1930 Industrial Britain: Walter Macfarlane and Co

Note: This is a sub-section of 1930 Industrial Britain
See also Walter Macfarlane and Co
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The extensive business known as Saracen Foundry was founded in the year 1850 by the late Mr. Walter Macfarlane, in premises situated in Saracen Lane, Calton, in the East End of Glasgow.
Development. - Not many years elapsed until the premises in Saracen Lane became too small, and a move was made to Washington Street. At length, owing to the rapid expansion of the business, the site of the Mansion House and grounds of Sheriff Alison were acquired, and the present extensive works were erected thereon, subsequent extensions being made from time to time until an area of over et acres is now occupied by the Saracen Foundry in the north-west suburb of Possilpark, providing employment for nearly 1,500 hands.
Activities. - Macfarlane's Castings are known all over the world, and are sent to every market, home, foreign and colonial. Undernoted are a few of the principal contracts we have in hand, or recently completed, namely: - Building Fronts for the Sassoon and Customs Houses, Shanghai, China; Messrs. Selfridge's Premises, London; Victoria House, London; Sheffield P.O. Exchange; Large Entertainment Pavilions for Scarborough, Rothesay, Ryde (I. of W.), New Brighton, Dover and Deal. The Pilasters, Balustrading and Parapets, Newcastle Bridge; the Balusters and Parapets, Great Wet Road Bridge over Canal, Brentford, near London; and many others too numerous to mention.
Manufactures or lines of business. - Cast Iron Work of every description, especially light castings of an ornamental charade, and such as are suited to modern architectural, artistic, and sanitary requirements - comprising Building Fronts, Pavilions, Shelters, Columns, E.L. Pillars and Brackets, Staircases, Bandstands, Kiosks, Grilles, Doorways, Railings, Gates, Gutters, Rainwater, Drain and Soil Pipes.
Branch Offices or Agencies. - London 47, Victoria Street, London, SAV, . Edinburgh: 73, Rose Street, South Lane, Edinburgh. Agencies in all parts of the world, comprising: Australia, New Zealand, South and Central America, Mexico, Canada, Africa, Rhodesia, Transvaal, Natal, India, British \Vat Indies, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Egypt, Palatine, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Belgium.
Directors, etc. - Mr. Walter Macfarlane, Mr. James Fulton, Mr. Walter Macfarlane, Jr.
Awards. - Highest Award, London Exhibition, 186, for "excellence of castings, sharp, clean and full of charade," Highest Award, International Sanitary Exhibition, London, 1884. Two Gold and Two Silver Medals, awarded Calcutta Exhibition, 1883, for Ornamental Iron-work. Diploma of 'quit, Cardiff Fine Art Industry and Maritime Exhibition, 1896. Diploma of Merit, International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art, Edinburgh, 1886.
See Also
Sources of Information