1930 Industrial Britain: Victory Valves

Note: This is a sub-section of 1930 Industrial Britain
See also Victory Valves
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OF recent years there has been a rapidly increasing tendency to adopt higher pressures and temperatures in Boiler House Plant, and it has been found that Steel castings, A however good quality, are far from ideal as material for the construction of Boiler Mountings and fittings for High Pressures and Temperatures.
High Pressure Steam Piping is now universally constructed A wrought steel, but, until the introduction of Victory Valves to the market, gleam valves, the links in the chain of power station layouts, and therefore the most important part, have continued to be made from Steel castings. It is surely fundamentally wrong to have a weak link in any chain; the whole chain should be of equal Strength.
Victory Valves, Ltd., are the only firm that can supply a complete range of High Pressure Boiler Mountings and Valves, constructed throughout with Wrought Steel Bodies, and, moreover, at prices competitive with the best known makes of valves with cast steel bodies.
Victory Valves are the highest class high pressure valve manufactured, and are working with the greatest success at Steam pressures up to and over 950 lbs. per square inch, and at Steam temperatures up to at least 1,000 deg. Fahrenheit. The special seating metal, Vicrometal, used in their construction, withstands the cutting action of superheated steam, even at these high temperatures, and is an ideal material for the purpose.
In the construction of Victory Valves attention has been paid to the abolishing, wherever possible, of all unnecessary joints, and to the entire obviation of distortion, so commonly met with, under high temperatures, where valve seatings are pressed or screwed into the body of a valve; the method adopted in their construction allows for free expansion and contraction of the seatings of Victory Valves, independently of that of the valve body itself.
In addition to their valves for high pressure, high temperature, gleam, Victory Valves, Ltd., specialise in the construction of valves entirely in Stainless Steel for the Chemical and Allied Trades.
Victory Valves, Ltd., are anxious to extend their overseas trade, and will welcome communications from firms abroad interested in Steam plant, with a view to arranging agency agreements.
See Also
Sources of Information