1920 Iron and Steel Institute: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1920 Iron and Steel Institute
- Annual Meeting, 1920 1
- Election of Members 1
- Election of Associates 6
- Statement of Accounts 7
- Installation of President 8
- Presentation of the Bessemer Medal 10
- Gold Medal of the Blacksmiths' Company 12
- Carnegie Scholarship Awards 12
- Adjourned Meeting at Sheffield 14
- Report of Council 16
- Presidential Address. By Dr. J. E. Stead, F.R.S. 33
- " Iron Portland cement, with a classification of cements made from blast-furnace slag." By Edwin H. Lewis ^ 111
- Discussion on Mr. Lewis's paper 121
- " British blast-furnace practice." By Fred. Clements 125
- " The valuation of ores and iron-making material." By C. H. Ridsdale 149
- " The, chemical and thermal conditions in blast-furnace practice." By H. E. Wright 179
- " The utilisation of titaniferous iron ore in New Zealand." By J. A. Heskett 201
- Discussion on blast-furnace papers 215
- Correspondence on blast-furnace papers 222
- " Direct current compared with three-phase current for driving steelworks plant." By C. A. Ablett 237
- Discussion on Mr. Ablett's paper 254
- Correspondence on Mr. Ablett's paper 259
- " Notes on slag conditions in open-hearth basic steel-making practice." By Jno. F. Wilson 266
- " The reduction of silicon from the slag in the acid open-hearth process." By B. Yaneske and G. A. Wood 287
- Discussion on slag papers 307
- Correspondence on slag papers 313
- " Some defects in electro-deposited iron." By. W. E. Hughes 321
- Discussion on Mr. Hughes' paper ^ 339
- " Note on ' The Ball Test.' " By Dr. Thomas Baker and Thomas F. Russell 341
- Discussion on paper by Dr. Baker and Mr. Russell 357
- " The distribution of phosphorus in steel between the points Acl and Ac3." By J. H. Whiteley 359
- Discussion on Mr. Whiteley's paper 383
- Correspondence on Mr. Whiteley's paper 385
- " Practical notes on the design and treatment of steel castings." By George F. Preston 389
- Discussion on Mr. Preston's paper 401
- " The properties of iron-chromium-carbon steels." Part I.—Thermal analysis. By Professor C. Edwards, H. A. Sutton, and G. Oishi 403
- Chromium steels." Part II.—Effect of heat treatment on electrical resistivity. By Professor C. A. Edwards and A. L. Norbury 447
- Discussion on chromium papers 483
- Correspondence on chromium papers , 489
- " The structure of some chromium steels." By J. H. G. Monypenny 493
- Discussion on Mr. Monypenny's paper 519
- Correspondence on Mr. Monypenny's paper 523
- " The effect of initial temperature upon the physical properties of steel." By Dr. J. H. Andrew, J. E. Rippon, C. P. Miller, and A. Wragg 527
- Discussion on paper by Dr. Andrew and Messrs. Rippon, Miller, and Wragg 609
- " Brittleness in nickel-chrome and other steels." By Dr. F. Rogers 613
- Discussion on Dr. Rogers' paper 618
- " The effect of various elements on the electrical resistivity of iron." By A. L. Norbury. 627
- Correspondence on Mr. Norbury's paper ' 645
- " Note on the structural constitution, hardening, and tempering of high-
- speed steel containing chromium and tungsten." By K. Honda and T. Murakami 647
- The Annual Dinner 658
- Obituary 664
- Last of Council and Officers
- Preface
- South Wales Meeting 1
- Welcome to the Institute
- Scrutineers of the Ballot 2
- Election of Members 3
- Election of Associates 6
- Transfers to Full Membership 6
- Proposal for Alteration of Bye-Laws 21 and 22 7
- Votes of Thanks 9
- " The electrification of the works and collieries of the Ebbw Vale Steel Iron and Coal Company, Limited." By Walter Dixon 11
- " Intercrystalline fracture in mild steel." By Dr. W. Rosenhain and D. Hanson 24
- Discussion on paper by Dr. Rosenhain and Mr. Hanson 31
- Correspondence on paper by Dr. Rosenhain and Mr. Hanson 37
- " The constitution of the nickel-iron alloys." By D. Hanson and Hilda E. Hanson 40
- Discussion on paper by Mr. and Mrs, Hanson 61
- " Rough-cleaning of blast-furnace gas at Skirmingrove by the Lodge electrostatic process." By A. Hutchinson and E. Bury 65
- Discussion on paper by Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Bury 83
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Bury 89
- " Variations in the heat supplied to the blast-furnace and their effect on the fuel consumption." By W. W. Hollings 91
- Discussion on Mr. Hollings' paper 103
- Correspondence on Mr. Hollings' paper 110
- " Electric Steels." By C. G. Carlisle 115
- Discussion on Mr. Carlisle's paper 138
- " Experiments on the deoxidation of steel with hydrogen." By J. H. Whiteley 143
- Correspondence on Mr. Whiteley's paper 157
- " Indian iron making at Mirjiiti, Chota Nagpur." By Dr. Andrew McWilliam 159
- Correspondence on Dr. McWilliam's paper 168
- " Temper-brittleness of nickel-chromium steels." By R. H. Greaves and J. J. A. Jones 171
- Correspondence on paper by Mr. Greaves and Mr. Jones 219
- " An investigation of various forging operations carried out under hydraulic presses." By Eugene Schneider 223
- Correspondence on Mr. Schneider's paper 259
- " On the formation of spheroidal cementite." By Prof. K. Honda and S. Saito 261
- Correspondence on paper by Prof. Honda and Mr. Saito 268
- "Economic selection of coal." By A. L. Booth 271
- " Notes as to rates of reaction in certain steels at 930° C." By Prof. E. D. Campbell and B. A. Soule 281
- " On graphitisation of iron-carbon alloys." By Prof. K. Honda and T. Murakami 287
- Visits and Excursions at the Autumn Meeting 295
- Obituary 303
See Also
Sources of Information