1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Companies (Non-UK)

Note: This is a sub-section of 1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book
- A. B. C. (P) Motor Cars, Motor Cycles and Side Cars —Soci6t6 Fran^aise des Moteurs A.B.C., Rue La Boetie 118, Paris.
- A. B. R. (USA) Engines—A.B.R. Motor Engineering Co. Stamford, Conn.
- A.L.F.A. (1) Motor Cars—Society A.L.F.A. Auto- mobili, Via Portello, Milan.
- A.S.S. (P) Motor Cars—Automobiles A.S.S., Rue de I’Abond^nce 35 bis, Lyons.
- A. and T. (USA) Farm Tractors—^Aultman Taylor Machinery Co., Mansfield, Ohio.
- ABADAL (P) Motor Cars—Autos Abadal, Rue Marbeuf 22, Champs Elysees, Paris.
- ABLE (USA) Engines—Able Engine Co. Peek^ill, N.Y.
- ACADIA (0) Marine Engines—^Acadia Gas Engines Ltd., Bridgewater, Nova Scotia.
- ACASON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. Paraffin Farm Tractors—Acason Motor lYuck Co., 429, Brooklyn ave., Detroit, Mich.
- AGE (USA) Aircraft—Aircraft Engineering Corp., 2, East End ave., New York, N.Y.
- ACEROS (San Martin), see San Martin.
- ACME (USA) Tractors—Acme Harvesting Machine ’ Co., S. Bartonville, Peoria, Ill.
- ACME (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Acme Motor Truck •Co., 10, Mitchell st., Cadillac, Mich, and Anderson, Ind.
- ACME (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Acme Wagon Co., Emingsville, Pa.
- ACME (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats— Acme Engine Co., 11, Minna st., San Franc^co, Cal.
- ACUNA (S) Motor Gars, Com.- Veh., Marine Engines and Aeroplane Engines—Patentes Acuna, S.A., 6, Recoletos, 2, tripl,, Madrid.
- ADAMS (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors—^Adams Co., Maryville, O.
- ADAMS (0) Marine Engines—Adams Engine Co. Penelanguishene, Ontario.
- ADAPTO (USA) P. Chassis Converter—Geneva Factor Co., 8, Factory row, Geneva, 0.
- ADVANCE (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors— Advance-Rumely Co., La Porte, Ind.'
- ADVANCE (USA) Farm Tractors—^Advance-Rumely Thresher Co. Inc., La Porte, Ind.
- AER (I) Aeroplanes—Society Anonima Fabbrica, Aeroplani, Orbassano, Turin.
- AERO MARITTIME (I) Motor Boats—Society Industrie Aero-Marittime Gallinari, Livorno.
- AERO-THERMIQUE (F) Motor Cars—Compagnie Fran^aise de Voitures A6ro Thermique, Grande Rue, 6 bis, Boulogne-sur-Seiue.
- AEROMARINE (USA) Aeroplanes—Aeromarine Plane and Motor Co., Keyport, N.J.
- AEROTHRUST (USA) Outboard or Detachable Motors—Aerothrust Engine Co., 50, Madison st.. La Porte, Ind.
- AF-FORD-ABLE (USA) F. Chassis Converters—Af- Ford-Able Truck Co. Omaha, Neb.
- AIR-O-FLEX (USA) Com. Veh.—Air-o-Flex Automobile Corporation, 519, Hillger avenue, Detroit, Mich. I
- AIRDRIVE (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Kemp Machine Works, 1215, Franklin st., Muncie, Ind.
- AJAX (F) Small Cars and Side-Cars—Autos Aja.x, Avenue de Madrid 12 bis, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- ALBA (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles Alba, Rue Rouget de I’lsle 47, Suresnes, Seine.
- ALBANY (USA) Motor Boatand—Albany Boat Corporation, Broadway and 7th st., Watervliet, N.Y.
- ALBATROS (F) Motor Cycles—L. Albatros, Avenue de Villiers 104, Paris.
- ALCYON (F) Motor Cars and Motor Cycles—Gentil and Cie., Rue de la Garonne 40-52, Courbevoie, Seine.
- ALDA (F) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 des Automobiles Alda, Avenue des Champs Elysdes 34, Paris.
- ALERION (F) Aeroplanes—^Louis Damblanc, Rue Taitbout 80, Paris.
- ALL-AMERICAN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—All- American Truck Co., 10, Mitchell st., Cadillac, Michigan.
- ALL-CAR (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—All-Car Unit Co., Real Estate Trust bldgs., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- ALL POWER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—All Power Truck Co., 370-82, W. Fort st., Detroit, Michigan.
- ALLEN (USA) Petrol Motor Cars and Engines—The Allen Motor Co., Columbus, Ohio.
- ALLEN (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles Allen, Avenue Malakoff 147, Paris.
- ALLFOUR (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—United Pour Wheel Drive Truck Corporation, 4646, W. Madison st., Chicago, Illinois.
- ALLIGATOR (USA) Farm Tractors—The Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co., Findlay, Ohio
- ALLIS CHALMERS (USA) Farm Tractors—Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin ALLWORK (USA) Farm Tractors—Electric Wheel Co., Walton Heights, Quincy, Illinois.
- ALPHA (P) Motor Cars—Automobiles Alpha, Rue Greuze 17, Paris
- ALTA-ITALIA (I) Aeroplanes and Hydroplanes— Societa Idrovolanti Alta Italia, Via Silvio Pellico 12, Milan
- ALTI (P) Engines—Roux ahd Taton, Rue Saint- Lambert 15, Paris.
- ALTOS (P) Engines—^Moteurs “ Altos,” Rue de Paris 81, Les Lilas, Seine.
- AMALGAMATED (USA) Ei^ines—Amalgamated Motors Co., Edison Bldgs., Chicago, Illinois.
- AMALGAMATED (USA) Petrol Engines—Amalgamated Engine Co.,2515, Calumet avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- AMBLARD (F) Motor Cars—Autos Amblard, Rue Joustain 2, Dieppe, Seine Inferieure.
- AMERICA (S) Motor Cars—America Autos, S..4., 0. Ciento 606, Barcelona.
- AMERICAN (USA) Motor Cars—American Motors Cori)oration, Plainfield, New Jersey.
- AMERICAN (USA) Motor Cars—Pan-American Motors Corporation, Decatur, Illinois.
- AMERICAN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—American Commtercial Car Co. Detroit, Michigan.
- AMERICAN (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—American ' Motor Truck Co., Copelaud av6. and M.C.R.K., Detroit, Michigan.
- AMERICAN (USA) Tractors—^American Engine and Tractor Co., Charles City, Iowa.
- AMERICAN (USA) Aeroplanes—American Aircraft Co., National Life Bldgs., Chicago, Illinois.
- AMERICAN (USA) Aeroplanes—American Automotive Co., 4th Water st. Gloucester, New Jersey.
- AMERICAN (USA) Pd. Ch. 0.—^American Pord-a- Tractor Co., Kasota Bld^., Minneapolis, Minn.
- AMERICAN JUNIOR (USA) Petrol Motor Cars— American Motor Vehicle Co., 16th and Union sts., Lafayette, Indiana.
- AMERICAN TRUCK (USA) Ed. Ch. 0.—American Truck and Tractor Co., 4172, Ogden avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- AMESBILT (USA) Ed. Od. 0.—i'. A. Ames Co., Owensboro’, Kentucky.
- AMSTEL (D), see De Amstel.
- AMERFOORT (D) Motor Cycles—Amerfoortsche Rijwiel-Automobiel en Machinefabriek, Voorheen D. H. Bysink, Amersfoort.
- AMESBURY (USA) Ed. Oh. 0.—Jackson Motor Car Co., 1109, Commonwealth ave., Boston, Massachusetts.
- AMESTON (USA) Chassis Converters—E. A. Ames Co., Owensboro’, Ky. .
- AMOVIBLE (E) Aero Engine—L’Amovible, A. Lamblin, Directeur, Rue des Dames 33, Paris.
- AMPHION (USA) Outboard or Detachable Motors— A. J. Machek and Co., 305, 24th st. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- ANDAFORD (USA) Ed. Ch. C.—Andaford Truck Co.> Jefferson and McDougall avenues, Detroit, Michigan- ANDERSON (USA) Motor Cars—^Anderson Motor Co., Rock Hill-, South Carolina.
- ANDERSON (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats and Tractors—Anderson Engine Co., 4038, N. Rockwell st., Chicago, Illinois.
- ANDREWS (USA) Farm Tractors—The Andrews ' , Tractor Co., 2529 University avenue, S.E. Min^ neapolis, Minn.
- ANGLO-AMERICAN (USA) Aircraft—Anglo-Anerican Corporation, 42, Broadway, New York.
- ANSALDO (I) Aeroplanes, Motor Boats, Diesel/ Engines and Engines—Eabbrica Motor! Combus- tioni Interna, Giov. Ansaldo and Co., Via Garibaldi 2, Genoa.
- ANZANI (I) Engines—Anzani, Via Virtruvio 62, Milan.
- ANZANi (E) Engines—-Moteurs Anzani, Boulevard de Verdun 112, Courbevoie, Seine.
- APPAREII-* fP) Electric Motor Cars and Com. Veh.— Soci6te d’Appareils de Transports et Manuteutions Electriques, Place de la Madeleine 21, Paris.
- APPERSON (USA) Motor Cars—Apperson Bros. Automobile Co., S. Main st., Kokomo, Indiana.
- APPLETON (U-SA) Petrol and Paraffin Earm Tractors —Appleton Manufacturing Co., Batavia, Illinois.
- ARBENZ (USA) Petrol Pass—Arbenz Car Co., Chillicothe, Ohio.
- ARDITA (I) Light 'Gars—Eabbrica Ardita Auto- mobili. Via Gustavo Modena 6, Milan.
- ARIES (E) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Soci6t6 Annonyme des Automobiles Aries, Quai d’Argen- teuil 39, Villeneuve-la-Garenne.
- ARMLEDER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The O Arm- leder Co., Plum Charles and 12th sts., Cincinnati, Ohio.
- ARMOR (P) Motor Cycles—Cycles and Motos “ Armor,” Avenue Trudaine 23, Paris.
- ARMSTRONG MITERKEL (I) Motor Boats— Armstrong, Miterkel and Co., Pozzuoli, Naples.
- ARNOLD (USA) Ed. Ch. G.—Arnold Motor Car Co., 191-207, Paterson st., Patersbh, N.J.
- ASHMUSEN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Aeroplanes —Ashmusen Mfg. Co., 266, Pearl St., Providence, Rhode Island.
- ASNAGttl-BESANA (I) Aeroplanes—Societa Anonima Asnaghi and Besana, Via Erancia, Milan.
- ASNIERES (E) Motor Cars—J. Vincent, Avenue de Courbevoie 65, Asni6res.
- ASTER (F) Engines—Soci6t6 Anonyme I’Aster, Rue de Paris 102, Saint Denis, Seine.
- ATGO (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—American Tru<± and lYailer Corporation, Stoddard place, Kankakee, Illinois.
- ATELIERS (E) Electric d’Automobiles et d’Aviation, Passage Miollis 4, Paris XVe.
- ATLANTIC (USA) Electric Com. Veh.-«Atlantic Electric Vehicle Co., 893-97, Trelinghuysen avenue, Newark, N.J.
- ATLAS (F) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme Fran^aise Ateliers Automobiles et Motoculture AtlaS, Rue Desrenaudes 21 and 22 bis, Paris.
- ATLAS G^SA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Martin Truck^nd Body Corporation, W. Market st., York, Pennsylvania.'
- ATLAS (USA) Electric Road Tractors—The Atlas Car and Mftg. Co., Ivanhoe rd., Cleveland, Ohio.
- ATLAS (USA) Tractors—Midwest Engine Co., 19th st. and Martindale avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- ATLAS (USA) Aeroplanes—Atlas Aircraft Corporation, 927, Market st., Wilmington, Delaware.
- ATLAS JUNIOR (USA) Farm Tractor—Lyons Atlas Co., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- ATLAS SENIOR (USA) Earm Tractor—Lyons Atlas Co. Indianapolis, Indiana.
- ATTERBURY (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Atterbury Motor Car Co., Elmwood and Hertel avenue, Buffalo, N. York.
- AUBURN (USA) Farm Tractor, The Russell and Co., Massillon, Ohio.
- AUBURN (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Auburn Automobile Co., Auburn, Indiana.
- AUDAX (F) Motor Cars—Lerefait et Oie., Rue du Maillet 55, Rouen, Seine Inidrieure.
- AULSON (USA) Tractors—Aulson Tractor Co., Waukegan, Illinois.
- AULTMAN-TAYLOR (USA) Oom. Veh.—Aultman Taylor Co., Mansfield, Ohio.
- AUSTIN (F) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Soci6t6 Anonyme Austin, Liancourt, Oise. '
- AUSTIN- (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Austin Automobile Co., 114-118 Division avenue S.B.,, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- AUSTIN (USA) Farm Tractors—F. 0. Austin Colne., 80, E. Jackson rd., Chicago, Illinois.
- AUSTRAL (F) Motor Cycles and Side Cars—P. Menard, Avenue Emile Zola 88, Paris.
- AUTO-MOTIVE (USA) Chassis Converters—AutoMotive Tractor Corporation of America, Southwest Bldgs.. Kansas City, Mo.
- AUTO PULL (USA) Ed. Oh. 0.—Wedge Implement Co., 44, S. Third st., Minneapolis, Minn.
- AUTO-TRACTOR (USA) Com. Veh.—Auto-Tractor Co., Chicago, Illinois,
- AUTOCAR (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—The Autocar Co., Lancaster avenue, Ardmore, Pennsylvania.
- AUTOHORSE (USA) Road Tractors—One Wheel Truck Co., 2122, Chouteau ave., St. Louis, Mo.
- AUTOMATIC (USA) Petrol Motor Cars and Tractors —Automatic Machine Co., 113, E. Washington, avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
- AUTOMATIC (USA) Electric Road Tractors— Automatic Transportation Co., 2933, Main st., Buffalo, New York.
- AUTOMOBILE-AVIAZIONE (I) Engines—Societal Anonima Automobili ed Aviazione, Via Madamal Cristina, Turin.
- AUTOMOBILETTES (F) Motor Cars—D. Gibrat et A. Bourgault, Rue Cambronne 24, Paris.
- AUTOMOTIVE (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors —^Automotive. Corporation, Shoaff Bldgs., Pt. Wayne, Indiana.
- AUTOMOTO (E) Motor Cars—Usin^ Automoto, Rue Gutenberg, Saint Etienne, Loire.
- AVAILABLE (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—^Available Truck Co., 1539, N. Kilpatrick avenue, Chicago, ' Hlinote.
- AVERY (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Avery Co. Motor Works, 57th avenae and Mitchell st., W. Allis, . Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- AVERY (USA) Farm Tractors—Avery Co., 2300, K. Adams st., Peoria, Illinois.
- AVIAZIONE (I) Aeroplanes and Biplanes—Society Anonima Aviazione, Oorso Dante 30, Turin.
- AVION (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles Avion, Rue Edouard Nieuport 2 bis, Suresnes, Seine.
- AXLEFORD (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.~Axleford Truck Co., S. Michigan ave. 1610, Chicago, Illinois.
- AZUR (F) Motor Cars—M.Sandhomme, Rue Voltaire, Beaumont, Oise.
- B. A. H. (F) Motors—Moteurs B.A.H., Rue de Rome 11, Paris.
- BAANHOEK (D) Motor Boats—Scheeps Bouwwerk Baanhoek, Shiedrecht.
- BAGIBl (I) Motor Boats—Society Esrcizio Bacibi, Piazza Principe 4, Q-enoa.
- BAGKE (USA) Engines—Backe Engineering Co., 798-800 Sterling pl., Brooklyn, New York.
- BAGLIETTO (I) Motor Boats—Gautieri Navali Baglietto, Varazze, Q-enoa.
- BAKER (USA) Farm Tractors-:— Baker Tractor Co,, Lansing, Michigan.
- BALLOT (F) Engines—Btablissements Ballot, Boulevard Brune 37 et 39, Paris.
- BALTIMORE (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats—Baltimore Oil Engine Co., Baltimore, Maryland.
- BANGHIERO (I) Aeroplanes—Society Anonima Banchiero, P. Paleocapa 1, Turin.
- BARBER (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Barber Motor Corporation, 47-49, Lincoln pl., Brooklyn, New York.
- BARBER (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Barber Brothers, 500, E. Water st., Syracuse, New York.
- BARKER (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—The Barker Factory, Norwalk, Connecticut.
- BARKER (USA) Farm Tractors—Los Angeles Motor Car Co., 1410, Cypress ave,, Los Angeles, California.
- BARRE (F) Motor Cars—G. Barre, Rue Tartifume 2, Niort, Deux S6vres.
- BARRELLIER (F) Invalid Motor Cars—Etablisse- ments Barrellier, Passage de la Grande Rue 3,
- BARRON-VIALE (F) Motor Cars—Barron Viale et Oie., Ohemin des Alouettes 32, Lyons.
- BASSl (I) Engines—Officine Meccanica Bassi e <3,0., Via Fiamma 7, Milan,
- BASTAERT (F) Motor Cars—G; Bastaert, Oonces- sionnaire des Usines de Dion-Bouton, Rue Lafayette 124-126, Paris.
- BASTIONI (I) En^es—Societa Motor! d’Aviazione, Bastion! Garibaldi 3, Milan.
- BATES (USA) Aeroplanes—^Bat« Aeroplane Co., 104, W. Oak st., Chicago, Ill.
- BATES ALL STEEL (USA) Farm Tractors—Bates Tractor Co., Lansing, Michigan.
- BATES STEEL D. (USA) Paraffin' Tractors—Bates Machine and Tractor Co., Henderson and Jackson sts., Joliet, Dlinois.
- BATES STEEL MULE (USA) Farm Tractors— Joliet Oil Tractor Co., Joliet, Illinois.
- BAZELAIRE (F) Motor Cars—F. de Bazelaire, Avenue des Ternes 86, Paris.
- BEAR TRACKPULL (USA) Farm Tractors—Bear Spray Pump Cd., San Jos6, California,
- BEAVER (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Beaver State Motor Co., Gre^am, Ore.
- BEAVER (USA) Engines—Beaver Manufacturing Co., Ist and Oklahoma Avenues, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- BECK (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—rBeck Hawkeye Motor Truck Works, 901-13, First ave. W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
- BEDELIA (F) Motor Cars—R. Bourbeau et H. Devaux, Rue Felicien David 32, Paris XVI®.
- BEEMAN (USA) Tractors—F. Beeman Garden Tractor Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
- BEECH CREEK (USA) Com. Veh.—Beech Creek Truck and Auto Co., Beech Creek, Pennsylvania.
- BEGGS (USA) Motor Oare—B^gs Motor Car Co. Michigan ave. and Guinotte avenue, Kansas City.
- BEGHELLI (I) Engines—Filippo B^heUi, Via S. Secondo 88, Turin.
- BELL (USA) Petrol Motor Cars and Oom. Veh.— Bell Motor Car Co. Inc., Center and PjP.R. York, Grove Oity, Pennsylvania.
- BELLANGER (F) Motor Cars, Com. Veh. and Engine—Bellanger Frbres, Route de la Rdyolte 1-35, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- BELLE ISLE (USA) Motor Boats—Belle Isle Boat and Engine Co., 2092, Jefferson avenue, E. Detroit, ' Michigan.
- BELLEM (F) Engines—Soci6t6 pour I’ExpIoitation d^ Brevets Bellem et Brbgeras, Rue St. Phillippe 6, Paris VHIe.
- BELTRAIL (USA) Tractor Co., 2237, Hampden avenue, St. Paul, Minneapolis.
- BELVALETTE (F) Motor Cars—Belvalette et Co., BSWT^GONIN^ Motor Oarf-Automobiles Benoit Gonin, Oitb D^asalle 5, Lyons.
- BERGER (F) Motor Cars—Berger Frfer^, Boulevard Voltaire, Dijon.
- BERLIET (F) Motor Cars and Oom. Veh.—Societe Anonyme des Automobiles M. Berliet, Avenue Berthelot ^39, Lyons.
- BERNARD (F) Aero Engines—^Adolphe Bernard, Rue de Provence 1, Paris.
- BERNARDI (I) Aeroplane Engines—Ing. Cav. Luigi Bmiardi, Via Del Tritone 201, Rome.
- BESANA (I) Aeroplanes—F. Lli. Besana Fabbrica Areopani, Meda, Milan.
- BESSEMER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Bessemer Motor Truck Co. Grove Oity, Pennsylvania.
- BESSER (USA) TYactor—Besser Manufacturii^ Co., Alpena, Michigan.
- BESSON (F) Hydroplanes—Societd des Constructions Aeronautiques et Navales, Marcel B^on, Rue Saint Denis 5, Boulogne-sur-Seine, Seine.
- BETHLEHEM (USA) Road Tractors and Petrol Com. Veh.—Bethlehem Motor Corporation, 40, E. Walnut st., Allentown, Pennsylvania.
- BI-TEMPS (F) Engines—^Moteurs Bi-Temps, Rue des Italiens 2, Paris.
- BIAGHI (I) Engines—Edoardo Biachi, Viale Abruzzi 16, Milan
- BIANCHI ‘(I) Motor Gars—Edoardo Bianchi e Co. Viale Lombardia, Milan.
- BICCA (I) Aeroplane Engines—Oav. Francesco Bicca, Via Rubiana 8, Turin.
- BIDDLE (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Biddle Motor Car Co. Inc., Germantown and Sedgeley avenues, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Bli)LLESE (I) Aeroplane Engine—Stabilimerfbo Meccanico BidUese con Fonderia, Via Lamarmora 5, Biella.
- BIG-A-AUTO (USA) Chassis Converters—Big-A- Auto Tractor Cd., 2522, University st., S.E. Minneapolis, Minn.
- BIG BROWN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Luverne Automobile Co., Maple, and McKenzie sjs., Luverne, Minneapolis.
- BIGNAN (F) Motor Cars, Com. Veh. and Engines— Jacques Bignan, Rae de Normandie 15, Oourbevoie, Seine.
- BIGNAN-SPORT, see Bignan.
- BILTWEL (USA) Tractors—Velie Motors Corporation, Third avenue, Moline, Illinois.
- BIRGH (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Birch Motor Cars, Inc., Michigan avenue and Maddison st., Chicago, Illinois.
- BLAGKHAWK (USA) Aeroplanes—Blackhawk Airplane Co., Davenport, Iowa.
- BLAIR (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—The American Motor Truck Co., Newark, Ohio.*
- BLEAKLEY (USA) Aeroplanes—0. D. Bleakley, Franklin, Pennsylvania.
- BLERIOT (P) Motor Cycles, Side Cara and Aeroplanes—B16riofc Aeronautique, Quai du G6n.6ral Q-allieni 2, Suresnes, Seine.
- BLOUT (USA) Pd. Ch. 0.—Blout Carriage and Buggy Co., Atlanta, Georgia,
- BLUM (F) Oom. Veh.—Blum et Oie., Rue de Long- champ 2, Suresnes, -Seine.
- BLUMBERG (USA) Farm Tractors—The Blumberg Motor Manufacturing Co., 629-33, N. Mesquite st., San Antonio, Texas.
- BOBUT (P) Motor Cars—Bobut, Savoye et Oie., Rue Louis Blanc 30, Courbevoie, Seine.
- BODEWES (D) Motor Boats—Gebroeders Bodewee, Lobith, Geld.
- BOEING (USA) Aeroplanes—Boeing Airplane Co., Hoge Bldgs., Seattle, Washington.
- BOLINDERS (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats—Bolin- ders Co., 30, Church st,, New York.
- BOLLEE (F) Motor Cars—L6on Bolide, Les Sablons> Le Mans, Sarthe.
- BOLLEE (P) Motor Cars—Amedde Bolide fils. Avenue de Paris 99, Le Mans, Sarthe.
- BOREL (P) Aeroplanes—Socidtd Anonyme de Adro- planes Borel, BoulevOsTd Bourdon 22, Neuilly-sur- Seine.
- BORING (USA) Farm Tractors—Boring Tractor Co., 659, Race st., Rockford, Illinois.
- BORSO (I) Motor Boats—Oantieri Navali U. Borso, Ischia, Naples.
- BOUDEVILLE (F) Motor Oycl^—R. Boudeville Ingdnieur Oonstructeur B. 0. P., Quai Aulagnier
- BOUR-DAVIS (USA) Motor 0ai«—Louisiana, Motor Car Co., Shreveport, Louisiana.
- BOURGEOIS-MAGNIN (P) Motor Cars—Bourgeois et Magnin, Rue Charles Rolland 8, Macon, Seine et Loire.
- BOURNE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Bourne Magnetic Truck Co., 5th ave. and 142nd st., New York.
- BOUTET (P) Motor Cars^-G. Boutet, Boulevard de Oourbevoie. 94, Courbevoie, Seine
- BOUTIN (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles Boutin, Avenue de Ih Rdpublique 27, Paris.
- BOZIER (P) Motor Cars—Socidtd des Automobiles Bozier, Rue Denis-Papin 7, Puteaux, Seine.
- BRADLEY (USA) Engines—-C. M. Bradley Motor Co., Harvey, Illinois.
- BRADLEY-ELLIS (USA) Petrol Motor Cars— Bradley-Ellis Motor Co., 15000, Columbia avenue, Harvey, Illinois.
- BRASIER^P) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Socidtd des Automobiles Brasier, Rue Galilde 2, Ivry-Port, Seine. .
- BREESE (USA) Aeroplanes—Breese Aircraft Co., 627, Sth avenue, New York.
- BREGUET (P) Aeroplanes—Socidtd Anonyme des Ateliers d’Aviation Louis Breguet, Velizy-Villa- coublay.
- BRENNAN (USA) Petrol Motor Cars, Tractors, Motor Boats, Engines and Aeroplanes—Brennan Motor Manufacturing Co., 103, Grape st., Syracuse, N. York.
- BREWSTER (USA) Motor Cars—Brewster and Co., Queensboro’ Bridge Plaza, JLong Island City, New York.
- BRIDGEPORT (USA) Petrol Tractors and Motor Boats—Bridgeport Motor Co., 105, Kossuth st., Bridgeport, Connecticut.
- BRILLION (USA) Farm Tractors—Brillion Iron Works, Park avenue and Egan st., Brillion, Wisconsin.
- BRINTON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Brinton Motor Truck Co., 5805-07, Market st., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- BRISCOE (USA) Motor Cars and Cora. Veh.— Briscoe Motor Corporation, 162, Leroy avenue, Jackson, Michigan.
- BRISCOE (C) Motor Cars—Briscoe Motor Co., Ltd., Brockville, Ontario.
- BROCKWAY (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Brockway Motor Truck Co., Cortland, New York.
- BROWNTRUGK (USA) Pd. Oh. 0.—Woodward and Rowe, 2125, Michigan avenue, Chicago, DI.
- BRUNO-MACCAGNO (I) Engines—A. Bruno e. 0. G. Maccagno, Via Cottolengo, Turin.
- BUCHER-ZEDA (I) Engines—Bucher e Zeda, Via Tontona 12, Milan.
- BUCKET (F) Motor Cars and Engines—Ancienn^ Usines Buchet, Rue de Sdvres 73, Billancourt, Seine.
- BUCK (USA) Aeroplanes—Buck Aircraft and Munitions Co., Ernst and Crammer Bldgs., Denver, Colorado.
- BUCKEYE (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Buckeye Manufacturing Co., 1801, Columbus avenue, Anderson, Indiana.
- BUDA (USA) Com. Veh., Petrol Tractors and Engines —The Buda Go., Harvey, Illinois.
- BUFFALO (USA) Petrol Motor Cars, Tractors and Engines, Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats-r: Buffalo Petrol Motor Co., 1280-90, Niagara st., Buffalo, New York.
- BUGATTI (P) Motor Cars—Autos Bugatti, Mobheim, Alsace.
- BUGNON (P) Engines—A. Bugnon, Boulevard de la Villette 34, Paris.
- BUICK (USA) Motor Cars and Oom. Veh.—Buick Motor Co., Hamilton avenue, Flint, Michigan.
- BUICK (P) Motor Cars—J. Tomine, Avenue de la R6volte 12-14, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- BUIRE (F) Motor Cars and Oom. Veh.—Soci6te NouveUe de la Buire, Place de la Buire 4, Lyons.
- BULL (USA) Paraffine Tractors—Bull Tractor Madison Motors Corporation, Second and Sycamore Sts., Anderson, Indiana.
- BULL (USA) Farm Tractors, Bull Tractor Co., 3050, Snelling avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
- BULLOCK (USA) Farm Tractors—Bullock Tractor Co. 1801-25, Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois.
- BUREL (P) Motor Cycles—G. Burel, Rue Gambetta 94, Dieppe, Seine Inferieure.
- BURGESS (USA) Aeroplanes—The Burgess Co., Marblehead, Massachusetts.
- BURLAT (P) Engines—Soci6t6 des Moteurs Rotatifs Buriat, Rue Poizat, Lyons.
- BURLINGTON (USA) Pd. Oh. 0.—Burlington Motor Truck Co., 711, Origen st., Burlington, Wisconsin.
- BURMAN (USA) Pd. Ch. 0.—Charles H. Burman, 3074, Broadway, Oakland, California.
- BURNOIL (USA); Paraffin Motor Boats—Burnoil Engine Co., 1108, S. High st.. So. Bend, Indiana.
- BUSH (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Bush Motor Co., BusV Temple, Chicago, Illinois.
- BUTTEROSI (P) Motor Cars—Soci6td Nouvelle des Automobiles Butterosi, Boulogne-sur-Seine.
- C. A.S. (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—O.A.S. Engineering Co., 790, Woodward avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- C. F. (F) Motor Cars—Fournier Oonstructeur, Rue du Bois 3, Levallois.
- C.G.O. (P) Motor Cars—Oompagnie G6n6rale des Omnibus de Paris, Quai d^ Grands Augustins 53ter., Paris.
- C.L.G. (P) Motor Cars—De Cockborne, Lebucher et da Costa, Avenue dTtalie 165, Pm^is.
- C.O. (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Fairbanks-Morse and Co., 900, S. Wabash avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- C.O.D. (USA) Farm Tractore—O.O.D. Tractor Co., 309, Washington avenue, N. Minneapolis, Minn.
- C.T. (USA) Electric Oom. Veh.—Commercial Truck Co. of America, 27th and Brown sts., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- CADEL (F) Trucks—Oadel, Avenue de Saxe 22, Paris.
- CADILLAC (USA) Motor Cars—Cadillac Motor Car Co., 1343, Cass avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- CADILLAC (P) Motor Cars—J. Tomine, Avenue de la Revolte 12-14, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- CADIX (P) Motor Cars—^Automobiles Cadiz, Rue Ruhmkorff 13, Paris.
- CADY (USA) Petrol Motor Boat—Cady Co., 0- N., Canastota, New York.
- CAFFORT (F) Marine Engines—Anciens Etabli^e- ments Caffort Frferes, Rue du Chemin Vert 125 bis, Paris.
- CAIL (F) Motor Cars—Soci6te Franpaise de Constructions Mecaniques, Rue de Douai, Denain, Nord.
- CAILLE (USA) Outboard or Detachable Motors—? Caille Perfection Motor Co., 1300, Second Avenue, Detroit,' Michigan.
- CALABRESI (I) Motor Boats—Cantieri Oalabresi, Catanzaro.
- CALCAGNO-GUASTAVIGNO (I) Motor Boats, Oalcagno e Guastavigno, Via S. Lorenzo 17, Genoa.
- CALIFORNIA (USA) Aeroplanes—California Aviation Co., 414, Broadway Central Bldgs., Los Angeles, California.
- CALZONI (I) Aeroplane Engines—Alessandra Cal- zoni, Via Pietramellara 29, Bologna.
- CAMDEN (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats, Camden Anchor-Rockland Machine Co., Camden, Maine.
- CAMELFORD (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Maremont Manufacturing Co., 916-18, S. Wabash avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- CAMERON (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Cameron Motors Corporation, Norwalk, Conn. /
- CAMERON (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors— Cameron Motor Co., 268, Atlantic st., Stamford, ' Connecticut.
- CANADIAN (C) Aeroplanes—Canadian Aeroplane Co., Toronto, Ontario.
- CANTIERI NAVALI LIGURE (I) Motor Boats— Cantieri Navali Ligure, Genoa.
- CANTILEVER (USA) Airqraft—Cantilever Aero Co., 1269, Broadway, New York.
- CAPE GOD (USA) Motor Boats—Cape Cod Power Dory Co.. 453, Main st.,<\’’areham, Massachusetts’.
- CAPITAL (USA) Farm Tractors—0. H. A. Dissinger and Bros. Inc., cor. 4th and Vine sts., Wrightstown, Pennsylvania.
- CAPRONI (I) Aeroplanes, Bi and Triplanes—Fratelli Caproni, Via Settembrini 2, Milan
- CAPRONI (I) 'Aeroplanes—Societh per Sviluppo deir Aviazione in Italia, Passagio Cano-Alberto 2, Milan.
- CARL (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats—Carl Engine Works, 103, N. Second st., Philadelphia, Pemi- sylvania.
- CARODL (F) Aeroplanes—Aeroplane Carodl, Avenue de I’Op^ra 31, Paris.
- CARPENTIER (F) Motor Boats—Carpentier Bal et Cie., Rue de Paris 124 bis 126, Saint Denis-sur-Seine.
- CARRERA (I) Engines—Giovanni Michele Carrera, Corso Vennezia 63, Milan.
- CARSON (USA) Petrol Motor Cars and Motor Boats—Carson Motor Co., 519, Hillger avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- CASALIS (I) Engines—U. Casalis, Via Monte di Pieta 16, Milan.
- CASE (USA) Petrol Motor Cars and Tractors—J. I. Case T. M. Co., State and Douglas sts., Racine, Wisconsin.
- CASS (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Independent Moto Co., 1636, Wilson Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio.
- CATERPILLAR (USA) Tractors—Holt Manufacturing Co. Stockton, California.
- CAUDRON (F) Aeroplanes—Caudron Frferes, Rue Guynemer 52-70, Issay-les-Moulineaux.
- CELTIC (F) Motor Care—Marcel Caplet, Le Havre.
- CERIBELLI (I) Engines-r-G. E. C. Ceribelli, Via P. Umberto 5, Milan.
- CERIBELLI (I) Motor Boats, Cav. C. CeribelH, MalgratCy Como. >
- CERRETTO (I) Motor Boats—Societh Anonima Industriale, Pietro Mario Cerretto, Villa d’Ossola, Novara.
- CHALLENGE (USA) Farm Tractors—Challenge Tractor Co., 527, Palace Bldgs., Minneapolis, Minn.
- CHALMERS (C) Motor Cars—Chalmers Motor Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ontario.
- CHALMERS (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Chalmers Motor Co., Jeflerson avenue and New Belt Line, Detroit, Michigan.
- CHAMEROY (P) Mo’fcor Cars—Automobiles Ohameroy, Route de Monterson 71 bis, Le Yesinet. *
- CHAMPION (USA) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.— Direct Drive Motor Co., Land Title Bldgs. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- CHAMPION (USA) Petrol Oom. Yeh.—Champion Motors Co., Fulton, Illinois.
- CHAMPION (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tfactors— Champion Tractor Co., 61st st. and Archer avenue, Argo, Illinois.
- CHANDLER (USA) Petrol Motor Cars—Chandie Motor Car Co., East 131st, Cleveland, Ohio.
- CHAPELLE (F) Motor Cars—De la Ohapelle et Cie., Avenue des Ternes 91 bis, Paris.
- CHAPUIS-DORNIER (F) Engines—^Ingenieurs Con- structeurs Dornier et Cadet, Avenue du President Wilson 88 bis, Puteaux, Seine.
- CHAROTTE (F) Motor Cars—M. Charotte, Boule- "VATH 'PPT’PITP T "PfiviG
- CHARRON (0) Motor Cars—Charron Limited, Rue Ampere 7,- Puteaux, Seine.
- CHASE (USA) Petrol Com. Yeh, and Farm Tractors —Chase Motor Truck Co., 332, S. West st., Syracuse, New York.
- CHENARD-WALCKER (F) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Society Anonyme des Anciens Btablisse- ments Chenard-Walcker, Rue du Moulin de la Tour, Gemievilliers, Seine.
- CHEVROLET (USA) Motor Cars Y^.—Chevrolet Motor Co. of Michigan.
- CHEVROLET (USA) Motor Cars Yeh.—Chevrolet Motor Co. Inc., New York.
- CHEVROLET (0) Motor Cars—-Chevrolet Motor Co. of Canada, Ld., Oshawa, Ontario. ,
- CHICAGO (USA) Motor- Trucks-—Chicago Motor TVuck, 335, 28th place, Chicago, Illinois.
- CHICAGO (TJSA) Aeroplanes—Chicago Aero Works, 202, N. Wabash avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- CHIEF (USA) Petrol Tractors—Chief Motor Co., Port Huron, Michigan.
- CHIEF (USA) Farm Tractors—The Chief Tractor Manufacturing Co., 607, 1-2 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Micjhigan.
- CHIOLDI (I) Aeroplanes and /Biplanes—G-. Chioldi e Co., L^nano, Milan
- CHIRIBIRI (I) Motor Cars and Aeroplanes—Chiribiri e Co., Via Caraglio, Turin.
- CID (F) Motor Cars—Constructions Industrielles Dijonnaises Usine des Lentill^res, Dijon.
- CITROEN (F) Motor Cars and Com. Yeh.—Andre Citroen, Quai de Javel 113-145, Paris.
- CLASSIC (USA) Petrol Motor Cars and Cbm. Veh.—? Classic Motor Car Corporation, Room 637, 29, S. La Salle st., Chicago.
- CLEM (^) Motor Cars—Societe ^ouvelle des Voi- turettes Clem, Cour G-ambetta 108, Lyons-.
- CLEMENT (F) Motor Cycles and Aetoplanes— Louis Clement, Rue de Silly 128, Boulogne-sur- Seiue.
- CLEMENT (F) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme Fran- (;‘aise des Cycles Clement et Gladiator, Grande Rue 76, Pr6-Saint-Gervais, Seine.
- CLiMENT-BAYARD (F) Motor Cars and Aero Engines—A- C16ment-Bayard, Quai Michelet 33, Levallois-Perret, ^eiue.
- CLERGET-BLIN (F) Aeroplane Engines—Clerget, Blin et Seine.
- CLETRAC Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio.
- CLEVELAND (USA) Motor Cycles—Cleveland Motor Cycle Mftg. Co., 7209, Platt avenue, Cleveland, Ohio
- CLEVELAND (USA) Farm Tractors—The Cleveland Tractor Co., Lamb and Euclid avenues, Cleveland, Ohio.
- CLIFTON (USA) Petrol Tractor^-Clifton Motor Works, 229-31 E. Clifton avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- CLIMAX (USA). Petrol Motor Cars and Paraffin Tractors-^limax Engineering Co., 1800, Fourth st., Clintori, Iowa.
- CLYDESDALE (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.-Clyde Cars Go., Clyde, Ohio.
- CODECASA (I) Motor Boats—Oantieri Codecasa e Co., Lucca Viareggio
- COEY (USA1 Petrol Motor Cars—Coey CoUege of Motoring, Coey Bldgs., 2010-12 Wabash avenue, Ciiicago.
- COHENDET (Fi Motor Cycles—Ooheudet et Oie., 166, Quai Jemraapes, Paris.
- COLE (USA) Motor Cars—Cole Motor Gar Co., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- COLEMAN (USA) Farm Tractors—Coleman Tractor Corporation, Kansas City, Mo.
- COLIN (F) Motor Cycles—M. H. Colin, Rue de la Boetie 1.22, Paris.
- COLLIER (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—The Collier Motor Track Co., Bellevue, Ohio,
- COLOMBO (I) Engines—Ing. Luigi Colombo, Via Fatebenefratelli 19, Milan.
- COLONIAL (USA) Motor Cars—Colonial Automobile Co., 448-50, N. Capitol avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana. ?
- COLONIAL (USA) Engines—Colonial Motors Co., suite 405, Kresge Bldgs., Detroit, Michigan. '
- COLORI (I) Aeroplanes—Officine Oolori, Mantua.
- COLUMBIA (USA) Motor Cara—Columbia Motors Co., 1256, Jefferson st., Detroit, sfichigan.
- COLUMBIA (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Columbia Motor Truck and I’railer Co., Pontiac, Michigan.
- COLUMBIA (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Wentworth and Irwin, 200, Second st., Portland, Oregon.
- COLUMBRIAN ELECTRIC (USA) Electric Motor . Cars—Columbrian Electric Vehicle Co., Detroit, Michigan.
- COMDELVAR (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Longford Co. of America, 80, Charles River rd., Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- COMET (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.— Comet Automobile Co., 156-60, S. Water st., Decatur, Illinois. *
- COMET (USA) Engines—Comet Motor Works, 521, Jackson Bldgs.,- Chicago.
- COMMERCE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Commerce Motor Car Co., Mackie and Solvey avenues, .Detroit, Michigan.
- COMMERCIAL (USA) C. Converters—Commercial Car Unit Co. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- COMMERCIAL (USA) Aeroplanes—Commercial Aeroplane and Manufacturing Co., 3224, Samson st., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- COMMON SENSE (USA) Farm lYactors—The Common Sense Gas Tractor Co., 622, 9th st. S.E. Minneapolis, Minn.
- COMMONWEALTH (USA) Motor Cars—Commonwealth Motors Co., 326, W. Madison st., Chicago.
- COMPAGNIE FRANGAISE (F) Motor Cycles— Compagnie Fran^aise des, Cycles and Automobiles, Rue Francceur 6, Paris.
- CONCORD (USA) Petral Com. Veh.—Abbott and Downing Co., S- Main st.. Concord, New Hampshire.
- CONDOR (S) Motor Cycles—Manufacture Suisse de Motocycles “ Condor,” Courfaivre.
- CONESTOGA (USA) Com. Veh.—Conestoga Motor Truck Co., Lancaster, Pennyslvania.
- CONNECTICUT (USA) Airships—Connecticut Aircraft Co.. 107, Court st., New Haven, Connecticut.
- CONSOLIDATED (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Consolidated Track and Tractor Co., 976, Woodward avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- CONSORZIO COOPERATIVO (I) Motor Boats— Consorzio Cooperative Oobtrazioni Navali, Vicolo Sciarra 61, Rome.
- CONTINENTAL (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Continental Truck Manufacturing Co., 1702, ICfch st., Superior, Wisconsin.
- CONTINENTAL (USA) Ermines—Continental Motor Corporation, Detroit, Michigan.
- CONTINENTAL (USA) Aircraft—Continental Aircraft Corporation, 120, Liberty st., New York.
- CORBELLA-LONGONI (I) Engines—Corbella Lon- goiii e Co., Via Lavanderie Social! 3, Milan.
- CORBITT (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Corbitt Motor Truck Co., Henderson, North Carolina.
- CORLISS (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Corliss Motor Truck Co., Corliss, Wisconsin.
- CORNILLEAU (F) Engine—Automobiles Cornilleau, Quai d’Asniferes 71 bis, Asniferes. Seine.
- CORNILLEAU (P) ? ilotor Cycles—Motocyclette Cornilleau, lioulevard Bessidres 67, Paris.
- CORONEL (I) Aeroplane Engines—Alfredo Coronel, Via G. Ferraris 9, Milan.
- CORRE (F) Motor Cars arid Engines—Corre et Cie., Guingamp, Cote du Nord.
- CORRE-LA-LICORNE (F) Motor Cars—Compagnic Fran^aise des Automobiles Corre-La-Licorne, Hue de Villiers 37, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- COTE (F) Motor Cars—Society des Etablissements Cote, Rue du Pre 5, Saint Gervaix, Pantiu.
- COTTEREAU (F) Motor Cars—Soci^U Nouvelle des Btablissements, Cottereau, Dijon.
- COTTIN-DESGOUTTES (F) Motor Cars and Engines—Cottin and Desgouttes, Place du Bachut, Lyon-Monplaisir.
- COUPLE-GEAR (USA) Petrol and Electric Com. Veh.—The Couple Gear Freight Wheel Co., 1450, Buchanan st.. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- COURT (F) Motor Cars—Court et Cie., Rue Robert 22, Lyons.-
- COURTOF (F) Motor Cars^Automobiles Courtof, Rue Saint Louis 16, Lyons.
- CRAIG (USA) Tractors—Craig Tractor Co., Bliss rd., Cleveland, Ohio.
- CRANE and BREED (USA) Motor Cars—Crane and Breed Mftg. Co., 1227-59, W. Sth st., Cincinnati, Ohio.
- CRAWFORD (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.—Crawford Automobile Co., Surrey and Summit Avenues, Hagerstown, Maryland.
- CRESCENT (USA) Com. Veh.—Orescent Truck Co., Elizabeth, New Jersey.
- CRESPELLE (F) Motor Cars—F. Orespelle, Avenue Daumesnil 23 et 25, Paris.
- CRESPI (I) Aeroplane Engines—Ostini Crespi e Co., Via Balestrieri, Milan.
- CROGHAT (F) Electric Motor Cars and Com. Veh. and Boats—Etablissements Henry Crochat, Boulevard Ney 131, Paris.
- CROCE (USA) Com. Cars—(Droce Auto Co., Asbury Park, New Jersey.
- CROW (0) Motor Cars—Crow Motor Car Co., Mount Brydges,' Ontario.
- CROW ELK-HART (USA) Motor Cars—The Orow Elkhart Motor Corporation, 1100, N. Main st., Elkhart, Indiana.
- CRUISER (USA) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Cruiser Motor Car'Oo., Madison, Wisconsin.
- CULMEN (F) Motor Cars—Comptoir Culmen, Quai Jemmapes 62, Paris.
- CULTO (USA) Petrol Tractors—Detroit Culto Tractor Corporation, 1524, Jefferson Avenue E., Detroit, Michigan.
- CUNNINGHAM (USA) Motor Cars—James Cunningham, Son and Co., 13 Canal st., Roch^ter, New York.
- CURTIS (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Curtis Form-A-Tractor Co., 6, N. Clark st., Chicago, Illinois.
- CURTISS (USA) Petrol Motor Boats and Aeroplanes —Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation, 2000, Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York.
- CURTISS (USA) Curtiss Engineering Corporation, Garden City, New York.
- CYCLONETTE (F) Motor Cycles—Motocycles yclonctte, Rue de Lourmel 47, Paris.
- CYCLOTRACTEUR (P) Motor Cycles and Engines —Compagnie Franqaise des Automobiles de Place, Place Oollange 2, Levallois-Perret.
- D. E. (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Day-Elder Motors Corporation, 161, Ogden st., Newark, New Jersey.
- D. F.P. (F) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements Doriot, Boulevard Saint-Denis,Courbevoie, Seine.
- D’ARRIGO (I) Hydroplanes—D’Arrigo e Co., Viale Della Lib^rta 73, Catania.
- D’EMBOUTISSAGE (F) Motor Cycles and Side Cars—Soci6t6 d’Emboutissage et de Constructions Mecaniques, Boulevard du Havre 177, Colombo,. Seine.
- D’HEUR (Bg) Motor Cara—Jules d’Heur et Oie., Rue des Mineurs, Herstal.
- DA VINCI (I) Aeroplanes—Society Leonardo da Vinci, Pabbrica Areoplani Dirigibili, Baggio, Milan.
- DE AMSTEL (D) Motor* Boats—Naamlooze Ven- nootschap Scheepswerf DeAmstei, VoorheenJ. P. G. Tluebout, Ouder-Amstel.
- DE DIETRICH (P) Motor Cars and Aero.Engines— Soci6t6 Lorraine des Anciens Etablissements de Dietrich et Cie. de Luneville, Route de Bezons, Argen- teuil, Seine-et-Oise.
- DE DION BOUTON (P) Motor Cars, Oom. and Agricultural Motors—Etablissements de Dion Bouton,- Quai National 36, Puteaux.
- DE KALB (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—De K^b Wagon Co., De Kalb, Illinois.
- DE LA HAYE (F) Motor Cars, Com. Veh. and Motor Boats—Societe des Automobiles de* la Haye, 10, Rue du Banquier, Paris.
- DE MANERFFE (Bg) Motor Cars—de Manerffe, Nagelmackers et Cie., Rue Fdtienne 44, Li^e.
- DE MARIA (I) Motor Boats—Officine Riparazioni Navi M. de Maria e Co., Genoa.
- DE MARTINI (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—De Martini Motor Gar Co., 375-79 Bay st., San Francisco.
- DE PALMA (USA) Engines—De Palma Mftg. Co.,' '718-26, Woodbridge st., East Detroit, .Michigan.
- DE RONZIERE (P) Motor Cycles—CuminrMichelin, Quai de I’Est 7, Lyons.
- DE SCHELDE (D) Motor Boats—Koninklijke Maatschappi] ” De Schelde,” Scheepsboowen Werk- tuigenfabrieken, Vlissingen.
- DE VECCHI (I) Motor Cars and Engines—Officine Meccaniche de Vecchi, Via Vallazze 108, Milan.
- DACHEL-CARTER (USA) Motor Boats—Dachel- Carter Ship and Boat Building Co., Benton Harbor, Michigan.
- DAIMLER (P) Motor Cars—Daimler Motor Avenue du Roule 39, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- DAIN (USA) Oom. Veh.—Dain Manufacturing Ottumwa, Iowa.
- DAKOTA (USA) Tractors—Farm Tractor Watertown, South Dakota.
- DAMBLAG (P), see Alerion.
- DANIELS (USA) Motor Cars—Daniels Motor Car Co., > 3rd st. and Lebanon Valley R.R., Reading, Pennsylvania.
- DANIELSON (USA) Farm Tractors—Danielson Mftg. Co., Independence, Missouri.
- DANNEMARCK-DESVIGNES (F) Motor Cycles— Dannemarck et Desvignes, Ohemin de Hal^e 3, Le Perreux, Seine.
- DARRACO (F) Motor Cars—Socidtd Anonyme Darracq et Oie., Quai du G6n6ral Galli^ni 33, Snresnes, Seine.
- DART (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Dart Truck and Tractor Corporation, Waterloo, Iowa.
- DASSE (Bg) Motor Cars—G^ard Dasse Verviers.
- DAUCH (USA) Engines—The Dauch Manufacturing Co., 309, W. Water st., Sandusky, Ohio.
- DAVID (S) Motor Cycles—S. A. David, Pallars 71, Barcelona.
- DAVIES (USA) Motor Cars—George
- DAY-HAMLIN (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Day-Hamlin Mftg. Co., Jackson, Michigan.
- DAYTON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—-The Dayton Motor Truck Co., Dayton, Ohio.
- DAYTON (USA) Cora. Veh.—Durable Dayton Truck Co.. Dayton, Iowa.
- DAYTON-WRIGHT (USA) Aeroplanes—Dayton-Wright Airplane Co., Dayton, Ohio.
- DEARBORN (USA) Com. Veh.—Dearborti-Smith Motor Truo'k Co., Chicago.
- DEARBORN (USA) Pd. Ch. o:—Dearborn Truck Co., 2015, Mi^igan avenue, Chicago.
- DECOLANGE (F) Engines—and. Decol^nge, Rue de Diane 11 et Rue Jorand 7, Argenteuil, Seine-et- Oise.
- DEERING (USA) Motor Cars—Magnetic Motors Corporation, 2349, Michigan avenue, Chicago.
- DEFIANCE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Turnball Motor Truck and Wagon Co., Defiance, Ohio.
- DELAG0UR (F) Motor Cars^Autoraobiles Delacour, Rue de la Lancette 19, Paris.
- DELAGE (F) Motor Cars—Claude Delage, Rue Gravel 20, Levallois-Perret.
- DELAGE (F) Motor Cars—Delage et Cie., Boulevard de Verdun 138, Oourbevoie.
- DELAHAYE (F) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—SOci6t6 des Automobiles Delahaye, Rue du Banquier 10,
- DELAUGERE-CLAYETTE (E) Motor Cars and Oom. Veh.—Delaugdre-Olayette Freres et Oie.,. Faubourg Madeleine 16, Orleans.
- DELAUNAY-BELLEVILLE (F) Motor Cars— Soci6t6 Anonyme des Automobiles Delaunay- Belleville, Ateliers de THemiitage, Saint Denis- sur-Seine.
- DELAUNAY-BELLEVILLE (F) Com. Veh.—Delaunay-Belleville et Oie., Rue de la Loubi6re 11, Marseill<».
- DEMEESTER (F) Motor Cycles—Motocyclettes Demeester, Rue Laterals 3, Courbevoie.
- DENBY (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—The Denby Motor Track Co., 400, Holbrook avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- DENINE (USA) Aeroplanes—Denine Aircraft Co., Spokane, Washington
- DEPENDABLE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Dependable Truck and Tractor Co., Galesburg, Illinois.
- DEPOL (D), see Leo
- DEPREZ-JOASSART (Bg) Motor Cars—J. et N. Deprez-Joassart, Rue Defrecheux 28, Herstal.
- DEPUE (USA) Farm Tractors—Depue Bros. Mftg. Co., Clinton, Iowa.
- DECOURT-LACOUR (F) Motor Bo^ts—Deacourt- Lacour, La Pallice, La Rochelle.
- DESPAGNA (F) Motor Cars—Autos Despagna, Rue de Javel 135, Paris.
- DESPINE (F) Motor Cars-^Despine et Cie., Quai de la Marne 52, Paris.
- DETROIT (USA) Electric Motor Cars—Detroit Electric Car Co., 1735, Elliott avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- DETROIT (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Detrpit Chassis Co. 1059-65, W. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan.
- DETROIT (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Carrier Motor Truck Co., 1685, Gratiot avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- DETROIT ELECTRIC (USA) Electric Motor Cars —The Anderson Electric Car Co., Clay avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- DETROITER (USA) Motor Cars—Detroitep Motors Go., 415, Lafayette Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan.
- DEWALD (P) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Ch. Dewaid, Rue Denlert-Rochereau, 92, Boulogne-sur- Seine. *•
- DEWEY (USA) Aeroplanes—Dewey Aeroplane Co., Dewey, Oklahoma.
- DIABLE (F) Cycle Oar—Voiturettes Automobiles “ Diable,” Boulevard Haussmann 79, Paris.
- DIAMOND (USA) Fjirm Tractors—Diamond Iron Works, 1704-28, 2nd st. N. Minneapolis, ^Ilnn.
- DIAMOND T. ^SA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Diamond Motor Truck Co., 4517, W. 26th st. Chicago.
- DIATTO (I) Motor Cars—Diatto e Co., Via Frejus 21, Turin.
- DIAZ (S) Motor Cars—Diaz y Grillo, Sicilia 141, Barcelona.
- DIEDERICHS (F) Motor Cars—Societe des Automobiles Diederichs, Petite Rue Neuve 6, Lyon Charpenfies, Rhone.
- DIEHL (USA) Electric Motor Cars—Diehl Mftg. Co., Elizabethport, New Jersey.
- DIETRICH, see De Dietrich.
- DILL (USA) Tractors—Dill Tractor Mftg. Co. G. I., Harrisburg, Arkansas.
- DION-BOUTON '(F), see De Dion-Bouton.
- DISPATCH (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh. ?—Dispatch^otor Car Co. 1200, 12th avenue S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.
- DIXIE FLYER (USA) Motor Cars—Kentucky Wagon Mftg. Co., 3rd and K. sts., Louisville, Kentucky.
- DOANE (USA) Petrol Com. j7eh.—Doane Motor Truck Co., 428, 3rd st., San Francisco.
- DOBLE (USA) Steam Com.Veh.-—Doble Laboratories, Call bldgs., San Francisco.
- DOBLE-DETROIT (USA) Steam Com. Veh.— Doble-Detroit Steam Motors Co., 75, W. Congress st., Detroit, Michigan.
- DODGE (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol^Com. Veh. —Dodge Brothers, 1678-1724, James Campan avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- DOMAN (USA) Petrol Tractors and Motor Boats and Engines—The H. C. Doman Co., Fifth st., Saint Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
- DOMINION (K) Com. Veh.—Dominion Motor Co., Kitchener, Ontario.
- DOREY (F) Motor Cars—Dorey, Rue Torricelli 14, Paris.
- DORIOT (P) Motor Cars, Society des Anciens Etablissements Doriot, Plandrin et Parant, Boulevard Saint Denis 165, Courbevoie.
- DORRIS (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh. —Dorris Motor Car Co., 4100, Laclede avenue. Saint Louis, Missouri.
- DORT (USA) Motor Cars—Dort Motor Car Co., 316 South st., Flint, Michigan.
- DOUBLE DRIVE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Double Drive Truck Co., 4826-32, W. Kinzie st., Chicago.
- DOUGLAS (P) Motor Cycles—William A. Davis, Rue Danton 14, Levallois.
- DOUGLAS (USA) Motor Cars. Petrol Com. Veh.— Douglas Motor Corporation, 30th and Sprague sts., Omaha, Neb
- DREWES (D) Motor Boats—Drewes and Co., Firma J. Gideon Oij., Groningen.
- DRIGGS' (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Driggs Ordnance Co., 120, Broadway, New York.
- DRUMMOND (USA) Motor Cars—Douglas Motors Corporation, 2568-72, Farman st., Omaha, Nebraska.
- DUAL (USA) Tractors—Dual Truck and Tractor Co., Decatur, Illinois.
- DUBUQUE (USA) Aeroplanes—Dubuque Aircraft Co., Dubuque, Iowa.
- DUESENBERG (USA) Motor Cars, Petrol Motor Boats and Aeroplanes—Duesenberg Motor Corporation, 120, Broadway, New York.
- DUMORE (USA) Motor Gars, Petrol Com. Veh.— ? American Motor Vehicle Co., 16th and Union sts., Lafayette, Indiana.
- DUNN (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats— Dunn Motor Works, Ogdensburg, New York.
- DUPLEX (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Duplex Truck Co., Lansing, Michigan.
- DURABLE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Durable Motor Truck Co., 650, Hohman st., Hammond, Indiana.
- DURYEA GEM (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.—Duryea Motors, Inc., 1113, American bldgs., Baltimore, Maryland.
- DWYER (USA) Aeroplanes—Dwyer Machine Co., Lynn. Massachusetts.
- E. B. (USA) Farm Tractors—Emerson-Brantingham Co., Rockford, Illinois. '
- E. C.P. (F) Engines—Gampague et Cie., Boulevard de Belleville 45, Paris.
- E. M.C. (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Erie Motor Co. Painsville, Ohio.
- ELICHE ITALIA (I) Aeroplanes—Societa Anonima Eliche Italia, Corso Altacomba 63, Turin.
- ELIZALDE (S) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—A. Elizalde, Pasco de San Juan 149, Barcelona.
- ELLESBEE (F) Motor CarSr—L. Selle Berthier, Rue Hoche 4, Avenue de Picardie 6 bis, Versailles.
- ELLSWORTH (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Mills- Ellsworth Co., Keokuk, Iowa.
- ELWELL-PARKER (USA) Electric Tractors— Elwell-Parker Electric Co., 4223, Saint Claire avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- EMBLEM (USA) Motor Cycles—Emblem Manufacturing Co., Angola, New "york.
- EMBOUTISSAGE, see d’Emboutissage.
- EMPIRE (USA) Motor Cars—Empire Automobile Co., 15th and Big Pour R. R., Indianapolis,Iudiana.
- EMPIRE (USA) Aeroplanes—Empire Art Metal Co., College Point, New York.
- ENGEL (USA) Aeroplanes—Engel Aircraft Co., Niles, Ohio.
- ERD (USA) Motor Cars, Tractors and Motor Boats— • Erd Motor Co., 300-04, Mackinaw st., Saginaw, Michigan.
- ERIE (USA) Motor Cars—The Erie Motor Co., Elm and Railroad Stations, PainsvUle, Ohio.
- ERIE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Erie Motor Truck Mftg. Co., 220, N. 12th st., Erie, Pennsylvania.
- ESPANA (S) Motor Cars—Sociedad Anonima Espana, Provenza 247, Barcelona.
- ESSEX (USA) Motor Cars—Essex Motors, 2900, E. Jefferson avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- ESSEX (USA) Petrol Motor Boats and Engines— Essex Engine Co., 417, Union st., Lynn, Massachusetts.
- EVANS (USA) Motor Cycles—Oyclomotor Corporation, 119, Cady st., Rochester, New York.
- EVANSVILLE (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Evansville Gas and Engine Works, 1230, Riverside avenue, Indiana.
- EVERETT-HUNTER (USA) Motor Boats—Everett- Hunter Boat Co., McHenry, Illinois.
- EVINRUDE (USA) Petrol Outboard or Detachable Motors—Evinrude Motor Co., 279, Walker st., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- EWBANK (USA) Petrol Electric Oom. Veh.— Ewbank Electric Transmi^ion Co., Portland, Oregon.
- EXCELSIOR (Bg) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme des Automobiles Excelsior, Saventhen.
- EXCELSIOR (USA) Motor Cycles—Excelsior Motor Mftg. and Supply Co., 3701, Oorland st., Chicago.
- EXCELSIOR (F) Motor Cycles—Jouve et Oie., Boulevard Murat 145, Paris.
- EXCELSIOR (D) Aircraft—Naamlooze Vennootschap * Excplsior,” Schiedam.
- EXSHAW (P) Steam Oom. Veh.—Etablisaements J. H. Exshaw and Co., Boulevard J. J. Bose 1-31, Bordeaux.
- F. A. G, (F) Motor Cycles—^Manufacture d’Armes et Cycles, Saint Etienne.
- F. B. A. (P) Hydroplanes—Franco-British Aviation Co., Quai de Seine, Argenteuil.
- F.I.A.T. (I) Motor Cars, Oom. and Agricultural Veh. Engines and Aeroplanes—Society Anonima Pabbrica Italiana Automobili, Corso Dante 30-35, Turin.
- F. I.A.T. (USA) Motor Cars—F.I.A.T. Motor Co., Poughkeepsie, New York.
- F.I.M.A. (I) Aero Engines—Pabbrica Italiana Motor! Aviazione, Corso Re Umberto, Turin.
- F.R.P. (USA) Motor Cars—Porter, Finlay, Robertson Co., Port Jefferson, New York.
- F.W.D. (USA) Petrol Coni. Veh.—The Four-Wheel Drive Auto Co., 504, Main st., Clintonville, Wisconsin.
- FABRIQUE NATIONALE (Bg) Motor Cycles— Pabrique Nationale d’Arraes de Guerre Beige, . Herstal-Lez-Li^ge.
- FACCIOH (I) Engines and Aeroplanes—Ing. Aristide Faccioh Motor! di Automobili, Turin.
- FAGEOL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Farm Tractors —rPageol Motors Co., 107th avenue and Hollywood Boulevard, Oakland, California.
- FAIR-MOR (USA) Farm Tractors—Fairbanks, Morse and Co., 900, S. Wabash avenue, Chicago.
- FAIRBANKS MORSE (C) Marine Engines—Fairbanks, Morse Co., Ld., Toronto, Ontario.
- FALCON (USA) Aeroplanes—Falcon Mftg. Co., Elizabeth, New Jersey.
- FALLS (USA) Motor Cars, Petrol Tractors and Engines—Falls Motor Corporation, Sheboygan Palls, Wisconsin.
- FAMOUS (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Famous Trucks, Inc., Broad st., Saint Joseph, Michigan.
- FAON (F) Motor Cars—H. Goffart, Rue de Rome 17, Paris.
- FARGO (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Fargo Motor Car Co., 1162-66, W. 22nd st., Chicago.
- FARM HORSE (USA) Paraffin Tractors—Farm Horse Traction Works, Guttenburg, Iowa.
- FARMAN (P) Motor Cars and Aeroplane Engines— H. and M. Parman, Rue de Silly 149-167, Billancourt, Seine.
- FARMAN-SAVOIA (I) Anonima, Farman Savoia Bovisio Mombello, Milan.
- FARMERBOY (USA) Farm Tractors—Columbus Tractor Co., Columbus, Ohio.
- FARNIER (F) Motor Cars—E. Farnier et Cie., ^Rue Saint Ferdinand 34, Paris.
- FXRQUHAR (USA) Farm Tractors—A. B. Farquhar Co., Ld., York, Pennsylvania.
- FAUCHEUX (F) Motor Cycles—Edm. Faueheux, Rue du Port 5, Villeneuve-la-Garenne.
- FAUTEUIL (F) Motor Cycles—Motocyclettes ^’au- teuil, Blois, Loire-et-Cher.
- FAY-BOWEN (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Fay and Bowen Engine Co., Lake st., Geneva, New Y/5rk.
- FEDERAL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Federal Motor Truck Co., Federal avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- FEDERALI (I) Motor Boats—Cantieri Federal! per Costruzioni Navali, Genoa.
- FEENEY (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Feeney Manufacturing Co., Washington st. and Ohio avenue, Muncie, Ind.
- FELINE (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles Feline, Boulevard P6reire 160, Paris.
- FELIX (S) Engines—C. Jules Megevet, Geneva. - FERRETTI-GOOGI (I) Engines—Cigerzi E. Ohiesa Succ., Ferretti e Googi, Alessandria, Tortona.
- FERRETTI-LUCIANI (I) Engines—Ferretti e Luciani, Via Imbrani, Parma.
- FERREZ (F) Motor Cycles—Ferrez Fils et Maigre, Quai de I’Est 7, Lyons.
- FIAT (I), see F.I.A.T.
- FIELD ?(?SA) Petrol Tractors and Engines—Field Motor Co., Turner avenue and Ann st., Grand E-apids, Michigan.
- FIGINI (I) Engines—Luigi Figini, Viale Volta 16 Milan
- FISHER (USA) Aeroplanes—Fisher Body Corporation, Detroit, Michigan.
- FITCH (USA) Road and Farm Tractors—Tie Four Drive Tractor Co., 949-60 E. Maple st.. Big Rapids, Mich.
- FIVET (F) Engines—Maurice Poyet, Rue des Petits Champs 40, Paris.
- FLECHTER (USA) Petrol Tractors—L. V. Flechter and Co., 198, Jackson avenue. Long Island, New York.
- FLINT (USA) Aeroplanes—Flint Air Craft Co., Flintj Michigan.
- FLOWER CITY (USA) Paraffin Farm Tractors— Kinnard and Sons Manufacturing Co., Bryant and 44th avenue, N. Minneapolis, Minn. *
- FOCI (I) Aeroplanes—Cesare ed Eugenio Foci Pabbrica Areoplani, Via L. Pierro Al Vomero Naples. f
- FODEN (P) Steam Com. Veh.—Soci6t6 Prancaise des Camions Vapeur “ Foden,” Rue de Coulmiers 13, Paris XlVe.
- FOND DU LAC (USA) Fd, Ch C.—’Fond du Lac Tractor Co., 66, S. May st., Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
- FORBES (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Walter J. Forbes, 243, Columbus avenue, Boston, Massachusetts.
- FORD (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.— Ford Motor Co., Woodward avenue, H^hland Park, Detroit, Michigan.
- FORD (0) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Ld., Ford, Ontario.
- FORDSON (USA) Farm Tractors—Henry Ford and Son, Inc., Dearborn, Michigan.
- FORLANINT (I) Aeroplanes—Ing. Enrico Porlanini, Fabbrica Dirigibile, Via Boccaccio, Milan.
- FORMA-TRACTOR (USA) Pd. Ch. 0.—Knickerbocker Motors, Poughkeepsie, New York.
- FORMAN (0) Marine En^nes—Forman Motor and Machine Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
- FORSCHLER (USA)' Petrol Com. Veh.—Forschler Motor Truck Mftg. Co., 124-40, N. Claiborne avenue. New Orleans, Louisiana.
- FOUR WHEEL DRIVE GISA) Petrol, Com. Veh.— Pour Wheel Drive Motor Truck Co., Webberville, Mich., and Four Wheel Drive Auto Co., Clintonville, Wisconsin.
- FOWLER (USA) Aeroplanes—Fowler Airplane Corporation, 128, 12th st., San Francisco.
- FRANKLIN (USA) Motor Cars—H. H. Franklin Mftg. Co., 101, W. Marcellus st., Syracuse, New York.
- FRANKLIN (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Franklin 2-Way Converter Co., Herald bldgs., Chicago.
- FRANGAR (F) Motor Cars—Chassis Rulishauser, Rue Tjouis Blanc 31, Paris.
- FRASER (C) Marine Engines—Fraser Machine and Motor Works, New Glas£?ow, Nova Scotia.
- FRATTIN (I) Aeroplane^SocieU F. Lli Prattin, Via Malghera 11, Milan.
- FRAZER-ADAMS (USA) Petrol Motor Boats— Frazer BroUiers Co., 1, Grange avenue, Adams, New York.
- FRENCH-AMERICAN (USA) Airships—French- American Balloon Co., 4460, Chouteau avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri.
- FRERA (I) Engines—Society Anonima Frera, Milan. FRICK (USA) Tractors—Erick Co., Wayn^boro’, Pennsylvania.
- FRISBIE (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Erisbie Motor Co., 56, College st.. Middletown, Connecticut.
- FRITCHIE (USA) Electric Motor Cars—The Eritchie Electric Co., 1510-30, Clarkson st., Denver, Oolo- ‘ rado.
- FRONT-AWAY (USA) Petrol Com. Yeh.—The ' Millington Motor Car Co., 617, Stock Exchange bldgs., Chicago.
- FRONTENAC (USA) Motor Cars—Prontdftac Motor Co., Plainfield, New Jersey.
- FRONTMOBILE (USA) Motor Cars—Camden Motors Corporation, Temple bld^., 415, Market st., Camden, New Jersey.
- FULTON (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Fulton Motor Tniok Co., Farmingdale, Long Island, New York.
- FULTON (USA) Tractors, Pulton Tractor Co., Anderson, Indiana.
- FULTON (D) Motor Boats—^Naamlooze Vennootschap Machinefabrick “ Pulton,” Martenshoek gem. Hoogezand.
- G. B. (P) Motor Cars—Guerry Bourguignon, Boulevard de Grenelle 116, Paris.
- G. B. and S. (USA) Engines—Golden, Belknap and •Swartz Co., 1248-60, Grand River avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- G. E.P. (P) Motor Cars—^Pons, Directeur, Rue G. H. Marsand 15, Gennevilliers.
- G. H.C. (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—General Motors Tru(i Co., Pontiac, Michigan.
- G.M.G. (F) Com. Veh.—J. Tomine, Avenue de la Revolte 12-14, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- G.M.C. SAMSON (USA) Farm Tractors—Samson . Sieve-Grip Tractor Co., Aurora and JefEerson sts., Stockton, California.
- G.N. (F) Motor Cars—Gustave Nabot, Rue St, Jacques 146, Etampes.
- G.O. (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors—General Ordnance Co., 2, W. 43rd st., New'York.
- G.V. (USA) Electric Com. Veh.—The General Vehicle Co. Inc., Long Island City, New York.
- GABRIEL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The W. H. Gabriel Carriage and Wagon Co., 315, W. Prospect avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- GADEAU (F) Motor Cars—^L. Gadeau, Rue de Preignon 27, Paris.
- GALLAS (P) Motor Cars—Gallas et Cie., Rue Louis Blanc 11, Levallois.
- GALLAUDET (USA) Aeroplanes—Gallaudet Aircraft Corporation, East Greenwich, Rhode Island.
- GALLINARI (I) Motor Boats—Society, Gallinari, Livorno.
- GALLOWAY (USA) Engines—The William Galloway —. Co., Waterloo, Iowa.
- GAMMA (F) Motor Cars—Automobile “ Gamma,” Rue Saint Ferdinand 34, Paris.
- GARANEBOTS (I) Engines—Enrico Garanebois Motori, Via Burdin 19, Turin.
- GARDNER (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—John N. Gardner,. Lakeland Motor Works, Lakeland, Michigan.
- GARFORD (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Road Tractors—The Garford Motor Truck Co., Lima, Ohio.
- GARNIER (F) Side Cars—Soci^td Anonyme des Etablissements Garnier, Rue de la Glacidre 68, Paris.
- GARY (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Gary Motor Truck Co., Garv, Indiana.
- GAS (USA) Com. Veh.—The Gas Tractor Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
- GAUTHIER-BURNiER (P) Engines—Gauthier et Bumier, Boulevard Haussmann 79, Paris.
- GAZELLE (F) Motor Cars—G. Izant, Avenue de Neuillv 209 ter., Neuilly-sur-Seine. '
- GEHL (USA) Farm Tractors—Gehl Bros. Mftg. Co.,' West Bend, Wisconsin.
- GEM (USA) Motor Cars and Oom. Yeh.—Gem Motor Car Co., 405-7, Murray bldgs., Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- GENERAL (USA) Aeroplanes—General Shipbuilding • and Aero Co., 710, Tinion Trust bldgs., Washington. ,
- GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) Electric Motor ' CarsrrGeneral Electric Co., Schenectady, New York.
- GENEVA™^SA™Petrol Oom. Veh.—Genev Wagon, Co., Geneva, New York.
- GERKINET (Bg) Motcr Cars—J. et H. Gerkinet,
- GERONIMO (USA) .Motor Cars—The Geronimo Motor Car Co., Enid, Oklahoma.
- GERSIX (USA) Petrol Com. Yeh.—Gersix Mftg. Co., 2913-26, Fifth avenue, Seattle, Washington.
- GERSIX (USA) Com.'Veil.—Gerlinger Motor Car Co., Portland, Oregon.
- GHENT (USA) Motor Cars—Ghent Motor Co., Ottawa, Illinois.
- GIA. MIANI SILVESTRIN (I) Engines—Societa , Anonima Officine Meccaniohe Gia. Miani Silvestrin e C. A. Grondona, Via Yittadini 18, Milan.
- GIANT (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Ed. Ch. 0.^ Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 1039, Eisher bldgs., Chicago.
- GIDEON (D) Motor Boats, see Urewes.
- GDLE (USA) Farm Tractors—Gile Tractor and Engine Co., Ludington, Michigan.
- GILLET (Bg) Motor Cars—L. Gillet, Rue Haynense 546, Herstai.
- GILLET (E) Motor Cycles and Side Cars—Ren6 Gnier et Oie., Route d’Orleans 178, Montrouge, Seine.
- GIRAND (F) Motor Cycles—Girand Ain6, Rue de Sevres 73, Boulogne-sur-Seine.
- GIRARD (E) Motor Cars—Automobiles Girard, Avenue de la .Republique 59, Paris.
- GLADIATOR (F) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Eran^aise d^ Oycl^ “ Gladiator,” Grand Rue, Pr6 Saint Gervais, Seine.
- GLENN (USA) Aeroplanes—Glenn L. Martin Co.^ 419 Guardian bldgs., Cleveland Ohio.
- GLIDE '(USA) Motor Cars—The Bartholomew Co., 380, Glide st., Peoria, Illinois.
- GLOBE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Globe Motor Truck Co., 1100, Pine st., East Saint Louis, Missouri.
- GLOBE (USA) 0. Converters-rGlobe Machinery and Supply Co., 205-11, W. Court avenue, Des Moines, Iowa.
- GNOME (I)' Light Cars, Aeroplanes and Engines-^ Society Italiana Motori Gnome, Strada Venazia 73, Turin.
- GNOME and RHONE (P) Motor and Aeroplane Engines—Socirtd des Moteurs Gnome et Rhone, Rue de la Bostic 41, Paris VITIe.
- GOBRON-BRILLE (E) Motor • Cars—Automobiles Gobron-Brille, Quai de Boulogne 13, Boulogne-sur- Seine.
- GODET (E) Ti-icars—Le Triauto Godet, -Rue Keller 23. Paris.
- GODMARD (E) Motor Cars and Motor Cycles— A. Godmard, Rue Mca?et 30, Paris.
- GOEDKOOP, see Kromhout.
- GOLDIE (USA') Petrol Motor Boats—J. William Goldie, 611, E: Midland st., Bay City, Michigan.
- GOLDEN (USA) Motor Cars—Golden, Belknap asnd Swartz Co., 1248-60, Grand River avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- GOLIATH (E), see.Farman H. and M.
- GOODYEAR (USA) Airships—Goodyear Eire an Rubber Co., ^ron, Ohio.
- GOSHEN (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Alford Motor and Machine Co., Ninth and Lincoln sts., Goshen, Indiana.
- GOULD (USA) Motor Cars—Gould Motor and Mftg. Co., Marion, Indiana.
- GRAHAM (USA) Ed. Ch. 0.—Graham Bros., Evansville, Indiana.
- GRAIN BELT (USA) Tractors—Grain Belt Mfbg. Co., Fargo, North D^ota.
- GRAMM-BERNSTEIN (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.— The Gramm-Bernstein Motor Truck Co., Lima, Ohio.
- GRANDSAGNE (P) Engines—Ajasson de Grand- sagne, Rue de la Oom6te 14, Paris.
- GRANT (USA) Motor Cars—^rant Motor Car Corporation, Coit rd. and Kirby avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- GRANVAUD (P) Motor Cars—La Ponette,” Saint Remy les Ohevreuse, Seine-et-Oise.
- GRATIEUX (P) Motor Cycles—Etablissements P. Gratieux, Avenue des Moulineaux 82 5- 100 et 107 5, 109, B^anoourt, Seine.
- GRAY (USA) Petrol and- Paraffin Tractors, Motor Boats and Engines—Gray Motor Co., Detroit Terminal and Mack avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- GRAY (USA) Parm Tractors—The Gray TractorOo. Inc., 30th avenue S.E. and N. P. Tracks, Minneapolis, Minn.
- GRAY-DORT (C) Motor Cars—Gray-Dort Motor Car Co., Ltd., Chatham, Ontario.
- GRAY-PRIOR (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats—Gray and Prior Machine Co., 32 Suffield st., Hartford, Connecticut.
- GREAT EAGLE (USA) Motor Cars—The United States Cartage Co., 309-19, S. 4th st., Columbus, Ohio.
- GREAT LAKES (USA) Motor Boats—Great Lakes Boat Building Corporation, 333, Bleecker st., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- GREAT LAKES (USA) Aeroplanes—Great Lakes Airplane Co., Caro, Michigan.
- GREBFORD (USA) Pd. Oh. 0.—Greb Co., 195, State st., Boston, Massachusetts.
- GREEN BAY (USA) Farm Tractors—Green Bay Machine Co., 1242-45, Saint st.. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
- GREENE (USA) Aeroplanes—Greene Aeronautical Co. Elyria, Ohio.
- GREGOIRE (P) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements d’Automobiles “ Gregoire,” Boulevard de Maisons 46, Poissy, Selne-et-Oise.
- GRIFFON (P) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme. des Cycles Griffon, Rue Louis Blanc 40, Oourbevoie.
- GRILION (P) Motor Cars—L6on Galvaire, Avenue Philippe Auguste 25, Paris.
- GROS (P) Motor Cars—F. Gros, Rue Sadi Carnot 50, Puteaux.
- GUARANTEE (0) Marine Engines—Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Ontario.
- GUARANTEED TRACTORS (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.— Guaranteed Tractors, 2500, Cottage Grove avenue, Chicago.
- GUARANTY (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Guaranty Motors Co., 864-68, Main st., Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- GUZZI (F) Motor Cars—Jean Guzzi, Rue Plumet 7, Paris.
- H. L. (P) Motor Cars—A. Hainsselin, Quai du President Carnot 52, Saint Cloud.
- H. M. and H. (USA) Farm Tractors—^Henry, Millard and Henry Co., 1059-65, West Market st., York, Pennsylvania.
- HACKER (USA) Motor Boats—John L. Hacker Boat Co., 323, Crane st., Detroit, Michigan.
- HACKETT (USA) Motor Cars—Hackett Motor Car Co., Burton and Grand River R. R., Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- HACKNEY (USA) Farm Tractors—Hackney Mftg. Co., PVior and University sts., Saini Paul, Min- neapolis.
- HAFER (USA) Motor Boats—Hafer Boat Works, Spirit Lake, Iowa.
- HAHN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Hahn Motor Truck and Wagon Co., Fourth st., Hamburg,Peansylvania.
- HAlX (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Lewis-Hall Iron Works, Perry avenue E. and Grand Trunk Railway, Detroit, Michigan.
- HALL-SCOTT (USA) Engines and Aeroplanes— Hall-Scobt Motor Gar Co., Crocker bldgs., San FrancMOo.
- HALLADAY Motor Car Ohio.
- HAMILTON _ , Car Co., York, Pennsylvania.
- HAMILTON (USA) Aeroplanes—Hamilton Aero Manufacturing Co., 208, 30th st., Seattle Washing- ton.
- HANRIOT-DUNNE (P) Hydroplanes—Hanriot- Dunne, Qua! de Seine, ArgenteuiL
- HANSON (USA) Motor Cars—Hanson Motor Co., Ashby and Tjeo sts., Atlanta, Georgia.
- HARING (D) Motor Boats—H. Haring, Mzn., Wilnis.
- HARLE (P) Motor Cars—Harle et Oie., Avenue, de SufEren 26, Paris
- HARLEY-DAVIDSON (USA) Motor Cycles—Harley- Davidson Motor Co., 3732, Chesnut st., Milv^aukee, Wisconsin.
- HARLEY-DAVIDSON (P) Motor Cycles and Side Cars—Syndicat Commercial des Agents de I’Auto- inobile, Rue Pierret 32-34, Neuiliy-sur-Seine.
- HARRIS (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats—Harris Engine Co., Wilmingtou, Delaware.
- HARRISON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Robert Harrison' Co., 324-28 W. 1st st., South Boston, Massachusetts.
- HARROUN (USA) Motor Cars—The Harroun Motors Corporation, Wayne, Michigan.
- HART-PARR (USA) Parm Tractora—^Hart-Parr Co., Charles City, Iowa.
- HARTMAN (USA) Motor Cars—Maine Machine Works, 701-5, North Maine st., Los Angeles, California.
- HARVARD (USA) Motor Cars—Harvard-Pioneer Motor Car Corporation, Troy, New York.
- HARVEY (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Harvey Motor Truck Co., Harvey, Illinois.
- HATCH (USA) Paraffin Tractors and Motor Boats— Hatch Engine.Co., 2-4, Stone st., New York.
- HATFIELD (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.—Cortland Cart and Carriage Co., Sidney, New York.
- HAWKEYE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Hawkeye Truck Co. Motor Mart bldgs., Sioux City, Iowa
- HAY-DEE (USA) Ed. Ch. '0.—Hayes-Diefenderfer Co., 1876, Broadway, New 'York.
- HAYNES (USA) Motor Cars—Haynes Automobile Co., 9, S. Main st., Kokomo, Indiana.
- HAYWOOD (USA) Road Tractors—The Haywood Co., Manlius st., East Syracuse, New York.
- HAZARD (USA) Engines—Russell F. Dean, 303, Rochester, New York.
- HEATH (USA) Aeroplanes—Heath Aeroplane 2846-56, Broadway, Chicago, Illinois.
- HEBE (P) Motor Cars—E. Parnier et Cie., Saint Ferdinand 34, Paris.
- HEDEA (P) Motor Cars—A. Accary, Rue Trousseau 27, Paris.
- HEIDER (USA) Farm Tractors—Rock Island Plow Co., Rock Island, Illinois.
- HEINSE (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors— Traction Engine Co., Front and Main sts., Boyne City, Michigan.
- HENDERSON (USA) Motor Cycles—Excelsior Motor Mftg. Supply Co., 3701, Cortland st., Chicago
- HENDERSON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Henderson Bros. Co. Incorporated, 2067-99, Massachusetts avenue,. N. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- HENDRICKS (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Hendricks Mftg. Co., First avenue, S. Seatie, Washington.
- HENDRICKSON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Hendrickson MotOT Truck Co., 3538-40, S. Wabash avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- HERCULES (HSA) Engines and Tractors—The Hercules Motor Mftg. Co., Halliwell place, S.E. Canton, Ohio.
- HERCULES (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Hercules Motor Truck Co., 606, Limes st., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- HERETER (S) Motor Cars and Aeroplane*—S. A. Tsdleres Hereter, Independencia 113, Barcelona.
- HERNESSE (Bg) Motor Cars—Hernesse Fr^res, Rue de I’Enclos 5, Bressoux-Lidge.
- HERRMANN (USA) Aeroplanes—C. A. Herrmann, Bath, New York.
- HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN (USA) Engines and Tractors—Herschell-Spillman Co., N. Tonawanda New York.
- HESSION (USA) Tractors—Hession Tiller and Tractor Corporation, 25, E. Jewett avenue, - Buff alo. New York.
- HETTINGER (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Hettinger Engine Co., Grove and Henry sts.. Bridgeton, New York.
- HEWITT (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—International Motor Co., West End avenue and 64th st., New York.
- HEWITT-LUDLOW (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.— Hewitt-Ludlow Auto Co., 901-951, Indiana st., San Francisco.
- HIGHLANDER (USA) Motor Cars—Mid-west Motor Co., Independence rd. and Blue River, Kansas City, Kansas.
- HIGHWAY (USA) Road Tractors—Highway Tractor Co., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- HIGHWAY KING (USA) Motor Cars—Austin Automobile Co., 114-18, Division avenue S.E,, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- HIGRADE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Higrade Motors Co., Harbor Springs, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- HINCKLEY (USA) Engines and Tractors—Hinkley Motors Corporation, 918-32, W. Fort st., Detroit, Michigan.
- HISPANO (S) Motor Cars and Aeroplanes—La Hispano, Guadalajara.
- HISPANO SUIZA (S) Motor Cars, Oom. Veh., Marine Engines and Aeroplanes—La Hispano Suiza, Carr. Ribas 279, Barcelona.
- HISPANO SUIZA (F) Motor Cars and Aeroplane Motors—Fabriques d’Automobiles La Hispano Suiza, Rue du Oaptaine Guynemer, Bois-Colombes, Seine.
- HISPANO SUIZA (USA) Aeroplane Engines— Wright-Martin Aircraft Corporation, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
- HITCHCOCK (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats—Standard Oil Engine Co., Woolworth bldgs.', New York.
- HOKE (USA) Petrol Tractors—Medina-Hoke Tractor Co., Main st,, Medina, New York.
- HOLLIER (USA) Motor Cars—Lewis Spring and Axle Co., 42, Hollier st., Chelsea, Michigan.
- HOLLIS (USA) Farm Tractor^—Hollis Tractor Co., 149, Knox st., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- HOLMES (USA) Motor Cars—Holmes Automobile Co., Canton, Ohio.
- HOLT (USA) Com. Veh.—Holt Caterpillar Co., Peoria, Illliuois.
- HOLT (USA) Farm Tractors—The Holt Mftg. Co., Stockton, California.
- HOMER LAUGHLIN (USA) Engines—Homer Laughlin Engineering Corporation, 2652, Long Beach avenue, Los Angeles, California.
- HONDSBOSCH (D) Motor Boats—Naamlooze Vennootschap Scheepswerf en Machinefabriek “ t’ Hondsbosh,” Alkmaar.
- HONEST CLAY (USA) •Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats—Clay Engine Mftg. Co., 864, E. 72nd st., Cleveland, Ohio.
- HOOD (USA) Road Tractors—Hood Mftg. Co., 3227, First avenue, S. Seattle, Washington.
- HOOSIER (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Sheet Metal Specialty Co., Goshen, Indiana.
- HOOVER WAGON (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh. and Fd. Ch. C.—Hoover AVagon Co., York, Pennsylvania.
- HORNE QUICK CHANGE (USA) Fd. Ch. C.— Horne Quick Change Tractor Co.. Detroit, Michigan.
- HORNER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Detroit-Wyandotte Motor Truck Co., Wyandotte, Michigan.
- HOTCHKISS (F) Motor Cars—Societ6 Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements Hotchkiss et Oie., Route de Gonesse 6, Saint Denis, Seine.
- HOUGHTON (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Oom. . Veh.—The Houghton Motor Car Co., Marion, Ohio.
- HOWELL (USA) Farm Tractors—it. R. Howell Co., University and 31st avenues, S.E. Minneapolis, Minn.
- HUBER (USA) Farm Tractors—Huber Mftg. Co., ' Marion, Ohio. •
- HUDSON (USA) Farm Tractors—The Evans Mftg. Co., Hudson, Ohio.
- HUDSON SUPER SIX (USA) Motor Cars—Hudson Motor Car Co., 2901, Jefferson avenue, E. Detroit, Michigan.
- HUFFMAN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Huffman Bros. Motor Co., Elkhart, Indiana.
- HUNT (USA) Road Tractors—C. W. Hunt Co. Inc., West New Brighton, New York.
- HUNTERS (USA) Engines—Vincennes Motor Mftg. Co., Lyndale avenue, 2nd st., Vincennes, Indiana.
- HUPMOBILE (USA) Motor Cars—Hupp Motor Car Corporation, Mt. Elliott and Milwaukee avenues, Detroit, Michigan.
- HUPMOBILE (F) Motor Cars—Compagnie Fran- Q.aise Hupmobiie, Rue de Villiers 45, Neuilly-sur- Seine.
- HUPP-YEATS (USA) Electric Motor Cars—Hupp Yeats Electric Car Co., Lyeaste st. and Detroit Terminal Railway, Detroit, Michigan.
- HURLBERT (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Hurlbert Motor Truck Co., Third avenue, 133rd st.. New York.
- HURTU (F) Motor Cars and- Motor Cycles—Com" pagnie des Automobiles et Cycles Hurtu, Avenue de Paris 9, Rueil, Seine-et-Oise.
- ILLINOIS (USA) Farm Tractors—The Illinois Tractor Co., Lincoln st., Bloomington, Illinois.
- IMPERIAL (USA) Farm Tractors,—Imperial Mach. Co., 1611, Central avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
- INDEPENDENT (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Indepen- ^dent Motor Truck Co., Davenport, Iowa.
- INDEPENDENT (USA) Com. Veh.—Independent Motors Corporation, Port Huron, Michigan.
- INDESTRUCTIBLE (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Indestructible Wheel Co., Lebanon, Indiana.
- INDIAN (USA) Motor Cycles—Hendee Mftg. Co.,' 837, State st., Springfield, Massachusetts.
- INDIAN (F) Motor Cycles—P. Bloch et A. Mougin, Avenue de la Crande Armce 10 bis, Paris.
- INDIANA (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Indiana Truck Corporation, Marion, Indiana.
- INDIANA (USA) Tractors—Star Tractor. Co., Findlay, Ohio.
- INDISTRIA AVIATORIA (I) Aeroplanes and Engines—Society Indistria Aviatoria, E. Mecca- - noche, Bacoli Lucrino, Naples.
- INGRAM-HATCH (USA) Motor Cars and Engines —^Ingram-Hatch Motor Car Co., 1045, Bay at.. Rosebank, State Island, New York.
- INSUBRI (I) Diesel Engines—Officine “ Insubri,” Via Padova, Milan.
- INTERNATIONAL (USA) Road Tractors—International Motor Co., West End avenue and 64th st.. New York.
- INTERNATIONAL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.— International Harvester Corporation, Harvester bldgs., Chicago.
- INTERNATIONAL (USA) Aeroplanes—Inter
- national Aircraft Co., 105, So. La Salle st., Chicago, _ Illinois.
- INTERNATIONALE (Bg) Motor Cars—Cie. Internationale d’Automobiles, Rue du Magistral 14? Brussels.
- INTERSTATE (USA) Motor Cars—Interstate Motor Co.. Muncie, Indiana.
- INTERSTATE PLOW-MAN (USA) Farm Tractors, ?—Interstate Tractor Co., E. Fourth and Esther sts., Waterloo, Iowa.
- INVINCIBLE (USAi Farm Tractors—Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75, Tremont st., San Francisco.
- IOWA MOTOR (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Iowa Motor Truck Co., Ottumwa, Iowa.
- ISOTTA-FRASCHINI (I) Motor Cars, Motor, Marine and Aero Engines—Society Anonima, Pab- brica Antomol^ili Isotta Praschini, Via Monte Rosa 79, Milan.
- ITA (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Ita Manufacturers, Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
- IT ALA (I) Motor Cars and Engines—Society, Anonima Itala, Corso Orbassano, Turin.
- ITALIANA (I) Engines—Society Meccanica Italiana, Via Frejus, Turin.
- ITALIANA TRANSAEREA (I) Biplanes—Society. Italiana Transaerea, Corso-Peschiera 251, Turin.
- ITALIANA (I) Engines—Society, Anonima Auto- mobilisti Italiani, Via Lazzaro Papi 18, Milan.
- IVER-JOHNSON (USA) Motor Cycles—Johnson’s Arms and Cycle Works, 109, River st., Pitchburg, Massachusetts.
- J. T. (USA) Farm Tractors—J. T. Tractor Co., 3810, Euclid avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- JACKSON (USA) Motor Cars—Jackson Automobile Co., Corporation, Horton and E. Main stsl, Jackson, Michigan.
- JANEMIAN (F) Small Cars—Jean Janemian, Rue Ghalgrin 20, Paris.
- JANNEY (USA) Aeroplanes—Janney Aircraft Co., Monroe, Michigan.
- JANOJR (P) Motor Cycles and Side Cars—Louis Janoir, Rue des Buttes Montmartre 25, Saint- Ouen, Seine.
- JANVIER (P) En"ines—^Veuve Janvier et Pils, Rue d\Al^sia 44, Paris.
- JEWETT (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Jewett Truck Attachment Co., Newark. Ohio.
- JIFFY (USA) Pd. Ch. C.—Northfield Iron Co., Jiffy bldgs., Northfields, Minneapolis.
- JOHNSON (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Johnson Machine Co^, Carlyle, 52 Main st.,, Manchester, Connecticut.
- JONES (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.— The Jones Motor Car Co., 210-12, W. Douglas avenue, Wichita, Kansas.
- JONKER (D) Motor Boats—-Gebr.Jonker, Kinderdijk. JORDAN (USA) Motor Cars—Jordan Motor Car Co., 1054, Bast 152nd st., Cleveland, Ohio.
- JOU (P) Motor Cars—A. JOu, Rue Jules Ferry 19, Suresnes.
- JUMBO (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Nelson Motoi^ . Truck Co., Saginaw, Michigan.
- JUZAN (P) Motor Cars—Automobiles Juzan, Avenue du Moulin Rouge 25, Cauderan, Bordeaux, Gironde.
- K. G. (USA) Farm Tractors—Kick-Gonnersman and Co., Mount Vernon, Indiana.
- KAHLENBERG (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats—Kahlenberg Brdthers and Co., 1705, 12th st«, Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
- KALAMAZOO (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Kalamazoo Motors Corporation, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- KARDELL (USA) Farm Ti-actors—The Kardell Tractor and Truck Co., 8000, N. Broadway, Saint Louis, Misso’jri.
- KEARNS (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Kearns Motors Co. Beavertown, Pennsylvania.
- , KECK-GONNERMAN (USA) Tractors—Keck-Gon- nerman Co., Mount Vernon, Indiana.
- KELLY (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—KeUy Convertible Automobile Truck Co., 332, S. Michigan avenue, Chicago.
- KELLY-SPRINGFIELD (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. —The Kelly-Springfield Motor Truck Co., Burt and Sheridan sts., Springfield, Ohio.
- KERMATH (USA) Petrol Tractors, Motor Boats and Engines—Kermath Mftg. Co., 115, E. Fort st., Detroit, Michigan.
- KERMATH (F) Marine and Aero Engines—Soci6t6 Franpaise de Commission et de Representation, Rue des Mathurins 1, Paris.
- KESSLER (USA) Aeroplanes and Engines—Kessler Motor Co., 276-77 Vanilla avenue, Detroit, Michigan. KEYSTONE (USA) Motor Cars—The Keystone Vehicle Co., 559-73, N. 4th st., Columbus, Ohio.
- KIMBALL (USA) Com. Veh.—Kimball Motor Truck Co., Los Angeles, California. I
- KIMMAN (D) Motor Cycles—Gebr. Kimman, Haarlem.
- KIND (I) Aeroplanes, Motor Boats and Engines— Ing. Paolo Kind e Co., Corso Dante 38, Turin.
- KING (USA) Motor Cars—King Motor Car Co., 1300, Jefferson avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- KING (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—A. P. King Mftg. Co., Kingston, New York.
- KISSEL (USA) Motor Cars—Kissel Motor Car Co., 400, Kissel avenue, Hartford, Wisconsin.
- KLEIBER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Kleiber and Co. Inc., 11th and Folsom sts», San Pranciseo.
- KLEMM (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—B. R. Klemm, 1447-55, W. Austin avenue, Chicago.
- KLINE (USA) Motor Cars—Kline Car Corporation, 11, E, Carey st., Richmond, Kentucky.
- KNABENSHVE (USA) Aircraft^Knabenshue Mftg. Co., East Northport, New York.
- KNOX (USA) Tractors, Motor Boats, Aeroplanes and Pd. Ch. C.—Knox Motors Co., 53, Wilbraham ' rd., Springfield, Massachusetts.
- KOBAN (USA) Outboard and Detachable Motors— Koban Manufacturing Co., 241, S. Water st., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- KOCHLER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Tractors— Ft. J. Koehler Motors Corporation, 155, Ogden st., Newark, New Jersey.
- KOHL (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors—Kohl Tractor Co., 7507, Linwood avenue, Cleveland, Ohio..
- KOPP (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Kopp Motor Truck Co., 30, Sycamore sb., Buffalo, New York.
- KRICK^VELL (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—The Krick- well Motor Co., 1373, E. 55th st., Chicago.
- KROMHOLJT (D) Motor Boats—D. Goedkoops Jr.’s Kromhout Motor^nfabriek, Ketelstraat 2, Amsterdam.
- KUHN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Tractors—Kuhn Tractor Truck Co., 318-22, Terry avenue N., Seattle, Washington.
- KYLE SMITH (USA) Aeroplanes—Kyle Smith Aircraft Co., Huntington, W. V^ginia.
- L. M.C. (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Louisiana Motor Car Co., Shreveport, Louisiana.
- L. W.F. (USA).Aeroplanes—^L.W.P. Engineering Co., 3rd avenue and 8th st.. College Point, Long Island, New York.
- L. and B. (USA) Pd. Ch. C.—L. and B. Truck Mftg. Co.,' 1416, S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles, California.
- L’ALERION (P) Aeroplanes, see Al^rioti. L’AMOVIBLE (F), see Amovible.
- L’IDEAL (P)' Motor Cars—Bonin, 8, Rue Saint- Pierre, Caen, Calvados.
- LA BUIRE, see Buire.
- LA CROSSE (USA)—La Crosse Tractor Co., Front and King sts., La Crosse, Wisconsin.
- LA DUCHERE (P) Motor Cars—Ateliers de Buffand Savian, Rue de la Duchdre, Lyons.
- LA FAYETTE (P) Motor Cars—M. Colin, R-ue de la Boetie 122. Paris.
- LA FRANCE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—La Prance Motor Truck Co. Inc., Elmira, New York.
- LA FRANCAISE (F) Motor Cars and Motor Cycles— La Francaise-Diamant, Rue Descombes 9, Paris.
- LA LICORNE (P) Motor Cars—Compagnie Pran^aise des Automobiles Corre La Licorne, Rue de Villiers 37 Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- LA MEUSE (F), see Meuse.
- LA MOTO (I) Motor Cars and Engines—Society La Moto Aratrice, Via Oglio 18, Milan.
- LA MOTOGODILLE (P), see MotogodiUe.
- LA MOTOMECCANICA (I) Motor Cycles—SocieU La Jlotoraeccanica, Via C. Cattaneo 1, Milan.
- LA NEF (F) Jfotor Cars—Ren6 AiJ^istin, Rue Palissy, Agen, Lot et Garonne.
- LA PONETTE (P) Motor Cars—G. Granvaud, Saint Remy les Ohevreuse, Seine et Oise.
- LA TRANQUILLE (P) Motor Cars—Automobiles La Tranquille Bartfaolome, Miramont, Loir et Garonne.
- LA VA BON TRAIN (P) Motor Cars—Lagarde, Cours Voltaire 78, Rue d’Alembert 41, Agen, Lot-et- Garonue.
- LABBURDETTE (P) Hydroplanes—Labburdette, Boulevard de Courbevoie, Courbevoie, Seine.
- LABOR (P) Motor Cycles—Nouveau Btablissements, Labor, Boulevard Seine.
- LAKESIDE (USA) Truck Co., 2210, Illinois.
- LAMBERT (USA) Com. Veh.—Buckeye .Mftg. Co., 1801, Columbus,avenue, Anderson, Indiana.
- LAMBERT (P) Hydroplanes—Soci6t6 Anonyme'des Hydroglisseurs de Lambert, Boulevard de la Seine 95, Nanterre, Seine,
- LAMMERT-MANN (USA) Electric Com. Veh.— Lammert-Mami Co., cor. Wood and Walnut sts., Chicago.
- LAMSON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—United Pour Wheel Drive Truck Corporation, 29, S. La SaUe st., Chicago.
- LANCIA (I) Motor Gars and Engines—Society Lancia et Co., Via Monginevro 99, Turin
- LANDOVER (USA) Pd. Ch. C.—Landover Automobile Truck Co., Marinette, Wisconsin.
- LANDSHAFT (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—William Landshaft and Sons, 2336, Milwaukee avenue, Chicago.
- LANE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Lane Motor T^uck Co., 1812, Pulford st., Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- LANG (USA) Farm Tractors—Lang Tractor Co., Palace bldgs., Minneapolis, Minn.
- LANGE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Lange Motor Truck Co., 145, S. St. Clair st. B.B., Pittsburgh, Peimsylvania.
- LANSDEN (USA) Electric Oom’l Veh.—Lansden Co., Power st., Danbury, Coimecticut.
- LANSING (USA) Electric Tractors—Lansing Co., 603. N. Cedar st., Lansing, Michigan.
- LANZIUS (USA) Aircraft—Lanzius Aircraft Co., 156, Broadway, New York.
- LAPEER (USA) Road Tractors—Lape^ Tractor Truck Co., Lapeer, Michigan.
- LARRABEE (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Larrabee- Deyo-Motor Truck Co. Inc., 23-27 Washington st., Binghamton, New York.
- LATECOERE (P) Aeroplanes—Forges et Ateliera de Construction, G. Lat6codre, Boulevard Haussmann 182,i.Paris.
- LATHROP (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats —J. W. Lathrop Co., Mystic, Connecticut.
- LATIL (P) Com. Veh.—Charles Blum et Oie., Quai du G6n6ral-Gallieni 8, Suresnes, Seine.
- LAUGHLIN (USA) Motor Cars—Laughlin, Homer Engineering Corporation, 2652, Long Beach avenue, Los.Angeles, California.
- LAUREL (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Oom. Veh.— Laurel Motor Corporation, Anderson, Indiana.
- LAUSOtN (USA) Farm Tractors—The John Lauson Mftg. Co., Monroe st.. New Holstein, Wisconsin.
- LAUTON (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Lauton Truck Co., • ‘Youngstown, Ohio.
- LA VIATOR (F) Motor Cars—Society Anonyme des Moteurs Laviator, Rue Senton 4, Suresnes, Seine.
- LAWRENCE-LEWIS (USA) Aeroplanes and Engines —Lawrence-Lewis Aeroplane Co., People’s Gas bldgs., Chicago.
- LAWSON (USA) Aeroplanes—Lawson Aircraft Co., Green Bay, Wisconsin. v
- LAZIER (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats—^Lazier Gas Engine Co., 190, Main st., Buffalo, New York.
- LAZZATI ^) Motor Cars and Engines—^Alfredo Lazzati, Viale Volta 22, Milan.
- LE GERRIEZ (F) Motor Cycles—Motocyclettes Le Gerriez. Rue’ de Constantine 15, Alger.
- LE GUI (P) Motor Cars—Soci6te H. Guillemin et Cie., Rue de Metz 10, Courbevoie, Seine.
- LE MAITRE-GERARD (F) Aero Engines—Le Maitre et Gerard, Rue Gide 52 bis, Levallois- Perret, Seine.
- LE MOTO-PORTEUR, see Moi o-Porteur.
- LE ROI (USA) Engines and Tractors—*Le Roi Co., 6OtJi and Mitchell sts.j Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- LE TRIAUTO, see Godet.
- LEADER (USA) Parm Tractors—Dayton-Dick Co., Second York st., Quincy, Illinois.
- LECOT (E) Motor Cycles—Motocyclettes Lecot, Rue de Marseille 89, Lyons
- LEGRAND (F) Motor Cycl^—Albert Legrand, Rue de Chevaleret 63, Paris.
- LEGROS (P) Motor Cycles—R. Le^os, Rue de ITnondation 16, Fecamp, Seine Inferieure.
- LENNOX (USA) Motor Cars and Tractors—Lenox Motor Car Co., Hyde Park, Massachusetts.
- LEO (D) Thrashing Machines—N.V. Machinefabriek “ Depol,” Zutphen.
- LEONARD (USA) Farm Tractors—Leonard Tractor Co., Jackson, Michigan.
- LETORD (P) Aeroplanes—Letord, Rue de la Vanlx 89, Lyons.
- LEVASSEUR (P) Aeroplanes and Hydroplanes— Pierre Levasseur, Rue Felix Faure 17-21, Paris.
- LEVY (P) Motor Cycles and Side • Cars—Etablisse- ments Georges Levy, Rue Michel-Carre, Argenteuil.
- LEVY (P) Hydroplanes—L6vy, Rue de Cormeilles 4, L e vallois-Perret.
- LEWIS (USA) Engines—Lewis Motor Corporation, 214-20, E. Congre^ st., Detroit, Michigan.
- LEWIS VOUGHT (USA) Aeroplanes—Lewis and Vought Corporation, Webster and 7th avenues, Long Island City, New York.
- LEXINGTON (USA) Motor Carand—Lexington Motor Co., Connersville, Indiana.,
- LIBERTY (USA) Motor Cars—Liberty Motor Car Co., 111 Lycaste st., Detroit, Michigan.
- LIBERTY (USA) Aeroplanes—Liberty Iron Works,' Sacramento,' California.
- LIGHT (USA)-Engines and Tractors—Light Mftg. and Foundry Co., Union and-Queen sts., Pottstown, Pennsylvania. -
- LIGHTFOOT (USA) Farm Tractors—^Monarcli Tractor Co., Watertown, Wisconsin.
- LINCOLN (USA) Aeroplane Engines—Lincoln Motor Co., Detroit, Michigan.
- LINN (USA) Farm Tractors—^Linn Mftg. Corporation, Morris, New York.
- LIOafe-OLIVIER (F) Aeroplanes and Hydroplanes —F. Liore et Olivier, Rue de Villiers 46, Levallois- Perret.
- LIPPARD-STEW2IRT (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.— Lippard-Stewart Motor Car Co., 226, W. Utica st., Buffalo, New York.
- LITTLE CHIEF (USA) Farm Tractors—Farm Engineering Co., Sand Springs, Oklahoma.
- LITTLE GIANT (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 624, Little Giant bldgs., Chicago.
- LITTLE GIANT (USA) Tractors—^Little Giant Co., 199, Rock st., Mankato, Minneapolis.
- LIVALANCIANDRB (I) Engines—Ditta Livalan- ciandre, Via Dei Cerchi 9, Rome.
- LOANE (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—^Loane Engine Co., 306, Hanover st., Baltimore, Maryland.
- LOCKWOOD-ASH (USA) Outboard or Detachable Motors—Lockwood-Ash Motor Co.,, 1801, Horton avenue, Jackson, Michigan.
- LOCOMOBILE (USA) Motor Cars—The Locomobile Co. of America, 1, S. Main st., Bridgeport, Connecticut.
- LOENING (USA) Aeroplanes—Loening Aeronautical Engineering Corporation, 45, Eleventh st.. Long Island City, New York.
- LOMBARD (USA) tractors—Lombard Automobile Tractor-Truck Corporation, 26, Cortland st.. New Y’ork.
- LONGREN (USA) Aeroplanes—Longren Aeroplane Co., 611, E. 10th st., Topeka, Kansas.
- LORRAINE DIETRICH (P) Aeroplane Engines— Lorraine Dietrich, Route de Bezon, Argenteuil.
- LOS ANGELES (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Los Angeles Motor Car Co., 1410, Cypress avenue, Los Angeles, California.
- LOTTEAU (F) Motor Cars—A. M, Lotteau Frdres, 14-16 Hue du Pont, Choisy le Roi.
- LOUGHEAD (USA) Aeroplanes—Loiighead Aircraft Mftg. Co.j 223, W. Valerio st., Santa Barbara, California.
- LOUIS DISBROW (USA) Motor Cars—Disbrow Motors Co., 2318-26, Chester avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- LOUISIANA (USA) Motor Cars—Louisiana Motor Car Co., Shreveport, Louisiana.
- LOUISVILLE (USA) Farm Tractors and Motors— B. F. Avery and Sons, Louisville, Kentucky.
- LOUVET (F) Cycle Engines—Efcablissements J. B. Louvet, Rue Eichenberger 8-10, Puteaux, Seine*
- LOYAL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Loyal Motor Truck Co., W. 6th avenue, Jefferson avenue and Hocking Valley R. R., Lancaster, Ohio.
- LUK!E-DOUGLAS (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Luke-Douglas Co., 26, Wilder st., Minneapolis, Minn.
- LUMEN (K) Motor Cycles—Etablissemente Mecanique Gendrale Lumen, Rue de Ridder 5-7, Paris XlVe.
- LUNENBURG (0) Marine Engines—Lunenburg Foundry Co., Ltd., Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
- LUVERNE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Luverne Automobile Co., Maple and McKenzie sts., Luverne, Minneapolis.
- LUXIOR (F) Motor Cars—Bert baud et Moreau, Rue du Bois 34, Vincennes, Seine.
- LYCOMING (USA) Engines—Lycoming Foundrj' and Machine Co., Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
- M.A.G. (F) Motor Cars and Motor Cycles, Cycle Cars and Engines—Moteurs “ Mag,” Quai GaUieni 36, Suresnes.
- M.H.C. (USA) Motor Cars—Michigan Hearse and Motor Co.; Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- M.J. (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles if. J.. Boulevard de Levallois 85, Neuilly-sur-Seine. •
- Mc-CO (USA) Engines—^McCausland Enpneering Co., 1319, Pennsylvania bldgs., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- MCFARLAN (USA) Motor Cars—^McFarlan Motor Corporation, Mount and High sts., Connersville, Indiana.
- MCINTYRE (USA) Fd. Oh. C.—McIntyre Motor Products Cot, 100-10, W.' 55th st.,' Chicago.
- MCKEOUGH-TROTTER (C) Marine Engines— McKeough and Trotter, Ld., Chatham, .Ontario.
- MCLAUGHLIN (O) Motor cars and Com. Veh.— McLaugliliu Motor Car Co., Ld., Oshawa, Ontario.
- MACCAR (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Maccar Truck Co., Cliff st., Scranton, Pennsylvania.
- MACCHI-NEVOPORT (I) ' Aeroplanes—Societa Macchi-Nevoport, Fabbrica Areoplani, Varese, Como.
- MACH (USA) Engines—Universal Machinery Co., 19th st, and Saint Paul avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- MACK (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—International. Motor Co., West End avenue and 64th st.. New' York.
- MAD (F) Small Cars—Society Internationale de Mecanique et Construction, Rue Raspail 50, Leval- lois-Pcrret. '
- MADISON (USA) Motor Cars—Madison Motors Corporation, Second and Syeamore sts., Amderson, Indiaila. •
- MAGNAT.-DEBON • (F) Motor Cycles—A. Moser et V. Villard, Cour de Saint Audr6 69, Grenoble.
- MAIBOHM .(USA) Motor Cars—Maibohm Motors Co., Sandusi^, Ohio.
- MAILLARD (F) Motor Cars—M. Maillard, Usine du Lieu Dieu, Beaucamp le Vieux, Somme.
- MAIOCCHI (I) Engines—Sqcieti Anonima Officine Maiocchi, Vigentino, Milan.
- MAITRE (F), see Le Maitre.
- MAJESTIC (USA) Motor Cars—^Majestic Motor Co., 1790, Broadway, New York.
- MAJOLA (F) Motor Cars—Automobile Majola, Rue Nay 4, Saint Denis, Seine.
- MAK-A-TRACTOR (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Staude Mftg. Co.,,E. G., 2675, W. University avenue, Saint Paul, Minneapolis. ' ' -'0
- MANERFFE, see de Manerffe.
- MANGIAPAN C) Petrol Com. Veh.—Giorgio Man-, giapan e Co., Via Copernico, Milan.
- MANLY (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Tractors— O’Connel Alanly Truck Co., Waukegan, Illinois.
- MARI^Y (F) Aeroplanes—Construction nautique Edmond de Marcay, Avenue de 100, Paris.
- MARELLI (I) Electric Com. Veh.—Ercole e Co., Via Sainte Radegonda 10, Milan.
- MARINI (I) Engines—^ocietS, l^otori Marini, Via Bertini 9, Milan.
- MARIO TAMINI (I) Engines—Oflficini Meccaniche Mario Tamini, Strada Vercellese 198, Milan.
- MAKMON (USA) Motor Cars—Nordyke and Marmon Co., Morris st. and Kentucky avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.
- MARTIN (USA) Petrol and ParafBn Tractors— Martin Rocking Fifth Wheel Co., Springfield Massachusetts.
- MARTIN (USA). Aeroplanes—Jam^V. Martin Aero plane Co., Elyria, Ohio.
- MARTIN (USA) Aircraft>-G. L. Martin Co., 16800, Saint Clair avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- MARYLAND (USA) Aeroplanes—Maryland Aeroplane Co., 2810, N. Calvert st., Baltimore, Maryland.
- MARZETTI (I) IJngines—^Mai^etti e Co., Via Stella 35, Milan.
- MASTER (USA) Motor Cars—Master Motor Car Co., Nineteen Hundred Euclid bldgs., Cleveland, Ohio.
- MASTER (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh. and Tractors— ' Master Trucks, Inc., 3149, S. Wabash avenue, Chicago.
- MASTER (USA) Tractors—Master Tractor, Co., Lumber Exchange, Miimeapolis, Minn.
- MASTER EQUIPMENT (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Master Equipment Co., 22^0, S. Main st., Los Angeles, California.
- MATCHLESS (F) Motor (Jyclra—Delaund et Oie., Rue Eugene-Bidot 11, Gravelle-Saint-Maurice, Seine.
- MATCHLESS (F) Engines—Leo Levy, Rue Torricelli 11 bis, Paris.
- MATHIS (F) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme Mathis, Stra^’bourg.
- MAX (F) Slotor Cycl^—M. L. Hubert, Rue de Rouen 56, Sauraur.
- MAXFER (USA) Petrol Coin. Veh.—^Maxfer Truck and-Tractor Co., Harvey, Illinois.
- MAXWELL (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.—Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation, Inc., E. Jefferson avenue and Belt Line, Detroit, lilichigan.
- MAXWELL (C) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Maxwell Motor Co. of Canada, Ld., Windsor, Ontario.
- ME-GO (USA) Fd. Oh.. 0.—Convertible Tractor Corporation, 1485, Marshall avenue. Saint Paul, Minneapolis.
- MENARD (C) Oom. Veh.—Menard Truck Co., Windsor, Ontario.
- MENOMir<EE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—^Menominee Motor Truck Co., Broadway and Michigan avenue, Menominee, Michigan.
- MERCER (USA) Motor Cars—Mercer Automobile Co., 500, Whitehead rd., Trenton, New Jersey.
- MERCURY (USA) Motor Cars—^Mercury Car^ Inc., Hollis, Long Island, New York.
- MERCURY (USA) Electric Road Tractors—The Mercury Manufacturing Co., 4118, Halsted st., Chicacro.
- MERlblONALI (I) Motor Boats—Cantieri ed Officine Meridionali, Naples.
- MESMAY (F), Motor Cars—Vve. A. de Mesmay, Ateliers, Boulevard 8 Octobre, Saint Quentin, Aisne.
- METALLURGIQUE (Bg) Motor Cars—Soci6U Anonyme I’Auto MetaUurgique, Rue de Joncker 12, Brussels.
- METEOR (F) Motor Cars—Oie. des Autotoobiles ” Meteor,” Rue Petit 7, Clichy, Seine.
- METROPOLITAINB (F) Motor Cars—Bouquin Chapron, Rue de I’Oasis, Puteanx, Seine.
- METTALURGIGHE (I) Motor Boats—Societa Anoniraa Cooperativa Mettalurgicbe, Arti Navali del • Porto di Venezia, Dorsoduro 96,-Venice.
- METTALURGICI ITALIANA (I) Marine Engines —Cantieri Mettalurgici ItaliaDa,Oastellamare Stabia, Naples.
- METZ MASTER (USA) Motor Cars—Metz Co., Waltham, Massachusetts.
- MEUSE (F) Aero Engines—Moteur Soci6t6 franco beige “ La Meuse,” Rue de Clichy 54, Paris.
- MEYERS (D) Motor Boats—J. Meyers Scheeps- bouwmaatschapnij, Zalt-Bommel.
- MIANUS (U'SA)*Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats— Mianus Motor Works, McGee avenue, Stamford, Connecticut.
- MID-WEST (USA) Petrol Tractors—Wichita Tractor Co., 421-23, N. Water st., Wichita, Kansas.
- MIDLAND (USA) Motor Cars—Midland Motor Car and Truck.Co., Oklahoma City, Oklahama.
- MIETZ (USA) Petrol Motor Boats-r-Mietz Corporation, August, 128 Molt st., New York.
- MIEUSSET (F) Motor Cycles—V. Mieusset, Rue du Gazom^tre 17-23, Lyons.
- MILANESE (i)Engines—Officina Meccanica Milanese, Via Manzoni 10, Milan.
- MILBURN (USA) El^tric Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Milburn Wagon Co., 3134, Monroe avenue, Toledo, Ohio.
- MILITAIRE (USA) Motor Cars—Militaire Motor Vehicle Co. of America, Kensington avenue, Buffalo, New York.
- MILITOR (USA) Com. Veh.—^Militor Corporation, Jersey City, New Jersey.
- MILLER (USA) Engines and Aeroplanes—Harry A. Miller Mftg. Co., 219, E. Washington st., Los Aqgeles, California.
- MILLER (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats— Miller Engine Co., 2329-31, N. Talman avenue, Chicago.
- MILLS-FULFORD (F) Side Oafs—Jouve et Cie., Boulevard Murat 145, Paris.
- MINERVA (Bg) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme Minerva Motors, Rue Karet-Ooms, Antwerp. • '
- MINERVA (USA) Petrol Tractors—Minerva Engine Co., Euclid avenue and E. 66th st., Cleveland, Ohio.
- MINNEAPOLIS (USA) Motor Cars, and Petrel Com. Veh.—-Minneapolis Motor Car Go., 235, Plymouth bldgs., Minneapolis, Minn.
- MINNEAPOLIS (USA.) Oom. Veh.—Minneapolis Steel' and Machine Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
- MINNEAPOLIS (USA) Farm Tractors—The Minneapolis Threshing Co., Hopkins, Minneapolis.
- MISSOURI (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats —Miswonri Engine Co., .2806, N. 11th st.. Saint I.ouis.
- MITCHELL (USA) Motor Cars—Mitchell Motors Co., Inc., Racine, Wisconsin.
- MITCHELL (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles^ Mitchell, Avenue Malakoff 147, Paris.
- MODEL (USA)^ Engines—The Pittsburgh Model Engine Co.,yLexington st. and P.R.R., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- MODERN (USA) Com. Veh.—Bowling Green Motor Car Co., Bowlrnff Green, Ohio.
- MOELLER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—New Haven Truck and Auto Works, 166-68, S. John st.. New Haven, Connecticut.
- MOGUL (USA) Farm Tractors—International Harvester Cornoration, Harvester bldgs., Chicago.
- MOHAWK (USA) Com. Veh.—Mohawk Motor Truck Co., Ravenna, Ohio.
- MOLINE (F) Motor Cars—-Stephens, Allen et Oie., Quai Valmv 159 bis, Paris.
- MOLINE-KNIGHT (USA) Motor Cars—Root and Van Dervoort Eng. Co., Sixth st. and 13th avenue. Bast Moline, Illinois.
- MOLINE-UNIVERSAL (USA) Farm Tractors— Moline Plow Co., Moline, Illinois.
- MONARCH (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Cars— G-rand Rapids Gas Engine and Yacht Co., 100, Front st., Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- MONDIAL (F) Engines—Compagnie des Moteurs et Voiturettes Legrand Andries et Cie., Rue de I’Est 75, Lille, Nord.
- MONITOR (USA) Motor Cars—The Monitor Motor Car Co., 402, Mount Vernon avenue, Columbus, Ohio. ’
- MONNA (F) Motor Cars—H. Monchaux, Rue Legouv^, Paris.
- MONROE (USA) Motor Cars—Monroe Motor Co., Pontiac, Michigan.
- MOON (USA) Motor Cars—Moon Motor Car Co., 4400, N. Main st.. Saint Louis, Mo.
- MOORE (USA) Motor Cars—Moore Motor Vehicle Co., N. Tilton st., DanvilV, Illinois.
- MORANE-SAULNIER (F) Aeroplanes—Soci6te des Constructions Aeronautiques Morane-Saulnier, Rue Volta 3, Puteaux.
- MORELAND (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Moreland Motor Truck Co., 1701-31, N. Main st., Los Angeles, California.
- MORGAN (F) Cycle Cars—The Morgan Runabout, Rue du Bois 128, Levallois.
- MORINI-ROSSI (I) Engines—Morini E. Rossi, Via A. Manconi 31, Milan.
- MORRIS (USA) Oom. Veh.—George Morris, Racine, Wisconsin.
- MORS (F) Motor Cars—Society d’Automobiles Mors, Rue du Theatre 48, Paris.
- MORTON (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Morton Motor Co., 46 Lafayette avenue, E. Detroit, Michigan.
- MOSER-VILLARD (F) Motor Cycles—A. Moser et V. Villard, Cours de Saint Andr6 69, Grenoble.
- MOTAX (USA) Farm Tractors—Plano Tractor Co., Wabash, Indiana.
- MOTO-PORTEUR (F) Cycle Attachmentn-Paul Vaillant. Rue Blanche 6, Paris.
- MOTO-REVE (F) Motor Cycles—.Touve et Oie., Boulevard Murat 145, Paris
- MOTOBLOG (F) Motor Cars—Usines Motobloc, Rue des Vivants 90-134, La Bastide-Bordeaux, Gironde.
- MOTOGODILLE (F) Motor Boats—G. Trouche et Cie., Passage Verdeau 26. Paris
- MOTOSACOCHE (F) Motor Cycles and Side Cars— Motocyclettes Motosacoche, Quai Galli^ni 36, Suresnes, Seine.
- MOTOSOLO (F) Motor Cycles—^Motocyolettes “ Motosolo,” Boulevard de la Vilette 76, Paris.
- MULLINS (USA) Motor Boats—W. H. Mullins Co., 182, Franklin avenue, Salem, Ohio.
- MULTA-POWER (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Keystone Machine Co., N. Beaver st., York, Pennsylvania.
- MURRAY (USA) Motor Cars—Murray Motor Co., 3700, Grant boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- MURRAY and TREGURTHA (USA) Petrol Motor Boats and Aeroplanes—Murray and Tregurtha Co., 340, W. First st., Boston, Massachusetts.
- MUSKEGON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Muskegon Engine Co., Clay avenue and 9th st., Muskegon, Michigan.
- MUTUAL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Mutual Trunk Co., Sullivan, Indiana.
- MUZZI (I) Aeroplane. Engines—F. Lli. Fu Giovanni « Muzzi, Via G. Mazzini, Florence. ,
- MYERS (USA) Com, Veh.—B. A. Myers' Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- N.I.C.A. (I) Motor Boats—Society N.I.C.A., Via Napoli, Rome.
- NAGANT (Bg) Motor Cars—Nagant Frdres, Quai de Coronmeuse 44, Li6ge.
- NAGARA (I) Motor Boats—Arturo Nagaro e Co., Pozzuoli,*Turin.
- NAPOLEON (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.—Traverse City Motor Go., Traverse City, Michigan.
- NASH (USA) Motor Cars .and Petrol Oom. Veh«— Nash Motors Co., Kenosha, Wisconsin
- NATIONAL (USA) Motor Cars—National Motor Car and Vehicle Corporation, 1004, E. 22nd st., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- NATIONALE (Bg) Motor Cars—SociAtd Anonyme Fabrique Nationale d’Armes de Guerre, Herstal.
- NATOLI (I) Engines—Ing. Gagiotini Natoli e De Carolis, Via Orescenzio 93, Rome.
- NAZZARO (I) Motor Cars—Nazzaro e Co. Fabbrica di Automobili, Florence. ,
- NEHER (USA) Engines—L. M. Neher, Warsaw, Indiana.
- NELSON (USA) Motor Cars—B. A. Nelson Motor Car Co., 496-500, Bellevue and Kercheval avenues, Detroit, Michigan.
- NELSON (USA) Petrol Tractors—Nelson Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts.
- NELSON and LE MOON (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.~ Nelson and Le Moon, 849-51, Kedzie st., Chicago.
- NETCO (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—New England Truck Co., Fitchburg, Massachusetts.
- NEVERSLIP (USA) Farm Tractors—Monarch Tracts Co., Watertown, Wisconsin.
- NEW AGE (USA) Farm Tractors—New .^e Tractor* Co., 125, 5th avenue, S. Minneapolis, Minn.
- NEW HART-PARR (USA) Tractorand—Hart Parr Co., Lawler st., Charles City, Iowa.
- NEW JERSEY (USA) Aeroplanes—New Jersey Aeroplane Co., Paterson, New Jersey.
- NEW WAY (USA) Road Tractors—New Way Machinery Co., Chippewa rd., Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
- NEW YQRK (USA)Petrol Com. Veh.—Tegetmeir and Riepe Co., 771-73, First avenue. New York.
- NEW YORK (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—New York Yacht, Launch and Engine Co., Morris Heights, New York.
- NIAGARA (USA) Petrol Tractors, Motor Boats and Engines—Niagara Motors Corporation, Liberty bidgs., 483, Ellicott square, Buffalo, New York.
- NIAGARA (HSA) Motor Boats—^Niagara Motor Boat Co., 175, Sweeney st.. North Tonawanda, New York.
- NICLAUSSE (F) Motor Cars—J. et A. Niclausse, Rue des Ardennes 24, Paris. '
- NICOLAS (F) ^otor Cars—Nicolas et Oie., Rue de Metz 8-10, Courbevoie, Seine.
- NICOLAS WITSEN (D) Motor Boats—Scheepswerf and “ Nicolas Witsen,” firms W. F. Stoel and Zoon, Alkmaar.
- NIEPCE-FETTERER (F) Aeroplanes—Niepce et Fetterer, Quai du Point du Jour 50, Billancoiut.
- NIESSE (Bg) Motor Cars—J. Niesse, Rue des Goujons, 38, Cureghem.
- NIEUPORT (P) Aeroplanes and Hydroplanes— • Soci5t5 Anonyme des Etablissements Nieuport, Boulevard Galliene 46-50, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Seino.
- NILES (USA) Cora. Veh.—Niles Car and Mftg. Co., Niles, Ohio..
- NILSON (USA) Farm Tractors—Nilson Tractor Co., 2628, University avenue, S.B. Minneapolis, Minn. NILSON-MILLER (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats— Nilson-Miller Co., 15th Hudson st., Hoboken, New Jersey.
- NOBLE (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Noble Motor Truck Co., Kendallville, Indiana.
- NO-CHAIN (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—No-Ohain Truck Unit Co., 3302-04, Latwon avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri.
- NOM (F) Motor Boats—Atelier de Constructions M6caniques, Boulevard P6reire 173, Paris.
- NORMA (USA) Motor Cars—Norma Motor Corporation, 155 Avenue D, New York.
- NORTH AMERICAN (USA) Motor Cars, Petrol Tractors, Aeroplanes and Engines—^North American Motor Co., Queen st., Pottstown, Pennsylvania.
- NORTHWAY (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Northway Motor Corporation, S. Main st., Kendallville, • Indiana.
- NORTHWAY (USA) Engines—Northway Motor g^and Mftg. Co., Maybury avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- NORTHWESTERN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Starr Carriage Co., 1st and Stacy st., Seattle, Washington.
- NORWALK (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh. —Norwalk Motor Car Co., Martinsburg, W. Virginia.
- O.K. (USA) ,Petrol Oom. Veh.—Oklahoma Auto Mftg. Co., '712-15, Phrnnix bldgs., Muskogee, Oklahoma.
- OdM. (I) Diesel Engines—Society, “ O.M.” Miani, Silvestri e Co., Porta Vigentina, Milan.
- O.O.S. (USA) Engines—Storle Rotary Engine Co., W. Water st., Kewaunee, Wisconsin.
- OAKLAND (USA) Motor Cars—Oakland Motor Car Co., 210, Oakland avenue, Pontiac, Michigan.
- OCTO (F) Motor Cars—L. Vienne, Boulevard Gouvion 23, Saint Oyr.
- ODELL (USA) Fd. Oh. C.—Odell One-Ton Truck Attachment Co., Atlanta, Georgia.
- ODERO (I) Motor-Boats—N. Odero e Co., Piazza Campetto, Genoa.
- OFELDT (USA) Engines and Steam Com. Veh.— F. W. Ofeldt and Sons, Nyack, New York.
- OHIO (USA) Electric Motor Cars—The Ohio Electric Car Co., 1501-7, W. Bancroft st., Toledo, Ohio.
- OHIO (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors—Ohio General Tractor Co., Citizen’s bldgs., Cleveland, Ohio.
- OLD HICKORY (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Kentucky Wagon Mftg. Co., 3rd and-K sts., Louisville, Kentucky.
- OLD RELIABLE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.’—Old Reliable Motor Truck Co., . 3921-27, Michigan avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- OLDSMOBILE (USA) Motor Cars—Olds Motor Works, Lansing, Michigan.
- OLIN (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats, Fd. Ch. C. and Engines—Olin Gas Engine Co., 10-16, Lock st., Buffalo, New York.
- OLSON (USA)'Fd. Ch. 0.—Swedish Crucible Steel Co., Butler st. and G.T.R.R., Detroit, Michigan.
- OLYMPIAN (USA)-Motor Cars—Olympian Motor Co., Pontiac, Michigan.
- ONEIDA (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Oneida Motor Truck Co., Webster avenue and Willow st., Green Bay, Wisconsin.
- ONBTO (I) Aeroplanes—Francesco Oneto, Fabbrica Areoplani, Via Garibaldi 28, Pisa..
- ONTARIO (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—A. E. Olmstead and Sons, Maple avenue, Pulaski, New York.
- OPESSI (I) Light Cars—Antonio Opessi Automobili, Via Stupinigi, Turin.
- OPTIMA (F) Motor Cars—Schmidt et Oie., Saint- Quentin.
- ORDNANCE (USA) Aeroplanes—Ordnance Engineering Corporation, 120, Broadway, N.Y.O., and Baldwin, Long Island.
- OREL (F) Motor Cars—Ing.-Directeur Courtois, Boulevard de la Ohapelle 12, Paris.
- ORIOLE (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Page Engineering Co., Hull and Cl^gett sts., Baltimore, Maryland.
- ORLANDO (I) Motor Boats—Cantieri Navali F. Lli. Orlando.e Co., Livorno.
- OSHKOSH (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Oshkosh Motor Truck Mftg. Co., Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
- OTIS-PIFRE (F) Com. Veh., Engines and Marine Motors—Ateliers Otis-Pifre, Rue de Courcelles 161-3, Paris.
- OTTO (F) Motor Cars—Compagnie FranQaise de Moteurs a Gaz et des Constructions M^caniques. Rue Lecourbe 242, Paris.
- OVERLAND (USA) Motor. Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.—Willys Overland Co., Toledo, Ohio.
- OVERLAND (C) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Willys- Overland, Ld., Toronto, Ontario.
- OVERLAND (F) Motor Cars—H. Falconnet, Avenue Malakoff 58, Paris.
- OWEN MAGNETIC (USA) Motor Cars—The R. and L. Baker Co., foot of W. 80th st., Cleveland, Ohio.
- OXFORD (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Oxford Truck Co., Fifth and Hodgson sts., Oxford, Pennsylvania.
- P.B.B. (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Greb Co., 195, State st. Boston, Massachusetts.
- PACKARD (USA) Motor Cars, Petrol Com. Veh. and Aircraft—Packard Motor Car Co. E. Grand boulevard and Belt Line, Detroit, Michigan.
- PACKET (USA) Petrol Com. Veh—Packet Motor Car Mftg. Co., Talmage and 33rd avenues, S.E. Minneapolis, Minn.
- PAIGE (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.— Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co., corner of Fort and Mackinstry sts., Detroit, Michigan.
- PAIGE (F) Motor Cars—Detroit Motor Car Co., Rue Pierret 32-4, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- PALMER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Palmer-Meyer Motor Car Co., 5027-35, McKissock avenue. Saint Louis, Missoiirt
- PALMER (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Palmer Bros. Engine Co., Cos Cob., Connecticut.
- PAN~ (USA) Motor Cars and Farm Tractors—Pan Motor Co., Saint Cloud, Minnesota. _
- PAN-AMERICAN (USA) Motor Cai^, and Com. Veh. —Pan-American Motors Oorporatipn, 319-21 Citizens Title and Front bldgs., Decatur, Illinois.
- PANILMtD (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Panhard Motors Co., Grand Haven, Michigan.
- PANHARD-LEVASSOR (F) Motor Cars and Aeroplane Motors—Soci6t<5 Anonyrae des Anciens Etablisseraents Panliard et Levassor, Avenue dTvry 19, Paris.
- PANSERA (I) Aeroplane Engines—Officine Mec- caniche Pansera, Via S. Spaventa 6, Bergamo.
- PAQUIS (F) Motor Cars—Socidtd Anonyme de Usines du Paquis, Mdzifcres, Ardennes.
- PARAGON TRACK LAYER -(USA) Farm Tractors —Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Tremont st., San Francisco, California.
- PARENT (F) Motor Cars—Constructeur Parent, Rue Victor Duruy 6, Paris.
- PAIWSIENNE (F) Motor Cars—Soci^td de Constructions Automobiles Parisienne, Boulevard de Courbevoie 24, St. Cyr.
- PARKER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Parker Motor Truck Co., 608 Linus st., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- PARODI (I) Motor Boats—V. Carrette e C. Parodi, Piazza Micheli 5, Livorno. .
- PARRETT (USA) Farm Tractors—Parrett Tractor Co., 476, S. Dearborn st., Chicago, Illinois.
- PARTFORD (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Partlow-Jenkins Motor Car Co., 319-23, E. Market st., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- PATERSON (USA) Motor Cars—W. A. Paterson Co., S.W. Cor. 3rd and Harrison sts., Flint,Michigan.
- PATRIOT (USA) Com. Veh.—Hebb Motors Co., Lincoln, Nebraska.
- PATTERSON (USA) Aeroplanes—Patterson Aeroplane Co., 1950, Jefferson East, Detroit, Michigan.
- PAVESI-TOLOTTI (I) Motor Cars—Ingegneri Pavesi e Tolotti, Via Adige, Milan.
- PEDfeETTI (I) Engines—Ing. G. Pedr^ti e Co., Via'Washington 18, Milan.
- PEERLESS (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.—The Peerless Motor Car Co., Quincy avenue and S.E. 93rd st., Cleveland, Ohio.
- PEERLESS (USA) Petrol Motor Boate;—Peerl^ Marine Motor Co., Buffalo, New York.
- PELLADAUX (F) Motor Cars—V. P. PeUadaux, Rue Jean Bart, Biarritz, Pyreimdes.-
- PELLIZZARI (I) Engines—Officine Pellizzari, Via Aosta 52, Turin.
- PENINSULAR (USA) Petrol Tractors, Motor Boats and Engines—Peninsular Auto Paris Co., 46, Lafayette avenue, B. Detroit, Michigan.
- PENNSYLVANIA (USA) Motor Cars—Pennsylvania Motor Car Co., 901-13, Pennsylvania avenue, N.S., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- PENSOTTI (I) Aeroplane Engines—Andrea Pen- , sotti, Busto Arsizio, Milan.
- PEORIA'(USA) Farm Tractors—Peoria 'factor Co., Inc., Peoria, Illinois.
- PEREGO (I) Engines and Motor Boats—Society Anonima Pouderie AUuminio Perego, Musocco, Milan.
- PEREGRINI (I) Engines—^Lodovico Per^rini, Via Dante 17, Milan.
- PERKINS (USA) Engines—Massnick Mftg. Co., 1091, Lafayette avenue, E. Detroit, Michigan.
- PERNEY (F) Tractors—Society des Etablissemente, ; Gabriel Pemey, Paiis-Aubevoye.
- PERONI (I) Engines—F. Peroni e Co., Via Tiziano 9, ? Milan.
- PERRINO (I) Aeroplane Engines—Pier Alfonso : Perrino, Via Sehina 8, Turin.
- PEUGEOT (F) Motor Boats—A. Tony-Huber et Cie., Rue Saint Charles 197 ter, Paris XVe.
- PEUGEOT (F) Motor Cars, Motor Cycles, Com. I and Agricultural Veh., Aeroplanes and Engines— : Soci^td Anonyme des Cycles et Automobiles, ; Peugeot, Rue Danton 80, Levallois Perret, Seine.
- PEYRARD (F) Motor Cycles—Pierre Peyrard, i Combronde, Puy de Dome.
- PHANTOM (USA) Engines—The North Chicago Machine Co., North Chicago, Illinois.
- PHELON-MOORE (F) Motor Cycles—Jouve et Cie., Boulevard Murat 145, Paris.
- PHENIX (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles- Brunei, Dumas et Cie., Rue de Paris 10, Puteaux.
- PHENIX (USA) Fd, Ch. C.—Phenix Truck Makers, 4948, Bloomingdale avenue, Chicago.
- PHIANNA (USA) Motor Cars—M. H. Carpenter, 93, Lunswick st., Long Island City, New York.
- PHILOS (F) Small Cars—Automobiles Philos, Rue Louis 16, Lyons.
- PHCENIX CUSA) Com. Veh.—Pheenix Tractor Co., Winona, Minnesota.
- PHCENIX (USA) Road Tractors—Phoenix Mftg. Co., Ban Claire, Wisconsin.
- PIAGGIO ^) Motor Boats—Society Anonima Alessandro Piaggio, Palazzo Nuova Borsa 86, Genoa.
- PICCARD-PICTET (F) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 des Automobiles Fran^aises Piccard-Pictet et Oie., Avenue des Champs Elys^es 37, Paris.
- PICCHIOTTI (I) Motor Boats—Emilio Picchiotti, Civitavecchia, Rome.
- PIEDMONT (USA) Motor Cars—Piedmont Motor Car Co., Inc., Cleveland avenue, Lynchburg, Virginia.
- PDERCE (USA) Aeroplanes—Samuel S. Pierce Aero Corporation, 571, Sth avenue, New York and Southampton,' Long Island.
- PIERCE-ARROW (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.—The Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Co., 1695, /Elmwood avenue, Buffalo, New York.
- PIERCE-ARROW (F) Motor Cars—Automobile^ Pierce-Arrow, Rue Victor Hugo 3, Levallois Perret.
- PIERI (I) Petrol Com. Veh.—Ing. Adolfo Pieri e Co., Via Meravigli 10, Milan.
- PIERRON (F) Motor Cars—L. Pierron, Rue Armand- Sylvestre 181, Courbevoie, Seine.
- PIGEON-FRASER (USA) Aeroplanes—Pigeon- Fraser Hollow Spar Co., 131, Colefidge st., B. Boston, Massachusetts.
- PILAXN (P) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Automobiles Pilain, Chemin de Monplaisir 17, Grangerouge, Lyons.
- PILGRIM (USA) Motor Cars—Pilgrim Motor Car. - Co., Moffatt bldgs., Detroit, Michigan.
- PILOT (USA) Motor Cara—The Pilot Motor Car Co., 28, Port Wayne avenue, Richmond, Indiana.
- PIONEER (USA) Farm Tractors—Pioneer Tractor- Mftg. Co., Carmona st., Winona, Minnesota.
- PIPE (Bg) Motor Cars—Usines Pipe, Rue Ruysduel 10, Brussels.
- PITTSBURGH (USA) Petrol Tractors—Pittsburgh Model Engine Co., Lexington st. and P.R.R., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- PLASSON (F) Motor Cars—SocidU des Anciens Etablissements des Cloys, Rue des Cloys 39-41, Paris.
- PLOWMAN (USA) Tractors—Interstate Tractor Co., Fourth st. and Limits, Waterloo, Iowa. ,
- POCO (USA) Farm Tractors—Pocahontas Mftg. Co., Charles City, Iowa.
- POLI (I) Motor Boats—Giovanni Poli, Chioggia, ‘ Venice. , •
- POMILIO (I) Aeroplanes—Society Anonima Ing. 0. and C. Pomilio, Corso Francia 366, Turin.
- PONY (USA) Petrol Tractors—J. S. Lingard, Laporte, Indiana.
- PORT HURON (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors —Port Huron Engine and Thresher Co., 3401-59, 24th st., Port Huron, Michigan.
- POST (USA) Petrol Tractore—Post Tractor Co., Society for Savings bldgs , Cleveland, Ohio.
- POTEZ (F) Aeroplanes—Henry Potez, Avenue Victor Hugo 96, Aubervilliers, Seine.
- POUPEE (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles Poupee, Douzies, Maubeuge, Nord.
- POWELL (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractora— Powell Tractor Co., Elwood, Indiana.
- POWER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Tractors— Power Truck and Tractor Co., Beard and Goldsmith avenues, Detroit, Michigan.
- PRAIRIE DOG (USA) Farm Tractors—Kansas City Hay Press Co., Fourth st., Viaduct, Kansas City, Kansas, Missouri.
- PREMIER (USA) Motor Cars—Premier Motor Corporation, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- PRIEST (F) Motor Cycles—G. Priest, Boulevard Carnot, Cannes, Alpes Maritimes.
- PRINCE (I) Light Cars—Fabbrica Auixsmobili “ Prince,” Via Pisa 21, Tkirin.
- PRINCESS PAT (USA) Paraffin Tractors—Scientific Farming Machinery Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- PROMETHfc (F) M otor Cars—Compagnie Francaise Promethee, Rue de Grammont 16 et Rue de I’lndre
- PUCCIO' DOMENICO (I) Engines—Puccio Domenico e Co., "Via Pore, Atla Pag, Palermo.
- PUIMATTIN and PAGLIANO (I) Engines—Pui- mattin e Pagliano, Via Asietta 16, Turin.
- PULL MORE (USA) Petrol Com. -Veh.—Pull More Motor Truck Co., New Castle, Pennsylvania.
- PYGMEE (F) Motor Cars—J. Monet et P. L. Lagoutte, Quai du Breuil 7,.Macon, Sadne-et-Loire.
- PYKE (C) Marine Engines—^Pyke Motor and Yacht Co., Montreal.
- QUAGLIA-GALDINI (I) Motor Boats—Quaglia e Galdini, Via XX. Settembre 28, Genoa.
- QUAYLE (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats—Commonwealth Motor Co, 326, W. Madison st., Chicago, Illinois.
- QUENTIN (F) Com. and Agri. Motors—Soci6t6 des Mqteurs J. Quentin et Cie., Boulevard Saint Denis 104, Courbevoie, Seine.
- R.E.P. (F) Aeroplanes—Robert Esnault’ Pelterie, Rue des Abondances 37, Boulogne-sur-Seihe.
- R. and L. (USA) Electric Motor. Cars—R. and L. Baker and Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
- R. and P. (USA) Farm Tractors—R. and P, Tractor Co., Alma, Michigan.
- R.S, (USA) Motor Cycles—Reading Standard Co., Water st., Reading, Pennsylvania.
- RACINE (USA) Motor Boats—Racine Boat Co., 1811, Holborn st., Racine, Wisconsin.
- RAINIER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Rainier Motor Corporation, Bay Side avenue, Flushing, Long Island, New York.
- RALACO (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—S. M. Jones Co., Toledo, Ohio.
- RANCH-LANG, see R. and L.
- RAULANG (USA) Electric Motor Cars—R. and- L. Bak^ Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
- RAYET (P) Motor Cars—Lienard Rayet et Cie., Society de Constructions Automobiles de Reims, Witrv-les-Reims.
- RAYFORD (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Rayford Unit Co., Second st. and Indiana avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- RAYNE (F) Motor Cars—Automobiles Rayne, Avenue de VObservatoire, Cierment Ferrand, Puy de D6me.
- READING (USA) Jtotor Cars'and Petrol Com. Veh. —Readhig Chassis and Motor Corporation, Sth and Oley Sts., Reading, Pennsylvania.
- REDDEN (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Redden Motor Truck Co., 2337, S. Michigan avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
- REED (USA) Farm Tractors—Reed Foundry and Illinois Machine Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- REGAL (USA) Motor Cars—Regal Motor Car Co., 201, Piquette avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- REGAL (USA) Engines, Motor Boats and Aeroplanes :—Regal Petrol Engine Co., 59, W. Pearl'st., Goldwater, Michigan.
- RELIABLE (USA) Engines and Tractors—Reliable Engine Co., Portsmouth, Ohio.
- RELIANCE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Reliance Motor Truck Co., corner Story st. and 0. and N.W.R.R. Tracks, Appleton, Wisconsin.
- RELIANCE (USA) Motor Boats—Reliance Motor Boat Co., 207th st. and Harlem River, W. New York.
- REMORQUES (F) Steam Motor Boats—Consortium des Fabricants de Remorques, Cit5 Trevise 5, Paris.
- RENAULT (Fj Motor Cars, Com. Veh., Aeroplanes and Engines—Louis Renault, Rue Gustave Sandoz 15, Piliancourt.
- RENNOC-LESLEE (USA)Petrol Com.Veh.—Rennoc- Leslie Motor Co., 2007, W. Alleghany avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- REO (USA) Motor Cars and Oom. Veh.—Reo Motor Car Co., S. Washington avenue, Lansing, Michigan.
- REO (C) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Reo Motor Car Co. of Canada, Ld., Saint Catherine’s, Ontario.
- REPUBLIC (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Republic Motor Truck Co., Inc., Abna, Michigan.
- REVERE. (USA) Motor Cars—Revere Motor Car Corporation, 1638, Monadnock bldgs., Chicago, Dlinois.
- REX (USA) Farm Tractors—Leader Tractor Manufacturing Co., 2-4-6, W. 9th st.. Des Moines, Iowa.
- REX (S) Marine Engines—Vallet y Bofill, Po. Gracia * 20, Barcelona.,
- REYA (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.-=—The Reya Co., Napoleon, Ohio. *
- REYROL (F) Motor Cars—Autos Reyrol, Rue du Bois 90, Levallois Perret, Seine.
- RHONE (F) Aero Engines, see Gnome et Rhone. RHONE-SEINE (F) Motor Cars—Etablissements Rhone et Seine, Rue Jean-Jaurfes 32, Levallois- Perret.
- RICHARD (USA) Motor Cars—The Richard Auto . •Mftg. Co., 7800, Finney avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- RICHARDSON (USA) Motor Boats—Richardson Boat 06., North Tonawanda, New York.
- RICHARDSON (USA) Aeroplane—Richardson Aeroplane Co., New Orleans, Louisiana.
- RICHELIEU (F) Motor Cars and Motor Cycles— Automobiles Richelieu, Rue de Richelieu 81,-Paris.
- RIKER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Locomobile Co. of America, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
- RIUNITI (I) Motor Boats—Cantieri Navali Riuniti, Via Balbi 4, Genoa.
- ROAMER (USA) Motor Cars-—Barley Motor Car Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- ROBERTS (USA) Petrol Motor Boats and Aeroplanes—Roberts Motor Manufacturing Co., San- . dusky, Ohio.
- ROCHESTER (USA) Engines—Rochester Motor Co., ,634, Lexington avenue, Rochester, New York.
- ROCHET SCHNEIDER (F) Motor Cars—Etablissements Lyonnais Rochet Schneider, Chemin Feuillat 57, Lyons.
- ROCK FALLS (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—:Rock Palls Mftg. Co., 201, B. Third st., Sterling, Illinois.
- ROGERS (USA) Aeroplanes—Rogers Constructiijn Co., Gloucester City, New Jersey.
- ROGNINI-BALBO (I) Electric Com. Veh.—Rognini e Balbo, Via Spontini 5, Milan.
- ROLLAND-PBLAIN (P) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme des Etablissements" E. Rolland et Pilain, Place Rabelais 44, Tours, Indre-et-Loire. '
- ROMEO (I) Engines—Ditta S. A T. Ing. Romeo e Co., Via Paleocapa, Milan.
- RONTEIX (P) Motor Cars—J. Ronteix, Rue Camille Desmoulins 6, Levallois Perret.
- ROOT-VAN DERVOORT (USA) Motor Boats and Engines—Boot and Van Dervoort Engineering Go., Sixth sb. and 13th avenue, East Moline, Illinois.
- ROSS (USA) Motor Cars—Boss Automobile Co., 914, E. Jefferson avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- ROSS UTILITY (USA) Paraffin Tractors—Boss Motors, National Life bldgs., Chicago.
- ROSSEL (E) Motor Cars—^Automobiles Bossel, Sochaux, Doubs.
- ROTONDI (I) Engines—Ing. Andrea Botondi, Via Spontini 5, Milan.
- ROUSSEAU (P) Engines—P. Bousseau, Avenue de la R6publique 59, Paris.
- ROUSSON (P) Motor Cars—Automobiles Bousson, Peurs, Loire.
- ROVER (P) Motor Cycles and Motor Cars—Psalty et Delabre, Bue Brunel 50, Paris.
- ROVETTA (I) Aeroplanes and Seaplanes—P. Lli. Bovetta, Via-Bagni 6, Brescia.
- ROWE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Bowe Motor Mftg. Co., Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
- ROY (P) Motor Cars—Automobiles George Boy, Boulevard du President Wilson 13, Bordeaux.
- ROYAL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Boyal Motor Truck Co. of New York, 112, Sth avenue, New York.
- ROYAL (USA) Engines and Farm Tractors—Boyal Motors Co., Napoleon, Ohio.
- ROYAL (USA) Pd. Ch. C.—Boyal Machine Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
- ROYER (USA) Farm Tractors—The Boyer Ensilage Harvester Co., 315-17, W. Waterman st., Wichita,
- RUBAY '(USA) Aircraft—C, Bub ay, 1318, W. 78th st., Cleveland, Ohio.
- RUBY (P) Motor Cars—H. Godefroy et Cie., Bue Gravel 63, Levall'dis Perret, Seine.
- RUMELY (USA) Oom. Veh.—Bumely Products Co., La Porte, Indiana.
- RUSH (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Bush Motors Corporation, 17th st. and Sedgley avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- RUSSELL (USA) Farm Tractors—The Russell and Co., Massilon, Ohio.
- RUTENBER (USA)'Engines and Tractors—Butenber, Motor 0.0., Marion, Indiana.
- RUSTIC (P) Com. and Agricultural Engines— Ingenieur E. 0. P. Biaudet, Montereau, Seine-et- Marne.
- RY JAN (P) Motor Cars—Henry Jausson, Boulevard Pereire 227, Paris.
- S.A.I. (I) Aeroplanes, see Ansaldo.
- S.A.V.I.N.E.M. (I) Motor Boats—-Society. Anonima Veneziana Indistria Navale, B. Meccan, Venice.
- S.B. (P) Motor Cars—B. Durand, Avenue des Champs Elysees 28, Paris.
- S.C.A.P. (P) Motor Cars and Engines—Society de Construction Automobile Parisienne, Bue Victor Hugo 48, Courbevoie, Seine.
- S.E.A. (P) Aeroplanes—Aeroplanes S. E. A., Avenue Victor Hugo 96, Aubervilliers.
- S.E.M. (P) Motor Cars—Society Anonyme des Aneiens Etablissements Morisse Frferes, Boulevard Saint Michel 2, Etampes, Seine-et-Oise.
- S.I.M.G.E.R. (I) Engines—SooieU B.I.M.G.E.B. Industria E. Comm, dei Motori, Turin.
- S.O.M.U.A. (P) Com. Veh.—Soci6t6 d’OutiUage Mecanique et d’Usinage d’ArtiLlerie, Avenue de la Gare 19, Saint-Ouen,' Seine.
- SJP.A. (IJ Motor Cars and Engines—Society Ligure Piemonr^e Automobili, Corso Ferruccio 122 Turin.
- Sj*.A.D. (P) Aeroplanes—Bechereau, Directeur, Aeroplanes S.P.A.D., Quai de I’lndustrie, Juvisy.
- S.S.E. (USA) Motor Cars—S.S.E. Co., 2300, Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- S.V.A.N. (I) Motor Boats—Cantieri Navali S.V.A.N., Via Garibaldi, Venice,
- SAINT LAWRENCE (0) Marine Engines—Saint Lawrence Engine Co., Ld., Brockville, Ontario.
- SAINT LOUIS (USA) Aeroplanes—Saint Louis Aircraft Corporation, Saint Louis, Missouri.
- SALERNITANI (I) Motor Boat^Oantieri Navah Salernitani, Torre Angellara, Salerno.
- SALMSON (F) Aeroplanes and Aeroplane Bn^es— Soci6t6 des Moteurs Salmson, Avenue des MouUneaux ; 3, Billancourb, Seine.
- SALTER (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Salter Motor Mftg. Co., 1516-18, Oakland avenue, Kansas City,
- SAMSON (USA) Tractors—Samson Sieve-Grip Tractor Co., Stockton, California.
- SAN MARTIN (S) Marine Engines—Aceros San Martin, Luchana y Ahnog^vares, Barcelona.
- SANDOW (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Sandow Motor ’ Truck Co., 3333, N. Grand avenue, Chicago.
- SANDUSKY (USA) Farm Tractors—The Dauch • Mftg. Co., 309, W. Walter st., Sandusky, Ohio.
- SANFORD (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Sanford ] Motor Truck Co., Sanford, Syracuse, New York. , 1
- SAURER (P) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Soci6t6 Anonyme des Automobiles Industriels Saurer, Bue - ?de Verdun 67, Suresnes, Seine.
- SAURER (USA) Petrol Oom.—International Motor Co., West End avenue and 64th st.. New York.
- SAVA (Bg) Motor Cars—Society Anonyme Sava, .? Berchen, Antwerp. J
- SAVIDGE (USA) Farm Tractors—The Savidge y’ Tractor Co., 410, State st., Alton, Elmois. j
- SAVOIA (I) Light Cars, Motor Boats and Aeroplane ' Engines—-Pabbrica Automobili “ Savoia,” Via J Washington 18, e 12, Via Silvio Pellico, Milan. . i
- SAVOIA (F) Aeroplanes—Pabbrica Automobile 1 “ Savoia,” Bue Taitbout, Paris. i
- SAXON (USA) Motor Carand—The ^axon Motor Car 1 Corporation, Beaufort and Waterloo avenues, Detroit, Michigan. j
- SAYERS (USAy Motor Cars—Sayers and Scovill Co., , G^t st., B. and O.B.R., Cincinnati, Ohio. <
- SAYRE (USA) Engines—Sayre Stamping Co., Sayre, | Pennsylvania. . ’
- SCAT (I) Motor Cars and Engines—Society Ceirano Automobili Scat, Corso Francia 142, Turin. i
- SCEMIA (P) Com. Veh.—Society de Construction -et ' d’Bntretien de Materiel Industriel et Agricole, Montreuil, Seine.
- SCHACHT (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The G. A. Schacht Motor Tiruck Co., Eighth and Evans sts., - Cincinnati, Ohio.
- SCHELDE, see De Schelde.
- SCHIEFER (USA) Aeroplane—Schiefer and Sons, ' San Diego, California.
- SCHLEICHER (USA) Oom. Veh.—Schleicher Motor Truck Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
- SCHMITT (F) Aeroplanes—Paul Schmitt, Route de la R6volte 39, Levallois-Perret. ‘
- SCHNEIDER (P) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 Anonyme des Automobiles Th. Schneider, Avenue Fontaine- Argent 28, BesanQon, Doubs.
- SCHOFIELD (0) Marine Engines—Schofield-Holden Machine Co., Ld., Toronto, Ontario.
- SCHULTZ (P) Aero Engines, see Seja.
- SCHWARTS (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Schwarts Motor Truck Co., 522, Chestnut st., Reading, Pennsylvania.
- SCOTT (USA) Fd. Oh. C.—Scott Machine Works, 1510, 11th avenue, Seattle, Washington. ;
- SCRIPPS-BOOTH (USA) Motor Cars—Scripps- Booth Corporation, 981, Beaufort st., Detroit, Michigan.
- SEA BRIGHT (USA) Motor Boats—Sea Bright Dory Works, 491, Atlantic ^venue, Long Branch, New Jersey.
- SECQUEVILLE-HOYAU (F) Motor Cars—Soci6te Anonyme Secqueville-Hoyau, Avenue Daurent- Cely, GeimevUliers.
- SEGHERS (F) Aero Engines, see Seja.
- SEIGLE (P) Motor Cars—Stanislas Seigle, Bue de Provence 64, Paris.
- SEJA (P) Aero Engines—^Ad-Seghers, Bue Scribe 11, Paris.
- SELDEN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Selden Motor Vehicle Co., corner University avenue and Probert st., Bochester, New York.
- SENECA (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.— Seneca Motor Car Co., Postoria, Ohio.
- SERVICE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Service Motor Truck Co., WabOrSli, Indiana.
- SEXTON (USA) Farm Tractors—Sexton Tractor Corporation, Asbury Park, New Jersey.
- SHAW (USA) Com. Veh.—Walden W. Shaw Corporation, Chicago.
- SHEET (USA) Oh. Converters—Sheet Metal Specialty Co., Goshen, Indiana.
- SHELBY (USA) Tractors—Shelby Tractor and Truck Co., Shelby, "" '
- SHERIDAN Commercial Chicago.
- SHIPMATE _ , Jlown Motors, 253, Broadway, New York.
- SHORT TURN (USA) Farm Tractors—Short Turn Tractor Co., Moorhead, Minnesota.
- SIBLEY (I) Aeroplane Engines—Ing. Alfred Sidley e Co., Oecina, Pisa.
- SICAM (P) Motor Cars and Cycle Cars—Constructeur de Voitures et Cycle Cars “ Sicam,” Rue Hoche 3, Pantin.
- SIDEA (E) Motor Cars—Automobiles ** Sidea,” Rue de Paris 10, Puteaux, Seine.
- SIEVERKROPP (USA) Petrol. Motor Boats— Sieverkropp Engine Co., 1402, ’19th st., Racine, Wisconsin.
- SIGMA (F) Motor Cars—Socidte des Automobiles “ Sigma,” Route de la R6volte 272, Levallois- Perret, Seine.
- SIGNAL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Signal Motor Truck Co., corner Cannor rd. and Ohmrlevoix avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- SIMON (F) Motors—Simon Pr6res, Rue Helain, Cherbourg, Manche.
- SIMPLEX (D) Motor Cycles—Machine Rijwiel en Xutomobielenfabriek “ Simplex,” Overtoom 271, Amsterdam.
- SIMPLEX (USA) Motor Cars—Simplex Automobile Co., New Brunswick, New Jersey.
- SI^JlPLEX (USA) Parra Tractors—Simplex Tractor Co., 1615, Central avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- SIMPLICITY (USA) Tractors—Turner Manufacturing Co., 239, Lake st., Port Washington, Wisconsin.
- SINGER (USA) Motor Cars—Singer Motor Co., Inc., N. Third avenue. Mount Vernon, New York.
- SIZAIRE-BERWICK (F) Mofor Cars—Automobiles Sizaire-Berwick, Avenue de Champs Elys6es 28, Paris;
- SIZAIRE-NAUDIN (F) Motor Caro—Soci6t6 des Nouveaux Btablissements Sizaire' et Naudin, Rue de Lourmel 79, Paris.
- SMIT (D) Motor Boats—Smit Jr., Varkenoord- schedijk 88, Rotterdam.
- SMIT (D) Motor Boats—E. J. Smit and Zoon, Hoogesand.
- SNAPPER (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Automatic Machine Co., 113, E. Washington, st., Bridgeport, Connecticut.
- SOCIETA LIGURE (I) “Motor Boats—Society Ligure di Armamento, Genoa.
- SOLLER (I) Motor Cars—Society Italians Seller Giorffio, Mangiapan e Co., Via Schiaparelli 8, Milan.
- SOMUA (Sw) Tractors—Simar Somua, Geneva.
- SOUTHERN (USA) Petrol Coin. Veh.—Southern Truck and Car Corporation, GreenSboro’, North Carolina.
- SPACKE (USA) Motor Cars and Motocycles—Spacke Machine and Tool Co., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- SPEEDWAY (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Gas Engines and Power Co. and Charlo L. Seabury and Co., Morris Heights, New York.
- SPERRY (USA) Aircraft—Sperry Aircraft Co., Lawrence, Farmingdale, New York.
- SPORT (F), see Farman H. et M.
- SPRINGFIELD (USA) Engines—Springfield Motors Co. Stamford, Connecticut.
- SPRINGFIELD (USA) Aeroplanes—Springfield Airplane Co., Springfield, Massachusetts.
- SPYKER (D) Jlotor Cars and Aircraft—Nederlandsche Automobiel en Vliegtnigfabriek “ Trompenburg,” , Amsteldijk 110a, Amsterdam.-
- SQUARE TURN (USA) Farm Tractors—Square Turn Tractor Co., Lytton bldg., Norfolk, Nebraska.
- STANDARD (USA) ^Motor Cars—Standard Steel Car Co., Frick bldgs., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- STANDARD (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Standard Motor Ikuck Co., 315-327, BeUevue atenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- STANDARD (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—-Warren Motor Truck Co., Dana avenue, Warren, Ohio.
- STANDARD (USA) Tractors—Standard Tractor Co., Stillwater, Minnesota.
- STANDARD (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Standard Motor Construction Co., 172-80, Whiton st., Jersey City, New Jersey.
- STANDARD (USA) PeVol Motor Boat—Standard Oil Engine Co., Woolworth bldgs.. New York.
- STANDARD (USA) Petrol Motor Boats-^tandard Gas Engine Co., Dennison and King ats., Oakland, California.
- STANDARD (USA) Standard Aircraft Corporation, Elizabeth, New Jersey.
- STANDARD DETROIT (USA) Farm Tractors— Standard Detroit Tractor Co., 1506, Fort st., W. ' Detroit, Michigan.
- STANLEY (USA) Steam Motor Cars—Stanley ilotor Carriage Co., Newton, Massachusetts.
- STANLEY (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Stanley Co., 48, Laring avenue, Salem, Massachusetts.
- STAPEL, see Voornit.
- STAR (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Star Carriage Co., 2400 First avenue, S. Seattle, Washington.
- STAR (USA) Farm Tractors—Star Tractor Co., Findlay, Ohio.
- STATES (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.— States Motor Car Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- STAUDE (USA) Ch. Converters—^taude Mftg. Co., 2675, W. University avenue. Saint Paul, Minnesota.
- STEAMOTOR (USA) Steam Com. Veh.—Steamotor Truck Co., 14th Floor, 110, S. Dearborn st., Chicago.
- STEARNS (USA) Motor Cars—F. B. Stearns and- Co., 12963, Euclid avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- STEELE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—W. M. Steele, 98-100 Beacon st., Worcester, Massachusetts.
- STEPHENS (USA) Motor Cars—Stephens^ Motor Branch of Moline Plow Co., Moline, Illinois.
- STERLING (USA) Petrol Com. Vfeh.—Sterling Motor Truck Co., West Allis, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- STERLING (USA) Petrol Motor Boats-^Bterling Engine Co., 1280, Niagara st., Buffalo,’New York. ’ STEVENSON (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—HeddCn Place Machine Co., East Orange, New Jersey.
- STEWART (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Stewart Motor Corporation, 413 23, E. Delavan avenue, Buffalo, New York.
- STEWART (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors— Stewart Tractor Co., First National Bank bldgs., * Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- STEWART (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Stewart Mftg. Co., 124, Rath st., Waterloo, Iowa.
- STEWART (C) Marine Engines—Stewart Bruce and Co., Ld., Charlottetown, Prince Edward’s Islands.
- STEIJAARD (D) Motor Boats—Motorenfabriek Steijaard and Jaunette Walen, Schans, 403, Rotterdam. z
- STIGLER (I) petrol and Electric Com. Veh.—Augusto Stigler e Co., Via Galileo 45, Milan.
- STIMULA (F) Motor Cars and Engines—De la Chapelle Fr^res et Cie., Rue du Champ du Ge«i 18, Saint Charaond, Loire.
- STINSON (USA) Farm Tractors—Stinson Tractor Co., 1702, 16th st., Superior, Wisconsin.
- STOEL, see Nicolas Witsen.
- STONE (USA) Farm Tractors—Stone Tractors Co.,
- STORK (USA) Petrol Motor Boats—Stork Motor Co., 1212, N. Niagara st., Saginaw, Michigan.
- STRADDLER (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Straddler Trailer Co., 1408, Mount Vernon st., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- STRAFURINI (I) Hydroplanes—Cav. Giuseppe Strafurini, Via Rodiani 13, Castellfone, Cremona.
- STRAIT (USA) Farm Tractors—Killen-Strait Manufacturing Go., 572, Second avenue, Appleton, Wisconsin. *
- STRANG ^SA) Engines—Strang Engine Co. Harvey, Illinois.
- STRINGUEL (Bg) 'Motor Cars—Society Anonyme des Automobiles Stringuel, Huy.
- STRITE (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors—Strite Tractor Co., 307, Third st. south, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- STRITE (USA) Farm Tractors—Strite Tractor Co., Broadway and and9th st.. New York.
- STUART (USA) Engines—John Stuart Co.^ Boulevard and Vassell st., Wollaston, Massachusetts.
- STUDEBAKER (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Cbm. Veh.—Studebaker Corporation of America, Bronson and Mam sts., South Bend, Indiana.
- STUDEBAKER (C) Motor Gars and 'Com. Veh.— Studebaker Corporation of Canada, Ld., Walkerville, Ontario.
- STURTEVANT (USA) Aeroplanes—gturtevant Aeroplane Corporation, Williams, st., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts.
- STUTES-MAR (USA) Tractors—Stutes-Mar Farm Tractor Co., Chicago, Illinois.
- STUTZ (USA) Motdr- Cars—Stutz Motor Car Co., Inc., loth st. and Capitol avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- SUCCA (I) Motor Boats—Cantieri Navali Succa, Viareggio.
- SUERE (F) Motor Cars—J. Suere, Avenue du Gbnbral-Michel-Bizot 85, Paris.
- SUFFOLK (USA) Aeroplanes—Suffolk Aircraft, Inc., Bayshore, Long Island, New York.
- SULLIVAN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.'—Sullivan Motor Truck Corporation, 1703, Bast avenue, Rochester, New York.
- SUNBEAM (F) Motor Cars—J. A. Currin et F. Bolling, Rue de Ponthieu 47, Paris.
- SUPERIOR (USA) Com. Veh. Superior Motor Truck Corporation, Rochester, New York.
- SUPERIOR (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Superior' Motor Truck Co., 'Whitehall st. and Stewart aVenue, Atlanta, Georgia.
- SUPERIOR (USA) Engines—Superior Machine and Engineering Co., 51-53, Port st., B.Detroit,Michigan.
- SUPREME (USA) Engines—Supreme Motors Corporations, Astabula, Ohio.
- T.A.M.’(P) Motor Cars—Society Automobile des Travaux Automobiles et M^caniques, Boulevard de Courbevoie 107, Courbevoie, Seine.
- T.A.M. (P) Motor Cars—Automobiles T.A.M., Boulogne-sur-Seine.
- T.R.M. (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Tegetmeir and Riepe Co., 771-73, First avenue, New York City.
- TANK TREAD (USA) Paraffin Tractors—Scientific Farming Machinery Co., Andrus bldgs., Minneapolis, Minnesota,
- TARONI (I) Motor Boats—Fratelli Taroni, Carate, Lago di Como.
- TEMPLAR (USA) Motor Cars—The Templar Motor Corporation, 3500, Halstead avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- TERROT (F) Motor Care, Motor Cycles and Steam Engines—Terrot et Cie., Rue Andr$ Colomban 2, Diion, Cote d’Or.
- TA'^^OR (USA) Road Tractors—Taylor Motor Truck Co., 157-59, W..56th st.,. Fremont, Ohio.
- TEETOR (USA) Engines—The Teetor Hartley Motor Co., Hagerstown, Indiana.
- TEMPLAR (USA) Motor Cars—Templars MbtorCor- poration, 120, Halstead avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- TEXAN (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Oom. Veh.— Texas Motpr Car Asrociation, Fortworth, Texas.
- THOMAS (USA) Motor Cars—E. R. Thomas, Motor Car Co., 1219, Main st.^^Buffalo,tNew York.
- THOMAS (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Consolidated Motors Corporation, 639, W. 51st st., New York.
- THOMAS-MORSE (USA) Aeroplanes—Thomas-Morse Aircraft Corporation, Ithaca, New York.
- THOR (USA) Motor Cycles—Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago.
- THOROBRED (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors and Motor Boats—Scripps Motor Co., 629-32, Lincoln avenue. Detroit, Michigan.
- THREE-IN-ONE (USA) Pd. Oh. 0.—E. and W. . Manufacturing Co., Oregon st., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- THREE P. AUTO (USA) Pd. Ch. 0.—Three P. Auto Tractor Co., 512, E. Fourth st., -Davenport,' Iowa.
- TIFFIN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Tiffin Wagon Co., Harrison st., Tiffin, Ohio.
- TIPS AERO (USA) Tips Aero Motor Co., rear 292, E. School st., Woonsocket, Rhodes Island.
- TITAN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Titan Truck Co., 25th st. and Saint Paul avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- TITAN (USA) Steam Com. Veh.—American Machine Co., 82, E. Cleveland avenue, Newark, Delaware.
- TITAN (USA) Farm Tractors—International Harvester Corporation, Harvester bldgs., Chicago.
- TOM THUMB (USA) Farm Tractors—Federal Tractor Co., Inc., 648, Security bl(^s., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- TONSMORE-(C)’Com. Veh.—Tonsmore Truck Co., Windsor, Ontario.
- TOPP STEWART (USA) Farm and Road Tractors —Topp Stewart Tractor Co., Clintonville, Wisconsin.
- TOPPAN (USA) Motor Boats—Toppan Boat Mftg. Co., Medford, Massachusetts.
- TORPILLE (P) Cars—E. Aime, Rue Amedie, Bonnet, Lyons.
- TORRO (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Tractors— Torro Motor Co., 3042, Snelling avenue, Minneapolis, ’ Minnesota.
- TORTUZZI (I) Aeroplane Engines—F. Lli; Giacomo Tortuzzi, F. A., Corneto Tarquinia, Rome.
- TOSCANI (I) Motor—Boats—Societa Anonima Cantieri Navali Toscani, Florence.
- TOSI (I) Motor Boats, Diesel Engines and Aeroplane Engines—Franco Tosi, Legnano, Milan e Cantieri Navali, Taranto.
- TOWER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Tower Motor Truck Co., Foot of Grove st., B. Greenville, Michigan.
- TOWNSESTD (USA) Farm Tractors—Townsend Mftg. Co., Janesville WisconsiiT.
- TRABOLD (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Trabold Truck Mftg. .Co., 810-12, Railroad avenue, Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
- TRACKFORD (USA) Fd. Ch. G.—Standard-Detroit Tractor Co., 1506, Fort st., W. Detroit, Michigan.
- TRACKLAYER (USA) Farm Tractors—C. L. Best Gas Traction Co., San Leandro, California.
- TRAFFIC (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Traffic Motor Truck Corporation, 3807-19, Laclede avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri.
- TRAIN (F) Motors—E. Train, Rue Rouget-de-lTsle 6 bis, Courbevoie, Seine.
- TRANSAERIENNE (F) Aeroplanes—Compagnie ' .Gen6rale Transaerieune, Avenue Carnot, 28, Paris.
- TRANSPORT (USA) Com. Veh.—Transport Motor Truck Co., Mount Pleasant, Michigan,
- TRANSPORT (USA) Road Tractors—Transport Tractor Co., Inc., 87-93, Suns wick st.. Long Island City, New York.
- TRAUB (USA) Engines—Traub U. S., 104 Main st.. Flushing, Long Island, New York.
- TREGO (USA) Aeroplane Motors—Trego Corporation, Fox and Ferry sts., New . Connecticut.
- TRENAM (USA) Farm Tractors—Trenam Co., Madison st., Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
- TRIANGLE (USA) Petrol Cbm. Veh.—Triangle Motor Truck Co., Saint John’s, Michigan.
- TRIAUTO, see Godet.
- TRIUMPH (F) Motor Cycles and Side Cars—Triumph Cycle Co., Boulevard Pereire 212, Paris XVIIe.
- TROJAN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Commerce Truck Co., 5320-28, St. Clair avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
- TROMPENBURG, see Spijker.
- TRUCCO MASERATI (I) Engines—Trucco e Maserati, Viale Magenta 65, Milan.
- TRUCKFORD (USA) Fd. Ch. c;—Robinson Machine Co., Detroit, Michigan.
- TRUNDAAR (USA) Tractors—Buckeye Manufacturing Co., 1801-09, Columbus avenue, Anderson, Indiana.
- TRUXTON (USA) Fd. Oh. C.—Commercial Car Unit Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- TULSA (USA) Motor Cars—Tulsa Automobile Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma.
- TURCAT-MERY (F) Motor Cars—Turcat-Mery et Cie., Boulevard Michelet 17, Marseilles.
- TURNBULL (USA) Com. Veh.—Turnbull Motor Truck and Wagon Co., Defiance, Ohio.
- TURNER (USA) Engines—Turner and Moore Mftg. Co., 32, Addison avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- TWIN CITY (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Twin City Four Wheel Drive Co., Inc., 2482-96, University avenue. Saint Paul, Minnesota.
- TWIN CITY (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors and Engines—Minneapolis Steel and Machine Co., 29th st. and Minnehaha avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- U.S. (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—United States Motor Truck Co., 17th st. and Maddison avenue, Covington, Kentucky.
- U.S. AIRCRAFT (USA) Aeroplanes—U.S. Aircraft Corporation, Redwood City, California.
- U.S. AIRCRAFT (USA) Aeroplanes—U.S. Aero- spede Co., Aberdeen, Washington.
- U-GAN-A’FORD (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Wardway Vehicle Works, Chicago Heights, Illinois.
- UGO (I) Motor Boats-^ostaguta Ugo e Co., Voltri, Genoa.
- ULTIMA (F) Motor Cycles—E. Billion, Rue du Commandant Faurax 34, Lyons.
- UNCLE SAM (USA) Tractors—U.S. Tractor and Machinery Co., 110, S. Dearborn st., Chicago.
- UNIG (F) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Soci6t6 Anonyme des Automobiles Unic, Quai National 1, Puteaux, Seine.
- UNION (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Union Motor Truck Co., Second and Water sts., Bay City, Michigan
- UNION (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats, Aeroplanes and Engines—^Union Gas Engine Co., Kennedy and Boehmer sts., Oakland, California.
- UNION (USA) Aeroplanes—Union Switch and Signal Co., Swissvale, Pennsylvania.
- UNION TRUCK (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Union Truck Co., 250, W. 54th st., New'York.
- UNIT (USA) Oh, Converters—Unit Manufacturing Co., Amesbury, Massachusetts.
- UNITED (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh. and Road Tractors —United Motors Co., 680, North st.. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- UNITED AUTO (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—United Auto Dealers Manufacturing Co., 931-43, Bergen st., Brooklyn, New York.
- UNITED STATES (USA) Com. Veh.—U.S. Motor Truc^ Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
- UNITED TRACTOR (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—United Tractor Co., Des Moines, Iowa.
- UNI TRACTOR (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Uni Tractor Co., 377, N. Cicero avenue, Chicago.
- UNITY (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Unity Motor Truck Co., Cleveland, Oliio.
- UNIVERSAL Service Co., Michigan.
- UNIVERSAL Reservation, York.
- UNIVERSAL. (USA) Engines and Petrol Motor Boats—Universal Motor Co., 39, Ceape st., Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
- UNIVERSAL (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Universal Equipment Co., 253, Broadway, New York.
- UTILITY (USA) Motor Cars—Utility Car Co. Madisonville, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- UTILITY (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Robinson Motor Truck Co., Second avenue N. and Seventh st., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- VAIL (USA) Farm Tractors—The Vail-Rentschler ' Tractor Co., 1600, Dixie Highway, Hamilton, Ohio. .
- VALLEY (USA) Motor Boats—Valley Boat Qo., Saginaw, Mich^an.
- VALPIG (F) Motor Cars—Vallee-Picaud et Cie., Avenue Trudaine 23, Paris.
- VALVELESS (USA) Engines—Nichols and Wright Motor Co., 48 S. Division st., Buffalo, New York.
- VAN BLERGK (USA) Petrob Motor Boats—Va i Blerck Motor Co., Monroe, Michigan.
- VECLOGETTE (F) Motor Cycles—H Boudene, Rue 'Fazillan 18, Levallois-Perret, Seine.
- VEERAC (USA) Petrol Com. Veh and Engines— Veerac Co., 222-24, N. 5th st., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- VELIE (USA) Motor Cars, Petrol Com. and Farm Veh.—Velie Motors Corporation, Moling Illinois.
- VELLIERI (I>Motor Boats—Costruzioni Navigazioni Vellieri, Lucca, Viareggio.
- VENITE (I) Engines—Society Industri Meccaniche Venete Ing. Angelo Del Favero e Sagati, Via Prenestina 74, Rome.
- VENTNOR (USA) Motor Boats—Ventnor Boat Works, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
- VERMOREL (F) Motor Cars—Btablissements Vermorel, Villefranche-sur-Saone, Rhone.
- VERNISSE (F) Motor Cars-^. Vemisse, Avenue Gambetta, Courbevoie, Seine.
- VERNON (U^A) Motor Cars—^Vernon Automobile Co., 412, S, Fifth avenue. Mount Vernon, New York.
- VERWEY (D) Aircraft—Verwey and Lugards Auto- mobiel Maatschappij, Laan van Nieuw-Oost-Indie 178-184, Gravenhage.
- VIALL (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Viall Motor Car Co., 19-21 East 111th st.» Chicago.
- VICTOR (USA) Motor Offls—Victor Motor Co., c.o. H. W. Hayden, York, Pennsylvania.
- VICTOR (USA) Petrol OOm. Veh.—Victor Motor Truck and Tractor Co., 401, N. Hoyne avenue, Chicago.
- VICTOR (USA) Aeroplanes—^Victor Aircraft Corporation, Freeport, Long Island, New York.
- VICTOR (USA) Fd. Ch. C.—Simpson Truck Co., Saint Joseph, Michigan.
- VICTORY CUB (USA) Tractors—Victory Tractor Cd., Greensbiiry, Indiana.
- VICTRIX (F) Motor Cars—Soci6t6 d^ Automobiles Victrix, Rue Raynouard 7, Pmris XVIe.
- VIM (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—^Vim Motor Truck Co., 23rd and Market sts., Philadelphia, Penn- svlvania.
- VINOT-DEGUINGAND (F) Motor Cars and Com. Veh.—Socidte des Anciens Ateliers Vinot et Deguin- . gand, Avenue George-Clemenceau 59, Nanterre, Seine.
- VIOLET (F) Motor Cars—^Vieolet Bogey, Rue du " Bois 128, Levallois, Seine.
- VIOLETTE, LA (F) ilotor Cars, SmaU—Franc et Cie., Rue des Frdres Herbert 55, Levallois, Seine.
- VIRATELLE (F) Motor Cycles and Side Cars— Socidtd Anonyme Motocyclettes et Automobiles Viratelle, Rue Jean-Bourgey 7, Lyons-Villeurbaime, Rhone. .
- VOISIN (F) Motor Cars and Aeroplanes—Soci6t6 Anonyme des Aeroplanes G. Voisin, Boulevard Gambetta 36, Issy-les-Moulineaui, Seine.
- VOLPI (I) Engines—A. Volpi e Co., Via Adige 10 Milan.
- VOLTRI (1) Motor Boats—CJostruzioni Navali Voltri, Voltri, Genoa.
- VOORNIT (D) Motor Boats—^Werf Voomit, firma Stapel Schild and Co., Bnkhuizen.
- W.D. (USA) Petrok Com. Veh.—Witt WUl Co., Washington.
- W.S. (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—W. S. Truck Co., 110, Brownwell st., Birmingham, Michigan.
- WACO (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.— Western Automobile Co., 1015, Pike st., Seattle, Washington.
- WACO (USA) IM.- Ch. C.~Waeo Mfbg. Co., 705, Delaware st., Kansas City, Kansas.
- WAGNER (USA) Electric Motor Cars—Wagner Electric Mftg. Co., 6400, Plymouth avenue. Saint Louis, Missouri.
- WALDEN-BUTLER (USA) Aeroplanes—Vaiden- Butler Co., 281-289, Butler st., Brooklyn, New York- WALDEN-HINNERS (USA) Aeroplaneand—Walden- Hinners Co., Edgewater, New Jersey.
- WALKER (USA) Electric Oom. Veh. and .Road Tractors—Walker Vehicle Co., 531-45, W. 39th st. Chicago.
- WALLIS (USA) Tractors—J. T. Case Plow Works, Racine, Wisconsin.
- WALLIS CUB (USA) Farm Tractors—Wallis Tractor Co., Racine, Wisconsin.
- WALTER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Road Tractors —Milwaukee Locomotive Mftg. Co., Ft. Belleview place, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- WALTER (USA) Petrol Com. Veh. and Road Tractors —Walter Motor Truck Co., 110, West End avenue, New York.
- WARD (USA) Electric Com. Veh.—Ward Motor Vehicle Co., S. Fulton avenue, Mount Vernon, Nev York.
- WARD LA FRANCE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—La France Truck Co., Ward, Grand Central avenue and 11th st., Elmira Heights, New York.
- WARE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Twin City Four- Wheel Drive Co., 2482-96, University avenue. Saint Paul, Minnesota.
- WATERLOO BOY (USA) Farm Tractors—Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co., Miles st., Waterloo, Iowa.
- WATERMAN PORTA (USA) Outboard or Detachable Motors—Arrow Motor and Machine ‘Co., Newark, New Jersey.
- WATSON (USA) Com. Petrol Road Tractors— Watson Wagon Co., 121^Oenter st., Canastota, New York.
- WAUKESHA (USA) Engines and Tractors—The Waukesha Motor Co., Waukesha, Wisconsin.
- WAVERLEY (USA) Electric Com. Veh.—The Waverley Co., 139, S. Bast st., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- WAY-CLEANSE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—The Way-Olear^e Co., Sandusky, Ohio.
- WAYNE (USA) Farm Tractors—Wayne Tractor Co., 30, Campau bldgs., Detroit,'Michigan.
- WAYNE (USA) Fd. Oh. C.—Wayne Works, Richmond, Indiana.
- WEIDELY (USA) Engines and Tractors—Weidely Mdtor Co., Georgia and Shelby sts., Indianapolis, Indiana.
- WERNER (F) Motor Cycles—Etablissement Werner, 225-227, Rue du Vieux Pont de Sevres, BiUancourt, Seine.
- WEST VIRGINIA (USA) Aircraft-West Virginia Aircraft Co., Wheeling, West Viginia.’
- WESTCOTT (USA) Motor Cars—Westcott Motor Car Cd., Warder and Spring sts.. Springfield, Ohio.
- WESTERN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Western Truck- Manufacturing Co., 122, N. Curtis st., Chicago.
- WESTERN (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Western Truck Attachment Co., 1510, 11th avenue, Seattle, Washington.
- WESTINGHOUSE (USA) Electric Motor Cars— Westinghouse Electric and Mftg. Co., 110-114, W. 42nd st., New York.
- WETMORE (USA) Petrol Tractors—H. A. Wetmore, 613-615, Douglas st., Sioux City, Louisiana.
- WHEAT (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Tractors—Hession Tiller and Tractor Corporation, Buffalo, New York.
- WHITE (USA) Motor Cars and Petrol Com. Veh.— The White Motor Co., Saint Clair and B. 79th sts., Cleveland, Ohio.
- WHITE (USA) Motor Boats—E. M. White and Co., 156, Water st., Oldtown, Maine.
- WHITE (USA) Aircraft^-George D. W. White Co., 107-21, E. 49th st., Los Angeles,. California.
- WHITE-HICKORY (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—White Hickory Wagon Mftg. Co., Atlanta, Georgia.
- WHITNEY (USA) Farm Tractors—Ohio Mftg. Co., W. Jackson st.. Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
- WHITTEMORE-HAMM (USA) Aircraft^Whitte- more-Hamm Co., 130, Brookside avenue, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts.
- WICHITA (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Wichita Falls Motor Co., Wichita Falls, Texas.
- WICHITA (USA) Farm Tractors—The Wichita Tractor Co., Wichita, Kansas.
- WILCOX (USA) Com.. Veh.—H. E. Wilcox Motor Co., 1030, Marshall st., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- WILL-HOLL (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Wilson-Holland Manufacturing Co., Gratiot avenue and French rd., Detroit, Michigan.
- WILLIAMS (USA) Aeroplanes—Williams Aeroplane Co., Fenton, Michigan.
- WILLIAMS (USA) Aeroplanes—Williams Brothers, Aircraft Co., 816, Oak st., San Francisco.
- WILLYS-KNIGftT (USA) Motor Cars—Willys- Overland, Inc., Toledo, Ohio.
- WILLYS-MORROW (USA) Aeroplanes—The Willys- Morrow Co., Elmira, New York.
- WILLYS OVERLAND, see Overland.
- WILSON (USA) Com. Petrol—J. 0. Wilson Co., Warren avenue and 15th st., Detroit, Michigan.
- WINTHER (USA) Petrol Oom. Veh.—Winther Motor Truck Co., Winthrop Harbour, Illinois.
- WINTON (USA) Motor Cars—The Winton Corporation, 10601 Berea rd., Cleveland, Ohio.
- WISCONSIN (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Myers Machine Co., 1002-18, Indiana avenue, Sheboygan, W isconsin.
- WISCONSIN (USA) Tractors, Motor Boats, Aeroplanes and Engines—Wisconsin Motor Mftg. Co. Dept. 324, Burnham st., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- WISCONSIN (USA) Tractors—Wisconsin Farm Tractor Co., Sauk City, Wisconsin .
- WISEMAN (USA) FcL Ch. C.—Wiseman-Elliott Mftg. Co., Bl Paso, Texas.
- WITT-WILL (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—Witt-Will Co., Inc., 52, North st., N.B. Washington, D.C.
- WITTEMANN-LEWIS (USA) Aeroplanes—Witte- mann-Lewis Aircraft Co., Lincoln Highway and Passaic rd., Newark, New Jersey.
- WOLVERINE (USA) Motor Carand—Wolverine Motor Car Co., 432-40, W. Main st., Kalamazoo,Michigan. • WOLVERINE (USA) Petrol Com. Veh.—American Commercial Car Co., Gratiot avenue and Detroit Terminal R.R., Detroit, Michigan.
- WOLVERINE (USA) Farm Tractors—Wolverine Car and Tractor (Doe Woodward avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
- WOLVERINE (USA) Petrol and Paraffin Motor Boats—Wolverine Motor Works, Union avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
- WOLVERENE (F) Aero Engines—G. Cornilleau, Quai d’Asnidres 71 bis, Asnidres, Seine.
- WOODS (USA) Petrol-Electric Motor Cars—Woods Motor Vehicle Co., 2501-21, Calumet avenue, Chicago.
- WOODS MOBILETTE (USA) Motor Cars—Woods Mobilette Co., 1509, South. Michigan boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.
- WORLD (USA) Tractors—Sutherland Mftg. Co., 125-9 Fifth avenue, S. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- WRIGHT (USA) Paraffin Motor Boats—Wright Machine Co., 321, B. Second st., Owensboro, Kentucky.
- WRIGHT (USA) Fd. Oh. 0.—Truck Attachment Co., Seattle, Washington.
- WRIGHT-MARTIN (USA) Aeroplanes—Wright- Martin Aircraft Corporation, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
- XTEND-A-FORD (USA) Fd. Ch. 0.—Ktend-A-Ford Co., 1610, Glenwood avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- YANKEE (USA) Farm Tractors—American Tractor Corporation, 425, Sanger st., Peoria, Illinois.
- YOKUM (USA) Engines—Keystone Motor Mftg. Co., East Greenville, Pennsylvania.
- YUBA (USA) Tractors—Yuba Mftg. Co., Marysville, California.
- YVEL (F) Engines and Side Cars—Leo L6vy, Rue Torricelli 11 bis, Paris.
- ZEBRE (F) Motor Cars—Societe Anonyme d’Automobiles Z6bre, Rue Billaret de Joyeuse 3; Paris.
- ZEDEL (F) Motor Cars—Soci6te des Moteurs et Automobiles Zedel, Pontarlier, Doubs. .
- ZELLE QJSA) Tractors—Zelle Tractor Co., 321, Wainwright bldgs.. Saint Louis, Missouri.
- ZENIA (P) Motor Cars—^Automobiles Zenia, Rue de la Convention,. 122 Paris.
- ZODIAC (F) Aeroplanes—Soci6t6 Fran^aise deBallons Dirigibles et d’Aviation Zodiac, Avenue du Havre 10, Puteaux, Seine.
- ZUST (I) Motor Cars—Fabbrica Automobili, Brescia.
See Also
Sources of Information