1919 Iron and Steel Institute: Obituaries

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1919 Iron and Steel Institute
The 7 Obituaries in 1919
Part I. None
Part II. p.451
- Andrew Carnegie
- John Henry Darby
- James Douglas
- Lawrence Farrar Gjers
- Thomas Charles Hutchinson
- Rossiter Worthington Raymond
- Samuel T. Wellman
Notes on deaths of members but without obituaries
During the year the deaths of thirty-three members have been reported, the names of whom are recorded in the following list:
- Armstrong, P. T. (Barnsley, Yorks) .
- Barker, James (Todmorden, Lanes) . March 12.
- Bock, P. H. (Fagersta, Sweden) .
- Booth, William (Rodley, Leeds) . Mani; 23.
- Carnahan, R. B. (Middletown, Ohio). June 22.
- Crawshay, W. T. (Reading) . . September.
- Crosland, J. F. L. (Hale, Cheshire) . October 21.
- Cubillo, Major-General L. (Madrid) . December 15.
- Cuthill, William (Uddingston, N.B.) . February 7.
- Despaigne, H. (London) . . . September.
- Dickinson, John (Ulverston) . . March 24.
- Douglas, James, LL.D. (New York) . June 25.
- Gjers, L. F. (Middlesbrough) . .February 4
- Hartshorne, J. (Pottstown, U.S.A.) . . August 24.
- Hewlett, A. (Warwick) . . . . September
- Hingley, Sir G. B., Bt. (Dudley) . August 19.
- Hopkinson, Major B., F.R.S. (Cambridge) . August 27.
- Hunsiker, Colonel Millard (London) . . October 11.
- Hutchinson, T. C. (Saltburn) . . October 17.
- Jones, Greville T. (Middlesbrough) . March 6.
- Jones, Thomas Herschel (Swansea) . January 18.
- Keen, A. T. (Birmingham) . . June 27.
- Lloyd, Samuel (Birmingham) . . February 26.
- Morris, William (Briton Ferry). June 15.
- Paterson, J. (Carlisle) September 6.
- Pegler, T. B. (London) Percy, T. M. (Wigan) October 22.
- Reynolds, A. (Brighton) December 11.
- Roberts, C. W. (Stourbridge) . September 25.
- Rollin, F. T. (Sheffield) April 4.
- Schneider, Lieut. H. P. (Paris). . . February 23.
- Schneider, W. M. F. (Barrow-in-Furness) . May 3.
- Shirley, F. L. (Briton Ferry) . • . August 1.
The death of the following member occurred in 1916 but was not noted in the Report of Council for that year Warocque, Raoul (Mariemont, Belgium).
Lieutenant Henri P. Schneider, who was a cavalry officer in the French Army and was attached to the Flying Corps, was the eldest son of the President, C. Eugene Schneider, and a partner in his father's.....[more]
See Also
Sources of Information