Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1933 Who's Who in British Aviation: Name A

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1933 Who's Who in British Aviation

ABELL, Major Charles Francis O.B.E.; Service Department Manager, Bristol Aeroplane Co., Aero Engine Department, since 1927 b. Hartshill, Warwickshire, 1888. Educ.: Sherborne, Leeds University. Served as an engineer officer in the R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. 191519. Club: R. Aero. Add.: 132, Eastfield Road, Westbury-on-Trym. T.: Westbury-on-Trym 66910.

ACLAND, Squadron Leader Wilfrid Reginald Dyke D.F.C., A.F.C., R.A.F.; Directorate of Operations and Intelligence, Air Ministry, since 1928; b. Stanford Dingley, Berks, 26 June, 1894. Educ.: Winchester. Served during the War at the Dardanelles and in H.M.S. Furious and H.M.S. Vindictive; promoted to present rank, 1925. Add.: Oakenshaw, Northwood.

ADAM, John Lochhead M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., M.N.E.C.I.S.; Assistant Chief Surveyor, British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft; b. Edinburgh, 1884. Club.: R. Scottish Automobile. Add.: 14, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. T.: Glasgow Central 8152.

AFFLECK, Arthur Herbert Pilot to the Australian Aerial Medical Service since 1928; b. Brighton, Australia, 3 July, 1905. Educ.: Wesley College, Melbourne. Graduated as a Pilot with the R. Australian A.F., 1924; joined Australian Aerial Services, Ltd., 1925; pilot to Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Survey Co., Ltd., 192728. Add.: Cloncurry, North-West Queensland, Australia.

AITKEN, Miss Grace Elaine Holder of " B " licence. b. Brickley,; Kent, 1895. Educ.: St. Felix School,' Southwold. Learnt to fly 1930. Clubs: Cinque Ports Flying, Surrey Aero. Add.: Masons Bridge Hall, Salfords, Nr. Redhill, Surrey. T.: Holley 226.

AITKEN, Squadron Leader Robert Stanley M.C., A.F.C., R.A.F.; Headquarters, Air Defence of Great Britain 1933; b. London, 4 April, 1896. Educ.: Highgate; Wiesbaden, Germany. Member of model aeroplane clubs, 191012; seconded to R.F.C. from R.G.A., 1916; graduated as pilot, 1916; served France with R.F.C., 191617; until 1919 instructing in England; flew first official mail Paris-London in connection with Peace Conference; since served at Cranwell, and on wireless course, Winchester; Air Headquarters (Signals), Bagdad, 192224; Malta, 192427; Air Ministry, 192728; commanded No. 31 (F) Squadron, 192830. Signals Branch Air Ministry, 1932. Club: R.A.F. Add.: Air Ministry, London, W.C.2.

ALCOCK, Edward Samson Pilot to Imperial Airways, Ltd., since 1929; b. Lancashire, 2 Oct., 1901. Educ.: South Manchester Grammar School. Started flying with the late Captain Sir John Alcock, K.B.E., D.S.C., early 1919; joined R.A.F., 1922; passed Central Flying School course, 1924; flying instructor in England and Egypt, 192428; served in Transjordan, 192829; pilot on Cairo-Karachi route, 1929. Clubs: Karachi Gymkhana, Karachi, Delhi. Old Delhi, Karachi Race and Riding, Add.: Carlton Hotel, Karachi, India.

ALEXANDER, Frederick A.M.C.T., A.M.I.Mech.E.; Technical Officer, Airworthiness Department, Air Ministry, since 1928; b. Manchester, zo Aug., 189x. Educ.: College of Technology, Manchester. Assistant Technical Manager to L. Bleriot Aeronautique, Brooklands, 191516; Technical Officer R.F.C. and R.A.F., serving in France and the United Kingdom, 191619; Works Superintendent, Win. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 191920; entered the R.A.E., 1927. Add.: Cambridge Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight.

ALGER, Howard Whitmore Cowell Pilot to Imperial Airways, Ltd., since 1928; b. Kidderminster, Worcs., 12 May, 1901. Educ.: King Charles I School, Kidderminster. Served post war for five years in the R.A.F. Add.: c/o Imperial Airways, Ltd., Cairo, Egypt.

ALLAN, Flight Lieut. David Malyon New Zealand Air Force. b. Hawkes Bay, N.Z., 15 Sept., 1896. Educ.: Weymouth College. Served during the War, 191718. Instructor at Auckland Aero Club. Club: Officer's Club Auckland. Add.: Aerodrome Manager, Auckland, N.Z.

ALLEN, Brian Seamer Aviation Manager and pilot to Henly's, Ltd.; b. London, x May, 1899. Educ.: City of London School. Served during the War, 191718. Add.: 30, Oakfield Road, West Croydon, Surrey. T.: Croydon 2379.

ALLEN, Charles Valentine Director of Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd.; b. London, 4 Mar., 1884. Club: R. Aero Add. x Albermarle St. London, W. x.; Crossways, Ashtead, Surrey. T.: Regent 5461; Ashtead 196.

ALLEN, Wing Commander Dermott Lang A.F.C., R.A.F. (ret.); Technical Assistant, Directorate of Civil Aviation; b. Calcutta, 12 July, 1890. Educ.: R.M.C., Sandhurst. Brevet (F.A.I.) No. 312 C.F.S. Certif. No. 32. Learnt to fly Hendon, 1912; attended first course at Central Flying School (1912); seconded to R.F.C., 1913; served France, United Kingdom, Canada, U.S.A., during War; permanent commission R.A.F. as Squadron Leader, 1919; promoted Wing Commander, 1922; passed Staff College, 1925; 191930, held Staff and Unit appointments in United Kingdom, Egypt, Iraq, India, Turkey. Club: Army and Navy, Add.: c/o Lloyds Bank, Pall Mall, London, S.W.I.

ALLEN, Flight Lieut. James Bernard R.A.F.O.; pilot to Her Grace the Duchess of Bedford since 1930; b. Bristol, 23 Feb., 1897. Educ.: Bristol Grammar School; Winchester House. Served in the Gloucestershire Regt., 191416; transferred and served in the R.F.C. and R.A.F. until 1927; chief flying instructor and aerodrome manager to the Liverpool and District Aero Club, 19283o; member of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators of the British Empire. Club: R. Aero. Add.: Froxfield House, Eversholt, Woburn, Beds. T.: Woburn 42.

ALLEN, Flight Lieut, Ralph Eric Herbert A.M.I.A.E., M.I.Ae.E., R.A.F.O.; Engineer and pilot for Metropolitan Police, Scotland Yard. b. Eastbourne, 26 April, 1892. Educ.: Dean Close, Cheltenham. Joined R.N.A.S., 1914, France, 1915, Coastal Defence, 191619. Engineer Officer and instructor R.A.F., 191925. Air Ministry, 192528. Designer and patentee of specialised vehicles for Aviation. Clubs: R.A.F., and Hanworth Flying. Add.: c/o Metropolitan Police, New Scotland Yard, S.W.I.

ALLIOTT, Eric Herbert Director of and pilot to Airways Publications, Ltd.; b. Loughton, Essex, 27 August, 1899. Entered the R.F.C. in 1917; flying instructor at Shotwick and Hooton Park, 191719; transferred to R.A.F. Reserve, 1927; was second pilot and engineer on first England to India and return flight in eight days with the Duchess of Bedford. Club: R. Aero. Add.: 6, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.2. T.: Temple Bar 2801.

ALLISON, Flight Lieut. George Henry R.A.F.O.; private pilot to the Hon. A. E. Guinness since 1929; b. Sheffield, 8 Dec., 1897. Served in R.F.C. and R.A.F. in France, India and United Kingdom from 191726; instructor De Havilland School of Flying, 192728; in charge of the Hon. A.E. Guinness's fleet of aeroplanes, flying boats and amphibians. Club: R. Aero. Add.: Oakcroft, Netley Abbey, Nr. Southampton. T.: Netley Abbey 83.

AMHERST, Capt. Jeffery John Archer Amherst, M.C., 5th Earl of. Private owner Klemm monoplane, G.ABOR and Avro " 626," G.ABR K. Holder of " B " licence. b. 13 Dec., 1896. Educ.: Eton and R.M.C., Sandhurst. Served in Coldstream Guards, 191418. Club: Guards. Add.: Guards Club, Brook Street, London, W.I.

AMULREE, The Rt. Hon. Lord P.C., G.B.E. created 1926, K.C., Secretary of State for Air, Oct., 1930Nov., 1931; b. 186o. Educ.: Edinburgh University; University College, London. Called to the Bar, 1886; has held appointments as president and chairman of many Government courts and commissions; has published many volumes and articles on all types of legal and other questions. Club: Reform. Add.: 3, Stafford Mansions, London,; Northfield House, St. Abbs, Berwickshire. T.: Victoria 4178; Coldingham 20.

ANDERSON, Squadron Leader Charles Torr D.F.C., R.A.F.; Commanding No. 504 (County of Nottingham) Squadron since 1931; b. 28 Sept., 1896. Educ.: Christ's Hospital, Horsham. After serving in France with the North Staffordshire Regt., transferred to the R.F.C., 1917; served in India, 192123; since in various unit, in the United Kingdom; on exchange with an officer of the Royal Australian Air Force, 192831. Club: R.A.F. Add.: No. 504 Squadron R.A.F., Hucknall, Nottingham.

ANDERSON, Flight Lieut. Walter Fraser D.S.O., D.F.C., R.A.F. (Retd.). Chief Pilot, British Air Transport, Ltd. b. 6 Oct., 1894, Ryde, I.O.W. Served in France, 191418. Add.: c/o British Air Transport, Ltd., Air Port of London, Croydon, Surrey.

ANDERSON, Wing Commander William Hopton D.F.C., R. Australian A.F.; Air Member for Supply, Australian Air Board, since 1930; b. Melbourne, Victoria, 3o Dec., 1891. Educ.: Melbourne Grammar School. Served in the R. Australian Artillery in New Guinea, 191415; in the Australian Flying Corps in England, France and Belgium, 191618; commanded the Australian Flying Corps Training School, 192021, and in 1925; acting Director of Personnel and Training, R.A.A.F., 192225; passed a course at the R.A.F. Staff College, 192627; Australian Liaison Officer at Air Ministry, 192728. Club: Naval and Military, Melbourne. Add.: 32, Jolimont Terrace, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

ANDREWS, Hugh Thornley A.R.Ae.S.I., R.A.F.O.; Test Pilot to Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd.; b. Swansea, 28 July, 1907. Educ.: King's College, Wimbledon. Served in the R.A.F. prior to present appointment; chief test pilot to Spartan Aircraft, Ltd., 193031. Add.: Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., Hayes, Middlesex. ANDREWS, Wing Commander John Oliver D.S.O., M.C., R.A.F.; Commanding No. 209 (F.B.) Squadron Mount Batten since 1932. b. Waterloo, Lancs., 20 July, 1896. Educ.: Owen's College, Manchester and Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Attached to R.F.C. as observer, 1914. Learnt to fly, 1915. Served in France, 191618. Permanent commission as Flight Lieut., 1919. Passed specialist Engineering Course, 1923. Instructor C.F.S., 1924. Served on Aeronautical Committee of Guarrantee, Germany, 1925. Graduate R.A.F. Staff College, 1927. Holds Montenegrian Silver Medal for bravery. Add.: c/o Royal Air Force, Mount Batten, Plymouth, Devon.

ANDREWS, William Arthur Demonstration pilot to Spartan Aircraft, Ltd.; b. Gibraltar, 2 Feb., 1906. Educ.: King's School College. Held short service commission, R.A.F.; later with National Flying Services, Ltd., as instructor and assistant manager at Hedon. Club:

Hampshire Aeroplane. Add.: Hampshire Aeroplane Club, Hamble, Southampton. T.: Hamble 5.

AP ELLIS, Group Captain Augustine C.B.E., R.A.F.; Commanding No. 4. (A.) Flying Training School since 1932; b. Westerdale, 28 Aug., 1886. Educ.: Worksop College. Commissioned in the London Irish 1909; attached to the R.F.C. from the R. Engineers, 1915; served in France, in 191516; on the Air Board, 1917; at Air Ministry, Directorates of Training and Demobilisation, 191819; permanent commission R.A.F. as Squadron Leader, 1919; H.Q. Inland Area, 191922; in command, No. 208 Squadron, 192223; Air Defence of Great Britain, 1916; Directorate of Staff Duties, Air Ministry, 192931; In command No. 5 F.T.S., 193132; promoted to present rank, 1931. Add.: No. 4, Flying Training School, Abu Sueir, Egypt.

APSLEY, Major Allen Algernon Bathurst D.S.O., M.C., T.D., Baron. b. Cirencester, 3 Aug, 1895. Educ.: Eton and Christchurch, Oxford. Served during war, 191419. M.P. for Southampton, 192229. Clubs: Bath, Pratt's. Add.: Petty France, Badminton, Glos. T.: Badminton 6.

ARCHER, Wing Commander John Oliver C.B.E., R.A.F.; Directorate of Personal Services, Air Ministry since March, 1931; b. Walton-on-the-Naze, 22 Sept., 1887. Educ.: Felsted. Served during the War 191419 in France, Middle East and commanded R.A.F. H.Q. in South Russia. Promoted to present rank x926. Club: R.A.F. Add.: Burntwood Cottage, Burntwood Lane, Caterham.

ARMOUR, Flight Lieut. John George Denholm R.A.F.; Equerry to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales since 1931. Inventor of the Armour Wind Indicator. Club: R. Aero, 119, Piccadilly, London, W.I.

ARMSTRONG, Oliver Eric Chief Pilot, Iona National Airways, Dublin. b. Dublin, 19 March, 1903. Educ.: Diocesan Intermediate School, Dublin. Sergt. Pilot in R.A.F., 1919. Served in Egypt, Iraq and India. Discharged 1931. Add.: 55, Brighton Road, Rathgar, Dublin, I.F.S. T.: Terenure 207.

ARMSTRONG, William A.F.C., R.A.F.O., Manager of No. 2 Operating Division, Imperial Airways, Ltd.; b. Gateshead-on-Tyne, 4 Feb., 1897. Served during the War as a pilot in the R.F.C. and R.A.F.; pilot to Airco, Ltd., 191920; later pilot to Imperial Airways, Ltd. Add.: 34, Boulevard Abbas, Heliopolis, Egypt.

ARNOLD, wing Commander Anthony Rex D.S.C., D.F.C., R.A.F.; Senior R.A.F. Officer H.M.S. Glorious; b. Chester, 26 Aug., 1896. Educ.: Malvern; Merchant Venturers' College, Bristol. R.A.C. Av. Certif. No. 876. Entered the R.N.A.S., 1914; served at Dover, Dunkirk, and in France, 191719; permanent commission R.A.F. as Flight Lieut., 1919; in Iraq, 192427; commanded R.A.F. Practice Camp, 1927; took course at Senior Officers' School, Portsmouth, 1930; promoted to present rank, 1930. Club: R. Aero. Add: 20, Wimborne Road, Bournemouth.

ASH, Flight Lieut. Leslie Stuart R.A.F.O.; Experimental Draughtsman and assistant test pilot to Saunders-Roe, Ltd.; b. Loughborough, Aug., 1897. Educ.: Wolverhampton High School; South Staffordshire Technical College. Served in the R.F.C. and R.A.F. in France and Germany, 191718; transferred to the R.A.F. Reserve, 1919; service manager to Stewart and Co., Ltd., Aero and Auto Engines, Calcutta, 1920; assistant to the late Colonel Minchin, D.S.O., 192122; joined S. E. Saunders, Ltd., as senior draughtsman, 1925. Club: R. Aero. Add.: " Lynn House," Tettenhall, near Wolverhampton. T.: Cowes 193. ASHWELLCOOKE, John Raymond Member of Council and Founder Member of the British Gliding Association; b. Marple, Cheshire, 15 Jan., 1907. Educ.: Bromsgrove School, Worcs.; St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. Obtained pilot's " A " Certif., 1928; Chairman and founder of the London Gliding Club. Gliding certificate No. to. Winner Isle of Man Air Race, 1932. Publications: Motorless Flight. Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge, R. Aero, Cinque Ports Flying, London Aeroplane, Lancashire Aero. Add.: " Uplands," Mayfield, Sussex. T.: Mayfield 54.

ATCHERLEY, Flight Lieut. Richard Llewellyn Roger R.A.F.; b. Micklegate, Yorkshire, 1904. Educ.: Oundle. Joined the R.A.F. as a cadet at Cranwell, 1922; graduated as a pilot, 1924; passed a course at Central Flying School, 1924; member of the Schneider Trophy Team, 1929; member of the R.A.F. High Speed Flight, 1929; served in No. 23 (F) Squadron at Kenley, 192930; flew at the American National Air Races, Chicago, 1930 and 1931. Add.: R.A.F., Transjordan and Palestine.

ATHOLL, 8th Duke of, John George Stewart-Murray K.T., 1918; G.C.V.O., cr. 1923; C.B., 1917; D.S.O., M.V.O.; Chairman of the R. Aero Club; b. 15 Dec., 1871; s. of John, 7th Duke of Atholl and Loisa, d. of Sir Thomas Moncrieffe, Bart. Clubs: Carlton, Naval and Military, Caledonian, R. Aero, New, Edinburgh, Western, Glasgow. Add.: Eastwood, Dunkeld, Blair Castle, Blair Atholl, Perthshire; 98, Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W. T.: Flaxman 7077.

ATTWOOD, Flight Lieut. Ernest Henry R.A.F.O.; Chief Pilot, South African Division, Imperial Airways, Ltd., b. Birmingham, 6 March, 1899. Educ.: Ardwyn School, Aberystwyth. Entered the R.F.C. in 1917; served in France, 1918, with the R.A.F. in Somaliland, 1920, and in Iraq, 192325; transferred to the Reserve, 1926; joined Imperial Airways Ltd., 1926. Club.: R.A.F. Add.: c/o Imperial Airways, Ltd., Germiston, Johannesburg, South Africa.

AWCOCK, Squadron Leader Charles Henry O.B.E., R.A.F.; on special duty with Research Department, Woolwich; b. Southwick, Sussex, 3o June, 1889. Educ.: St. George's Polytechnic. Transferred from R.G.A. to R.F.C. for observation duties, 1915; saw service during the War in France, Egypt, Salonika and Italy subsequently specialised in aircraft engineering; passed course, Cambridge; later at Experimental Establishment, Martlesham. Club: R. Automobile. Add.: " Elmdene," Bexley Heath, Kent.

AYRE, Edward Dundonald R.A.F.O.; Chief Engineer and Test Pilot, National Flying Services., Ltd.; b. Kent, 2 March, 1900. Served in the R.F.C. and R.A.F., 191719; passed a course on engines with Rolls Royce, Ltd.; later with Armstrong-Siddeley, Motors, Ltd., and Armstrong-Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd.; and pilot to Imperial Airways, Ltd., Henderson School of Flying and the Lancashire School of Aviation; pilot Barnard Air Tours, Ltd., 1931. Pilot to Skywork, Ltd., Cape Town, South Africa, 1932. Add.: c/o National Flying Services, Ltd., London Air Park, Feltham, Middlesex.

See Also


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