1918 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1918 Iron and Steel Institute
Annual Meeting
- Annual Meeting . 1
- Election of Members 1
- Election of Associates . 7
- Installation of President . . 8
- Presentation of Bessemer Gold Medal 10
- Carnegie Scholarship Awards 11
- Technical Committee on Steel 12
- Report of Council . . 14
- Statement of Accounts 27
- Presidential Address . . . . 31
- Report of Committee No. 2 for Blast-Furnace Practice 47
- Discussion on Blast-Furnace Committee Report . 66
- Correspondence on Blast-Furnace Committee Report . . 69
- "The Jurassic ironstones of the United Kingdom— Economically considered." By Dr. F. H. Hatch 71
- Discussion on paper by Dr. Hatch 121
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. Hatch . . . 125
- "Fuel economy in blast-furnaces." By T. C. Hutchinson . 127
- "The importance of coke hardness." By G. D. Cochrane 141
- "Copper tuyeres for blast-furnaces." By A. K. Reese . 151
- "Blast-furnace bears." By Dr. J. E. Stead . . 157
- Discussion on blast-furnace papers 200
- Correspondence on blast-furnace papers . . . . . 211
- "Production of sound steel by lateral compression of the top portion of the ingot." By Benjamin Talbot . . . . . 221
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Talbot 234
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Talbot . . . . . 237
- "Non-metallic inclusions their constitution and occurrence in steel." By Dr. A. McCance . . 239
- "Note on inclusions in steel and ferrite lines." By Dr. J. E. Stead . 287
- Discussion on papers by Dr. Stead and Dr. McCance . . . 293
- Correspondence on papers by Dr. Stead and Dr. McCance . . 303
- "A cause of failure in boiler plates." By Dr. W. Rosenhain and D. Hanson . 313
- Discussion on paper by Dr. Rosenhain and Mr. Hanson . 325
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. Rosenhain and Mr. Hanson . 329
- "Effect of mass on heat treatment." By E. F. Law . 333
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Law . . . . . . 348
- "The effect of cold-work on the divorce of pearlite." By J. H. Whiteley . 353
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Whitney . . . . 362
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Whiteley . 363
- "Defects in steel bigots." By J. N. Kilby . . 365
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Kilby . . . . 385
- "Iron, carbon, and phosphorus." By Dr. J. E. Stead . . 389
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. Stead . . 413
- "Damascene steel." By Colonel N. Belaiew . . 417
- Correspondence on paper by Colonel Belaiew . . . 438
- "The determination of cobalt and nickel in cobalt steel." By W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell . . 441
- Correspondence on paper by Messrs. Schoeller and Powell . . . 446
- "Technical aspects of the establishment of the heavy steel industry in India, with results of some researches connected therewith." By Dr. A. McWilliam . . . 451
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. McWilliam . 468
- SECTION II - Notes on Progress of the Home and Foreign Iron and Steel Industries
Autumn Meeting
- SECTION I - Minutes of Proceedings
- Autumn Meeting . 1
- Appointment of Scrutineers of the Ballot . 1
- Election of Members 1
- Election of Associates . 4
- "The influence of hot-deformation on the qualities of steel." By Georges Charpy . 7
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Charpy . . . . . 26
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Charpy . . . . . 34
- The influence of some elements on the tenacity of basic steel, with a new formula for calculating the maximum load from the composition." By Andrew McWilliam . 43
- Discussion on paper by Dr. McWilliam . . . . . 56
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. McWilliam . . . 57
- "Report on hardness testing : relation between ball hardness and scleroscope hardness." By A. F. Shore. . 59
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Shore . . . . . 79
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Shore . . .83
- "The standardisation of tests for refractory materials." By Cosmo Johns . 89
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Cosmo Johns . . . . . 122
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Cosmo Johns . . . . 129
- "Some experiments on the reaction between pure carbon monoxide and pure electrolytic iron below the A1 inversion." By Professor H. C. H. Carpenter and C. Coldron Smith . . . . . 139
- Discussion on paper by Professor Carpenter and Mr. Smith . . 192
- Correspondence on paper by Professor Carpenter and Mr. Smith . . 194
- " A method for the prevention of growth in grey cast iron." By J. E. Hurst . 199
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Hurst . . . . . 204
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Hurst . . . . . 206
- " Note on the warping of steel through repeated quenching." By J. H. Whiteley . 211
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Whiteley . 215
- "A few notes on bosh tuyeres." By J. S. Hollings 217
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Hollings 225
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Hollings . 226
- "On the cooling of steel in ingot and other forms." By J. E. Fletcher . 231
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Fletcher . 272
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Fletcher . 230
- "The principles of open-hearth furnace design." By C. H. F. Bagley 289
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Bagley 308
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Bagley . 315
- "The utilisation of waste heat from open-hearth furnaces for the generation of steam." By T. B. Mackenzie 319
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Mackenzie . 343
- "Phosphorus in malleable cast iron." By J. H. Teng . 349
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Teng . . 368
- Telescopic focussing apparatus for photomicrography." By A. F. Hallimond . 371
- "Magnetic analysis as a means of studying the structure of iron alloys." By Kotaro Honda 375
- Correspondence on Mr. Honda's paper . 418
- "The rate of change at 100° C., and at ordinary temperatures, in the electrical resistance of hardened steel." By E. D. Campbell . 421
- Reply by Mr. Campbell to his paper on the influence of heat-treatment on electrical properties of steels . 427
- SECTION II - Notes on Progress of the Home and Foreign Iron and Steel Industries
See Also
Sources of Information