1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name E

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
EDGE, Selwyn Francis. B. 29 March 1868, Sydney, Australia. Ed.: Belvedere House College, Upper Norwood; private tutors. Car.: Man. New Howe Co., afterwards filling positions in the Rudge Co., Coventry; Gen. Man. Dunlop Tyre, leaving there 1896; founded the De Dion Bouton business in this country, the Gladiator and Napier car businesses, with interests in many others; founded S. F. Edge, Ltd., and sold interest to D. Napier & Son in 1912; Controller of Agricultural Machinery Ministry of Munitions in 1917; re-entered motor business, A.C. Motors, 1920. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: fishing, shooting, golf, cycling. Pr. A.: " Dentdale," Beacon Hill, Hindhead, Surrey.
EDGE, Stanley Howard, A.M.I.A.E., M.I.M.T., Designer and Service Man. Clayton-Dewandre Co. Ltd., Lincoln. B. 5 August 1902, Halesowen Worcestershire. Ed.: Halesowen Grammar School; Austin Technical College. Car.: private draughtsman to Sir H. Austin; assist. chief draughtsman Clayton-Wagons, Lincoln; same position Triumph Co.; left Triumph to take up present position. Md. Int.: motor sports, travel, caravanning. Pr. A.:" Frankley," Hawthorn Road, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln.
EDLIN, Arthur William, Sec., Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd., Gt. West Road, Brentford, Middx. B. 1899.
EDWARDS, Cedric Arthur, sales staff of Gaffikin Wilkinson & Co. Ltd., Hanover Square, W. B. 20 May 1903, London. Ed.: Dulwich College; served 2i years with Lanchester Motor Co.; course in Engineering Birmingham Technical School. Car.: with Jas. Bartle 6: Co. Ltd., manufacturers of Windsor cars 1923/1926; Sales staff City Car Agency Ltd., 1926/1929; joined Gaffikin Wilkinson & Co. March 1929. Md. Int.: tennis, golf. Pr. A.: Warren Drive, Kingswood, Surrey.
EDWARDS, Ernest Alfred S., Man. Dir. Reading Garage Co. Ltd., Reading, and Cork Street Garage Ltd., Reading. B. 1884, Abingdon, Berks. Ed.: Shaftesbury Grammar School. Car.: with Dennis Bros., Guildford, and Bromley Autocar Co., Bromley; Experimental Engine Department, Royal Aircraft Establishment during the War; founded Reading Garage Co. 1919. Widower: 1 daughter. Int.: golf, tennis, motor boat cruising. Pr. A .: Banavie, Brunswick Hill, Reading. Tel.: Reading 1601.
EDWARDS, Harry Norman, Sec. British Racing Drivers' Club. B. 3o July 189o. Ed.: Regent Street Polytechnic; apprntcd. 1907/14 J. A. Wilding & Co. Car.: 1914/18 Yeomanry, Egypt, Gallipoli, R.A. France; 1919/21 Man. Abergavenny Motor Co.; 1921/26 Man. T. H. Wright, Ltd.; 1927/3o Dir. and Man. John Landon & Co., Ltd. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: motor sport, fishing. Pr. A.: 51 Hartswood Road, London. Tel.: Shepherds Bush 3643.
EDWARDS, William Dew, Dir. and Man. Leominster branch James Fryer, Ltd., Herefordshire. B. 13 April 1886, Presteign, Radnorshire. Ed.: Kingston Board School; Notts Grammar School; apprenticed J. Fryer's Garage in 1904. Car: engaged with Mr. J. Fryer at Kington until 1910, then moved to Leominster to manage the Leominster Dept. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: shooting, gun dogs; keeps kennel of English sporting spaniels and runs them at Field Trials; chr. of West Midlands Field Trial Society. Chr. Hereford Section M.T.A. Pr. A.: Buckfield, Leominster. Tel.: Leominster 45.
EGERTON, J. Reginald, Founder Gov. Dir and Chr. Egertons (Ipswich), Ltd., Northgate, Ipswich. B. 9 September 1873, Weston Rectory, nr. Norwich. Ed.: Bloxham School, 1882 to 1891; in 1892 at St. John's College, Qu'Appelle, Assiniboia, Canada. Car.: Canada for 5 years in building trade and cattle and horse ranching on own account; in 1897 electrical engineering position in England, and later joined a car manufacturing firm; in 1900 drove all over England for Hovis Bread Flour Co.; in 1901 started in the motor agency business in Ipswich. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: gardening, pedigree dairy goat breeding, M.A.A. and M.T.A. work. Pr. A.: Malpas Cottage, Rushmere, Ipswich. Tel.: 3669.
ELDRIDGE Ernest Arthur Douglas, consultant auto. engineer in association with G. E. T. Eyston. B. 18 July 1897, London. Ed.: Harrow; general engineering at Ecole Central, Paris. Car.: won world's speed record 1924; world's 1 hour record 1926; and 8o International Class Records; competed at Montl'hery, Indianapolis, Monza; San Sebastian, Brooklands, etc. Md. Int.: motor racing, fishing. Pr. A. 19 Donovan Court, Drayton Gardens, S. Kensington. Tel.: Kensington 8649.
ELEY, Harold William, Advt. Man. Dunlop Rubber Co. B. 1889 at Burton-on-Trent. Ed.: Guild School, Burton-on-Trent. Car.: joined Dunlop Co. in 1912; appt. Advt. Man. 1925. Md.: 3 children. Int.: motoring, gardening, literature. Pr. A.: 126 Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware, Mdx. Tel.: Edgware 1065.
ELLER, Ronald Charles, Dir. and Gen. Man. Warwick Wright, Ltd., London. B. 29 January 1887, Manchester. Ed.: Wellington College. 2 years through the shops of Orleans Motor Co., Twickenham,; period with Rolls-Royce. Car.: instructor at the General Motor Cab Co., and at Fiat Motor Cab Co.; joined the Fiat Company and there until the War; Captain in Tank Corps during War; returned to Fiat Co. until joined Rootes, Ltd. In 1923 started R. C. Eller, Ltd.; rejoined Rootes organisation in 1926. Md.: 1 son. hit.: all sports. Pr. A.: 57 Addison Avenue, Holland Park W. Tel.: Mayfair 2904.
ELLIS, William, Man. Ellis Garage, Oswestry. B. 1891, Oswestry. Ed.: Oswestry National School; technical training (Oswestry School); apprntcd. engineering. Car.: joined Rover Co., for a short time, then Humber; 4 years in Army; in present position since 1919. Md.: 1 son, 1 daughter. Int.: golf. Pr. A.: 15 Roft Street, Oswestry.
ELSTON, Sydney, chief rep. to the motor trade for Nobel Chemical Finishes, Ltd., Slough, Bucks. B. 5 March 1892, Chingford. Ed.: Hawley House, Margate; Drapers Coy.'s School Woodford. Car.: joined Nobel Dynamite Trust 1908; served August 1914 to March 1919 during War; returned to Nobel Industries; sales staff of Nobel Chemical Finishes in 1926. Md. Pr. A.: Glenbrook, Kingston Road, Staines. Tel.: Staines 56.
ELVIDGE, Henry, M.I.A.E., auto. consultant at 2 I A Southampton Bldgs., Chancery Lane, W.C. B. 1884, Pocklington, York. Ed.: Woodhouse Grove School, Yorks; Leeds Technical College. Car.: chief engineer Wm. Beardmore & Co.; head draughtsman and tech. rep. Royal Aircraft Establishment; asst. chief designer Armstrong-Siddeley, Humber and A.C. Cars, also with Napier, Rolls-Royce and Austin as leading designer. Md.: daughter. Int.: motoring, motor racing. Pr. A.: " Tormoham," Ember Lane, Esher. Tel.: Hol. 5088.
ELWES, James Cary, Dir. Cresta Motor Co., Ltd., BrOadwater Road, Worthing. B. 1909, Longham, Dorset. Ed.: Oundle School; trained at J. I. Thornycroft & Co., Basingstoke. Car.: 1931 staff job at Thornycrofts; 1932 commercial sales, Witall's Lewisham; 1933 Sales Dir. Cresta Motor Co., Ltd., Worthing. Int.: motor racing, golf, tennis, alpine sports. Pr. A.: as above.
ELWESS, Ernest, Dir. B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., London. B. 26 March 1896. Doncaster. Ed.: privately; and Leeds University. Car.: 4 years War service, Yeomanry and R.A.F., followed by motor engineering training; founded present company in 1922. Md.: 3 children. Int. golf. Pr. A.: ro, Seymour Road, E. Molesey, Surrey. Tel.: Molesey 451.
ELWES, Capt. Rudolph Philip, M.C., Dir., University Motors, Ltd., London. B. 12 March 1892, London. Ed.: Downside School; Christ Church, Oxford. Car.: joined Leslie & Godwin, Ltd. (Lloyds) 1912; enlisted H.A.C., August, 1914; commissioned in 3rd Coldstream Guards, 1915; wounded June 1915; gassed in 1917; taken prisoner April 1918; 1919 rejoined Leslie & Godwin; professional actor 192o to 1921; joined L.A.C. Co., Ltd., 1921, and founded University Motors, Ltd., with Major G. Bradstock and B. C. Morrison in 1921. Md.: 3 daughters and 2 sons. Int.: shooting, fishing, golf, theatricals, music, billiards. Pr. A.: Selwood Place, Stanwell, nr. Staines. Tel: Ashford (Mds.) 97
ENGELBACH, Charles Richard Fox, O.B.E., Works Dir. Austin Motor Co. B. 20 May 1876, London. Ed.: Southport; at Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, followed by 3 years apprenticeship with Armstrong Mitchel & Co. (now Armstrong Whitworth & Co.), Newcastle-upon-Tyne; war service, Tyneside Division of the R.N.V.R., subsequently in charge of Howitzer Dept., Coventry Ordnance Works; joined Austin Co., 1922. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: yachting, golf; 1933/4 Pres. Institution of Automobile Engineers; Past Pres. Engineering and Allied Employers' Association (Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Stafford district); Pres. Birmingham County Council of the British Legion. Pr. A.: Quarry Fm, Northfield, Birmingham. Tel: Priory I03 2.
ENGLAND, Benjamin, F.R.G.S., F. I .M. T., A.M.I.A.E., etc., Gen. Man. Corporation Transport Department, Southend-on-Sea. B. 14 December 1897, Bolton, Lancs. Ed.: St. Cuthbert's College, Worksop; Royal Military College, Sandhurst; apprntcd. Carels Freres, Ghent, Belgium; Army Service 1914-1918; engaged in passenger transport work since 1918. Md.: 4 children. Int.: motoring, travel, model engineering, the countryside. Pr. A.: 36, Parkanaur Avenue, Thorpe Bay, Essex. Tel: Southend 8574.
ENGLAND, Eric Cecil Gordon, F.R.Ae.S., F.I.M.T., Dir. of Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., London. B.: 5 April 1892, Concordia, Argentine Republic. Ed.: New College, Eastbourne; Framlingham College, Suffolk; apprntcd., G.N. Ry. Works. Car.: in 1909 designer and pilot to the Bristol Aeroplane Co.; par. Radley-England Co., Ltd.; adviser and test pilot to J. S. White & Co.; aviation Man. to Fredk. Sage & Co.; Chr. and Man. Dir. Gordon England, Ltd.; Dir. of Vacuum Oil Co.; Past Pres. M.A.A.; Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society; Vice Pres. British Gliding Association. Md.: 3 children. Int.: aviation, motor racing, tennis, swimming, yachting. Pr. A.: " Concordia," 3 Grosvenor Hill, Wimbledon. Tel: Wimbledon 4923.
ENGLISH, John Frederick, Man. Dir. Chine Motors, Ltd., 183, Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. B. 29 November 1891, Finchley. Ed.: St. Mary's, Fincheley; Northern Polytechnic and Battersea Polytechnic; apprentcd. F. C. Armstrong, Harrow Road. Car.: improver to Robert & Landon, Wimbledon 1910; Sal. Man. Hendys, Boscombe; 1913-21 (war period excepted): Man. Dir. F. English, Ltd., 1921/28; present position from 1925. Md.: 8 children. Int.: caravanning, touring, swimming. Pr. A.: Merriden, Ophir Road, Bournemouth. Tel.: Bournemouth 5466.
ESPINASSE, Pierre Claudius, Man. Dir. Boyriven, Ltd., Torrington Place, W.C.; Dir. Handford Greatrex & Co., Ltd., Walsall, and Gov. Dir. Textile Furnishing Co., Ltd., Malet Street, W.C. B. 1884, Besancon. Ed.: privately, France and England. Car.: designing trimmings and interior accessories for motor bodies; took part in formation of Boyriven in 1919; joined Handford Greatrex & Co., 1928. Md.: 3 children. Int.: music, arts, designing. Pr. A.: 17 FitzGeorge Avenue, London, W. Tel: Fulham 4628: also Chateau de Vens Seyssel, Haute-Savoie, France.
ESPLEN, William, Sales Staff at W. Watson & Co. (Liverpool), Ltd. B. 15 March 1908, Wallasey, Cheshire. Ed.: Braeside School, West Kirby; Fettes, Edinburgh. Car.: started business in accountants office and transferred to the Stock Exchange before entering motor trade; racing in 1930 at Belfast, Dublin, Brooklands and elsewhere. Md. Int.: all sports. Pr. A.: The Croft, Thornton Hough, Cheshire. Tel.: Thornton Hough 249.
ESSON-SCOTT, Aubrey, B. 16 Feb February 1904, Ashby Croft, Walton-on-Thames. Ed.: Oundle. Car.: school master; sec. to 4 different firms; pig, poultry and game farming; with Hooper & Co. (Coach Builders), Ltd. hit.: motor racing, shooting, hunting. Pr. A.: 27 Eaton Mews North, Eaton Place, S.W. Tel.: Sloane 3174.
EVANS, Major Charles Bertie, M.I.A.E., Assist. Dir. Transport (Technical) Army Headquarters, Simla, India. B. 1884, Kasauli, Punjab, India. Ed.: New College, Eastbourne; pupil with Clarksons, Chelmsford. Md. 3 children. Int.: cricket, tennis, skating, mechanical transport, walking, wireless. Pr. A.: 45 Bemloe, Simla, India. EVANS, Denis G., Dir. & Man. Bellevue Garage & Service Stations, Ltd., Wandsworth Common, S.W. B. 18 July, 1910, Wimbledon, Surrey. Ed.: Lexdon House, Seaford; Badingham College, Fetcham Park, Surrey. Car.: British School of Motoring, Chelsea; motor racing at Brooklands for 2 years. Int.: golf, high-speed tuning of racing cars. Pr. A.: IOA, Ravenslea Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. Tel: Battersea 2757.
EVEREST, Ernest P., F.I.M.T., Newport Garage, Newport, Salop, and The Everest Bi-Fuel Carburettor. B. January, 1880, Reading, Berks. Ed.: Holloways's Collegiate School, Reading; apprntcd. A. J. Buckingham, Bristol. Car.: with Birmingham & Coventry Motor Co.; 2 years with branch of Mercedes Co. in South France; 7 years final test dept. of Maudsley Motor Co., Coventry; for past 17 or 18 years at the Newport Garage. Md.: 2 children. Int.: billiards. Pr. A.: Milverton Road, Wolverhampton.
EVERNDEN, Harold Ivan, Frederick, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E., coachwork engineer, Rolls-Royce, and Bentley Motors. B. 1896, Bromley, Kent. Ed.: Sutton County School; University of London. Car.: at Rolls-Royce Aero Dept. 13 years; personal assist. to the late Sir Henry Royce, in charge of chassis layouts and coachwork. Md.: i daughter. Int.: yachting, tennis, aviation, scientific research. Pr. A.: " Alfriston," nr. Four Elms, Edenbridge, Kent. Tel.: Edenbridge 203.
EYSTON, Captain George E. T., M.C., Tech. Dir., Superchargers, Ltd., 16o Piccadilly, W. B. 28 June, 1897. Ed.: Stonyhurst College; Trinity College, Cambridge. Md.: 2 daughters. Has had a long and varied career at the wheel of all sorts of racing cars. His successes began at Boulogne in 1923 when he won his class, and was third in Grand Prix des Voiturettes on a difficult road circuit. Won this race also in 1926 and the Grand Prix de la Baule, placed in 23 races in England and France in 1927, second in Irish Grand Prix and Tourist Trophy events. Was the first to reach 100 miles per hour with a 75o c.c. engined car on February 16 1931, increased this speed to 118'38 m.p.h. at Pendine Sands 1932, and raised this Class H record to over 120 m.p.h. in December 1933. Made World's record 7 and 9 March 1934, at Montl'hery motor track, nr. Paris, 4,000 miles at 95'76 m.p.h., 5,000 miles at 9473 m.p.h., and 2 days at 95'36 m.p.h. besides 12 International Class E records on this run from 2,000 kilos at 98'33 m.p.h., to 5,000 kilos at 96'67 m.p.h. and i,000 miles at 99'07 m.p.h. to 6,000 miles at 9473 m.p.h., 12 hours at 98'29 m.p.h., and 24 hours at 97'70 m.p.h. Also established " flying " mile and kilometre speed records of 115'2o m.p.h. on heavy oil fuel using 130 h.p. engine at Montl'hery on 19 March 1934, thus beating his own previous best on this type of motor made 27 October 1933, at Brooklands of 101.983 m.p.h. for the mile, and 104'86 m.p.h. for kilometre. In.: motor racing. Pr. A.: 52 Lennox Gardens, London, S.W. Tel.: Kensington 8581.
See Also
Sources of Information