1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name K

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
KANE, Richard Willis Hill, Man. Dir. Mansions Motor Co., Ltd., West minster. B. 25 September 1879, Worcester. Ed.: Marlborough; apprntcd. W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., Stafford; started Mansions Motor Co. in 1906 and registered as company in 1911. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: gardening, snooker. Pr. A.: Orchard End, Coombe Lane, Kingston Hill, Surrey.
KAY, Cecil, Man. Dir. Cecil Kay, Ltd., II, Bristol Street, Birmingham. B. r December 1903, Cheshire. Ed.: Oundle, Northamptonshire. Car.: 3 years in motor works: in drawing office, tool room, erecting, test and repairs. After 2 years of selling experience founded own business in 1925. Md.: 1 child. Int.: golf; won a number of motor trade com petitions; shooting. Pr. A.: Gave ston, Warwick Road, Solihull, Birm ingham. Tel.: Solihull 0801.
KAYE, John Harold, Man. Dir. Myers & Burnell, Ltd., Davygate, York. B. 10 January 1885, York. Ed.: St. Martins School, York; Bradford Grammar School, Bradford. Car.: joined Myers & Burnell on leaving school 1903. Md.: 3 daughters, 2 sons. Int.: shooting, golf, farming. Pr. A.: Eastfield House, Haxby, York. Tel.: York 8206.
KAYE, John V., Chr. Joseph Kaye & Sons, Ltd., Leeds. B. 14 February 1883, Kirkstall, near Leeds. Ed.: Giggleswick School, Yorkshire. Car.: tech. and commerc' training with Joseph Kaye & Sons. Md.: 2 sons, r daughter. Int.: cricket. Pr. A. 24 Estcourt Avenue, Headingley.
KEEP, Thomas Bettsworth, 0.B.E., M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T., Dir. and Gen. Man. Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, Beds. B. io September 1884, Ramsgate, Kent. Ed.: Malvern; King's College, London; training with Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Erith. Car.: with Wolseley Motor Co., Crayford; Dennis Bros., Guildford; Thomas Keep, Ltd., Hammersmith war service 1914 to 1919, with R.A.S.C.; Inspector of Mech. Transport, and in France commanding Units, retiring with rank of Major; 192o/23, Joint Man. Dir. Wimbledon Motor Works; 1924/29, London Gen. Man. and Dir. of Rootes, Ltd.; 1928 to date with Commer Cars. Md.: 1 son. Int.: golf, tennis. Pr. A.: " Eggington Lodge," nr. Leighton Buzzard. Beds. Tel.: Hockliffe 3o.
KEMP, William P., Dir. and Works Man. Short Bros. (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd. B. 19 May 1887, Belfast. Ed.: Oundle School; trained with British Westinghouse Co. Car.: R.N.V.R., attached R.N.A.S. during war; on construction of aircraft. Md.: 3 children. Pr. A.: Four Ways, Huntsmans Corner, Chatham.
KEMPSTER, Clifford Henry, B.Sc., A.M.I.A.E., Sec. Bablake Garage, Ltd., Queen Victoria Road, Coventry. B. 18 October 1896, Bristol. Ed.: Colston's School, Bristol; Bristol University. Car.: war 1914 to 1918; with Bristol Tramways & Carriage Co., 1922; Bablake Garage, 1923 to present time; founded firm in par'ship. Md.: 1 son. Int.: golf, bridge; Sec. of local Association of Motor Traders, for 6 years. Pr. A.: 56 Stoneleigh Avenue, Coventry. Tel.: 3815.
KENNEDY, George Horatio Augustus, Dir. Wedgwood Motor Co., Ltd. Crewe. B. 7 June 1899, Ravensthorpe, Yorks. Ed.: St. Michaels College, Leeds. Car.: entered motor trade as fitter, 1915; served with Tank Corps and R.A.F. 1917/19; sales rep. Leyland Motors, Ltd., David Rosenfield, Ltd., Manchester, Saxon Jefferies, Ltd., Manchester; joined Wedgwood Co. September 1933. Md.: r daughter. Int.: music. Pr. A.: Homeleigh, 327 Hungerford Road, Crewe. Tel.: Crewe 2133
KENNING, George S. P., Man. Dir. Kennings, Ltd., Manchester, and other places; Man. Dir. Geo. Kenning (Chesterfield), Ltd.; Geo. Kenning (Alfreton), Ltd.; Man. Dir. Midland Counties Motor Finance Co., Ltd., Man. Dir. The International Taxicab Co., Ltd.; Man. Dir. W. R. Sanders, Ltd., Buxton; Chr. and Dir. Reeve & Kenning, Ltd., Pilsley, nr. Chesterfield. Man. Dir. Cavendish Motors, Ltd., Chesterfield. B. 1879. Ed.: Clay Cross, Derbyshire. Md.: family of 3. Int.: aviation, motoring, philanthropic work. Pr. A.: Brantwood, Kenwood Bank, Sheffield. Tel.: 50750.
KENWARD, Harold L., F.I.M.T., Sales Dir. Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd., Dir. Dunlop Rubber Co. (Ireland), Ltd. B. 29 August 1894, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. Ed.: Tudor Hall, Kent. Car.: joined Dunlop Co., 1911, junior appointments to salesman; Man. various commercial departments; R.F.A. 1914/1918; DepartmentalMan. 1918/1923; Commercial Lecturer to Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Rugby Educational Authorities 1920/ 1924; London Man. for Dunlop 1924/ 27; Asst. Sal. Man.; Sal. Man.; and Sal. Dir. 1927 to date; Past Pres. I.M.T.; Chr. Executive Comm. Tyre Mnfrs. Conference; Chr. Joint Advisory Comm. S.M.M. & T.; VicePres. M.T.A. Md.: I son, 2 daughters. Int.: literature, the theatre, tennis, cricket, golf. Pr. A.: "Buckleberry," Lady Byron Lane, Knowle, Warwicks. Tel.: Knowle 164.
KENWARD, Leo Victor, Gen. Man. Subsidiary Cos. Dunlop Rubber Co. B. 20 June 1886, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. Ed.: Tudor Hall, Kent. Car.: joined Dunlop Co. in 1907; successive appointments; Chief Accountant, Works Secretary, Operating Superintendent, Gen. Sales Director; Chr. India Rubber Mfrs. Assn. 1929/ 1933; Vice-Pres. India Rubber Institute. Md.: i son, 1 daughter. Int.: golf, economics. Pr. A.: Kenmore, The Avenue, Cheam, Surrey. Tel.: Sutton 2311.
KERRIDGE, Frederick W., Man. Dir. F. W. Kerridge, Ltd., Alton, Hants. B. 9 June 1872, London. Ed.: St. John's School, London; Cowper St. School, London; trained Baker & Son, City Road, E. C. (now Baker Perkins & Co.). Car.: with G. Stevens & Sons, Featherstone Street, London; Phillips Bros., Aldershot (Salesman and later Branch Man.); started own business in Alton in 1907. Md.: 2 children. Int.: golf, bowls. Pr. A.: 34 High Street, Alton, Hants. Tel.: Alton 24.
KIDSON, Harvey, M.I.M.T., Man. Dir. A. C. Hall, Ltd., Tadcaster, Yorks. B. 31 July 1893, Bradford. Ed.: Bradford Technical College (Engineering Section); apprntcd. Thwaites Bros., Bradford. Car.: plant engineer, Thwaites Bros.; plant engineer, Lotus & Delta Shoe Factory, Northampton; works engineer, British Dyestuffs Corp., Huddersfield; left Huddersfield in 192o and bought present business, forming limited company. Md.: 1 child. Int.: golf, tomato growing, encouragement of reciprocal trading with local breweries. Pr. A.: " Belmont," Station Road, Tadcaster. Tel.: Tad caster 9.
KIMBER, Cecil, Man. Dir. M.G. Car Company, Ltd., Abingdon, Berks. B. 12 April 1888. Ed.: Stockport Grammar School; Manchester Technical School; apprntcd. father's business of printers' Engineers. Car.: 1915/ 1917, buyer Sheffield Simplex; 1917/ 1918 Stores Organiser, Martinsyde Aircraft; 1918/1921, organisation expert, E. G. Wrigley & Co., Birmingham; 1921/1929, Gen. Man. Morris Garages, Oxford; 1929 to date, present position. Md.: 2 daughters. /wt.: trout fishing, sailing, work. Pr. A .: The Boundary House, Abingdon-on-Thames. Tel.: Abingdon 286.
KINLOCH, James, Dir. and Sec. Thomas Shaw, Dundee, Ltd., Dundee. B. April 1884, Meigle, Perthshire. Ed.: Charterhouse. Car.: insurance from 1901 to 1914; Army 1914/1919 motor trade 1919 to date. Md.: 4 in family. Int.: shooting, fishing, games. Pr. A.: Ellangowan, Meigle, Perthshire. Tel.: Meigle 38.
KING, Benjamin, Man. Dir. Citroen Cars, Ltd., London. B. 9 November 1889, New London, Conn. U.S.A. Ed.: Brooklyn Polytechnic. Md. Int.: golf, hooks. Pr. A.: 27 Barkston Gardens, London, S.W. Tel.: Frobisher 2957.
KING, Clarence Evelyn, Chief Eng. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. B. 28 February 1890, London. Ed.: privately; apprntcd. Adams, Bedford, later designer. Car.: asst. to Directeur Technique, Societe Lorraine de Dietrich, Paris; started with Vauxhall Motors, September 1914, first as designer, later as assist. Chief Eng.; 12 years Chief Eng. Md.: 2 children. Int.: various. Pr. A.: Ewelme, Rothamsted Avenue, Harpenden, Herts. Tel.: Harpenden 278.
KING, Charles F., J.P., M. I.M.T. , Man. Dir. The James' Garages, Ltd., Church Stretton, Salop. B. 2 July 1889, Hereford. Ed.: Cheltenham Grammar School; privately; apprntcd. 6 years with builders and transport firms. Car.: present position since 1919; 1914/19 in France with R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: chr. Church Stretton Urban District Council; J.P. for County of Salop. Pr. A.: Windyways, Church Stretton, Salop. Tel.: 27 Church Stretton (extension of business line).
KING, Herbert Stanley, F.C.A., principal Stanley King & Company, Chartered Accountants, Great Portland Street, W. B. 9 January 1890, London. Car.: Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Financial Adviser to M.A.A. and M.T.A.; chr. Stop List Committee M.T.A. Md.: son, 1 daughter. Pr. A.: 15 Lynton Road, Thorpe Bay, Essex. Tel.: Thorpe Bay 8798.
KING, Herbert William, Dir. Kings Motor Works, Brixton, London. B. 1899 Brixton. Ed.: St. John's College, Brixton; Polytechnic, Regent Street. Car.: enlisted R.H.A. 1917, served in France. Md.: 1 child. Pr. A.: 76 Tankerville Road, Streatham, S.W. Tel.: Pollards 3509.
KIRKWOOD, Robert, D.C.M., N.A., M.I.M.T., Kirkwood Bros., Abbey Garage, Dunbar, East Lothian. B. 4 August 1889, Glasgow. Ed.: Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow. Car.: motor engineer and haulage contractor; Lloyds' Agent (Marine) and Surveyor; with Fairfield Eng. Co. Ltd., Govan. Active service Aug. 1214-1917, home service on submarines. Md. Int.: general. Pr. A.: 4 Church Street, Dunbar. Tel.: Dunbar 69.
KNAGGS, Maurice John, A.M.I.A.E. Eng. Auto. Div. Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., Luton. B. 5 December 1897, Kilburn, London. Ed.: Haberdashers School, Hampstead; Polytechnic School of Engineering; workshop training with Thos. Tilling, London. Car.: draughtsman with Lanchester Motor Co., Birmingham; with F. W. Berwick & Co., London; Handley Page, Ltd., London; Crossley Bros., Ltd., Manchester. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: motoring, gardening, music. Pr. A.: 25 Marsh Road, Leagrave, Beds. Tel.: Luton 1100.
KNIBBS, Ralph W., Par. Knibbs & Parkyn, Ardwick, Manchester. B. 1876, Manchester. Ed.: Levenshulme Collegiate School, Manchester; Manchester Technical School. Car.: 12 years at bench; 20 years Works Man. Md.: 2 daughters. Int.: billiards, bowls. Pr. A.: Almora House, Slade Lane, Levenshulme. Tel.: Rusholme 2656.
KNOTT, Edward, Joint Man. Dir. Knott Brothers, Ltd., Bournemouth. B. 20 January 1901, Totland Bay, Isle of Wight. Ed.: St. Edmunds School, Canterbury. Car.: with Motor Macs, Bournemouth; R.F.C. and R.A.F.; own business from 1920. Md.: 1 son. Int.: fishing, boxing, swimming, cricket. Pr. A.: Hillsboro, 46 Sutton Road, Bournemouth. Tel.: Bournemouth 6800.
KNIGHT, Eric John Crawford, Sales Man. British Mercedes Benz, Ltd., London. B. 17 August 1907, Ashford, Kent. Ed.: Ashford Grammar School; apprntcd. C. Hayward & Sons, Ash ford, Kent. Car.: 1929 became Sales Man. British Mercedes Benz, Ltd. Md.: no family. Int.: flying, busi ness development, Diesel engines. Pr. A.: " Beauport," The Glen, Farn borough Park, Kent. Tel.: Lee Green 2837.
KUMPERA, Teny, M.I.A.E., Gen. Man. and Dir. Walter Motor Cars & Aero Engines, Ltd., Prague XVII.J inonice. B. 10 July 1901, Prague. Ed.: College and Technical University High School in Prague. Car.: tool and jig designer Peugeot and Hispano Suiza Co., Paris; assist.-chief engineer Societe des Moteurs Gnome et Rhone, Paris. Int.: private pilot; member S.A.E. New York; the I.A.E. in London; Royal Aero-Club, London; Aero-Club of Czechoslovakia; AeroClub of the Kingdom of Jugoslavia. Tel.: 20907 Prague I., Platnerska x i .
See Also
Sources of Information