1933 Who's Who in British Aviation: Name G

Note: This is a sub-section of 1933 Who's Who in British Aviation
GAIRDNER, William Douglas Thompson R.A.F.O.; Manager of the Hooton Branch of Brian Lewis and Co., Ltd.; b. London, 7 Feb., 1904. Educ.: R. Naval Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth. Learnt to fly with the Hampshire Aeroplane Club, 1929. Club: R. Aero. Add.: Hooton Aerodrome, Cheshire. T.: Hooton 231.
GALLEHAWK, Wing Commander Arthur Noel A.F.C., R.A.F.; Aviation Officer to Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet, since 1932; b. Frimlev, 17 Feb., 1893. Educ.: Privately and S.S. Mersey. Midshipman R.N.R., 191215; transferred to R.N.A.S., 1915; served in East Africa, 191516; permanent commission as Flight Lieut., 1919; Transjordan, 192429; assisted in the preparation of R.A.F. Section of Imperial War Museum.
GALLOWAY, Captain Raymond Francis M.Inst.Ae.E., A.M.I.E. (Australia), R.A.A.F. (reserve) Secretary to the Australian Aero Club, Brisbane Section; b. Sydney, N.S.W., 2 Aug., 1893; R.A.C. Av. Certif. No. 1421. Clubs: United Service, Goodna Golf, Constitutional. Add.: c/o Henley's Telegraph Works, Ltd., Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, Australia. T.: Brisbane B1636.
GAMBLE, Charles Frederick Snowden Publicity Manager to Imperial Airways; b. 6 May, 1895. Educ.: Manchester Grammar School, Victoria University, Manchester. Served during the War with R.N. Armoured Cars, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Publications: " The Story of the North Sea Air Station," " The Air Weapon." Add.: 7, Tedworth Gardens, London, S.W.3. T.: Flaxman 5643.
GARDEN, Oscar Commercial Pilot b. Tongue, Scotland, 21 Aug., 1903. Educ.: Dollar Academy. Learnt to fly, 1930; flew EnglandAustralia, Oct. 17Nov. 4, 1930; commercial pilot in New Zealand and South Africa, since 1930. Club: Norfolk and Norwich Aero. Add.: Ayre House, Kirkwall, Orkney, N.B
GARDINER, Keith Instructor to the Australian Aero Club; partner in the firm Mathews Aviation (Pty.), Ltd., of North Essendon, Victoria; b. Victoria, Australia, 24. Aug., 1895. Educ.: Hawthorne Grammar School, Victoria. Served with the Australian Imperial Forces, 191519; Australian Flying Corps, 191819. Clubs: Melbourne, Naval and Military. Add.: 1, Grace Street, Malvern, Victoria, Australia.
GARDNER, Major William Edward D.S.C.; Chief Instructor to Queensland Aero Club, Brisbane; b. Weymouth, 14 July, 1893. Educ.: Holborn Estate Grammar School. Served in the R.N.A.S., 191418; at the Dardanelles, 1915; at Dunkirk, 191617; in the R.A.F., 191821; in the R. Australian A.F., 192326; flying in New Guinea, 1927. Club: Queensland Aero. Add.: Archerfield Aerodrome, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
GARNER, Harry Mason M.A., F.R.Ae.S.; Chief Technical Officer, Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, Felixstowe, since 1929; b. Leicester, 3 Nov., 1891. Educ.: St. John's College, Cambridge. In aerodynamics department, R. Aircraft Establishment, 191729; contributor to the technical Press on questions of design. Add.: Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, Felixstowe, Suffolk.
GARNETT, David Author; b. Brighton, 9 March, 1892. Educ.: Imperial College of Science, London. Publications: " The Grasshoppers Come," " A Rabbit in the Air." Took Pilot's " A " Licence, 1931. Add.: Hilton Hall, St. Ives, Hants. T. Papworth, St. Agnes 23.
GARRETT, Flight Lieut. William Raymond R. Australian A.F.; Member of Committee of the Australian Aero Club and Australian Chamber of Commerce; President of the Gliding Club of Victoria; b. Melbourne, 19 Oct., 1900. Educ.: Melbourne University. Been engaged in private flying since the end of the War. Add.: 3, Cradley Avenue, Kew, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. T.: Hawthorn, Melbourne 4876.
GARROD, Group Captain Alfred Guy Roland O.B.E., M.C., D.F.C., M.A., R.A.F.; on course at Imperial Defence College, London, since 1933; b. London, 13 April, 1891. Educ.: Bradfield College University College, Oxford. Transferred from Leicestershire Regt. to R.F.C., 1915; served in France as observer and Staff Officer at R.F.C. H.Q. until 1916; learnt to fly, 1917; in France commanding squadron and later 81st Wing, 191719; staff officer Army of Occupation, Germany, 1919; R. Naval Staff College, Greenwich, 192122; instructor R.A.F. Staff College, 192327; promoted to present rank, 1932; member of British Rifle Team against Australia and S. Africa 192021; commanded Oxford University Air Squadron, 19283o; Air Staff Officer, Iraq Command, 193132. Club: Leander. Add.: 13, Gainsborough Gardens, Well Walk, Hampstead, London, N.W.3. T.: Hampstead 6653.
GASKELL-BLACKBURN, Wing Commander Vivian D.S.C., A.F.C., R.A.F.; b. Leeds, 8 March, 1892. Educ.: Uppingham. Learnt to fly, 1913; R.A.C. Av. Certif. No. 617; entered the R.N.A.S., 1914; served in East Africa, 1915; in Iraq, 191516; permanent commission R.A.F. as Squadron Leader, 1919; served in Palestine and Transjordan, Egypt, and Constantinople, 1922 and 1923; promoted to present rank, 1926; with No. 21 Group, West Drayton, 1928; commanded School of Balloon Training, 1929.31; posted to Iraq, 1931. Club: R. Aero. Add.: R.A.F., Uxbridge, Middlesex.
GAUNT, Victor Samuel A.R.Ae.S., A.M.I.Ae.E.; Assistant Works Manager, Westland Aircraft Works (Petters, Ltd.); b. Leeds. Has been actively interested in aircraft design and construction since 1909; employed in a works executive and managerial capacity on aircraft construction since 1915; hon. secretary Westland Aircraft Society (branch of R. Ae. Society); hon. ground engineer and chairman of technical subcommittee Dorset Gliding Club. Add.: " Kenilworth," 4, Preston Road. Yeovil, Som.
GAYFORD, Squadron Leader Osward Robert D.F.C., R.A.F.; Headquarters R.A.F., Cranwell, since 1931; b. Hadleigh, Suffolk, 18 May, 1893. Educ.: Bishops Stortford School. Served in the R.N.V.R. as an ordinary seaman and ordinary signalman, 191416; temporary Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R., 1916; served with the R.N.A.S. in the Mediterranean, 191718; in H.M.S. Riviera, 1918; permanent commission, R.A.F., as Observer Officer, 1919; at Constantinople, 192223; served in Iraq, Egypt, and the Sudan, 192429; commanded R.A.F. Cairo to Cape Town Flight, 1928; made tour of British West Africa, surveying possible aerodromes and seaplane depots, x929; passed through the R.A.F. Staff College, 1930; R.A.F., 1931; pilot on nonstop flight to Egypt, 1931. Club: R.A.F. Add.: R.A.F., Cranwell, Lincs.
GEDDES, Rt. Hon. Sir Eric (Campbell) P.C., G.C.B., G.B.E., K.C.B., LL.D. Sheffield (Hon.); Chairman of Imperial Airways, Ltd.; Chairman of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.; b. India, 26 Sept., 1875. Educ.: Oxford Military College; Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh. Deputy Director-General of Munitions Supplies, 191516; Director General Transportation on staff of Commander-in-Chief of British Army in France, 191617; M.P., 191722; additional Member of Board of Admiralty, Navy Controller, 1917; First Lord of Admiralty, 191718; member of the Imperial War Cabinet, 1918; Minister of Transport, member of the Cabinet, 191921; President of Institute of Transport, 191920; Vice-President, Junior Institute of Engineers (Gustave Canet Medal), 1922; President Federation of British Industries, 192324; President Association of Trade Protection Societies of U.K., 1923. Clubs: Carlton, Windham. Add.: Alborne Place, Hassocks, Sussex.
GETHIN, Percy Edward Lovell A.F.C.; Director of Civil Aviation, Tanganyika Territory, since 1930; b. London, ix Aug., 1884. Educ.: Radley. Served in the R.F.C. and R.A.F. in Egypt and France, 191520; Technical Adviser to the Air Board, Tanganyika, 1929. Clubs: Caledonian, R.A.F. Add.: DaresSalaam, Tanganyika Territory.
GIBB, Alistair Monteith Director of Tanganyika Flying Services, Ltd.; b. London, 1901. Educ.: Eton. Holds Pilot's " A " Licence. Clubs: Bath, Cavalry. Add.: Tanganyika Flying Services, P.O. 27 Arusha, Tanganyika, East Africa.
GIBBONS, Flight Lieut. Sidney Alfred Captain of the Wanganui Aero Club of New Zealand; b. 25 Aug., 1887. Educ.: Repton. Commissioned in the R.F.C. in the field as an observer, 1916; graduated as a pilot, 1917; served in the R.F.C. and R.A.F. until 1919; joined the New Zealand Air Force (Territorials), 1925. Club: R. Aero (Founder Member). Add.: 35, Brassey Road, St. John's Hill, Wanganui, New Zealand.
GIBBS, Squadron Leader Victor Richard D.S.C., R.A.F.; Air Staff Officer, Middle East, since 1931; b. London, 13 Oct., 1894. Educ.: King's College, London; Caius College, Cambridge. Prior to 1916 served with Naval Brigade at Antwerp and with Armoured Cars in France, Egypt and Gallipoli; transferred to R.N.A.S., 1916; saw service in France as pilot until 1918; passed through Army Staff School , since the War served at Air Ministry, in Egypt and the Sudan, in Transjordan and Palestine and in home units; passed through the R.A.F. Staff College, 1929; served with the Armoured Car Wing in Iraq, 1930. Clubs: International Sportsmen's, R.A.F. Add.: Villa Victoria, Cairo, Egypt.
GIBSON, William George A.M.I.Ae.E.; Works Manager, Westland Aircraft Works; b. Aldershot, 18941 Educ.: Eggar's School, Alton. Apprenticed. R.A.E., 190913; Graham White Aviation Co., Hendon, 1914; served in R.F C. and R.A.F. as pilot, 191519; joined Westland Aircraft Works in 1919. Holds Ground Engineer's " A " and " B " Licences; is Member of Institute of Production Engineers. Add.: Tilehurst, Combe Lane, Yeovil. T.: Yeovil 322.
GILL, Air Commodore Napier John C.B.E., M.C., R.A.F.; Senior Air Staff Officer Costal Area, since 1932; b. Kensington, London, 5 April, 1890. Educ.: Rugby, R.M.A., Woolwich. R.A.C. Av. Certif., No. 174. Learnt to fly, 1912; private flying in Deperdussin monoplanes, 1912; entered Central Flying School, 1913; served in France, 191516; permanent commission R.A.F. as Wing Commander, 1919; served in Iraq, 192527; Deputy Director of Technical Development, Air Ministry, 192732; promoted to present rank, 1932. Publications: " The Flyer's Guide," 1915 " The Aerial Arm," 1919. Club: R.A.F. Add.: 2 Roxburghe Mansions, Kensington Court, London, W.B.
GILLMAN, Captain Harold Roderick A.F.R.Ae.S., late R.N.V.R. and R.A.F.; Secretary, Society of British Aircraft Constructors; b. Meerut, India, 7 Jan., 1892. Royal Aircraft Factory, Farnborough, 191216; 191620, Engineer Officer Airships, R.N.V.R. and R.A.F.; 192029, Secretary, Lloyds Aviation Dept. Club: R. Aero. Add.: 23, Elmers End Road, Anerley, London, S.E.2o.
GILMORE, John James Alexander B.A., A.R.C.S.; Inspector of materials, Aeronautical Inspection Directorate, Air Ministry; b. Martinstown, Northern Ireland, 7 Oct., 1890. Educ.: Trinity College, Dublin; R. College of Science, Dublin. Served during the War in the R.A.F.; a contributor to the technical press, including " Care and Maintenance of Aircraft," an Airways publication. Add.: " Lisbreen," Cranes Park Avenue, Surbiton. T.: Elmbridge 2845. GIROUX, Sidney Norman Proprietor of the Giro Aviation Co., Southport, since 1920; b. Louiseville, Quebec, Canada. Educ.: Brockville College, Ontario. During the War pilot in the R.F.C. and R.A.F.; flying in Northern Canada, Texas and England; pilot to the International Aviation Co., Liverpool, 191920. Add.: 67, Promenade, Southport, Lancs.
GITTINS, John Moore R.A.F.O.; pilot to Imperial Airways, Ltd., since 1929; b. Sutton, Surrey, II March, 1906. Educ.: St. John's School, Croydon. Learnt to fly with the R.A.F. Reserve; subsequently trained by the London Aeroplane Club and Imperial Airways, Ltd. Add.: 26, St. John's Grove, West Croydon, Surrey.
GLAUERT, Hermann M.A., F.R.S., F.R.Ae.S.; Principal Scientific Officer, R. Aircraft Establishment; b. Sheffield, 4 Oct., 1892. Educ.: Trinity College, Cambridge. Publications: " Elements of Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory," numerous scientific papers on aerodynamics and other subjects. Add.: " Glenhurst," Reading Road, Farnborough, Hants.
GLAZEBROOK, Sir Richard Tetley K.C.B., M.A.(Cantab.), D.Sc.(Oxon.), LL.D.(Edin.); Chairman of the Aeronautical Research Committee since 1908; b. West Derby, Liverpool, 18 Sept., 1854. Educ.: Liverpool College, Trinity College, Cambridge. During the War was Technical Adviser to the Minister of Munitions; former Director of the National Physical Laboratory; Zaharoff Professor of Aviation and Director of Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College of Science, London. Club: Athenaeum. Add.: Ballards Oak, Limpsfield, Surrey. T.: Limpsfield, Chart, 114.
GOBLE, Group Captain Stanley James C.B.E., D.S.O., D.S.C., R. Australian. A.F.; Air Member for Personnel, Australian Air Board, since 1928; b. Croydon, Victoria, 21 Aug., 1891. Served in the R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. in France and Belgium, 191518; transferred to the R.A.A.F., 1921; Director of Personnel and Training, R. Australian A.F., 192021; Chief of Air Staff, R. Australian A.F., 192225; promoted to d present rank, 1928; holds the French Croix de Guerre. Club: Athenaeum, Melbourne. Add.: R.A.A.F., Air Board, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
GOLD, Lieut.Col. Ernest D.S.O., M.A. Assistant Director, Meteorological Office, Air Ministry, since 1919; b. 1881. Educ.: Coleshill Grammar School; Masons' College, Birmingham; St. John's College, Cambridge. Vice-President of the R. Meteorological Society, 191315; served in the R. Engineers during the War; President of the Meteorological SubCommittee of the International Commission for Aerial Navigation, 192232; author of numerous meteorological works and papers. Add.: 8, Hurst Close, Hampstead Garden Suburb, N.W.I 1. T.: Speedwell 1209.
GOODFELLOW, Major Alan R.A.F. (ret.); General Council of Light Aeroplane Clubs; Member of Committee and Racing Committee of R. Aero Club; Vice-President and exChairman of Lancashire Aero Club; b. Didsbury, 1 Sept., 1897. Educ.: Terra Nova School; Birkdale and Charterhouse. Served during the War in the R.F.C. and R.A.F., 191519; took pilot's certificate, 1915; holds Gliding Certificate No. 11. Clubs: R. Aero, Lancashire Aero, Reform (Manchester).
GOODYEAR, John Instructor to Eastern Counties Aero Club since 1931; b. Woodhall Spa, 29 Jan., 1900. Cadet in R.F.C., 1918. Learnt to fly, 1918; demobilised, 1919; rejoined R.A.F., 1922; served in Egypt and Iraq as Sergt. Pilot; passed Instructor's Course at C.F.S., 1927. Add.: Blue Barns Aerodrome, Colchester, Essex. T.: Ardleigh 51.
GORDON, Group Captain James Lindsay D.F.C., R. Canadian A.F.; Department of National Defence of Canada since 1923; b. Montreal, Canada, II Dec., 1892. Educ.: High School and McGill University. Learnt to fly with Wright Bros. at Dayton, 1915; served during the War in the R.N.A.S. and R.A.F., 191619; on the Air Board (Canada), 192023; holds Life Saving Medal of the Board of Trade. Clubs: R.A.F., Rideau, R. Ottawa Golf, Canadian (Ottawa), R. St. Lawrence Yacht, United Services (Montreal). Add.: 240, Coltrin Road, Rockliffe Park, Ottawa, Canada. T.: Rideau 197.
GORDON DEAN, Wing Commander Horace A.F.C., B.A. (Hon.), R.A.F.; No. 3 (Indian) Wing, since 1930; b. London, 3 Dec., 1890. Educ.: King's College School, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, London University. Served in France, 1914; R.F.C., 1915; served in India, 191516; France, 191617 and 191819; permanent commission R.A.F. as Squadron Leader, 1919; promoted to present rank, 1927. Add.: 23, Upper Berkeley Street, London, W.I.
GORELL, Colonel Ronald Gorell Barnes, Lord C.B.E., M.C.; Chairman R. Aero Club, /932; b. London, i6 April, 1884. Educ.: Winchester, Harrow and Balliol College, Oxford. Served during War as Captain and Adjt. Rifle Brigade; Major, General Staff, G.H.Q.; Deputy Director Staff Duties (Education) War Office. Under Secretary of State for Air, 192122. Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge, R. Aero. Add.: 31, Kensington Square, London, W.B.
GOSSAGE, Air Commodore Ernest Leslie D.S.O., M.C., R.A.F.; Senior Air Staff Officer, Air Defence of Great Britain, since 1931; b. Liverpool, 3 Feb., 1891. Educ.: Rugby; Trinity College, Cambridge. Entered R. Artillery, 1912; seconded to R.F.C., 1915; served in France for nearly four years; permanent commission R.A.F. as Squadron Leader, 1919; promoted to present rank, 1932; passed through Staff College, Camberley, 192324; seconded for duty on directing staff at Staff College, Camberley, 192528; Deputy Director of Staff Duties, Air Ministry, 1928; Air Attaché, Berlin, 193031. Clubs: United Service, R.A.F. Add.: R.A.F., Uxbridge, Middlesex.
GOUGE, Arthur B.Sc.(London), F.R.Ae.S., M.I.M.; Director, Chief Designer and General Manager to Messrs. Short Brothers, Ltd., Rochester; b. Northfleet, Kent, 3 July, 1890. Add.: " Upcot," King's Avenue, Rochester, Kent. T.: Chatham 2821.
GOULD, Wing Commander Claud Grenville Shepard b. Barnstaple, Devon, 7 July, 1889. Educ.: Tonbridge School; R.M.A., Woolwich. Obtained R.A.C. Av. Certif. in 1912 at Brooklands; served with No. 4 Squadron, 191314; instructor at Central Flying School, 1914; served in France, 19 x 416; commanded No. I Supply DepOt, 191718; promoted to present rank, 1918; commanded Southern Aircraft Repair Dep 191819; Commanded Aircraft Repair Dep >t India, 192021; on headquarters staff, Egypt, 192123; on staff No. 6 Group and Fighting Area until 1929; holds Legion of Honour. Clubs: Army and Navy, R. Automobile.
GOULD, Wing Commander Lionel Thomas Nutcombe M.C., R.A.F.; Commanding No. 502 (Ulster) (Bomber) Squadron since 1932; b. 22 Nov., 1893. Educ.: Marlborough. Entered the R. Artillery, 1913; seconded to the R.F.C., 1915; served in France, 191516 and 191618; permanent commission R.A.F. as Squadron Leader 1919; served in Iraq, 192122; India, 192225; promoted to present rank, 1928 , passed course at R.A.F. Staff College Andover, 1928. Add.: R.A.F. Station Aldegrove, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland
GOWER, Miss Pauline Mary de Peauly, Joy riding and taxi pilot; b. Tunbridge Wells, 22 July, 1910. Educ.: Convent of the Sacred Heart, Tunbridge Wells. Learnt to fly, 1930; took " B " Licence, 1931. Club . Ladies Canton. Add.: 205, Ashley Gardens, London, S.W.I., and Sandown Court, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. T.: Tunbridge Wells 593.
GRABOSWKY, Ian H Pilot manager to the De Havilland Aircraft Proprietory, Ltd., of Australia; b. Finland, to July, 1899. Educ.: Trinity College, Perth. Entered the R.N.A.S., 1917; passed flying instructor's course and served in the R.A.F. until 1919. Add.: De Havilland Aircraft Proprietory, Ltd., Mascot, Sydney, Australia. T.: Mascot 541.
GRAHAM, Wing Commander John Benjamin M.C., A.F.C., R.A.F.; Air Staff Officer, H.Q. R.A.F., Middle East, since 1932; b. 26 Nov., 1888. Educ.: Adelaide University. Learnt to fly, 1913; served in France, 1915; transferred to the R.F.C., 1916; served in France, 191617; permanent commission, R.A.F., as Squadron Leader, 1919; served in India, 192021, in Iraq, 192123, promoted to present rank 1928. Club: R. Aero. Add.: R.A.F., Cairo, Egypt.
GRAHAM, Wing Commander Ronald D.S.O., D.S.C., D.F.C., R.A.F.; Air Headquarters, Iraq Command; b. Yokohama, 19 July, 1896. Educ.: St. Joseph's College, Yokohama; Castle Douglas Academy. Entered the R.N.A.S. 1915; served in England and at Dunkirk, until 1918; permanent commission as Flight Lieut.; 1919; in India, 191923; attended Staff College, Quetta, 1922; instructor, R.A.F. Staff College, 192629; promoted to present rank, 1930; holds the French Croix de Guerre and Belgian Order of the Crown. Add.: Air Headquarters, Iraq.
GRAHAME-WHITE, Claude b. 21 Aug., 1879. R.A.C. AvCertif. No.6. First interested in aeronautics, first Englishman to obtain certificate of efficiency, and started first British School of Aviation at Pau, 1909; competed for the London-Manchester 'io,000 prize with Paulhan, won many prizes in this country, and toured America; won Gordon-Bennett trophy, 1910; on return from America formed the Grahame-White Aviation Company; later known as the Grahame-White Company; Flight Commander, 1914; resigned to supervise carrying out of Government contracts for aeroplane building. Publications: " The Aeroplane, Past, Present and Future," " The Aeroplane in War," " Aviation," " Learning to Fly," "Aircraft in the Great War," " Air Power," " Our First Airways, their Organisation, Equipment and Finance," etc., and numerous contributions to the Press on the military and commercial aspects of aeronautics. Owner of yachts: S.Y. Ethleen, M.Y. Mairi, M.Y. Rio Verde and M.Y. Shooting Star. Clubs: London Flying, Aero of America, R. Automobile, R. Motor Yacht, R. Mersey Yacht, etc. Add.: " Balfour Cottage," Balfour Place, London, W.I.; " Quayside," Cowes, I. of W.; " Belirew," Beverley Hills, California and " Miraflores," Palm Beach, Florida.
GRANDY, Squadron Leader R. S. R. Canadian A.F.; Liaison Officer in London since March, 1931. Add.: Air Ministry, London, W.C.2.
GRAY, Harold John Chute Hon. Instructor, Whitbank Flying Club, Transvaal; b. South Africa, 24 Feb., 1894. Educ.: Dale College and Barbour Academy, Scotland. Served during the War in West Africa, 191415; East Africa, 191516. Instructor in R.F.C. and R.A.F., 191719. Holder of Pilot's " B " Licence and Instructor's Licence. Add.: Camelia Colliery, Vilgoen's Drift, O.F.S., South Africa.
GRAY, James Gordon D.Sc., M.I.E.E., F.R.S.E.; Cargill Professor of Applied Physics, University of Glasgow; authority on stabilisers and gyroscopic devices for trimming and steering aircraft; b. Glasgow. Carried out research work for the Government during the War; pioneer inventor of the inductor-compass; actively engaged on gyroscopic research. Clubs: R. Societies; Art, Glasgow. Add.: " La Mancha," Downanhill, Glasgow. T.: Western 2166.
GREEN, Major F. M. O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.Ae.S.; Chief Engineer of Armstrong Siddeley Development Co., which includes Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd. Add.: Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Park Side, Coventry. T.: Coventry 4061.
GREEN, Wins Commander G. W. Alurlis(See Murlis-Green.)
GREIG, Flight Lieut. David D'Arcy Alexander D.F.C., A.F.C., R.A.F.; R.A.F. Depot , Middle East since 1932; Flying Officer, R.F.C., 1918; graduated at Central Flying School; permanent commission R.A.F. as Flying Officer, 1919; shot down in enemy lines and escaped same day, 1918; in Iraq, 192023; instructor Central Flying School, 192427; secured British Speed Record, 1928, 319.57 m.p.h.; member of High Speed Flight and of the Schneider Trophy Team, 1929; member of R.A.F. CairoCape Flight, 1931. Add.: R.A.F. Depot, Aboukir, Egypt.
GREIG, Wing Commander Sir Louis K.B.E., C.V.O., R.A.F. (ret).; Director of Handley Page, Ltd.; b. Glasgow, 1880. Educ.: Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh; Glasgow University. Served during the War, Marines, on Dover patrol in Grand Fleet and Independent Air Force; taken prisoner; transferred to R.A.F. from R.N., 1918. Clubs: Marlborough, Bucks, Bath, Ranelagh, R. Yacht Squadron. Add.: " Ladderstile," Kingston Hill, T.: Kingston 3387.
GRENFELL, Group Captain George Pascoe D.S.O., R.A.F.; Commanding No. 21 Group, Inland Area, since 1932; b. East Dulwich, 16 Feb., 1883. Entered the R.F.C., 1915; served in Egypt, 1915; in France, 191618; at Air Ministry, 1918; permanent commission R.A.F. as Squadron Leader, 1919; Signals Branch and Assistant Director of Research, Air Ministry, 192529; promoted to present rank, 1929. Add.: R.A.F., West Drayton, Middlesex
GREY, Charles Grey Founder of and Managing Editor of The Aeroplane since 1911; b. London, 13 Nov., 1875. Coeditor and founder of the Aero with Wilfred Aston, 1909; succeeded the late Fred Jane as Editor of " All the World's Aircraft," 1916; writer on aeronautical subjects; member of the Aeronautical Nomenclature SubCommittee, British Standards Institute. Publications: " The Why and Wherefore of Flying," " Tales of the Flying Services." Club: R. Aero. Add.: 175, Piccadilly, London, W.I. T.: Regent 1916.
GRIERSON, John Private owner of Gipsy Moth GAA JP; b. Liverpool, 2 Jan., 1909. Educ.: Charterhouse, R.A.F. Cadet College, Cranwell. Learnt to fly, 1927; served in R.A.F., x93o31; on being posted to No. II Squadron, Risalpur, India, flew out in own Moth. Flew from India to England in record time for light aeroplane, of 4 days io hrs. 5o mins., 1931; finished 2nd in Morning Post Race, 1932. Club: R. Aero. Add.: Brooklands Aero Club, Byfleet, Surrey.
GRIMTHORPE, Ralph William Ernest Beckett, Lord T.D.; Chairman of Air Speed, Ltd.; b. London, 3 May, 1891. Educ.; Eton and Oxford. Served during the War in Yorkshire Hussars, Yeomanry and R.A.F.; private owner of Puss Moth GABLY. Clubs: Bucks, Turf. Add.: Easthorpe Hall, Malton, Yorkshire. T.: Malton 187
GRINSTED, Harold B.Sc., A.C.G.I., F.R.Ae.S.; Assistant Director, Directorate of Technical Development and Scientific Research, Air Ministry. Add.: 119, Copse Hill, London, S.W.2o.
GROVES, Brigadier-Gen. Percy Robert Clifford C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., A.F.R.Ae.S.; b. 26 March, 1878; F.A.I. Av. Certif. No. 1917. In R.F.C. 1914; served in France, Dardanelles and Middle East, 191418; Director of Flying Operations, Air Ministry, 1918; British Air Representative at the Peace Conference, 1919; Air Advisor to the British Ambassador in France for peace treaties, and British Air Representative on the permanent Advisory Committee to the League of Nations till 1928; Hon. Secretary-General, Air League of the British Empire, 192729; holds Order of the White Eagle of Serbia (Third Class with Swords); Commander of the Legion of Honour. Clubs: R.A.F., United Service.
GUEST, Captain, the Rt. Hon. Frederick Edward C.B.E., D.S.O., M.P.; Deputy Master of the Guild of Air Pilots and Navigators; Hon. Air Commodore, No. 600 Auxiliary Air Force Squadron; b. Dorset, 14 June, 1875. Educ.: Winchester. Late Captain 1st Life Guards; served on the White Nile, 1900; in S. Africa, 190102; during the War was A.D.C. to Sir John French, and from 191617 in East Africa; Secretary of State for Air, 192122; holds Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Clubs: Turf, Piccadilly. Add.: 7, Aldford Street, London, W.I. T.: Grosvenor 2856.
GUILFOYLE, Wing Commander William James Yule O.B.E., M.C., R.A.F.; Superintendent R.A.F. Reserve, Hendon, 19291933 b. Edinburgh, 1890. Educ.: Melbourne Grammar School, Australia. Seconded to R.F.C., learnt to fly, 1915; night pilot defence of London, 1915; attached to Australian Squadron, Egypt, 1916; promoted Major, 1917; served in command No. 28 Squadron on Italian front, 1918; passed through Naval Staff College, 192627. Add.: c/o Bank of New South Wales, Threadneedle Street, London. T.: Colindale 6577.
See Also
Sources of Information