effect of, on Power, 1111

Gearing: Too High, 656; Noise of, 753. Gear: Noise on the Low, 796; Noisy Two-to-one, 409; Requires Renewing, 314. Gearbox, Oil Leakage at, 372. Gear Wheel: Broken Teeth of, 136. Repairing a. 840. Work Loose, 752. Gudgeon Pin Trouble, 1110. Gudgeon Setscrew Trouble, 487

Horn, Electric, Using Dry Battery for, 372. H.P. Formula, 527 .

Ignition: Cell, Making a Low-tension, 526; Or Carburation Fault? 174; Using Lighting Outfit for, 1154. Induction Pipe, Frost on, 372. Inlet Pipe: Difficulty with a Long, 447; Replacing a Small Diameter, 1110. Inlet Piping System Defective, 569. Inlet Valves: Converting, 137; Sticking of, 487, 885; Timing the, 447

Lamp Wiring, Simplifying, 926. Lamps: Acetylene Method of Lighting, 926; Charging through Metallic Filament, 92/. Leakage: An Air, 885; of Oil at Engine Bearings, 1066;

Information Bureau.—contd.

Past Piston, 753. Loose Fit of Exhaust Valve Steins, 1110. Lubrication System Requires Adjusting, 709. Lubricator, Alteration to Old Type, 613

Magneto: Adapting a Low-tension, 796; Adapting Single-cylinder, 569; At Fault, 82; Awkward Position for the, 709; Cables, Insulation on, 1067; Conversion, A, 1066; Grating Noise from, 657; Idea, A Double, 884; Insulating the, 884; Misfires When on the, 841; Pinion, Fitting a, 486; Plugs, Must Use, 1110; Switch for, 797; Switch, Use of a, 526; Switching Off the, 1022; Switch Wire Faulty, 840; Utilizing a Discarded, 527. Methylated Spirit as a Non-freezer, 82. Misfire, Cracked Plug Will, 926

New Car, Transfer of Registration to, 841. No Compression, 409. No Tax Exemption, 657. Number-plates, Use of Trade, 752. Nuts, Screw-plugs, etc., To Prevent, from Sticking, 568

Oil: Gauge, Possible Defect in, 447; Leakage into Brakes, 446. Overheating, 213, 447

Paraffin: An Experiment with, 373; Temporary Use of, 486. Petrol: Heavy Consumption of, 1155; Injection and Carbon Deposit, 373; Leakage of, 447; Tank, Air-pressure for, 840; In the Float, 709. Piston: Clearance, Too Much, 82; Crack in the, A, 1067; Difficulty of Removing, from Cylinder, 980; Fit of, 1154; Lightening Heavy, 252; Ring: Breakage, 979; Fitting, Details of, 797; Probable Leakage of, 1154; Carbon Particles on, 315; Pinning, 486; Require Pinning, 841; Slight Wear of, 527; Stuck, 1066. Pistons: Steel, 927; Sticking in Cold Weather, 212; Top of, Altering Shape of, 447. Plugs, Cleaning Greasy, 708

Radiator: Adapting Fan to an Old Type, 1023; Cleaning, 1110. Rear Axle Leaks Oil into Brakes, 885. Rear Light, Position of, 709. Rear Lamp, Re-lighting the, 486. Reboring, Cylinder Requires, 752. Rectifier Solution, 752. Registration, 980. Re-magnetizing, 446. Return Circuit, The, 137. Revenue Licence, Allowance on, 137. Rim Measurements, 709. Rule of the Road in France, 980

Self-starters, Acetylene, 409. Severe Test, Story of a, 38. " Shock ” Idea, A, 885. Side Lever, Starting by a, 613. Silencer: Choked, Causes Overheating, 447; Experiment with a, 314; Explosions, Why they Occur, 568. Sparking-plug : Electrodes, 487; Holding Driving Tests, 656; Use a Better Type of, 613. Sparking-plugs: Chain Connection to, 613; Fit of, 213; Multiple Point, 252. Spoke Shrinkage, 657. Springs, Trying New Valve, 408. Starting an Engine: Difficulty of, 841; Use of Paraffin in, 841. Starting, To Facilitate, 253. Switch Starter, Dry Battery for, 927

Tar Stains, Removing, 1110; Taxation, Units of, 175. Taxes in Ireland, Payment of, 613. Tax on Foreign Visitors’ Cars, 1110. Testing: Effective H.P., 487; For a Break in the Wiring, 926. Thermo-circulation, Effect of, 213. Throttle Adjustment, 980. Tight Nut, Loosening a, 1067. Timing: Point, Fixing the, 569; Testing the Sequence of, 1155; Wheels, Lubrication of, 612. Transfer of Registration to New Car, 841. Two-cyinder Car, Improving an Old, 884. Tyre: Flats on a Back, 527; Size, Effect of Slight Difference in, 613; Using an Odd-sized, 657; Wear Unequal, 314. Tyres, Large Lumps on, 612

Universals, Wear in the, 613. Unsteady Light, Cause of, 373

Valve: Caps, Loose-fitting, 36; Overlap, Effect of, 315; Stems Bending, Cause of, 797; Stems, Effect of Loose, 175; Tappet, Clearance, 213; Timing, Strange Case of Altered, 373. Valves: and Cams, Altering the, 927; Cause of Broken, 980; Grinding-in, 885; Lift of, 885; Mechanical, Converting Automatic to, 656; Sticking, 1155; Time to Regrind, 212

Water: Circulation, Overheating of, 1066; Too Hot, 37. White Metal Bearings, 840. Wipe Contact, Adjusting a, 708. Wiring: Defective, 253; In Bad Condition, 409

Inn in an Abbey near Hereford, An, 176 S4 Institute: of Carriage Builders, 73; of Metals, Lecture at, 588

Institution of Automobile Engineers: Lecture at, 555. Paper Read before the London Graduates of the, 681. “ Paraffin as a Fuel,” paper read before the, 474, 475. Paris Visit of the, 555. Visit to, 430

Instruction Book, A Crossley, 471

Insurance: Of Motorcars, 422, 423. Schemes, Two New. 1032

Ipswich, A Curious Tree near, 537

J. Jacks: Bransom-Kent, 328. Duco, 514. Jarrott and Letts, 190b. Tangye, 330

Jeffreys, Mr. Rees: Goes to America, 678; Returns from America, 1125

Jet Choked1, How to Clear a, 149

K. King, The, in India, 473

Klaxon Horn as a Burglar Alarm, 340

Knight and Kilbourne v. Argyll, Ltd., Action Concerning Sleeve-valve Patents, 1006, 1137

L. Lace Gate, The, At Maidford, near Towcester, 214, S6

Lady: Motorists, A Plea for, 1011. Owner-Drivers, New Pastime, 295, 296

Lakeland Proposition, New, 878 Lakes, Artificial, 874, 876 Lamp: Controller, Van Raden, 344. Covers and a Warning, 194. Gas Conveyance from Genera-


tor to, 681. New Type of, 316. Steering Column, 1143. Swivelling Electric, 1055 Lamps: Agree, 327. Autoclipse, 1007. Bleriot, 355.

363. Dietz, 355. Egham Motor Co., 1055. High Tension Co., 347. Howes and Burley, 84. Husbands, 982. Lucas. 356, 488, 842. Mazda, 1024. Osram, General Electric Co., 345. Peto and Radford, 1143. Polkey, 354. Powell and Hanmer, 354. Riemann, 355. Seabrook, 55, 345, 355, 356. Smith and Sons, 354. Salsbury, 356, 8421 Ward and Gold-stone, 346

Lamps: Beam Variation in, 150. Black Finish on, 842. Electric: Durability and Efficiency of; New Set of, 982; or Oil, 318. Head, 318 Lanchester: Novelty, A, 435. Development, 886 Landmark, Famous: Chapel of St. Maityr, near Guildford, 214 S6

Land’s End to John o’ Groats, Lady’s Run from, 555

Lathe: And the Car Owner, The, 852, 853. Notes, 417, 418

Lathes, Drummond’s, 326

Leaky Bearings, Making Oil-tight, 534 Level-Orossings, 46

Level's, The Wolseley Inside, 267

Lighting Effect, A Spectacular, 862a

Lighting Electric Car—Dazzle and Glare, 78

Lighting Sets: Bleriot, 343. Brolt, 239. C.A.V., 342, 394. Husbands, 982. Lithanode, 110b. Lodge, 78, 566. Lucas, 342, 560, 561. Lux, 214. Myra, 682b. Peto and Radford, 1143. Polkey-Jarrott, 342. R.V. and Portman, 343. Salsbury, 842. Seabrook, 55. Smith, 67. Trier and Martin, 342

Light That Succeeds, The, 363, 364

Limousine, Saloon, Crossley, 293

Liners: Asbestos-Cotton, Motor Tyre Manufacturing Co., 360. New Inner, Almagam Ltd., 138. Waterfield Endless Ripley, Strong and Co., 146. Detachable, Turco, 360

Local Government Board and Speed Limitation, Application Refused and the Reasons Thereof, 1061

Lock: Bonnet, Dunhill’s, 21. Taki Seat, 366. Locomotive, Diesel Express, 1085

London: Approach to, A. New, 25. New Traffic Authority, 829. Western Exit, How to Spend Money for, 274

Lubricants: New, Oildag and Gredag, 570 S3. Stern Sonneborn Co., 1085. Voltol, .330

Lubricating Oils, Dangers of Unsuitable, 410 Lubrication Demonstration, Crossley, 590 Luggage: Carrier, “Quickfix,” Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd., 381. Carrying, Education in the Art of, 1156. Grids, 320

M. Magneto: Coupling, How to Make a Flexible, 534, 787. Thefts, 710

Magnetolites: High Tension Co., 1055. Jarrott and Letts, Ltd., 344

Magnetos: Bosch, 1135. Giband, 161. Remy, 12. Simms, 346. U.H., 346a

Manchester: And District, Directory of, 124-128. As a Motoring Centre, 85-89. Motor Club’s Reliability Trials, 863. Motor Industry, Development of, in, 138 SI

Maps, and How to Use Them, 894, 895

Mascot, Dunhill, 906c

Mats, British Leather, 323

Maxwell Car, Over Surrey Hills on a, 455 Mechanical Inflatop The Coming of the, 698 Mediterranean Main, Biscay’s Bay to, 410 SI, 448 SI Metal: Polish: A New, Mitre Polish Co., 410 S5;

Syme’s Putz Cream, 316. Does Petrol Attack, 163. Work, Protecting Bright, 950

Mileage Cards for Moseley Tyres, 955 Miles We Travel, The, 278 Mirror Corner, Malmesbury, 176 S4 Modern Car, The Silence of the, 809 Monocars and Duocars, 162

Monte Carlo, Our Paris Correspondent at, 458 Motor Cab Owner-Drivers’ Association, Annual Dinner of the, 776

Motorcab Strike, Paris, Humours of, 187

Motorcar: Acts, The, 21. Speeds in Kirkintilloch, 951 Motorcars: In the Colonies, 765, 766. Insurance of, 422, 423

Motor Chassis Classification, 38 S4

Motor Cycling Club’s Opening Run to Brighton, 341 Motor: Hints, Practical, 783. Homes, 92-94. House: Floors Strengthened, 150; The Small, 737, 738, 788. Roads, Are They Feasible? 254 84. In Arcadia, The, 1031, 1032. Joint Box, Cooperite, 452. Ship “ Selandia,” A Wonderful Development, 203, 204

Motoring: And Its Pleasures, 272, 273. Ashore, Afloat, and Aloft, 458-460. Economy in. 662-664. High Alps, In the, 479, 480. Malaya, In, 43. Moderate Prices, How they Have Been Brought About, 66. Over Snow and Ice, 38 S3. Popular Pastime for those of Moderate Means, 660. Trip to Algeria, 285. Why it has Expanded, 292

Motorists: Appeal to, 240. In India, Royal, 473. Photographic, Thoughts for, 271. Relay Ride, In a, 743. Useful Hints to, 44. Workshop, Handy Tool for, 893

Motor Museum, A: French Writer on the Subject of, 143. Press Opinions, 20, 56a. To Include Aeroplanes Suggested, 188

Motor Museum, The: Change of Premises at Close of London Season, 1092. Closed for Season, 1131. £100 Car at, Example of a, 735, 736. Expressions of Opinion as to, 906d. Firing the Charges, The Old Method of, at, 631. First Impressions of, 761, 762. Free Admission to. 1092. Getting in Exhibits for, 676, 677. Hippolyte Panhard’s Car at, 676 , 686b. Inauguration, The, 508. Miranda and, 968, 969. National Motor Trades Association, Visit from Delegates of, 906d. Old Models at, New Ideas on, 1072, 1073. Opening of,

Motor Museum, The.—contd.

630, 772-774a. Panha rd, 21 Years Old, Loaned to, 621. Pending Removal of, 1004. Press References to the, 858. Romance of a Relic, 621-623. Roots, Mr. James R., Letter from, 284. Some Comments on, 820.

Motors, Alcohol for, Report on Tests by U.S. Government, 804

Motor Show: Agricultural Hall, Overflow Show at the, 1030. Origin of the Bond, Some Facts About the, 1028. White City as an Exhibition Venue, Some Objections Discussed, 1028, 1029

Motor Sleigh, Evolution of, 38 S3. Rantanza, 305 Motor Spirit, Baseless Rumour about, 274a Motor Touring: The Charm of, 690, 691. Through Mountain Passes in Wales, 827-829

Mudguard, New Detachable, 182

Mudsplashing of Pedestrians, Preventives for, 51, 52 Multi-point Ignition, 49

N. Napier: Economy, 284. Five Days Test of a, 238. Hill Trial, TJhe, 26. Severe Tests of a, 24, 339. Wick'low Mountains, In the, 395

New Forest: By-ways of the, 450. Cross Country Route to the, 450

News Items: 6, 14, 24, 43, 146, 160, 161, 162, 163, 167, 168, 169, 176, 188, 191, 196, 199, 200,201,

202, 204, 212, 213, 214, 236, 237. 238, 239,246.

254, 269, 273, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285, 289, 291, 294, 299, 305, 323, 339 , 340, 341,350,

356, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364 , 370 , 396, 400,401,

402b, 402c, 410, 410 S5, 416, 419, 434, 436a, 440, 448, 452, 457, 462, 466a, 469, 472, 473, 478, 488, 488 S3, 493, 496, 506a, 509, 510 511, 513, 519, 520, 528 . 534, 551, 554, 555, 556 . 557, 570, 570 S3, 570 S4, 573, 582, 586, 587 , 588, 601, 604 , 605 . 611, 614 , 620 , 634, 635, 643, 644, 648, 651, 658, 661, 667 , 670, 680 , 682a, 686b, 689, 693, 710, 730, 731, 740, 745, 752, 754, 759, 764, 770, 771, 790, 798, 809, 814, 815, 817, 826, 834, 839 , 841, 842, 862a, 863, 886 , 891, 900a, 906, 960a, 906b, 906c, 914, 928, 951, 953, 955, 958, 964, 969, 971, 974, 981, 982 , 993, 998. 1000, 1001, 1004, 1008, 1015, 1016b, 1030, 1032, 1034, 1043, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1073, 1085, 1091, 1093, 1099, 1102, 1105, 1112, 1124, 1126, 1131, 1133, 1135, 1136, 1141, 1156.

New York, Census of Motor Cars in, 1034 New Zealand, Vauxhall in, 601 Nice, Competition at, 386 Night Driving, Past and Present, 40 Ninfield, Stocks at, 176 84

Noise, Drift of Legislation in Regard to the Suppression of, 572

Non-Skid: A Good, 91. Bands, Leather, 183. Gyroscopic, The, 326. North and South, Two Interesting Test Runs, 638-640

North of England Motor Show (see “ Shows, Manchester ”)

Notes: From the Broad Acres, 551. On Reduction of Weight and Increase of Speed, 624-625

Number Plates: 320. With Rear Lamp, Seymour, 1046

Number for Cars, Coan, R.W., 327

o. Oil Fuel Keeps Moseley’s Going, 488

Oils (see “ Lubricants ”)

Old Cars, Lessons from, 1060

Olympia: Overflow, 603. Priority at, 872. Stand Decoration, 512

Other People’s Views.—A.A. and Its Members, 922. A.A. and M.U., Hotel Scheme, 525.

Accessory Thief, Foiling the, 135. Acetylene: Lighting, Storage Tank System of, 567; Peroxide of Hydrogen and, 444. Advertisers, A Suggestion to, 791. Agents and Accessories, 135. Alcohol and the Fuel Question, 1017. Aluminium or Pressed Steel, 445. Amateur Ideas, Some. 655. American Invasion and Weight of Cars, 367; Reply to Mr. Edge, 131, 132. American Runabout, Selling an, 567, 609. Antiques, Lessons from the, 1153. Apology, An, 1153. Arm Rests for Back Seats, 610. Automobile Arguments, 309. Auto-trembler and Ford Ignition, 369, 443, 482, 522, 566, 610

Bad Driving, 371. Bad for the Gander! 368. Bands, Leather Non-skids, 313. Bangs on Hills, 567. Battery, Six-volt, Necessary, 749. Batteries, Storage, Edison’s, 795. Bevel Gear Axle to Worm Drive, Conversion of Noisy, 978. Blocking a Rear Wheel, 567, 652. Body Building, Delay in, 209. Bonnet Lock—An Explanation, 251. Brake Blocks, Gun Metal, 311. Brakes: And How to Use Them, 310; Improving Rear, 1109; Rear, Improving the. 977. Buyers, Points for, 250, 442. Byfleet Road, Bad State of, 611

Car: Auto-trembler for Ford, 442; Cleaning, Use of Soap in, 309; Conversion, 79, 976; Electric Lighting, 751; Number and Licence Regulations, 248; Wasted Space on a, Use of, 251, 405. Cars that Pass By, 1109. Cars: For Colonies, 310; Large Tyres on Small. 407; The Weight of, 33. Carburation: Cold Air and, 248; Faulty, 370. Carburetter, Warming the, 367, 445, 521, 609. “ Chance for Club Action,” That, 883. Chauffeurs: And Shops Act, 1063; And the Insurance Act, 978; versus Owner-Drivers, 523. Cheap Cars, Popular Notions of, 209. “ Cheap ” Soap, Wanted Recipe for, 794. Climbing Red Bank, Grasmere, 566. Club Action. Chance of, 750. Clutch: Adjustment, 703; Difficulty Solved, The, 791; Leather, Oil for the, 653; Remedy for Fierce, 172; Trouble, Cause and Remedy for, 653; Troubles, 1062, 1106. Coal Gas, The Claims of, 922. Colonial: Motorists, What they Want, 564; Registration, 748; Requirements, 1019. Commercial Traveller’s

Other Peoile’s Views.—contd.

Car, The Best Types of, 483, 524, 564, 976, 1021. Compression: Explanation of a Second, 1152;i Ttajtio, Altering, 132, 133; Reducing the, 169; Stroke, Finding the Top of, 521. Construction, Steel v. Wood, 445. Crankcase, Loose Brasses in, 370. Cylinder: Inlet-valve Cottar in, 313; Relative Efficiency of, 481, 1063; Testing for a Leaky, 314

Dangerous Road, A, 1109. Danger Spot in Lincoln, A, 794. Darracq: Experience of a, 484; Modernizing an Old, 653. Dashboard: Gauge for Petrol Tank, 524; Petrol Gauge for Pressure Tank, 483. Decarbonizing Preparations: 882; Analysed, 173. De Dion Engine, Conversion of, 406. Deposits, Removal of Lime, 705. Detachable Non-skid Bands, 794. Deviation Signals, 35; And Taking Corners, 248. Difficult Starting, A Remedy for, 135. Driving: A Case of Reckless, 705; Axle, Correct Weight on, 33. Dual Ignition, Switch for, 880; Good, 792.

Economical Motoring, 793. Electric: Car Lighting, 78; Headlights, 65; Lighting Equipment, The Fitting of, 749; versus Oil Lamp Lighting, 524, 566, 611, 655, 704, 795. Engine: Air-cooled, Application of the, 209; Conversion, De Dion, 484; Design, Improved, 369, 370; Design, New, 248; Dubois-Rousseau, 313; Knock, 370, 522; Knock: An Elusive, 1153; New Theory as to, 133, 134; Difficulty of Defining, 169; Mystery of, 169. 207, 247, 312; That Elusive, 1018, 1025, 1107. Overheating, A Cause of, 610. Engines, Selfstarting, 33, 171. Erratic Running, 444. Exhaust Cut-outs, The New Law on, 369. Explosion Self-starters: Strain from, 33; And Tyre Inflator, 33, 80.

Feeder System, Constant Level Oil, 407.

First Motorcar, Who Made the, 407.

Flight Theory, A New, 1021. Flywheel, Loose, 370. Ford Car: Fitting Auto-trembler to, 407; Improving a 1910, 34. Ford Cars: And Auto-trembler, 484; Ignition on, 310; Shook Absorbers for, 1065, 1109; Starting Difficulty With, 524, 565; Starting Hints, 652. Ford Hints, 838. Ford Ignition: And Auto-trembler, 522; And Piston Rings, 836-838; Faulty, 748; Magneto Dynamo, Lighting from, 311, 566. Fuel: Paraffin as, 523; Problem—Power from Oxygen 880; Question, Alcohol and the, 1017

Garage: Pit, Drainage of Water into, 882; Roof Problem, 652, 883. Gear: of a Car, How to Tell the, 1018; Rotary Valve, 879; Wheels, Roughness of Teeth of, 610. Good Driving, 792. Good Results During 23,000 Miles, 655. Grand Prix and Three-litre Races, 1030. Granite Chippings, The Use of, a Danger, 883. Grease, Using up Waste, 35

Head-lamps, Ford Magneto Lighting, 611. Headlight Glare, 35. Headlights, Electric, 313. Hill-climbing Formulae, 883, 976. Hill-climbs and Formulae, 838. Historic Facts, 521. “Holding the Road,” 132, 248; How Was it Done? 132; What Does it Mean? 132. Hood, Cleaning and Repairing a, 32. Horsepower Formulae, and Competition Ratings. 1108. Hotel Scheme, A.A. and M.U., 525.

Ignition: Faults, 652; Multipoint, 134, 249. Of Ford Car, 173; On 1910 Ford Car, 32. Improved Firing, 443. Improving New Zealand Roads, 567. Indian Motoring, 1019. Inlet Valves, Converting Automatic to Mechanical, 794. Insurance Companies and Accessories’ Thieving, 81. Insurance of Motorcars, 172. In Quest of Silence, 484, 566. Ireland, Touring in, 1152

John o’ Groats to Land's End Runs, Appeals Aeainst, 707

Knock, That Elusive, 1107; How a Case was Cured, 1108; Some Possible Solutions, 1107; Teo Weak Mixture Theory, 1107

Ladv on the Car, The, 1064. Lamp: Acetylene for Tail, 251; Blowing Out, 795; Lighting, Oil v. Electric, 424; Reflector Design, 747; Trouble, Soap Recipe,- 883. Leakage into Pit, 1064. Leather Clutch, Oil for the, 653. Leather v. Metal Clutch, 1153. Lighter Taxis, 791. Lighting: Electric or Oil? 444; Headlamps from Ford Magneto Dynamo, 311, 406; Number Plate, 483. Lime Deposit, Removal of, 609, 747, 794

Maps, Irish Road, 792. Magneto: Dynamo, Lighting from Ford, 406, 442, 443; Final? Is the, 134, 210 , 368; Fitting to Ford Cars, 369. Mechanical Experience, Is it Necessary? 405. Mechanic Drivers, 171; Qualifications of, 34. Metal-Clutch Difficulty, 879. Missing Terminal, The, 483. Motor-body Building, Delay in, 32. Motoring: Cost of, 79; In Cornwall, 836; In New Zealand, 406. Motorists and Dogs, A Bad Case, 977. Motor Spirit, Retailers and, 404. Motor Museum, Interesting Relics at the, 707. Multi-point System, 34 New Ideas, The Criticism of, 367. New Roads, The Road Board and, 210. New Zealand Roads, Improving, 567. Night Driving, 211; Past and Present, 173. “ No-Attention Car ” : That, 1153; Wants a. 1109. Noise, Cause of Intermittent, 250. Noises, Confusion with Mechanical, 370. Non-skid Bands: Are they a Success ? 1021; Detachable, 879; Self-Adjusting, 482. Non-skid Tyres, Best Arrangement of, 313. Number Plates—A Suggestion, 481, 611. Nuts, The Sticking of, 611

Off the Beaten Portsmouth Road, 703. Oil Lamp: Lighting v. Electric, 795; To Acetylene, Conversion of. 369. Oil Lighting v. Electric, 704. Old Type Cars, Taxation of, 1063. Only Car on Earth, The 525. Our Overseas Trade, 249. Our Trade with Canada, 249. Owner-Drivers v. Chauffeurs, 523, 608 Paraffin: And the Private Car, 522; As Fuel;

523. Pedestrian’s Suggestion, A, 250. “ Per-

Other People’s Views.—contd

feet Car,” Australian Reader’s Ideas of, 1151. Perfect and Imperfect Chauffeur, The, 77, 78. Perfect Chauffeur, 31. Petrol; and Patriotism, 79, 173; By Pipe Line, 1153; Consumption, 173; Consumption Puzzle, A, 703; Dangers, 747; Filter, A, 250; Gauge for Pressure Tank, 566; Increasing Price of, 173; Price of, 313, 404, 525, 703, 791, 839, 882 , 925, 978; Retailers’ Profits on, 445; Substitute from Peat, etc., 485; Tank, The Dash, 442; Tank, Dashboard Gauge for, 524; Trust, The, And an Owners’ Co-operative Supply Association, 403. Personal Views, Some, 523. Pfleu-matio Filling, 836. Piston: Clearance, 207. 208; Rings, Pinning, 524. Pit, Drainage into, 923, 977, 1021. Pressure and Gravity, Feed, 879. Primer, Use of a, 566

Rear Brakes, Improving the, 977. Rear Wheel, Blocking a, 567, 652. Reciprocating Parts, Weight of, 747. Reckless Driving: A Case of, 565; Near Southport, 1018. Repairs, Charges for, 81, 210. Re-registration, 881. Retreads, Worthless, 1063, 1109. Reversing, A Problem in, 976. Road: A. Dangerous, 1018, 1109; Board Improvements, 793; Board, New Roads and the, 210; Dangers Near Southport, 524; Guides, 369; Hogging, 608; Improvement, Just Claims of London for, 485; Repairing Methods, 367. Roads: In France, 481; Newly Tarred, 750; State of Near Southport, 441. “ Rock

Bottom ” Price, 566, 653, 793, 881. Runabout, Selling an American, 485, 705. Rusted Surfaces, Painting over, 371

“ Scarlet Runner,” That, 250. Scotch Route Query, 880, 976, 1017. Scouts, The A.A.—An Incident, 81. Screen-produced Draughts, 171. Second-hand Cam, Market Value of, 978. Security Bolts, Are they Necessary? 484, 565. Self-Starter: and Tyre In'flator, 135; Discs, 485. Self-Starters, 749, 835; And Tyre Inllators, 80; Explosion, 211; Self-starting Engines, 80. Shock Absorbers, 81; For Ford Oars, 1065; On Ford Cars, 1109. Springs and, 78. Shops Act and the Chauffeur, 1063. Signposts “ Phosphorescent,” 794. Silence, In Quest of, 484, 566, 703. Silencer, Experiment with a, 407. Solutions, Some Possible, 1107. Somerset, Police Activity in, 882. Spare Parts, Obtaining, 879, 924. Spares, Supplying of, 703. Spark Timing, Accuracy of Valve and, 705. Springing, The Moyer System of, 249. Starting: Difficulty, 610; Ford, Difficulty in, 704; Handle Accidents, 368, 441; Handle, The, 521; Improved, 443; Up in Cold Weather, 249. Start, Obtaining an Easy, 251. Steel and Wood Construction, 250, 371. Strange Nesting Place, 567.. Supplying Spare Parts, 792

Tail Lamps, Acetylene for, 132, 211. Tail Light Law, 791, 883. Taxation: of Old Type Cars, 1063; Revision of, 81, 249. Taxes in Ireland, Payment of, 704. Terminal, The Missing, 1064. Tight Place, A, 705. Too Weak Mixture Theory, The, 1107. Touring in Ireland, 1152. Traffic, Signalling to Overtaking, 443. Traveller, Best Type of Car for, 483, 524, 564. Tremblers, Incorrect Setting of, 443. Turning Sharp Corners, 836. Turntable, A Ferro Concrete, 978. Tyre: Filling, Rheumatic for, 976; Inflator, Self-Starter and, 33: Liners, Are they a Success? 608, 654, 706, 751, 795, 838, 881, 882, 922, 1020, 1065, 1152; Repairing, Qualifications for, 311; Valve, Leakage in, 209

Uxbridge Road, Dangerous, 1109

Valve Gear, Rotary, 879. Valves, Sticking, What was the Cause? 313

Warning, The Vox, 565. “ Wake Up England,” 33. Water Drainage into Pit, 923, 977, 1021. Wheel: Blocking, A Rear, 567, 652; Lateral Strength in a, 81; versus Starting Handle, 444. Wheels: And Tyres, Advantages of Using Large, 565; Are they Too Small, 309, 405, 481; Goodyear, In the Grand Prix, 1063; Odd-sized Steering, 310; Tabulated Results of Impact Tests on, 923; Test of, 836, 923, 1020, 1065. Wood v. Wire? 1065. White City for a Motor Show, The Claims of the, 975. Windscreens, Curved, 248, 371.

P. Pace of the Motorcar, How Police Ascertain, 278 Paraffin: as a Fuel, Paper Read before the Inst.

Auto. Engineers, 474, 475. Car, Some Comments on the, 1142. Carburetters, 305. Neglected, 1069-1071. Parallel Seat, A Portable, 323. Paintwork, Method of Restoring, 401 Paris, From Our Own Correspondent—At

Monte Carlo, 458.

Brigandage, Motor, 385. Bayard-Clement Adopts Knight Engine, 268.

Car, Naming a. Prize for, 28. Cars, Features of Competing, 226. Competing Cars, Interesting Facts Concerning, 336. Competition at Nice, 386

Harman Brothers, Naturalization of, 386. France. Rubber Tax in, 53. French Road System, Weak Points in, 387

Grand Prix: 184-186. Cars on the Road, 184. Course Selected for, 53; Entries for, 185; Order of Starting, 225; Some Previous Speeds in, 184

Hand Brake, Use of, 62 .

Monaco Rally, 27. Motorcab Strike, 187. Official Result of, 28. Money, The Need for, 387

Naming a Car, Prize for, 28 Parcel Carrier, Fitting a, 62 Riviera Meetings, 385. Roads, English Better than French, 386

Show Economy, 28. Some Useful Hints, 62. Strike, Motorcab, 187

Tour de France: .Cars, How Equipped, 186; Cars on the Road, 268; Entries for the, 55;


Finish of the, 336; “Huge Joy Ride,” 268, 269; Nearly a Fiasco, 268; Oil Dropping an Offence, 268; Representative Entry, 185; Voi-turettes: in the, 337, Successful, 336

Waste Space, Making Use of, 62. Worm Drive, Expert’s Opinion on, 54

Paris: Salon, The, 637. Street Signals and Signal Boxes at, 535

Patches, Stiffback, 614

Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Booklet on, 603 Patrols and First Aid, 535. Patrols and Guides, 116, 158, 159, 242a

Penalizing of Counties, 238

Petrol : And its Uncertain Supplyt 779. By Pipe Line, 983-985. Can, Double-purpose, 44. Can Holder, 1124. Can it be Cheapened, 726. Cheap, 953. Consumption Indicator, 513. Cooperative, 952. Discussion on the Price of, 819. Does it Attack Metals, 190. Doom of, 625. Economizer, Mills, 326. Electric System, A New, 160. Facts and Sidelights on Supplies of, 814. Famine, Is it Inevitable? 919. Filler, Kerb Post, The, 1085. Filter, Selfridge, 914. Opinions and Experiences of Readers Concerning, 779. Price in America, 256. Price of, 289, 340, 395, 424, 634, 727, 779, 814; Some Readers’ Opinions of, 814. Proposals, 1098, 1099. Shut-off Device, 299. Storage of, 488 S4. Suggested Supply of, to Members from R.A.C., 1098. Tank, Position of, 746. Tank, The, 410 S3. Water Instead of, 1075. Why is it so Dear? 779

Petroleum, Coming of, 237

Photographic Motorist, Practical Thoughts for the, 271

Piston Rings: Making and Fitting, 787. New Duplex. 448

Piston, Steel, New Method of Making, 201 Plating, Brass or Nickel? 318 Pleasure Runs in Winter, 38 SI Plugs—(See “ Sparking-plugs ”)

Points: For Beginners, 129, 130. For Buyers, 139-141. Of Inquiry, Some, 383, 384

Polar Exploration. The Motor in, 202 Polish, A New Metal, 1073

Portable Seat, A, Austers, Ltd., 322 Porthcawl Sands, Racing on, 1087 Portsmouth Road, Off the Beaten, 538 Pressure Feed, 692, 693

Prohibition: Cancelled, A, 448. Of Cut-outs, The, 182 Propeller-driven Car, 1043

Provincial Club Members, Free Garage for, 551 Pumps: Atlas, 358, 586. Pressure, Single-cylinder, 47. Spark-plug, Bramco, Ltd., 323

Puncture, The Tale of a, 635 Purchasers, Pitfalls for, 166 Purchase Scheme, A New, 710

Q- Quest of Silence, In, 411-414

Dewar Trophy of the, 43. Garage, ‘ Hill-

R. R.A.C.: And A.A. and M.U., Interesting Correspondence Between the, 116. Associates’ Dinner, 398. And Associated Clubs: at Brooklands, 679; At Saltburn, 679. And the Grand Prix, 634. Anniversary Entertainment at the, 283. Annual General Meeting of the, 283. Annual Meeting, 398. Associates, 470. Badge and Disc, A “Get You Home,” 995. Banquet to Mr. Coatalen by the, 1048. Chairman at Motor Museum, 774. Conference held at the, 906a. Demonstration at the, 283. under the Observation 395. Grand Prix Race Banquet, 1001. climbing Test of Napier Car on South Downs, 1030, 1092b. Lessons in Languages, 200, 283. Membership Figures of the, 283. Monthly Trials, 15. Motor Enclosures at Ascot Leased to the, 680. Patrols and Guides: 197; Opinions of Readers on Proposed Institution of, by, 158, 159. Petrol Prices, Statements by Sir Marcus Samuel at the, 814. Presentation of Gold Medal to Sunbeam Car by, 21. Presents Medals to British Drivers and Mechanics, 1048. Price of Petrol, Action Taken by the, 770. Provincial Meeting of Associated Clubs, 1001. Rating on Top Speed, 953. Road Guides, Further Equipment of, 469. Road Scheme, 995. Roads Department, 590. Speed Limit Application Refused, 681. Standard Car Race, 952. Suggested Supply of Petrol to Members from, 1098. System of Road Guides by the, 242a. Tests: of Cadillac Chassis by the, 1090; of Napier Car on South Downs, 1030, 1092-b. .Touring: Department, 471; Guides, 952, 955; Guides at Easter, 234; Guides’ Scheme, 510; Guides, the Coming of the, 230. Various Articles Left on the Premises of the, 59

Races of the Past, Big, 888-890

Racing: At Indianapolis, 862. At Weymouth, 770. “ Pits,” Lessons in Labour-saving from the, 1005

Radiators, Coventry Motor Fittings Co., 1047

Rally from All Parts of Europe to Visit King of Spain, Proposed, 900a

Rantanza Motor Sleigh, 305

Raybestos for Brakes, Brown Bros., 331

Reamer, New Adjustable, 394

Rear Lights: Demonstrating Value of, 281. Universal, 118 . , „nc

Reciprocating Parts, The Weight of, 624, 62a Reckless Drivers, A Moral to, 470 Recorder, The Jurus Speed, 221, 222 Records by Bedford Car, 771

Rectifier, Adnil, 340 . r-on

Reliability: Tour, An Algerian o43 Trial a Canterbury (New Zealand), A. A., Knignt-Minerva Performance at, 680. Trial, Czar s Cup The, 1043. Trials, Manchester Motor Club, 815’

Repairing Methods, Some Simple, 382, 417, 418

Repairs by Welding, 658

Repair Work, Garner, Ltd., 84 Replies and Comments, 223, 224 Reticule, The J. B. Brooks and Co., 402c Retread Experiments, 951

Retreading Methods, Pneumatic Tyre Co., 1024 Richardiere, M., Death of, 470

Richmond, Historic Gates at, 176 S4

Rigid Motor Flap, 321

Rims: Captain, 322c, 596-598. Clincher, 332d. Continental, 332c. Facility, 332c. Goodyear, 332b. Michelin, 332d. Seabrook, 332. Segment, 333. Shrewsbury and Chailiner, 332. Spencer-Moulton, 332b. Vinot, 928. Warland, 236, 332d, 603, 1105

Rim, with Removable Flange, Spencer-Moulton, 419 Riviera: Motoring, Charms and Dangers of, 490.

Motoring on the, 489-493. Notes, 374. Relics and the, 84 S1-S4. Tour, Cost of a, 490 Road: A Dangerous, 1109. At Fishguard, New, 397.

At Night, Troops on the, 640. Board: Grants, 416, 1047; Is it Out of Touch? 425. Comfort on the, Hints and Tips for, 44. Conditions in New Countries, 541, 542. Congress, International, The, 397. Damage by Traction Engines on, 1083. Dangerous Uxbridge, A, 1109. Facilities Increased, 544. Gossip, 502, 592, 593. Guides v. Patrols: A.A. Patrols and Non-Members, 197; Replies from the A.A. Secretary, 197; Reply to R.A.C., 186. Help on the, 995. Improvement Association and the Lords, 1133. Off the Main in Salop, 437, 438. Proposed New Western, 425. Racing in the Pyrenees, 510. Reports, 470. Revival of Trials on, 1112. Road Board Activities, 878. The, Past, Present and Future, 118. Trials, Revival of, 1112. Users, An Appeal to, 543. Warning, A, 236

Roads: And their Condition, 449. Congress, Growing Importance of, 678. Dodging Main, 646-648. Improving French, 543. Improving New Zealand, 567. Tarred, Chance for Club Action, 620. Warwickshire, 602

Roller Bearings, Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., 331

Rolls, Charles Stewart, The Late, Memorial Unveiled, 551

Route: Des Pyrenees, Proposed, 410 SI, 82, 448 SI, S2. Maps, 399. New Forest, 450. North, Alternative, 1100-1102. West, To the, Proposed New, 262, 263

Routes to Bayreuth, Some, 1056-1059

Rover Re-arrangement, 727

Royal Auto-Club of Belgium, Cup of the, 410

Royal Motorists in India, 473

Royal Procession, The, 24

Royal Swedish Automobile Club Winter Trials, 63, 64

Rubber: Artificial, British-made, 914. Supplies, Report on, 1048. Synthetic, 961. Tyres, High-pressure Cellular, 1092

Rudyard Lake, Staffordshire, House Built for Spite near, 1027

Runabout: American, Selling an, 567, 609. Everyman’s, 668, 670

Running: Costs, 701, 702; Table of, 702. Economv in, 341

Russia: Bedford in Race in, 1156. British Cars for, 240

Rusted Surfaces, Painting over, 90

s. Salop, Historical Points of Interest in, 437

Saltburn Sands, Speed on the, 1002, 1003

Schools of Motoring, 297

Scottish Automobile Club: Highland Ferry, Facilities, 410. Year Book, 603

Scuttle Dash, Treatment of the, 260, 261

Seat: E.C. Folding. G. Johnson and Co., 322. Parallel, Lowe Bevan, 323. Portable, Auster, 322

Second-hand Cars: Examination and Reports on, 399. Prices of, 601

Self-starters: Discussion on, 25. Examples of, 539. Explosion, 172. In the Air, 1051. New Compressed Air, 496. (See also “ Starting Devices ”)

Shackle, New Elastic, 605

Sharp Curves, Tram Traps on, 45

Shock Absorbers: Gabriel Snubber, 165. Glissade, 348a. H. and S., 348c. Hermes, 348b. Hobson, 348b. J.M., 348a. Junior, 348b. Kap, 348a. King, 348b. Premier, 348a. Snubber, 348c. Telesco, 348c. Trion, 348b. U.M.I.,

Perfect, 348c. Westinghouse, 452

Shock Absorbers: Letter from Brown Bros, on, 178. Trial of the Telesco, 348c

Shock Damping Device, A New, 201

Showrooms: B.S.A., 67. New .Benz, 969

Shows : Berlin Aeroplane, 434. Manchester: Accessories and Fitments at, 164; Accessory Exhibits at, 110, 110a, 110b, 111; Carriage Exhibits at, 95-111, 164, 168; Notes, 115; Record Gathering at, 68, 160. Montreal Motor, 153. Olympia: Overflow, 603; Priority at, 872; Stand Decoration at, 512. Paris, 637; Advance Information about the, 480; Hall for, 191; Probable Date of, 480; Traffic Signals for Streets in, at the. 480

Side-slips and Skids, How they Happen and How to Prevent, 529-532

Signs, Uniform Show, 603

Silence: In Quest of, 411-414. Comments on, 520 Silencer: An Ejector, 573. Clair, 254 Silent Cars, Public Demand for, 512 Skidding: 12. And Braking, 214 S5

Sleeve Valve Patents: Important Action in France, 198. Action Concerning (Knight Kilbourne v. Argyll Patents), 1006, 1007, 1137, 1138. Statement by Daimler Co. re, 240

Sleeve Valves: Argyll, 274a. De Dion, 331

Sleigh, Rantanza, 305

Snubber, The Gabriel Rebound, 165

Society of Automobile Mechanic Drivers, Insurance ' of Drivers in, 1105

Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Exhibition in Autumn (1913) by, 1090

Society of Motor Manufacturers, Visit to Alton Towers of the, 1134

Spanners: Fastnut, 328. For Awkward Nuts, 316 Sparking-plugs: Eyquem, 350. Hobson-Pognon, 1049. Lodge, 981. Oleo, 49, 330. Parsons, 359. Re V, 49, 325. Seabrook, 347. Insulation, Bougie Pognon, 658

Spark-plug: Pumps, Experiments with, 383. Tyre Pumps, 384, 586

Specialists who Advise, 319

Specialities. The Diversity of, 410 S3

Speed Indicator, The Watford, 694-696

Speed Limitation and Local Government Board, 1061 Speed Limit Inquiry: At Aberdeen, 353. At Hammersmith, 71, 222

Speed Limits: Plea for Abolition of the Reduced, 461, 462. New, 200

Speed-o-Drive. The, 472

Speedometers: Bowden, 348d. Cowey, 348d. De Dion, 350. Elliot, 349. Forse, 348d. Frod-sham, 348d. Jones, 348d, 1096. Jurus, 221, 222. Perfect, 716-718. Smith, 350, 1030. Star, 349. Stewart, 349. Troy Carriage Co. (America), 498

Speedometer Distances, 471

Spirit, Motor, Baseless Rumour about, 274a Splashing of Pedestrians, Preventing the, 51, 52 Springs: Care of, 72. Leaves of, How to Grease, 44.

Leaves of, Neglect of, 44

Springtime, Among the Lakes in, 415, 416

Standard and Racing Cars, 986-988

Standard Car Race, The, 1074-1076

Standardization: Benefits Reaped by American Manufacturers, 1014, 1015. Frame and Body, 1015. Of Minor Fittings, 1015. Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Meeting of, 823

Star Inn, Alfriston, 214 86

Starter, Compressed Air: How it Works, 269. Notes on, 216-218

Starter, New Device for Priming Engine, 871

Starting Devices: Adams, 25, 33, 80, 216, 577. Alldays, 496. Cadillac, 25, 965, 1090. Christensen, 25. Disco, 25, 178, 485, 1036. Enfield, 235. Eureka, 953. Goodhart, 25. Janney-Steinmetz, 540. Never Miss, 540. Panwood, 877, 878, 906c. Prather, 152. R. O. Harper, 328. S.C.A.T., 25, 33, 216, 1112. Star, 539. Universal, 217. Volkmar, 539

Starting Handle, Clean, 320

Steel: A. Special, Hickson and Co., 1093. Piston, New Method of Making, 201

Steering: Gear, Roller Bearings Applied to, 759. Wheel, Exonite, 356

Steplight: “ Mind-the-Step,” 65. S.A., 214

Stone Throwing Prosecution, A, 570 S3

Storing Cars in the City, 899

Street Signals and Signal Boxes In Paris, 535

Strike, Paris Motorcab, Humours of, 187

String Holder, A Glass, 148

Studs, Removable Steel, 151

Submarine Type of Car, 1054

Sunbeam Scores in South Africa, 913 Super-Aluminium, 1049

Surrey: Beauty Spots, Some, 1144. Hills, Over, on a Maxwell Car, 455. Road, Blasting Operations in, 435

Suspension, Perfect Compensator, 603

Swedish Reliability Trial, 199

Swollen Wood Paving, 45

Synchronizer, The Mira, Self-contained Ignition Apparatus, 682b

T. Tail Light, Test Case, 591

Tar Barrel, The Deadly, 634

Targa Florio, The: 513. Won by a S.C.A.T., 781

Taxation: Local, In Ireland, 201. Of Imported Motor Goods, Suggested, 1133

Taxes and Roads, 581

Taxicab, Influence of the, 661

Telephone Service on Main Roads, Institution of, 1008

Tell-tales, Two Valuable, 1096-1097

Testing Machine, New Oil, 1085

Test of a Napier, A Crucial, 815, 1092b

Test Track near London, 56

Tight Place, and the Way Out, 580

Time Recorder, 914

Timing Gears, without Chains, Silent, 862b

Toll-bridge: and Gold Mine, 503. Passing of the Ancient, 251

Toolbox on Crossley Cars, 294

Tool, Fitting a New Piston Ring, 38

Tools: Adams, 325. Brown Bros., 1047. Dew and Co., 528. Lyell and Co., 328. Leeman, 1124. Spencer-Moulton, 419

Touring: Car, Demonstration, Armstrong-Whitworth, 440. Easter, 395. Guide to Great Britain, 658. Guides, 234. In France. An Important Point, 448. In the District of Dieppe, 756-757. In the Reign of King Frost, 144, 146. Of “ Glad Eye ” Company by Motorcar, 438. The Lake District, 536

Tour in the Midlands on an Adams 16, 577

Tourists: Book for, 1059. Seasonable Hints for Motor, 894

Tour, Prince Henry, Dinner at the R.A.C., 812

Tours: Alpine, 528 SI, S2, S3, S4. Austrian Alpine, The, 902-906a; Final Result of, 955. Prinz Heinrich (1913), 955. Reliability, An Algerian, 543. Through the Chilterns, 570 SI, 82, S3

Towcester Races and the Traffic, 436

Traction, “ Railless/’ Future of, 254

Trade: Development, Motor Industry in Manchester, 138 SI, 82, S3, 84. Scottish Upheaval, 160

Traffic: Authority, London’s New, 829. Board, No London, 554. Danger in London, 1037. Indicator, 186. London and Paris Compared,


1130. Martinets, 274a. Paris, Use of Trailers in, 1131. Problem, The London, 510. Regulations, America Adopts London’s, 399. Regulations in New York, 399. Undue Encroachment of Highway, 1131

Tramcars, Undue Preference for, 1130

Tramlines, Faulty, Laying of, 46

Tramway Standards, Removal of Central, 279 Transmission: A British Hydraulic, 915-918. A New, 50

Transport of the Future, 602

Trials: Cadillac, 1090. Canterbury (New Zealand) Reliability, 680. Darracq Rotary Valve, 220. London-Edinburgh-London, 730. Manchester Automobile Club, Reliability, Result of, 587, 815. Napier, 815, 1092b. New Zealand, 798. Russian War Office, 1000. R.A.C. Monthly, 15. Severe Top-speed, 953. Swedish Reliability, 63, 1118; Vauxhalls, How the, Fared, 118, 316, 601. Yorkshire Speed, 952. Welbeck Speed, 1090

Trophy. O’Gorman, 862a

Trunks: Brooks’. 323. Dunhill’s. 1126

Turntable, A Ferro-Concrete, 899

Tyre: Carriers, Bailey, 333. Charging Devices, 332. Detachment Simplified, 331. Economy, Aids to, 614. Fibre Steel-Studded, A, 353. Giving the Purchaser his Choice of, 1043. Hints, Useful, 1073. How it is Made, 1102. Inflation, 697, 698. Liner, An Asbestos-treated, 798. Liners: Are they a Success 886; Endless, 341; Manipulation, Aids to, 421; Overhanging, The Danger of, 667. Protection Specialities, Branson Manufacturing Co., 326. Pump: Labour Saver, Atlas, 586. Monnot Industrial Co., 84; Societe d' Applications Mechaniques, 950. Repairs: Vulcanizer for, 448 S3; Winged Plaster for, 754. Stop, The Konkora, 710. Sustainer, A, Nokolapso, 849. Tread, Morris Russell, 327. Valve, Leaking of Water Past, 441. Works, Wood-Milne, A Visit to the, 562, 563

Tyres: And Vests, Victor, 341. Big Deal in, 909. Compulsory Dating of, 291

Tyres: Atlas, 358 . 386. Avon, 360. Beldam, 341. Clark, 1042. Clincher, 359. Continental, 361. Dunlop, 357. Gaulois, 570. Goodrich, 357. Hutchinson, 360. Kempshall, 361. Liversidge,

361. Lomax, 359, 475. Mackintosh, 614. Marshall, 358. Matador, 614. Michelin, 357, 815. Mogul, 128, 358. Moseley, 358, 1043. Palmer,

362, 893. Peter Union, 361. Spencer Moulton, 360. Stepney, 357. Wood-Milne, 94, 162, 359, 562

u. Unic Works, A Visit to the, 710

V. Valve: And Spark Timing, Accuracy of, 607. Breakages, The Cause of, 1146. Engine, Cochrane and Co., 65. Grinding Tool, 1047. Guides, Fitting, 786. Mechanism, Alcyon, 849. Rotary, Darracq, 220. Safety, Combined Inflating and, 681

Valves, Sleeve; Argyll, 274a. De Dion, 331

Vaughton’s Specialities, 328

Vauxhall Run to Edinburgh, The, 26

Voiturette Run, German, 473

Vulcanizers: Ara Heatless, 350. Harvey Frost, 149 Vulcanizing, Automatic, 1016b

w. Wanted—A Car, 488

Warning Devices, 320

Warnings: Of the Future, 572, 573. Useful Scout, 410

Warwick Wright, New Post for Mr., 680

Washer: A Quick, 329. Clean and Handy, Motor House, 330

Weight of Cars and American Invasion, The, Reply to Mr. Edge, 131, 132

Welding: New Method of, 982. Oxygen, At the Birmingham Trades Exhibition, 696. Process, H.D.R., 601. Repairs by, 658

Western Road: Proposed New,' 425. The New, 116

Wheels: and Rims, Detachable, 332, 10fi2. Are they Too Small, 214 SI. Blocking Rear, 567 , 652. Goodyear, Patent Locking Cap for, 606. Plea for Larger, 214 SI, S2. Relative Strength of, 732. Result of Tests of, 732. R.W. in America, 798. The Strength of, 606, 607. Wood and Wire, 306

Wheels: Captain, 332c. Dunlop, 24, 333. Goodyear, 332b, 1063. Humber, 414. Lynton, 332a. Riley, 91, 332a. Rudge-Whit worth, 332c, 758, 759, 886. Sankey, 332a. Stepney, 333

Whistles: Joey Mell, 532. Oleo, 254

White Cars in Russia, Success of, 954

White Cross Indemnity Association, 24

Wiltshire, Avon Rubber Co.’s Factory in, 789, 790

Window Silencer, A, 323

Window Strap, Doing Away with, 1149

Windscreens: And Cape Hoods, Latest Developments in, 378-381. Fastener for, Stock and Luff, 380. New Invention for, 1123

Windscreens: Auster, 378. Beaton and Son, 380. Beaufort, 379. County, 381. Fastlock, 381. Premier, 379. Rawlence, 379. Triplex, 1123. Venetian, 378

Winter Trial, Royal Swedish Automobile Club, 63, 118

Wireless Motocar Telephone, 1001

Wood-Milne Tyre Works, A Visit to the, 562 . 563 Workshop, Car Owner’s, 382, 417, 494, 533, 594, 786 Wrench, Plympton, 325

Wright, Wilbur, An Impression of, 808

Y. Yorkshire Dale’s Improvement, A, 1010

Yorkshire Fells, Over the, 1100, 1102


A. A.A. Scout Salutes R.A.C. Badge, 526

Abergladyn, Pass of, 827, 828

Aberystwyth Road Above Llangurig, 875

Abinger Hammer, 456

Accident Averted by Member of “ The Motor ” Staff, 303

Accumulators: Fuller’s, 344. Klaxon, 348. Leo Ripault, 49. Van Raden, 344

Acetylene Gas Generator, Howes and Burley, 11 Adams, Miss, 973

Africa, Mr. O. C. Morrison with R.C.H. Car in, 796 Aix-en Provence, 84 SI

Albert Square, Manchester, in 1906 and 1912, 138 S3 Alps: French, Touring in the, 215. High, Motoring in the, 479. In the, 227. To Mediterranean. A Trip through the, 410 SI, 2, 528 SI, 3, 4

Alton Towers, Northern Traders at, 1134 Ambresbury Banks, 8

Ambulances: De Dion, 971. Mann and Egerton’s, 391. Siddeley-Deasy, 413. White, 1000

America.—An Eight-wheeled Motorcar in, 1009. And France on the Great Orme’s Head, 687. Garage Crane in, 556. Three Hundred Miles an Hour on Electric Railways in, 556. Typical Main Roads in, 1125

Anti-Borean Coat, Nicoll and Co.’s, 328

Anti-splashing Devices: Gruyelle, 51. Menu, 52. Messenot, 52. Morand, 51. Neron Bristol, 51. Roque-Joffre, 51

Anti-splashing Devices, Trials of, 51

Arles, Roman Theatre and St. Trophime at, 84 S2 Armstrong-Whitworth’s, First Body built at, 206 Arrol-Johnston Factory at Dumfries, 771 Ascot, Preparations for, 860, 861 Atcham Bridge, 538

Austin Co.’s Reserve of Coal, 285

Australia, Motoring in, 294

Australian Bush Scene, 296

Austria, Grand Duke Frederick of, 752

Austrian Alpine: Tour, Two Views of the, 1008, 1020-22. Trials, Successful Minerva Car, 1097 Auto-cannon on De Dion Chassis for French Army, 469

Auto-pump, Dunhill’s, 324

Auto-trembler, G.T. Riches, 410 S5

Autovox. Harmen’s, Ltd., 321

Aviation.—Aeroplane Disasters, Use of Parachutes Suggested, 988. Aeroplane, Grindell Matthews, 1001

Berlin Aviation Exhibition: Visit of Prince Henry of Prussia to, 457. Bleriot being Towed through Weymouth, 634. Bombs Thrown from Aeroplane at Chalons, 552. Brighton, Waterplane at, 1136. Brooklands: Incident at, 1084b; Mr. E. V. B. Fisher Killed at, 664

Engine, A.B.C., Testing, 409

Farman: Biplane, Five Seated on a, 1155; M., on his Biplane, 460. Fisher, Mr. E. V. B., Killed at Brooklands, 664

Graham Gilmour, Last Flight of, 117, 176 S3. Grand Prix de Aviation, Artistic Poster announcing the, 674

Hamel, Mr., Vol-planing at Hendon, 436

Method of Testing at Brooklands, 409. Monoplane, Mr. Hamel’s, 424

Night Flight by Grahame White: Rushmore Searchlight Used at, 862a

Prier, M. Pierre, 176

Salmot. M. Henri: After Flying from Hendon, 232: Starting from Issy-les-Moulineaux, 242. Shoreham Aerodrome. Fire at, 253

Vedrines, M. Jules, 369, 372, 392

Waterplane Amongst the Bathers at Brighton, 1136

Avondale, Co. Wicklow, Residence of Parnell, 495 Avon R ubber Co.: Front of Offices of the, 789.

Workshop® of the, 789, 790

Aysgarth Fells, Yorkshire, 1101

B. Bala Pass, Overlooking Vyrnwy Valley, 827

Ballachulish, Ferry at, 615

Ball Bearings. R.W.F., 430

Balmaha, The Pass of, 503

Bassenthwaite, Near, 416

Battery, Siemens Bros.’, 347

Bavaria, Car being Rescued from Ditch in, 1057

Bayreuth. Route Map to and from, 1057

Beachy Head, 974

Bearings, Tunken, 331, 759

Beeleigh Abbey, Remains of, 8

Beeston Castle, 88

Bells of Ouseley, near Staines-Windsor Road, 1171

Belvoir Meet at Saxby, Care at, 420

Benjamin and Lawton, Cape Town, Premises of, 708

Bennell, Mr. S. F., 1090

Berks, and Bucks. Farmers’ Staghounds, 22, 23

Birdlip, A View of, 609

Biscay’s Bay to Mediterranean Main, 448 SI, 2

Blowlamp, The Imp, 710

Body Design: French, 242b. Hewitt, 264. Knight and Co., Poole, 1032. Mulliner, 745. Van den Plas, 374.

Body, Windcutting, Peter Pan, Crocodile and Pantomime Dragon, 254 S2

Boillot, Georges, 936, 944, 946

Bollins. Mr. E., 1090

Bolt, Hermetic, 360

Bonnet, Lock, Dunhill’s, 21

Boothby Pagnell, near Grantham, Norman House at, W27

Boulogne: and Calais, Route Map of, 763. Petrol Filling near, 1056

Bowland, The Trough of, 88 Box Hill, 455, 456

Bradford-on-Avon, Ancient Bridge at, 618 Brakes, Panhard Double, 162 Brewer, Mr. Griffith, 880

Bridgnorth: Market Place at, 437a. On a Road Near, 437.

Brigandage in Paris, 385, 386

Brighton: Alternative Routes to, 616. M.C.C. Members’ Run to, 340. Road, Accident by Colliding with Tar Barrel on the, 670. Run on Daimler Car to, 76

Bristol, Road Signal Box at, 535 Broadway, 497

Brooklands. Benz Car at, 432. Calthorpe Car at, 433. Cameron and S.C.A.R. Cars, Dead Heat between. 434. Cars’ Dangerous Rush on to Track, 448 84. Crossley Driven by Mr. Hubert Woods at, 818. Crowd Sheltering in the Paddock Sheds, 588, 589. Cup: Presented by Mr. Gordon Watney for Mercedes Car Race, 436a; (1912), 430. Easter Monday Meeting at, 431-434. Finest Finish Ever Seen at, 860, 861. First Meeting at, 397. “ Gala Day ” of R.A. and Associated Clubs at, 1132, 1133. Incidents at, 859. On and Off the Track at, 1080. Lee’s Metallurgique, An Impression of, 926. Mercedes Car at, 433, 434. Standard Car Race, 1074-76, 1081. Study at, 22. Testing A.B.C. Aviation Engine at, 409. Thrilling Struggle between Two Mercedes Cars at. 1044, 1045. Vauxhall Oar at, 434. War Office Tests at, 37, 38. Whitsun Meeting, 728, 729

Brooks, Mr E. W., 138

Brown, Mr. David Bruce, 799, 934

Bruges Gateway, 1057

Brush. Armstrong and Co.’s Water, 329 Bucharest, Palace at, 155

Buenos Ayres Exhibition, Drummond Bros.’ Silver-Medal for the Exhibit at, 356

Bulser Cutting, Approaching, 691 Burnham Beeches, Ancient Warrior at. 146

c. Caban Coch: Lake from Dolymynech Dam, 875. With Careg Ddu Viaduct, 875

Cable Connection, New, 316

Cairo, Lord Kitchefier Entering Car at. 1062

Calais and Boulogne, Route Map of, 763 Calculator, lonides’ Ingenious, 819

Canterbury, N.Z., Dangerous Corner in, 523 Car: An Interesting Old, 142. Comfort in the, 317. Designed by M. de Lesseps, Driven by Revolving Plane, 1043. For Detecting Crime in France, 314. New: Arrived at County House, 286; Double-purpose, 476. Out of the Danger Zone, 1025. Owner’s Workshop, Sectional Plans for, 533, 534. Punted Across a Japanese River, 553. Standard-geared, Tire, 160. Test under Water, 906b. The Lady on the, 295

Carburetter Control, Some Amateur Ideas of, 655 Carburetters: Claudel-Hobson, 351, 1119. Durr.

545. Facile, 220. Garner, 760, 1118. Mau-villier, 686a. Pilojet (Bailey’s), 324. Napier, 1118. Polyrhoe, 352. Scott-Robinson, 1119. Solex. 351, 1120. Stewart-Precision. 352. S.U.. 352, 1119. Trier and Martin, 353, 1117. White and Poppe, 353, 1120. Zenith, 351, 1117.

Car Construction.—Abbot Detroit Co., Front Driving Seat Position on, 463. Adams, Air Starter, Compressed, on, 216; Gearbox on, 578; Rotary Distributor, Disc Sleeve and Cap on, 216; Starting Device on, 578. Alcyon, Engine on, 803; Valve Mechanism on, 849. Alldays, Air Compressor on, 496; Starter and Air Compressor on, 496. Argyll, Control, Inside, on, 517; Engine on, 1033; Port of the Sleeve on, 1034; Scuttle Dash on, 260. Ariel, Scuttle Dash on, 260. Armstrong-Whitworth, Carburetter on, 48; Dashboard on, 206; Exhaust Manifolds, etc., on., 48; Extension Bracket on, 48; Gearbox on, 47; Magneto and Carburetter on, 48; Pressure Pump for Inflating Tyres, 47; Scuttle Dash on, 261. Arrol-Johnston, Scuttle Dash on, 260. Austin, Engine on, 1029

Bell. Auto-locking Device on, 98. Berliet, Water Pipes to Radiator on, 101. Brasier, Coupling Permitting Removal of Steering Pillar, 1050; Engine on, 1050; Gear Lever Locking Bolt on, 1050; Greaser for Lubricating Shackle Pins, etc., on. 1051: Rear View of. Showing Worm Drive, 1050; Support of the Pedal Shafts on, 101. Brenna, Engine on, 682a. Briton, Engine on, 892: Gearbox on. 892, 893. Bucket, Gas Inlet, Heating, on, 741; Gearbox on, 741 ; Oil Indicator and Mercury Switch on. 742. B.S.A., Gear-changing Rods on, 101; Scuttle Dash on, 261

Cadillac, Carburetter, Cylinder and Gearbox on, 965; Crankshaft and Big-end Bearings, etc., 966; Sectional View of, 965. Charron, Casing over Magneto on. 639: Sight Oil Feed and Its Adjustment, 639. C.L.C.. Engine on, 891. Crossley, Scuttle Dash on, 261

Darracq. Rear Spring Pin Bracket and Support for Brake-operating Gear on, 101; Scuttle Dash on, 260. De Dion, Component Parts of the Clutch on. 8; Drain Cock to Sump on, 9; Engine of. 7; Gearbox on, 7, 8; Inter-connecting Throttle and Footbrake on, 7; Sleeve for

Car Construction.—contd.

Cardan Axles on, 331. Delage, Scuttle Dash on, 260. Delahaye, Fibre Pad on Brake Rod on, 98. Dumond, Bevel Drive on, 219; Engine on, 219; Sectional View of, 219

Enfield, Self-starter on, 235, 540

Fafnir, Clutch and Flexible Joint Conveying Power to Gearbox, 1146; Engine on, 1144; Scuttle Dash on, 260; Tie Rods and Torque Tube on, 1144. F.I.A.T., Front Scat on, 122; Motors of, 800, 801. Ford, Two-seated Altered to Three, 402b

Gobron, Engine on, 1035. Gregoire, Engine on, 848

Herreshoff, Front Driving Seat Position on, 463. Ilispano-Suiza, Back Axle and Universal Joint Casing of, 600; Clutch on, 600; Dashboard on, 599; Engine on, 599; Pinion, New Type of, on, 862b; Oil Tank and Float Feed on, 599. Hotchkiss, Carburetter Side of, 14; Crankshaft of, 13; Gearbox, Four-speed, on, 14; Oil Pump Driven Off the Shaft on, 13; Valve Side, etc., of, 13, 14. Humber, Fan Support and Water Intake on, 101; Scuttle Dash on, 260; Swing Bar Clutch Withdrawal Mechanism, 98. Hupmobile, Scuttle Dash on, 261

Knox, Front-driving Seat Position on, 463. Koecklin, Engine on, 777, 778. Krit, Waterfilling Orifice on, 98

La Buire, Toolbox Cast beside the Crank Chamber on, 101; Torque Stay, Forward End, on, 101. La Licorne, Forward Portion of, 14a; Gearbox on, 14a; Torque Tube on, 14b. Lanchester, Brake-operating Gear on, 912; Frame, New Suspension of Forward End, on, 910; Scuttle Dash on, 260; Steering Wheel on, 912; Water-cooled Indicator, Starting Handle and Saucer-shaped Float on, 913. Luxior, Carburetter on, 189; Two-stroke Motor on, 189; Gate, Gearbox, etc., Mounting of the, on, 189

Maxwell, Power Unit on, 455. Mercedes, Engine on, 218; Scuttle Dash on, 261. Metz-Lion, Combustion Head on, 287; Engine on, 287. Motobloc, Driver’s Seat, Arrangement of, on, 1150. Mors, Exhaust Pipe to Cylinder Casing, Attaching, on, 774b; Two-part Band Clutch on, 774b

Napier, Carburetter on, 1118; Scuttle Dash on,

260. National Motor Vehicle Co.’s Frontdriving Seat Position, 463. Nazzaro, Brake Mechanism on, 108

Oldsmobile, Front-driving Seat Position on, 463 Paige-Detroit Engine on, 194. Palmer-Moore, Engine on, 516. Panhard (1891), Abbe Gavois’, Gear Set and Engine of, 622; Mechanism on, 761; Starter on, 877. Panhard, Double Brakes on Driving Wheels on, 162; Engine on, 119. Parker, Rotary Valve Motor on, 854. Pathfinder, Engine on, 290. Peugeot, Engine on, 962. Pilain, Engine on, 204. Pilot, Engine on, 994. Prather, Clutch on, 152; Engine-starting Device on, 152

Rolland-Pilain, Engine, Sleeve-valve, on, 198. Roper-Corbet, Doorway, Off-side, on, 168; Gate, Method of Carrying, on, 120; Wing-lock Nut and Pedal Brake on, 120; Worm Drive and Rear Axle on, 121. Rothwell, Engine, Magneto, and Oil Pump of, 103. Rover, Engine on, 402; Gearbox on, 402a; Spring-adjusted Fan Belt on, 105

Sava, Air Pump on Gearbox on, 102; Torque Tube, Housing of the, on, 102. S.C.A.T.,

Compressed Air Starter on, 216; Oil-filling Orifice on, 98; Rotary Distributor, Disc Valve and Cap, on, 216. Siddeley-Deasy, Engine on, 619. Silent-Knight, Engine on, 514a, 515. Singer, Support of the Forward End of Torque Tube on. 101. Sizaire-

Naudin, Connecting Reds on, 987; Cylinders on, 986; Engine on, 845; Inlet Valve on, 987. S.P.A., Engine on, 830. Spyker, Engine, Carburetter Side, on, 74; Clutch Case on, 75; Dashboard on, 75; Differential Casing on, 74; Main Frame Extended to Carry Petrol Tank, 76; Steering Column on, 75; Torque Tube on, 75. Star, Axle, Rear, showing Bearings, etc., 650; Clutch Withdrawal Mechanism on, 103; Engine and Gearbox Unit on, 649; Petrol Tank, etc., on, 9; Starter on, 539; Throttle Control on, 650. Stoewer, Silencer on, 56. Straker-Squire, Brake Drum on, 144; Carburetter on, 146; Universal Joint and Clutch on, 144. Sunbeam, Engine on, 956; Scuttle Dash on,

261. Stoddart-Daytona, Front-driving Seat on, 463. Swift, Back Axle on, 990; Cylinders on, 990; Engine on, 989; Steering Gear, Back Axle and Cylinder Casting on, 990; Steeringlock Stop on, 101

Talbot, Engine on, 972; Scuttle Dash on, 260; Stub Axle on, 101. Turcat-Mery, Clutch on, 868; Engine on, 868; Gate on, 868; Mea Magneto on, 868

Unic, Scuttle Dash on, 261

Vauxhall. Forward and Rear End of Torque Stay, 98; Scuttle Dash on. 261. Vinot, Engine on. 845. Vulcan, Radiator Support on, 103; Scuttle Dash on, 261 .

White Lever of Half-compression Device on, Scuttle Dash on, 261. Wizard. Engine on, 775 776. Wolseley, Control Levers on, 267, Front Seat Enclosure on, 267; Rubber-flap

Car m 533. 594, 786, 787

Carrick-on-Shannon, 1016

Cars.—Aberdonia, N.C. 4. Adams, 886, N.C. 2. Adler, N.C. 2. A.G.R., N.C. 2. Albion,

N.C. 3. Albruna, N.C. 4. Alcyon, 200, 227. 236, 243, N.C. 4. Alldays, 1015, N.C. 2. Aquila, N.C. 4. Argyll, 170, 661, 1013, 1033, 1097, N.C. 4. Ariel, 95, 689, N.C. 2. Armstrong-Whitworth, 440, N.C. 3. Arrol-John-ston, 645, 871, 873, 887, 1018, N.C. 4. Austin, 285, 710, 729, 733, N.C. 3. Austro-Daimler, 559, 657, 829, 1003, N.C. 3

Baguley, 264. Barre, 336. B.S.A., 67. Bedford, 159, 513, 672, N.C. 5. Bell, N.C. 5. Belsize, N.C. 5. Ben tall, N.C. 6. Benz, 225, 227, 588, 677, 728, 785, 969, 1002, 1003, N.C. 6. Benz-Sohne, N.C. 5. Berliet, 27, N.C. 6. Brasier, 635,, N.C. 7. Brenna, N.O. 7. Briton, 893, N.C. 7. B.S.A., N.C. 6. Buchet. 543, 854, N.C. 7. Bugatti, 243. Buick, N.C. 5

Cadillac, N.C. 8. Calthorpe, 368, 587, 588, 697, 846, 903, 1045, 1092a. N.C. 8. Cameron. 431, N.C. 7. Case, 701. Chalmers, N.C. 10. Chambers, N.C. 8. Charron, N.C. 8. Chenard-Walcker, N.C. 9. Cid, 242b, N.C. 10. C.L.C., 891. Clement, 29, 448, N.C. 9. Clement-Bayard, N.C. 9. Clyde, N.C. 10. Cottin-Des-gouttes, N.C. 10. Crespelle, 193. Crossley, 245, 293, 294, 522. 678, 698, 816, 818, 904, 979, 1002, 1004, 1086, N.C. 9, N.C. 10

Daimler, 30, 7'6. 95, 215, 252, 272, 1057, N.C. 10. Darracq, 653, N.C. 11. De Dion-Bouton, 246, 302, 382, 461, 510, 971, 1052, N.C. 11. De Dion. 7-9, 214 S3, 246, 385, 651, 688, 1002. Delage, 185, 200 , 243 , 471, 1044, N.C. 11. Delahaye, 370 S3, N.C 11. Delaunay-Belleville, 28, 90, 259, N.C. 12. Demeester, 977. Dennie, 834, N.C. 12. D.F.P., 227. 242a, N.C. 12. Dietrich, 934. Dodson, N.C. 12. Durkopp, 27

E.M.F., N.C. 13. Empress, 797. Enfield, N.C.

13. Everitt, N.C. 13. Excelsior, 918

Fafnir, 167, N.C. 13. F.I.A.T., 770, 801, 814, 870, 890, 896, 933. 939, N.C. 13. F.L.. 243, N.C. 14. Flanders, N.C. 14. F.N., N.C. 14. Ford,

205. 366, 552, 728, 834, 1003, N.C. 14. Forest, N.C. 14

Germain, 15. Gladiator, N.C. 15. Gobron, N.C.

14. Gregoire. 262. 477, 846, 1044, N.C. 15. G.W.K., 816, N.C. 15

Hansa, 961, N.C. 16. Henderson Motor Co. (America), 477. Hillman, N.C. 15. Hispano-Suiza. 816, 1044, N.C. 17. Hotchkiss, 13. 14, 785, 834, N.C. 16. Hudson. N.C. 16. Humber, 84. 282. 310, 519, 645, 678, 744. 785, 817, 833, 975, 1048. 1088, N.C. 16. Hupmobole, N.C. 16. Hurtu, 410 S4, N.C. 17. Hutton, 678

Iris. N.C. 17. Itala, 738, 970, N.C. 17

Jackson. N.C. 17

Knieht-Panhard, 559. Koecklin, 793. Krit, N.C. 17

La Buire, 905, N.C. 18. Lacre. N.C. 18. La Licorne, 14a, 14b, 242b, N.C. 19. Lanchester, 95, 644, 910. 1095, N.C. 18. Lancia, 245, N.C.

18. L. and P., N.C. 19. Leon Bollee, N.C.

19. Lion-Peugeot, 895. Lloyd. 339. 681, N.C. 18. Lorraine-Dietrich. 851, N.C. 19

M.A.F., 548. Marlborough, N.C. 21. Mass. N.C. 20. Mathis. 962a. Maudslay, 366, N.C. 22. Maxwell, 610, N.C. 20. Mercedes, 473, 589, 644, 728, 1044, 1045, N.C. 20. Metallurgique, 374, 518, 569. 836. 971. 1053. N.C. 20. Metz-Lion, 288, 553, N.C. 21. Millard-Le Gui, 553, N.C. 21. Minerva, 71. 294. 296. 1047, 1141.

N.C. 20. Mitchell, N.C. 21. Mors.774h.

N.C. 22. Motobloc, N.C. 21. M.S.L.. N.C. 21 Napier. 155, 208. 395. 466a, 689, 749, 809,1019,

N.C. 22. National. 906c. Nazzaro, 141,N.C.

23. N.E C.. N.C. 22. New Briton, 893. New Hansa, 961. New Orleans (Plan of Old), 1060. New Pick. 528. N.C. 23. Noiseless Napier. 1019. N.S.U., N.C. 23

Oakland, N.C. 23. Onel. N.C. 24. Oryx, 412, N.C. 21. Overland, N.C. 23

Paiee-Detroit. 184, 637, 1036. N.C. 26. Palladium, 974, N.C. 25. Panhard, 119. 226. 621. Pan-hard-Levassor. N.C. 24. Pathfinder, N.C. 24.

Pearson-Cox, N C. 24. Peugeot. 570. 748. 765, 846, N.C. 25. Phanomobile, N.C. 26. Phoenix. 692, 730. 900, N.C. 26. Piccard-Pictet, N.C. 25. Pick. 528. N.C. 23. Pilain. 249b. N.C. 25. Pilgrim, N.C. 24. Pilot, 994, N.C.

26. Ponette, 243

Rational, N.C. 28. R.C.H., 796. Renault, 559, 962b, 971. N.C. 27. Reutter and Co.. 412. Riley. 46. 178. N.C. 28. R.M.C., 15. 214. N.C.

27. Rochet-Schneider. N.C. 28. Rolls-Royce, 609, 730. 1059, N.C. 26. Roner-Corbet, 120, 121. 168. Rothwell, N.C. 27. Rover, 402, N.C. 27

Sabella. N.C. 32. Sava. 164, N.C. 29. S.C.A.R., 95. 202. 366, 728, N.C. 33. S.C.A.T., 704. 780, 1054, N.C. 29. Schneider. 242b, N.C. 28. Scout, N.C. 29. Sheffield-Simplex, N.C. 30. Shepnee. 1078. Siddeley-Deasy, 38,. 413, 619, 658, N.C. 30. Simulia, 527. Simnlicia. 404. Singer. 589, 734, 755, 1002, N.C. 30. Sirron, N.C. 28. Sizaire, 176, 572, 937. N.C. 32.

Sizaire-Naudin. 167, 383. 897. S.P.A.. 376, 401, N.C. 31. Sphinx, 243. Spyker. N.C. 30.

Standard. 237. N.C. 32. Stanley, 488, N.C. 31. Star, 9, 650. 1099, N.C. 31. Stoddard, N.C. 32. Stoewer. 43, 736, N.C. 28. Stolz, 1013. Stoneleigh. 906. 1110. Straker-Souire. 81«. 1087 N.C. 31. Sunbeam. 137, 679. 887. 913, 932, 935, 1002. 1044, 1045, 1088, 1105, N.C. 32. Swift. 398. N.C. 29

Talbot, 833. 904 . 905, N.C. 33. Thomson-Bennett. 123. Thorn and Welsh, 552. Thornvcroft, N.C. 33. Turcat-Merv. 867, 868. 1076. N.C. 33. Turicum, 241. 406. Turner, N.C. 33

Unic. 364, N.C. 34

Valveless N C. 34. Vauxhall. 206. 278. 468, 519. 523 551 598. 815. 817, 846, 847. 1044. 1051. N.C. 34. Vermorel, N.C. 34. Vinot. 138, 817, 814. 845. N.C. 34. Vivinus, 729. Vulcan, 447, 1110,

Warren’, N.C. 35. Waverley, 1063, N.C. 35. White.

N.C. 36. Withers, N.C. 35. Wolseley, 72, 156, 190, 337 , 365, 448 SI, 652, 927, N.C. 35

Zebra, N.C. 36. Zedel, N.C. 36

Cars at Disposal of Police During Strike in Queensland, 753

Cars, Transformation of, Mumford’s, 130

Castellano and Digne, Between, 227

Ceylon: Humber Car in, 310. Motoring in, 450

Champs Ely sees, Tour de France Cars in, 333

Charnwood Forest, Route Map of, 806

Chassis.—Armstrong-Whit worth, 47-49. Austin, 525

Cadillac, 25. Clement Motor Co., 29

Daimler, 284

Gobron, 1035

La Licorne, 14a, 14b. Lanchester, 911. Luxior, 189

Mercedes, 218, 300

Panhard, 166. Pilot, 994

Rolls-Royce, 30

Siddeley-Deasy, 619, 830 , 831. Spyker, 74-73. Stanley Steam Car, 488. Straker-Squire, 144. Swift, 989

Turicum, 241

Chassis showing Hele Shaw Transmission connected. 915-917

Chateau Douvrend, 54

Chauffeurs, Their Characteristics and Their Humours, 907, 908

Ohilterns, Tour Through the, Map of, 570 82

Chiltern Village Church—Rodnage, 570 SI

Ghorley Old Hall, 86

Claerwen Valley, Up the, 875

Clay Hill, near Bilsdale, 574

Clement, Albert, Memorial Erected to, 756

Clothes Brush, Brown Bros.’ Collapsible, 454

Clubs; Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 282; M.C., 340 341

Clutches: Ferodo, 328. Prather, 152

Coachwork.—Alford and Alder, 443, 1971. Austin Motor Co., 733, 881.

Barker and Co., 245, 402c. Blake and Co., 30. Brainsby and Co., 122. Brown, Hughes and Strachan, 870

Car Mart and Park Co., 971. Cockshoot, 122. Connaught Motor Co., 30, 605. Cunard Motor Carriage Co., 604

Dennis Bros., 834

Hooper and Co., 570 S3. Humber, 519

Jarrott and Letts, 478

Kelsh and Co., 83. Kelvin, Ltd., 785

Lookers, Ltd., 559

Mann, Egerton and Co., 833. Maythorn, 29, 604. Metallurgique, 1053. Morgan and Co., 645. Mulliner, 748

Reutter and Co., 412. Ripon Bros., 962b. Rover Co., 1012. Roper-Corbet, 168

Salmon and Sons, 29, 440. Stoneleigh, 906 Thomson-Bennett, 123

Van den Plas, 374, 518, 1053, 1106

Win do ver, 122

Cobham: Old Oak Tree at, 742. Village: Direction Post in, 200; Oil Lamp in, 200

Cockermouth, Main Street in., 415

Cockington Village, near Torquay, 272

Coggeshall, Essex, 501

Cole’s Hill, Amersham, 174

Communicator, Stewart, 563

Compressed Air Starter, How it Works, 216, 217

Congleton, Lion and Swan at, 87

Conover Safeguard, Klaxon Co., 330

Contact Breaker. U.H. (Wolf and Co.), 346a

Contour Road Map of R.A.C. Napier Test, 1030

Control Hersmark, Section of, 183

Controller Switch, Trier and Martin, 342

Control Lever, Bowden, 324

Cornering. Concerning, 421

Corners. Signal Deviations for, 248

Cornwall, Route Map of, 720

Cosway, Mr. B., 1090

Course de Cola, Accident to Peugeot Car at. 748

Coventry: And Warwickshire M.C.’s Opening Run, 282. Road, Delay on the, 579

Cover Savers: Kuvershield, 360. Searle, 360

Cracoe, A Bit of the Road at, 1101

Crankshaft Repairer, Weldings, Ltd., 710

Crawley, Week-end Scene at, 470

Dressage, Doomed Trestle Bridge at, 451

Cromer, Alternative Route to, 720

Crummook Water, By the Shore of, 415

Cup: Awarded to Owner No. 793 by Rolls-Royce, 289. Brooklands (1912), 430. Presented by Mr. Gordon Watney for Mercedes Car Race at Brooklands’, 436a

.Cushion, Brooks’, 322

Cut-outs: Duco, 1124. Gamage, 542

Cycle-cars: Baby, 668. Gordon, 668

Cylinders, Sectional View of, Showing Cleaningout Port, 163

Cymbeline’s Mount, 570 SI

D. Danbury Hill, 8

D’Ancourt: Bridge at, 54 “ S” Bend at, 940

Dartmoor, Route Map of, 850

Dashboard Clock, Selfridge, 327

Dashboard Switchbox, Lucas, 560

De Marne, M., 882

Derby Day at Epsom, 823

Devil’s Bridge, Aberglaslyn Pass, 827

Devil’s Elbow, Newland’s Valley, 416

Dieppe: Harbour, Entrance of, 756. Map of the

District Round, 757

Diesel, Dr., 279

Digne and Castellane, Between, 227

Din ant, River Meuse and Church at, 1058

Distance Recording Dial, Watford, 694

Dog Kennel Hill, Four Sets of Tram-rails on, 696

Dolymynech Dam, Overlooking. 875

Donegal, A Barren Part of, 1016b

Door Handle, Lowe, Bevan and Co., 321

Door Locks, New Position for, 1149

Dorsetshire By-ways, Route Map of, 1094 Dovedale, 251

Drilling Machine, Newton Bennett, Ltd., 328 Driving: Incident on Welsh Road, 475. Positions Front Seat, 483

Drummond Bros.’ Silver Medal for their Exhibit at Buenos Ayres, 356

Dukeries, Route in the, 665

Duncan, Mr., 1090

Duplex Piston Ring, Oxygen Welding Works, Ltd 448

Durham Park, Gates of, 857

Dust Problem: The Passing of a Car on the Oxford Road, 436a

Dyers Pass, N.Z., Wolseley Oar at, 190

Dynamos: Bleriot, 343. Brolt, 239, 344. C.A.V.,

342. Jarrott and Letts, 344. Lodge Bros.’, 345. Lucas, 342, 560, 561. Magnetolite, 1055. Motor Accessories Co., 343. Polkey-Jarrott,

343. Rotax Leitner, 362. Trier and Martin, 342. Thompson and Co., 346a. Ward and Goldstone, 346

E. Eaton Hall, Interior of, 89

Edge, Mr. S. F., and his Colonial Napier, 466a Egyptian Well, Hartwell, Bucks, 576 Electric Light for Cape Cart Hoods, 1007

Electric Lighting Sets: C.A.V., 394. Siemens, 1147 Electric Railway, Baehelot’s, 556

Engine: Built in 1891, Used by Abb6 Gavois, 622.

Motor Fire, 396

Engines: A.B.C., 409. Alcyon, 803. Argyll, 1033. Austin, 1029. Brasi er, 1050. Brenna, G82a. Briton, 892. Calthorpe, 589. C.L.C., 891

De Dion, 7. Disco, 178. Dubois-Rousseau, 2-4. Fafnir, 1144. Gobron, 1035. Gregoire, 848. Hispano-Suiza, 599. Howard, 228. Kcecklin, 777, 778. Maxwell, 455. Mercedes, 218. Metz-Lion, 287. Paige-Detroit, 194. Palmer-Moore, 516. Peugeot, 962. Pilain, 204. Pilot, 994. Rothwell, 103. Rover, 402. Siddeley-Deasy, 619. Silent-Knight, 514a, 515. S.P.A., 830. Spyker, 74. Star, 649. Sunbeam, 956. Swift, 989. Talbot, 972. Turcat-Mery, 868. Vi not, 845. Wizard, 775, 776

Engines, Ingenious Method of Increasing Power on, 821

Engine Starting Devices: Alldays, 496. Enfield, 540. Never Miss, 540. Panhard, 877. Star, 539. Jannay-Steinmetz, 540. Volkmar, 539

Epsom: Scene at, 553. Derby Day, Motorcars at, 823 Esterel, Scene on the, 490 Eu, 54, 941

Evesham: Lygon Arms at, 497. Old Cottages at, 497 Ewell Park, Gate of, 456

F. Ffancon Pass, Summit of, 828

Fire Engines: Aberdeen’s, 396. Dolgelly’s, 111 Fire Extinguisher, Simonis “ Foam,” 181 Fire-hose Wagon, Westmount’s, Montreal, 38 S4 Fischer, Herr, the late, Car which carried him in Austrian Alpine Tour, 1067

Fishguard, Lower, 397

Fitments, Some Interesting Carriage, 1149 Fitzwilliam, Right Hon. the Earl, 680 Flanders, Typical Scene in, 1056 Flange Rim, Spencer-Moulton, 419 Flap, Hall’s, 321 Floods, Motoring Through, 5 Foot Pump, Wood-Milne, 94 Foot Rest, Brook’s, 321 Footwarmers: Riches’, 325. Wolseley, 322 Four Years After, 488 SI, S2, S3

France: British Racer in, 755. Car for Detecting Crime in, 314. Daimler Cai's in, 284. Motorcar for Protection Against Bandits in, 571. Vauxhall Racer in, 583

French: Alps, Touring in, 215. Army, Auto-cannon for, 469. Trials, Testing Splashguards in, 52 Friberg, Mountain Road to, 902

Frost, King, Tour in the Reign of, 144-146 Funnel and Filter, Combined Petrol, 914

G. Garage: Buildings at Hampstead Garden Suburb, 699. Crane, Lafayette, 556, Rawlings Bros., Ltd., 951

Gearboxes: Adams, 578. Cadillac, 965. Luxior, 189. Star, 650. Werner, 1121

Gearless Drive, with Gear Ratio Variation and Variable Power Engine, 514a, 515

Generators: Agros (Selfridge), 327. A.L. (Smith and Son), 67, 354. Carbo-Light, 453. Howes and Burley, 11. Seabrooks, 355. Smith and Dorey, 329

German: Light Car Run, Return of Stoewer Cars after, 1154. Voiturette Run, Bergmann Metallurgique Car in, 1038

Gill, Mr. C. F., 689

Gilmour, Graham, the late, 117, 176 S3

“ Glad Eye ” Co., Touring by Motorcar, 438

Glen Gairn on the Mountain Road to Braemar, 637 Glenties on Sunday Morning, 1016a

Glidden Trophy Winner Outside York Minster, 610 Glossop Market Place, 87 Gosport to Portsea, 258

Grahame White’s Daimler Lorry, 424

Grand Chartreuse, Grenoble, Tunnel in the, 273 Grand National, Motorcars at Aintree for the, 400 Grand Prix: Alcyon Racer for the, 663. Calthorpe:

Engine on Test Bench for the, 589; Racer for the, 588. Oars and Drivers, 383, 505, 572, 587, 598, 642, 656, 683, 770 , 782, 800, 801, 803, 814, 846, 847. Chart: Of the Races for the, 959; Showing Running of Winning Cars, 1079. Chateau Douvrend, the, 54. Constructing the Grand Stands for the, 864, 865. Course: British Competitors Practising over the, 887; D’Ancourt: Bridge at, 54; “ S” Bend at, 940; Eu, Descent into, 54; Londinieres and Eu, between, 711; Sharp Bend at, 54; Maps of, 713, 954; Neuville, Sharp Fork at, 54; Narrow

Grand Prix.—contd.

Shave near Brccquemont, 955; Over the, 711-713, 715; Parts of the Roads of the, 715; Preparing Roads of the, 712; Protected by Barriers through Eu, 941; St. Martin-en-Campayne. Road near, 54. Drivers: Boillot, Georges (winner), 936, 944, 946; Brown, D. Bruce, 799, 934. de Palma, Ralph, and L. Wagner, 831; Porporato. Romano, 831; and De Marne Gregoire), 882; Rigal, Victor (winner Three-Litre Race), 936; Sizaire, Georges, and his racer, 572; Some Portraits of, 739, 898; Vaux-hall, 565. Exciting Incident in the, 960. Foretaste of the, 843. Molon, Lucien, being Overhauled by Wagner, 958. Peugeot: Racer for the, 656; Winning, Passing Mathis, 938. Sunbeam: Depot, Taking in Supplies, 933; Racer for the, 593

Grand Prize of Belgium, Minervas in, 1141 Great Baddow, Bottle-shaped Chimneys at, 8 Great North Road, An Alternative to the, 451 Grove Point-to-point Steeplechases, Cars at, 446 Guildford-Leatherhead Road, Improvement in, 240 Guinness, The Hon. Rupert, 809 Gursohen, Herr, 752 Gyroscopic Non-skid, 326

H. Haddon Hall, 87

Hampstead .Garden Suburb, Garage Buildings at, 699 Hampton, A Bad Collision at, 462

Handforth, Old Hall at, 86

Harlech Hall, 89

“ Harmonious Blacksmith’s,” Smithy, 638 Harvey Lake, Pennsylvania, Motoring at, 422 Havilland, Miss Gladys de, in Bedford Car, 513, 672 Hayle, Mrs., Rawtenstall, 543 Haywood, Mr. F., 734

Headlamps: Coath, 10. Divar, 362

Headlights, Powerful, Weird Effect Often Observed with, 1

Heater, Thomson-Bennett, 321

Heath, Mr. G., 66, 658

Hertfordshire Foxhounds, Cars at Meet of, 179 High-pressure Motor, Section of the, 190a Hill-climbs.—Aston Clinton, 816, 817. Caerphilly, 1092a. Essex M.C., 280 , 281, 368. Manchester M.C., 754. M.C.C., 709. Oakamoor, 815.

Rivington Pike, 632. Sheffield, 979. Shelsley Walsh, 904, 905. Sille de Guillaume, near Le Mans, 765

Historical Facts, 473

Holford Hall, Cheshire, 87

Hollinshead Hall, Grotto of, 575

Holyhead Road, Removing a Dangerous Corner on, 618

Hood Fastener, Mumford, 380

Hood Locks, Tenax (Morris, Russell and Co.), 327 Hoods, Cape Cart, Electric Light for, 1007

Hoods: Morgan, 387. Oakley’s, 380. Rotax Co., 381 Hoop-stick Lamp, Brook’s. 322 Hooydonk, Mr. J. van, 730

Horns: Apollo, 254. Aspeero, 348. Clair, 347. Echo, 348. Gabriel. 348. Klaxon, 348. Mira, 394. Newtone, 348. Premier Taxameter Co., 347. Si re no, 347

Horn-neck Support for Weak Horn Bulbs, 1007 Horse-box, A Motor, 408.

Horse Exerciser, Mechanical, at R.A.C., 283

Hub and Its Stud, Humber, 414 Hydroplane, Saurer-Lurssen, 458

I. Ibadan, S. Nigeria, At, 254 SI

Ice: And Snow, Motoring Over, 38 S3. To the. by Motorcar, 39

Ickenham, The Village Church and Pump House at, 145

Icknield Way and Whiteleaf Cross, 570 SI

Icy Solitude, 133

Ignition, Multi-point, 134

India, The King in, 64, 237

Ipswich, Old Gateway at, 1139

Ireland, Route Map of. 1026

Ironbridge : First Iron Bridge Built at, 437. Launch on Severn at, 437

J Jacks: Bransom-Kent, 328. Duco, 514. Jarrott and Letts. 190b. Lake and Elliott, 329. Screwless. 330. Tangye’s, 330

Japanese River, Car Punted across a, 553

Jarrott, Mr. C.. 730

Jeffreys, Mr. W. Rees, 678

Jolly, Mr. W. V., 1090

K. Kidner, Mr P. C.. 63

Kilnsey Crag, Yorkshire, 1101

King and Queen, Malta’s Welcome to the, 22

King’s: Garden Party, Cars at the, 1092. Visit to India, 64, 237; to Queen’s Club, 199

Kingswear, Devon, Boarding the Ferry Boat at, 1113

Kitbag for Tools, Dew and Co., 528

Kitchener, Lord, Entering Car at Cairo, 1062

Knutsford, Lower Street at, 86

L. Ladies’ Reticule, Brooks’, 402c

Lady on the Car, The, 295

Lake Bala. 617

Lakeland, Route Map through. 878

Lake Windermere, View of, 536

Lamp Bracket, Fenestre, Cadisch and Co., 329

Lamp Burners, Bray’s Roni, 355

Lamp Reflector, 747

Lamps: Bleriot, 355, 363. Brooks’. 322. Coath. 10.

Dietz Victor, 355. Diva, 362. Egham Motor


Co., 1055. General Motor Co., 345. Harvey, Ltd., 343. Hunt and Co., 346, 346a. Leo Ripault, 49. Lodge, 345. Mazda, 1024. Peto and Radford, 1143. Polkey, 354. Polkey-Jarrott, 343. Powell and Hanmer, 354. Radiumlyte, 356. Riemann’s, 355. Salsbury, 356. Seabrooks, 55, 345, 355. Selfridge, 327. Siemen’s Wotan, 1147. Smith and Son, 354. Trier and Martin, 342. Van Raden, 344. Ward and Goldstone, 346

Landaulet, Henderson Motor Co., 477

Lathe, Drummond, 326, 852

Leamington Spa, The Centre of England, 577 Leatherhead-Guildford Road, Improvement in, 240 Leathley, Old Stocks at, 648

Ledbury Market Hall, 516

Leicestershire .Wolds, Route Map of, 576

Lighting Effects at Night, 427

Light Intensifier, Dubbito, 842

Limouset, Cote de, 748

Limousine-Landaulets: Barker, 502c. Maythorn, 29 Limousines: Crossley’s, 293. Simpson and Co., 746 Lincoln Horse Fair, Motoring at 565

Liner, Matador, 614

Liverpool Scottish Regiment at Loch Lomond, 1126

Loch Laggan, View of, 763

Loch Leven, Ferry Service across, 615

Loch Long, 1097

Locks, New Position for Door, 1149

Londinieres: and Eu, between, 711. Sharp “S” Bend at, 54. Wooden Town Hall at, 756

London: Monastic Well near, An Old, 1140. To Portsmouth, Route Map of, 764

Long Island Trials, Giant Simplia Car at, 527

Longleat, Routes to, 991

Lough Cullin, 1016a

Lubrication Demonstration, Crossley, 590

Luggage Carriers: Fastlock, 381. Quickfix, 381

Lutterworth Church, 721

Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of, Route Map of, 574

M Magnetos : Bosoh 1135. Mea, 868. Remy Electric Co., 12. Wolf and Co., 346a

Maidenhead, Floods at, 5

Malta’s Welcome to the King and Queen, 22 Manchester: As a Motoring Centre, 86-89. Motor History, Early, 138 SI, 3, 4

Mascot, An Amusing, 906

Matron: Half-timbered House at, 807

Midlands, Route Maps of the, 317 Mirror, Dumolite Driving, 528 Molon, Lucien, 766, 958

Monaco: Entering Nice from, 490. Main Coast Road Outside, 489. Mountain Road Above, 491. Rally: After the, 23; Prize-winners, 27, 28. Yachting and Motorcar at, 471

Monastic Well near London, An Old, 1140

Monte Carlo, 458, 459, 492. Casino, Motorcars Outside, 528 S4

Montreal, Canada, Illustrating Growth of Motoring at, 1066

Morrison, Mr. O. C., with R.C.H. Car in Africa, 796 Morriss, Mr. F., 961

Morten, Mr. A., 652

Motorcab Strike, Humours of the, 187

Motorcar: And Yachting at Monaco, 471. Ascot, Preparations for, 860, 861. Illustrating Popularity of, 559. Sending Wireless Message from, 558. To the Ice by, 39.

Motor Carriage, Eight-wheeled, in U.S.A., 1009 Motor Cycling Club Members: At Burford Bridge, 341. Run to Brighton, 340

Motor Homes, 92, 93

Motor-house, Ground Plan of a, 737

Motor Museum: The: Abbe Gavois’s Panhard (1891) and the Latest Panhard, 621; Bracket of Back Spring on, in, 1073; View of the Mechanism of, in, 761. Albion (1900), 776. Ariel (1900), 631. Arrol-Johnston Used in

Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Polar Expedition, 631. “Blue Blue,” Col. Crompton’s (1861), 774a. Bollee Tandem Tricycle in, 762; Headlight on, 1072. Car Built at Walthamstow (1892-5), in, 630. Clement, with Panhard

Engine, in, 631. Coal-gas Car (1896) in,

1024. Contributions to, 592, Darracq, An Early, in, 762. Lanchester, Wire Tangent Wheels on, in, 1072. Leon Bollee in, 707. Motorcab, The First, in, 676. Opening Ceremony, Scene at, 772, 773. Peugeot in, 707. Turgan et Foy in, 630. View of, 508, 509. White, Early, Cooler on, in, 1072; Shock Absorber on, in, 1072. Wolseley, Early, Gate Change on, in. 1072. £100 Car, Early At

tempt of, in, 735

Motor Ship “ Selandia,” Engine-room of, 203

Motor Sleigh, Rantanza, 305

Motor, The, Accident Averted by Member of Staff of, 303

Much Wenlock, Market at, 437

N. Nantwich, Old Shops at, 86

Napier Test in Wicklow Mountains, Route Map of, 238

Nazzaro at Full Speed in Grand Prix (1907), 890

Nest in an Old Outer Cover, 567

Neuville, Sharp Fork at, 54

Newbury, Benz Car after its Rescue near, 677

Newlands: Corner, Surrey, Wayside Church near, 1145. Valley, Devil’s Elbow at, 416

Newton, Mr. J., 115

New York, New Traffic Regulations in, 399

Nice: Daimler Car at Octroi Office, 272. Entering from Monaco, 490

Night Driving, 40-42

Non-skids: Gyroscopic, 326. Jenatzy, 430

Nopping Hill, near Lamport, Enclosure at, 274a

Northern Traders at Alton Towers, 1134

North Road, International Route Map of, 574 Nuremberg, Watch Tower in Castle at, 1059

o. Odenwald Village, An, 851

Oil Well: Attempt to Smother Fire at, 1115. Harnessing the Life-blood of a Car at an, 1114

Ontario, Canada, Winter Scene in, 337

P. Palermo, Near, 781

Palma, Ralph de, 831

Paraffin as a Fuel, 474

Paris: Brigands at Chantilly, 385, 386. Cab Strike in, 82, 175, 187

Patch, Stiffback, County Chemical Co., 614

Patrols v. Guides, 192

Pennsylvania, Motoring in, 223

Pentney Priory, Norfolk, 1027

Penygarreg Lake, 875

Perivale, Picturesque, 145

Petrol : by Pipe-line, 984, 985. Can Holder, Gamage, 1124. Consumption Indicator, Lore-ley, 513. Convoy of, Leaving Docks during Strike, 842. Economizer, Mills, 326. Filler, Kerb Post, 1085. Filter, A, 250. Shut-off Device, Ford, 299

Pillion Seat, Tynesider, 870

Piston Ring, Duplex, Oxygen Welding Co., 448

Piston Ring, Tool for Replacing, 38

Plugs: Ford, 346. Hobson Pognon, 347, 1049. Jeffrey-Dewitt-, 1124. Low Accessories Co., 346a. Oleo (Leo Ripault), 49. Parsons, 359. Re V., 49. Sphinx, 346a

Porporato, M., 882

Portable Seat, Lowe, Bevan and Co., 323

Portsea to Gosport, 258

Portsmouth: London to, Route Map of, 764. Road, Typical Scene on the, 691

Presentation to Archdeacon Sinclair, 24

Pressure Indicator, Watford, 696

Prier, M. Pierre, 176

Priory Lane to Richmond Park, Route through, 239 Prussia, Prince Henry of, 457

Pumps: Atlas, 358. Bramco, Ltd., 325. Mestre and Blatge, 329. Monnot Industrial Co., 84. Wood-Milne, 94, 359

Pumps, Power and Transmitting, 50

Punchestown Races, Enclosure of the, 555

Pyrenees, Route des, Profile Map of, 410 SI

Q. Queen’s Club: H.M. the King at, 199. Lord Roberts Leaving, 252

Queensland, Cars at Disposal of Police during Strike in, 753

R. Racing “ Pit ”: An American, 1005. Two Time Savers in, 1005

R.A.C.: Cadillac Self-starting Test by, 1090. Mechanical Horse Exerciser at, 283. Napier Test on South Downs by, 863, 1092b. Warland Rim Test by, 265

Radiator Design, Coventry Motor Fittings Co., 1047

Reamer, Vickers, 394

Rebound Snubber, Gabriel, 165, 348c

Recorder, Jones, 1097

Red Bank, Grasmere, 448 SI

Resta, Mr. Dario, 937

Rhineland, Route Map of, 850

“Rhymeland ” of Cheshire, Route Map of, 666

Rigai, M. Victor, 936

Rims : Captain, 332c, 596, 597. Chailiner, 332a. Clincher, 332d. Continental, 332c. Faculty, 332d. Forse, 332. Goodyear, 332b. Michelin, 332d. Seabrook, 332. Segment, 333. Spencer-Moulton, 332b, 419. Warland, 332d Riviera, 489, 492. Relics and the, 84 Sl-3

Road: Improvements on Guildford, 240. New Portsmouth, Plan of, 964. Surrey, Clearance for, 435

Roads, Dodging Main, 646-648

Roberts, Lord, Leaving Queen’s Club, 252

Rollason, Mr. F., 734

Roller Bearings, Timken, 331, 759

Rolls, Hon. C. S., The Late, 880

Romano, M., 882

Rotary Distributor, 216

Rotary Valve Motor, Parker, 854

Rusholme, Manchester, Exhibition Buildings at, 68

Russian War Office, 1000

Russia, The Czar of, 1000

s. St. Albans, Off the Beaten Track near, 640

St. Martin-en-Compayne, 54, 756

Salisbury and Southampton, Main Road between, 221

Salsburg, near, 902a

Saltburn Sands Meeting, 1002-1004

Sandbach, Old Cross at, 87

Savoie, Hills of, 272

Seat, Portable Folding, Auster s, 402c

Seats: Johnson and Co., 322. Lowe, Bevan and

Co., 323. Thorn, 1013. Windham, 388

Seguin, Louis and Laurent, 59 Shackle Bolt, Cleveland, 201 . Sherwood Forest, Springtime ^in, 665 SxiVUJX XXMQVXMVAm. ____

165^348c. Glissade, 348a. H. and daille), 123, 348c. Hermes, 348b.

848b. J.M., 348a. Junior, 348b.

348a. King, 348b. Premier 348a.

348c. Triou, 348b. L------- -

Westinghouse, 452

Shows: Manchester, 68, ?3'1?9; J 38q-S10’g ’Qivmpia, 153. North of England, 68, 9a-lU9. viympia, Designs for Stands at, 512. Scottish, 32

Shuckburgh, Stocks and Church at, 807

Road’535- DeTiations

for Corners, 248

Shock Absorbers: Cleveland, 201. Gabriel Snubber, J5. (llOU-Hobson, K.A.P., ...___ _____ Telesco,

n.M.i. Perfect, 348c.


Signpost Reform, Need for, 666

Silencers: Clair, 254. Ejector, 573

Simpson and Co.’s Factory, Madras, Body Builders at Work in, 746

Sinclair, Archdeacon, Presentation to, 24

Sizaire, M. Georges, 572

Skating: At Wisley, 66. Rink, A Private, 136 Sleeve-valve Patents, Drawings Around which Much of the Case, Knight and Kilbourne v. Argyll, Ltd., Centred, 1006, 1137

Sleigh, Rantanza, 305

Sleigh, Two-horse-power, 208

S.M.M.T., East Lancashire Section, Dinner of the, 106

Smugglers’ Car, 110b

Snake Pass. The, 87

Snow and Ice, Motoring over, 38 S3

Soanes, Mr. S., 1090

Southampton and Salisbury, Main Road between, 212

Southport, Dangerous Corner at, 523

Spanner, Crawford, 316

Spare: Wheel Carrier, Clair, 328. Guard, Stepney, 182. Tyre Carrier, Clair, 328

Sparking-plugs: Ford, 346. Hobson-Pognon, 347, 1049. Jeffrey-Dewitt, 1124. Low Accessories Co., 346a. Oleo (Leo Ripault), 49. Parsons, 359. Re V., 49. Sphinx, 3C9a

Sparking-plug Pump, Braraco, Ltd., 325 Speed-o’-Drive, Wild’s, 472

Speedometers: Bowden, 348d. Cowey, 348d. De Dion, 350. Elliott, 349. Forse, 348d. Frod-sham, 348d. 'Jones, 348d, 349, 1096, 1097. Jurus, 221. Perfect, 716, 717. Pneumatic, 498. Smith and Son, 350, 1030. Star, 349. Stewart, 349. Troy Carriage Sunshade Co., 498. Watford, 694

Sperrin Mountains, Peat Stack on, 1016

Splashguard, Dreux, 51

Stafford, Mr. E., 980

Standard Car Race, 1074, 1081

Starter, Compressed-air, How it Works, 216, 217 Starting Device for Priming Engine, 871

Starting Devices: Alldays, 496. Enfield, 540. Never Miss, 540. Panwood, 877. Star, 539. Janney-Steinmetz, 540. Volkmar, 539

Starting Handle Suspender, Bransom-Kent, 328

Starting Test, Self, Cadillac, 1090

Steam Car, Stanley, 488, N.C. 31

Steering Gear, Roller Bearings to. Timken, 331, 759 Steplight, New Automatic, “Mind the Step,” 65 “Still on Top,” 1108

Stokesay Castle, The Gatehouse at, 501

Strikes: Cab Strike in Paris, 82, 175, 187. Dock Strike, Convoying Petrol, 842. In Queensland, 753

String-holder, Glass, Rotax Co.’s, 148

Studs, Removable, and Showing Flush Nuts, Donnelly, 151

Sugarloaf Hill, near Llandovery, 272

Sundorn Castle, The Wooded Road at, 538

Surrey: Hills, View on the, 456. Road, New, Clearance for, 435

Suspension Compensator, U.M.I. Perfect, 603 Suspension, Weight and, of Motorcars, 1103, 1104 Sussex Coast and Hinterland, Route Map to, 719 Switchboard: Brolt, 239. C.A.V., 342. High-

Tension Co., 1055. Jarrott and Letts, 344. Lodge Bros., 345. Polkey-Jarrott, 343. Van Raden, 921

Sychnant Pass. 828

Synchronizer, Myra, 682b

Szisz, M., Winner of Grand Prix (1906), 889

T. Tape Grip Water Joint, Selfridge, 327

Tar Barrel, Accident by Colliding with, on Brighton Road, 670

Targa Florio, 781

Taylor, Mr., 1090

Taxicab, A Smart London, 743

Terminal, Rotax, 1156

Tetzlaff, “ Terrible Teddy,” 612

Thery in the Gordon-Bennett Race of 1905, 888

Thomas, M. Rene, 811

Three-shire Stone, The, 1095

Toolboxes: Brooks’s, 323. Lanchester, 435

Tool, Combination, Seimen, 1124

Tools, Kitbag for, Dew and Co.’s, 528

Tour: Austrian Alpine, Route Map for the, 902b. De France: Benz Cars in, 184; Cars: in the Champs Elyseeis, 333, in Pierrefitte, 410; Closing Stage between Rheims and Paris, 336; Gaudet on a Simplica, 404; In the Alps, 227; Route of the, 236: Start for the, 200; Weighing-in for the, 161

Touring Body, N.B. Standard, 222

Touring Car, The Largest, on the Road, 259

Touring: Contrasts in Motor, 270. In the Reign of King Frost, 144-146. Of “Glad Eye” Company by Motorcar, 438. Scene, A Wayside, 224. Season, Portsea to Gosport, 258

Tour through the Chilterns, Map of, 570 S2

Traffic: Indicator, Traffic Indicators, Ltd., 186. Problem, The, 1107. Regulations, New, In New York. 399

Tram Traps on Sharp Curves, 45. 46

Transformation of Cars, Mumford’s, 130

Transformer, Crypto Electrical Co., 346

Transmission, Hele-Shaw, Chassis Connected to, 915-917

Trials: Cadillac, 1090. Canterbury (N.Z.), A.A.’s, 805. French Splashguard, 52. Napier, 863. German Voiturette, 1038. Long Island, 527. Manchester A.C.’s, 590. M.C.C. London-Edinburgh. 730. Russian War Office, 1000. Swedish, 63. Warland Rim, 265

Tube Bender, Mestre and Blatge, 329

Tubing. Rushmore, 354

Turco-Italian War, S.P.A. in, 376, 401

Turntable, Cheetham Ferro-concrete, 899

Tyre Carrier, Clair, 328

Tyre Jacket, Marshall, 30

Tyre Lever, Konkora, 331

Tyre Liner, Rubasbestos, 798

Tyre Protection Specialities, Bransom, 326

Tyre Pumping Set, The Z., 950

Tyre Repairs, Winged Pleater for, 754

Tyres: Atlas, 358. Avon, 360. Clark, 1042. Clincher, 359. Continental, 361. Dunlop, 357. Goodrich, 357. Hutchinson, 360. Jenatzy, 430. Kempshall, 361. Lomax, 359. Marshall, 358. Matador, 614. Michelin, 357. Mogul, 128, 358. Moseley, 358. Peter Union, 361. Stepney. 357. Spencer-Moulton, 360, 1102. Wood-Milne. 94, 359

Tyres, Spare, Danger of Overhanging, 667

Tyre Stop, Konkora, 710

Tyre Sustainer, Nocolapso, 849

Tyre Tread, Woodworth (Morris, Russell and Co.), 327

V. Valve Distributor. Method of Attaching, 217

Valve Grinding Tool. Warrow, 1047

Valve Lifter, Leo Ripault, 330

Vedrines, M. Jules, 369, 372, 792

Ventilation Methods, Some, 244

Ventilator Fan, Lanchester, 644

Vest, Dunhill’s, 324

Veules-les-Roses, Hotel de France at, 756

Vices: Adams’, 325. Riches’, 325

Vienna, Reviewing Volunteer Motor Corps at, 752

Vonlatum, M. Paul, 801

Vulcan Motor Works, and Fleet of Cars Supplied to W.O. for Use of A.S.C. Officers, 447

Vulcanizer, Harvey Frost, 361

w. Wagner, M. Louis, 831, 958

Wales, North, Route Map to, 991

Warwick Castle, ’Neath Caesar’s Tower at, 579

Washer, Irving Overhead, 330

Water Joint, Tape Grip, Selfridge, 327

Waterloo, Lion Monument at, 10o8

Watling Street: A Lane Near, 721. Near Brownhills, 721

Watzmann, The Great, 902

Weather Precautions, Contrasts in, 214 S4

Weight and Suspension of Motorcars,t 1103, 1104

Welding Process, H.D.R., 601, 982

Welsh Road, Driving Incident on, 475

West, Proposed New Road to the, 116

Wharf edale, Route Map through, 646

Wheel and Tyre Carrier, Spare, Clair, 328

Wheel Guard, Stepney, 182

Wheel, Lateral Strength in a, 81

Wheel Protector, Bransom and Co., 326

Wheels: Captain, 332c. Dunlop, 333. Goodyear, 606. Humber, 414. Lynton, 332a. Riley. 332b. Rudge-Whitworth, 332c, 758. Sankey, 332a

Wheels, Tests on, Diagrams of, 923

Whistlefield Hill. Loch Long in Background, 1097 Whistles: Dumolite, 316. Joey-Mell, 532. Oleo, 254 Whitchurch, Where Handel Played the Organ, 639 White City, Machinery Hall at, 1098

White Down, Ancient and Gnarled Warriors at, 456 Whiteleaf Cross, Icknield Way and, 570 SI

White Star Line Offices, Cars Awaiting News of “ Titanic ” Disaster, 511

Wicklow Mountains, Napier Test in, Route Map of, 238

Windermere Lake, from Bowness, 536

Windscreen: A Novel, 193. Cone Clutch Fitting for,

380. Venetian Front, 378

Windscreens : Beaton, 380. Beaufort, 379. County,

381. Fastlock, 381. Kopalapso, 379. Motor Equipments, Ltd., 29. Premier, 379. Raw-lenoe, 379. Rover, 1012. Triplex, 1123

Winnath Castleton, 87

Wireless Telephone Car, 1001

Wishart, Mr. S. E.. 798

Wolseley Garage, “ In ” and “ Out ” Signs at, 731 Wood v. Steel Construction, 445

Workshop: A Handy Tool for, 893. Car Owner’s,

382. 417, 418, 494, 533, 534, 594, 786, 787

Worsley, Court House at, 87

Wrenchers: Adams, 325. Fitzall (Plumpton and Co.), 325

Wright: Mr. Wilbur, The Late, 768, 808, 880. Orville, Mr., 880

Wye, The Upper, 874

Y. York Minster: Maxwell Car, Glidden Trophy Winner Outside, 610. Sheppee Car Outside, 1078

Yorkshire Fells, Route Map over the, 1100

See Also


Sources of Information