1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade: Name V

Note: This is a sub-section of 1934 Who's Who in the Motor Trade
VALENTINE, Frank D., Man. Dir• Valentine Motors, Ltd., Perth. B. 26 September 1886, Perth. Ed.: Sharp's Institution, Perth; apprntcd. George Owen, Stirling. Car.: founded Valentine's Motor Depot 1905; inc. 1922; founder and Man. Dir. Valentine's Charabancs, Ltd., in 192o. Md.: 2 children. Int.: past-Pres. Perth Rotary Club; past-chr. East Scotland Div. M.A.A.; Chairman and Capt. Craigie Hill Golf Club. Pr. A.: Clifton Bank, Perth. Tel.: Perth 622.
VANDERVELL, Charles Anthony, Dir. C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd.; Dir. Norton Motors, Ltd. B. 18 May 1871, London. Ed.: London University School; the Electrical Training Inst., Hanover Sq., London. Car.: founder of the firm of C. A. Vandervell & Co., Ltd. Md.: 2 sons. Int.: formerly cricket, now shooting, fishing, tennis, farming. Pr. A.: 29 Holland Park, London, W. Tel.: Park 1941.
VASEY, Rennie Orenza, A.M.I.A.E. Chr. and Man. Dir. Castlehouse Vasey & Co., Ltd., Scarborough, Permanent Man. Dir. Vaseys, Ltd. B. 27 April 1888, Scarborough. Ed. St. Martin's Grammar School, Scarborough; Scarborough College; Hull Technical School; Birmingham Technical School; apprentcd. C. D. Holmes, Ltd., marine engineers, Hull. Car.: in marine and special engine dept. Wolseley Tool & Motor Car Co.; afterwards in experimental Dept. and Laboratory; commenced business in Scarborough January 1913; war service in France 1914 to 1919; commissioned in R.A.F.; in 1919 returned and amalgamated own business with Castlehouse Bros., Ltd.; Hackney Carriage Inspector for Scarborough Corporation for many years. Md.: 3 sons. Int.: boating, gardening, rotary. Pr. A.: " Dunkeld," Scarborough. Tel.: Scarborough 93o.
VAUGHAN-HARBOURNE, John Clifford, Man. Dir. of Vaughan-Harbourne, Ltd., Wellington Street, Leicester. B. 4 March, 1884, Birmingham. Ed. Worcester. Car.: with Dundee Electricity Station and D. J. McDonald & Co., engineers, Dundee; entered motor trade in 191o, and in 1921 became Dir. Midland Counties Garage Co., Ltd., Granby Street, Leicester, until 1922; in 1922 founded Vaughan-Harbourne, Ltd. Md.: 1 son. Int.: golf, aviation (one of first ioo members of the Leicestershire Aero Club); Rotary, masonry. Pr. A.: " Mero," Manor Road, Oadby, Leicestcr. Tel.: Oadby 155.
VERE, Charles Montague, M.I.M.T., Pro. Holborn Garage and Motor Repair Depot, 2 IB, Brownlow Mews, Guildford Street, W.C. B. 26 Dec. 188o, Finchley, Middx. Ed. Christ's College, Finchley. Car.: connected with motor trade since 1908; a member of Association of Pioneer Motor Cyclists; served in war; rank, Mech. Sgt.-Major, 1st Class Warrant Officer. Md. Int.: motor ing, bungalow on Thames. Pr. A.: 18 Sunbury Avenue, Mill Hill, London.
VERITY, Miss Elsie Eleanor, Par. and Man. " Verity's," Manchester. B. 1894, Manchester. Ed.: privately; Manchester Central High School for Girls. Car.: entered firm of Veritys, 1910; engaged in motor driving instruction work for Services and Ministry of Pensions 1914-18; Assist. Manager Veritys, 1922-5; Man. 1925; part. 1931; winner Wakefield Gold Medal 1930. Int.: tennis, camping. Pr. A.: 94 Brantingham Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Tel.: Ardwick 4152.
VERNON, Guy Davenport, Chr. and Man. Dir., Davenport Vernon & Co., Ltd., High Wycombe. B. 25 January 1888, High Wycombe, Bucks. Ed.: Berkhampsted School, Herts.; apprntcd. James Abernethy & Co., Aberdeen, general and marine engineers. Car.: 3 years in garage dept. and offices of Davenport Vernon & Co.; appt. Man. Dir. on death of father, the late R. D. Vernon; ex-Councillor Wycombe Corporation; past Master Wycombe Lodge of Freemasons (I50I); Past Pres. Rotary Club of High Wycombe (founder Member); Dir. High Wycombe Chamber of Commerce; ex-Chairman Berks, Oxon & S. Bucks Division M.A.A. Md.: son, 1 daughter. Int.: golf, tennis. Pr. Ad.: Dormers, Burkes Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Tel. Beaconsfield 696.
VINCENT, Harry Ernest Reed, Sole Prop. Vincents of Reading, Reading. B. 9 July 1878, Arborfield, Berks. Ed.: Old Kendrick, Reading. Car.: Freeman of City of London. Int.: golf, shooting. Pr. Ad.: Castle Lodge, Bath Road, Reading. Clubs: R.A.C., Wellington, Reading. Tel.: Reading 2190.
VOSS, Maurice, Man. Dir. Voss Motor Car Co., Ltd., Liverpool. B. 8 December 1878, Liverpool. Ed.: Liverpool Institute. Car.: salesman with Lever Bros. and sales Man. up to zo years ago; for the last 20 years Man. Dir. Voss Co. Widower: 2 daughters. Int.: Chr. of various companies in sporting and theatrical spheres. Pr. A.: Ade1phi Hotel, Liverpool. Tel.: Royal 5104, Liverpool.
See Also
Sources of Information