1930 Industrial Britain: Hutchison and Pollok

Note: This is a sub-section of 1930 Industrial Britain
See also Hutchison and Pollok
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MESSR S. HUTCHISON and POLLOK LIMITED have connections dating back to 1780, when their Works were established in what was then a rural district, but long since has become part of the City of Liverpool.
Originally one of the old British family businesses, this leading firm of manufacturers has always been in the forefront of development, and in every phase of shipping, from the days of the sailing ship until to-day, when they supply the largest steamships afloat, their reputation as manufacturers of high class goods has been well known to those interested in ropes.
Besides ropes for Hawsers and Slings, Boatfalls and Cargo falls, and every description of cordage for shipping and the fishing industry, this firm manufactures super-qualities of rope for yachts and special purposes. In addition, Manilla, Italian Hemp, Sisal and "Sisaloid" ropes for Railway and Mill purposes, also packing and box cords, driving ropes, scaffold ropes, cart and wagon ropes - in short, Hemp ropes for every purpose afloat and ashore.
Their Works arc equipped with the most up-to-date plant and machinery; they have their own Hemp grading department which, independently of any other classifications, has its own definitely established Standards of quality; and perfect uniformity in manufacture is maintained by a system evolved as a result of long experience.
Many of the Staff of this firm have been in their employ over go years - a tribute to the good relationships existing between employer and employee. The accumulated experience of these workpeople is an asset of incalculable value in enabling the firm to turn out the finest products.
The firm has adopted a high ideal, typically British, of manufacturing only the highest quality goods, and results have justified them in believing that there is always a market for the bat. Their name stands for quality.
See Also
Sources of Information