1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name O

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
OAKLEY, Tom Hubert, Advtg. Man. Humber, Commer, Rootes Group. B.: 9 September 189o, Derby. Ed.: Derby. Car.: as junior through departments of steel manufacture, forging, rolling mills, etc., at Derby; joined Commer Cars, Ltd., and later with advertising department; appt. present position after merging with Humber and formation of group. Md.: Int.: motoring, gardening; all forms of publicity. Pr. A.: 44, Highfield Road, Beech Hill, Luton.
OATES, George, pro. George Oates & Co., Taunton and Wellington, Som. B. 12 June 1874, North Staffs. Ed.: Derby; Merchants Venturers, Bristol; apprntcd. Bradbury & Co., Oldham. Car.: resigned from Bradbury in 1904 and joined in par.'ship with established business of motor and cycles as Hoskins & Oates and built garage that year; 1915 dissolved par.'ship and traded under present title since. Md.: 2 sons, daughter. Int.: Rugby football (played and refereed), bowls. Pr. A.: High Street, Wellington, Som. Tel.: Wellington 45.
OATES, Major William Henry, O.B.E., F.I.M.T., F.C.I.A., Pro. London Lagonda Service Depot. 195 Hammersmith Road, W. B. 1884, Roundhay, Leeds. Ed.: Leeds. Car.: general & auto. engineering. Md.: daughter. Int.: golf, radio, television. Pr. A.: Beverley, Woodlands Av. Coombe Lane, Kingston. Tel.: Kingston 2765.
O'BRIEN, Henry Francis, H. F. O'Brien & Co., Ltd. B. 14 February 1868, Stretford, Lancs. Ed.: St. Bede's College, Manchester. Car.: in 1890 established present business at Broadheath Oil Works, Altrincham; later united Broadheath Motor Works with H. F. O'Brien & Co. Md.: 8 sons, daughter. Int.: travelling, bowls, music. Pr. A.:" Kilbarron," Timperley, Cheshire. Tel.: Sale 253o.
O'DONNELL, Manus, District Man. Dunlop Rubber Co., Newcastle-onTyne Depot. B. 18 July 1871, Mallaranny, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Ed.: Mallar anny and privately. Car.: started in father's business; joined Dunlop Organisation 1896 at Coventry; appt. Asst. Man. Dublin 1911/15; Dist. Man. Newcastle-on-Tyne 1915; chr. Newcastle Centre Benevolent Fund 1924-25. Widower: 2 sons, 5 daughters. int.: sailing, fishing. Pr. A.: 33 Beverley Terrace, Cullercoats, Northumberland.
O'GORMAN, Mervyn, C.B. 1913, D.Sc., M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.A.E., F.R.Ae.S., F.C.G.I. B. Brighton 1871. Md.: 1897, Florence Catherine (died 1931), y. daug. of late Arthur Rasch. Ed.: Downside; Univ. College, Dublin. Car.: Vice-Chairman Royal Automobile Club, 1923-31 Superintendent of H.M. Royal Aircraft Factory, 1909/16; consulting engineer to Director-General of Military Aeronautics, 1916/1917; President Technical Commission of Federation Aeronautique Internationale; Chairman Accident Investigation and Civil Air Transport Committee of Air Ministry; Chairman of Adhesives Committee of the Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1919/20; Chairman, League of Nations Sub-Committee on Rating Aeronautical Engines, 1931; Vice-President of the Association Internationale des Automobile Clubs Reconnus; Vice-President of the Federation International Aeronautique, Paris; Vice-Chairman, Royal Aero Club, 1928. Author " O'Gorman's Motor Pocket Book " and many articles. Int.: engraving, making lacquer. Pr. A.: 21 Embankment Gardens, Chelsea, S.W.3. Tel.: Flaxman 2726. Clubs: Athenaeum, R.A.C.
OLAI, Folke, Man. Dir. Amal Ltd., Perry Bar, Birmingham. B. 7 February 1874, Stockholm, Sweden. Ed.: Technical College, Stockholm. Car.: in the motor trade. Md. Pr. A.: "Morcote," 797 Chester Road, Erdington, Birmingham. Tel.: Erdington 0360.
OLDHAM, John, Dir. Oldham & Son, Ltd., Denton, Lancs. B. 15 June 1895, Manchester. Ed.: privately; in Germany; trained as engineer. Car.: varied experiences at home and abroad, studying production methods. Md.: 2 children. Int.: riding, golf, swimming. Pr. A.: Ths Gerrards, Gee Cross, Hyde, Cheshire. Tel.: Hyde 508.
OLIVE, George William, M.I.M.T., M.Inst.B.E., racing motorist B.R.D.C., Gov. Dir. Bruton Gagares, Ltd., Bruton Place, Berkeley Sq., W.'; Gov. Dir. Radiomobile, Ltd., Ch. Dir. McNamara, Birt & Co. B. zo September 1889, Tavistock. Ed.: London College, Dulwich; apprntcd. to A. Gaal & Co., thence to Renault. Car.: man. at G. Kersey & Co.; man. to Bruton Garages, Ltd., eventually purchasing this co. and becoming the Gov. Dir., forming, financing and organising McNamara, Birt & Co., and becoming Chr. Dir.; forming and financing Radiomobile, Ltd., and becoming Gov. Dir. Md.: boy and girl. Int.: golf, motor racing and trials and gardening. Pr. A.: " Hopedene," Brighton Road, Coulsdon, Surrey. Tel.: Purley 459. Clubs: Eccentric Club, Brooklands Automobile Racing Club, Brooklands Aero Club, Woodcote Golf Club.
OLIVER, Christopher Sibley, M. I .Mech. E. M. I .A .E., M. S. A. E M.Inst.Met., Works Man. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd. B. 1891, Rastrick, Yorks. Ed.: Sedbergh; apprntcd. Vickers, Ltd. Car.: private in Army 1914; sent to Armstrong-Whitworth, Newcastle, 1916; demobilised 1918; joined Humber, Ltd., 1921; gen. Works Man. H umber-Hillman-Commer, 1929; joined Armstrong Siddeley 1932. Pr. A.: 17 Warwick Avenue, Coventry. Tel.: Coventry 2945.
OLORENSHAW, Francis H. F.I.M.T., Man. Dir. Norwich Motor Co., Ltd., Recorder Road, Norwich. B. 16 November 1896, Norwich. Ed.: City of Norwich School, Norwich; Norwich Technical College; apprntcd. 1912 Mann, Egerton and Co., Norwich. Car.: 1915/18 with Mann, Egerton and on Air Ministry Tech. Staff on Experimental aircraft design; 1919/2o Asst. Man. Ford Dept., Mann Egerton, 1920/22 Man. Johnstons of Harleston; 1922/32 Man. H. E. Hall & Co., Norwich; 1932 with present firm. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: golf, reading; Transport Officer Norfolk Motor Club; Local Sec. I.M.T. Pr. A.: The Birches, Matlock Road, Norwich. Tel.: Thorpe 194.
ORMEROD, E. Berkeley. B. 1875, " Oakley," Cheshire. Ed. Manchester University; tech. and commercial training. Car.: sole owner Ormerod & Co., Chelsea; served through war period, Spec. Appt. Army Council Staff; retired 1920. Md.: 1 son, daughter. Int.: motor racing, golf, shooting. Pr. A.: " Hazelbury," Ascot, Berks. Tel.: Ascot 426.
OSBORNE, Ernest Robert, F.I.M.T., Man. Ratcliffe Bros. (London depot), Gt. Portland Street, London. B. 1878, Ed.: City of London. Car.: October 1900 started The Motor Mart, published monthly in connection with the Motor Mart, Ltd., first motor dealers in Euston Road, with only 5 dealers in London at the time; Gen. Man. Whiting, Ltd., from 1908 to 1922; Man. Dir. Ernest Osborne, Ltd., until 1931. Md. int.; sport. Pr. A.: 71 Holdenhurst Avenue, London, N. Tel.: Finchley 0921.
OSCROFT, Garnet Scotton, F.I.M.T., M.Inst.B.E., Man. Dir. G. S. Oscroft & Co., Ltd., Castle Boulevard, Nottinghm. B. 13 September 1882, Nottinghm. Ed.: privately; Peoples' College, Nottingham. Car.: 32 years in cycle, motor cycle and motor industry; depot Mam., Raleigh Cycle Co., Derby; Man., Portland Motor Co. Mansfield; Dept. man. A. R. Atkey & Co., Nottingham; conducted own business from August, 1923; war service, Capt. 11th V.B. Sherwood Foresters; ex Chr. East Midland Division M.T.A. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: cricket, football, rowing. Pr. A. " Bentinck House," 35 Priory Road, West Bridgeford, Nottinghamshire. Tel.: 8312.
OUBRIDGE, William A., M.I.A.E., M.I.MechE., Man. Dir. British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., Coventry. B. 2 September 188o, Hornsey, London. Ed.: Birkbeck Schools; Birkbeck Institute; apprntcd. Noakes & Co., London. Car.: chief eng. at Premier Cycle Co., Coventry 1905; founded The British Piston Ring Co. in 1911. Md.: 4 children. Int.: golf; Pres. Coventry Chamber of Commerce 1933; Vice-Pres. British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers. and Traders' Union. Pr. A.: Parklands Park Road, Coventry. Tel.: Coventry 3822.
OWEN, Owen Glynne, Pro. John Owen & Son, Bangor. B. 16 September 1890, Bangor. Ed.: Bethesda County School. Car.: marine engineering at Liverpool, 5 years; war service; at the the City Garage, Bangor 20 years. 111d. 1 son. Int.: golf, Local Government Work, member of Bangor City Council. Pr. A.: Bron Awelon, Bangor. Tel.: Bangor 194.
OWEN, William Thomas, Pro. W. T. Owen, Towyn, Merioneths. B. 31 October 1889, Bala. Ed. Bala Grammar School; Ellismere College; served time with motor trade firm in Birmingham; Car.: Started business in 1910; war service; member of Towyn Urban District Council 5 yrs.; member for Towyn on Merioneth County Council 3 yrs. Md. Int.: Local Government work.
See Also
Sources of Information